Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 13, 1911, Image 3

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The question of reciprocal trade re
lations between the United States and
Canada has provoked considerable
discussion and interest. Whatever
else the discussion may have done , it
has brought out the fact that on the
Canadian side of the line the agri
cultural situation is one that forces
attention , and it has also brought forth
the fact which it is well to face , that
on the American side of the border ,
there is a vastly increasing popula
tion to be fed with a somewhat de
creasing proportion of food products.
, Tbis article Is intended to point out
to those who may wish to become of
those who can raise wheat , oats , bar
ley , flax , cattle and hogs at the least
coat that the opportunities In Central
Canada are what they are seeking.
During the past year the official fig
ures show that upwards of 130,000
Americans located in Canada , and the
greatest majority of these have settled
on farms , and when the time comes ,
, -Which it will within a few years , they
Will be ready to help serve their par
ent country with the food stuffs that
its increasing population will require.
The immigration for the spring has
now set in in great earnest , and train
load after train load of a splendid
'class ' of settlers leave weekly from
Kansas City , Omaha , Chicago , De-
'trolt ' , St. Paul and other points. Most
Of these are destined through to points
jln Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Al-
[ berta. The reports that come from
the different fanning districts there
We that the spring is opening up well ,
and the prospects for a splendid crop
this j'ear are very good. In some dis
tricts good homesteads are yet avail-
! able. The price of all farm lands has
tnaturally had an increase , but it is
'still ' away below its earning capacity.
| Tbe immigration branch of the Domin
ion Government has just published its
J1911 illustrated pamphlet , which may
be secured on application to the De
partment of the Interior , Ottawa ,
Canada , or any of the agents of the
Dominion Government , whose adver-
'tlsement may appear elsewhere in this
Truly Wonderful Cat.
A wonderful cat Is that owned by
3VIr. A. J. Gorringe , a tradesman of
Ditching , England. Mr. Gorringe has
a bantam which lays her eggs in dif
ferent parts of the yard , but his cat
"never falls to find them. She takes
the egg between her teeth , places it
on the step , and rattles the door han-
'dle with her paws until her mistress
'arrives ' to take in the egg. Not one
of the eggs has yet been broken.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
Infants and children , and see that it
Bears the
'Signature ' of
lln Use For Over 30 Years.
'Children ' Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Not Responsible.
Teacher You are late every morn-
Pupil Well , it isn't my fault that
.you didn't build your blamed old
'school ' house nearer my home.
one slio smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease , the
Antiseptic potvder to bo shaken Into the shoes. It
makes tight or now shoes fool easy. Gives rest and
comfort. tubstitute * . For FKBB trial
package , address Allen S. OlmsteU , Lo Hey , N. Y.
"What is a co-worker ? "
"One who helps you work some
body , of course. "
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and invigorate stomach , liver and bowels.
Sugar-coated , tiny granules , easy to take
as candy.
We always like those who admire
us ; we do not always like those whom
we admire. Francis Due de Roche-
Take Garfieid Tea to overcome constipa
tion , cleanse system and maintain health.
A woman who has a nose for news
usually has a chin for telling it.
Sickly Smile
Wipe it off your otherwise
good looking-face put on tliat
good health smile that CAS-
CARETS will give you as
a result from the cure of
Constipation or a torpid liver.
It's so easy do it you'll seet
CASCARETS JOc a box for a week's
treatment , all druggists. Biggest seller
in the world. Million boxes a month.
} Thompson's Eyt Waftr
Sioux City Directory
Floral emblems and cut flowers for all
occasions. SIOUX CITY , IOWA
Cut Flowers
For All Occasions
Wholesale and Retail
iJ. R. Elder , Sioux City , Iowa
Analysis of Action on Bills Carrying
Expenditure of the State Funds
Baseball Men Are Hard
After Governor.
An analysis of the situation with
reference to appropriation measures ,
passed or pending , * indicates that the
present session of the legislature will
adjourn with a record against which
neither extravagance nor parsimony
can be charged. Since the indefinite
postponement of all house bills pend
ing on the house general file a pret
ty good idea can be had of just where
the legislature stands in the matter
of appropriations , bills carrying a
large aggregate having been killed off
by this wholesale wielding of the ax.
The greater number of the appropri
ations to be made are still pending in
the senate , less than $300,000 in the
aggregate having gone to the gover-
'ttf , . ' ! . " ' > ' * * * & * jim * . . ' > - ' J , '
Crofton , Nebr.
State Senator , Eighth District.
nor and been signed by him. The
screening out process thus far , how-
ever , gives a pretty good idea of an
approximate total.
This shows that the legislature will
keep well within the boundary of a
4-mill levy for general fund purposes.
This is the smalest levy ever made in
the state since the enactment of the
new revenue law. Until the last year
of the administration of Governor
Shallenberger the levy has been 4
or 5 mills for general fund purposes.
Getting Ready for the End.
The senate prepared for the end by >
.indefinitely postponing all senate files
on the general file. The Placek con
gressional apportionment bill died on
the sifting committee file , so there will
no redistricting of congressional
districts for two years. Tibbets of
fered a resolution directed against the
university extension department , and
Placek offered a resolution demanding
ing that the governor appoint a war
den of the penitentiary. It is now too
late for bills from one house to be
read three times in the other house.
The house was seething with excitement ;
ment over the coming test on Sun
day baseball , but no effort was made
until Wednesday. Both sides claim
victory. The Selleck board of control
bill failed in the house. Omaha Ad
club wins over Douglas county delega ;
tion and see bill recommended to pass.
The election of county commissioners
by districts was decisively defeated.
A constitutional amendment for in
crease of pay for legislators was acted
upon favorably.
To License Real Estate Brokers.
The Bailey bill to regulate and
license real estate brokers has been
advanced to third reading by the
house. There are two very decided
sets of opinions concerning this bill.
One side believes that the bill will
create and build up a combine of real
estate dealers into a trust or monop
oly. The other holds that it will elim
inate from the business the irrespons
ible dealers and so-called "curb stone
brokers. "
The bill provides that all real estate
dealers must obtain a license to cost
$5 a year and to be obtained from the
secretary of state. Each dealer must
have a regularly specified place of
Should the bill become a law it will
prevent a man from accepting a com
mission for helping in an occasional
deal for a friend unless he obtain a
regular broker's license.
Now Up to the Governor.
The legislative reapportionment is
now up to the governor. It was
brought out by the sifting committee ,
put through the committee of the :
whole , placed on third reading and
passed , all during the Thursday after
noon session.
The bill was not put through as a
party measure. In spite of an effort
to raise a republican revolt by a few
disgruntled individual members of the
minority , there were a large number
of republican supporttrs for it. The ?
bjU- carried by a vote of 66 to 25
The legislative apportionment bill
has passed both houses of the legisla
ture and-is now in the hands of the
governor. The judicial apportion
ment bill is on the house general file
as amended from what it was when
passed by the senate. It will be lifted
early this week by the house sifting
committee. Each of these bills has
been toned down from what had been
decided upon in caucus of democratic
leaders , and a select few of the mem
bers of the majority party in both
houses. It is probable , so say the
members , that this bill will also pass
muster , although the house amend
ments may not be adopted. The con
gressional apportionment bill appears
to be the only one that will fail to
push its way through. It is on the
senate sifting file , but not in shape
that gives it much chance to pass.
It is said that the senate democratic
leaders are not anxious that it should
pass the upper house. If it gets into
the hands of the lower house it will
be amended materially. That much
is assured. The house democrats
who are dissatisfied with the line-up
have formed a combination with the
republicans and are prepared to have
their own way with the measure when
it reaches them.
The Bartling Bill.
The Bartling bill , vetoed by the govJ"
ernor , added the following to the statute -
tute which makes it unlawful for anyone -
one over fourteen years of age to be
found on Sunday "sporting , rioting ,
quarrelling , hunting , fishing or shoot
ing" or engaged in common labor.
"Provided , further that nothing
herein shall be construed to prevent
or prohibit the playing of lawn tennis
nis , golf or baseball , between the
hours of 1 and 6 p. m. , on the first day
of the week , commonly called Sunday.
Provided , however , that nothing here
in contained shall be construed as pre
venting any village , town or city from
controlling , regulating or prohibiting
the playing of baseball within its cor
porate limits , or from preventing coun
ty boards from controlling , regulating
or prohibiting the playing of baseball
outside the corporate limits of towns ,
villages or cities. "
Vetoed the Bill.
Governor Aldrich Monday vetoed
S. F. 36 , the Sunday baseball bill , in
troduced by Senator Bartling of Otoe.
The senate later in the day passed the
bill over the governor's veto. An attempt
tempt is to be made in the house to
pass the bill , notwithstanding the
veto. In that body it will require
sixty votes to pass the bill. As it
passed the house originally with fifty-
six votes to its credit , considerable
difficulty may be had in obtaining the
necessary sixty votes. In the senate
twenty votes make the necessary
three-fifths and the bill , when placed
on its passage over the veto , received
twenty-one votes.
Guaranty Not Yet Ready.
Although the bank guaranty law is
now technically in effect , the mandate :
of the United States supreme court
having been filed in the district feder
al court this week , it will be at least
a month before the law is in practical
This delay arises chiefly from two
considerations ; the legislature may
change the guaranty law so that the
orders of the state banking board
would be materially affected , and it
will take some time for the various
state banks to compute their average
daily deposits for the past two years
in order to find out what their guaran
ty assessment amounts to.
For Consumptive Hospital.
The Bushee measure appropriating
$40,000 for the establishment of a
hospital for indigent consumptives
was recommended for passage by the
house committee of the whole with
scarcely an objection being registered
against it Gerdes of Richardson >
thought the amount of $50,000 as rec !
ommended by the finance committee
rather excessive and moved that it be
reduced $10,000 , and this was done.
The hospital is to be located by the
Aboard of public lands and buildings
and will probably go to western Nebraska
braska , though the territory to which
it is to go is not defined in the bill.
No Funds for University iRemoval.
After having three days previously
decided by a substantial majority that
the 1 mill levy for the removal of the
state university to the state farm
campus should pass , and after all in
dications pointed to a favorable vote
finally to' the expenditure of this
amount of money for the university ,
the house reversed its f and voted 52
to 41 against the bill introduced by
Kirk of Knox to provide the funds to [
carry out the plan.
University Removal Favored. '
The house of representatives rec '
ommended for passage the one-mill '
levy for eight years to cover the cost '
of removing the state university to .
the state farm campus , and authoriz
ing such removal.
Banning's commission plan of gov
ernment for cities of over 5,000 , to be
adopted by cities if they desire t'
work under its provisions , was placed
on third reading and passed by a vote
of 30 to 0. Selleck was absent on ac
count of illness and Horton of Doug-
las and Placek of Saunders were ab"
sent. The bill is S. F. 342.
Bartos made an ineffectual attempt
to have the bill recommitted for
amendment to the title but the friends
of the measure said the title , was cor ,
rect and needed no doctoring ; -which
would result in delay.
Massing of Troops on Friendly Fron
tier Without Offering Satisfactory
Reason Provokes Much Just
Criticism. '
A faithful newspaper friend of the
Washington administration is highly
Indignant because so many of its con-
temporaries have seen fit to criticise
the administration's mobilization of
troops on the Texas border. "It was
obvious , " writes this stanch defender
of Mr. Taft , "that the massing of our
army near the 'Mexican frontier was
an act which called for the utmost
discretion and tact both in the doing
of it and in discussions of it , in order
that there might be no unnecessary
wounding of the susceptibilities or
arousing of groundless suspicions. Yet
the moment it was undertaken there
was a chorus of unwarranted and in
temperate comments and interpreta
tions , ascribing to our government ei
ther ineptitude or wickedness. . . .
It is wrong and may be exceedingly
That the "massing" of troops on a
friendly frontier was an act requiring
the "utmost discretion and tact" will
be readily enough conceded. We
might go farther and admit that it
was an act to be justified only by the
gravest considerations. But the ob )
viousness of all this did not , appar
ently , occur to the president until he
was forced to recognize it by the
huge sensation which a step so ex
traordinary created. Even then he
might have avoided the criticisms and
imputations of which his newspaper
champion complains , by furnishing a
reasonable , or reasonably intelligent t ,
explanation ; of the step and the conis
siderations which impelled it. Instead ii i ,
unfortunately , it was explained as a
practice maneuver an explanation at
once rejected everywhere and by its
ve lack of plausibility raising the
na curiosity of the public to the
highest { pitch. Since that time other
reasons have been assigned , none of
which are accepted.
Some of the "imputations" to which
exception is now taken are rather flatMs
tering to the president than otherwise ,
since they credit him with preparam
tions against contingencies 'that , ii
there < were reason to expect them ,
would amply justify his action. There
have been others which his friends
may ; justly find objectionable. But
their present disposition seems to I > e
to cry down all criticism as "unpatrijei
ot : , " and the flattering and unfiatterTI
ing ; "imputations" alike. Their pro
test is little likely to be heeded. There
isor no wish , on the part of the public
or the press , to condemn Mr. Taft's
curious "maneuver" out of hand , but
it is neither "mischievous" nor "un-
itpa art
patriotic" to criticise the flimsy effort
to mislead the public and the apparm
ent unwillingness to vouchsafe , even
now , a reasonable explanation of the
provocative muster of troops on a
r.friendly frontier. Until that is forth-
coming , we suspect , the discussions of
the maneuver , and the efforts ton
search out its true cause , will continue -
uc , with such criticism of the officers
re for it who are not , after
al , above criticism , nor declared by
the constitution infallible as both
\hese undertakings may imply.
Profits In the Steel Business.
_ _ . .
That there is money in the steel industry
dustry even in times of industrial de
pression is shown by the big earnings
of the Inland Steel company , whose
mills are located in Indiana Harbor ,
Ind. , a few miles north of Gary , Ind.
This Independent steel company ,
whose stock is very closely held and
selling around 163 , has recently , in addition
dition to the regular quarterly divi-
dend of 1 % per cent. , declared an ex-
tra dividends of 3 per cent. , leaving a
total surplus of $2,416,000. The total
outstanding stock amounts to only
$6,000,000. The total earnings on the
stock in the fiscal year ended June 30 ,
1910 , was equal to 25.3 per cent. , and
officials declare that about the same
will be earned in the current fiscal
year. If the company were overcapitalized
italized and full of water the situation
would be different Judging by the
showing of this company , there woulf
be in face of the great consumptive
power of the country hardly any de
pression in the steel industry had not
so many companies to take care of
dividends on watered stock. Financial
cial World.
Just 'Took It. "
The Isthmus of Panama was a state
of the United States of Columbia , just
as Virginia and Massachusetts are
istates of the United States of Amer
ica. Mr. Roosevelt was negotiating
with the Colombian government for
'the right of way for the canal across
'the isthmus. The negotiations failed.
'The Colombian congress would not
'concede what Mr. Roosevelt wanted ,
.and , to use his own language , he "took >
Her Unalterable Decision.
To the mew cook Mrs. Cross elabor-
ately explained a certain method of
jpreparfcig potatoes greatly approved
lof by the family. The cook listened
ito tb directions with apparent atten-
"And now , do you quite understand ,
Delia ? " asked Mrs. Cross in conclu- .
* * * -
"I do , mum , " was the response ; and
then , in a firm tone that admitted of
no contradiction , she added : "But it's
blled potatoes ye
BalHnger's Idea of Protecting Officials
From Criticism Ignores Right of
Freedom of Speech.
Former Secretary of the Interior
Balllnger is quoted as saying upon bis
return ' to Seattle that "the only way
to protect an honest and trustworthy
public official against assassins of
character is to make it the duty of the
attorney general to prosecute at the
public expense the wicked defamer of
his official acts. "
It is not so long since a more ex
alted ' official than the former secre
tary promulgated a somewhat similar
view and ordered the department of
! justice to prosecute certain persons
charged with defaming certain mem
bers of the government. This was the
famous Panama libel case , instituted
by direction of President Roosevelt
and rebuffed by the courto even when
carried to the highest tribunal in the
Matters would have come to a pretty
pass if when a member of the admin
istration felt aggrieved at criticism of
his official acts he could call upon the
attorney general of the United States
and at public expense Institute a pros
ecution of his critics. The freedom of
speech and of the press guaranteed by
the constitution effectually prevent
any such attempt to hedge officialdom
with censorship of hostile criticism.
Bi\t perhaps Mr. Balllnger is not so
much to blame for offering such a
suggestion when it had already been
put forward by a president of the
United States and only within a few
days re-echoed by a mayor of New
York who thinks it Is sedition to criti
cize his administration.
Senators by Direct Vote.
It is now fairly assured that the
day is not remote when United States
senators will be elected by direct vote
of the people. By the time this paper
is printed It is entirely possible that
the < senate will hav-j given its approv
al to the principle. At the time of
writing the proposal to amend the
present < Constitution provision for the
election of senators Is the unfinished
business in the senate , with more than
fair prospects of favorable action. The
house of representatives on four dif
ferent occasions has passed a bill pro
viding < for this reform July 21 , 1894 ;
May 11 , 1898 ; April 13 , 1900 , and Feb
ruary 13 , 1902 , the last vote unani l-
mously ( , or no one opposing. Hither
to the senate has always proved the
stumbling block.
Seven main reasons are set forth
why ] the Constitution should be amended 1t
ej and the senators chosen by direct :
vote of the people instead of by the
legislatures of the respective states.
These reasons are : 3.t
It will make the senate of the Unit
ed States more responsive to the
wishes of "the people of the United
It will prevent the corruption of leg
islatures. ]
It will prevent the improper use of
money , in the campaigns before the
electorate ( by men ambitious to obtain
a seat in the senate of the United
It will prevent the disturbance and
turmoil of state legislatures and the
interference with state legislation by
the violent contests of candidates for
a position in the United States senate.
It will compel candidates for the
United States senate to be subjected
to the severe scrutiny of a campaign ;
before the people and compel the se
lection of the best-fitted men. eo
It will prevent deadlocks , due to political
litical contests in which various states
from time to time have been thus left
It will popularize government and
tend to increase the confidence of the
people of the United States in the senate
ate of the United States , which has
been to some extent impaired in re
cent years. Edward G. Lawry hi Har
per's Weekly.
"Tariff . "
As to Agitation.
The plea of Wall street against an
extra session of congress on the ground
that the country would at once be sub
jected to the agitation of the tariff
question is scarcely sound , even from
the standpoint of those who consid
er merely the passing effect of con
gressional deliberations on business. innt
The people elected the president
and a Republican congress in 1908 on
a promise of real downward revision
of the tariff. They were betrayed.
Then they elected a Democratic house
and a number of Democratic senators
in their determination to get down
ward revision. The Democrats will
control the next house , and it is inev
itable that the first thing they will
undertake to do when congress meets ,
whether in regular or extra session ,
will be to tackle the tariff.
No time is too short and no hour is
too early to do right. The demand
upon congress is imperative. Failure
to act will not be excused by party
maneuvers , for as there were no con
siderations of party in the perpetra
tion of the wrong , there need be none
in its removal.
A Man of Resources.
First Lawyer What shall we do ?
Each witness for our client gives a
different account of the accident
His Partner Put them all on the
stand ; the jury may think he met with ,
three or four accidents and find ac
Yet It Bored.
First Elder The preacher's sermon
bad no point to it
Second Elder And yet , though . it
no pojnt , _ itgreatly _ _ bored mo-
You'll be de
lighted with the re
sults of Calumet Baking
Powder. No disappoints
no flat , heavy , coggy biscuits ,
cake , or pastry.
Just the lightest , daintiest , most
uniformly raised and most deli
cious food you ever ate.
Received hlfihoct reward World' *
Part Food Expoilsion ,
Chtcito. 19 07.
Metaphors of Millionaire Found No
Response in the Breast of
the Farmer.
The millionaire accepted the farm
er's cordial invitation to ride , and with
much scrambling gained a seat on top
of the hay.
"My good man , " said the millionaire ,
patronizingly , "this swaying , rolling ,
sweet-scented divan Is a couch upon
which I could win slumber and be ir
resistible to the arms of Morpheus
whenever I courted sweet sleep. "
The farmer stiffened. "I'll hear no
'nore of your talk ; I'm a respectable
married man , an' I'll ask you where
you're goin' so I can avoid the place. "
Dreamily the millionaire smiled.
"I'm getting back to Mother Nature ,
who has been outraged and abused by
me for years ; I am a broken man ,
and she will forgive me and bring me
back to health. "
The farmer stopped the team and
pulled a three-tined pitchfork from
the brace socket but his passenger
was gone. Success Magazine.
Feeble Guardianship.
"I wonder , " said the Sweet Young
Thing , "why a man is always so-
frightened when he proposes ? "
"That , " said the Chronic Bachelor ,
"Is his guardian angel trying to hold
him back. " Stray Stories.
Reducing the waits between tha >
acts will not lighten a heavy play.
And Found a Change in Food Puf :
Him Right.
A man does not count as wasted the-
time he spends in thinking over hla-
business , but he seems loth , to give
the same sort of careful attention , to-
himself and to his health. And yet
his business would be worth little-
without good health to care for Ifc A.
business man tells how he did him
self good by carefully thinking over
his physical condition , investigating to.
find out what was needed , and toea
changing to the right food.
"For some years I had been bother
ed a great deal after meals. My food
seemed to lay like lead In my stomach *
producing heaviness and dullness and :
sometimes positive pain. Of course
this rendered me more or less unfit
for business , and I made up my mind ;
that something would have to be done.
"Reflection led me to the conclusion
that over-eating , filling the stomach
with , indigestible food , was responsible
for many of the ills that fcumair flesh ,
endures , and that I was punishing
myself In that -way that -was what
was making me so dull , heavy and un
comfortable , and unfit for business
after meals. I concluded" to try Grape-
Nuts food to see -what it could do fos
' 1 nave been using it for some
months now , and am glad to say that
I do not suffer any longer after meals ;
my food seems to assimilate easily
and perfectly , and to do the work for
which it was intended.
"I have regained my normal weight ,
and find that business is a pleasure
once more can , take more interest in.
it , and my mind is clearer and more
Name given by Postum Co. , Battle
Creek , Mien ,
Read "The Road to We.llvme , " la
pkgs , "There's a Reason. "
Ever read the above letter ? A nerr
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine , true , ud full ot ktumam.