Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 16, 1911, Image 8

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General Merchandise , Hats , Caps , Boots
and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing
Goods. Flour and Feed. : = : : = : : = :
Wood Lake , Nebraska \
: *
Livery , Feed and *
Sales Stable. < * .
oodLake , Nebraska
Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. Z
( Successor \Velker & Lyons )
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting
and fkhing parties.
( Successor to Ed Young. )
Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods ,
Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish
ings. Boots and Slioe § . Hosiery.
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Wood Lake = Nebraska ,
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex'
perience in the Eastern states.Vill go to any part of die State.
Write me , or dates cara be made at this office.
F. J.
Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota
In the District Court of Cherry County.
In the matter of the applica -
tion of Wllflam JS. Haley , /
guardian of the cntato of V.
Amelia Hoffman , an Insane
person , for the tale of real I
estate : J
Notice is hereby given that In pursuance
of an order of the Hon. W. H. Westover ,
ono of the judges ot the district court of
Cherry county , Nebraska , made on the 2. > th
day of February , I'.Ul , lor the sale of real
estate hereinalter described , there will be
sold at public vemlue to the highest bidder
for cash , at the front door of the court
house in the village of Valentine in the said
eountv of ( Jherrv and stale of Nebraska'on
the Dl.stday of March , 1011 , at 10 o'clock a.
in. , the following described property , to-wit :
Northwest quarter ) , section twenty
( ill ) , township thirty-three ( : W ) . north , range
thirty CM ) , west of ( itli P. M. , in Cherry
county , Nebraska.
Dated this 27th day of February , 1011.
WILLIAM K. HALKY , Guardian.
"Walcott & Jlorrlssey , attorneys , tf-o
Notice to Bidders.
Office of County Clerk , Valentine , Neb. i
March 13 , Hill , f
Sealed proposals will again be received In
the oflice of the County Olerk of Cherry
county , Nebraska , up to Monday , April ; J ,
1U11 , at 12 o'clock jioon , for doing grading
and removing earth necessary to the im
provement ol the public road ieading.up the
Clarkson hill one mile north of Valentine ,
Nebraska , in accoreance with plans and
specifications now on lile in the county
clerk's office and heretofore approved by
the board of county commissioners. No bid
will be considered unless accompanied with
certified check or cash in the sum ol $25 tel
l > e forfeited to the county In case of refusal
to enter into a contract should same be
awarded. The right is reserved to reject
any or all bids or any part thereof.
Dated this UJth day of March , A. D. , 1011.
10-3 F. A. OUMHOW , County Olerk.
Notice of Probate of Will.
K In the county court of Cherry count3 % Ne-1
> ' braska.r - I
State of Nebraska , { * I
County of Cherry. *
To all persons interested in the estate of
Anna Janak , deceased.
On reading the petition of Frank Janak
praying that the instrument liled in this
court on the : ! 3rd day of February. 1911. and
purporting to be the last will and testament
of the said deceased , may be proved and al
lowed , and recorded as the last will and
testament of said deceased : that said instru
ment be admitted to probate , and the ad
ministration of said estate be granted to
.Frank .lanak as esecutor.
It is hereby ordered that all persons interested -
- ested in safd matter , may and do , appear at
the county court to be held in and lor said
county , on the 18th day of March , A. D. ,
1911 , at 11 o'clock a. m. , to show cause , if any
there be. why the prayer of the petitioner
Mhould not be granted , and that notice of the
f pendency of said petition and that the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons interested
in xaid matter by publishing a copj * of this
order in the Valentine Democrat , a weekly
newspaper printed in said county , for three
' successive weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness iny hand , and seal of said court ,
[ KRAT. ] this 28th day of February , A. D. , 19H.
8-8 JAMES C. QUIGI..KY , County Judge.
C. A. Kuby , attorney.
The quicker a cold is gotten rid of tL , I
less the danger from pneumonia acf
other Berions diseases. Mr. B. W. J- .
Hall , of Waverly , Va. , says : I firmly
believe "Chamberlain's Cough Eemeoj *
to ba absolutely the fcesfc preparation c.--
V * *
the market for colds. I have recom
if" ' mended it to my friends and they L"
agree -with me. For sale by Chapman
Prosperity Valley.
I. M. Kice and wife of Valen
tine made a hast.y tYip to the Val
ley last Friday week.
Charles "Webster has returned
to his claim after a prolonged ab
sence looking after little G. W.
Wra. Allen has rented the Lyon
place and have moved onto it.
Mr. Allen is progressive and is
welcomed to the neighborhood by
We are a little late in chronic
ling the arrival of a bouncing boy
at Charles Webster's on Feb. 28.
Mother doing fine.also father , but
thexgrand-father is worse.
Mrs. C. F. Graham of Stock-
dale , Kan. , arrived here recently
to join her husband and they will
make their future home on the
place they purchased of Billy
Boy les.
Spring must be here. Jim Beam-
er was sppfl beginning to farm last
Tuesday week ; also Frank Sher
man xvas tilling the soil. Very
soon all will he going up and down
the fields in their way of earning
their daily bread. CZAR.
Ask to have your contest notice
or legal notice printed in THE
your privilege to have it printed
where you will. tf
In the County Court of Cherry County , Ne
In the mnttor .of the estate of Henry
Liytou ,
A duly verltletl petition having been filed
in my oillcu , praying for the probate of the
estate of Henry Layton , deceased , with
out administration , and it satisfactorily ap
pearing to me that the statements miicle in
said petition are true , it is hereby ordered
that a hearing on said petition bo had on the
] Hth day of Jmrch , UUJjit 10 o'clock a. m.
atmyofflcu in Valentine , Cherry county ,
Nebraska , at which time all persons inter-
tercbted in said estate may appear and show
cause , if any there be , why said petition
should not be granted.
Witness my Hand and seal of said court ,
this i8th duy of February , Km.
[ SUAI , ] S3 County Judge.
O. A. Kuby , attorney. \
When you have a cold get a bottle oi
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Itvilj
soon fix you up all right and -will ware jeff j i 1
off any tendency toward pneumonia ,
This remedy contains no opium or other '
narcotic find may be given as confidently
to a baby as to an adult. Sold by Chap
, ' the druggistt
Wood Lake Department
Locals or reading notices 5 cents peril ne each insertion. Display advertising
50 cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per inch per month double column.
Jake Groves is on the nick list.
Mr. Miller of Hooper was here
this week looking after business
Joe Marh and wife were business
callers Monday.
Grace Waggoner is able to walk
now without crutches.
Mrs. Waggoner has a fine line of
Easter hats on display at her store.
Everyone will be pleased to learn
that little Mary McDill is improv
Laundress wanted at Lake View
hotel , Woodlake. White or colored.
Miss Cnmper of Chicago is here
visiting her friend Miss Gladys
Frances , the little daughter of
W. F. Parker and wife , is sick of
the measles but is reported improv
ing rapidly.
A. M. Lotspeich has gone to
Missouri to look after his newly
purchased Jand. He says Missouri
looks good to him.
The "Royal Neighbors met Thurs
day and initiated Mrs. George
Eoan. 4t their next meeting night ,
March 31 , they will entertain the
Royal Neighbors and their hus
A. P. Cumbow and neighbors ex
perienced a bad prairie lire Mon
day but so many neighbors for
miles around turned out that rib
serious damage was done. Mr.
Cumbow lost some hay but was
fortunate in saving his house and
barn. A large crowd went out from
town but the fire was out before
they could get there.
Cottonwood Grove.
Near head of the Snake.
The only horse Mr. May- had died
not long ago. I
Watson Winters has finished his
house and has moved into it.
It is rather late to chronicle a
new bnby at the Hansen home ,
which occurred a month ago.
Our school house is the only one ,
for miles around that has a Sunday
school. They do not have any even
in Lnvaca church.
Mrs. John Coleman went to Gor
don by the Lavaca stage to visit her
daughters at Newport. She ex
pected to be gone three weeks.
Mrs. Minnie Starr , who has been
visiting her father , John Co'leman ,
returned home last week to Wyom
ing where he had found a foot of
Oliver Leffler has been in bad
condition all winter with his heart
and acute rheumatism. Some weeks
he cannot move a muscle hardly
and then will get a little easier.
.James Price andwife , , whose baby
girl died last Summer while visiting
near Valentine , welcomed a son the
last of February , Mrs. Price's
mother , Mrs. Tillson , is visiting
Miss Hazel Reynold's and her
brother Mott have been taking doz
ens of Kodak pictures in this vicin
ity lately. The school , the largest
school girls horse back and many
-other groups.
Mr. Barnes' house and barn are
about finished ready for the family
to move into. Several houses new
houses and barns gone up the past
winter among them Mr. Furdig's
house and Harry Davis' barn.
Charlie Blair went to town for
a change but was taken worse and
his sister , Jennie , had to leave
school to go up and take care of
him. He had a dropsical attack
and is recovering-very slowly.
Jonn Brown has been married a
month and hasn't been charvaried
yet. He has severed oysters to ev
eryone. His wife has always lived
in Sioux City and finds many new
conditions here. May she escape
home sickness.
Mr. Alexander , sr. , died suddenly
March 5 , at his brother's house on
Pole creek near Lavaca. He was
up that morning and felt better
than the day before. " He had lived
on his claim , where he built a new
house last fall , west of Geo. Hills.
Jay Barnett , who has lived bore
six years , has sold his section south
of the Snake to G. H. Secrest , his
son-in law , and had & public sale of
his personal property on March'9 ,
at the Stannard farm east of Gor-
don. The family then went to Ells-
worth to spend the week end with
their daughter , Mrs. DePrance and "
started on to Ontario , Ore. They i
are a kmd/ energetic fkmly/ and \
are certainly missed in the school
and community. It will be quite
a change from the sand hills.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnett gave a fare
well reception at their home March
3 , and one more good time was had
together before they left us. March
4th Mrs. Price gave an oyster sup
per in their honor , and Mrs. Secrest
gave a card party in honor of Mis-
es Nora and Mabel.
Eev. Dillon , who is the S. S.
Union Missionary for this part of
Nebraska , arrived here March 5th ,
accompanied by Rev. Hedges. They
have held meetings this week , at
tended largely. Their singing
and musical instruments lend a
charm to what would be good ser
vices , anyway. We have never had
a series of meetings here before and
we appreciate their efforts in com
ing 120 miles across country from
Ainsworth to give us the privilege.
Mr. Long , who is 77 this month ,
has just returned from the cancer
! hospital at Hot Springs , where he
had three cancers of his face re
moved. There is a soldiers home
there and he was told that he was a
better man physically than any sol
dier in the home. Be and the people
ple here do not feel'very kindly to
wards Senator Lodge for killing the
pension bill , nor to President Taft
for his expressions concerning it.
Senator Carson of Kansas is more
Construct i of Cana ! for HydroElectric
tric Company Started.
Omaha , March 13. Work on a
P'atte ' river power plant project for
the development 20.COO horse power
to be delivered in electrical energy to
eastern Nebraska consumers has been
started. This plant will be construct
ed across the river from South Bend.
The head of water is to be delivered
by a canal leading from a dam in the
Platte. Two storage reservoirs with
a surface area pf COO acres will be
The dam across the Platte will be
2,000 feet long. It will only be used
for the purpose of diverting the water
into the canal. The canal will be car
ried across the Elkhorn river in a con.
crete flume.
A head of seventy-five feet of water
will be attained at the power house
With this headway , there will be de
velopsd about 20,000 horse power
twenty-four hour per day.
Because no dirf , grerse or grime
can withstand its. wonderful action.
The thick scum v/hich often gath
ers on the sides and bottom of the
sink and defies scnp-cleaning dis
appears like ir.sgicvhca Old Dutch
Cleanser is used.
Many other uses
andlull Directions enlarge
large Siftez-canlO ? r
Every family has need of a good , reliable - v
liable liniment. For sprains , bruises ,
soreness of the muscles and rheumatic
pains there is none better than Cham ;
berlain's. Sold by Chapman , the drug i
Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattle
Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc.
Johnson Bros. ,
Lumber , Machinery } Hard
ware , Harness , Saddles
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and JBarb Wire.
Wood Lake , - - Nebraska
Lausen Co. ,
General Hardware ,
Wagons and
Machinery. . . .
A complete line of
Harness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture
Lumber and .Fence Posts
E. M. Faddis & Co
Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
fljon left
* " " ' thigh
Horses bra tided
i left
'shoulder '
or thij'h
Home Some branded
bra ded SJR on right thigh
n left or .shoulder.
or thiith J
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on lefc side
Some Q.yon left
on left Jaw of
V horaes.
Ranee on Gordon Ore > k north of Simeon.
IST. S. Kowley.
Kennedy , - .Neuraska.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip , and on
left shoulder of her
ses. AlsogJ * ! oti
left aide
tie brand-1
ed Jmg peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left Jaw and left shoulder
of horses , Qj
QjQ on left hip of horses.
"M"on left jaw of horses
C. P. J ordan.
Rosebud. SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
Hearing any of these brands.
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee , Xeo.
rattle branded a
in c-.t on left
side. Some
branded K. T Y
on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river , two nnlfs
west of Hrewnlee
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis
sion , Kosebud.
S. D.
Cattle bwndprt
is in cut ; horses
same or .1K P on
loft thigh. Itanue
rtiitwten Spring
r"k and Little
White nver.
Settle North Platte Postoffice Fight.
North Platte , Neb. , March 13. Ac
cording to a telegram received from
Congressman Kinkaid , E. S. Davis has
been appointed postmaster of this city
Eind the president has signed his com
mission. This ends a controversy of
more than a year's duration. There
was a three-cornered fight , in which
the present incumbent , Yr. T. Thomp
son , \vho has held the office for the
last two termsE. ; . S. Davis and Ira L.
Dare were opposing candidatas.
Professor John 2. ScheH Dead.
Endicctt , Neb. , March 13. Professor
% r Srh ll died 3t his borne a mils
svhich developed other complications ,
. , . o teachers of the
tuto , havirg ? pent almost thirty-six
fears in that profession in Nebraska.
Albert Whipple & Sons. \
Rosebud S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on risrhtslde
Some cattle also
have a - { - on neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qnar-
M 1 , , . Iters Some Texas
cattle branded a O ou left side and some
on left side.
Horses branded 80S on left" hio. Some cattle
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
loft hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Kiohards Pres Will G Comstoc V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
horses brandedtne
Range betweei
Gordon on the FJJ.
Hyannls on & , M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr.
frARTi.KTT KirHARDS. Kjlsworth. Nelir
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Saxwer has
charve of these
cattle. FI rses
I on left shoul
der. Some |
Horses !
samp left thigh.
Itauge on Snake
Metzger Bros.
ttolfe Nebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
e/t thigh.
Rangoon .Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 w ill b * paid to any person for
information leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or , persons stealing
with ahnvp brand.
J. A. Taryan.
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on rightsfde
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Information
leading to toe rs-
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Invited by War Office to Observe Op
erations in Texas.
Lincoln , March 11. A chance has
been extended to a few of the officers
of the Nebraska national guard to see
the mobilization and maneuvers of the
troops on the Mexican border. The
adjutant general of the state militia
has received a request from the war
department for a list of men who
could be recommended to take the trip
for observation and instruction at the
expense of the government. The In
vitation asks for the expense estimate
for getting the men to the nearest
maneuver camp and .the government
reserves the right to make its own
selections from-the list. Adjutant General -
eralphelps will make immediate
preparations for a Nebraska representation
sentation at the front. .