* MjJ&jJU AJJ < JU 4 * 3 | Qeneral'tierchandise , Hats , Caps , Boots ] \ and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing' ! Goods. Flour and Feed. : = : : = : : = : HOKSES FOE SALE. * i ! 4 Wood Lake , Nebraska | VVW WF' ' AGNE Livery , Feed and 14 9 Sales Stable. . , w u ! | | B w5i rMVi pt2f = f4IVi f4IViWood Lake , Nebraska | Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. . A. LY S , ( Successor to Welker & Lyons ) Wood Lake , Nebraska fcr Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting I' .and fhhing parties. ( Successor to Ed Young. ) Full line of Groceries and Dry (3-oods ( , Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. Men's Clothing and Furnishings FLOUK , FEED AND COAL. Wood Lake = Nebraska. \ - \ GENERAL FARM F r , and LIVE STOCK EER Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex perience in the Eastern stales. Will go to any part of the Stale. Write me , or dates .can be made at this office. / , Auctioneer Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota Pure , ! Cutlery * Uteni Because ihe Cleanser is entirely .free from Acid , . Caustic and -Alkali. It is'mechanical in its action avoid dangerous chemical cleansers. * Many o&er uses large $ ifte ? canlOf i , . . Eyery , famjlyJias need _ of a good , re- ! Jiailfi.-liniment.-- sprains , braises , soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains there is none better than .Chair berlain's. Sold by Chapman , -the * Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne braska. STATE NEBRASKA , I _ , v County of Cherry. fss ! To the heirs and nil persons interested in the estate of Henry Flineaux , sr.deceased : On reading the petition of Henry Flineaux , i jr. , praying a final settlement and allow ance ol'his account filed in this court on the 2nd day of May , Kill , and for a decree of final account. It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said matter may , nd do , appear at the county court to bo held in and for said countv , on the. 27th day of May , A. D. , 11)11 ) , at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all" persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Demo crat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for four successive weeks prior to said chiy of hearing , g [ SEAL , ] JA MES 0. QUIGLKT , i 17 4 County Judge. In the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska In the matter of the npplica- | i lion of AViltiam E. Haley , ' guardian ol" Alice May , Sea- | - I dore and Fred Senders , inin- ' , or heirs of John BTSeiulorc | ' and Ijix/.ie Seadore , deceased , j i for the sale of real estate. i ] Notice is hereby given that in pursuance t of an order ol the Hon. A\r. H. Westover , one 01 the judges 01. the district court of , OJierry county , Nebraska , made on the 18th day of March , iiill , lor the sale of real j estate hereinailcr ( .escribed , there will be . sold at public venclue to the highest bidder lor cash , at the front door of the court I house in the village of Valentine in the said j county of Cherry and state of Nebraska , on the lytli day of May , 1011 , at 1 : ; > > 0 o'clock p.m. , ] tlie following described real estate to-wlt : TJie undivided one-third interest of said minor heirs in and to the South Half ( SJ ) of Northeast quarter ' ( NK-- ) and Northwest quarter ( nwj ) of Southeast quarter ( se ] ) of / section 24-towiiKhip grange 25 , jmd lot 2 , ( section lit , township Oi' , range 5 , Oherry county , Nebraska. i Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated thisl'Jthday of March , 1011. : WILLIAM E. HALEY , Guardian. | Walcott &Morrissey , attorneys , 15-4 Notice of Probate of Will J In the count } ' court ot Cherry count } ' , Net braska. STATE OF NEBRASKA , ( _ _ C COUNTY OF CHERRY , > ss . To all persons interested in the estate of i Joseph James , deceased : " ' On reading the petition of Laura Kime , -praying I that the instrument tiled in ? this court en the iflth day of April , 1911 , and purporting to be the last will and testaI nient of the said deceased , ni y be proved and allowed , anil recorded as the last will" and testament of said deceased ; tliat said I instrument be admitted to probate , and the i administration of said estate be granted to Kelse\T F. Kime , as executor. E It is hereu3r ordered that all persons inter- c .ested in said matter , may , and do , appear at . the countj t"Urt to beheld in and for 'said t . > uuty. .on the iWth tiay of May , A. P. . \y l. at 10 o'ciucs , a. m. , to show cause , if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner i should not be granted , and that notice of the r pendencv of said petition and that the hearIng - - L Ing ihureof be given to all persons interested a in said matter by publishing a copy -of this * . order in tlie valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed { n said county , for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. r Witness my band and seal pi said .court ' [ SEAL ] this 2yOi day of December , A : D. , 1910 , I JAMES O. yUIGLEY , . . . , County Judge. [ C ; A. Kubj ; attonioys. 11 8 - J ID HEADS Debate by Noted Speakers Re- solts in No Decision. P CLARK IS THE REFEREE Decides to Refer Entire Question to Committee Which Has Wool and Hair Schedule Under Consideration and Bout Is Declared a Draw. Washington , May 3. Whether whiskers are a greater detriment to a man than a bald head is still a mooted question. Four of' the ablest men. In public life debated the subject before Ihe National Press club here. The bout was under Marquis of Queens- bury rules and when the bell rang ( he referee threw up his hands in de spair. Speaker Champ C rl ; or tlie Iiousc of representatives , called on in the 1 emergency , declared he could not see any u e in either whiskers or a bald head and referred the whole matter NICHOLAS LONGWORTH. to the v/ays and means , committee of the house , which now has the wool and liair schedule under consideration. The bald headed side of tlie ques tion was in the hands of Senator Rob ert L. Taylor of Tennessee and Rep resentative Nicholas Longworth of Ohio. The chin curtains found their champions in former Senator Thomas H. Carter of Montana and "Uncle Joe" Cannon ofIllinois. . Messrs. Taylor and Longwortb entered the ring am. cheers. Their hairless domes sparkled beneath the radiance of myriad of electric lights. Senator Carter and "Uncle Jce" came with their whiskers combed for the fray. The shouts that greeted them were deafening. Longworth Opens Debate. Representative -Longworth was the first speaker. | He saioVhe did not be- iieve. that a hair on the head was worth two on the chin. Neither was he willing to assume that a bald head provided he should be considered bald was in any sense a handicap either in public or private life. Senator Carter was introduced as "exhibit A" for the whiskers. "No man , " said he , "ever voluntarily wore a bald head. A bald head ie an affliction , a standing joke , a physical : infirmity. We pity , but do not blame our opponents. " Senator , Carter insisted that the "beard" was the real thing. ' Senator Taylor , introduced as an "ivory-pated Moses of the Tennessee Democracy , " said that when Mr. Can non was speaker of the house he shook pestilence and war from his horrid beard. He dwelt upon the nobility of the bald peaks of mountains and the bald head of the American eagle cir cling about them in the azure atmos- phero. ' "Uncle Joe" Cannon , who said he never had been funny In his life at least not consciously so quoted from . a writer who recently was in Turkey n and who said" the saddest men he found in the empire had a bald head. He was the harem guard. ; UNEARTH BODY ON FARM Owner of Land Accused of Three Other Murders. . j. Fowler , Ind. , May 3. Mangled and partially decomposed , a body supposed fi : o be that of Joseph Kemper , a farm fiA land , was unearthed on the farm of John Poole , near here , by a searching ? arty , headed by Poole's son , Emery , ind a warrant was at once issued for ; he arrest of the elder Poole on a ; harge of murdering Kemper. The elder Poole was arrested on tne'of his farms near Rensselaer. He ci Senies any knowledge of the circum stances of the disappearance or death s ) f Kemper. At Rensselaer prosecutions are pena- ng against him on affidavits charging j fr lim with having assaulted Mrs. George U1 rate and Mrs. William Haynes , wives 11 ? > f farmers , and with having attempted ' pj o kidnap John Ward , eight years old. Several years ago , it was- , reported o the authorities , Charles Clark and Jharles Mack , employed by Poole , dis- Cde \ ippeared mysteriously. Further search de in the farm is to be. made. - P-r Prw The elder Poole was released from w in insane asylum several years ago , 1)3 Jfter he had been found not guilty ut utof iiVthe plea 'of insanity of having' shot of : .neighbor. . . , r. . r j th INFORMER1AKESTHE STAN * Abbatemaggio Tells of Organization of the Camorra. Viterbo , Ital } * , May 3. Gennaro E. Abbatemaggio. on whose revelations the state has built its case against the Camorra , wfls called to the witness sta.ld to verbally confirm the written con/ession made for the carabineers after he had been tricked into damag ing admissions by the police spy , Marshall Capizzutf. The informer stood the" supreme test of his courage well , repeating his story coolly and at times eloquently , while he was assailed with the curses of the other "prisoners in the great steel cage. Every statement that he made was denied in chorus and when he concluded Enrico Alfano , the al leged head of the Camorra , rose and shouted. "Ahbatemnggio deserves thirty years in prison. " The informer began with the state ment that the Camorra existed in a well organized form , both outside and inside the prisons of Italy. Recruits who are on probation may become Ca- morrists proper only when they have proven their ability to commit crime without detection. The witncu n : d iho rank of the prisoners in the society was asked in order that the Camorrists and the Picciottis might be grouped separately and communication between the older members and incoming candidates be avoided. Abbatemaggio's testimony'was con stantly interrupted by protests from the prisoners , accompanied by ugly epithets and imprecations. WETS GET KOU ITY ELECTION A. II. Ansibironi Bested Mayor of Oapifai Gty ! , Lincoln , May 3. Reversing its pol icy of one -year ago , when it went dry by 935 majority , this city voted for a wet r/olicy the coming year by a ma jority closely estimated at S20 votes. A. H. Armstrong ( Rep. ) defeated Rob ert Malone ( Dem. ) lor mayor by the decisive majority of 1,275 votes. Prac tically .all of the other Republican candidates went in witli tie head of Ihe ticket and Republicans will con trol the city council. The voting was unusually heavy , due to the activity of the women upon the proposed $350,000 school bond issue , which is thought to have carried by a close majority. A lengthy electrical ordirance sub mitted to the people was defeated. BANK AT ROSEMONT ROBBED Safe Blown Open With Three Charges ' of Nitroglycerine. Hastings , Neb. , May 3. The EanTs of Rosemont was entered by robbers and the safe was blown. After the third explosion-the robbers made away with $1,500 in cash , and escaped with out leaving any clue as to their iden tity. Bloodhounds procured from Lincoln have been put on the trail of the rob bers and a posse of citizens is follov.- ing the hounds. The bank is owned by Henry Gund and C. F. Gund of Blue Hill , Neb. \rrny Officer Struck by Moise's Auto. Omaha , May 3. Waiting for a west bound Farnam street car , Sergeant Samuel S Gibson of the quartermas- er's depot , was knocked down and sadly hurt by an automobile , owned ind operated at the time by Walter tfoise , president of the Willow Springs Srewing company. OHIO G.iAND JU Y BUSY h iearc Witnesses Regarding Alleged Bribery in Legislature. Columbus , O. , May 3. Ohio legisla- ors who hoped by testifying before he grand jury -investigating bri- lery in the assembly , to escape con- 'iction by means of an immunity bath , yere disappointed when Prosecuting ittorney Turner and Attorney Gener- .1 Hogan refused to accept their testi- aony. Other immunity baths were leaded off when an investigation by a sgislative committee was deferred ntil the grand jury finishes its work. The grand jury was in session all ay and among its witnesses , besides ae detectives who disclosed the cor- uption , was Governor Harmon and udge Blair , who conducted tlie receni ampaign which resulted In the da- ranchisement of 1,80 voters in .dams county for election frauds. A ill Is pending in the assembly to jgislate Blair out of his present judi- lal district and out of a place on the ench. Rumors are current of fraud. Mondell Speaks on Free List Bill. Washington , May 3. Under Demo- ratic tariff laws losses of more than 5,000,000 were sustained by the live St of the United States lock interests , sir sclared Representative Mondell a. Wyo. ) when the house resumed the ee list bill. He opposed the meas- as re as offering opportunity for a repe- BH : tion of such losses to one of the < rincipaj Industries of his state. C' ! W Nevy Trial fop C. C. Wilson , New York , May 8. A new trial of hristophor Columbus Wilson , presi- int of the "United Wireless company , yc id hjs six associates , who are charged fr ith misuse of the mails , was ordered be * Judge Martin in the United States fe , strict' court. Prejudice on the part an one of the jurors was shown and ge ie entire jury was .discharged. . . = X V Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattia Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. mison Bros. , Lumber , Machinery , Hard ware , Harness , Saddles Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. Wood Lake , - = Nebraska Lausen & Co. , General Hardware , Wagons and Machinery. . . . A complete line of Harness' and Saddles Household and Kitchen Furniture Lumber and Fence Posts : D LAKE , NEBRASKA PA P GENERAL MERCHANDISE Boots , Slices , Dry Goods , Hats , Caps , Millinery , Groceries and Provisions GRAIN - FEED = FLOUR Wood Lake Nebraska E. M. Faddis & Co Posioltica address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded " on Ii-ft thigh Horses branded Piilon Mt [ Shoulder or thiyh Some Some branded Imu ded on rifcht thigh m left or shoulder P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. - " - Cattle --NES branded as cut on left side Some Q.yon left .side. .on left Jaw of langf on Gordon Cre k north of Simeon , N. S. Kowley. Kenuedy , - Neoraska. Same as cut on left. Ide and hip , and on 5ft stfouldfr of heron - " " _ „ _ _ _ . on ? ft side ip. e brcnti-g1 i ' " " " " ' " - = - "TTilffng" I f- -r side up ) on iide or blp. ( : on left Jaw and M t .shoulder r ) > u left hip of if on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on right hip. Hange on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock E. M. Terrffl , Propr. Brownlee , rattle branded as inc'.t on left side. Some branded Ji T V on left hip. Kange on North 'Loop river , two mil-s west of lirewniee John Kills Plenty. Francis Mis- in. Rosebud. 1) . rattle branded in cut ; horses me or .TK1 * on t thigh. K n g tween fc > prin < k and Little hite river. "When your feet are wet and cold , and mr body chilled through and through om exposure , take a big dose of Cham- plain's Cough Remedy , blathe your et in hot \vater before going to bed , . id you are almost certain to ward off a ' vere cold. For sale by Chapman , the } Albert Whipple & Sons. Kosebud S , D. Cattle branded 808 on left side OSO on rlpthtslde Some cattle also nave af on neck Some with A on left shonlder and some branded with two bars across hind quar- _ rs. Some Texas - - - - cattle branded O on left .side and sorae on left side. branded SOS on left hlo. branded AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of hjorses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.lef t side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Land and Feeding Co 3artlett Richards Pres WH1G Comstocfc V P Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; following horses brande same .Bange betwees Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr C. K. Sawyer has charge of these cnttle. H rses O on left shoul der. Some i left side. HorsssJ same left thigh. Range on Snake river. Metzger Bros. Kolfe Nebr , Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses hare same brand on e/t thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 wilt bn raid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any twrson or persons ateallnc p Jt | < i with al'nvc V * " J. A. Taryan. Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on rightslde Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range. "I had been troubled -with constipa tion for tjvo years and tried all of the best physicians in Bristol , Tenn. , and they could do nothing for mewrites Thos. E. "Williams , 2Eddleboro , Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain's Stomach ach and Liver Tablets cured me. " For sale by Chapman , the druggist ;