Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 11, 1911, Image 2
VALENTINE DEMOCEA'i ] . M. RICE , Publisher. VALENTINE. NEBRASKA TO DIAZ OPENS WAY FOR PEACE IN MEXICO IN STATEMENT * ? TO PEOPLE. NEW TRUCE TO BE DECLARED Reserves Right to be Judge of Situa tion , and Says He Will Retire When Assured that Anarchy Will not Fol low in Wake of His Capitulation. Mexico City. Gen. Porfirlo Diaz has issued a manifesto to the people of ( Mexico declaring his intention to re- eign the presidency as soon as peace is restored. In this manner the pres ident has virtually acceded to the de mands of Francisco I. Madero that he make announcement of such intention. As towhen peace is actually re stored , Gen. Diaz reserves the right to be the judge. In the words of the manifesto it will be "when his con- fcience tells him that he will not leave "his " country in anarchy. " The president said his determina tion not to relinquish the presidency at this time was not due to vanity or love of power , because , as he pointed out , power at this time had no attrac tion , accompanied as it is by tremendous deus recponsibiliteis and worry. He said he was prompted solely by a de sire to conserve the best interests of his country. FAILS TO SMASH DEADLOCK. Joint Assembly of Colorado Has Adjourned. Denver , Colo. At 10:15 o'clock Saturday night the joint assembly of the Colorado legislature , balloting to select a successor to the late United States Senator Charles J. Hughes , Jr. , was formally dissolved , leaving un- "broken the deadlock which has exist ed since January 12. As a result Colorado rado , with practically a cbmplete Dem ocratic state administration and with SOL overwhelming Democratic majori ty in th < e legislature , will be repre sented in the United States senate for the next two years by a solitary Republican - , publican , Simon Guggenheim. A personal fight waged against May > or Robert W. Speer of Denver , the leading candidale/wnose final sfreagtn of 33 votes in the -"balloting was exact ly one-half of the Democratic majority in fhe'iegislaturc , is held responsible for the failure to elect a senator. During Saturday night's balloting Speer's "normal strength was 33 , wit"h an occsasional addition from the opjso- , sition. Two "Negroes Harrged. Louisville , Charged with having tried to poison the family of Johnson Pearson , for whom they -worked , two negroes , htflf brothers , were taken from officers near here'by a raob and hanged. "They confessed threy put poison in * he drinking -water .because Pearson had reprimanded Jones for being cruel to a horse and later would 'not advance him money for it suit of clothes. Mother Tries to End Three Lives. Omaha. After fruitlessly trying to end the.lrwes of herself andttwo small ; children w3th a defective revolver , SHrs. Wolfgang Eders- , wife < of a brew- rery worker , turned on . a Ibattery oT 'burners'Of a'kitchen , gas Tange and , closed the doors.iTfiey were disco ered in tiise to saveUhe'lives of all. New Work Bank Statement. New\Torfc The statement of clean ing house banks for last week shows that the banks 'hold $38,809,075 more than the requirements of tihe 25 per - cent reservea-iile. TJiis'isa : decrease of ? J,87410 ; < e in ; the proportionatae ' .cash reserve -compared with : the iweek before. Meets fFrightftil . Fairmont , "VC Va. George Dehaunt , ra blower at the Fairmont Window Class plant , meta 'fearful when he 'Jell ireto a pzt of molten glass. He was blowing a jiece of glass when it suddenly frroke , and he lost liis 'bal- Ih .ance , falli&g "into . .thepl , re reOt Ot OtW Carry Scottish Emigrants. W . Three steamers have sail- m from the Clyde carrying" 3,500 Scotr bo 'tish emigrants bouad for the United Tr States aadCanada. . tiv Ju < Sioux City Live Stock Market. cul Sioux Cit3r , Io. Saturday's quota die tions on the local live stock market to follow ; Top beeves , $5.75. Top hogs , rail Illi : the Arrested for Theft. Cheyenne , Wyo. Joseph H. King- bam , assistant A postmaster here , was arrested and lodged in jail , charged uph with embezzling $23,336 from the pos stat tal order funds. According to officers bee ; stat Kingbam has confessed. tion common Sunday Ball Bill a Law. Columbus , O. The Greeves Sunday baseball bill has become a law. The H playing of the game is restricted to mon the afternoon on Sunday. Gov. Har safe mon allowed the bill to become a slon law , without his signature. . _ and FLftYS ftOOSEVELT DENOUNCES BOM8 PLOTTERS IN LOS ANGELES BRANDED AS CRIMINALS. DEFENDS DETECTIVE BURNS Says Fact of Men Being Union La borers Is No Excuse for Attack on the Prosecution Mayor and Offi cials Receive Threats. New York. In the course ol a signed article in the forthcoming Outlook dealing witfi the Los Angeles Times dynamiting , under the title , "Murder Is Murder , " Col. Theodore Roosevelt says : "There is one feature of the devel opments as regards the arrest of cer tain alleged labor men in connection wiih the dynamite outrage perpetrat ed against the Los Angeles Times to which especial attention should be called. "If the explosion was not an acci dent , but the deliberate act of any man or men , it was an outrage of das tardly Iniquity , for it was one of these crimes In which the murderer , in order to gratify his spite against an Individual , not merely wrecked that individual's property , but with callous indifference tak'es the lives of scores of innocent people as an inci dent to the achievement of his sin ister and criminal purpose. "The men responsible for dynamit ing the Los Angeles Times building are responsible not only for the wreck of the newspaper offices , but for the loss of many lives "The arrest was' made in cense * quence of testimony secured by Mr. Burns , who has been Mr. Heney's right-hand man in bringing to justice grafters who violated the law of the United States in Oregon and grafters who violated the laws of California In San Francisco. He has proceeded with impartial severity against the most influential politicians and the richest business men. TTt' happens ( hat , § men whom he has norarre'sted are members of ; a labor organization , just as men whom he formerly arrested were members of the Republican or Democratic par ties or of great and wealthy corpora tions. "It would have been a wicked thing In the former cases with which Mr. Burns had to do , for leading Repub licans or Democrat's ' to combine to break him down and support the ac cused merely because the accused be longed to their political parties ; it weald have been a wicked thing for big capitalists and big business men to make common cause with the cap italists against whom he proceeded , merely because they were capitalists. "In exactly the same spirit I state the convictions of The Outlook in ex pressing Jts. hearty reprobation of the conduct "ot those tabor leaders , who , without waiting to know anything of the Jacts of the -case , have at once flown -publicly to the defense of the alleged dyamiters whom Mr. Burns has siow arrested , and who talk about the 'arrest as toeing part ot a con- spitacy against labor unions. " "No worse --service - can be rendered. iy labor uu&on leaders to the cause oT unionism han that which they ren- ' 8fer when tL'hey seek to identity the cause of unionism with the cause of any man guilty of a murderous attack v-t this nature. "I have .no idea whether the men arrested ra. Mr. Burns' statements are or are ncft.-guilty ; the labor leaders in question &ave no idea whether or not they are. "They 'are entitled to an absolutely fair tria-L If they have no money to provide tcounsel for themselves , then it woulfi be entirely proper for any body of men to 'furnish them the requisite funds , simply as an incident in securing them a fair trial. But it s grossly Improper to try to create a Dublic ojpinion in faror of the arrested nen simply because the crime of vhich fihey are accused is committed igalnst a capitalist or a corporation , ind because the men who are charged vith committing it are members of a abor iimion. " IROWKE INDICTMENT STANDS V lotion to Quash in Bribery Case Overruled by Judge Creighton in Circuit Court at Springfield. Springfield. The motion to quash trt e Indictments in the cases of Rep- l& sentative Lee 0'Neil Browne of 33 .tawa , Representative Robert E. an ilson of Chicago ; Louis D. Hirshei- an jr of Pittsfield , member -of the state vo ard of equalization , and Frank J aut of Beardstown , in the legisla- sti e bribery probe , was overruled by Ige Creighton in the Sangamon cirme it court. The four men are inth ted on the charge of conspiracy rai bribe in connection witli a fund in sed among thp fishermen along the be nois river to defeat legislation for the regulation of fashing. her Wisconsin Merit Law Valid , ladison. The state supreme 'court teld the constitutionality of the sea : e civil service law , which had die , n attacked by the secretary of boil e and attorney general as a violaope of both the state and national Tra stitutions. Blow Safe ; Get $1,500. 'vv astings , Neb. The Bank of RoseaPP' ' t was entered by robbers and the nav : was blown after the third explofavo The robbers get § 1,500 in cash Aus ! a dm LET LENA DO IT THE WOMAN is STILL IN BARBARIC STATE Dr. Sargent Says Women Are letter Suited for Physical Force. All the Men Who Agree With Him Hold Up Your Right Hand. MADERO SAYS PEACE CAN COME ONLY BY PRESIDENT QUIT TING OFFICE. OE LA BARRA TO HOLD REINS Rebel Leader Presents Proposition at First Conference With Judge Car- bajal , Mexico's Envoy , Following Demands Made by Fellow Officers. El Paso , Tex. A statement signed jy Francisco I. Madero , Jr. , appealing to President Diaz to make public the assurances given privately that he in tended to resign was formally pre sented to Judge Carbajal. the Mexi can envoy , by the peace commission ers of the revolutionists. After offering his own resignation as presidenjt of the provision gov ernment of the republic , Senor Ma dero , Jr. , suggested that both Presi dent Diaz and Vice-President Corral resign and that Senor de la Barra , the minister of foreign relations , become president ad Interim ,'1' a gener election shall haye een hel The stateip n > ( eotrthed in , most courteous 'Spanish phrases , , Informs President , Diaz that there Is no other way out. of the present Difficulty * nd that a. word from him will bring peace/in a few da Sv , Swnor MadBro ? n bis statenie"nt calls ' upon President Diaz particularly 'fc > ' make known to the people of Meaiio' 0 his "Irrevocable i-eason to retire from power as noon as peace ises tablished In the , country. " Made/-o de clares this statement was by < Diaz to " " "go-betweens" interested in , restoring peace. The MUdero statement as present ed by the rebel commissioners at the negotiations , only alter a heated dis cussion among the- revolutionist lead- era. era.Some Some of them had declared that it was absolutely essential that Presi dent Diaz make public announcement 3f his Intention to resign In order to > ring about complete tranqullity. Peace , they said , would not follow an igreement backed up only by private issurances , which hardly could be ransmitted to militant leaders In the outh and central parts of tie re- f VOMAN'S VOTE SWAYS STATF aves Tunnel Bill In Colorado Legis1 ture From Defeat Amidst Wild est Excitement. Denver , Colo. Despite pro' hicb svere ignored by Speake : es ichlan , the house by a vc r ! to 3p ) , concurred in the /te aendments to the Moffat tur sen ; : d then passed the measu b te of 35 to 27. , 're The bill , which provider uction by the state of / / for c < rough the main range o' a tuni mntains , which is to J / ( tie Roc 3 Denver , Northweste je teased Iroad ( Moffat road ) , m -r& Paci the senate so that th w&S amend submitted to a refe , e ipfoject mi i next regular ele < / endum vote ice. ittoh .two yes / Eight Hurt Jleveland , O. tn 'Blast. f Ided , two so & $3tgh't men w < when the ste /rtously they m lers of the st Afflpipe * o one of 1 rated by thr learner State of Ol nsit compar / Cleveland & Buff ; iy , exploded. Capt. K rashingtor nlgttt'fs Promoted. roved th . President Taft 1 r depar' Te"cominendation of 1 rable ' examining boai tin M. /0 fthe 'promotion of Ca fral. . " the grade of n WOMAN 13 A LOWER TYTC OF OR ANlfX PMYiiCAU fence- RETURN NEW BILLS M'NAMARAS INDICTED TWENTY ONE TIMES. McManigal Main Witness Againsf Brothers Crowd Foiled by Secret Moves of Jurymen. Los Angeles , Gal. The grand jury has found 21 new Indict ments against James B. and John J. McNamara and Ortle E. McManigal , the alleged dynamite conspirators. Nineteen of the indictments , it is understood , are against the McNama- ras alone , and charge them with mur der in connection with the blowing up of the Los Angeles Times plant on October 1 , and the consequent deaths of 21 men. The other two are said to be against McManigal as principal and the McNamara brothers as accom plices in the Llewellyn Iron works ex plosion , Christmas day , In which one was killed. McManigal was the - ness heard by the * whose movem'- , , * & & a veil 'of - & an * meeting * erecy/was thrown. yr f/ , nen the -i ymen assembled tJ' were told 'to r'x , quietly , one by OT/ J as fto't 'to & ( rttr ± attention , to * vue jurj < Judge W W m the n * ' Tn ifcf uUce.-next 'tV/county jail 7 regular gran6 jtf ry T00m dum jucymei1 were W aartered , while iffs mounted guard at the door witnesses were/ directed to Judg ( Villis * courtroom. When McManigat - as summonet "he was taken from 7 ns cell and thenc < escorted over the * , ridge leading fron the prfaon into thf . hall of justice ant the jury room. F ie was examined foi more than two hr mrs. immediately af terward the gra'nd jury adjourned. The g rand jir ry heard several wit nesses J beside ? , McManigal. Amonj them we ire er npioyes and officials o the Llev. felly ? a iron works and Pau Stuperlc h , j roprietor of a hotel a Sausalifc | , J Jal > f Which the alleged dy namiter WOWn as j. B. Bryce visitei before tb wrecking , of the newspape plant. AnrtW witness was Douglas Bui * , partner of Howard Baxter ii CF.raership of the launch Pastime $ ± , acording to the detectives , wa , d to transport the dynamite pui cased by the alleged conspirators. MRS. GATH GRAFTED DECRE Wife of Charles G. la Given Divorc -Afte > ifteferee Makes His /a-1 Report. New York. Charles G. Gates , sc ts , of John W. Gates , lost the divorc Ic- action that he raced across the cent Icof nent recently at a. cost of § 5,000 t itfe prevent his wife from filing in the si ill.a preme court. a Mrs. Mary W. Gates , plaintiff in tl suit , was deaf to her husband's pie in- She served him with the complain icl naming a young woman who had ky singing part in a Broadway ligl to opera production , and promptly ask iflc for a referee to try the case. Fonn < led jfustice David Leventritt was appoin JSt ed to hear the evidence. He report * at in Mrs. Gates' favor and Justice G irs rard granted her an Interlocutory d cree. McCann Is Granted Pardon. Springfield , 111. Governor Denee lay on recommendation of the state boai of pardons , issued a pardon to form * Police Inspector Edward McCann < ale Chicago , serving a term in Joli prison on a charge of grafting. Find No Yon.gala Survivors. las Victoria , B. C. No trace was four the of any survivor of the steamer Yo rds- gala , which went down in a gale c ipt. the Queensland coast with 141 < ear board in March , according to advici brought by the Zealandia. 0. K.'S LORIMER PROBE SENATE COMMITTEE VOTES MON. EY FOR AN INQUIRY. La Foilctte's Resolution Calling For New Investigation Will Come Up For Action Before Senate. Washington. The committee of audit and control ot the contingent ex penses of the senate decided to report back to the senate the La Follette resolution for the reopening of the Lorlmer case with a statement that the contingent fund of the senate is sufficient to defray the expenses of any Investigation the senate may or der. But the committee specifically an nounced that it had not passed upon | the merits of the case , and did not feel that it had a richt to'do so. In the report which will be submit ted to the senate the five members of this committee declare that their ac tion in reporting the La Follette meas ure to the senate has nothing to do with its merits. The committee takes the position that its only duty lies in providing the funds for an investiga tion , should the senate decide that there ought to be a new inquiry. Whether there should be such an in quiry , and if so , whether it should be made by the standing committee on privileges and elections or by a spe cial committee , are problems which the committee on contingent expenses declares it has no authority to an swer. Springfield , 111. What Chairman Helm described as the last public hearing of the bribery committee , un less Attorney Healy should produce more witnesses , was held here. The committee spent twenty minutes In terrogating C. A. Taylor and W. T. Cable , both of Harrisburg , 111. , but obtained no evidence of value from either. Both denied any knowledge of the use of money in connection with Lorimer's election , but Taylor testi fied he had heard that Representative York might get a federal appointment by voting for Lorimer. DEFENDS DOLLAR DIPLO' ' Assistant Secretary of S * Declares Ample Armar " & Wllsol Safeguard for R t Is.Best Baltimore , Md.- . jar diplomacy , " . defense of "dol- : reattii | : - gperj/ a policy which by n. H T A , > . . . vVj meant ultimately n of dollars for bul- ! before the third na'- j congress by Huntington jsistant secretary ot state. p.,4 / .eclared that ample armament . .he best safeguard of peace , and J that such a state of prepared- uess could be accomplished without burdening the taxpayers. "The nation which can do the most to secure international peace , " h as serted , "must be the nation wkh the highest ideals , plus the greatest mili tary efficiency. War springs from the human heart , not from the arsenal , and the human heart rather than the archives of diplomatic engagements is still the only ultimate sure abode of peace. \ \ "Another practical mode of pursu ing the ideal of world peace Is the true meaning of what has been called dollar diplomacy. ' Today interna tional commerce is everywhere an Im portant development of diplomacy. Dollar diplomacy * really means the use of the capital of the country in the foreign field in a manner calcu lated to enhance fixed national poli cies. It means the substitution of dollars lars for bullets. It means the crea tion of a prosperity which will be pre 'erred to predatory strife. It recog lizes that prosperity means content ment end contentment means re j pose. " Wilson declared his belief thai President Taft's arbitration treats with Great Britain would ultimatelj be ratified by both nations. High compliment to President Tafi for proposing his Anglo-Americai arbitration treaty was paid by Rep resentative Bartholde ( Rep. Mo. ) , i member of the inter-parliamentar : peace union. He expressed the hop < that the senate would act Immediately the Anglo-America ] ly in ratifying treaty. "If arbitration is to be made pea m sible , " he said , "it must In each cas * be resorted to without much delay that is , before the popular passion i \roused. " li Fish Fund Cases V/ill Go Over. te tea. Springfield. The case ? of Le a.t E. Wilsoi t , O'Neil Browne , Robert a Louis D. Hirsheimer and Frank . it Traut , charged with conspiracy t id bribe in the fish fund legislative prob < until the next term of th 3r will go over Lt- Sangamon circuit court. Judge Creigl for the number of th Jd ton asked Jde case and this is held to indicate tha e he will not decide the motion to quas v.he indictment for some time. Boy Finds $55,000 Check. A certified check fc n , New York S55 000 blew under the feet of pede Broadway for nobod er trians on lower of knows how long. James McCarth ; et nineteen years old , a messenger bo ; recognized its value and turned it i at his office. He got one dollar for h : honesty. idn Half Million to Charity. ) nff New York. Half a million dollai hospitals an Brooklyn 3D is given to es charitable organizations by the wi of George L. Foxf a Brooklyn lawye KIDNEY CHILLS AND BACKACHE. If , when you get wet or take cold , It "settles oa the kidneys" and there Is a shivery , cMlly sensation In. the back , it shews kidney weakness which IB often the beginning " " ' r * f serious disease. Doan's Kidney Pills should be used per sistently until the backache and other symptoms disappear. Mrs. D. K. Jeffers , Colfar , Wash. , says : _ _ two weeks I had to bo propped up in bed and I lost 50 pounds in weight. I was in terrible condition , In fact , I came very near dying. As a last resort I began using Doan's Kid' ney Pills. Since then I have gained back my lost weight and feel wonder fully improved , " f3 Remember tte name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Next ! Pi There were a couple of dandy flste liars in the Colonial lobby. We didn't have time to get their names , ad dresses and photographs , but we lin gered long enough to hear the conver sation. The poignant part 'thereof was as follows : "Hovr much did your fish weigh ? " "I didn't have no hay scales with me , you mut. But when I pulled him out it lowered the lake four inches. " "Some fish , " commented the othe , * without the quiver of an eyelr < . "Reminds me of some good sp'rt had duck hunting last fall. I f 'd at a flock of ducks and gathere'1 . . _ * "P "n" quarts of toes. " niPVA' .and Plato Dealer. The Most Bea _ , , _ , . A newspaper - Iful Tnin,9' " cently invited its readers to state ln a fcw words whut they considered * the most beautiful thing in the was awarde world. The first prize * " * ° tne sender of the an- swer : "Th- dream r & eyes of my mother. " "The imposr ' * that which we know to be perF > ilble" suggested an imaginative pr- , on , and thi * brought him second .ffiS. But the most amusing thing * fe3s that which read , "The most beau tiful thing in the world Is to see a man.carrying his mother-in-law across , a dah'gerous river without making , any attempt to drop her in. " Now What Did She Mean2 At a recent wedding a baby had shrieked without intermission to the great annoyance of the guests , etc. As the bridal party was leaving the church a slight delay occurred. One of the guests seized the opportunity to say to the first bridesmaid : "What a nuisance babies are at a wedding ! " "Yes , indeed ! " answered the brides maid , angrily. "When I send out in vitations to my wedding I shall iave printed in the corner , 'No babies ex pected. ' " Judge. A Classic Note. "Archimedes , " read the pupIL. "leaped from his bath , shouting , 'Eure ka ! Eureka ! ' " "One moment , James , " the teacher says. "What is the meaning of 'Eu reka ! ' " " 'Eureka' means 'I have found it. ' "Very well. What had Archimedes : found ? " James hesitates a moment , then ventures hopefully : "The soap , mum. " Christian Intel * ligencer. One Ciose Tip. "Your wandering life as an actor must cut you off from all ties. " "Ah , madam , say not so. The rail road ties are ever with us. " FOOD IN SERMONS Feed the Dominie Right and the Ser mons Are Brilliant. A conscientious , hard-working and successful clergyman writes : "I am glad to bear testimony to the pleasure and increased measure of efficiency and health that have come to me from adopting Grape-Nuts food as one of my articles of diet "For several years I was much dis tressed during the early part of each day by indigestion. My breakfast seemed to turh sour and failed to di gest. After dinner the headache and other symptoms following the break fast would wear away , only to return * however , next morning. "Having heard of Grape-Nuts food , I finally concluded to give it a trial. 1 made my breakfasts of Grape-Nuts with cream , toast and Postum. The re sult was surprising in improved healthr - and total absence of the distress that had , for so long a time , followed the morning meal. "My digestion became once more satisfactory , the headaches ceased , and. the old feeling of energy returned. Since that time I have always had. 1 , " Grape-Nuts food on my breakfast , r. r.o table. o "I was delighted to find also , that 3 - whereas before I began to use Grape- ei Nuts food I was quite nervous and became i- work ot ie came easily wearied in the e preparing sermons and in study , a , ith marked improvement in this respect h resulted from the change in my diet "I am convinced that Grape-Nuts , food produced this result and helped me to a sturdy condition of mental n and physical strength. sy "I have known of several persons y who were formerly troubled as I was , 7 , and who have been helped as I have 7 , been , by the use of Grape-Nuts food , n on my recommendation. " Name given is by Postum Company , Battle Creek , * Mich. "There's a reason.1 * \ Read the little book. "The Head to rs Wellville , " in pkgs. id Ever read the- above letter ? A nevr ill oae appears from tine to time , They illr. r. are ceaulae , true , BcT " - " of Interest.