for uni
Yours for great
est leavening
Yours for never
failing results.
Yours for purity.
Yours for economy.
Yours for every
thing that goes to
make up a strictly
high grade , ever-
dependable baking
That is C alum e t. Try
it once and note the im
provement in your bak
ing. See how much more
economical over the high-
priced trust brands , how
much better than the cheap
and big-can kinds.
Calnmet is highest in quality
moderate in cost.
Received Highest Award
World's Pure Food
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 11-1911.
Loud apparel naturally proclaims
the man.
In the Spring cleanse the system and
purify the blood by the use of Garfield Tea.
How a married man doesn't enjoy
listening to one side of a spoony tele
phone conversation.
Garfield Tea corrects constipation ,
cleanses the syetem and purifies the blood.
Good health is maintained by its use.
The chap who gets a free ride in a
patrol wagon isn't carried away with
The Practical Agriculturist.
Adam sniffed at the book farmer.
"I don't believe in spraying apple
trees , " he snorted.
A Way to Keep Love In.
Mrs. Honeybird But , Dickey , dear ,
the flat is so tiay. Why , the windows
are so small a mouse couldn't crawl
Mrs. Honeybird' ' That Is all the bet
ter , dear. When poverty comes in
love can't fly through the window.
Cause and Effect.
"I see from the papers , " said'Daw-
son , "that there is a great scarcity of
chorus girls this year. "
"I was afraid there would be , " said
Wiggles. "It's only another case of
cause and effect. The French cham
pagnecrop has practically failed , and
lobsters are scarcer than hens' teeth
this season. " Harper's Weekly.
Brought the Tears.
An unusual incident marked a re
cent fire in New York. The fire
started in the cellar of a five-story ten
ement and before it was extinguished
the 18 families In the building and all
the firemen were weeping copiously
from inflamed eyes. In the cellar
many bags of onions had been stored.
The chief fireman allowed the tenants
to remain in the building , assuring
them that the fire was confined to
the cellar. They did not stay , how
ever , when the onions had got well
Munyon's Rheumatism Remedy relieves
cnins in the legs , armsj back , stiff or
wollen Joints. Contains no morphine ,
opium , cocaine or drugs to deaden the
pain. It neutralizes the acid and drives
out all rheumatic poisons from the sya-
tem. Write Prof. Munyon , 03d and Jeff
erson Sts. , Phila. , Pa. , for medical ad-
Tlce , absolutely free.
PATENTS ington.D.C. Boobs free. High
est references. Best nsulta >
' * josWi
Reactionary Sentiment Will Find Lit
tle Favor Even Among Its
Friends Race Question Had
No Place In Argument.
Mr. Root's defense of unpopular
election of senators would be regard
ed with some favor as oratory if it
had been made in a high school prize
debate. Coming aa it does from an
advocate of brilliant attainments , it
must be distinctly disappointing to
the reactionaries. The only posslblp
explanation for the weakness of the
Root argument is that the usually re
sourceful senator could not discover
any point that would give plausibility
to his reasoning. The case was hope
less. That is why Mr. Root was as
dull and unconvincing as if he were
defending a pauper criminal by ap
pointment of the court in a case
where the evidence of guilt was over
That also is why the generally skill
ful New Yorker abandoned his usual
dependence on argument and resort
ed to tactics calculated to prejudice
the Jury in his favor. And so he
threatened the south with federal su
pervision of state elections If the con
stitutional method of electing United
States senators were changed.
While the race question has no
rightful place in the discussion , and
would not be dragged into it if the
reactionaries were not driven to a
desperate defense of their position ,
Mr. Root seemed hopeful of scaring
southern senators away from the di
rect election cause by telling them
that grandfather clauses and white
supremacy would be imperiled by the
success of the Borah resolution.
No southern Democrat who really
wants to see the United States senate
popularized would be driven off by
such intimidation. The senators from
the south know that Mr. Root and
most of those who oppose the direct
election amendment have no interest
in the southern negro who is kept
away from the polls by grandfather
clauses or shotguns. Their concern
for the disfranchised colored voter
was not manifested until it seemed
wise to affect sympathy for him in
order to frighten the white south with
the bogey of a federal force bill as a
means of defeating the popular de
mand for the Borah amendment.
When the people shall have won
their irresistible fight for the direct
election of senators the Roots will
forget all about the disfranchised ne
gro. If occasion should demand it ,
and it would serve the cause of spe
cial privileges so to do , the present
champions of the trampled colored
voter would no doubt some day strike
hands with southern senators to keep
him ground to the dust , and would
defend , in impassioned pleas for white
sovereignty at the south , the electoral
injustice they now sanctimoniously
Reciprocity and Revision.
Those Democratic leaders who are
to prepare the bill revising the Payne
law should rejoice in the appearance
of the tariff pact with Canada at this
time. Had it been sent to congress
as a surprise next winter it might
have upset their calculations might
have obliged them to go over a portion
tion at least of their work. As they
are just beginning the shaping of
their plans , they can take the pact
into account now , even should It fall
of Indorsement by the Republicans at
this session.
There has been an idea , particular
ly since the Baltimore jubilee , that
the tariff next year would be a simple
proposition. Might it not take the
form of a revision of the wool sched
ule of the Payne law as a starter ?
The Republicans are not united in
support of that schedule. The presi
dent did not like it at the time he
signed the new measure , and the
Democrats to a man were opposed to
it. Why should not Mr. Clark and
his friends content themselves with
overhauling a schedule not acceptable
even to many of the Republican lead
ers , and then ask for an Indorsement
at the polls upon a promise to go on
with the work , piece by piece , until
the whole Payne law should be re
vised out of existence ?
The president's message next win
ter in Its tariff feature should be a
particularly interesting document.
The chances of his renomination are
today nine in ten , and that the tariff
will be the paramount issue seems
certain. How , then , will he put the
matter up to congress , and what re
sponse in the way of a bill will the
house make ? Both sides will have
the presidency in mind and both will
find it advisable to walk warily.
But , to repeat , the Democrats are
fortunate in having nearly a year in
which to study the new aspect of the
case before putting their own views
into shape for discussion and action.
Washington Star.
It means much to a textile manu
facturer whether a fabric runs 100
threads to the inch or only 90 , but to
the public and the average congress
man this has no significance. Never
yet has there been a tariff that was
not at least based on the demands
made by those who were to profit
by if
Protection runs mad when it In
sists that the paper duty shall be re
tained , that the Canadian agreement
shsl' 'r ? r.rjVctcd
No Question Settled Until the "Court
of Last Resort" Has Passed
Upon It.
It is reasonably safe to say that nc
legislative body would pass a Payne-
Aldrich tariff bill had the people the
power to veto it. On the contrary ,
congress would revise the tariff In ac
cordance with national rather than
special interests.
Moreover , that would be the best
thing in the long run for the special
Interests themselves. Once the pec-
pie accepted a tariff law , we should
hear no more of that troublesome
question for a generation , and surely
the manufacturers stand In need of
protection from agitation and insta
bility quite as much as from foreign
competition. So it ought to work out
in all things.
Representatives at best can only
guess at public opinion , and often
they mistake a loud noise for the
voice of the people , forgetting Eat
"the shallows murmur , but the deeps
are dumb. " Throughout a generation
congress was guessing on the ques
tion of a money standard , whether It
should be paper , silver or gold , and
there was no rest or security. At
last , in 1896 , the problem had to go
squarely to the people , as every prob
lem finally must , and the people
promptly gave a decision far more
conservative than a timid congress
ever had dared to give and at once
put an end to all doubt and debate.
All matters of Importance soon or
late must be submitted to them for
final determination. Delay only pro
longs the uncertainty. Under the in
itiative and referendum every law has
the direct or tacit indorsement of the
public , and thereby gains a stability
and force that can be derived from
no other source.
No question is settled until the people
ple have settled It.
The New Reciprocity Treaty.
For the first time in more than fifty
years the governments of the United
States and Canada have been able to
prepare a trade agreement that both
parties to the negotiation believe will
prove acceptable to the people and in
crease the already great business
passing over the border. The attempt
to drive the Dominion Into the Union
has been definitely abandoned. The
abrogation of the reciprocity treaty in
1866 , the long period of notoriously
hostile tariff legislation culminating
in the McKinley and Dingley tariff
acts , the constant friction over fish
eries and boundaries and bonding
privileges and alien labor laws all
these have ended in acknowledged de
feat. "Canada , has grown and pros
pered in spite of them , and Washing
ton has at last had the grace to ac
knowledge that the Dominion must
hereafter be treated as the nearest
neighbor and one of the best cus
tomers of the republic should have
been treated long ago.
It is asserted In some quarters on
this side of the boundary that there is
an ulterior motive behind the change
of attitude of the United States , and
that , having , discovered that Canada
could not be coerced , the political
strategists south of the line are now
seeking to cajole and bribe her into
the Union. That may be the motive ,
although there is no evidence of it ,
but anyone who believes that Canada's
future depends on tariffs or trade
agreements knows nothing of the in
tense love of country that is develop
ing among the rising generation , the
patriotic spirit nothing material can
destroy or even shake. Toronto
For a Tariff Commission.
The titular leader of the Demo
cratic party in the house is Mr. Clark.
The Democrats of the house have or
ganized a central committee the ma
jority of the ways and means com
mittee for the next congress to
which has been committed the ad
ministration of party affairs through
the selection of the committees of the
house , and who will necessarily have
charge of the chief matter of legis
lation , the tariff. The chairman of
this committee is Judge Underwood
of Alabama , a man of large experi
ence , sound judgment and high char
acter. Mr. Clark and Judge Under
wood after careful consideration have
reached the conclusion that a tariff
commission , on the lines followed by
the pending bill , is a wise , fair , prac
tical measure. In this conclusion they
will certainly be sustained by the
great body of the Democrats of the
country. In acting on it , we believe
that they will serve the country , their
party and especially their own sec
tion. New York Times.
Panic in Gloucester.
The people of Gloucester , Mass. , are
reported in vigorous protest against
the proposed Canadian reciprocity.
Flags in the harbor are at half-mast ,
city council and civic organizations
are holding frenzied meetings , citi
zens are excited and alarmed. All this
because the town fears that the ad
mission of free Canadian fish will ruin
Its own industry. These patriotic fish
ermen fear that a new "deserted vil
lage" may appear on the map.
In other words , the people of Glou
cester are ready to admit that they
have lived and thrived all these years
upon a subsidy. The entire nation has
been taxed for the support of an in
dustry that was only in part self-sus
taining. In order to make Gloucester
a prosperous community , the millions
have been forced to contribute payIng -
Ing for something they did not get.
Gloucester , of course , Is more
alarmed than the facts warrant But
accepting the situation as it appears
to her own excited imagination , there
Is in it much food for thought by the
people of the United States.
1 ,
Rheumatism Advice \
Gives Prominent Doctor's Best
Prescription Is Easily Mixed.
"Get one ounce of syrup of Sarsapa
rilla compound and one ounce of Torls
compound. Then get half a pint of good
whisky and put the other two ingredi
ents into It Take a tablespoonful of
this mixture before each meal and at
bed time. Shake the bottle before us
ing. " This is not new in this city aa
many of the worse cases of rheumatism
and back-ache have been cured by it
Good results come the first day. Any
druggist has these ingredients on hand
or will quickly get them from his
wholesale house. Any one can mix
He Oh , yes ; I write verse occasion
ally but I tear it all up as soon aa
I write it.
She Ah ! I knew you were clever.
OATS 259 Bu. Per Acre.
That is the sworn to yield of Theodora
flarmes , Lewis Co. , Wash. , had from
Baker's Rejuvenated White Bonanza oats
and won a handsome 80 acre farm. Other
big yields are 141 bus. , 119 bus. , 103 bus-
etc. , had by farmers scattered throughout
the U. S.
Baker's PediRree Barley , Flax , Corn ,
Oats , Wheat , Potatoes , Grasses and Clov
ers are famous the world over for- their
purity and tremendous yielding qualities.
We are easily the largest growers of farm
seeds in the world.
Our catalog bristling with seed truths
free for the asking , or send lOc in stamps
and receive 10 packages of farm seed nor-
cities and rarities , including above mar
velous oats , together with big catalog.
John A. Salzer Seed Co. , 182 South 8th St. .
La Crosse , Wis.
Went Swimming at Ninety-Two.
"The Grand Old Man of Highgate
Ponds , " William McKenzie , long
known as "grandfather" by his fellow
members of the Highgate Lifebuoys
club , has passed away at his North
London home. He was in his ninety-
third year.
Up to six weeks ago Mr. McKenzie
was bathing in Highgate Ponds , where
he had bathed for many years. His
unfailing regularity at the age of
ninety-two probably constitutes a reo
ord in natation. Until three years
ago he joined in. the winter lifebuoy
sports. His practice was to walk over
the two miles from Highbury and
back for his swim. London Chronicle.
In Its Due Order.
Champ Clark , at a dinner in Wash
ington , pleaded indulgence for a
somewhat rambling speaker.
"He'll arrive , " said the Democratic
leader , "if you'll only give him time.
He is like Doctor Thirdly.
"Doctor Thirdly was dividing up his
sermon into its appropriate heads one
Sunday * morning when a member of
the congregation shouted irascibly :
" 'Meat , man ! Give us meat ! '
" 'Well , ' said Doctor Thirdly prompt
ly , 'hold on , then , till I'm done carv
ing. ' "
"Ten cents' worth of canine pep
per , " said the little boy in the subur
ban store. "
"Canine ! " echoed the astonished
clerk. "Why , my little man , I guess
you mean cayenne pepper. "
The little boy was doubtful.
"Maybe I do , mister , " he hesitated ,
"but mamma said it was the kind of
pepper that had a sharp bite , so I
thought it was 'ca'nine. ' "
The Tragedy That Wasn't.
He raised the shining knife ; his
face was dark. The woman before him
shrank back a step. The knife fell ,
plunged into the flesh , again , and once
Then the woman spoke thickly :
"There's plenty ; they're such big
chops. " Judge.
The Discoverer.
Of faults a seeker he would be.
Of recompense he found a dearth ,
Save in the truthful claim that he
Had picked the easiest Job on earth.
Do You Use Eye Salye ? Apply only
from Aseptic Tubes to Prevent Infection.
Murine Eye Salve In Tubes New SIze
25c. Murine Eye Liquid 25c-50c. Eye
Books in each Pkg.
All Depends.
"Want a good anecdote about a
itatesman ? "
"Was he re-elected ? "
There are no sure cures for Piles , but
Trask's Ointment will relieve most cases
and often effect complete cures where oth
er remedies have failed.
It's an easy matter for a married
man to keep posted on what's going
on in his home neighborhood.
So many of the ills of women are due
to habitual constipation , probably be
cause of their false modesty on the sub
ject , that their attention cannot be too
strongly called to the importance of keep
ing the bowels open. It is always Impor
tant to do that , regardless of the sex , but
it is especially important in women.
From the time the girl begins to men
struate until menstruation ceases she has
always vastly better prospects of coming
through healthy if she watches her bowel
movements. If you find yourself consti
pated , with bad breath , pimply complex
ion , headaches , belching gas and other
symptoms of indigestion and constipation ,
take a small dose of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
are now in effect to California , and
shrewd , far-sighted persons are tak
ing advantage of them to visit that
state and buy land In the famous Mar-
cuse tract in Sutler County , near
Sacramento , California , because the
rise in value that will inevitably fol
low the holding of the Pan-American
Exposition , San. Francisco in 1915 ,
will bring them handsome returns , to
say nothing of the good income that
can be made from fruit raising , dairy
ing , and general farming. Rich soil ,
pure water , excellent climate. Write
for particulars today to Homeseekers *
Information Bureau , 1927 Bee BuildIng -
Ing , Omaha , Nebraska.
No Apparent Reason.
Reporter Colonel , you and I know
there was money used in electing Lit-
tlebrayne. How much did it cost him ?
You may as well tell me , for I'm go
ing to find out.
Politician What makes you think
there was er bribery ?
Reporter Why , blame It , man , he
was elected !
A man who thinks his work is worth
dollars a minute will spend an hour
looking for a dime he dropped in a
Four druggist will refund money if PAZO OINT
MENT fafls to cure any case of Itching , Blind ,
Bleeding or Protrudlna Piles In 6 to 14 days. OOc.
It's easy for a pretty young widow
to make a man think he wants to
marry her.
Krs. Wlnalow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething , softens the { rums , reduces Inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c bottle.
No doubt the mind cure is all right
if you have the mind to begin with.
Mrs. Woggs She is enormously
Mrs. Boggs Yes. She was an only
wife , you know !
Garfield Tea is Nature's laxative and
blood purifier ; it overcomes constipation
and its many attendant ailments.
A woman's club sometimes remind *
a man of a hammer.
Pepsin. It Is a woman's favorite laxa
tive. You will find that you can dp away
with salts , strong cathartics , etc. , which
are entirely unsuited to woman's require
Mrs. Katherine Haberstroh of McKeea
Rocks , Pa. , and Mrs. A. E. Herrick of
Wheeler , Mich. , who was almost para *
lyzed in her stomach and bowels , are now
cured by the use of this remedy. A free
sample bottle can be obtained by address
ing Dr. Caldwell , and after you are con
vinced of its merits buy it of your drug >
gist at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle.
For the free sample address Dr. W. B.
Caldwell , 201 Caldwell building , Monti-
cello , 111.
Spring Medicine
There ia BO other season when medi
cine is so much needed aa in the spring.
The blood is impure and impoverished *
condition indicated by pimples , boils and
other eruptions on the face and body , by
deficient vitality , loss of appetite , lack of
The best spring medicine , according to
the experience and testimony of tnon-
ands annually , ia
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It purifies and enriches the blood , euro
eruptions , builds up the system.
Get it today in usual liquid form of
chocolated tablets known aa Sarsatabs.
521-531 W. Adams St. ? Chicago
Allen's UlcertneSalTecurebChronlcUlcnrs , lion *
other larches only 13 ounces me price and
make 15 to C3 per daT sailing our Anto-
mobile Specialty. Quick seller. Big
pronts. Particulars free. Hall Bros. , Natoma , Tex.
Thompson's Ey ยง Wtftr
Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
A woman who is sick and suffering , and won't at least
try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound , is , \vould almost seem , to blame
for her own wretchedness. Read what this woman says :
Richmond , Mo. " When my second daughter was eighteen
months old I was pronounced a hopeless invalid "by specialists.
I had a consultation of doctors and they said I had a severe case
of ulceration. I was in bed for ten weeks , had sinking spells
and was pronounced to be in a dangerous condition. My father
insisted that we try tydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ,
and brought me six bottles. I soon began to improve , and be *
fore it had all been taken I was as well and strong as evermy
friends hardly recognized me so great was the change. " Mrs *
Woodson Branstetter , Richmond , Mo.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in
the United States who have been benefited by this famous
old remedy , which was produced from roots and herbs over
thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering.
Read what another woman says :
Jonesboro , Texas. "I have used Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound for myself and daughter , and consider it une
qualled for all female diseases. I would not be without it for
anything. I wish every mother in America could be persuaded
to use it as there would be less suffering among our sex then.
I am always glad to speak a word of praise f or Xydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound , and you are at liberty to use this
testimonial.--Mrs. James T. IJawrence , Jonesboro , Texas.
Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub
lish are genuine , is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help
these women it will help any other woman who is suffering
from the same trouble ?
For 3O years Iydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs , and
has thousands of cures to its credit.
B If the slightest trouble appears which
if f you do not understand , write to Mrs.
Pinkham at I ynn , Mass. , for her advice it is
free and always helpful *
The Farmer's Son's
Great Opportunity
Wnywaltfor the old farm to become "
your Inheritance ? Begin now to
prepare for your future
prosperity and indepen-
Idence. A great oppor-
Itunity awaits you In
I ManltobaSaskatchewan
lor Alberta , where you
I can secure a FreeHome-
Istcad or buy land at rea
ls enable prices.
not a year from now ,
when land will be high
er. The profits secured
from the abundant crops of
Wheat , Oats and Barley ,
as well as cattle raising , are
causing a steady advance In
price. Gorernnfent returns show
that the number of settlers
In Western Canada from
the U. S. ivas 6O per cent
larger In 191O than the
previous year.
Many farmers have paid
for their land out of the
proceeds of one crop.
Free Homesteads of 16O
acres and pre-emptions of
16O acres at 83.OO an acre.
Fine climate , good schools ,
excellent railway facilities ,
loir freight rates ; -wood , wa
ter and lumber easily ob
For pamphlet "Last Best West , "
particulars as to suitable location
and low settlers' rate , apply to
Sup's of Immigration , Ottawa ,
Candor to Canadian Gort Agent.
LT.R.toe,315Jjda < SLSLP ttKlM.
J. H. MadjcMa. Drncr 197. V4tttm B.
Use address Dearest you. 37