Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 23, 1911, Image 7
BAD CASE r Caused Sore Throat and Ton- ff & sifitis. Restored by T ; Peruna. Mr. W. H. H o u. s 1 e y , Stony Point , Tennessee , writes : "Five years ago I took a very severe cold -which resulted In ta grippe. I never w a ese so bad off. I was in bed several Weeks , and when I did get up I ha3 ton si I Itis and s o r o Mr < w. H. Housley. throat. "I tried to cure this for eighteen months , but it gradually got worse. A doctor advised me to have my tonsils cut out , but I did not like the idea , Another doctor examined me , and told me the same thing. I finally got a bottle tle of Peruna , and after I had taken one bottle my throat was better. I bought and used a dozen bottles , and saw I was going to get well , and I did. " Rotten Cigarette Paper. Much cigarette paper is made from waste untarred hemp rope. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigor ate , ' stomach , liver and bowels. Sugarcoated - coated tiny granules The Reason. "I know a woman who never gos sips about her neighbors. " "Get out. You don't. " "Yes , I do. She's dumb. " Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature In Use For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought All Snakes Are Killers. But all snakes , great and small , are killers. All of them eat creatures which theyvslay. None -eat vegetable food of any kind. Nor will they eat animals which they find dead. That is one reason , no doubt , why they have always been shunned and dreaded by human beings. Professional Foresight. "That fellow has a fearful nerve , " ( aid the dealer in firearms. "Who is he ? " "An alienist. He says he will give me a commission on his business if I will hand his card to every wild/eyed person who comes in and buys a re volver. " Cause and Effect. "Where is Bill today ? " "Bill is sick in bed. " "What's the matter with him ? " "Well , you know that girl of his thinks he doesn't use tobacco. Yes terday he was hurrying around the corner and he ran right into the girl. He had a chew in his mouth , " "Yes , yes ; go on. " "There were two things to do hurry by or swallow. " "Well ? " "Bill talked to her for five minutes. " Barmaids in South Australia. South Australia is suffering from a barmaid famine. Two years ago bar maids were abolished In that state by act of parliament. No more could be legally engaged , but those already em ployed could remain on condition that they registered themselves. There are now only 400 of them left , arid the competition for their serv ices is such that their wages have Jumped from 25 shillings to 3 a week. The hotels that have had to employ barmen report a considerable change for the worse in their receipts. Saves Breakfast Worry A package of Post Toasties on the pantry shelf. Served in a minute. With cream or stewed fruit. DELICIOUS ! SATISFYING ! 'The Memory Lingers" POSTUM CEREAL CO. , Ltd. , Battle Creek. Mich. BEAUTIFUL HOME OF MR. AND MRS. GEORGE GOULD JEW YORK. Having lost his hold on some of the railroads comprised in the so-called Gould System , George Gould soon will withdraw largely from financial operations and , with Mrs. Gould , will retire to Georgian Court , his beautiful home Lakewood , N. J. TS ifl'ellesley Has Nothing on Stu dents at Cleveland College. Heart of Fluffy Little Pet May Turn Up in Bottle of Alcohol in Fair Maid's Collection No Qualms of Conscience. Cleveland , O. Wellesley college at Wellesley , Mass. , where the man-of- all-work about the college has been arrested for stealing cats for college girls to dissect , has nothing on our own Women's College at Western Re serve except the distinction of having one of its attaches arrested , says a writer in the Leader. Wellesley's girls , who cut up cats , would be backed off the boards if we may use that expression in this scientific discourse they were to see the stunts that our "dear girls" at the Women's college make a part of their daily routine. The Cleveland college girls stop not at the dissection of mere felines. They cut up with great glee cats and dogs , pigs and frogs. Nor do they stop there. They have no conscience qualms about the meth ods of getting material. Mysterious disappearances of fuzzy dogs and fe line divas are common in the East end. Friends of the college girls should be wary when asked by them : "Would you like to see my collec tion ? " One would expect to see postcards or pressed flowers or pennants or some feminine thing like that. But don't say "yes" too soon. The girl may bring forth the heart of a frog in alcohol and tell you how it was still beating when she took it out in the laboratory. She may take pleas ure in showing you the heart of a pig , the special feature of her exhibit. Rrmdom pieces of animals of all sorts may be spread out for your inspection , i of the girls are preparing such collections to show "the folks" at the Easter vacation. It seems as if many romances may be spoiled , for can Elsie's small hands look quite the same again after you know how cleverly she slices up ani mals with them ? Does the fact that she knows how to dissect dogs' and rabbits' spinal cords make her quite as desirable for a wife as if she had spent those hours reading history or hemming up the window curtains for her room ? The * zoology courses are not con ducted in the Women's college , proper , so the girls must go to the Adelbert laboratories for them. Those who elect "zoo" college for zoology delight In tellinsr all the de tails of their experiments to their shuddering classmates whom they dub 'squeamish. " And they show a great interest in getting "material. " A nice little doggie wanders down Euclid avenue trustfully looking for his master and mysteriously he dis appears. He never gets under any one's feet again , never again chases automobiles , snapping at the whirl ing tires , never barks fye girls at the College for Women are finding out just how that bark was made and how the muscles cling around the bone in those legs that made him run so fast , Cats were scarce this past year , ao the girls couldn't get any of those to cut up. Rabbits , dogs and small pigs made fair substitutes , however. The conversation of these girls can hardly be understood by one who doesn't know. They mutter about strange things that are parts of some animal or other , when they are at their meals and ought to be thinking of salads. . * l made one clean little incision this way , " one explains to another , drawing a diagram on the tablecloth with her knife , "and then you see I had only to reach in for the heart " They are thoroughly interested but are they as interesting ? More girls each year are taking the course. In some colleges the scientific fever has gone so far that vivisection is em ployed , but this should be done only in research work , one of the profes sors at the Western Reserve universi ty believes , so perhaps Cleveland will be spared having its girls learn to kill things by torture. USE OF WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Physician Declares That at Least 80 Per Cent , of Grain Should Be Used for Bread. London. "It is most important , " said a well known physician , "that the public should realize that the color of our standard bread may vary from tli every palest cream color to a rich warm brown. We urge that at least 80 per cent of the whole wheat be re tained in the flour. Bread containing from 80 per cent , to 85 per cent , of the whole grain ( including , of course , the germ and the semolina ) makes the ideal household bread. "The color of such a loaf depends on whether white or red wheat is used and also on the fineness "of the flour. Bread made from the same wheat , but coarser ground and contain ing not 80 per cent , but 100 per cent , of the wheat , will , of course , be much darker in color. Absolute whole meal bread , that is 100 per cent , bread , while containing even more nourish ment than our 80 per cent , loaf , might have too irritating an effect on the di- getive tract to allow its complete di gestion. Hence children might not de- YOUNG MANS "HEN MINDED' Pastor Says Wealthy Members of Fair Sex Refuse to Exchange Riches or Barter for Titles. * Chicago. The American young men , and not the young women of today , are the ones who are bediming "hen mind ed , " declared the Rev. Percival H. Barker , pastor of the ? tlaywood Con gregational church , in an address he- fore the Hull House Woman's cluh. Dr. Barker placed the average Amer ican woman of wealth upon a high plane , picturing her as a woman of am bition and intellectual attainments. He said the women who were a peril to the American home were those who have a champagne taste with only a beer income. The minister took issue with Prof. McLaughlin of the "University of Chicago cage , who in a recent magazine ar ticle , condemned women of wealth for indolence and lack of ambition. "The ordinary woman of wealth re fuses to exchange her wealth or barter her name for empty titles. She would rather live with a plain ordinary Amer ican with no title except his manhood ; no castle except his character , and no wealth except a strong right arm and a true heart ; would rather dwell with such a man in a shack over which waved the stars and stripes than live with any prince , count or no account in some lordly castle filled with dusty portraits of a defunct ancestry. "Lincoln pleaded with women to up hold the home , the school , the church and the political meeting. He 'saw that woman had a high mission in life to serve. Lincoln gave his mother great credit when he was praised for lie goodness and his attainments. "We have few women who are 'hen minded , ' and we can see a greater rive as much benefit from it as from our 'standard loaf. ' " The all important value of the germ and the semolina lies in their richness of nitrogen , fat and gluten. The germ , which Is the embryo of the new wheat , while forming only about three per cent , of the total grain , contains most important nutritive elements. Semo lina is the name given to the grain at a certain stage In the milling. Mod ern milling , according to the secretary of the Bread and Food Reform league , obtains about 50 per cent , of semolina bearing valuable nitrogen , ash and fat concentrates. The semolina is to varying extents removed from ordinary household flour. OHIO WILL INHERIT CLOCK State to Come Into Possession of Fa mous Time-Piece When the Last Heir Dies. New York. The will of Rear Ad miral David B. Macomb , U. S. N. , form er commandant of the Brooklyn navy yard , filed the other day , makes pro vision for many of the famous Ma- comb family relics , among them the original family deed of Grosse isle in the Detroit river. Admiral Macomb died on January 27. To one of his daughters , Mrs. Mar garet A. Bell , to whom he presented the original deed in Grosse isle , which is to be presented to the Mich igan Historical society at the time of her death , he also willed a family clock designated as the Worthington clock. The clock was bequeathed as follows : "Never to be sold or bequeathed ex cept to a lineal descendant of Thomas Worthington , and in case there should be none of such issue or descendants of the name of Worthington to buy or inherit it , the Worthington clock shall revert to or be given to the Historical society of Chillicothe , O. , or to the state of Ohio for safe keeping. " peril in the lack of intellectuality among our young men. It is truest to say of many young men of today that they are 'hen minded' and are 'slaves of pleasure. ' "Unlets men awaken the latent pow ers within them we will rapidly come to an age devoid of heroism and pow er among men. " HEN'S DAINTY BILL OF FARE Eastern Farmer Feeds Prize Biddy Steak and Onions , Clams , Baked Apples and Tea. Winsted , Conn. "What do you feed the hen that lays four eggs a day ? " N. J. Welton of Oxford was asked. He replied without a moment's hesita tion : "Boston brown bread with round steak and onions for breakfast ; corn bread and long clams on toast for din ner ; bread and butter , baked apple , cold roast beef for supper ; crackers and weak tea with malted milk for j midnight lunch. "I found the hen on the nest very- early one morning , " said Welton. "I began feeding her differently and soon found her on the nest at dark , and to treat her nicely I placed a good light that shone on her nest and also on her perch. "About 11 p. m. I went to see how she was getting along , when she hopped from her nest and left an egg. After walking around a little she took her perch for the rest of the night. At ten o'clock next morning she laid another egg. "Now , both of these were laid with in 12 hours and were both double yolk , equivalent to four eggs within the 12 hours. " ood's Sarsaparilla For A ! ! Spring Blood Diseases and Ailments ; Possesses medicinal merit Peculiar to Itself and has an unequaled record of cures. Take it this spring , in usuaj liquid form or tablets known as Sarsatabs. Spring Humors are due to the im pure , impoverished , devitalized condi tion of the blood brought about by the unhealthful modes of living dur ing the winter , too close confinement , too little outdoor air and exercise , too heavy diet. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures them and builds up the whole system. Hood's Saroaparllla has no equal for cleansing the blood and expelling the humors that accumulate during the winter. It effects its wonderful cures because it combines the utmost remedial values of more than twenty different ingredients. Insist on having Hood's. It has no substitute. COLT .Can befcancUeJ very easily. The rick arc cured. * ad n.11 others la j jn stable , no rnixtt/T how "fcxpoued. " kept from huviat ; tha d v ease , by UBlnfr HKHIJTH LIQUID D1STEUPEU CUKE. Glre on 'tho tongue , or In feed. Acts on tha blood and ezpela genus cc all forms of distemper. Beet remedy over known for marts In foaL Ono bottle guaranteed to euro one CM * . COc antl & txml : W and ? 10doenofdnEjl ; < ttandharne 3UeIeni.ors 'ntrrpr : sM puli ! by , mABUfactnrers. Cat Bhotrs heir to ponltlca liironta. Our fro I Booklet gives erory thine. Local a ent3 vraatcd. Laivwt selling _ _ . horeo remedy In ezUtcnco tnrelreyeara. SPOHX HiEDICAB.COi.CiaaliiiMdlUeiirJoloilju , Goshen. Intl. , U.S. A * JLa .SSL , ESTAB. 10 lt J D D * t f * * N tt jri 1876 C5 H O E S & WOMEH "W. L. Douglas shoes cost more to make than ordinary shoes , because higher grade leathers are used aad selected with greater caro. Tbeso are the reasons why "W. L. Douglas shoes are guar anteed to hold their shape , look and fit better and wear longer than any other shoes you can buy. The genuine ha e W. L. Douglas name and the retail price stamped the bottom which full value oa , guarantees i v t\ i and protects the wearer against high prices and inferiorshocs. % jg\ \ REFUSESUBSTITUTESGLASMED rn fF'j/isTASGnnB' &V vc If your dealer cannot supply yon will ) the penulne W.L.Doucrl.19 shoes , -write ' BOYS' SHOES for Mall Order Catalo g. Snoes sent direct from factory to wearer , all charges preoaid. W. JL. i-15 MpurU St. . llroclctou. C2.OOjS2.50 & S3.OO GRAND VOYAGE TO THE POLE. EYES WOULD BURN AND STING "It Is just a year ago that my sis ter came over here to us. She had been here only a few weeks when her eyes began to be red , and to burn and sting as if she had sand in them. Then we used all of the home reme dies. She washed her eyes with salt water , used hot tea to bathe them with , and bandaged them over night with tea leaves , but all to no purpose. She went to the drug store and got. some salve , tout she grew constantly worse. She was scarcely able to look in the light. At last she decided to go to a doctor , because she could hardly work any more. The doctor said it was a very severe disease , and if she did not follow his orders close ly she might lose her eyesight. He made-her eyea burn and applied elec tricity to them , and gave her various ointments. In the two and a half or three months that she went to the doctor , we could see very little im provement. "Then we had read so much how people had been helped by Cuticura that we thought we would try it , and we cannot be thankful enough that we used it. My sister-used the Cuticura Pills for purifying the blood , bathed only with Cuticura Soap , and at night after washing , she anointed her eyes very gently on the outside with the Cuticura Ointment. In one week , the swelling was entirely gone from the eyes , and after a month there was no longer any mucus or watering of the eyes. She could already see better , and In six weeks she was cured. " ( Signed ) Mrs. Julia Csepicslca , 2005 Utah St , St. Louis , Mo. , Aug. 25 , 1910. Dost thou love life ? Then do not squander time , for time is the stuff life Is made of. Franklin. Taking Garfield Tea. keeps the system clean , the blood pure and the general health good. Buy from your druggist. You can often tell what a woman really means by what she doesn't say. Greatest Little Invention. The greatest little invention that has been given to the world is the lucifer match. It was invented In 1827. It is small , but like Portia's candie , it has shed a great light into the world. It gave man mastery of il- ' . Before this fire had been a con- ti . v hred man , but now it became f. . ( . ' _ c < ! ' < ? rt servant. TO CDIJE A CO1.D TX OX3 DAT TsLo IiAXATIVB KKOilO Quinine Tablatj. l rreglstsrelnnd money if it fails to caro. B.T . OKO VE'3 signature is on each box. 30c. The Beginning. Children learn to creep ere they can learn to go. Heywood. Mrs. Winslow'3 Soothing Syrup for teething , softens the pums , reduces inflamm . - tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottin. The breath of scandal is responsbla for much breezy conversation. Millions of people have CARETS do Health work for them. If you have never tried this great health maker Get a lOc box and you will never use any other bowel medicine. 911 CASCARETS ice a box for a week's treatment , nil druggists. Bijrgsst seller in the world. Million boxes a month. and be compelled to pay to your landlord most of your hard-earned profits ? Own your own farm. Secure a Free Homestead In Manitoba , Saskatchewan or Alberta , or purchase "land in one of these districts and bank a profit of S10.CO or 5J12.00 cu acre every year. Land purchased 3 years ago at SlO.CO an acre has recently changed hands at [ S25XO an acre. The j crops erc'.vn on these lands warrant the advance. You can by cattlsraisinj.dalryins'.mixed farming and crain crowins : in the provinces o Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Alberta. Free homestead end pre emption areus , as well as land held by railway and land com panies , v/ill provide homes for millions. Adaptable soil , healthful climate , splendid school ? end churches.duod railways. For settlers' rates , descriptive literature "Last Best West'rbow to reach the country aad other par- Mcnlars TvrJto to snp'lof loitiil- cration , O'tawa. Canada , or o tie Canadian Government Agent. L T Heists. 315 Jaksos SI. St. ? l ffics. J.OxladiB. Dfj tr 127.i a ! .t5 2. S D. ( Tjseaddrpss nearest jon. ) 83 W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 12-1911 , Drop o $ Blood Or a little water from the human system when thoroughly tested by the chief chersist at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel , BuSalo , N. YM tells the story of impoverished blood nervous exhaustion or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are made without cost and is only a small part-of the work of the ctnff of physicians and Burgeons under the direction of Dr. R. V. Pierce giving the best medical advice possible without cost to those who wish to write and make a full statement of symptoms. An imitation of natures method of restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of the blood and nervous force is used when yon take an alterative and glyceric extract of roots , without the use of alcohol , such as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Which makes the stomach strong , promotes the flow of digestive juices , r stores the lost appetite , makes assimilation perfect , invigorates the liver end pmrifies and eariches the blood. It is the great blood-maker , flesh-builder and rectorative nerve tonic. It makes men strong in body , active in mind and cool in judgment. Get what you ask for I A Country School for Girls in New York City Bc t Feature * or * Country and City Life Out-of-door Sports on School Park of 35 acres near the Hudson River. Full Academic Course from Primary Class to Graduation. Upper Class for Advanced Special Students , Music and Art Certificate admits to College. School Coach Meets Day Pupils. MIM Bang * and Miss Whiten , Rivcrdal * AT * , Br 252d St , W * t