Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 30, 1911, Image 8

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* ,
Genera ! Merchandise , Hats , Caps , Boots
and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing
/ Goods. Flour and Feed. : - : : = : : = :
Wood Lake , Nebraska
r J Q&J ?
SSV ft. HOWE &MONTAOf Ofto Ofs
Livery , Feed and j *
, Sales Stable . |
Wood Lake , Nebraska g
S Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing1 Parries. .
( Successor to "Welkcr & Lyons )
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting
and fiching parties. *
( Successor to Ed Young. )
Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods.
Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish
ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. *
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Wood Lake = .
Fi I W 11
\J 9 3 t and LIVE STOCK
" E *
EC" _ L"jf
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex
perience in the Eastern slates.Vill go to any part of the State.
Write me , or dates can be made at this office.
F. J. WILSEY , Auctioneer
Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota
Notice to Bidders.
Office of County Clerk , Valentino , Nob. )
aiarch 1 , liill. f
Sonlod proposals will again bo received in
the ollico ot the County Olork of ( . herry
rounty , Nebraska , up to Monday ,
I'.Ul , at 12 o'clock noon , for cloiiig
nnd removing cm th neci".sary xo iho im
provement ot Iho public road leading up the
Olarkhon hill one mile north of Valentine ,
Nebrask.'i , in accoieance with and
j pecillcatioiih now on lile in the county
clerk's office and hereloloie ajjproved by
the board of county eommKMcnejvs. No bid
will be consideicd accompanied itli
certilicd check or cash in the su m ot { 25 to
be forleited to the county in case of letusal
to enter into a contract should Mime be
awarded. Ihc right j.s leserved to i eject
any or all bids or anv part thereof.
Jated thifc jJJtli day of Mai roll , A. D. , 11H1.
10-IJ F. A. Ouiiiiow. County Ulerk.
In the District Court of Cherry County ,
In the matter of the applica
tion of Wilfiam E. Ilaley ,
guardian of the estate 01
Amelia Hoffman , an insane
por-son , lor the sale ol real
estate : ,
Notky1 is hereby given that in nnrsunncc
of an order of the Hon. W. II. NVe&tover ,
one of the judges ot the district court ot
Cherry county , Nebraska , made on the ! J."th
day of February , lUl ! , for the .sale of leal
estate- hereinafter described , .there will Vo
.sold at public vendm io ihe lijgV'&t bidder
lor cabtt , at the fronl"-ctoor"'ol the court
house in the village ol Valentine in the .said
county of Cherry and state ot Nebraska' on
the : Hst day ol March , Kill , at 10 o'clock a.
in. , the following described property , to-wit :
Northwest quarter ( uwj ) , section twenty
(21) ) , township thirty-three ( i : > ) , north , range
thirty ( : ; 0) ) , west ot ( > tli P. 51. , in Cherry
countv , Nebraska.
Jjated this ath day of February , 1011.
W1IVLIAM K. HALEY , Guardian.
Wulcott & Morrlssey , jitlorne s , 8-5
* -
- When you buy this paper
you get big returns for your '
money invested.
The quicker a cold is gotten rid of il
less the danger from pneumonia an
other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L.
Hall , of Waverly , Va. , says : I firmly
believe Chamberlain's Cough Bemed <
to be absolutely the test preparation 01' j lj
the market for colds. I have recorn g
mended it to my friends and they : * p
agree with me. Fjr sale by Chaprnai b
Because the Cleanser quickly re tlm tl.v :
moves iKe discolorations which .vm
appear on porcelain bath-tubs , and ol
which it is impossible to remove diu
by any other means. u :
Many o&er j/sesr
and Full Directions on SI
Xarge Sifter can.lOt re w
Every family has nee"d of a good , ro-
iable liniment. For'sprains , bruises ,
oreness of tha jnusclesand rheumatic
pains there is none better than Cham
jerlain's. Sold by'Chapman , the drug p
Attempt to Defeat' Appropriation
Proves Futile.
Boland Is Only Member of Douglas
County Delegation Voting With the
Opposition to Locating Medical
School in Omaha.
Lincoln , March 29. The attempt to
reconsider the bill appropriating $100-
000 for the medical department of the
University of Nebraska to be finally
located at Omaha was defeated in the
house , although. Acting Speaker Quack-
cnbush allowed it to go to a. rote. Bo-
land was the only member of the Doug
las county delegation who voted with
the opposition. The hill will now go
to the senate and it seems quite prob-j
able that the upper house will agree
to the expenditure.
Judiciary Bill Fai'ls.
- The Quackenbush bill , creating a
state court of appeals , was lost by se
curing only 48 votes. The opposition
mustered only forty-eight , but it re
quired sixty votes to pass , so it was in
definitely postponed.
The appropriation for 130,000 to be
expended in buying the Fremont nor
mal school and make a state institu
tion of it , was defeated by a vote of
41 to 51. There has been a well or
ganized effort made to get the state
to buy this school and add it to the
list of state training-schools for teach
ers , but the house refused to take re
sponsibility for it. *
Debate on Suffrage Bill.
A motion to advance the Gandy
woman's suffrage bill to the head of
the sifting file was made by the au
thor in the house , but was defeated
44 to 48. The debate upon the ad
vancement of the bill to a more favor
able position was the occasion of con
siderable frivolous debate among
members and most of the authors who
have written since Homer were quoted
for and against the principle.
Two Bills Up in Senate.
The senate spent most of the morn
ing in consideration of one or two
bills. The measure by Smith of Fillmore -
more , allowing farmers to cultivate
the unused portions of public roads ,
was put on third reading , and the
Skiles bill , for a commission form of
government , the commission form
measure which was backed by the Ne
braska League of Municipalities , was
indefinitely postponed to make way
for Ihe Banning bill.
International Workers Will Have
Places on Program at Grand Island.
Grand Island , Neb. , March 29.
That the attendance at this year'stcon-
vention of the State Sunday School as
sociation , to be held in this city , will
be the largest in the history of the as
sociation is the confident prediction
of several of the state workers , in
cluding Mr. Kimberly of Lincoln and
Miss Margaret Brown of this city.
Both have traveled in many counties
of the state and report a very live in
terest in the approaching convention ,
from June 6 to 8 , especially in view of
the splendid international talent ex
pected , which talent will at the time been
on its way across the country to the r
national convention at San Francisco. t
The men's parade will be one of the1 (
big features of the convention , and it Ir
is hoped to hava 1,500 members in line Is
on that day. s
Death of Miss Grace Baker at Hastings
Hastings , Neb. , March 29. A corov
uer's inquest was ordered to investi r
gate the death of Miss Grace Baker. r
An autopsy was performed , but the re b
port will not be divulged until the t
jury reconvenes tomorrow.
It is said the girl confessed to her
mother that she had submitted to a
criminal operation in the office of Dr.
H. M. Swigart , formerly physician at
the soldiers' home in Grand Island.
She was to have been married early
in the winter to a cigarmaker named
Campbell , but the man disappeared on
ihe day fixed for the ceremony. Miss
Baker was under sixteen years of age
md was employed as a cigarmaker.
Henry Stehr and Wife Indicted. t : (
Norfolk , Neb. , March 29 Henry
Stehr of Norfolk has been indicted by
he Madison county grand jury for
nurder in the first degree , and his
vife , Minnie Stehr , for second degree fcei
nurder in connection with the death ei
her three-year old son , Kaurt , who
lied after his feet froze off last Jan-
Bank Robber Pleads Guilty.
Norfolk , Neb. , March 29. Tom
Jlavin pleaded guilty to attempting to }
ob the Meadow Grove State bank and
ras sentenced by Judge Welch to ten
rears in the penitentiary.
ranions have not been captured. -
Snow and Wind at Norfolk. i 01 >
Norfolk , Neb. , March 29.T-Another w sl
leavy snowstorm , driven by a high
and , began here. Sixty-five telephone *
icles went down , between here -and * ' 5
faster , Neb * ' Di
Officer of CarnoiB
Trust Company Who
Is ( Infer inftc'rnsnf.
V ' " *
* -
5 ' A 1 - > < /
. %
i ' > < v X X4
Tfieir Candidates Have Big Lead
in Primary Eieelion ,
Wichita , Xcn. , March. 29. The full
count of votes cast in the primary
election under the commission form of
government chows the Socialist candi
dates to have run even stronger than
was supposed at first. Eight candi
dates foi commissioners were to be
nominated , from whom fear will be
elected on Tucsdty. Four of the prim
ary winner. ? , or half of the number ,
are Socialists. In the race for noini *
nation for mayor , Blase ( Soc. ) had
the highest vote , receiving 3.GS3 to 3-
052 for Graham , the nearest compet
itor. This means that Elas ? ani Gra
ham alone will get their uarncs on the
ballot at the election. Elase is a cob
Camorrist Informer Tel is of Row
Which Lecl to His Confession.
Viterbo , Italy , March 29. The trial
of the CamoriEts , the adjournment of
which last week interrupted the recital
of the informer , Abbatemaggio , was
Abbatemaggio , in the last thre.2
days , has receive many letters and
telegrams congratulating him on his
confession and also has been the re
cipient of many threats of what is in
store for one who violates his vow as
a member of "the beautiful rc-rorniecl
society "
A feAV rcrcsn"nrlprtr - > " > - nt on
making sport of the s't'-ation. Then
there are the ine 'ta' : > : c theatrical
propositions. On- who describes him
self as Sam Charing , an agent at
Milan of an American theatrical house ,
offers the informer 8200 a dsv for the
privilege of exhib't'nsr him in the
United Stages Tlrs impressed Ab-
batemgo , who exclrrned : "Wouldn't
it be funny if alter bcimr shut in a
cage 'ike a fciirl , I were to go to Amer
ica and become a linn. '
Continuing his rovelat'ons. ' Abbate
maggie described r. burglary commit
ted by fhc Camorrist" at the home of
Count Daiifjniuo in Naples , in which
he participated. There was a quarrel
over the division of the bootv , which
amounted to $2n,0no. The lenders in
the Camorra , including Cnoccclo , for
whose murder th thirty si : prisoners
are beine tried , Enrico the al
leged head of the organlzat'cn. and
De Martinis derpinded so large a
phare of th ° spoils t'rnt none of t'nosa
Vt'ho actively participated in the crime
received mere thnn $50. Cne Camor
rist. who got nothing , denounced the
burglars to the police and some of
them : weie imprisoned.
Alliance , Neb. , and Cer.tcrville , la. ,
Among Cities Designatsd.
Washington , March 29. Postmaster
General Hitchcock designated forty-
live additional posto'Giccs as postal
savings depositories , in as many
states and territories , mostly at indus
trial centers , where there are many
ivage earners. It is Mr. Hitchcock's in-
ention to confine the offices as nearly
is possible to industrial centers really
jeeding such banking facilities , partic
ularly giving consideration to geographical
graphical location , postal receipts ,
'oreign money order business and gen-
tral efficiency of postmasters. Among
he new oiSccs designated are :
Alliance , Neb. : Conon City , Colo. ;
Jary , Inrt. : Conterville , la. ; Manhat-
an , Kan. ; St. Cloud , Minn. ; Hannibal ,
Ho. ; JCalispell , IMont. ; Tonopah , Nev. ;
Silver , City , N. M. ; Devjl's Take , N.
. ; Sbawnec , Ok'a. ; RoCk Springs ,
Vyo. ; Bingtam Canyon , Utah.
Packers to Attack Law.
Chicago , i March 29. Attorneys for
he-ten Chicago meat packers , indicted
n a charge of having violated the
Sherman acti trust law , -indicated that
hey v/ill attack the * validity of the
aw in a ( ieraurrer they wil' m-ke to
he Inclictnit nts before United * t
istrict- Judge Carpenter , . April
J n
Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle
Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc.
Johnson Bros , ,
Lumber , Machinery , Hard
ware , Harness , Saddles
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. , f *
Wood Lake , - - Nebraska
. ,
General Hardware ,
Wagons and
Machinery , . . .
A complete line of
Harness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture
Lumber and Fence Posts
R. M. Faddis & Co
I'osrottlce address Valentino or Kennedy.
Some bnmded
on Mi
Horses branded
gfeon left
or thiph.
Some Sonic branded
branded on rijilit thigh
on li-fc or hhuulder.
shoulder !
or thuh
P. H. Young.
dimeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left Bide
Some Q.yon left
- -on left Jaw of
V horses.
Ranpp on GorrtOM Credit north of Simeon.
M" . S. Eowley.
Kenned } , - .Nebraska.
Same as cjit on left
and lup , and ou
left shoulder of her
ses. Aho85Sfi on
left rtidi'
* ' X on leit
Some oat-
He brcna-
ed peg ( either aide up ) on
left side or hip. p on leit jaw and Me shoulder
Q on left hip of horses.
f > J on left jaw of horses 9
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud. SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE j J on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to derection
- . . . - * . of rustlers of stock
hearing any of rhp w brands.
R. M. Terrill , Propr. ;
Brownlee , Neu.
"l Cattle Ijranrted as
in c-.t on left
side. Some
branded K T Y
on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river , two miles
\\estof Brewulee
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis
sion. Rosebud.
S. D.
nettle branded
as in cut ; horses
udineor .IKP on
eftthiph. Kance
he t ween fc > priii'
D'k and Little
White river.
lehind the Times' ' (
You can keep up v/ith the GJ
times by reading this paper. sc
Albert Whipple & Sons. \
Rosebud S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left aide
OSO OQ rlebtslde
Some cattle also
have af fen neck
Some with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qnar-
. Iters Some Texas
cattle branded t * O on left side and some ]
on left side. | fgj
Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle
branded AW bar connected on both aides and
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on lelt hip.-
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co
Jcrtlett Richards Pres „ „ „ „ . ,
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
horses branded the
Eange berweea
Gordon on the F.E.
&M. V..B. R. aud
II & M. B.R. in Northwestern Nebr.
BARTI.KTT Kli'HAJtDS. Ellsworth. Nebr
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawver has
chaive of these
cattle. n rses
l onie tshoni-
der. Son
left side.
Horses !
same left thigh.
Kaiige 011 Snake
Metzger Bros.
Cattle branded
mywhere on left
Jarmark. square
crop right ear.
Horses have
ame brand on
ft thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
Reward of $250 will he paid to any person for
Unorniatiou leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or , persons stealing
not-M : .v , ROVP } , mnrt. &
J : A. Taryan.
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery ol cattle
strayed from my
Growing Some
.This paper is growing ,
row with the times by sub-