Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 04, 1911, Image 7
Facts About _ Motherhood The experience of Motherhood is a trying one to most women and marks distinctly an epoch in their lives. Not .one woman in a hundred - ) dred is prepared or understands how to jproperly care for her self. Of course near- I ly every woman no w- adayshas medical /treatment at the 'time of child-birth , ) but many approach "ivLiA c RNKHAKi the experience with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength , and when the strain is over her system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover. Follow ing right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child , and a distinct change in the mother results. There is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of chil dren , and indeed child-birth under right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. The unexplainable thing is that , with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition , women will persist in going blindly to the trial. It isn't as though the experience came upon them unawares. They have ample time in which to prepare , but they , for the most part , trust to chance and pay the penalty. In many homes once childless there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes women normal , healthy , and strong. Any -woman who -would like special advice in regard to this matter is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham at L.ynn , Mass. Her letter will he lield in strict confidence. HURT HIM. Customer That razor you're using must be rather old. Barber How can you tell , sir ? Customer It has so many teeth. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 3TYears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Taking a Chance. Employer So , then , Miss Willing , you're leaving us for good ? Miss Willing No Sir ! For better or for worse ! USE Atl/EN'S FOOT-EASE the Antiseptic powder to bo shaken into the shoes lor tired.-achini ; feet. It takes the sting ont of corns und bnnlons and makes walking a delight. Sold everywhere , 25c. Itfusc substitutes. For FREE trial package , address A. S. Olmstcd. Le Hey , N.Y. It is impossible a man who is false lo his friends and neighbors should be true to the public. Bishop Berke ley. ley.Dr. Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated , easy to take as candy , regulate and invig orate stomach , liver and bowels and cur ? constipation. From many a woman's point of view a bird on her hat is worth a bach yard full of poultry. Chew and smoke nntaxcd tobacco , cheap and tmdoped. Meriwetlier & Edwards , Clarksville.Tenn. All married men are heroes , but they can't always prove it. ARE YOU FREE FROM Headaches , Colds , Indigestion , Pains , Constipation , Sour Stomach , Dizziness ? If you are not , the most effective , prompt and pleasant method of getting rid of them is to take , now and then , a desertspoon- ful of the ever refreshing and truly l > eneficiai laxative remedy Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is "well known throughout the world as the best of family laxative reme dies , because it acts so gently and strengthens naturally without irri tating the system in any way. . To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genu ine , manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. , bearing the name of the Company , plainly printed on tta front of every package. WHEAT ON DRY FARi Bluestem and Fife Varieties of Hard Spring Unsafe. Durum , Introduced From Southeastern Russia Where Rainfall Is Light , Adapted to Climate of West- tern Plains Area. t In a large part of the dry farming territory the bluestem and fife varie ties of hard spring wheats are very unsafe crops. Where bread wheats can be grown , the Red Fife , selected strains known as Johnson's Fife , Golden Fife , etc. , are good yielders and the berry is usually plump and hard. The millers , however , have placed these varieties in a market class designated as velvet chaff , and the price Is a few cents lower per bushel than the bluestem varieties bring. These latter include both bearded and bald types , writes Man- ley Champlin In the Farmer and Breeder. The variety known as pedi greed bluestem has given good re sults at the Highmore Substation as reported in Bulletin 115 of the South Dakota Experiment station. This sta tion is situated near the eastern bor der of the dry farming belt- Very little winter wheat is grown at present , but its early ripening and good quality and yield of grain are interesting manyof the progressive farmers who have obtained some-very good results. The Minnesota station advises its use only sparingly. Five acres is considered enough to start with. If it proves to be well suited to your conditions the acreage can be increased. There is danger of winter killing , and too much dependence should not be placed on this crop. Turkey Red and Kharkov are the com mercial varieties grown. Where bread wheat is grown with difficulty , Nature comes to the res cue with the hard macaroni or durum wheats. Until very recently there was difficulty in marketing this class of wheat and even today the price is 10 to 20 per cent lower than for hard spring wheats of the bread varieties. This fact is probably due to the Amer ican love of white bread. The durum wheat flour makes a palatable , nutri tious bread , but the yellow color has been inveighed against by fastidious custom. Bulletin No. 3 of the bureau of plant industry gives an interesting history of the trials the durum wheat grower has had to overcome , as well as advice as to how to plant , etc. These wheats were introduced from southeastern Russia , where the rain fall is light and the changes of tem perature severe. They are , therefore , adapted to the climate of the western plains ara. In describing the characteristics of macaroni or durum wheat Mr. M. A. Carlton says in the above mentioned bulletin : "The wheats of this group grow rather tall and have stems that are either pithy within or hollow. . . . The leaves are usually broad and smooth , but have a peculiar whitish green color and possess an extremely harsh cutiqle. The heads are com paratively slender in most varieties , compactly formed , occasionally very short , and are always bearded with the longest beards known to wheat. " The peculiar ability of the durum wheats to resist drought and severe changes of temperature as well as their early ripening qualities and high yielding capacity make them espe cially fitted for the needs of the dry farmer. Here is a money crop of which he is practically sure. The yields vary from 10 to 35 bushels per acre. The Kubanka and Arnautka va rieties have give.n the best results in this section. Emmer i widely grown as a. sub stitute feed grain where oats are an uncertain crop. It has not the feed ing value of oats , but when ground makes a fairly good feed for any farm ntock. The chaff clings to the grain when threshed , thus giving the crop great bulk. There is not an establish ed market and farmers rarely grow more than enough for their own feed. The yields vary from 20 to 90 bushels , 30 being considered a fair yield. Em mer is commonly called speltz. Growing Currants. Currants may be most relied on of any small fruit for a crop , if kept free from the currant'worm. Early appli cation of hellebore powder will de stroy this pest , and a good crop is al most sure to follow , remaining on the bunches "from two to three weeks , they give better opportunity to mar ket than most berries and generally bring Yi good price. Weeds on Farms. One reason why many farmers do not get rid of weeds on their farms is because they try to cultivate too much land. To keep weeds down crops must be cultivated all the time , and if there is more land than can be covered as often as needs be the weeds will get the better of one every time. Woods for Butter Working. Maple and ash are the best woods for a butter worker , and they should be seasoned for at least a year if they are not artificially kiln dried. But it is cheaper and less trouble and just as satisfactory to buy a table hut- ter worker from a dairy supply house. Food Is Foundation. ! Food and food production for the | dairy lies at the foundation of suc cessful dairying. Unless the founda tion is well laid the business will be a failure. ' . VALUE OF SUMMER TILLING Yield of Wheat Has Been Doubled by This Method of Preparing Seed Bed Best Varieties. ( By E. A. BURNETT. Director of Ne braska Agricultural Experiment Station. ) The Nebraska experiment station has just issued bulletin No. 118 on "Growing Crops in-Western Nebras ka. " This bulletin gives the results of crop production at the North Platte substation during the past seven years , together with the record of past 36 years , and a discussion of methods of farming for dry land. Considerable space Is given to showing - ing the results secured by summer tilling - ing land. The yield of winter wheat nas been doubled by this method of preparing the seed bed. The average yield of plots properly prepared and seeded has been 46 bushels per acre during the past five years. The yield from these plats in 1910 , when the pre cipitation for the year was only 10.7 inches , was 35 to 37 bushels per acre , Summer tilling sod and old land for winter wheat is strongly advocated. The records show that summer tilling also increased the yields of spring grains , but not to so great an extent as the winter wheat. Whether sum mer tilling for spring grains Is profit' able is still an open question , though it would prove the most profitable practice during years like 1910. The tests show that the press drill increases the yield of grain so much beyond the yields secured by sowing broadcast that the farmer cannot af ford to sow grain broadcast , as the difference in the yield on a rather small field will pay for the drill. The variety tests indicate that the following are superior to or as good as any other varieties tried : Turkey Red winter wheat , Durum spring wheat , Kherson oats , common six- rowed barley , and Substation Calico corn. corn.Among Among the forage crops , cane ( sorghum ghum ) ranks first as an annual and alfalfa first as a perennial , on bench land. Alfalfa on the table land did not produce forage or seed In 1910. The climatic records show that the average annual precipitation for the past 36 years is 18.63 inches , and for 1910 , 10.7 inches ; 1910 was the driest year during the 36 years , yet fair crops were produced by proper meth ods of tillage. This bulletin may be had free of cost by residents of Nebraska upon application to the Nebraska agricul tural experiment station , Lincoln. HOW WATER RISES IN SOIL Dust Mulch and Cultivation or Loosening - ening of Earth After Rain Serves to Prevent Evaporation. Water rises in the soil just as tht oil In a iamp rises through the wick. The wick is full of little tubes called capillaries , and so is the soil , and the water rises through these. If a little kerosene or gasoline is put into a bottle and the bottle filled with soil , the oil will rise , and if lighted , will burn on the surface. When the water rises to the surface of the soil it evaporates. Evaporation from the" soil is going on all the time when it is not raining. The soil soon dries out if something is not done to prevent it. Covering the soil with a light mulch prevents evaporation. Cultivating or loosening the surface of the soil soon after a rain serves the same purpose. Culti vating breaks the small tubes , so that they are unable to bring the water to the surface. A soil that contains much humus ( that is , vegetable matter ) catches and holds more water than one that contains but little humus. Such soil also holds moisture longer in dry weather. Plenty of barnyard manure applied to the soil helps to retain moisture , although valuable as feed ers of plants. ' LIVE STOCK NOTES. Be careful never to overfeed a call Any calf should be fed whole milli for at least two weeks after birth. Two factors must be considered in judging sheep , the growth of woo ! and development of mutton. . More harm is done by overfeeding calves' with milk , especially skim milk , than by underfeeding. By careful selection and judicious mating the Shropshire has been brought to the leading position it now occupies. Pigs fed for bacon should be fed to the weight preferred by the packer , which can always be" learned on ap plication. The silo enables the farmer to keep more live stock , which promotes the rotation of crops and the preservation of soil fertility. The windows of a horse stable ahould be so arranged that the horses are not required to stand for hours with the full glare of the sunlight in their eyes. No definite rule can be given as to when a calf should be weaned , hut as a general proposition it is a good plan to feed skim milk till it is six months old. Possibly there is no other farm animal - mal that can offer as poor an excuse c for his existence as the scrub hog. ] He is an unprofitable animal any way you take him. \ The overhead rack is a poor place \ from which to feed ? the horse. Be sides being an unnatural way for the animal to feed , it causes a great deal of dust , which is a bad thing. There is no greater mistake than under feeding , whether a sow is In farrow or with her youngsters by hr side ; in either case they feel it and are much more likely to lose rnwi-.ej ] MAKES FOR ECONOMY LATEST IMPROVEMENT ON THE FIRELESS STOVE. Electric Device Insures Both Con * venlence and Cleanliness Use of Alarm Clock Is Also a Most Useful Innovation. Those familiar with the economies of the fireless cooker will appreciate the combination of this device -with the convenience and cleanliness of the electric stove. The outside of the stove is made of finished hardwood. The containing compartment is lined with non- rustable metal between which and the woodwork is a fireproof non-heat- conducting packing , through which wires pass to the electric stove lo cated in the bottom of the receptacle. If the length of time required to bring a certain meat or vegetable tea a boil is known , the dish containing it is placed in the receptacle , and the Combined Fireless Cooker and Stove. cover closed. Then the alarm of the clock is set to go off in 20 minutes , a half-hour , or in such time as the case may require. Closing the switch starts the cooking. When the time is up the clock sounds the alarm and at the same time opens the. switch , and the cooking then continues as in a fireless cooker. This stove enables "the lady of the house" to start the evening meal , go shopping while it is cooking and return to find it ready to serve piping hot. A drop shelf is provided on the side , while a com partment beneath the cooker permits the storage of cooking utensils. Popular Mechanics. Little German Cakes. Beat one dozen fresh eggs and three pounds of pulverized sugar for 55 min utes , then add as much soda as will lay on the end of a knife and beat five minutes longer. Be sure and don't stop beating. Add flour enough to knead. Set it aside In a cool place , just so it doesn't freeze , until eve ning. Then roll a little thicker than pie crust. The Germans have little fancy molds for these , but any small cookie cutter or baking powder can lid can be used to cut them with. After they are all cut spread out on a table and cover with a thick cloth and let "lay over night. In the morning sprinkle baking pans with caraway seeds and place cakes in pans on seeds and bake in slow oven for threej. quarters of , an hour. These are favor ite little cakes among the Germans and are excellent. Strawberry Pie. Make nice rich pie crust , put the bottom of the pan turned upside down on table ; put three or four fork holes in the crust to keep from raising up from the pan. Bake by itself. When baked light brown take the crust , turn on a plate , then the crust is ready to fill. Have ready one quart fresh picked strawberries , sweetened to taste , fill the crust with the straw berries , cover the top of the berries with the whites of two well-beaten eggs , sweeten with sugar. Put in the oven just long enough to light brown the whites of the eggs. Rice Roy ale. Pick over and wash a cupful of rice. Drop into a large kettle of boiling water , add a half teaspoonful of salt and tablespoonful of sugar and keep at a galloping boil until the grains feel tender when rubbed between the fingers. Drain thoroughly , pack light ly in a slightly buttered mold and let stand ten minutes in the open oven. Turn out carefully on a deep platter. Baste over this the syrup from canned fruit ( heated ) , arrange the fruit itself around the base and serve either hot or cold. Baked Batter Currant Pudding. This pudding , if correctly made , is both tasty and digestible. Take a quarter of a pound of flour , four ounces of cleaned currants , three eggs , and one cupful of milk , and make into a light batter , then add a teaspoonful of baking powder and a pinch of salt. Pour into a well-buttered pudding dish , sprinkle in the currants , and bake in a moderate oven for about one hour. When baked , turn out the pud ding and cut up. Serve with sugar or with golden syrup. Meat Cakes. Take cold meat , mince fine with fat bacon , season with , pepper and salt , mix well , fry and serve with gravy. Fine with hot biscuits for breakfast. v-v-- , CALUMET BAKING POWDER M The wonder of bale- inspowders Calumet. Wonderful in its raising powers its uniformity , its never failing results , its purity. Wonderful in its economy. It costs Jess than the high-price trust brands , but it is worth as much. It costs a trifle more than the cheap and big : can kinds ft is worth more. But provesits real economy in the baking. Usa CALUMET the Modern Baking ? Powder. Received * At all Grocers. Highest Award World's Par * Food Exposition DIDN'T CARE TO BE DONE. Howell He does everything in his power Powell Then I'm glad that I'm noj. in his power. CURE THAT CATARRH Our climate with its sudden changes /s conducive to catarrh which is a chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane surface of head nose or throat. One month's local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic will con vince the most skeptical that Paxtine is not a paliative but a specific for all catarrhal conditions. Paxtine is a perfectly harmless an tiseptic and germicide in powder form which contains all of the antiseptic qualities of liquid antiseptics , but with other valuable cleansing , germicidal - cidal , and healing ingredients added. Just a little in. a 'glass of water as needed used as a spray and gargle , will not only remove the accumulated secretions , but heals the inflammation , destroys the germs of disease , and dis pels the disagreeable odor caused by chronic catarrh. For sale at all druggists , 25c and 50c abox , or postpaid upon receipt of price. The Paxton Toilet Company , Boston , Mass. Send for a free sample. Recognize Value of hresh Air. New York city now has in operation , tion twelve open air schools and classes , and definite provision has been made for fourteen similar classes to be opened by next fall , according to an announcement made by the Na tional Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Chicago . has six open air classes in its schools , and Boston has five. Let us never be discouraged by any difflculty which may attend what we know to be our duty. Bowdler. Mrs. Wfnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething- , softens the gnms , reduces inflamma tion , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Little wits are often great talkers. -De la Roche. 44 Bu. to the Acre Is a heary yield , but that's what John Kennedy at Edmonton , AlDerta , Western Canada , got from 40 acres of Spring Wheat In 1910. Kuportc from other districts In that pror- ince showed other excel- lentresulls such as 4- 1000 busholA of wheat from 120 acres , or 331-8 bu.pcracro. 25 , SO and 10 bnshelyieldsweronuin- erons. As high as 1SJ bushels of oats to the aero were thn-hhed from Alberta. He-Wain 11)10. ) The Silver Gup at the recent Spokane Fair was awarded to the Alberta Govcrninentfor its exhibit of grains , grasses and Vegetables. Ileportsof excellent yields for 1910 cocao also from Saskatchewan and Manitoba In Western Canada. Free homesteads of ICO acres , and adjoining pre emptions of 1OO ucres ( at 83 puracro ) are to bo hud lu the choicest districts Schools convenient , cli mate excellent , soil the very best , rallxvays tiloso at band , bulldlnjc lumber cheap , fuel easy togut nd reasonable In price , water easily procured , mixed farm In e a auecest. Write as to best place for set tlement , settlers' low railway rates , descriptive Illustrated "LastBestWest"(8ent ( free on application ) and other informa tion , to Sup't of Immigration , Ottawa , Can. , or to the Canadian GrOTornmcntAgent. (3C ) E T. Bolme.315 Jjdson SL.SL P l. Hfca. J. M. MjcUchko. Drctttr 197Wiltrt3wniD. ( Use address nearest yon. ) Your Liver is Clogged up That's Why You're Tired On * Sorts Have No Appetite. , CARTER'S LITTLE. LIVER PILLS 131 put you right CARTERS in a tew days. They do JTTLE tteir duty. IVER Coze PILLS. Constipa tion , B3- iemnew , ladigesiiox , aad Side Heatlacte. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE , SMALL PHICS Genome mmtbeu Signatnro Established 30 Years Floral emblems and cut flowers for all occasions. SIOUX CITY , IOWA W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 18-1911 , Heart Many people suffer from weak hearts. They may experi ence shortness of breath on exertion , pain over the heart , or dizzy feelings , oppressed breathing after meals or their eyes become blurred , their heart is sot sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extremities , and they have cold hands and feet , or poor appetite because of weakened blood supply to the stomach. A heart tonic and alterative should be taken , which has no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce's Golden. Medical Discovery , which contains no dangerous narcotics nor alcohol. The Ingredients , as attested under oath , are Stone root ( CoIIIasonla Canadea- sis ) , Bloodroot ( .Saoralaaria Caoadensls ) , Golden Seal root ( Hydrxstis Canaden * sis ) , Queen's root ( Stilllagia Sylratica ) , Black Cherrybark ( Prunus Virginians ) , Mandrake root ( Podopbyllum Peltatunf ) , with triple refined glycerine , prepared in a scientific laboratory in a way that no druggist could imitate. This tonic contains no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscles ; but , ott the other hand , it increases their number and they become round and healthy. It helps the human system in the constant manufacture of rich , red blood. It helps the stomach to assimilate or take up the proper elements from the food , thereby helping digestion and caring dyspepsia , heart-burn and many uncom fortable symptoms , stops excessive tissue vroste in convalescence from fevers ; for the run-down , aneemic , thin-blooded people , the "Discovery" la refreshing and vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sane remedy , and refuse all " Just as good " medicines offered by the druggist who is looking for a larger profit. Nothing Jmt Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will doyou half as much good. . W. I * . DOUGLAS $2-j * 3 * 3 y ? & * 4 SHOES W. L. Douglas Spring Styles include more Snappy and Up-to-Date Shapes in Oxfords and " High Cuts than ever before produced. "W-L-Donglas warrants every pair of his shoes to hold their shape , look and fit better and vrear longer than any other make , giving you better value for the money than you can obtain elsewhere. t& BEWAREOF SUBSTITUTES.- _ The genuine hare W. ! Douglas name and tlie retail | price stamped on the bottom , -which guarantees f nil value j and protects the -wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. If your dealer cannot supply yon with the genuine W.L-Douclas shoes , xmte Rnv ; lor Mail Order Catalog. Shoes sent direct from fartorr to wearer , all charges prepaid. W. JL. Douglo * , 14G Spark St. . Brocbtou , Muio. $2.0O$2.50&$3.0O A Country School for Girls in New York City Best Features of Country and City Life Out-of-door Sports on School Park of 35 acres near the Hudson River. Full Academic Course from Primary Class to Graduation. Upper Class for Advanced Special Students , Music and Art Certificate admits to College. School Coach Meets Day Pupils. Miss Bangs and Miss Whiten , Riverdale Ave. , near 25Zd St , West