' ' ' ' ' " V : 't t J . . * ' v.v \ VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. 1. M. Bice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBE. , TJHTJKSDAY , APKIL 13 , 1911. Volume 26 , No. 14 \ THE G RONT All kinds of Merchandise. I can afford to sell as low as anybody , I buy pro V ' duce. Seed potatoes for sale. I is , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , ? < * - - Eureka Saloon McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and.Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , ' Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29/year/old andjas , E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor , jr These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. government - * * ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure- and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska | g J Bread , Pastries , Lunches , Meals % CONFECTIONERY , CIGARS , TOBACCOS TELEPHONE NO. Cigars' and Soft Drinks JOHN G. STETTER - PROP. BULLS FOR SALE Registered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon - Nebraska JOHN E. POKATH / ttURGE , Tubular Wells and Windmills Call me up by phone : JOHN D. EATON Drayman i Light and Heavy Draying * , ' Furniture and pianos handled ; in"a careful manner. Coal > hauled and trunks and grips a specialty. Phone No. 48. The Chicago House JIM FBLCH , Propr. * , * - 'Gall on me for rooms and . lodging. Vatetttfnfc U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING APK. 13,1911. Daily mean temperature 43 ° . " Normal temperature 43s Highest temperature TO3. Lowest temperature 123. < Range of temperature 58 ° . Precipitation for week 00.20 of an inch. Average for 23'years o.4S of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 0.80 inches. Average for 23 years 1.93 of an inches. JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer. Go to Fischer's hardware for fresh seeds. l 10 Furnished rooms to rent by day or week. Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf 1520-acre ranch to lease for a number of years , 6 miles south west of Arabia , improvements in first class condition. 9 C. D. QUERY , Arabia , Neb. St. Nichols Church. Services will be held at the Catholic church as follows : In Valentine on Palm Sunday , April 9 , and Easter Sunday , April 16. First mass at 8 a. m. Second mass at 10 a. m. Benediction of the Blessed Sac rament after mass. On Palm Sunday distribution of the palms before high mass. On Good Friday rosary and stations , of the cross at 3 p. m. "in Crookston April 23 , 10 a. m. Leo M. BLAERE , Kbbtofc TSU WIT l 4 7 n 13 18 19 21 526 29 Talk of the Town. Dave Hancock was in town Sat urday. Leonard Piercy was in town Monday. Go to Fischer's hardware for fresh seeds. . 10 Max Viertel of Crookston was in town last Friday. Lawrence Rice gave a'party tea a few friends last Friday evening. Matt Boltz and W. H. Morey of Nenzel were in town Saturday. Joe NolleCe was down from Nenzel last Thursday on business. Jake Brechbill's cheerful , voice was heard on our streets Saturday. Postmaster Johnson and \Y. H. Richie of Kilgore were in town , Monday. / W. F. Parker , cashier of the Citizen's Bank of Woodlake , was in town Monday. John Eaton and has sold out his dray business to Ed. M. Hacklier' and Jake Klein. . Mrs. Rev. A. B. Clark spent , Sunday at"ihe - rectory , the gu tiir of Rev. and Mrs. Wells. Everett White of Crookston has bought a new well outfit. See his advertisement in this paper. Alva Green and wife are in town and Alva is working at the court house on the county road records. If you are thinking of having a public sale call on on us for par ticulars and information regard ing dates. 8-5 Dock Johnson was in town sev eral days the past week. He lives near McCann now on the John Shore place. W..T. Kincaid returned from Illinois Monday night of last week. His mother was not much im proved in health. Frank Brayton has been suffer ing with rheumatism the past week and Sunday night went up to Hot Springs for treatment. Mrs. Roache , a daughter of Grandma Bachelor , is here visit ing Mrs. Bachelor who has been very low the past week , Children and young people often need glasses more than older per sons. Call and let Dr. Perrigo explain the. why of it. At Dono- her hotel April 22. 13 3 Dan Nelson and Wm. Welch of Correctionville , la. , friends of Wm. Fugate , who have been out , visiting , returned home Sunday morning. Strayed from the Wm. Mum- ford place about March 10va pair of 2 year old mules , bay and brown , not branded. Reward. Notify Jake Stetter , Valentine , Nebr. ' Joe Peterson and Billy Gilmore went down to Woodlake on No. 2 Saturday night but the doin's was all over and they returned on No. 3. Will Shepard went on to L'ong Pine. Don't forget to attend C. D. Query's public sale April 18. It's a big sale and you may want some thing. He's selling out to go to the coast and everything goes .at th& highest bift D. Bray is down from Rosebuc this week. Have you seen "Comical Jim' yet ? Ask Charley Tackett , the weather man. Mrs. Elizabeth Brown is verj ill at the home of her daughter , Mrs. George. Dr. Perrigo , registered optom etrist of Omaha , will be here agaic at Donoher hotel April 22. 13 c For sanitary plumbing or heat ing call H. I. Weinzimraer , the only licensed plumber in town. 49 J. C. McNare's sale in town last Saturday drew a big crowd from all over the country and the day was fine. The three weeks old baby of C. W. Hamer and wife died last Saturday and was buried in town Monday afternoon. Our old friend , P. H. O'Rourke of Gordon , called on us yesterday while in town on legal business as attorney in the estate of Frank Cashell , deceased. He's looking well. Matt Jelly called on us Friday to renew his subscription a year. His brother , Henr > , who has been oat here a month from Illinois visiting , and Mrs. Jelly also came to town with him. Charles Wharff and Bert Watts of Loup precinct called on us last Saturday while/in town which was their first ( Tisit to the county seat. They live a mile from the Thomas county line. J. F. Porath , the well man , was in town Monday-on , his'-way to .Sparks where he has drilled a well 'for Fhaddeus Jelly. He drills a well next for Albert Haley and will fix up Charley Hudson's well. Services in St. John's church on Sunday , April 16 , Easter 1'ay , as follows : Holy Eucharist at 6 and 11 a. m , , with appropriate ad dress. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evensong at 8 p. m. , with sermon to suit the season. Robert Emery came to town last week to bring his daughter to the doctor to have her eyes treat ed. His sister-in-law , Miss Addie McLean , accompanied them.v Bob tells us that Sam McLean is home from Fremont where he has been attending school. Hollow Horn Bear , one of the Rosebud chiefs , was in town Mon day. He is the orator of the Sioux Indians. He lives on a farm en White river and last September drew four prizes at the Rosebud government fair ( the first held ) for squash , muskmellonj corn and potatoes. Charley Tackett moved to town last Thursday. He bought the Pete DeCory property in the west part of town. Charley has a pet crow that has been taught tolspeak like a magpie , can say many words and flies about everywhere. He is afraid the boys will mistake him for a wild bird and kill him. He is very tame and if the boys will be careful not to shoot a crow around town until he has become acquainted v they will surely spare "Jim Crow. ' * Theo. Tillson , Percy Sorby and John Hittle of near Penbrook were in town last Saturday. Mr. Tillson met us on the street With a couple of $ wheels in his hand and said he thought the editors were generally the last thought of in paying up bills. We must say in reply to this that Mr. Tillson is very prompt in this * matter and we always have a warm spot in our heart for those who do not forget us though it may not al ways be of a financial considera tion. Friends appreciate friends and an honest effort to help his felltfwmsa IS f and the new Spring Line of Clothing is here and open for your inspection in all lines for Men and Boys. Prices from $30. Eemember you promised yourself a new outfit for Easter. Why not look over the new stock while it is still complete ? You ought to see our new Spring Hats , Shoes and Oxfords. Agent for Dr. Eeed Cushion Soled Shoes. Phone 145. Chartered as n Stnte Bimk Glmrtcral ns n National Bunk .June 1 , J884. Auqust 12 , I'JUi. The ( Successor to Bank of Valontfnt1. ) Valentine , - Nebraska. SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25.000 A General Banking , 'Exchange Uudivided Profits 4.000 and Collection Business : : : : 0. H. CoBKKiii. , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. J. T. May , Vice President , Miss GLKN HOKXIG , Ass't Cashier. ft r 15 r n A i Fafiir ULiiLlmL Mr DiSE AT REASONABLE PRICES When in need of anything GIYE US A TRIAL MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER EVERYTHING Crookston - Nebraska = DRS. DALLAL & BARAKAT , = GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY EYES TESTED and GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. We compound and dispense our own medicines. Office on 2nd floor ot T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in , all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. * Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers . Mi ! Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN r\ \ All Kinds of Fresh 1 and Fait Meats. . . . / Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have tb