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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1911)
VALENTIN EDEBropRAL I. M/R fC E - ' Ed i to r an d Pro p r. MarkZarr , Foreman. A Weekly Newspaper pnbllblu-d uvt-ij 'IJmrs day at Valentine , Nebras. SubscriptionSl.r > 0 Per Year Local Notices , oc per .line'per issue * . . - - 7 < Entered at the I'ostolflce -Valentine , Nfio. . for transmission through the mails , as Sceoud class matter. Thursday , March GO , 1911. MAKES A Stockman Makes a Kick On Inferior Weather * Bureau Service. Badger l ake , Nebr. , Marcl ) 27 , 1911. To the Editor of The Val entine ljeraocrat : What has be come of the weather man ? When fine weather he sends out re ports , but when a blizzard is com ing he has nothing to say. Sun day-morning started in with one of the worst blizzards since ' 92 , and the weather man never' utter ed * a sound of warning. New Year TSlizxard no word of warning was sent out , and now , if the govr- efnment'is going to pension these fellows because they supported Burkett or some other special. in terest , why not put them on the pension list and then the people won't expect anything from them ? If some of these weather men had , t : pull old cows out of lakes and apd'.creeks by the tail in a blizzard he would ) n > w a little more about sending out reports. W. 11. HARN-AN : This is in line with what The Democrat has before stated in .re- gar'8 'to weather reports for * the stock industry of 'this country. While the government is spend- jng thousands for moving the army around , just to show other coun tries how quick we can move , to scare 'em to death , the weather bureau service is being neglected , -cutting off .employees here and there when new stations should be opened . S * * \ t Spend more money for some thing that means "protection to American citizens who are expect ed to shout for the flag , yea , and fight for it , and more , to fight other countries to protect ' 'Ameri can interests , " or Wall street financiers in plain English. Give us more of real value and slop some of these big four flush es and useless big army demon strations. ' - > c. * * * Our local weather" man seldom * > gets a report of a storm here until it is upon us and in all its fury. Legislative News. . , . - Without regard to politics ; rn embers of the 32nd- legislature are feeling pretty-.well satisfied with results up to date. It is con ceded by all that the session just coming to a close will stand thr scrutiny of the most caption When shall we adjourn ? That , A is'the question which ho one can answer just now. The senutc lia-- j set April 4 , , and a report of' tlib joint committee on adjournment _ was promptly tabled by the house Of course this means that there * are many sensible members in the house who realize-'it would be a physical clean up t ] 3 risfc in any decent mariner b. > tn'at date. The , indications are c that the-house1 will not adjourn sine < , die .until at-least Frjday , the 7. Most of the rnembers in both branches seem to understand the importance of givin'g-this thejr at tention. , Appropriations have been generous - - ous but it cannot be denied that r f 'they have bcen > largely for educa tional and charitable institutions. vMembefs of the democratic ma- / jprity are feeling pretty well salis- * < iso , faras parijM > ! eges ] are ;"jVIost ; of them - have iron kept to the Ifttlor and all have ' i. > . ' of i nin r through Of lire first , of these is tlv niliative and referendura bill , and Jieri there is the agricultural school for southwest Nebraska , , ho apportionment bills , etc. The senate and house " officials ire trying hard to economize by hopping unnecessary help and in my other way to make up for the jig' pxppn. i item incurred by the uvestigation of the governor's jhargcsTagainst Omaha's election net hods. That was an expensive fiusco and was all brought about * D.V a lot of dope fui niched by John 3. Yeiser. The rodist riding bills- for legis- ativo and congressional purposes ire attracting unwonted attention. Fhe judicial apportionment meas ure will probably go througn with ittle contest. Good roads measures have had lue consideration and it is con fidently believed that our statutes tvill be simplified as a result of the present session. . Halt * . Health If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble , Take Advantage Of This Offer , We could not nffuirl to so strong ly endorse Pusall " 03" Hair Tonic and "continue to Fell it as we do , if it did uot do all \\e claim it will , Should our enthusiasm carry us away , and Besall " 93" Hair Tonic not ; give entire , , satisfaction to tin users , they would lose faith in HE and our statements , and in conse- f - . quence our business prestiges woulc suffer. . * . We assure yon that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out o ; if you have any scalp trouble , Bex all " 98" Hair Tonic will promptl : eradicate , dandruff , stimulate hai growth and prevent prematur baldness. Our faith in Bexall " 93" Hai : Tonic is so strong that we ask yoi to try it on our positive guaraate that your money will" be cheerfull refunded if it does not do aa w claim. Two sizes , oOc and $1.0C Sold only at our store The Bexa ) Store. Chapman , The Druggist. W ho wants a nice home a goo easy living ? 40 acres , all in th valley of the beautiful IVlinnechi duxa , creek flowing through OE corn er , soil rich and deep , sheltei ed by hills GJI the ronhaiid soutl This is &r > ideal place for garde farming , fruit ard chickens. Goc build irg location fscirg soutbeas whe re sirne chicken house can I built in ihe hill with front r level. 4GO rpjr Cyphers' Incub ; tor at half price to go wiih th deal.A laigain. Get bus ; I. M. BICE , Y dentine , I\cb. 6 "WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL. THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dic tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a -single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 "Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most , remarkable > single volume. ' "Write for _ sample pages , full par ticulars , etc * Name this paper and we will send free. a set of Pocket Map * . &C. MeniamCo. Springfield , Mafls. : wiml e , I j ! Absolutely Pure i The official Government tests sliow Royal Baking Powder to be aa absolutely pure and healthful grape cream of tartar baking powder , and care should be taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place. With no other agent can feis- c z L crlio and hot-breads fee mad ® so pore , healthful and delicious. > V Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per pound , and is cheaper and better at its price than any other baking powder in the world. It makes pure , clean , healthful food. Royal Cook Book 860 Receipts Free. Send Name and Address. . . ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , NEW YORK. \ and find we are overstocked on some lines of , ' Implements which we will close out at lowest prices. We believe that there will be an advance in the price of Lumber and advise our cus tomers to build while it is cheap. A com plete line of Posts , Barb "Wire and Staples that we are selling exceptionally cheap. You will save money and be assured of getting the best quality by purchasing of us. An examination of our Lumber will convince you that we carry the largest stock of the best grade and at lowest prices. u RCO. A ! s of Job Printing NEATLY EXECUTED OCRAT PRINT SHOP i will sell at public auction at my ranch Commencing at 10 o'clock a.'nx : sharp , the folio wing property : Consisting of 35 Cows (4 Milch Cows ) , 7 three-year-old Steers , 18 two- year-old Steers , 19 Steer Calves , 15 2-yr-old Heifers , 6 Heifer Calves. n a e n ,1 ' 17 s Consisting of one driving team , weight 2200 pounds , age 10 and 12 years ; two mares , 4 and 5 years old , i sired by Amediat , in foal by Count by Conqueror 2:12i ; one sorrel mare , 4 years old , weight 1250 pounds ; one sorrel mare , 3 years old , weight 1100 pounds ; three mares in foal by jack , one 2 = year = old gelding , one horse colt , four mule colts ( will be one year old in June ) , one child's saddle horse ( pacer ) 6 years old. lousehofd Goods , all Descriptions too Numerous to Mention ' Coal oil gas stove and 5S = gaiIon coa ! oil tank with pump , new. * * * kf One Velie extension top 2 = seat spring wagon ( new ) , one 3i Moiine wagon and box ( wide tire ) , one low wheel truck wagon and hay rack , 2 mowing machines , 1 hay rake , 1 stacker , 1 sweep , 1 reversible disc cultivator , 1 stirring plow , 1 breaking plow , garden tools , 2 sets of harness , 1 saddle , 1 cream separator , 1 shot gun , 1 rifle , 2 dozen chick'ens. x , . . . m MfJi > gpf fri5 jaf-.m.j * k sg nggiii * " -iM3ttgL gJgyn' tttnf flj yUTTi ' - ' * * 7 > y * * lMHBrTPS"a' 'i > mPTTffrK'LJMi ' 'i ! FREE LUNCH AT NOON Sums of § 10 and under cash. On sums-over § 10 seven month's time will be Term B given on approved notes bearing 10 per cent interest , or 5 per cent discount for cash. Co ! , GE , Tracewell , auctioneer. W. F. Parker , clerk , * * * i \ *