Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 23, 1911, Image 4
A * Jt f IVALENTINE DEMOCRAT f. . r t J.M.BICE - Editor and Propr. : - * : MarkZarr Foreman. A Weekly Newspaper published every TJmrs day at Valentine , Nebras. Subscription - $1.50 Per Year Local Notices ; 5cierliiie per issue Entered at the Postofflce at Valentine , Neb. , for transmission through the mulls , sis secoud class matter. -t T Thursday , March 23 , 1911. YOLUNTEEB FiRbiu KILLED BY IS ! T Samuel Miller of Grkord Palis Under Wiieel. Crawford , Nob. , Marcfi 22. Samuel Miller , volunteer fireman , was run over by a hose cart and killed. An alarm of fire was turned in and Miller responded with other volunteers. As the hose cart carae clown the street at fnll speed , Miller atldinptod to catch it , Out fell under the wheels and his chest was crushed. He was to havs been married next week to Miss Vida Pittit. After the accident he sent for her and told her to notify'his parents at Independence , Ja. No word has been received from them yet. Serious Charge Filed Against Man. Ord. Neb. , March 22. G. T. . Miller , -.district superintendent of the Nebraska - ' braska Children's Home society , in the county court filed a statutory charge against' Chris Miller. The man ad mitted illegal relations with his daughters , Laura and Agnes , aged six teen and eighteen respectiveljr. \ \ J. Brown of Kearney Dead. Kearney , Neb. , March 22. Fred J. Brown , son of Postmaster ? . ! . A. Brown and the active manager of the Kear ney Dailv Hub , died of peritonitis , from which he had been suffering but three days. Mr. Brown was twenty- six years of age and had been married less than three months. W. C. ORGAN ARRESTED Wanted in Fremont , Des Mcines and Other Places. -Waukegan , 111. , March 22. W. C. Or gan , a Chicago criminal , who is want ed by the police of half a dozen states , " - -was "arrested at Logansport , Ind. , by ; , who trailed him from Bccatur , Ind. , where he forged a check for $492 on the Adams County bank. ' The man is wanted in Denver , Colo. ; Fremont , Neb. ; Springfield , 111. ; Des Moines , la. , and several places in Ohio. , When , found he had $22,000 in his po'cUets"He was taken to Decatur , where he will be tried for forgery. Nathaniel Thayer fs Dead. Boston , March 22. Nathaniel Thay- 'er , one of the pioneer railroad pro mot'e'rs of the United States , died at his home in this city. Mr. Thayer was a director of the United States Steel corporation , the New York , Ne y Haven and Hartford railroad , Amer ican Telephone and .Telegraph com pany and many other companies. Cross Border to Steal Cattle. . San Anton o/'Tex. , MaVch 22. Upon receipt of the news from Alpine that Mexican marauders have crossed the border near Chishos and driven away rattje , . General Duncan , commanding " the Department of Texas , immediately ordered a troop of the Fourth cavalry -in El Paso and -troop of the Third in jMarathon to/proceed lo Alpine. INDIAN WOMAN WANTS AID pclegatfon of Old Wart'ors Go to Lin- coin to See l.atta. * . . . JLincoln. March 22. Three Winno- bagu Indians who came to Lincoln to see Congressman Latta about some pension matters were badly disap pointed when they Icund that Sir. .Latta hart left the city on a morning -train. The Indians were L. . C. White , John Bird and John Harris. They had jcome to the rity to a e Congressman Latta about securing a pension for a daughter of I-ittle Chief , a Winnebago V . Indian who served in Ihe civil war under General Dodge in Wyoming. Mr. ; Iiird had the discharge papers of Lit , I tle Chief with him. The records show " jhat Little Chief was a private under Contain Edwin R. Nash , regiment of Oma.ha scouts , company A. Little Chief served for one year during the civil war. He was discharged in Oma- na in July. JS6G. John Bird is a tall , , - straight iudlamvsixtyfive years old. " ' His hair is tinged with gray , but he still stands as erect as a man many years younger. He stated that he and his companion , John Harris , also - % ; served fifteen months under General Harris in "Wyoming during the civil J war. Mr. Bird was dresssd in the unl- .fbnn Df a civil war veteran and -wore a Grand Army of the Republic hat. L/ ' C ; "White is 'a young man and inter- " * p'reter for the older Indians. ' 215,000,000 People in India. * ' Calcutta , March 22. The final cen- us returns give the total population of Ittflia as 315,000,000 , an increase of as compared , willi 1901.- * ' COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. " "Valentine , Jan. 14 , 1911. Board met as per adjournment. Present : N. S. Rowley , chm. , J. A. Adarason and J. F. Nay lor. - The following amounts Were de ducted from claims allowed ou January 7 , and ordered applied' on delinquent'personal tax : J D Edtoti § 3 43"GSKeece 10 60 J'MuCloud TOD II ilatlioin 712 P Hoes ' 4 10 C U Jordan 6 10 G I e'lton 9 03 C [ lain . G DO J K tiaskill 4 50 S Q Spain 5 44 O C ii'rjh 4 10 K D Clarke 22 20 G T Spain : J 00 W A Allen 4 10 ROsborn 40J. H-Grooms 4 10 M Hatt"8 75 G 1'dVllit 8 80 J W lieeil - 7 00 C G Bennett 22 39 J C ftestO 36 75 H A Lore 4 39 Jl EHis 15 20 B F Addis 5 00 WDahlgrin 2C 43 IMK'ce 28 30 \V U Dunbar 490 * U II Miller : ' . 73 H.Gnilrim 1 10 J D Eaton 5 30 W n Dimbar 7 0 A Lewis 4 10 JloD.tmuly 200 K BreukUoder , " 5 25 J ittaD-hall G 35 I'CFeterflju 525 F fliompsm .125) AFrocunlor 917 H i oratli 42 34 11 F Mi.l-jr 10 93 Ira Johnson 7 CO A refund of § 2.50 was ordered made to George L , Austin on ac count of erroneous assessment of poll tax in Table precinct for year 1910 , he being exempt. A refund of § 7.4o was ordered mide to Jacob Hem pie of Georgia precinct for taxes paid by him for fie year 1910 , on account of er roneous assessment. The following official > . bond was approved : M. V. Nicholson , act- iag county judge in the matter of the estate of EJward O'Connor , deceased. The following claims were al lowed on-the general fund : J F Ni : > lor com'r fees 52 00 X -S Kowtey do 63 00 Board adjourned to January 23. January 23 , 1911. Board continued with checking f up of the treasurer's office. The board spent the afternoon in \ io\ving the Hanson hill , pre paratory to calling for bids to im prove same. Adjourned to Jan. 24. January 24 , 1911. The board continued with check- - j ' ing up the treasurer's office. Adjourned to Jan. 25. January 26-27 , 1911. Contirlued with checking up the treasurer's office. The following claims were al lowed : H B Myers care of L W Connor 141 85 Peter Freeman do 30 00 Fred BeeniMi road work 88 00 WDChuksrn do . 7500 The precinct boundary line be tween Georgia and Nenzel pre cincts was altered and sections 24 , 25 and 36 of township 35range 32 , were annexed to Georgia precinct and said boundary line changed to correspond thereto. Board adjoured to Jan. 27. January 27-28 , 1911 , The board continued with checkup - , up the treasuer's office. Sixty names were drawn from which the petit.jurors for the reg ular spring term of the district court of theTcounty shall be drawn. The following claims were al lowed on the general fund : N H" Rowley com'r fees 28 00 J W Yeast car of ccal 2 > 9 00 S ( -1 Spain justice feej 4 65 Henry Graham constable fees 1 10 J Da'nbly livery to 00 .Dr Tiijche services piupor 40 00 B L-Murphy constable fees 19 49 Krotter & Hall material 34 30 C A Ruby defending Uorner 50 00 WS Barker priming 519 a > J T Keelpy senses board of health 30 00 X S Rowley services canvassing board S 00 John D Katon do ' 4 00 J * Tucker do 4 00 J A Adamson rom'r.rees . 97 00 F A CnmLow fees 20 00 w Grooms case : W Foster 3 00 D G Grooms 1 10 L Stone 2 30 R Hndsan 3 00 C Gioo us 2 SO P F Simons 2.80 C Simons .2 80 L Hntcheson 3 00 W I ) Ricketts farmers institute fees 19 5) The following claims were al lowed on the road fund : Wm Caay 30 88 SB Prutt 15 00 J ( irtneslu r 30 00 v J Junod 92 60 K BretiKlander 515 A'E "pill 1400 J W Yeat80 33 II F Miller 157 00 J H Taylor 52 00 J N Todd 3 50 U Mirrail' II 5l"C A SiiuHi 22 75 MBT.u ell 793 VVMecham 700 R J Wilson 10 50 PC Galloway 20 00 The following claims were al lowed on the : ' W G Traub lumber on c is - bridire 69 70 Bridge wnrk : Jell Cabelr 00 John Cabler 14 00 Gee Cabler 14 00 \ ' Cabler 14 00 The valuation of lot 3 , block 5 , Valentine village , was changed from § 110 to.$20-and the county clerk instructed to correct the 1910 tax list accordingly. The county clerk is instructed to draw a warrant on the general fund for § 31.59 in favor of W. S. Frank in redemption of tax" sale certificate for tract No. 149G , tax , year 1906. The board allowed the county supterintendent traveling expens es in visiting schools in the year J911 , not to exceed § 200 , same to be paid by claims filed against the county with receipts for expendi tures attached .thereto. The county clerk is instructed to call in § 5000 worth , of court house bonds. A refund of § 2 50 was ordered made to A. O. Goodman on ac count of erroneous assessment" poll tax. The board completed the checking up of the county treasurer's of fice and find the following state ment of receipts and disburse ments for the year beginning Jan. 1 , 1910 , and ending Deo. 31,1910 , to be correct and the same was / approved : ' Bal. on hand Jan i ; ' 10 $70734 81 Collections 'taxes 117651 96 SchooUands 9880 71 Interest banks 696 72 Miscellaneous 2199 9i Protest 970 47 Relemptions 3412 05 Fees , 632 75 Stiteapot. 4325 10 Total . y § 210504 54 Disbursements. State treas. receipts § 35826 29 Co general warrants 3 998 43 Co bridge warrants 1340 26 Co road warrants 6575 91 Co sinking fund 300 00 Soldiers relief fund 110 75 Labor receipts 21 27 School district orders 49681 75 School bonds and coupons 2361 95 Free high sch orders 456 00 Precinct bond 1237 30 Valentine village treas 4513 90 Cody village treas - 227 00 Merriman village treas 199 00 WooJlake village treas 498 00 Protest 1050 24 Redemptions 3743 84 Treasurer's commissions 2474 51 tk fees , ,52a-49 f ' Bal on hand Dec 31 ' 10 66862 65 Total § 210504 54 The commissioners rejected all bids for furnishing county supplies for the year 1911 and the officers are instructed'to purchase same in open market. . The Valentine Democrat is" des ignated as the paper in which 'shall be published the delinquent .tax list and the treasurer's semi annual statements during the year 1911. 1911.A A refund of § 5 was ordered made to R. F. Billings on account of erroneous poll tax paid by him ' for the years 1908 09. The following serai-annual state ments of the county superinten dent were approved : Prom Jan. 6 , ' 10 to July 28 , ' 10 Receipts. Examination and registra tion _ ' $143" 00 Co commissioners 201 00 Institute tuition , 26 00 Total § 370 00 Expenditures. Paid state examiners § 46 00 Paid junior normal 287 50 Paid lectures and entertain ment 44 50 Paid other expenses 32 65 Total , . § 410 65 Overdraft § 40 65 D. F. Story , Co. Supt. From July 29 , ' 10 to Jan. 4 , ' 11 Receipts. Examinations and registra tions " § 62 35 Balance on hand 5 35 Total § 67 70 Expenditures , Paid 8th grade co exam § 24 50 Paid for lecture 35 00 Pd rent of hall for lecture 7 50 Total § 67 00 Balance on hand 70 Laura N. Story , Co. Supt. A refundof § 4.00 was ordered made to John Sasenbery on ac count of erroneous assessment of poll tax for the years 1909-10. The following official bonds were approved : Henry Porath , road overseer district 29 ; James H. Ly.on , road overseer district 19. A refund was ordered made to M. Lotspiech on personal taxes paid by him in Evergreen precinct for year -1910 , amount same being a dauble assessment. Coraraissioner Adamson was authorized to secure , ulans and * * * * " " * specifications for improving the road on the Hansen and Glarkson hills near Valentine and the county - , ty clerk instructed to advertise for bids for doing said road work ac cording to the plans and specifica tions. Board' adjourned to Monday , Feb. 13. , NS. . ROWLEY , Chra. J. AADAMSON. . J. F. NAYLOR. * Attest : F.-A. Curabow , clerk. February 13 , 1911. A contract was entered into with the Valentine Lumber Co. for furnishing road plows and scrapers and bridge plank , they being the lowest bidders. February 14 : . The following consent road was granted aud same ordered record ed in the road records of the coun ty : Beginning \ the northwest cor.nerof section 14 , townshiy H4 , range ' 32 , and running thence south on the section line one mile and terminating at the southwest corner of section 14 , township 34 , range 32. " Said road was petition ed for by Henry Schaefer and 15 others , and M. Boltz and Katherine - ine Koralewsky , the only two land owners along said road , -hare waived all claims for damages the establishment there of , said waivers being -filed with the petition. The connty clerk is * instructed to notify the road ever- seer of district 9 to cause said road to be opened and worked. The following claims were al lowed on the general fund : 0 B Ilickette oare paup r 50 00 Hi7/it > ethvHo\ve do 12 00 8 Q Spain unanllng Lawle-s 2 00 J M Tuc er sal try. , . CG 6G ilammnnd & St'phfns Co supplies 8 " > Christian Home Council Blulls 23ti 65 Heirs of Bert She ? < ird 100.00 The following claims were al lowed on the bridge fund : M Mone 78 00 w F nsborne 44 50 J Alignston 21 00 H Angustoa . 3C 00 Wm Dah grin 10 50 M. Peterson 21 00 JFBook - - 24 00 ' . ' - . The county clerk is instructed to correct theassessment of J. C. Bowman , who wrs assessed in Woodlake precinct for year 1910 with personal property amounting to § 15,000 , by changing said valu ation to § 5,000. A refund of § 2 was ordered made to Peter Fitch , same being poll tax paid by him in Merriman village for the year 19.09 , he hav ing been assessed with the same tax in Merriman precinct for the same year. The board approved the plans and specifications for-work to be done on the Hansen and Clarkson hills near Valentine , according to which bids must be filed as per advertisement for same , to be opened on March 6. . The board spent the afternoon in viewing a proposed road in section 17 , township 33 , rangq , 27. February 15. The board spent the day in view ing the proposed road' " to be es tablished from Woodlake to and across the Morris bridge. February 16. A refund of § 2 50 was made , to Wm. Dittmer on poll tax erron eously paid by him. The clerk is instructed to draw a warrant on the general fund for § 2.80 in favor of H. S. Evans in redemption of tax sale certificate No. 270 , issued by the county treasurer on November 16 , 1910 on account of erroneous assess- ment. The board examined the fee book of C. A. Rosseter , sheriff , showing fees received during the year ' 10 and his -report was ap proved. A refund of § 1.90 was made to A. B. Green on personal property erroneously assessed in Merrirnan precinct. The road'overseers-of the var ious districts of the county were- authorized to expend the following amounts in their road district- for road work during the year 19117 : Dlst Amt . Dist Anrt I § 100 2 $100 " " ' ' - inp i 75 10 103 12 14 1C 60 18 1W 30 100 22 CO 24 50 28 50 23 100 40 The county clerk is instructed to notify all overseers that all bills in excess of the above amounts will be rejected by the board un less permission is given said over seer to expend more money , and that the above amounts shall in- cjude all road overseer's fees. The following amounts were al lowed on the general fund : J A Adamson com'r fees 25 40 J F Naylor do 61 n A B Green surveying nuiil 95 TO ' J T Galloway cord wood 112 00 Ed Vogel bridge work 7 00 Whereupon the board adjourn ed to March 6. ' J. A. ADAMSON. J. F. NAYLOR. Attest : F. A. Cumbovr , clerk. We don't print only noisy news. We print all the news the most critical requires. 700 Soldiers Start fop Honolulu. " San Francisco , March 22. Having "on board the First and Second bat- Jalions oL' the Second infantry , num bering 500 officers and men , under Colonel F. W. Mansfield , 165 men ol the Fifth cavalry and First field artil lery and a few recruits , the transport Crook sailed for Honolulu. The troops will be added to the garrison at For ! Schofield , Hawaii. T * Jt * . S Makes Home Baking Easy 1 .1 . * 4 Absolutely Pure The only forking aowtfar made ftorst Royal Grape Groasss of Tartar Try Us For Sale Bills ! NEW INTERNATIONAL THE BIERRIAM WEBSTER ? Because it ; is a ever7 field of the world's thought , action end culture. The only nevf unabridged dictionary , in many years. it defines over 400,000 V Words ; more than ever VMl before appeared between two covers. 2700 1'ages. 6000 II' Ml lustrations. it is taa only dictionary with the new divided , ! page. A "Stroke of Genius. " BeC U58 * s an encyclopedia in "T a single volume. , Because Jt is accepted by the Courts , Schools nd Press aa the one supreme au thority. Because te who Success. Let us tell you about this new work , for specimen of new dlrided p j . G. & C. MERRIAM CO. . PublkhenSpr cfieU. Hut. Mention this paper , receive FREE a act of pocket lup * . I and find we are overstocked on some lines of which we will close out at lowest prices. A We believe that there will be an advance in the price of Lumber and advise our cus tomers to build while it is cheap. A com plete line of Posts , Barb W-ire and Staples that we are selling exceptionally cheap. ; \ You will save money and be assured of getting the best quality by purchasing of us. An examination of our Lumber will convince you that we carry the largest stock of the best grade and'at lowest prices. G LUMBER CO Rosebud Stage Line vl D. A. WHIPPLE , Propr. Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning1 , Sundays excepted. . Arrive at Kosebud at 2 o'clock p. rn. _ . f. Leave Kosebud at 8 o'clock every iriorniri'g , - Sundays excepted. Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. m. Dinnerat Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. Special attention to passengers , baggage and , express or packages. i .Leave orders at headquarters or at the Eed . Front store. A. Whipple. . , " ' .ia Jfa ? -