I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr.
MarkZarr , Foreman.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Tlmrs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - ยง 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , ocper line per issue
Entered sit the PostolHcB at Ynlciitiiie , TCeb. .
( or transmission through the mails , us secoad
class matter.
Thursday , April G , 1911.
The first Saturday * in June is
the date set for the E , V. E. A.
and they meet this year in Valen
The state press association has
set the , date of their meeting to be
held in Omaha Monday , Tuesday
and Wednesday , June 5 , G and 7.
'It has long been our custom to
meet on the first Saturday of June
and if there is no objection from
the fraternity we will meet as
usual the first Saturday in June at
Valentine at which time the edi
tors expect a fishing trip and in
tend going out to Hack berry and
Dewey lakes to fish a couple of
days. The editors should reach
here Friday , 'night or earlier if
possible and be able to spend the
longer time at the lakes. Let us
hear from each of you by post
card or letter as to your wishes.
I. M. IviGE , Sec'y.
rv-vw *
( Special Correspondent ) ?
True to promise , 'the democratic
house of representatives will pass
the Canadian reciprocity measure.
"But we don't like the particular
brand of reciprocity advocated by
Mr. Taft , " a few of the farmers are
still saying. "The measure in
question reduces the tariff on raw
products without a corresponding
downward revision on manufactur
ed articles. "
The compaiative few who take
" * 3jjeWj however , overlook one
" ' very important fact. , The demo-
'cratic house will not pass the reci
procity bill as being in itself a ful
fillment of pre-election promises to
revise the tariff downward , but
merely as a step in that direction.
Other objects of reciprocity are tbe
- . promoting of closer friendship with
"Canada and the keeping of faith
with Pres. Taff , who was assured
'that if he called an extra session
Vt'he democratic house would pass
" . the reciprocity bill.
Those who opposed the passage of
the reciprocity bill by a republican
administration on the ground that
"manufactured articles were not
treated the same as raw products ,
are obviously not justified in op
posing the passage of the measure
by' the democrats.
'With the republicans reciprocity
wasMo have been the beginning and
'end'bf tariff reform. With the demo
crats it is but a beginning.
Mark ibis difference :
' I Reciprocity under a republican
house meant the McCall bill with
tbe 195 per cent Payne-Aldrich duty
on Woolen blankets , tbe 116 per
cent Payne-Aldrich tax on woolen
underwear , and many other similar
outrages , remaining intact.
Reciprocity under a democratic
houee will-mean the McCall bill
'witfh only its good features remaining -
ing in force , and with its. most ob
jectionable features made null and
l < void by the passage of separate
bills reducing the tax on woolens
-and placing lumber and other
necessaries of life on the free list.
These separate bills refer not only
to imports from Canada , but the
imports of all nations of the earth.
White House to Wall Street and Vice Versa.
Charles D. Norton is closing up
Ms business as secretary to Pres.
Taft , preparatory to becoming one
of the vice presidents of Morgan's
_ .Iifst National bank of New York.
, . - *
As in the case of .Leslie M. Shaw ,
' * * ' ' ' IVank' A. Vanderlip , George B.
> iQprJelyoJiijthe late Paul Morton
atid. .GpjrjQpj.rpllers EckelsDawes
| pivBi30ey/ - BPebial
w-3jP-'JiJ7' wi/ & . > i""W ' -
- . * . * i ! * X lTi'r' < - -H-n"icm/ was not
discovered until he took a govern-
Syj.Ji.3L . :
Makes Horns Baking Easy
* ff
of I
inent position.
What is tlere about service with
the government which so peculiarly
[ its a man for \Yall street ? Do
Morgan and Rockefeller give out
these high salaried positions to
government employees for services
rendered by them while they'are IB
Lbe goveinment service , or is it be
cause of a realization that men likt
a secretary to the president are
likely to have valuable secrets whicl
may be useful for s-ecalative ] pur
Going or coming , the path be
tween Wall stieet and President
Taft's immediate circle is shorl
and much traveled. Attorney Gen
eral Wiokershaiu , it will be recalled ,
was formerly a sugar trust attorn-
ry ; the president's brother , Henrj
P Tuft , is on iecord as a sugai
trust all01 ne } ; ex-Secietary of th <
Interior Balliriger was formerly ad
viser for inteiests having designs
upon Alaska coal lands ; Secretary
of Commerce and Labor Nagel waz
formerly attorney for the Waters
Pierce ( Standaid ) Oil company , am
Secretary of War Dickinson wai
personal attorney for the late Har-
rimau and general counsel for th <
Illinois Central railroad.
* - *
* A Change Suggested.
The democrats may decide to adc
a clause to the reciprocity agree
ment authorizing the president , b ]
executive act , to reduce the tarif
duties of this country , on any item ,
whether included in the Canadian
agreement or not , whenever Canads
is willing to put them on her fre <
list. This would not interfere witl :
the pending pact , but it would bi
an invitation on the part of ou ]
government to Canada to unite witl
us in ultimate free trade. There ii
a { growing conviction that ther <
is no reason for a tarifi.all betweer
the United States and Canada thai
there would be , for one between
Indiana and Illinois , or any othe ]
two of our states.
President in No Hurry.
President Taft doesn't want th <
democratic house to do anything ir
extra session tut pass tbe reciproc
ity bill. Schedule "K , " he feels
should lernain as it isuntilrevisioi
can Je based on the results of ar
invesigation by men appointed ty
himself. The president has ap
parently forgotten that the peopli
have said they want the tariff re
vised this time from the democrati <
not the republican viewpoint.
Schedule "K" Has Got to Go.
Chairman Underwood ot the Nev
Ways and Means committee , nipor
hearing that the woolen interests
are preparing to rnafch < upon Wash
ington in force , declared that while
they would be treated fairly , the
woolen interests.might just as wel !
make an assault upon Gibralter as
upon the house.
In other uords Schedule "K/
taxing women's clothing 165 pei
cent , stockings 70 per cent auc
blankets 165 per cent has got tc
The mere thought of it is enough
to make any man with red blood in
his veins feel like jumping in the
air , aud giving an imitation Indiar
If you are thinking of having ?
public sale call on.on us for par
ticulars and information regard
ing dates. - 8-5
Don't Be Bald ,
Nearly Anyone May Secure A
Splendid Growth of Hair ,
We have a remedy that has a
record-of growing hair and curing
baldness in 93 out of every 100
cases where used according to di
rections for a reasonable length of
time. That may seem like a strong
statement it IE , and we mean it to
be , and no one should doubt it until
they have put our claims to the
actual test. '
We are so certain Eexall " 93"
Hair Tonic will cure dandruff , pre
vent" baldness , stimulate the scalp
and hair roots , stop falling hair and
grow new hair , that we personally
give our positive guarantee to re
fund every penny paid us for it in
every instance where it does not
give entire satisfaction to the user.
Eexall " 93" Hair Tonic is as
pleasant to use as clear spring
water. It is delightfully perfumed ,
and does not grease or gum the
hair. Two sizes , 50c and $1.00.
VV ilh our guarantee back of it you
certainly take no risk. Sold only
at our store The Eexall Store.
Chapman , The Druggist.
" r * a Jia v ? jpjj j * j jntmZ
Is none too good for YOU.
ING in town ,
Notice of Application for License to
Sell Liquor.
Notice is hereby given that I
have filed with the clerk of the
board of trustees of the village of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition
accompanied by a bond duly at
tested , said petition praying that
I be granted a license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in
block 12 , lot 4 , in said village of
Valentine , Cherry county , Ne
braska , for the year ending jVIay
1 , 1912.
and find we are overstocked on some
lines of
Farm Implements
which we will close out at lowest prices.
We believe that there will be an advance
in the price of Lumber and advise our cus
tomers to build while it is cheap. A com
plete line of Posts , Barb Wire and Staples
that we are selling exceptionally cheap.
You will save money and be assured of
getting the best quality by purchasing of
us. An examination of our Lumber will
convince you that we carry the largest
stock of the best grade and at lowest prices.
Kinds of Job Printing
* *
I will sell at public auction at my ranch
- t
Commencing at 10 o'clock a , nx. sharp , the folio wing property :
Consisting of 35 Cows (4 Milch Cows ) , 7 three-year-old Steers , 18 two-
year-old Steers , 19 Steer Calves , 15 2-yr-old Heifers , 6 Heifer Calves.
Consisting of one driving team , weight 2200 pounds , age 10 and 12 years ; two mares , 4 and 5 years old ,
sired by Amediat , in foal by Count by Conqueror 2:12i ; one sorrel mare , 4 yeafs old , weight 1250
pounds ; one sorrel mare , 3 years old , weight 1100 pqunds ; three mares in foal by jack , one 2 year = old
gelding , one horse colt , four mule colts ( will be one year old in June ) , one child's saddle horse ( pacer ) 6
years old.
Household Goods , ail Descriptions too Numerous to Mention
Coal oil gas stove and 55 = gailon coal oil tank with pump , new.
One Velie extension top 2 = seat spring wagon ( new ) , one 3i Moline wagon and box ( wide tire ) , one low
wheel truck wagon and hay rack , 2 mowing machines , 1 hay rake , 1 stacker , 1 sweep , 1 reversible 'disc
cultivator , 1 stirring plow , 1 breaking plow , garden tools , 2 sets of harness , 1 saddle , 1 cream separator ,
1 shot gun , 1 rifle , 2 dozen chickens. _
I I.- , . . . , ! Ill !
T X O I Sums of 310 and under cash. On sums over 810 seven month's time will be
I @PHIS OT WCll6 ! given on . approved notes bearing 10 per cent interest , or 5 per cent discount
ior casn.
Col , G , E , Trace well , auctioneer. , W , F. Parker , clerk ,
* i