THIS- Tooth Preparation Stops Tooth Decay It c U bto every meven port of Jic tooth penetrates every crevice , Inside and outside ihc tooth. Cavities unreachablc with powders ere quickly cleaned with MBfPIiC TOOTf ! As It carries the nnUscplica lo llc very placa cccclcd ihc u = i caused Ly &c dcccy. * cs crc l c , hsz y end ceo- All you hsvc to do h rq cczc out en your bruch jut whit you tvant. The illustration shows liov/ its done. The fbvcr ii particularly pleasing. Price , 25c. " - VALENTINt. NEB A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men * for' "any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you'a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK * vVALENTINE. NEBR. TREES Plenty of time to plant trees. Our trees are kept in our large , cool , cement building now and are belch back so they will be good to put out for several weeks yet. We ' keep no trees in our building in winter , and only recommend the hardiest and tried varieties that do business in Northwest Nebr. Catalog upon request. T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station Ainsworth , - Nebraska Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER & SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB. Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 No. 160050 , ancTClimax 2 , No. 289. " 822" ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , re * , Bullsor Sale at All Times , . c. c.W. . H. Strattoii > u - Dealer in f FLOUK & FEED 'General Merchandise v' PHONE 125 , > .cor. Hall & Cath.Valentine , Nebr. * M MM W B BIV > * B H MMMMV B HM x * * - - - - - - - . | fc. A. Rl/BY ? < * < .Attorney-at-Law- 4\ " Office front room , second story , ' bveVGF. C. Hornby's store , : street entrance , Valentine Nebraska VM.T. Meer , DENTIST - 'L. . . Jlboms over Bed Front store Valentine - Nebr , Talk of the Town. . ( The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday I of each month. 16tf , Dave Dunn dropped in Tuesday with a pleasant countenance indi cating that the farmers will go fortli to sow and plant now that the ground is full of moisture. Tq Rent : Two 4-room houses. One has jrood collar and water * in house. Both close in on Cather ine street , less than a block from Main street. 16 Go to Fischer's hardware for fresh seeds. 10 For sanj try plumbing or heat ing call U. I. W.einzimraer , the only licensed plumber in town. 49 Furnished rooms to rent by day or week , Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday in each month. 16tf St. Nichols Church. Services will be held at the Catholic church as follows : In Valentine on Sunday , May First mass at 8 a. m. First holy communion for the children. Second mass at 10 a. m. - On Tuesday , May 16 , the Rfc. Rev. James R. Keane , D. D. , Bishop of Cheyenne , Wyo. , will administer the sacrament of con firmation at 9:30 : a. m. Masses at 7:30 : , 8:00 : and 9:30 : a. ra. Leo M. BLAERE , Rector. -FOR-SALE 40 head of horses , jart broken , two or three good milch cows , one farm ; also two or three houses and lots. H. II. WAKEFItfLD , HEAL ESTATE DEALER , Crookston , 12 Nebraska The Phelps Photo Studio is open the first Wednesday and Thursday in each month. 16tf For Sale- : From 1 to 40 head of horses ; from 1 to f of land , close to town. Residence and lot. H. H. * Wakefield 'Grookston , Nebraska. ' 13 Rubber garden hose at lowest prices. Fischer's Hardware. 16 Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cherry county , Nebraska. STATE OP' NEBRASKA , I Cherry County. f" To , the heirs and nil per.sons interested In the estate of Matilda Robinson , deceased : On reading the petition of I ) . H. White , praying a final settlement and allowance of his account llled in this court on the 1st day of May , I'.tlO , and for a decree of dis tribution. It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said mutter may. , and do , appear at the county court to be held In and lor said county , on the 27th day of May , A. D. , I'.UO , at 11 o'clock a. in. , to show cause , If any there lie , why the prayer bf the pe titioner should not be granted , and that no tice of the pendency ot said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. JAMES 0. QUIGLET , [ SEAL ] 17 4 County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by the clerk of the district court of Cherry county , Nebraska.August UHilOunder an execution wherein First National Bank of Valentine. Inc , is judgment creditor and Frank Hippie Is jiultMnt * nt debtor. I will ell at the front door of the court house In Valpntine. Ohf rry county. Nebraska. UMt being the buiWing wherein the List term ot said coiut wv < held , on thft lOtli day of June. 19M. a * II o'clock a. m. . to satisfy 'judgment of S1077.00 and int-rect at 10 per cent from date of judgment May 10. 1910 and costs taxed at § 25.73 an < i accruing costs , at public auction , to the highest bidder , for cash , the following described prop erty to-wit : 35 _ in Cherry county. Nebraska. Dated this 1st day of Alsiy , 1911. C. A. WHSKTER 17 5 Sheriff of Cherry County * Walcott & Morrissey , attorneys for p'laintiti. Makes Home Baking Easy POWDER Absolutely Pure The only baking powder masffQ from Royal Crape Greatn of Tartar NO ALUMNO LIME PHOSPHATE Seeds that .always grow for sale at Fischer's hardware. 10 Choice ti mot hy clover , brornus and alfalfa seed at Fischer's Hard ware. 16 Dr. Barnes , the eyesight spec ialist of Omaha/will be at the Donoher hotel Tuesday , May 9 , and at the. Wood Lake hotel on Wednesday , May 1Q , until 3 p. /Remember that Dr. Barnes has been over this road for some ten or twelve years. Every pa tient has always had a year for re fitting without extra charge. No charge , whatever , is made for ex amination. ljon't forget the date. Call and ee Dr. Barnes , if you have trouble with head or eyes. 40 Acres of School Land Half Mile West of Val entine. Who wants a nice home a good easy living ? 40 acres , all in the valley of the beautiful Minnecha- duza , creek flowing through one corner , soil rich and deep , shelter ed by hills on the north and south. This is an ideal place for garden farming , fruit and chickens. Good building location facing southeast , where stone chicken house can be built in the hill with front on level. 400 egg Cyphers' incuba tor at half price to go with this deal. A bargain. Get busy. I. M. RICE , Valentine , fteb. 6 4 Old Crow , All 3/ekdin * t Hermitage Brands / . - , . * and Bottled . " . . Ghichen- Under the heimer Supervision sf T Rye" - . . of the Whiskeys. U. S. We also handle the budweiser Beer. TH SALOON , HENRY STETTER , Propr. ' For Aged People , Old Folks Should Be Bareful In Their Selection of ulative Medicine , We have a safe , dependable and altogether ideal remedy that is particularly adapted to the re quirements of aged people and persons of week constitutions who suffer from constipation or other bowel disorders. We are so cer tain that it will relieve these com plaints and give absolute satisfac tion in every particular that we offer it with our personal guaranty that it shall cost the user nothing if it fails to substantiate our claims. Rexall Orderlies have a soothing , healing , strengthening , tonic and regulative action upon the bowels. They remove .all irritation , dry- njs = ? , soreness and weakness. They restore the bowels and associate , organs to more vigorous and healthy activity. They are eaten like candy , may be taken at any time without inconvenience , do t not cause any griping , nausea , * diarrhoea , excessive loosenesst flatulence or other disagreeable effect. Price 25c and 10c. ' Sold only at our store The Ksxall store. Chapman , The Druggist. I will sell at public auction S } at 1 o'clock p. m. , at These cattle are high grade Herefords and consist of 100 steers , two years old ; 85 cows with calf , 55 with calves by side ; 30 spayed heif ers , two years old ; 185 heifers , two years old. My lease on Krampert . & Uck's ranch expired May 1 , and I am closing out all'my i stock which will be sold without reserve. , * * H r 0 A I r. Six months' time will be given on approved notes bear- TER Ul OHLL. ing 10 per cent interest or 5 per cent discount for cash. * , - ; * MINt " . " . , .J 'X . „ ' : : , .t-v . , -t - COL. G. E , TEACEWELL , Auctioneer. U .11 V W. F. PAEKER'Clerk *