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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1911)
Special Sale of Fancy | f r ' ' , China i W I f ; We offer our stock of Fancy China at one- ' half price. I Everything goes. ; Don't miss 'the chance to get some of Ithe pretty Plates , B Cups , Saucers , etc. at one-half the price marked. VALCNTlNt. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men- for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 * a month. A checking * account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives yeti a record of every transaction. ' VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE ? NEBR. Plant the Nevir Compass Cherry , o a cross with the Sand Cherry and old time hardy Minor Plum , hardy , prolific and good fruit. It vyill grow where others will not. ' -Plant elm , Carolina poplar , sil ver leaved maple. Plant them close together and have shade all the time from the start. When .elms need all the room cut out the others. We have all varieties of trees , shrubs , roses , etc. , suitable for Northwestern Nebraska. L T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent , Valentine , Nebr. Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. On C. & N. W. , 3 blks.- east Station i Ainsworth , - Nebraska Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER A SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 * No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289- 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg , Bulls for Sale at All Times , W. H. Strattori Dealer in ij FLOUK & TEED F General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. C. A. RUBY Law Attorney-at- Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. T. Meer , DENTIST ' Rooms over-Red-Front store Valentirte - Nebr * ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Leroy Springer of Eli was in town last week. Mrs. Glen Headington is visit ing home folks in Valentine this week. S. L. Button and H. J. Lowe . were in town last week from near Mullen on business. Joe liornbitck and wile start to Canada Monday where they be come children of the king. Sorry to lose them. Dr. Caldwell and wife returned from Madison the first of the week where they have been conducting revival meetings for two weeks. J. T Galloway has erected a building near the railroad on west Catherine street where he will make blocks and bricks for build ing with his cement and sand auto mixer. W. T. Kincaid went to Henry , III. , last , week in response to a message that his mother was ser iously ill. Mrs. Kincaid received a message since his arrival there that his mother is very low. Thomas Langdon and wife wlo have a homestead near Dan Barnes and the T Q ranch were in town yesterday on their way to Fremont for a few weeks visit. Mr. Lang don says the land here is as good as "that of Dodge county-and raises as much oats , corn and wheat. John Hall was Jbrought here from Humphrey last week under arrest by C. W , Bush , who was deputized for the job. Hall has a homestead near Curlew and had been taking care of some horses for H. J. Lowe , one of which he failed to turn in at settlement and traded it to Mr. Bush. Taking this horse and some that were mortgaged with some others , he shipped east and was traced by Mr. Bush when he learned that he had traded for one of Mr. Lowe's horses. Hall was held to the district court. DOUBLE TRACKACROSS STATE Extensive Betterments on Union Pa cific Are Announced. Omaha , March I/ ' . Double tracking of the Union Pacific main line in Ne braska will be- finished this summer. A.n order calling for the completion of the double track in this state was sent out by President Lovett of the Harriman - man system. / The order specifically calls for the immediate double - tracking of the Union Pacific line from Julesburg , Colo. , to Pine Bluffs , Wyo.a distance of 100 miles. Pine Bluffs is just over the Wyoming side of the line. This will make the first complete double track line across the state of Nebraska. The Union Pacific , the first Hue to build across Nebraska , is also the first line to have a double track across the .state. In connection with the Northwestern line by traffic ar rangements , the Union Pacific now has the use of a double track line from Chicago to the Rocky mountains. THINKS NEBRASKA HAS GAS Dr. G. E. Condra Believes Land Near Fairbury the Place. Lincoln' , March Vi That there is really gas which may some day be of workable value in the shales near Fairbury is the opinion of Dr. George E. Condra , who has been conducting an investigation in this vicinity for some time past. Interest in the propo sition has been increased lately by a bill in the. house of representatives appropriating $5,000 for thorough re : search there. The territory involved has been sur veyed previously * by Dr. Condra and vhen the conservation commission or dered that the ground be inspected still further he sent Professor N. E. 'collected samples Bengston. The latter ples and brought them to the univer sity , where tests were made , which resulted very satisfactorily to the in vestigators. _ Roosevelt 'in Los Angeles. Los , Angeles , Tttarch 22. Unmistak ably enthusiastic was the reception given Colonel Theodore Roosevelt dur ing the first of his two days' stay in Los Angeles. Cheering crowds greet ed the colonel upon his arrival at the railroad station and they continued to voice their approval of him wherever 1 he appeared. Four Years for Preacher. .Amite City , La. , March 22. Rev. Clyde Doyle pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy and received a sentence - ! tence of four years in the penitentiary. ' . .Doyle came here two years ago .and 'married- Miss Mixon. Later it was learned that ho left a wife io'Tex s. He fled , but w s-captured and brought here. - . > - . > ' AMERICAN TROTTER . . . _ , . 5Wv > u | ' /Visafe : * * - > : Color : Black. orn July 20 , ' 03 Hika Boy 30876 , record 2:83Voro 3596 , sire of Winnie , Winsom 2:22. : } , Hika Boy 2:23 | , Wild Idol 323 ; * . Nicodernus 2:23 : , Jessie T 2:28 : ± , Firy Ben P. 2:26i : , Bonnie Boy Trial 2:2 : 4Swigert 050 , sire of Brilliant 2:174' : , Moody 2:18- : } , Tony H. 2:23 : , President 2:23 , Trot- wood 2:23i , St. Cloud 2:23i'La'dy : Jane. Norman 25 , sire of Sula 2:15 : , May Queen 2:20 , Blackbird 2:31 : , Sire of Protein 2:18 : , 4 Sires , 44 Trotters. Blanding , dam of Abdollah ; Pilot , sire of Pickard ; Swigert , sire of 3i in 3:30. : Abdollah IGi , record 2:30 : , Sire of Little Miss 2:26 : , Dictator 2:27 : , Hickory 2:29i : Dollabella dam of Hickory 2:27 : , Gen. Sibley 2:30 : , and dam of Leo 2:24 ? . Kitty Crook , dam of Hika Boy 2:23 : , Wild Idol 2:28i : , Lady Kendricks. Black Flying Cloud 378 , Capitoly. Minnie Rats , dam of llocky Bar , Dolloraite , Minnie , Wester Lad. Service fee $5. To Insure with foal $10. Gash at service + .4 * * - r r At Charley Tackett's Ranch on Antelope Creek. Address : Rosebud , S. D , BIO OAT Nebraska Press Association to Meat in Onidn Joae 5. ' SAFE AND SAKE -PROGRAM , Executive Committee Meets to Make Plans for Coming Convention Feat ures cf the Entertainment Will Be Visit to Stock Yards and Packing Houses at South Omaha. Editors of Nebraska will meet in Omaha June 5 , G and 7 for the annual meeting of the Nebraska Press asso ciation. This announcement is inarle from the office of C. C. Johns , secretary , of Grand Island , and is coupled with the statement that it will be the bigsest' meeting ever. The entire executive committee cf the association met in Cmaha last week , r.nd it was the first time the entire committee was ever brought to gether to make plans for a meeting. Those present , were : A. B. Wood , president , of the Courier , Gering ; Ross L. Hammond of the Fremont Tribune , N. J. L udi of the Wahoo Democrat , B. R. Purcell- the Chief at Broken Bow , A. W. Ladd of the News at Al bion , and T. W. McCullotigh , managing editor of the Omaha Bee. C. C. Johns , i secretary , was * also present and a number of the representatives of the Omaha Commercial" and newspa pers were invited in. "While the program is in the course of preparation , it can ' be said tha meeting will be run on a safe and sane plan. The headquarters will be'at the j Hotel Loyal and the meetings held in a nearby hall. The session will open Monday morning and all entertaining will be done "between times no leav ing a session for-a'frolic. The first evening the editors will spend at the great Ak-Sar-Ben den ; the second as guests of the Omaha Ad club at a smoker , and the third at the annual dinner. One trip already certain is a visit to the Union Stock yar.ds and packing houses , with a dinner winch will beat any barbecue. A monthly bulletin , to be known as the "Ak-Sar-Ben Editor , " will b'e-is sued , beginning with tbe March uum-- her , giving news'of the coming meetIng - Ing and making announcements in con- Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands and Bottled Gruchen- Under the heimer Supervision Rye of the ' . i Whiskeys. U.S. Gov. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. ENRY STETTER , Propr. It Is Curable , Dyspepsia may be completely eradicated if properly treated. We sell a remedy that we positively guarantee will completely relieve indigestion or dyspepsia , or the medicine used during the trial will cost the user nothing. This remedy has been named Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Cer tainly no offer could be more fair , and our offer should be proof posi tive that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are a dependable remedy. Inasmuch as the remedy wilt cost you nothing if ife does not benefit you , we urge you who are suffering with indigestion or dys pepsia to try RexalT Dyspepsia Tablets. A 25-cent box contains enough medicine for fifteen days' treatment. For chronic cases we have two larger sizes , 50 cents and Sl-.QO. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at The Rexall Store. Chapman , The ( Druggist. . J Go to the Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. When you have stock to sell at public auction it will ; pay you to see us before starting your sale. Come and .see us. S 5 When your feet are wet and cold , and your body chilled through , and through from exposure , take a "big dose of Chan ? berlain's Cough Remedy , bathe yctn feet in hot -water before going to oed , and you are almost certain to ward off.a severe cold. For sale by Chapman , the If you are thinking of having a public sale call on on us for particulars - \ ticulars and information regard ing dates. " 8-5 "I had been troubled with constipa tion for two years and. tried all of the best physicians in Bristol , Tenn. and they could do nothing for me , " writes Thos. E. "Williams , JJiddlelboro , Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain's Stomach ach and Liver Tablets cured ine. " For sale by Chapman *