Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 06, 1911, Image 5

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    W i
I -Special Sale of
I Fancy j
. tI t China
i e
We offer our stock of
Fancy China at one-
half price.
Everything goes.
Don't miss the
chance to get some of
I the pretty Plates ,
Cups , Saucers , etc. at
one = half the price
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
1 "by check was devised
by all men- for any
; rnan for you. It is
"suited to the need of
ahy business , either
_ v large or small. It makes
% 2 no difference whether
we pay out § 10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
Plant the New
Compass Cherry ,
a cross with the Sand Cherry
ind old time hardy Minor Plum ,
"ImTdy/ prolific and good fruit. It
"will grow where others will not.
, Plant elm , Carolina poplar , sil
ver leaved maple. Plant them
close , together and have shade all
the time from the start. When
elms need all the room cut out the
- We have all varieties of trees ,
shrubs , roses , etc. , suitable for
Northwestern Nebraska.
i T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
On C. V&-N. W. , 3 blks. east station
Ainsworth , - Nebraska
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17
No.160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg ,
Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall' & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Attorney- -
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
Street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
. * - . . ,
Uooms over Red Front store
Valentine * " - Nebr ,
Talk of the Town.
Go to Fischer's hardware for
fresh seeds. 10
L. A. Beers and Albert Fairchild -
child were in town yesterday.
School begins at 8 o'clock this
week to make up for lost time.
There will be services in St.
John's church next Sunday morn
ing : .
A big man is in town this week
selling Texas lands. We hear that
some of have purchased.
Dr. Perrigo , registered optom
etrist of Omaha , will be here again
at Donoher hotel April 22. 13-3
The county commissioners met
Tuesday to look after some road
work out southwest of town near
the Niobrara. '
Lyle , the. youngest aon of H.
W. Graham and wife , died last
Friday of scarlet fever after only
a brief illness.
The music store formerly con
ducted by Geo. Corbin was closed
this week and the pianos shipped
elsewhere by the Bennett Co.
For Sale : From 1 to 40 head of
horses ; from 1 to of land , close
to town. Residence and lot.
H. H. Wakefield , Crookston ,
Nebraska. 13
Wm. Crissman and wife return
ed to Exira , la. , last Saturday af
ter a two weeks visit with G. E.
Tracewell and family. Mrs. Criss-
man and Mrs. Tracewell are sis
The village election Tuesday re
sulted in the election of G. A.
Chapman 141 votes , H. E. Lay-
port 141 and E. C. Davenport
139. The socialist vote was : Jas.
Harvey 42 , John Foster 34 , John
DeWalt 32.
The Katz-Craig contractors came
to Valentine Monday to inspect
the dam which washed out and we
understand they will begin at
once to rebuild it. We hope the
work will progress rapidly and
that it will sta'nd firm this time.
Estrayed from my place 9 miles
southwest of Valentine , March 26 ,
1911 , one grey mare 3 years old ,
watcheye , hair * branded P on
shoulder. Suitable reward for in-
formatioii leading to her recovery.
13-2 Valentine , Nebr.
W. F. Perkins was in town from
his place near the Niobrara south
west of to\vn yesterday and came
in to advertise for a grey mare
that his boy recently purchased
which had strayed away week ago
Sunday during the blizzard. He
reports his little boy ill from a
lingering cold and fever.
W. H. Hooper and Mrs. Mary
I. Fowler were married last Thurs
day evening in Valentine. Both
are well known and have a host of
friends everywhere they are
known. They went down to Dor-
sey to visit a daughter of Mr.
Hooper after the wedding. The
Democrat extends congratulations.
The county convention delegates
of the M. W. A. met in fraternal
hall in Valentine yestewday after
noon at the call of Valentine Camp
Clerk Louis Hoenig. I. M. Rice
was elected chairman or county
consul and L. C. Sparks county
camp clerk. E. B. Quible was
elected delegate to the state grand
lodge which meets at Fremont
May 5 , and Frank Grooms was
elected alternate.
Rev. B. Hunt , J. F. Naylor and
E. B. Quible were delegates from
Merriman M. W. A. lodge to the
county convention held here yes
terday and Mr. Quible was elected
delegate to the state convention to
be held at Fremont next month.
Mr. Quible is venerable consul at
Meiriman and has taken an active
interest in woodcraft for several
years in his home camp , being reelected -
elected V. C. , successively in his
home lodge and never misses an
opportunity to attend a meeting
of neighbor lodges when conven
ient and is an enthusiastic believer
in and "worker for the advance
ment of the Modern Woodmen.
Seeds that always grow for sale
at Fischer's hardware. 10
F. M. T.yrrell of Lincoln was in
town the first of the week.
Nels Rowley and Joe Jennett
drove in yesterday from Kennedy.
W. H. Richie and Wm. Story
were down from Kilgore yester
Hammond & Bullis have a new
2i-h Buick for their livery busi
Milfc Latta , Sam Hudson and
Henry Clapp were in town yes
We hear that Wra. Erickson
has gone to Canada to spend the
Geo. Hull and Ed Ballard were
up from the Wood lake country
Wra. Kennedy and C. S. Mat-
teson were in from Kennedy the
first of the week.
Capt. Shaw is nursing a broken
rib as a result of falling off a lad
der a week ago Monday.
For sanitary plumbing or heat
ing 'call H. I. Weinzimmer , the
only licensed plumber in town. 49
The Democrat enrolled six new
subscribers the past week , un
solicited in each case , but none the
less * appreciated.
John Cronin and wife have
moved to Valentine , having pur
chased the Bullis house recently
owned by Geo. Tracewell.
Free !
Now !
if you will send "in three
new subscriptions at
$1.50 . EACH
If you are already a subscriber you
will be credited on subscription 50c
for each name you send in at $1.50
each if you mention this offer.
Ernest "Reimers called this wpek
to enroll for The Democrat. He
lives near Riege on a homestead
and with his brother , Herman ,
rents their father's farm.
We hear that A. M. Morrissey
has decided to leave Valentine and
sometime in June intends moving
to Lincoln to engage in the law
practice as a partner of Frank M.
G. E. Tracewell and Josh Hitt
have begun tearing down their
barn on Catherine street prppara-
tory to erectjng a new one 32x150
from the alley facing to the east
on Hall street.
John Shelbourn , jr. , was in
town yesterday. He has been
pretty busy the past winter feed
ing and taking care of a bunch
of horses on his homestead for
some Tripp county men.
The county commissioners not
getting a satisfactory bid for
grading the hill -north of town
will undertake the work by era-
ploying men and teams under the
supervision of John Adamson.
Representatives of Katz-Craig
Co. , contractors for the dam , and
of W. K. Palmer & Co. , engi
neers , were in town Monday to
investigate the cause of the dam
washing out. It is still being in
vestigated and it is proposed to
change the plans for reconstruct
ing the dam.
Walter Rifenberg confessed to
murdering Jake Davis at Ains
worth this week after asking for a
change of venue and was sen *
tenced to 25 years. He implicat
ed another party in the murder
and the confession was placed in
the hands of J-udge Harrington
who will take steps to cause the
arrest of the party implicated.
The name was not made public
but the people are guessing.
Old Crow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled ,
f >
> *
G-uchen- Under the
/ ?
heimer Supervision
Rye of the . . - .
Whiskeys. U. S. Goy. '
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
Why Hesitate ?
An Offer That Involves No
Risk For Thosz Who
Accept It
We are so positive our remedy
will completely relieve contispa-
tion , DO matter how chronic ife may
be , that we offer to furnish it free
of all cost if it tails.
Constipation is caused by weak
ness of the nerves find muscles of
the large intestines or < Ies3ending
c'olon. To expect a cure you must
therefore tone UD and strengthen
those organs and restore them to
healthier activity.
\Ve want you to try Eexall Order
lies on bur guarantee. They are
eaten like candy , and are particu
larly ideal for children. They act
'directly on the nerves and muscles
of the bowels. Thej have a neutral
action on the other organs or glands.
They do not purge or cause any in
convenience whatever. They will
positively overcome chronic or ha
bitual constipation and the myriads
of associate or dependent chronic
ailments. Try Eexall Orderlies at
our i. risk. Two sizes , lOc and 2oc.
Sold only at our store The Kexall
Store. Chapman , The Druggist.
Badger Lake.
Fern Kirk is on the sick list this
The Badger Lakeites are prac
ticing baseball nowadays.
C. DeVillers of Chesterfield was
seen in this vicinity recently.
ljan Adamson went to the coun
ty seat last week on business.
Walter Jaquins is doing some
freighting from Cody for himself.
The dance in- the Zimmerman
house recently was well attended.
Mrs. English and daughter are
visiting Mrs. A. \Vallingford
this week.
Bert Means and wife who have
been employed at the T O ranch
returned to their home at Lake
the first of the month.
Uncle Sam thought we Badger
Lakeites and Rolfites were getting
mail too often so has cut the ser
vice down to twice a week.
School reopened March 27 in
district No. 91 , after a vacation of
three months with Miss Dora
Grewe of Nenzel as teacher.
Elmer Barnes went to Big Creek
to get medicine from Dr. Roth
for Mrs. A. J. Wallingford who
has been on the sick list for some
40 head of horses , part broken ,
two or three good milch cows'one
farm ; also two or three houses and
C/ookston , " 12 Nebraska
"When you have a cold get a bottle oi
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Itvill '
soon fix -you up all right and will ware
off any tendency toward pneumonia.
This remedy contains no opium or other
narcotic and may be given as confidently
to a baby as to an .adult. Sold by Chap
man , the druggist. * j
qe Line
D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr. ' * , '
Vaientine Headquarters at the Chicago House : .
Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel
Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning ,
Sundays excepted.
Arrive at Eosebud at 2 o'clock p. m.
Leave Rosebud at 8 o'clock every morning/- '
Sundays excepted. * '
Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m.
Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m.
Special attention to passengers , baggage and
express or packages.
Leave orders at headquarters or at the Ked
Front store.
D. A. Whipple.
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
When the ladies crowd your
When they come in double
Thronging through your open
door. N
Seeking bargains worth their
while ,
Which they read about before ,
Don't you then
Feel awful glad
You put in
That little ad. ?
When your feet are wet and cold , and
your body chilled through and through
from exposure , take a big doseof Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy , bathe your
feet in hot \vater before going to bed ,
and you are almost certain to ward off a
.severe cold. For sale by Chapman , the
ifc a NEW CREAr
mjQ-j covering every
field of the world's thought ,
action and culture. The 'only
new unabridged dictionary in
many years.
* * defines over 400,000
Words ; more than ever
before appeared between two
covers. 2700 Pages. Gooo Il
* * only dictionary
page. A "Stroke of Genius. "
Because ifc J ? an encyclopedia in
- . . ' , . . . . . „ . & single volume.
Because ifc is accepted by the
-r ± iirr Courts , Schools and
Press 83 the one supreme au
Because te wl10 fc ° s wins
- S access. Iiet us tell
you about f.Tii ? new woik ,
WHITE id specimen of new divided pag * .
G. & C.MERRIAM CO. , PaUiskn.Spracfk
Mention tUs paper , receive 72EE Mt of pockrt ap .
"I had been troubled \vith constipa
tion for two years and tried all of the
best physicians in Bristol , Tenn. , 'and
they could do nothing for me , " writes
Thos. E. Williams , Middlel ro , . ; Ky.
"Two packages of Chamberlain's Stomach
ach and Liver Tablets cured me. " Fbl
I sale by Chapman , the druggist.