Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 06, 1911, Image 7

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    Molscant's Comparison.
"The Jate John B. Molesant was a
genial as well as a skillful airman/ '
* ald a Chicago editor.
"I remember well a visit he once
made me , with drawings of an aero
plane of his own invention under his
arm. I joked him a little about the
machine it certainly had a heavy ,
awkward look. But he said with a
laugh :
" 'Oh , don't judge even an aeroplane
ty its outside. What if the man who
discovered the oyster hadn't stopped
to pry open the shell. ' "
Occasionally or oftener people lead
a man to believe they admire him
when in reality they are only trying
to work him.
Keeps Horseshoers Busy.
There are used in the British army
28,500 horseshoes every month.
To restore a normal action to liver , kid
neys , stomach and bowels , take Garfield
Tea , the mild Herb laxative. All druggists.
* ,
It's no uet a church advertising the
Bible when it is dodging its bills.
Made Safe by Lydia E. Pickham's
Vegetable Compound.x
Graniteville , Vt "I was passing
through theChange of Life and suffered
from nervousness
and other aimoyin
symptoms , an
can truly say that
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound has proved
worth mountains of
gold tome , as it
restored my health
and strength. I
never forget to tell
my friends what
Lydia E. Pinkham's
"Vegetable Compound has done for ma
during this trying period. Complete
restoration to health means so much
to me that for the sake of other suffer
ing women I am willing to make my
trouble public so you may publish :
this letter. " MRS. CnAs. BARCLAY ,
B.P.D. , Graniteville , Vt.
"No other medicine for woman's ills
has received such widespread and un
qualified endorsement. INTo other med
icine we know of has such a record
, of ; nres as has Lydia E. Pinkham's
vegetable Compound.
IFor more than 30 years it has been ,
curing woman's ills such as inflamma
tion , ulceratlon , fibroid tumors , irregularities -
ularities , periodic pains and nervous
prostration , and it is unequalled for
carrying women safely through the
period of change of life.
Mrs. PinkLam , at ! Lynn , Mass. ,
Invites all sick women to write
her for advice. Her advice is free ,
Rcl always IielpfuL
44 Bu. to
is a heavy yield , hut that's what John Kennedy of
Sdinonton , Alberta , Western Canada , got "from 40
acres of Spiinc AVlieatln 1910. Reports
from other districts In that prov
ince showed other extcl-
lentresults such as 4-
1000 bushels of wlicat
I from 120 acres , or 331-3
bu. peracre. 25,30and 40
bushel yields were num
erous. As high as 122
bushels of oats to the
aero Tvcrothreshed from
Alberta Holds in 1910.
The Silver Gup
at the recent Spokane
Fair was awarded to the
Alberta. Govcrnmentfor
Its exhibit of grainsgrasses and
vegetables. Reports otexcellent
yields for 1910 come also from
Saskatchewan and ilanitoba in
"Western Canada.
Free homesteads of 1GO
acres , and adjoining pre
emptions of 1GO acresat
83 per acre ) are to bo had
lu the choicest districts.
Schools convenient , r'l-
mate excellent , soil the
very best , railways close at
band , bnlldlnc lumber
cheap , fuel easy to Ret and
reasonable In price , \vater
easily procured , mixed
lanmnc a success.
Write as. to beit place for set
tlement , settlers' low railway
rates , descriptive illustrated
"LastBest West" ( sent free on
application ) and other Informa
tion , to Sup't of Immigration.
Ottawa , Can.or to the Canadian
Government Agent. (3fl ) .
E T. fbtotJ.315 JKk n SL.SLPas ! , Klna. I
J. M. Hadadibn , Driucr m.W tcrtrcuS.D. I
( Use address nearest yon. ) B
The Army of
Is Growing Smaller Erety Day.
\ , \
only give
tkey permanently
core Cons
. Ml
lions use
them for
ess , laiitettism , Sick Headacnc , Sallow Skla.
Genuine nmstbeu Signature
Sioux City Directory
Ct printing office doinj a good
Als /s9 business , in a live city , to'
trade for South Dakota laud. A bargain. If
you have South Dakota land to sell or trade ,
fill Pearl Street. Sioux City , Iowa.
Established 30 Years
Tloral emblems and cut flowers /or all
Set trees in the spring. .
Porpoise meat Is not bad.
Chemistry is a valuable science.
Russia exports nearly two billion
eggs each year.
Onions are pulled when half grown
and sold as bunch onions. '
Nearly 1G per cent , of the people of
Great Britain live by agriculture.
A little farming , well done , is more
profitable than a whole lot attempted.
The milk should be stirred occasion
ally , but not vigorously , while being
It is said that under favorable condi
tions the olive tree lives to be 4,000
years old.
In order to make a good dairy cow
you must start with the calf of some
good dairy type.
A goat eats only one-eighth as much
as a cow , but gives more than that
proportion of milk.
The fewer sows kept together dur
ing the breeding season and until far
rowing time the better.
Silage is one of the cheapest suc
culent feeds that can be supplied to
farm animals during the winter.
Don't sow a miscellaneous assort
ment of real seed , weed seed and dirt
and expect to get a satisfactory stand.
It seems strange that more farmers
do not combine dairy and poultry
farming when it may be done with so
much profit.
It woul'd require a bin a mile square
and 170 feet deep to hold the grain
produced in the United States in an
average year.
In the interest of cleanliness , a "bot
tomless" millc bottle lias been invent
ed , a glass tube with paraffined paper
caps at each end.
You don't have to wait for the in
cubator to get broody , and then if
j-ou don't want to set it you don't
have to break it up.
An incubator will not feed or regu
late itself as the hen does , and we
must not expect as good results until
we have had some experience.
Do not give eggs to an early broody
hen until she is surely broody , as
hens , like the weather at this season
of the year , are rather Changeable.
Many farmers simply tolerate the
fowls about the farm with a sort of
notion that it is a hobby of the wo
men folks to have a few hens to cod
Of the 101,000.000 acres of land in
Sweden , fully 51.003,000 acres are in
wood. Finland alone , of European
countries having larger forests than
If you want vigorous healthy chicks
do not feed too much animal matter
to force heavy egg production , for if
you do you will weaken the vitality
of yoi r chicks.
There are incubators which have
been so arranged that the thermostat
works to control the moisture con
tained in the egg. Others require
added moisture.
Corn and corn meal are carbonace
ous matter , similar in composition to
that of cream , and there is no feed
that a calf likes so well as shelled
corn or corn meal.
There is a wonderful increase In the
consumption of milk all over the coun
try since the authorities have taken
up the work of compelling the produc
tion of clean pure milk.
In preserving eggs in water glass ,
or any other favorite method , remem
ber that every egg so used must be
strictly fresh. One spoiled egg will
contaminate a whole hatch.
While alfalfa is an excellent fodder
crop to grow , no farmer should jump
headlong into it unless he is very
sure of his ground , both from a knowl
edge of the plant and some experi
If 3-011 suspect your trees fruit , nut
and ornamental are troubled with
aphis or bark louse , wash the trunk
and lower branches with soapsuds of
lye water. Whitewash is also effect
ive in keeping the trees healthy , but
most of us object to whitewashing
the trunk trees. * .
Rheumatism bothers hogs.
The demand for eggs Is increasing.
Eggs that have been shaken rough
ly will not hatch. '
Under the best .conditions the milk
will contain some bacteria.
Brood mares should be given spe
cial attention during the winter.
It is well to turn a mare out in a lot
where there is no other stock , to foal.
To those wishing flowering hedges ,
there is a wide variety from which to
The fault with the incubator hatched
chicks lies in the treatment after
A useful and ornamental plant is
parsley. It may be easily kept for use
all winter.
Scrub poultry only1 sells because
there is not enough well-bred stock to
supply the market.
The successful farmer is the
man that so plans his work as to make
every day's work count.
Cuba consumes 400,000 barrels of
potatoes a year , more than one-half of
which it gets from Canada.
Experimenting with chickens and
small mammals , a Paris scientist be
lieves he has discovered the germ of
A corn sheller is not an essential.
The hens will do their own shelling if
you throw out the ears ia short , broken
Farmers should take more than or
dinary precautions in purchasing al
falfa seed to ascertain what they are
Owing to the difficulty in securing
fresh eggs , most of the mining com
panies in Mexico have their own poul
try yards.
Allowing brood sows to run after
cattle in the feea lot is not a bad
plan , provided they do not get too
much corn.
Keep the egg record up every day.
If you skip one day even the rest
will be a guess , and guessing isn't
like business.
It is usually best to set trees in early
spring , but if the land is moist and oth
er conditions favorable , they way be
set in autumn.
Let the boy and the girl start their
own bank account. It will give them
a sense of ownership that makes for
character building.
Beets , turnips , onion sets and the
smooth , hardy varieties of peas may
be planted just as soon as the top soil
is dry enough to work.
With a view to horses' comfort a
Philadelphian has invented a check
rein operating from the sides of the
head instead of from the top.
For years pure-bred cattle have not
been very profitable to the breeders ;
in fact , many herds of pure-bred cat
tle have gone to the shambles.
For the beginner it is well to keep
the best cows already in the farm
herd. Breed these to a registered
sire , selecting the kind decided upon.
In the spring , when the weather is
warm and damp , you are quite likely
to find lice on your poultry , especially
if your hen-houses have not been kept
A final condition of success with
an incubator is not due to the Incu
bator at all , but to the ability success
fully to rear chickens after they are
If you have any Iron or other metal
roofs take a comfortable spell and
paint them. Get all such jobs out of
the way before something else begins
to crowd you.
More good horses have been ruined
or blemished since the Introduction of
barbed wire than from any other one
cause , says the Colorado Experiment
Station Bulletin.
Breeding ewes require plenty of ex
ercise and every day when the weath
er is favorable they should be turned
out and allowed to roam over the
yards and pasture.
Cut out the middleman. One hun
dred postal cards addressed to people
ple in town will bring you customers
who will buy your eggs all the year
around at a fair price.
Meat scraps put up especially for
hens may be had In almost any mar
ket , and it is a very necessary egg
producing feed at any time. Crushed
oyster shells are needed also.
If you observe that the shoots on
your trees grow only five or six inches
every year you may know the soil
needs to be enriched. The growth
ought to be from fifteen to thirty inch
es every season.
The fowls will need plenty of green
stuff from now until grass comes
celery tops , cabbage , cut clover or
ground alfalfa. They must have some
meat substitute for the worms and
bugs which they will get on the range
later beef scraps , green cut bone
or meat meal. - . *
Your teeth decay because particles
of food get into crevices between and
around the teeth and create germs
of decay. Ordinary tooth powders
and washes are entirely inadequate
to prevent it.
Try Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic , a de
licious , harmless germicide. Just a
little in a glass of water , and rinse the
mouth and brush the teeth , thoroughly.
It will whiten the teeth , prevent
and remove tartar , destroy all germs
of decay and save you dentist's bills.
Paxtine thoroughly cleanses , de
odorizes and keeps pure and odorless
false teeth and bridgework. Paxtine
is far superior to liquid antiseptics
and peroxide for all toilet and hy
gienic uses. At Druggists 25 and 50c ,
or sent postpaid upon receipt of price
by The Paxton Toilet Co. , Boston ,
Mass. Send for a free sample.
Howell My wife is a woman of
/ew words.
Powell But doesn't she make the
few work overtime ?
Has Cardinal Gibbons' Approval.
Cardinal Gibbons , the highest au
thority of the Roman Catholic church
in America , has expressed his ap
proval of Tuberculosis day , which is
to be observed by the churches of the
United States on or about April 30 ,
and of the general organized anti-tu
berculosis campaign , acording to a
report of an interview made public by
the National Association for the Study
and Prevention of Tuberculosis.
The interview was granted by his
eminence to H. Wirt Steele , executive
secretary of the Maryland Associa
tion for the Prevention and Relief of
Tuberculosis , and Dr. Charles O'Dono-
van , one of the leading physicians of
Baltimore. The Cardinal expressed
his entire sympathy with the plan of
the Tuberculosis day movement and
indorsed the program both of the
Maryland association and of the na
tional association.
Much Easier to Handle.
Mabel Father's so glad you're a
Scribbler Ah , like yourself , he
adores poetry ?
Mabel Oh , no. But you see poets
can't fight. The last lover of mine he
tried to throw out was a football
player !
"What do you think of the idea of
an extra session of congress ? "
"Well , " replied Farmer Corntossel ,
"some extry sessions is like some ex-
try newspapers. They ain't enough in
'em to justify the hollerin' . "
the Antiseptic powder to bo shaken Into the shoes
for tired , aching feet. It takes the sting out of corns
and bunions and makes walking a delight. Sold
everywhere , 25c. Refuse substitute * . For FREE
trial package , address A. B. Olmstcd , Lo Boy , K.T.
"The heart Is a small thing , but de-
sireth great matters ; it is not suffi
cient for a kite's dinner , yet the world
is not sufficient for it. Hugo.
Remember Trask's Ointment , if in need
of a uniform , reliable household remedv
for inflammatory or catarrhal ailments. It
will not disappoint you.
What we are doing speaks with
greater force than what we are say
ing. Royston.
Mrs.Tlnslotv's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething , softens the gums , reduces inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle.
It is a great thing to be trusted , but
it is a far higher thing to be worthy
of trust. fjenry Lee.
Better peneral health is sure to follow
the use of the natural Herb laxative , Garfield -
field Tea. It corrects constipation.
Go to sleep without supper , but rise
without debt. Talmud. i
Sick Feeling
that follows taking a dose of castor
oil , salts or calomel , is about the
worst you can endureUgh it
gives one the creeps. You don't
have to have it CASCARETS
move the bowels tone up the
liver without these bad feelings.
Try them. 914
CASCARETS IDC a box for a week's
' treatment , all drareists. Bipgest sellsr
in the -world. Million boxes a month.
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 14-1911.
Accounting for It.
Wedderly They say that a man
and his wife grow to look alike after
they have been married a few years.
Now , my wife and I have been mar
ried ten years ; do you think we look
alike ?
Singleton Yes , indeed. You both
seem to have the same sad expression.
Stray Stories.
Popular Publicity.
"That tall waiter seems to be very
much in demand. "
"Yes ; ho never opens a bottle of
champagne without attracting the at
tention of everybody in the room. "
Household troubles ; Headache , Tooth
ache , Earache. Stomach ache. Hamlins
Wizard Oil cures these aches and pains
so why don't you keep a bottle in the
"What is passing In the heart of an
other rarely escapes the observation
of one who is a strict anatomist of
his own. Shelley.
It is the rally of loyal allies which
helps most to win a good cause to vie-
Garfield Tea. purifies the blood , eradi
cates rheumatism , gout and other diseases.
Some sermons come near being dem
onstrations of eternal punishment.
Spring Humors
Come to most people and cause
troubles , pimples , boil * and other erup-J
tions , besides loss of appetite , that tireoj ;
feeling , biliousness , indigestion and head *
The sooner you get rid of them the bet ,
ter , and the way to get rid of them and' '
to build up the system is to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The Spring Medicine par excellence aj ;
shown by uncqualed , radical and permi *
nent cures.
Get it today in usual liquid form ol
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
of this pa per d
Readers tiring _ buj
tised in ita columns houlc upon
having what they ask for , refusing all
9 - - - - - - j
lubftitutea or imitations.
DIC P/flflCITC Casper. Wyo. , lots odranccd *
DID rnVrllO f5. f brings dca ana dlTldcnd
paring C'ock. Assets3600 lots. 15000 acres oil land * .
Your S3.00 may make you J500. Valuta Increasing.
Oil and town booming. tVrlto Mountain Realty
Corporation , 267 Kallwuy , Denver , Cole *
100 TEARS 019
lineal linens.
If the blood is poor and filled with the
poisons from diseased kidneys or inactive
liver , the heart is not only starved but
poisoned as well. There are many con
ditions due to impure blood such as
dropsy , fainting spells , nervous debility
or the many scrofulous conditions , ulcers ,
" fever-sores , " white swellings , etc. All
can be overcome and cured by
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
This supplies pure blood by aiding digestion , increasing assimilation and im
parting tone to the whole circulatory system. Its a heart tonic and a great deal
more , having an alterative action on the liver and kidneys , it helps to eliminate
the poisons from the blood.
To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles , thereby feeding
the nerves on rich red blood and doing away with nervous irritability , take
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and do not permit a dishonest dealer
to insult your intelligence with the " just as good kind. " The "Discovery ' *
has 40 years of cures behind it and contains no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredi
ents plainly printed on wrapper.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt o
stamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps
for the French cloth-bound book. Address : Dr. R.V. Pierce , Buffalo , N. Y.
Cures the skin and acts as a preventive for others. Liquid given on
the tongue. Safe for broodmares and all others. Best kidney remedy ; 69
cents and 11.00 a bottle ; 16.00 and $10.00 the dozen. Sold by all drugtfsUi
and horse goods houses , or sent express paid , by the manufacturers ,
ESTAB. 1876 $3 * 3j & $4 SHOES
"W. Douglas shoes cost more to make than ordinary shoes ,
because higher grade leathers are used and selected with greater
care. These are the reasons why"W. L. Douglas shoes are guar
anteed to hold their shape , look and fit better and wear longer
than any other shoes you can buy.
The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and the retail
price stamped on the bottom , which guarantees full value
and protects the wearer against high prices and inferiorshoes. j
If year dealer cannot supply you with the genuine W.L-Donelas shoes , writs nnve >
for Mall order Catalog. Shoes sent direct from factory to wearer , all charges _ _ JrJri.- . .
prepaid. W. r. . JDuuelu * . i < * S Spark St. . Brockton. Muss. $2.OO$2.6O&93.0 >
Your Choice
Take your choice. Coal with its disagreeable and expensive feat *
ures or Solvay Coke which is practically pure carbon the heat
element. 100,000 households burn Milwaukee Solvay Coke the clean ,
sanitary , smokeless , Bootless and economical fuel. r
Buy Milwaukee
"Tho Fuel Without a Fault
It can be used in any furnace , range , stove or grate suitable for coal- *
saves 20 per cent of fuel cost. Solvay Coke means complete combustion *
no waste , no smoke , no soot , no ashes to sift.
Warms the house while you would wait for hard coal to get started
2,000 dealers in the Northwest sell Milwaukee
Solvay Coke all sizes ask your dealer , and write
for interesting booklet of coke information to
Colby-Abbot Building . . . Milwaukee , Wisconsin
Miss Bangs and Miss Whiton's
School for Girls
T7ITHIX EAST ACCESS of all parts of the city , and of the great libraries
and museums. Opportunity given for attendance at public entertainments of
educational and artistic value.
physical , with expert supervision In every department , thus insuring definite
and certain results.
FACULTY LARGE , each teacher a specialist ; and pupils assured the Indi
vidual attention adapted to their respective needs.
unique department known as the UPPER HOUSE , for graduate and special
students desiring to spend the winter In New York In a congenial social atmos
phere , under the most favorable conditions for culture of social graces and for
intelligent advancement. The UPPER HOUSE Is In a large degree free from
the ordinary restrictions of a school.
BEST ADVANTAGES of New York available for the study of Music , Art ,
Elocution. Languages and Dancing.
PHYSICAL EXERCISES. Special attention given with the object of promot
ing health , grace and ease of motion and repose of manner. The gymnastic ex
ercises are in charge of a graduate of Dr. Sargent , of Cambridge , Mass. SUM
MER CAMP in New Hampshire.
THE SUCCESS OF THE SCHOOL has been so pronounced that it has re
ceived the highest commendation of the leading educators of the country as
well as of the highest officials of the U. S. Government ; Miss Bangs and Miss
"Whlton refer by permission to the presidents of ten colleges and universities
and to President and Mrs. Taft. Ex-Vlce-President and Mrs. Fairbanks , Ex-
President and Mrs. Roosevelt , and the Chief Justice.
ColormoreEoodsbrighterandfastercoloT8than.anyotherdyc. One lOc package colors all fibers. Tbeydye&coldwaterbetterthananyotherdye. Yotfcaa
dye any garment without ripping apart. Write lot free booklet How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Cobra. MONBOE PBUft COMPANY , Q icy UU