Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 06, 1911, Image 2

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I. M. RICC , Publisher.
Officers Unable to Cope With Fierce
Struggle , Which Lasts Several
Hours Windows Shattered and Ex
terior of Buildings Damaged.
Laurel , Del. About 10 o'clock Sat
urday night a mob of armed negroes
swooped down upon a crowd of spec
tators in the main thoroughfare of the
town and fired a volley of buckshot-in
to the throng. Orem Stockley , 18 years
old , son of a famer living near Lau
rel , fell to the ground shot through
the head. He was taken to a hospi
tal in Salisbury , Md. , where he died the
following day.
George Hudson , 50 years old , a white
man , of Bethel , was shot in the leg ,
necessitating amputation , and John
Thompson , a white barber , was shot
in both legs , while shaving a patron.
Other white men were injured. It
is known that several negroes are in
jured , but they cannot be located.
Officers were unable to cope with
the mob and there was a fierce strug
gle between the two races until 3
o'clock in the morning. Windows were
shattered and the exterior of build
ings was greatly damaged.
When it was learned that young
Stockley had died a number of white
men armed themselves and with Chief
of Police Ellis and others entered the
negro section and raided the house
-which was said to be the head quar
ters of the negro rioters. Three al
leged ringleaders were arrested and
taken to the Sussex county jail. Earl
Richards , a 15-year-old white boy ,
stole his father's revolver and captured
George Wright , a negro , for whom the
authorities have been looking for more
than a year. Richards compelled the
negro to hold up his hands until the
officers arrived. Wright is said to be
wanted in Virginia for the alleged mur
der of a white boy.
Officers are endeavoring to appre-
liend the negro who fired the fatal
.shot at young Stockley. Open threats
have been made of a lynching when
he is captured. x
Rev. John Murray Seriously Injured ,
His Assailants Thinking Him
a Kidnaper.
Shanghai. Rev. John Murray , of the
American Presbyterian mission at Tsi
Nan Fu , was attacked by Chinese on
March 28 , seventeen miles north of
that place. He was badly injured about
the head and body and was brought
back to the mission "by a government
escort. He is not considered out of
An absurd report had been circul
ated among the Chinese that Mr. Mur
ray had stolen a child , and some of
them set upon him while he was en
gaged in making pastoral visits. His
assailants are under arrest , and the
Chinese officials are displaying the
utmost solicitude for his recovery.
Police Raid Kansas City's Little Italy.
Kansas City , Mo. Kansas City's lit
tle Italy was raided Sunday. Fifty-
eight were arrested , scores of weapons
and much ammunition and many
houses and places of business in the
vicinity of Holy Rosary church were
searched. The raid was made by fif
ty-five policemen , headed by Chief
Expires at Age of Eighty-Six.
Washington , D. C. Dr. James Or-
mend Wilson , for many years superin
tendent of schools in the District of
Columbia , had invited friends to gath
er at his home in celebration of his
86th birthday , but when they arrived
they found him dead.
Dual Nebraska Crime.
Hastings , Neb. Harry Palmer , a
young farmer , shot and killed his wife ,
and then attempted to take his own
life by the same method. The shooting
was done in the presence of Mrs.
Palmer's mother with whom she had
taken refuge. Marital troubles are
given as the cause.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Sioux City , la. Saturday's quota
tions on the local live stock market
follow : Top beeves , $5.75. Top hogs ,
Explosion in Juarez Dance Hall.
El Paso , Tex. A bomb was exploded
in a Jaurez dance hall shortly after
12 o'clock Sunday morning. Many are
reported to have been maimed and in
Plague Outbreak in Java.
Amsterdam. Reports of a serious
outbreak of the plague ? > re coming
from the southeastern portion of Java.
It is stated that 350 cases , of which
224 proved fatal , har occurred to va
rious districts tkera.
Mas Severe * Setback In Campaign
Which Began With Raids in Seven
Large Cities Jurist Says Act Violates
lates Right of Contract.
Washington. "Bucket-shopping" is
a lawful occupation , according to a
decision handed down by Justice
Wright in the district Supreme court ,
and as a result the widespread move
ment by the department of justice to
end the practice in nearly half a
score of cities threatens to come to
naught. Justice Wright based his de
cision on the ground that the amend
ment to the code defining "bucketing"
is unconstitutional because it deprives
citizens of the liberty of contract
guaranteed them by the Constitution.
The decision was rendered in the
case of Edward Altemus of Jersey City
and Louis A. and Angelo Cella of St.
Louis , who operated a so-called buck
et shop under the title of the Standard
Stock and Grain company. With 2G
others they were indicted and , while
six of those pleaded guilty and were
fined in sums aggregating $8,100 , the
remainder decided to fight.
Movements of the government lead
ing to the indictments were shrouded
In the greatest secrecy. On April 12 ,
1910 , however , when indictments were
obtained , raids on "shops" in seven
cities were made simultaneously ,
wires were cut and customers were
thrown into panic. Since then , accord
ing to Attorney General Wickersham ,
"bucket-shopping" has become a thing
of the past east of Denver.
The government announced its In
tention to appeal from Justice
Wright's decision. The attorney gen
eral , when informed pf the finding , de
clared he would carry the question to
the Supreme court -of the United
States , if necessary , for he is anxious
to have the matter determined in or
der that the department may proceed
with further prosecutions along the
same line if the law Is upheld.
In the meantime the law officers of
the government will watch carefully
the progress of an appeal of other of
the indicted "bucket-shoppers" pend
ing before Justice Gould of the same
court. This appeal is not taken on
constitutional grounds , but raises
technical objections.
Frank E. Heidemann Collapses as He
Pleads Guilty to Murder of
Little Marie Smith.
Asbury Park , N. J. Frank E. Heide
mann pleaded guilty to the murder of
Marie Smith , the ten-year-old Asbury
Park school girl Thursday , when ar
raigned before Supreme Court Jus
tice Willard P. Voorhees in the county
courthouse at Freehold.
Heidemann. who was arrested ou
the Atlantic City express at Red Bank
on March 15 while endeavoring to es *
cape to Honduras , was indicted by the
grand jury following the reading of a
signed confession made to the detec
tive who arrested him.-
In the confession Heidemann told of
slaying the girl in the woods along
Deal Lake on November 9 last. He
said he killed the child on the spot
where she was found with a hammer.
With the proverbial rapidity of Jer
sey justice , Heidemann was led into
court three hours after the indictment
was found. His face was white and
drawn and his hands shook as he
grasped the rail for support. He was
a picture of despair.
When the indictment was read
Heidemann collapsed. His plea was
announced In a voice so faint as to be
almost Inaudible. When he uttered
the word "guilty" he sobbed audibly
and clutched at a table for support.
Slayer of Woman at Pottsville , Pa. ,
Places Noose on His Neck Exe
cution Witnessed by 1,500.
Pottsville , Pa. A remarkable dis
play of nerve was made in the county
jail yard here Thursday by Joseph
Christock. who was hanged for the
murder of Mrs. Ann Richards last
Declining the proffered assistance
of a priest and deputy sheriff , the
man walked smilingly from his cell
to the foot of the gallows and ran
lightly up the steps.
It was a public hanging and before
him stood 1,500 persons , to whom he
waved his hand. Then he reached up ,
grasped the noose and placed it
around his neck , put his arms by his
side to be strapped and smilingly
said : "Good-by , all. " The nervy man
held his head in position for the ad
justment of the black cap and in an
other moment the trap was sprung.
He was dead in a 12 minutes.
Prominent Mason Dead.
Urbana , 111. The funeral of Edward
Blackshaw , prominent Mason , was
held here Wednesday. Mr. Blackshaw
caused the first step to unite the
Grand Council with the Grand Chapter
of Royal Arch Masons
, where It re
mained until 1882.
Treaty Ratified by Japan.
Tokio. The privy council Wednes
day ratified the treaty of commerce
and navigation with the United States.
The signatory exchange will be made
on Acrtl 4.
A .
It Was From the Windows and Ledg es of the Eighth , Ninth and Tenth
Stories on This Side That Most of the Girls Jumped.
Conflagration Believed to Have Re-
sujted From Defective Electric
Light Pushbutton Valuable Docu
ments and State Papers Lost.
Albany , N. Y. Flames Wednesday
ruined a large portion of the $27,000-
000 state capitol here.
State Architect Ware estimates
the loss at from $5,000,000 to $7,000-
000 , exclusive of valuable historical
papers which cannot be replaced.
There is no insurance on the build
ing or its contents.
Flames raged In the costly struc
ture for four hours , destroying prac
tically all the west wing , and were
declared to be under control. Later
they brofke out again in the south
west angle of the building and threat
ened to complete the work of destruc
tion. In two hours , however , the fire
was subdued.
It was reported that several men
were missing , but all have been ac
counted for except Samuel Abbott of
Syracuse , night watchman in the
state library , who is believed to have
been burned to death.
Several firemen were knocked un
conscious by falling debris in fighting
the second outburst of flames , and
were taken to a hospital.
The governor summoned Architect
Ware , Police Chief Hyatt and Fire
Chief Bridgeford Into conference as
to the safety of the capitol. Mr. DIx
feared it had been so badly damaged
that all parts were unsafe. The con
ferees refused an opinion on the mat
ter until a thorough examination had
been made.
Firemen considered the senate and
assembly chambers practically intact ,
with the exception of slight fire and
water damage , but Mr. Ware advised
against their use until they had been
tested. The building was placed un
der martial law.
On the third floor , where the flames
gained their start , the departments
wholly or partly destroyed by fire or
seriously damaged by water were :
State library , containing 600,000 vol
umes , among them the most valuable
genealogical works in the United
States , together with relics and price
less documents , some of them dating
back to 1776 and irreplaceable.
Assembly and senate libraries ,
stored with thousands of volumes of
law and code books ; also a number of
documents and manuscripts that can
never be replaced.
Both houses met at the city hall
In a response to a call by Governor
Dix. It is exjfected that the legisla
tors will take up a rigid investigation
of a report that an electric push
button was reported out of commis
sion by a watchman Tuesday and not
repaired during the day. This but
ton is held responsible for the con
Try "to Capture Ex-Sultan.
Tangier , Morocco. An army of 3,000
.Berbers attacked the Moroccan capi
tal city of Fez Thursday and attempted -
, ed to capture Sultan Mulal Hafld. In
a fierce battle with native troops they
were driven off.
Fire Wipes Out Dixie Town.
Alexandria , La. A $500,000 fire
practically wiped out the business sec
tion of Pollock , La. , Thursday. Twenty-
eight buildings , including two hotels ,
several stores and residences , 'were
Fire Marshal's Inquiry Reveals Fact
Workroom Was Death Trap 86
Victims Are Identified.
New York. Of the 141 employees ,
mostly girls and women killed in a
fire in Triangle Shirtwaist factory at
the corner of Greene street and Wash
ington place Saturday , 86 have been
Seventy of the bodies were those
of girls and young women , the remain
ing sixteen those of men. There are
12 injured in the hospitals. Scores'
of others more or less seriously hurt
were taken to their homes.
The building was occupied by a
number of factories , and at least
1,500 persons were at work when the
fire started.
The victims were either burned to
death or were crushed Into lifeless
forms on the pavements when they
leaped to escape the swift rush of fire
which quickly enveloped the building.
Not since the burning of the excur
sion steamer General Slocum , off
North Brother's Island In 1S04 , when
1,020 persons perished , has the city
been so excited by a fire horror.
At least fifty of the victims were
killed by leaping from the windows of
the seventh floor , and floors above.
Many perished in the flames on up
per floors , remaining , afraid to leap
until the fire surrounded them.
A great crowd gathered around the
scene of the fire. Factories in the
neighborhood were soon emptied ol
their employes.
Some of the revelations , brought out
by Fire Marshal Beers in his public
inquiry into the causes of the fire
show that the poor girls in that panic
rush to escape from the flames found
traps at every turn.
It seemed that the very arrange
ment of the workroom was a trap ,
with 700 women , jammed back to
back at their machines. When the
panic started , the narrow aisles be
came blocked with chairs and the
girls were In confusion before they
even started for the doors. Then
there was a scarcity of exits , the
inward opening doors and the death
trap "fire escapes. "
'The fire , without any question ,
started from a cigarette or a match
thrown into a pile of lawn clippings
light cotton stuff , " said Marshal Beers.
Colored Pugilist Must Serve Twenty-
Ffve Days in Jail for Speed
ing Automobile.
San Francisco. Ordered into the
police court , Prize Fighter Jack
Johnson was again sentenced to
serve 25 days in the county jail by
Acting Police Judge Treadwell. Judge
Treadwell said that he took tlfts ac
tion to forestall any question of the
legality of the original.sentence , from
which Johnson appealed to the su
perior court.
Last Spike in New Alaska Road.
Cordova , Alaska. The last spike
completing the Copper River & North
western railroad between Cordova , on
Tidewater and Kenneicott , where the
Bonanza Copper mountain is situated ,
was driven Thursday. Ore trains will
be in operation within two days.
Pass Senatorial Vote Bill. .
Columbus , O. The house Thursday
passed , by a vote of 89 tto 13. the Wi-
man bill providing for the election of
United States senators by popular vote
on the Oregon
President Wrote Letter Last Novem
ber Saying There Was No Truth
in the Statement.
Washington. A flat denial was
made of the report from Springfield ,
; I11. , that the president had joined
( with Senator Aldrich in urging the
( election of William Lorimer to the
| United States senate.
Edward Hines , the millionaire lum
berman of Chicago , testified at the
Xiorimer hearing that Senator Aldrich
had told him President Taft was anx-
jious to have Lorimer elected.
Last November there was a similar
'report. Then President Taft wrote a
( letter to a personal friend who had
imade inquiries that there was abso-
jlutely no truth in the statement. A
paragraph of that letter says :
"The reports , rumors or statements
fthat I consciously lent any weight of
the administration to the election of
Lorimer are wholly untrue. "
President Taft himself would not an
swer the Hines statement. He believes
the one denial is enough.
Following the Hines charge came
the statement that the Lorimer case
will be reopened soon after congress
convenes next Tuesday. That action
will be based on the developments in
the Lorimer hearing now in progress
in Springfield. It is expected that
much evidence will be developed
which might be of use in reopening
the case here.
Dickinson MacAllister. Become *
Crazed , Battles With Friends and
Officers and Attempts Suicide.
Pittsburg , Pa. Dickinson MacAllis
ter of Harrisburg. Pa. , went mad on
a Pullman car on Panhandle train
No. 10.
The man was taken from the lava
tory where he had locked himself in
and had smashed the windows ready
to jump out.
MacAllister , who Is said to be a
high official with the Chicago Term
inal Railway company , left Chicago
for his home in Harrisburg. He was
accompanied by two friends , I. M.
Jorden and John C. Hays of Chicago ,
and occupied a drawing room aboard
the train. Somewhere between Co
lumbus and Dennlson , O. , MacAllis
ter grew violently insane and kicked
out the lights in the drawing room
leaving the compartment in darkness.
He made a rush for the windows in
the car , and before he could be pre
vented , he is said to have kicked out
two of them. When his companions
attempted to calm him , MacAllister
took refuge in the lavatory where he
barred the door. Here he remained ,
and all the efforts of the Pullman
conductor and the man's two friends ,
failed to dislodge him.
Currency Bill Is Acceptable , But Minor
Changes in Phraseology Are Rec
Washington. After a conference of
two days with the currency commis
sion of the American Bankers' asso
ciation , the monetary commission ad
journed to meet at the call of Chair
man Aldrich.
The conference has been devoted tea
a general analysis of the Aldrich cur
rency bill. In the main the provisions
of the plan outlined by Mr. Aldrich
have been found to be acceptable to
the bankers , but they have suggested
minor changes in phraseology in other
portions of the measure , and consid
erable attention has been given to a
few of the features of the bill.
The plans of the commission em
brace an active campaign for the sum
mer , with the view of having the
measure completed by the beginning
of the first regular session of the
Sixty-second congress on the first
Monday of next December.
Wealthy Kansan Convicted by Jury
of Slaying J. D. L. Neeley of
Independence , Kan. A. A. Trus-
kett , seventy years of age , a
wealthy business man of Caney , Kan. ,
was found guilty of murdering J. D. S.
Neeley , a millionaire oil man of Lima ,
Ohio. The jury returned Its verdict
of second degree murder after Being
27 hours.
Forbids "Nat" to Marry.
New York An Interlocutory de
cree of divorce in favor of Edna Good
rich Goodwin , the actress , from her
husband , Nat C. Goodwin , the come
dian , was signed by Supreme Court
Justice Glegerich. Miss Goodrich re
ceives permission to be married again ,
but Mr. Goodwin Is denied permission
during the lifetime of his former wife.
Kills First Three to Pass.
Burlington , Wash. William Wee-
gin , a rancher of South Prairie , be
came violently Insane Thursday , and , '
taking a rifle , went out on a county
road and shot and killed three passersby
ers-by , who were John Ranke , William
Ranke and John Ware , all of Burling ,
Russian Edict Is Blow at Jews.
St. Petersburg. The holy synod
Thursday issued an edict prohib
iting Jews bearing Christian first
Wife Saved Much Money.
Hall 'County. The frugality of the
German housewife , and particularly
of the pioneer type wending her way
with her husband to a new country
years ago to rear a family and ac
quire a competence for old age. was
demonstrated in Grand Island , when , ,
after the funeral of Mrs. J. F. Detlef- *
sen , who died at the age of 76 years
$600 were found in bags of $100 sil
ver dollars , halves and quarters each. .
It was discovered that , unknown to >
her aged husband , she had $600 de
posited in a bank and had quite a.
sum paid in on shares taken out in.
the building and loan association , the
total of savings , unknown to her hus
band , being $2,000. Mr. and Mrs. Det-
lefsen live a retired , industrious and
frugal life , living comfortably , how
ever , in their own home near the *
heart of the city , Mr. Detlefsen con
ducting a livery and feed stable and.
doing a small business in selling :
grain and feed. The savings were.-
uiade out of the family allowances.
Wife Operates the Saloon-
Otoe County. When Frank Effeir-
berger , a saloonkeeper of Nebraska. .
City , died a month ago , his wife was-
appointed administrator of his estate
and despite the written opinion of the ?
city attorney opened and operated the ?
saloon which had been licensed by
her husband. She was arrested on a :
complaint filed by City Attorney Paul !
Jessen and released on a bond of $1QO
and a continuance of oO days given to
hear the case. After she was releas
ed she again opened the saloon anol
is operating it , claiming she has tak
en legal advice and will operate the ;
Much Alfalfa Burned"
Harlan County. Sparks from the-
eastbound morning freight train set
fire to V. M. Einmert's alfalfa hay
that was stacked near his feed lots-
just west of Alma and west of town
and about 35 tons was consumed ancL
as the wind was blowing a gale it toolc
hard work to save W. H. Lewis * hay
and feed sheds just north of Em-
mert's place , where he has five cars
of cattle ready to ship to market.
Purchases Old Family Home.
Dodge County. Through negotiav
tions which have just been closed :
Ray Nye of Fremont has come into
ownership of the ancient Nye home ,
where eight generations of the fam
ily have lived , near East Sandwich * .
Mass. Mr. Nye will preserve the-
property and has bought most of the ;
furniture in order that it shall con
tinue to be habitable. He expects to >
spend an occasional fortnight in it.
North Platte Valley Contracts- -
Merrill County. Telegrams from
Director Newell and Congressman
Kinkaid advise of the approval of 25
cents per acre maintenance under the
government canal , and the balance
of $1 in December. Farmers are
much pleased and will put in their
crops now. A. E. Poush , Robert Cov
Ington and Dr. B. Nichols were nomi
nated as village trustees. No otheir
ticket will be named.
Boosting for Agriculture College--
Phelps County. Holdrege is boost
ing hard for the new agricultural :
school. Meetings have been held in
different towns throughout the coun
ty to stir up enthusiasm. The real
Holdrege boosters' meeting will be
held ou the afternoon of April L. Ex-
Governor Shallenberger will be the *
principal speaker.
Engagement is Announced.
Lancaster County. Mr. and
William J. Bryan announced the en
gagement of their daughter ; Grace *
Dexter Bryan , to Richard Lewis Har
greaves , son of Mrs. A. E. Hargreavea
of Lincoln. . The marriage wall take :
place early in June.
Want Sunday Rest : .
Otoe County. The mail carriers of
Nebraska City have petitioned Post
master Frank McCartney to permit ,
them to rest on Sunday. Postmaster-
McCartney has taken the matter up-
with the department officials and.
hopes to be able to give them an an
swer in a short time.
Plans For Custer Court House.
Custer County. C. D. Dais' , repre
senting Architect Latenser , arrived'
from Omaha bringing with him the
complete working plans and specifi
cations of the new court house , which ,
he placed before the board of county-
supervisors in session. The board ap
proved them.
To Serve Life Sentence.
Cedar County. Sheriff McFaddeu.
left Friday morning for Lincoln , hav
ing in cusrody Mrs. Maggie Davis , who .
will begin serving a life sentence for
the killing'of Ira M. Churchill ; ana * 5 ,
Otto Stark , recently convicted ot
horse stealing and sentenced to oner
M. E. District Conference.
Neinaha County. The annual Ne
braska City district conference anu7
missionary convention of the Metho-
list church will be held at Stella.
A.pril 10 to 13. A good program i&
being prepared.
A Boosters' Club.
Sheridan County. A meeting o.
lelegates from the commercial clubs-
> f Hay Springs , Rushville and Gor-
Ion , in Sheridan county , met at Rush-
rille and organized the Sheridarfc.
? ovnty Boosters' association.