Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 06, 1911, Image 8

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    & * JJJ&JJ&J& &
| General Merchandise , Mats , Caps , Boots
.and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing
Goods. Flour and Feed. : = : : = : : = :
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Livery , Feed and
Sales Stable , . .
Wood Lake , Nebraska j
Special Attention to Hunting and Fisliing Parties , 2
. *
irf7.-4fe-)5Ce > ad * &ftenjtfSrS" 'SYC' *
H. A. LY S ,
. , ( Successor to AVelker & Lyons )
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Am still doing driving and freighting. 'Special attention to" hunting
and fiching parties.
A. tfl ©
( Successor to Ed Young. )
Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods ,
Millinery G-oods and Ladies' Furnish
ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery.
Men's Clothing and Furnishings.
Wood Lake Nebraska.
. . and LIVE STOCK
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex
perience in the Eastern slates.Yill go to any part of the State.
Write me , or dates can be made at this office.
F. J
Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota
Notice of Application f or License to
. . SelJ Liquor.
Notice is hereby given that I
have filed with the clerk of the
board of trustees of the village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition ,
accompanied by a bond duly at
tested , said petition praying that
I be granted a license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in
block 6 , lot 17 , in said village of
Valentine , Cherry county , Nebraska -
braska , for the year ending May
3,1912. - HENRY STETTER.
.Notice of Application for a License to
Sell Liquor.
.Notice is hereby given that we
-have filed with the clerk of the
board of trustees of the Village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition ,
accompanied by a bond duly attested -
tested- said petition praying that
we be granted a license to sell
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors
in block 5 , lot 25 , in said village
of Valentine , Cherry county , Ne
braska , for the year ending Ma.\
1 , 1912.
b For Rent
r Lots 3 and 4 and e swi , 7-30-25 ,
§ 15.00.
" SWi , 5-31-25 , § 25.00.
' ' NW-l 33-32-25 00.
4 , - - , § 30
Enclose § 5.00 money order as
' . * part payment. First come first
served. Leo Grossman , Atlanta ,
- Ga. , or Karl Lurz , Wood Lake ,
Nebr. is 3
When .you have stock to sell at
; public auction it will pay .you to
. . Fee. us .before starting .your sale.
Come and see us. 8 5
The quicker a cola is gotten rid of „
less the danger from pneumonia ai
other serious diseases. , Mr. B. "W. L
Hall , of Waverly , Va. , says : I tiring
.believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to be absolutely the test preparation or
.the , market for colds. I have recon
-nten ed it to tny friends and they : }
agree with me. For sale by Chapmai
Witfiovzt Hard
Because flie fine particles of the
Cleanser immediately loosens and hardest "Lurnt in"
foodcrustsvliicri soap-powders
and scouring - bricks may only
wear off after long , hard scrubbing.
Many other uses
Zarge Sifter-can 2Of
Every family has need of a good , re
liable liniment.t For sprains , bruises ,
soreness of the muscles and rheumatic
pains there is none better than Cham
berlain's. Sold by Chapman , the drug
' ;
Belli Houses Convene in Extra
ordinary Session.
Democrats H&ve Majority , of Sixty-
Seven in House Nine Senators Retire -
tire , Many of Whom Haye Long
Been Prominent in Upper House.
Washington , April 5. The Sixty-
second congress met in extraordinary
The Democrats took possession of
the house and put Champ Clark of
lissouri in the speaker's chair. In
his speech accepting the honor he
warned the Democratic memhers that
the eyes of the country were upon
them ; that the party was on trial , and
that it had an opportunity for the first
time in sixteen years to prove its
worthiness fcr a still higher expres
sion .of confidence.
William J. Eiysn cf Xol'.rr.sha and
Governor Harmon of Ohio were bad
ing figures on the floor of the house
Had Governor Woodrow Wilson been
present the list of generally accepted
Democratic 'presidential possibilities
would have been complete.
The senate' opening was sedate as
usual. And while the leadership of the
upper branch remains in Republican
hands , the change in the personnel
was almost as marked as in the house.
The galleries were crowded and
there was a good attendance of sena
tors and representatives. The polit
ical complexions of the two branches
of congress are as follows :
House Democrats , 228 ; Republic
ans , ICO ; Socialist , 1 ; vacancies' , 2 , the
Ninth Iowa and Second Pennsylvania
Senate Republicans , 50 ; Democrats ,
43 ; vacancy , 1 , from Colorado.
The roll calls in the two branches
will show some remarkable changes
from the last session. In the house
the Democrats show a gain of fifty-
four members and the Republicans a
loss of fifty-five , the Socialist 'mem
ber , Victor Berger of Milwaukee , ac
counting for the difference in the equa
By reason of the change resulting
from the election last November , new
faces are seen.
Fifty Republicans in Senate-
Instead of the fifty-nine Republicans
who occupied seats in the senate on
March 4 , there are only fifty today.
The ranks of the minority are in
creased from thirty-two to fortyone. .
More notable even than the large
numberof now faces in the senate
and the house are the absence of so
many veteran legislators. Chief
among these whose absence 'loomed
large were Tawney of Minnesota ?
Boutell of Illinois , Scott of Kansas ,
McKinley of California , Bennet , Fish ,
Parsons and Cocks of New York , Hull
and Smith of Iowa , Denby.of Michigan ,
Keifer of Ohio. Cannon appeared in
the ranks of the minority. Four mem
bers , Hitchcock of Nebraska , Poindex-
tor of Washington , Grouna pf North
Dakota and Townsend qf Michigan
have been elevated to the senate.
Senator Aldrich Absent.
No longer will the senate roll call
oncn with the familiar name of Aid-
rich , the Rhode Island leader having
voluntarily renounced another term to
devote himself to leisure and the
study of monetary reforms. He is
succeeded by Henry F. Lippitt. Many
other striking figures are missed fronr
the senate * floor , notably Hale of
Maine , succeeded by Charles F. John- !
; - Beverirlge of Indiana , who was
vanquished by John W. Kern ; Kean ol
New Jersey , In whose place is James
P. Marline ; Warner of MJesourJ , re ]
placed by James A. Rood ; Dick o !
Ohio , replaced by Atlee Pomorene.
find Carter of Montana , succeeded by
Henry L. Meyers. All of these changes
represent Democratic gains except in
the case of Rhode Island.
Woman Paidif : Robs § tpre. J ;
Washington , April 4- Hiding ft re
volver beneath a long black veil , a
woman entered and robbed a grocery
store here. 'Pointing the weapon al
the young cleric and at another woman
who was in toe store , the robber or
dered them out , then proceeded tc
open the cash register. An arrest hai f ,
been made. f (
Decision Reached by Court in Long
Pending Controversy.
Seward , Neb. , April 3. At a special
sitting of the court here District Judge
Good rendered a decision in the Cap
ital National bank case , finding gen
erally for the plaintiffs.
The cases grew out of the failure of
the Capital National bank of Lincoln
sixteen years ago. The plaintiffs were
the Bank of Utica , Jones National
bank of Seward. Bank of Staplehurst ,
Thomas Bailey , and the estate of Isaac
Holt. The judgments were for $75-
000 , divided as iollows : Bank of
Utica , $11,737 ; Jones National bank of
Seward , $25,477 ; Bank of Staplehurst ,
$1,022 ! ) ; Thomas Baiiey , $14,0"CO ; es
tate of Isaac Kolt , 7,500.
This case has been tried in all the
courts and was tried to a jury in Sew
ard in 1902 and the verdict was then
rendered in their favor , after v/hich
it was carried to the higher courts
and there reversed on tschnicalities.
D. E. Thompson\yas the defendant in
the Jones National bank case and the
Slaplehurst bank case , and Director
Yates of the Capital National bank
was the defendant in the other suits.
Attempt Made to Destroy Italian
Tenement at Omaha.
Omaha , April 4. Incendiary fire
and a possible attempt at double mur
der vere discovered a.t an Italian
grocery store , 1054 South Twentieth
Torches , soaked in oil were placed
against the ceiling of the basement
directly under a tank of gasoline
standing on the floor above. But a
thin layer of flooring separated the
explosive fluid from the flames.
Four families , each including sev
eral children , occupy the apartments
above the store. Two man were sleep
ing in a room against the wall where
the gasoline tank stood. Firemen
aroused the sleepers only after re
peated efforts.
When the fire department arrived
the blaze was easily controlled. An
investigation by the fire warden re
vealed the cause of the fire. Wads of
waste soaked in fish oil were wired to
the ceiling ol the ceilar. The work
indicated care and deliberate plans
for the destruction of the building.
Prisoner at Nebraska City to Be Re
turned to Fatherland.
Nebraska City , Neb. , April 1.
Some time since a German , giving the
name of Berger , vas arrested because
he assaulted "the wife of a former
when she refused to stop her house
work and supply him with something
to eat when hs came begging , but
promised him food as soon as she got
through sweeping. Since the man has
been in jail it has been ascertained
that he was sent away from Germany
because he could not keep out cf trou
ble and was finally jailed because of
an assault or. his mother. The church
furnfshed him money with which to
come to this country. It has been de
cided by the county officials since they
have looked up his record to ask that
be be deported and returned to the
country from whence he This
is the first case of deportation from
this section of the state.
Foyr Delegates Are Elected to Genera -
era ! Conference.
Grand Island , Neb. , April 4. The
annual conference of the Evangelical
association of Nebraska came to a
close here v.'ith a sermon by Bishop
Strong of Cleveland The conference
has been largely attendedNo little
attention was paid to foreign missions
and the reports of the work in this
department were gratifying , as were
those of the growth of the churches at
Delegates to represent this state at
the general conference at Cleveland ,
O. , in October , were elected , as fol
lows : Rev. H. Sohl of Fremont , Rev.
F. L. Wiegert of Hastings , Rev. F. H.
Roescher of Slilford and Layman Otto
H. Hagemeier of North Loup.
Three Have Narrow Escape.
Fairbury , Neb. , April 4. E. T. Po
land , proprietor of the Mary-Etta ho
tel , experienced a sensational accident
in company with Messrs May and
Wallace of this city while returning
from Jansen to Fairbury } n his large
Louring car. Just as the car attempted
to crops a bridge , the front wheels o
: he car skidded and collided with the
side railing of the bridge with ter-
ific force , resulting in the car being
jompletely demolished The occu
pants of the car were thrown out and
severely bruised.
McCook After New School.
MpCoqkNeb. . , April 4. Quite ex-
; raqrdinary interest is concentrating
n southwestern Nebraska over the lo-
ration of the agricultural college , and
HcCook and the western portion of
he district embraced within the po-
-isions cjf tha bJll are keenly interest-
sd in the location of the school here.
Slayer Palmer May Yet Recover.
Hastings. Neb. . April 5. Harry Pal-
ner , who shot and killed his wife and
} : en attempted to commit suicide , is
iodng ! his own and has a small
hance tp recover He was held re-
pocsible for the murder of his wife
iy the coroner's jury.
Captain H. E. Palmer Is Doad.
Omaha , April 3. Henry .Emerson
'aljuer , a prominent citizen of Omaha
or the last twenty-fire years and , .
ormer postmaster , died suddenly at *
r ,
Furniture and ' Paints and Oils , Cattlt
.Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc.
Johnson Bros. ,
Lumber , Machinery , Hard
ware , Harness , Saddles
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake , - - Nebraska
WB W iH > W M 9 * H V
Uck Lausen & Co.
, . , f
General Hardware ,
Wagons and .
Machinery. . . .
A complete line of
© Harness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture
Lumber and Fence Posts
K. M. Faddis & Co
Posrottice address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on lft l
Horses branded
lor thiph
Some Some branded
bnuuled on rlfdit thigh
" 'i Irft or shoulder.
shoulder !
or thigh 9
P. H. Young. .
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on lefc side
Some QY ° ° left
- - on left Jaw of
V horses.
Kange on Gordon Cre-k norih of .Simeon ,
. S. Eowley.
Kennedy , - Weuraska.
Same as cut on left.
* ide and hip , and on
left shouldpr of her
ses. Alsofggsg on
left side fiKEQlfcind
: peg ( either side up ) on
eft side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder
Q on left hip of horses.
\J on left Jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Bosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
CJ-BE fj on rifrht
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
dJ. . ? - S J - T.r UT a of nisllers of stock
icaringany of these brands.
E. M. TerrilL Propr.
Brownlee , Xeo.
Tattle branded as
In c-.t on left
side. Some
branded K. T V
on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river , two mi Ins
west of Brewnlee
John Kills Plenty.
t Francis Mis-
ion , Rosebud.
fettle branded
s in cut ; horses
ame or .M\P on
ftthitrh , Jtanjie
utv/een Spring
'k and Little
Phite river.
the Times
You can keep up with the
iines by reading this paper.
Albert" Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud 8 , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on lefc side
OHO on riehtslde
Some cattle also
have a 4on neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qnar-
ters. Some Texas
cattle branded $ O ou left side and somej '
on left side. 'c-o
Horses branded SOH on left hh > . Some" cattle
branded AW bar connected on both side * and
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cutleft side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3ortlett BJcharrts Vres Will G Comstock. V P
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
lorses 1
Bange betwee >
Gordon on the F.B.
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawyer has
chaho ) of these
cattle. H rsea
l ' * onleftshouT-
der. Soraer
left side. (
same lefrtiilgh.
Kauge on'Snake
Metzger Bros.
Hoife Nebr :
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
e/t thigh.
- * * ' ' * r * * mm
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will be j-ald to any person for
information leading to the arrest and- final
] ! H15lofiMyEHrsin or- Persons stealing
< tto | with a ovfrhrnnrt. . *
J. A. Taryan.
, Pullman , Nebr
Cattle 'branded. JY
on rightside
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Infdrmatloo
leading to the re
covery jof cattle
strayed from JUT
range. * "
= = = = = = = = = = = I I
1 Growing Some 11
\ \
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