Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 16, 1911, Image 5

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    V7. Special Sale of
, > } Fancy |
We offer our stock of 1
Fancy China at one- ]
half price.
Everything goes.
Don't rniss the
chance to get some of
I the pretty Plates ,
Cups , Saucers ; etc. at
one = halfv the price
' ' * A Safe ,
Simple System
'The system of paying
by check was devised
by ail men- for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
/.no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a mbnibhA checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method , puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
V- transac.tipn. ; _
Plant the New
Compass Cherry ,
a cross with the Sand Cherry
and old time hardy Minor Plum ,
hardy , prolific and good fruit. It
will grow where others will not.
Plant elrn , Carolina poplar , sil
ver leaved niaple. Plant them
close together and have shade all
the time from the start.Vhon
elms need all the room cut out the
t We have all varieties of trees ,
shrubs , roses , etc. , suitable for
Northwestern Nebraska.
T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Boyd Nurseries and Fruit
On C. & N. W. , 3 blks. east station
Ainsvyorth , - Nebraska
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed hy S. 0. Columbus 17
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg ,
Bulls for Sale at All Times ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Catn. Valentine , Nebr.
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance. *
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. T. Meer , !
Eooms over Bed Front store
Valentin * *
The average small boy and girl ,
and we might say the older ones
also , are on tiptoe of expectancy
just now waiting for the arrival of
the popular favorite , The Chase-
Lister Theatre Co. , with Clint and
Bessie Bobbins and their ladies
orchestra , who come to Quigley's
opera house for three nights , com
mencing Monday , March 20th.
Thftv will present at that time
Bertha M ( Hay's master comedy ,
"Vifp in \Jirnc- Only , " a play
uhich cifMted such a furore of ex-
; citomcnL in the theatrical world
last spa on. The Chase Lister
Co. is the only company producing
this play this season west of the
Mississippi river and guarantee it
to give suusfaction. During the
| play three bitr specialties are in-
j trnducrri b.v Clint and Bessie Robbins -
' bins , Prif chard and Carpenter and
liny U Conant , which are all new
and up to the minute.
The lading orchestra give a 20-
rainute concert befor the rise of
the curtain.
Seats on sale at the usual- place
Friday 25 and 50 cents.
Feeds that always grow for sale
at Fischer's hardware. 10
For sanitary plumbing or heat
ing call H. I. Weinzimraer , the
only licensed plumber in town. 49
Dr. O. W. Noyes was seriously
hurtinbe'ng dragged into Jba-b
wire by a team he was drivi ig
last Thursday.
A. M. Morrissey Wr-nt down to
Decatur last night on legal bust-
ness and next week will attend
court in Ainsworth.
Oswald Thieme of Burlington ,
Okla. , and his brother , August , of
Pardum are in town. The former
formerly owned the Fleming
& Angelo ranch * which he traded
for 320 acres belonging to Mr.
Angelo in Oklahoma. Mr. Thieme
is in the mercantile business in
Supreme Court Upholds Consti
tutionality of Statute ,
Washington , March 14. The cor
poration tax provisions of ± he Payne-
Aldrich tariff act , were sustained as
constitutional by the supreme court of
the United States. The court was
unanimous in the corporation tax de
cision. By regarding the tax as meas
ured by income rather than being a
tax on income , the opinion as given
by Justice Day proceeded to hold that
the law was constitutional , notwith
standing the la.w might reach the in
come from non-taxable sources.
Thereby a source of income of ap
proximately $25,000,000 annually was
assured to the government.
Of all the objections to the tax
raised by suits in all parts of the coun
try none of them was found sufficient
to nullify the law. The court did hold
that the tax was not applicable "to the
real estate "trust" of Boston , which is
organized not under any statute , but
under the common law. The law ivas
held not applicable to the Minneapolis
syndicate , a real estate concern , on
the ground that it was not "doing busi
ness" within the meaning of the law.
Justice Day announced' that it was
within the power of the senate to in
sert the corporation tax provision in
the tariff law , which originated in
the house and of which the ta : : pro
visions are a part.
Justice Day said that the court held
the tax as an "excise tax on the doing
of business. " wJiich is exactly the
basis on which the government has de
fended the lav * .
Justice Day next held that the taxj
provisions were not arbitrary exercise i
of a power. This was urged in arguJ J
rnent as one reason why the law
should be held unconstitutional.
Tax on Corporate Business.
Near the outset of the opinion as it.
appears in printed form is the state
ment that the tax "is imposed not up
on the franchises of the corporations ,
irrespective of their use in business , !
nor upon the property of the corpora
tions , but upon the doing of corporate
or insurance business , and with re-J
spect to the carrying on thereof in a
sum equivalent to 1 per centum of the
entire net income over and .above $5-
000 received * from all sources during
the year , that is , when imposed in this
manner it is a tax upon the doing of
business with the advantages which
inhere in the peculiarities of corporate
or joint stock organizations of the
character described. .
"As the latter organizations share
many benefits of corporate organization - <
tion , it may be described generally as
a tax upon the doing of business in a
corporate capacity. "
Nine-Hour Day Construed.
Railroads which employ telegraph
operators for six hours and then , after
an * interval , for three hours more ,
comply with the federal "hours , of service -
vice law" of 1097. Such was the 'fle- :
cision of the supreme coxirt of the |
United States despite the claim of the'
government that the nine hours must
be consecutive.
v s,1S ? , iT'S . &ftr > fts
fetSrfT * i- ' < 5ttK
Color : Black. ROCKY orn July 20 , ' 03
Hika Boy 30876 , record 2:23Voro : 1596 , sire of Winnie , Winsom 2:22 : , Hika Boy 2:23i , Wild Idol 223jr ; , NicoJera'is 2:2S : , Jessie T
2:28 : ± , Firy Ben P. 2:26i : , Bonnie Boy Trial J:24h : Swigert 050 , sire of Brilliant 2L7i : , Moody 2IS-V : , Tony H. 2:23 : , President 2:23 : , Trot-
wood 2:23i : , St. Cloud 2:23i : , Lady Jane. Korman 25 , sire of Suk 2:15 : , May Queen 2:20 : , Blackbird 2:31 : , Sire of Protein 2:18 , 4 Sires ,
44 Trotters. Blanding , dam of Abdollah ; Pilot , sire of Pickarcl ; Swigert , sire of 3i in 3:30. : Abdolhih 161 , record 2:30 : , Sire of Little
Miss 2:261 : , Dictator 2:27 : , Hickory 2:291 : Dollabella dam of Hickory 2:27f : , Gen. Sibley 2:30 : , and dam of Leo 2:21 . Kitty Crook- dam
of Hika Boy 2:23 : , Wild Idol 2:28i : , Lady Kendricks. Black Flying Cloud 878 , Capitoly. Minnie Rats , dam of llocky Bar , Dolloraite ,
Minnie , Wester Lad.
Service fee $5. Insure with foal $10. Cash at service
At Charley Tackett's Ranch on1'Antelope Creek , Address : Rosebud , S. D ,
No Reason For Doubt
A Statement of Facts Backed
By a Strong Guarantee.
We guarantee complete relief lo
all suffereis from constipation. In
every case where we fail -we will
supply the medicine free.
Bexall Orderlies are a gentle ,
effective , dependable and safe bowel
regulator , strengthener and tonic.
They re-establish nature's functions
in a quiet , easy way. Tbey do not
cause any inconvenience , griping or
nausea. They are also pleasant to
take jind work so easily that they
may be taken by any one at any
lime. They thoroughly tone up
the whole system to healthy ac
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpass
able and ideal for the use of chil
dren , old folks and delicate persons.
We cannofc too highly recommend
them toall , sufferers from any form
of coostiprtion and its attendant
evils. Two sizps IGc and 25c. Re
member you. can obtain Eexall
Remedies : only at our store The
Rexall Store. Chapman , the drug
Proposition to Bond Township for $52-
OCO to Aid Railroad.
Broken "Bow , . Neb. , March 11. The
new railroad project is assuming a
tangible shape and it begins to look
as though" there was something-more
substantial to it than mere talk. At
the last meeting held here this week
the enthusiasm was greater than ever.'j
Many representatives from the Arnold -
nold , Tyron and Gandy districts werej
present and addressed the meeting.
These men are in favor of the road
coming to Broken Bow and seem un-j
willing that the present proposed
course should be altered in any way
so as to exclude the town. There isi
now serious talk of discontinuing the1
committee on the personal soliciting
of money for the new road. The lat
est move is to bond the township for
$50,000 and accept no personal dona
Bad Landslide in Vesuvius.
Naples , March 14 A severe earth
quake , accompanied by strong detona
tions from Mount Vesuvius , occurred.
Investigations showed that a great
landslide had dropped from the upper
part of the crater. It is estimated
that it measured 1,000 by 250 feet and i
when it fell it caused enormous clouds
of smoke. The Funicular railway was
, f damaged.
Old Crow , All Leading .
Hermitage Brands , , ;
" '
. . " > } "
"and Bottled- - * *
j * \ .
Griiclien- Under > the f
' i
' heimer Supervision
j j of the - .
* *
, I . Whiskeys. U. S.'GoY.
\Ve also handle the Budweiser Beer.
For. Falling Hair
You Run No Risk When You
Use This Remedy ,
\V e promise you that , if your
hair is falling out , and you have not
llet j it o too far , you can repair the
damage already done by using Eex-
ali * 9S" Hair Tonic , with per-
Isistency { and regularity , for a rea-
j sonable length of time. It is a
'scientific J ' , cleansing , antiseptic , ger-1
I ; micidal preparation , that destroys
{ microbes , stimulates good circula-l
tion around the hair roots , promotes '
1 ] hair nourishment- , removes dandruff
j and reptores hair health. It is as
pleasant to use as pure water , and
it is delicately perfumed. It is a
real toilet necessity ,
We want you to try Eexall " 93"
Hair Tonic with our promise that
it will cost you nothing unless 5 ou j
are perfectly satisfied with its use.
It .comes in two sizes , prices 50c
and § 1.00. Remember you can ob
tain Rexall Remedies in this com- j
mnnity only at our store The j
Eexall Store. Chapman , the drug-
gist. .
Try Us For SateJiISs ! J
* tock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
V "hen .vou have stock to sefi-at
public auction it will pay .vou to
see us before starting your sale.
Come and see us vr S 5
When yonr feet are wet and cold , ancl
your body chilled throngli and through
from exposure , take a big dose of Cham
berlain's Cougli Remedy , bathe your
feet in hot water before going to bed ,
and you are almost certain to ward off a
severe cold. For sale by Chapman , the
If you are thinking of having a
public sale call on on us for par
ticulars and information regard
ing dates. 8-5
"I had been troubled with constipa
tion for" two years md tried all , of the
best physicians -Bristol./Tenn. . . , and
they could do nothing for me/5"rites
Thos. E. Williams , Middleboro , Ky.
'Two. packages of Chamberlain's Stom- *
acn and Liver Tabletg cured me. " For
sate by Chapman ,