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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1911)
Tooth Preparation Stops Tooth Decay It ce ! ute every uneven part of .he loolh penetrates cvcy crevice , inside and outside t'.io loot ! : . Cavities uncaccbc ! ! wiih powders trs quickly cleaned with r iffiV. fO J ' TOOT ! ] AJ it carries l.c csliccp'acj to lr.c very plica needed the u cecn rpcnlr s caused ly te ccccy. ; P-cIie-ej cro hu c. ! : : -J/ end eco- ncz.Ic _ ! . Ail yea hcvc lo do h rquccze cLt en your bru Ii jurt vc.t ycz want. The uu rcLcn thews how ta dene. I The Haver i ; narUculrr.V pleasing. ' - trice , Crc./ ' " gTflljlu I " " VALENTINE. NED - A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men- for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. , -i Plant the New Compass Cherry , a cross with the Sand Cherry and old time hardy Minor Plum , hardy , prolific and good fruit. It will grow where others will not. Plant elm , Carolina poplar , sil ver leaved maple. Plant them close together and have shade all the time from the start. When elms need all the room cut out the others. We have all varieties of trees , shrubs , roses , etc. , suitable for Northwestern Nebraska. VT. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. On C. & N. W' , 3 blks. east station Ainsworth , - Nebraska Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER & SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17- No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289- 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg , Bulls for Sale at All Times , W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor..Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. C. A. RUBY Attorney-at- Law Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main ! street entrance. Valentine Nebraska " . _ * * * "Dr. M. T. Meer , DENTIST Kooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebr , Makes Home Baking Easy Absolutely Pure The only StakSaig pou/dor ena > sffe from Royal Grape © ffeana of Tartar KOAlUMSia LIME PHOSPHATE CapJ. Howell and wife are vist- ing in Valentine. Felix Nollette was in town to day getting farming implements. A. C. Elanchard and wife of Merriman were in town last Sat urday. Charley Rallard , A. H. Stees and Mr. Houston were in town this week. D. A. Hancock and daughter , Mrs. Nancy Wilson were in Val entine today. People are wondering why a certain party watches the train nowadays so close. Charley Flowers , son of Enoch Flowers of Spokane , is here visit ing the pasb week. George E. Hornby , jr. , organ izer for the socialist party of Val entine , will be in Wuodlake on Wednesday , April 26 , to see about organizing a local there. E. C. Myers was in town today getting out sale bills. He has quit farming for the present and is selling out. Notice his big sale advertisement in this paper. John Bachelor got back yester day noon with the Gov. Aldrich party and they reported a splen did trip. Last night the Eagles gave a smoker to which every one was invited * and a merry crowd of a hundred smokers met in the Eagle lodge room to spend the evening with the Governor. An drew Morrissey , Jack Keeley , Charley Sparks , Count Melten- dorff , Clyde Davenport and others enlivened .the time by telling stor ies while the air was blue with smoke. Charley Cornell moved back a couple of times 'to where the smoke was thinner but held out pretty well by taking a little of the punch. The Governor and Mr. Miller went home last night , taking thirty-two crappies fresh out of Lake Minnechaduza that Will Clarkson and Mr. Miller had caught in the evening. They say they enjoyed a good time. HOSPITAL NOT WANTED \ No Sites Of.'ered for Tuberculosis Institution - stitution in Kansas. Topelca , April 19. The Kansas state board of control announced tnal no ap plications have been received from Kansas tov.'ns for the now state tuber culosis hospital- provided tor at the recent session of the legislature. The bill appropriates $5 ' ,000 for the hos- P'tal , but provides that It must be lo cated in the western seclTon of the state. The board is of tve opinion that the western towns do not want the hospital. Eleven western towns have applied for the new state insa'ne asylum , for which a similar appropria tion was made. Road Expert to Visit Mcrrick County. Washington. April 19. An engineer from the bureau of good roads of the department of agriculture will be sgnt to Nebraska on. May 1 to act in an ad visory capacity in the construction a road in Merrick county. This will be don2 at the request of Senator Brown. Freeman Is Still AUve. Omaha , April 19. Earl Freeman , who was shot by his ; wife , is still alive , although the polide surgeons , who are attending him , have little hope for his recovery. The bullet which entered the stomach and lung perforated the intestines. CONDENSED NEWS The Colorado senate , by a vote of 25 to 7 , passed the bank guarantee bill. Henry Brown , aged ninety two , a roommate of Abraham Lincoln when the latter was practicing law at Bloomington - ington , 111. , died onhis , farm near that city. - Edward A. Moseley , " " secretary of the .interstate commerce commission and the originator of much labor leg islation , died in Washington , ageil sixty-fivo years. Scullers' row on the Hudson river was swept by fire. Four boathouses were burned" with "their contents , in cluding nearly 200 racing shells. The loss will exceed ? 100QOO , For Aged People * Old Folks Should Be Bareful In Their Selection of Regx ulative Medicine , We have a safe , dependable and altogether ideal remedy that is particularly adapted to the re quirements of aged people and persons of week constitutions who suffer from constipation or other bowel disorders. We are so cer tain that it will relieve these com plaints and give absolute satisfac tion in every particular that we offer it with our personal guaranty that it shall cost the user nothing if it fails to substantiate our claims. Rexall Orderlies have a soothing , healing , strengthening , tonic and regulative-action upon the bowels. They remove ail irritation , dryness - ness , soreness and weakness. They restore the bowels and associate organs to more vigorous and healthy activity. They are eaten like candy , may be taken at any time without inconvenience , do not cause any griping , nausea , diarrhoea , excessive looseness , flatulence or other disagreeable effect. Price 25c and lOc. Sold oriy at our store The Rexall store. Chapman , The Druggist. Old Crowv All Leading Hermitage Brands < . t - . B * K a BS and Bottled . . Gruchen- Under the' ' V heimer Supervision - - : Rye ' of the ' Whiskeys. U. . , . . L ? fSr.u / > ft - dfe % l < - ? tfes > ; i We also handle the Budweiser Beer. LOON , HENRY STETTER , Propr. World = rierald Daily War Story Proving a Big Hit A bit of newspaper enterprise that is making an impression in Nebraska and Iowa is the printing of the history of the civil war in the World Herald of Omaha. This history is printed in a very interest ing way in a column headed "Fifty Years Ago Today. " Each day an article is printed giving a brief and accurate account of the events ex actly fifty years ago on that day. The World-Herald , Chicago News , Boston Globe and New York Times are among the metropolitan news papers who are pushing this enter prise. The World Herald has secur ed in addition to the daily historya series of articles descriptive of the great battJesand leaders of the civil war , which articles are printed on ; Sunday , with war-time photograph. On this Semi-Centennial year of the civil the World-Herald war , - en terprise is a particularly strong and appropriate feature. It recom mends itself not only to the old veterans.but to the younger genera tion and to the schools , where close familiarity with this great , period of our history is all too rare. If you are thinking of having a public sale call on on us for par ticulars and information regard ing dates. 8-5 I will sell at public auction to the highest "bidder at my place The'following described property , to-wit : Consisting of 8 good milch cows , 1 two = year = old steer , 2 yearling steers , 1 two = year = old bull , 3 yearling ! heifers , 5 heifer calves. Consisting of 4 brood mares , three < with colts by side ; 1 work horse. 5 s 5 four of whieh are brood sows ready to pig. CH KEN 100 2 wagons , 1 spring wagon , 1 hay rack , 1 riding plow , 1 breaking plow , new ; 2 6-ft. mowers , hay sweep , riding lister , two-row corn sled , John Deere disc sled , riding corn plow , corn sheller , 2 sets work har ness , new Sharpies cream separator , range cook stove , all household goods-and numerous other articles. FREE LUNCH AT 11:30. : SALE BEGINS IMMEDIATELY AFTER LUNCH TERMS OF SALE1 V1 sums of $10 and under cash. On sums over $10 a credit of eight months' urtLitime will be given on approved notes bearing 10 per cent interest or 5 per cent discount for cash. . . * . 1 have disposed .of my farm and everything will be sold without reserve. i \ * * j G. E , Myers , Sparks , Nebr. , . T * W , W. E. HALEYi Clerk *