Toclh Preparation Stops Tooth Decay It cct fcto every uneven part of die looth penetrates every crevice , inside and outside the tool ! ) . . Cavities unrcachable with powders are quickly cleaned with MS" " k agg\ ANTISEPTIC TOOIlf PffiSl * r * Ai it carries the antiseptics to the very place needed ihc unseen opening * caused Ly the decay. SNSd k * x. Packacea ore large * handy and eco nomics. ! . All you have to do h iqueezt out en your brush jutt what you want. The illustration hews how its done. The flavor is particularly pleasing. Price , 25c. VALE NT INC. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised hy all men- for any man for yon. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. Plant the New -Compass Cherry , a cross with the Sand Cherry and old time hardy Minor Plum , hardy , prolific and good fruit. It will grow where others will not. Plant elm , Carolina poplar , sil ver leaved maple. Plant them close together and have shade all the time from the start. When elms need all the room cut out the others. We have all varieties of trees , shrubs , roses , etc. , suitable for Northwestern Nebraska. T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. . Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm , On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station Ainsworth , - Nebraska Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER ft'SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB Herd headed by S. G. Columbus 17' No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289- 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg , Bulls for Sale at Ail Times , W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOTJK & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. C. A. RUBY Law Attorney-at- Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. - Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. T. Meer , DENTIST " " * Booms over Reel Front store Valentine * Nebr , Seeds tliat always grow for sale at Fischer's hardware. 10 Ed Cohota and Lee Stillwcll are home from the university to ppeml Easter vacation. George .Hunter's baby is very low w.ith scarlet f ever , and we hear that Mrs. Lamoreaux's baby has the fever now. The Bounty commissionerc * arele in town today hearing a petiuon and remonstrance from Ivilgore citizens for and against a saloon license. For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of horses ; from 1 to f of land , close to town. Residence and lot. H. H. Wakefleld , Crookston , Nebraska. 13 Ask to have .your contest notice or legal notice printed in THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. It is your privilege to have it printed where you will. ti ! Win. J > allard and son , Len , came in Tuesday night , the form er from Morida and Len from Iowa , where the7 had spent the past two montha. They were met here by Will and a Mr. Young. David Havelia , father-in-law of Mr. Wilber , living a few miles north of Arabia , started from Wilber's Sunday evening to go to A. W. Peterson's , a few miles northeast. Havelin is about 80 years old and walks very poorly. The old man missed his way and drifted on with the wind past Peterson's and all night wandered back and forth through the hills. Monday , .about noon , the Irwin boys found him wandering around in the hills , 3 miles east of Forfc Niobrara , and about all in. They gave him food and drink and took him home. A big crowd was out hunting for him but had not thought of looking so far north. A number of Valentine people scoured the sand hills all night and others went out Monday morn ing. Ye editor and wife spent last Saturday afternoon and evening with Wood lake friends. Upon our Visit Monday previous we for got to mention playing several games of checkers with our friend Wash Honey and he closed winner of the odd game in five or seven games. He wasn't feeling very well Saturday and we went up to Dave Hanna's where we played several games. Mr. Hanna thinks he plays a better game in the fore noon and allowed us to win , or perhaps because we were visiting. We went to the wrestling match and it was estimated from the 90 paid admissions and numerous ladies and others present that'about 5t t 160 to 175 people were there , or possibly more ( a number of Valen tine people got left while waiting for the freight ) . Dr. J. M Tische is to be congratulated for arrang ing this successful entertainment for Woodlake people. I. M. Rice was called upon to introduce the wrestlers and Wm. Fugate , the referee , who gave the audience a little explanation of the rules of wrestling. Bert Watts won the first fall in 33 minutes and tn e second in 17 minutes. The en- thusiasra and interest ran high at times and over half the audi ence were on their feet and some 31stood on chairs or benches to see. Cheering and applauding was vig orous and spontaneous throughout the wrestle , though orderly as a speaking c.ontest. Preceding the contest the House Orchestra of Ainsworth gave several selections and following , the chairs were cleared away and the dance begun in which the large hall was filled wirh couples and the young folks enjoyed a merry time. Dr. Tische entertained the wrestlers to a lunch at his home after the dance in which Wm. Fugate , Ed Carter and ye editor were invited to par ticipate. Incidentally after the wrestle , Bert Watts learned that 1 Jas. Motsick , a druggist of Ravenna - venna , to whom his sister is mar- aried/is a cousin of John Macek , < though the names were spelled t differently. Macek and Watts had not met before Saturday eve- For Constipation. J _ A Medicine That Does Not Cost Anything Unless It Cures , The active medicinal ingredients of Eexall Orderlies , which are odor less , tasteless and colorless , is an entire new discovery. Combined erw with : other extremely valuable in gredients , it forms a perfect bowel regulator , intestinal invigorator and strengthened Kexall Orderlies are eaten . like candy aud are notable for their agreeableness to the palate and gentleness ot action. They do not cause griping ory an disagreeable , able effect or inconvenience. Unlike other preparations for a like purpose , they do not create a habit , but instead they overcome the cause of babit acquired through tfce use of ordinary laxatives , ca thartics and harsh physic , and per manently remove the cause of con stipation , or irregular bewel action. We will refund your money with out argumant if they do not do as we say they will. Two sizes , 25c and lOc. Sold only at our store The Eexall Store. Chapman , The Druggist. r WOODMEN'ELECT STILES Jurisdiction A , in ( Session at Hasting * , Selects Officers and Managers. Hastings , Neb. , April 12. The bien nial convention of the head camp ol the Woodmen of the World for juris diction A , covering Nebraska , Soutli Dakota and North Dakota , opened with an attendance of over 200 dele gates. Stale Manager Edward Walsh of Omaha presided at the session , which was devoted entirely to the election of officers , resulting as fol lows : E. R. Stiles , Omaha , head consul ; John Kennedy , South Omaha , head ad riser ; R. L. Rowe , Omatfa , head bank er ; lj. H. Saunders , Verdigris , head escort ; P. S. Bigelow , Blair , head watchman ; Rev. T. D. Davis , Tecumseh - seh , head sentry ; S. Goddard of Edge- mont , S. D. , George Vavacek of Oma ha , George Chrostoph of Norfolk and C. L. Mather of Benson , head man agers ; A. A. Grant , Yanktpn , S.D. . delegate ; Fred Eymerf Lincoln , dele gate at large. For the next biennial convention Columbus , Fremont , Grand Island and Norfolk are most prominently men tioned. HIGH B3ED HORSES ARE SOLD One Hundred Head of Blooded Animate Auctioned to Buyers of Four States. Beatrice , Neb. , April 12. Nearly 100 head of well bred trotting horses were sold here at public auction by Kilpat- rick Bros. , the railroad contractors. The horses ranged in price from $125 to ' $650. Ed' Malone of Omaha bought six head , topping the market with Sj Mary Kingman at $ S50. John S. Wilkins - kins \ (2:15 ( ) was sold to W. C. Hodgkin - kin of Roca , N b. , for $280 and Con- ners (2IT1was ( ) sold to Frank Howard ha ard of Pawnee City for $270. Threa hundred horsemen from Nebraska , Iowa I , Kansas 2nd Missouri attended the sale. MRS. LILLIE GE.S INSURANCE Lancaster Court Decides Woman Didn't Kill Husband. Lincoln. April 10. Mrs. Lena M. Lillie , convicted of the murder of her Husband , Harvey Lillie , and later par doned out of the penitentiary , won a suit in the supreme -court against the Modern Woodmen of America on a $3- 000 policy of insurance on the life of her husband. , ° The district court of Lancaster county decided that she did not kill her husband and was entitled to the insurance money. The supreme court affirms that.decision. Young Woman Takes Acid. Yorlc. Neb. , April 32. In the York city park Miss Anna Robinson of Ben edict drank carbolic acid and died be fore she could be rushed to a hospital. She was the daughter of Horace Rob inson , a prosperous farmer living neai Benedict , and had just arrived in York from her home. No reasons have been found for the deed. Sevvard Couple Is Acquitted. Seward , Neb. , April 10. After being out all night they jury in the case of the state against David P. Dougherty and Frances M. Young , uncle and niece , tried on a statutory-charge , re turned a verdict of not guilty. The couple was brought back from Illinois some months ago by Sheriff Gillan. Grain Elevator is Burned. Elkhorn , N b. , April 11. Fire which threatened to wipe out the town de stroyed Nolte's grain elevator with a loss of $4,000. Sparks from the burning building 1 were driven over the town by the wind and several minor fires oc curred. The citizens were put to tEir utmost to save the town. > SUBSCRIBE NOW ! Old Crow , All Leading. Hermitage Brands and Bottled Gruchen- Under the heimer \ Supervision Rye of the . t Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. LACE SALOON , HENRY STETTER , Propr. Badger Lake. Tom Moore is erecting a house on his homestead. Dan Adamson vaccinated his yearlings Saturday. Cecil Barnes is trying his luck at farming this spring. George Ladely was a caller at VVallingford's Tuesday. J. D. Hackenberg is home again after working for Mr. Simpson. Dan Adamson and son Irwin went to McCann the latter part of last week. Sam Lee , the worthy foreman of the T 0 ranch , was a Valentine caller recently. Wilber Kirk went to the Nio- brara after a load of posts last week for Charles Bauersachs. Charles Kime , having leased his ranch for five years , has gone to Hot Springs where he will make his future home. Quite a number of people are out of tyay at this early date. What would have been , the result had the winter been bad ? Houses on wheels are common sights nowadays. Dan A damson moved one recently and E. K. Barnes is moving one this week. * Bud Lad ley is trying to rid the Badger Lake ball diamond of cac tus. It's quite a trying task-but much appreciated by the players. Mrs. A. J. Wallingford left for Crawford last week to make that her home. She has been in poor , health and it is thought a change ' will be beneficial. The Badger Lake ball nine or ganized last week , electing a cap- tiiu and attending to other neces sary duties. A dance is to be giv en for their benefit ir the Badger Lake "hall , " formerly the Zimmerman - merman house , on April 21. Everybody - erybody cordially inyited. E. E. Barnps and wife received a message Friday stating the. death of Blanche Shermain , Mrs. Barnes' neice. Blanche is the daughter of Henry Sherman who used to live in this vicinity until about a year ago when he moved to Missouri - souri Flats. She was well known and much loved by all who knew i her. The entire community ex tend their deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. A BADGER " Notice. John H. Hall will take notice that on the mil day of March , Hill , John II. Jaeobson. a justice of the peace ol Cherry" county , Ne braska , Issued an order of attachment for the sum of S8-J.OO In an action pending before him , wherein Henry J. Lowe is plnintifT and John H. Hall is defendant , that propei t. or the defendant , consisting or 1 Jenkins pun sweep , one Dempster windmill , No. J ; on" U. S. Steel water tank , sixty leet of two inch gas pipe , one Moline two-row cultivator , 05 fence posts , two small Jmildings and scrap lumber , one small barn 10x32 ft. , wire fenc ing about TOO pounds , has-been attached un der said order. Said cause was continued to the 8th clay of Mav , Hill , at 1 o'clock p. in. JOHN H. JAOOBSOX , H 14-15 Justice of the Pence. FOR SALE 40 head of horses , part broken , two or three good milch cows , one farm ; also two or three houses and j j * lots. / , VH. H. WAKEFIFLD , REAL ESTATE DEALER , OrookstoGv IS Nebraska Line D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr. # Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. Arrive at Eosebtid at 2 o'clock p. m.- ' " Leave Rosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , * Sundays excepted. - * ; Arrive at Valentine at2 o'clock p. in. Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. Special attention to passengers , baggage and express or packages. Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed , Front store. D. A. Whipple. e \so to the Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. New Homestead Improvement. Linroln , April 12. The first automo bile shed ever listed on a homestead proof in the TJnited States land com missioner's o.Tice was filed by Karry L. Dixon of Benlcelman. Dixon filed on 320 acres of land near Benlcelman. He lists his total improvements on the homestead as 83,000. Young Man Killed in Sand Pit Cave-In. Hastings , Neb. , April 10. Frank Hildebrand , aged twenty , perished in a cave-in at the sand pits of the W. H. Ferguson Sand company , near Erickton , nine miles south of Hastings. He was buried several feet deep and died before rescuers could reach him. Woodmen of World to Hastings , Neb. , April 11. Several Hastings , Xeb. , April 10. Several hundred delegates and visitors are ex pected tomorrow for the biennial con vention of the Woodmen of the World for the jurisdiction covering Nebraska and North and South Dakota. Broken I Bow Arson Case Postponed. Broken Eow , Neb. , April 10. Judge Hosteller 1 in the district court granted a continuance in the case or Willis Moore , who is charged with burning the Custer county court house. The case will come up at the next jury term in September. Delahunty Appointed Warden. Lincoln. April 12. James Dela hunty of Clay county was appointed warden < of the penitentiary by Govern or Aldrich. This is the office the sen ate requested the executive to fill be fore the legislature adjourned , but he refused. "When 3Tou have a cold get a bottle oi i Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Itvill soon fix you. tip 'ill right and \ villware off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold by Chap man , taa druggist * , - . ova. piro srq * 0o 'arernor ; Baited sjdnres aoj eir nornini QOiS 'spjo 00000 3ooq B nt Bipacloto eng : try * a3po -.aiou2 [ jo piag j aaAa SJ9AOQ * * AJBJqn eATBlTJOTTUI UB JO 90U98S3 pUB TUfd 6T& sjsa A"irBm HT -otp paSpuqBuu M.9 H3JLS93M iAIVmti3I/\l / \ 3 HI AHVNOUOiq 1VNOII.VNHHXNI AV3M EVESETT WHITE will make you a tubular well on short notice and guaran tee satisfaction. - - . - - _ - - . j Orpokston - Nebr.