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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1911)
3s. I * r IMAHJtM&AJJUJJ & General Merchandise , Hats , Cap's , Boots and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing Goods. Flour and Feed. HORSES FOR SALE. Wood Lake , Nebraska > r i E e t- c Livery , Feed and Sales Stable. . . Wood Lake , Nebraska g 18 i i 3 Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing : Parties , jj H. A. L'YON ( Successor to AVellcer & Lyons ) Wood Lake , Nebraska Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting and fiching parties. -ram . . Q AYjEL © JSLVy y & ? Ff- ' Ss ? J& ar a. jsa. , / " A 7 ( Successor to Ed Young. ) Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods , Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish ings. Boots and Slices. Hosiery. Men's Clothing and Furnishings.- . . ; . . , . FLOUH , FEED AND COAL. Wood Lake = Nebraska. CV GENERAL FARM F. L , 1 and LIVE STOCK r B * * "JF" 3 f * BVB C ! " ? " ff"5 AC UCT1UBM&-ER- Satisfaction guurnnteed and prices reasonable. Tbirty years ex' perience in the Eastern stales. Will go to any part of the State. Write me , or dates cars &s made at this office. Fl . M J 5 3 . * J. W&L. Box 82S Rosebud. Soutft Dakota Notice io Bidders. of County Clerk , Valentine , Neb. I March KJ , l'll.-f ! . . .I'd proposals will again bi * received in tinolllcu of the County Clerk of Cherry county , Nebraska , tip to Monthly , April : ; , lull , at J2 o'clock noon , for doing grueling and removing earth necessary to the im provement ot the public road leading up the Olnrkbon hill one mile north ol Valentine , ZCebraska , in accoreance with plans and bpeciilcations now on iile in the county clerk's olHce and heretolore approved by tht * Ixxml of county commissioners. No bit ! will IHJ considered unless accompanied wilh certified chock or cash in the sum oi J2o to "he forfeited to the county in case of rctusal to enter into a contract should , same be awarded. The right is reserved to reject ainy or all bids or any part thereof. Uated this 13th day of March , A. D. , 1011. 10-3 F. A. OUHDOW. County Cierl : . In the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska Jn tiio matter of the applica tion of William E. Haley , guardian of the estate ot Aint'linllofrman , nu insane ix.-r.son , for the sale oi real estate : ' Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of fhe Hon. W. n. Westover , court of the 23th of real estate herc-inalfer described , there will be sold nt public vcMidue to the highest bidder ior ca h , at the Jront door or the court Iiouso in thevillago ol Valentino in the said - unty of Clu'rrv : : nd state of Nebraska'qn tlHJSLstday 01 ! March , Uill , at 10 o'clock a. ni the following de.scriled propertylo-wit : Northxv * ! - quarter ( uwjoction ) twenty Cftlowihip ) ) thirty-three C' J ) , north , range thirty ( ; JO ) , i-st of Oth P. M. , in Cherry Bounty , Nebraska. , Jatcd this'J7th day of February , Hill. WILLIAM . JIALEY , Guardian. Walbott & Morrissey , attorneys , 8-5 When you buy this paper you get big returns for your .money invested. The quicker a colu is gotten rid of ' 'less tlio danger from pneumonia ar. other- serious diseases. Mr.B. . "W. i- Hall , of "Warerly , Va. , says : J firmV believe Chamberlain's Cough P.e e < to be absolutely the test preparation oi the raarkefc for colds. I hsivs recora mended ifc to'niy fiicnds and they nie. iemc &e Cleanser is entirely free from Acid , Caustic and Alkali , ll is mech&lipal in its action avoid dangerous chemical cleansers. other uses Every ffii iJy has need of a good , re liable liniment. For sprains , bruises , soreness of the muscles and rheumatic prjns there is none better ihtw Cham berlain's. Sold by Chapman , the drug * VVVVWVVVVVVVYYYYYW f ? - Wood Lake Department ADVERTISING RATES : Locals or ren/Ung notices 5 cents per line each Insertion. Display advertising 50 cents per inch per month each iesue ; Jl.OO per inch per month double column. j A A A-JL A A Legislative News. Among the bills tbat will come up for serious consideration this week'are tlie measures providing for a non-partisan board of control for state institutions. This is an other democratic pledge and will unquestionably meet with public approval. The plan is to place the management of all the various in stitutions of the state under the the supervision of a board of ex perts , who will be selected with re gard to their fitness rather than their political affiliations. "It is suggested that this action would make the office of iuiiu oommisgion- e r useless. Advocates of the meas ure are able to showthat such a board would save the state annual ly about half a million dollars. Several such bills are before the legislature but it will require care ful thought to select the best one. The Quackenbush bill providing the election of supreme judges by districts is in the hopper ready to be considered at an early hour. The measure contains a provision that is new in that there would be a circuit court of appeals established to relieve the supreme tribunal of some of its great volume of work. There was consternation in the house and senate Friday when it de veloped that the OUis stock yards bill was lacking the enacting cluase. Promp action on the part of friends of the measure soon remedied the difficulty in the senate and it was returned to the house in correct form and was read for the first time at once , The Taylor stock yards bill has passed both houses and is awaiting the approval of the gov ernor. The essential difference be tween the acts lies in the fact that the former declares the stock yards to be common carriers while the latter would have them denominat ed a public markets. The claim is made on the one hand tha-they are not common carriers and on the other han that the railway com mission has no jurisdiction over a public market , The hou.ce has been working in.- dustrionsly all the week over the regular appropriation bills. In view of the added state normal schools and the increase in populit tion at the hospitals and reforma tory institutions additions have been necessitate ] in the budgets. It is the rnumfost disposition of the legislature to deal generously with the educational institutions and to take good care of the unfortunate wards of the state. Improvements in building have been ordered by the house at several of ihe hospitals and schools. Here is a quiet tip to sportsmen , Instead of the new game law going into i.ffect July 1st the emergency clause that follows House Roll No. 240 makes that : neasure operative as soon as it bhall have b@an approv ed bythe senate and the governor. It provides for a universal license system and by its provisions a li cense is necessary for every hunter or fisherman who goes outside of his own lands to hunt or fish. Li censes may be procured from any county clerk for a dollar each , Tlae idea of doing away with the off-year eleotipps is gaining favor among the solons an4 it is not a ff\r stretch to predict tha $ an amendmept proyidpg for jbi-enpiaj elections will be submitted to tjjei people at the 192 election , The matter of apportioning the the state into congressional , judicial and legislative districts is a huge task and one that certainly cannot be accomplished to the satisfaction of all concerned. Several bills have been in deduced along these lines and the matter will have serious Goosi ration. Politics will be ig nored in t)6 ) # pJ apportionment and regard will be had aioiost jyjjjpl- ly to accessibility and to' allied in terests. There ib couoiderubb talk about amending the primary election law but everyone seems to be "up in the air" as to what is the wise thing to do. There are advocates in plenty of the wide open , the closed and the half open plan. It is fair to assume that the present legislature evolve some wise road legislation. More than ordinary caie has been given to these matters and there seems to be a unanimity of opinion that the value of good roads to every com munity cannot be over estimated. It is highly probably that this session will require an added ap propriation to meol the bills of the session. The regular expenses nave been no more , if as much , as form erly , but the Omaha investigation , made at the instigation of Governor Aldrich , will cost into the thous ands. The bill for the stenographic reports of the proceedings amount ed to nearly a thousand dollars alone and the governor's attorney has asked for a fee of § 1500. The contract price for the printing of bills has been vastly higher than tormeily , a matter over which the legislature had no control. You Take No Risk Our Reputation and Money Are Back of This Offer , We pay for all the medicine used during the trial , if oar remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipation. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way whatever , if you ac cept our offer. Could anything b3 more fair for you ? Is thre any reason why you should hesitate to put our claims to a practical test ? The most scientific , commonsense - sense treatment is Rt'X'ill Order- Ifc s , whieh are eaten like candy. They are very pronounced , gentle and pleasant in action , and partic ularly agreeable in every way. They do not cause diarrhoea , nau sea , flatulence , griping or any in convenience whatever. KexaJl Orderlies are partjculary good for ehijdren , aged and delicate per sons. sons.We We urge you to tpy Rexalj Qr- derlies afc our risk , TWP siges , lOc and 25c. Remember you can get Rexall Remedies in this com munity only at our store The Bexall § tpre. Chapman , The Druggist- Ask to have your contest pntjce or legal notice printed in THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. It is your privilege to have it printed where you will , tf The' Prettiest Qirl Yoy Ever Met. A beautiful art panel and calpn- rir , printed in 13 colors and gold ii being given away by the Farm ers' Review , Chicago , 111. , si e 7J x 86 inches. It will be sent to anyone for lOc ( stamps or silver ) to cover cost of'postage and pack ing. Get one before the supply is exhausted. Who wants a nice home a good easy living ? 40xacres , all in the valley of the beautiful Minnecha- duga ? creek flowing through one .corner , snjrjeh / and deep , shelter ed .by ) ais | ] on ttbe pprthapd south. This is ap-iflea ] place for 'garden farmipg , frPJt W.3 phjgkeps. ( joojl building lopatfflP fapjpg snptfyeast , where stone chicken bnHse can be built in the hill with front on level. 400 egg Cyphers' Incuba- fpr at half price to go with this deal. .4. P.argain. Get busy. I. M , BIOS , Valentine , lyek 6 4 When you have a cold got a bottle oi Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It wilj soon fix you up all right and -will ware Dfr any tendency toward pneumonia. J hg | remedy contains no' opium or other ( narcotic an& may'be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold by Chap Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. Johnson Bros. , Lumber , Machinery , Hardware - ware , Harness , Saddles Wagons , Buorgies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. Wood Lake , - - . Nebraska Lausen & Co. , General Hardware , Wagons and Machinery. . . . * - . t A. complete line of Harness and Saddles > Household and Kitchen Furniture Lumber and Fence Posts WOOD LAKE , NEBRASKA E. M. Faddis & Co Postofllce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded on left thigh Hors > es branded If ft [ shoulder lor thiph Spme Some branded bra > ded * on rif-ht thigh nn It ft or Miuulder. or tin P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as out on lelc side Some QYon iert side. -on left jaw of V horses. Range on Oordrm Ore -k north of Simeon , 1ST. S. Rowley. Kenueuy , Same as cut on left , tide and hip , and on left shoulder of her ses. AlsoiS'JaJgJ ' on left side hip. * ' X on 'pit Some < * at tie brand- , , . red - _ _ ed huskSE2S8Hnig peg ( either side up ) on left sifle or hjp. p 011 leff w nfl left shoulder of bqrdHa. Ll | 0 PP lelt ! p oren on Ipf f. jaw of horses C. P. Jordan , Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also OJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte create. A liberal revyard for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock Dearipganr of fhesf brand * . B , M , Terrill , Propr. Drownlee , Xe o. rattle branded as in cit on left side. Home branded H T Y on left hip. Hange on Xqrth Loop river , two west of Brewnlee John Kills Plenty. St Francis Miaat& & > jlon , Kostbud. O-ttle brapded is in cut ; linrses same or JKP on pft thigh. IH tween Snrin1' 1"A and tittle IVhite river. DIAZ TOO PROUD TO YIELD Junta Expects United Stctes to Inter vene Within a Week. Sari Antonio , Tex. , March 22. Hem tpt-s' rtbe local " junta of the reygJi } tionists do not "believe Fjnauce Minis ; ep Ljmantoar will he able to effect 1j peace agreement with Diaz , if he wpujd The junfa expects " Americap interyen lion in Mexico \vithin a v.'sek. Thej say Diax is toQ proud and dictatqria Lo accept any proposition towarq fjeace fha } ; would be accepted by the rebels. Plan for Dee sive El Paso , Tex. , March 22. Thai BYancisco I. Madero , v/ith 1,000 insur- ectos operating outh of Casas Jraades , Mexico , and General Orozco. with SOO men , are arranging a decisive lUack in case peace negbtiations was announced in insurrecto circles. Albert Whipple & Sons. \ Rosebud 8.D. Cattle branded 808 on left aide OSO on rlebtslde Some cattle also have af on seek Some with A on left jhonlder and some branded with two bars across hind quar- .tera SoraeTesas cattle branded a O 011 left side and some on leftside. Horses branded 8OH on left hip. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sidea and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Eange Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. Jartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock V. P Chas 0 Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : horses branded the same Bange betweei Gordon on the F.B. &M.V..B.B. and Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Ne6r G. K. Saxwer has charae of these cattle. H I > Son den , - Some | left'slde. iiorsusl same left thigh. Kaiige on Snake rjyer. Metzger Bros. Hoife Nebr branded any\Vliere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brpaid on off thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creefcs. A Reward of $250 wlh be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealing with al > nv * tiranri. J. A. Taryan. Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable .reward for any Information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from mj range. Growing Some I This paper is growing. Groi'/ with the times by sub-