Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 09, 1911, Image 6

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Illustrations By
Copyright WOS by The Bobbs-McrrUi Company.
Thomas Ardraore and Henry Maine
Griswold stnmble upon intrigue when the
governors of North and South Carolina
are reported to have quarre d. Griswold
allies himself with Barbara Osborne ,
daughter of the governor of South Carolina
lina , while Ardmore espouses the cause
of Jerry Dangerfield , daughter of the
governor of North Carolina. These two
young ladies are trying to fill the shoes
of their fathers while the latter are miss
ing. Both states are in a turmoil over
one ApplewelgHt , an outlaw with great
political influence. Unaware of each oth
er's position , both Griswold and Ardmore
set out to make the other prosecute Ap-
pleweight. Ardmore organizes a big hunt.
Griswold also takes the field. Frank Col
lins , Atlanta reporter , is arrested by Ard
more , but released to become press agent
for the young millionaire's expedition.
Griswold's men capture Bill Applewelght.
Jerry Dangerfield discovers the captive
outlaw and leads him to Ardsley , her
own prisoner. Griswold is obliged to re
port the loss , very mysterious to him , to
Barbara Osborne.
CHAPTER XIV. Continued.
The messages were composed by
their joint efforts at the station , with
not so much haste but that an asso
ciate professor of admiralty , 29 years
old , could defer in the most trifling
matters to the superior literary taste
of a girl of 20 , whose brown eyes were
very pleasant to meet in moments of
uncertainty and appeal.
He signed the messages Charles Os
borne , governor , with a flourish in
dicative of the increased confidence
and daring which Miss Osborne's ar
rival had brought to the situation.
"And now , " said Griswold , as they
rode through the meager streets of
Turner's , "we will go to Mount Nebo
church and see what we can learn of
Appleweteht's disappearance. "
"The North Carolina papers are
making a great deal of Gov. Danger-
field's activity in trying to put down
outlawry on the border , " said Barbara.
"Marked copies of the newspapers
are pouring into papa's office. I can
but hold Mr. Bosworth responsible for
that. We may count upon it that he
will do all in his power to annoy us"
and then , as Griswold looked at her
quickly , he was aware that she had
colored and averted her eyes ; and
while , as a lawyer , he was aware that
words of two letters might be provoca
tive of endless litigation of the bitter
est sort , he had never known before
that "us , " in itself the homeliest of
words , could cause so sweet a dis
"We are quite near the estate of
jour friend , Mr. . Ardmore , aren't we ? "
asked Barbara presently.
"I fancy we are , " replied Griswold ,
but with a tone so coldly at variance
with his previous cordial references
to the master of Ardsley that Barbara
looked at him inquiringly.
"I'm sorry that I should have given
you the impression , Miss Osborne ,
that Mr. Ardmore and I are friends , as
I undoubtedly did at Columbia. He
has , for some unaccountable reason ,
cut my acquaintance in a manner so
unlike him that I do not pretend to
explain it ; nor , I may add , is it of
the least importance. He had , only a
few days ago , invited me to visit him ,
though I had been to his house so
often that the obscurest servant knew
that I was privileged even beyond the
members of Mr. Ardmore's own fam
ily in my freedom of the place. When
I saw that his house would be a con
venient point from which to study the
Appleweight situation , I wired him
that I was on the way , and to my
utter amazement he replied that he
could not entertain me that scarlet
fever was epidemic on the estate on
those almost uncounted acres ! "
And with a gulp and a mist in his
eyes , Griswold drew rein and pointed ,
from a hill that had now borne them
to a considerable height , toward Ards
ley itself , dreamily basking in the
bright morning sunlight within its s
cincture of hills , meadows and for t
est. r
He knew the ways of Ardsley thor r
oughly ; better , in fact , than its owner v
ever had in old times ; but in his an v
ger at Ardmore he would not set foot o
on the estate if he could possibly
avoid doing so In reaching the scene b
of the night's contretemps. He found e
without difficulty the trail taken by s
Habersham's men , and in due course a
of time they left their horses a short s
distance from the church and proceed V
ed on foot. -tl ;
"It seems all the stupider in broad tlh ;
daylight. " said Griswold , after he had tla
explained just what had occurred , a
and how the captors , in their super o
stitious awe of Appleweight , had been n
afraid to carry him off the moment s
they were sure of him , but had
slipped back among their fellows to SI
wait until the coast was perfectly SIn
clear. To ease his deep chagrin Bar- n
oara laughed a good deal at the oc S
currence as they tramped over the
fc ne discussing it They went into s <
the woods back of the church , where
Griswold began to exercise his rea
soning powers.
"Some one must have come in from
this direction and freed the man and
taken him away , " he-declared.
He knelt and marked the hoof-prints
where Appleweight had been left tied ;
but the grass here was much tram
pled , and Griswold was misled by the
fact , not knowing that news of Ap-
pleweight's strange disappearance had
passed among the outlaw's friends by
the swift telegraphy of the border ,
and that the whole neighborhood had
been threshed over hours before. It
might have been some small consola
tion to Griswold had he known that
Appleweight's friends and accom
plices were as much at a loss to know
what had become of the chieftain as
the men who had tried so ineffectual
ly to kidnap him. From the appear
ance of the trampled grass many men
had taken a hand in releasing the
prisoner , and this impression did not
clarify matters for Griswold. r
"Where does this path lead ? " asked
"This is Ardsley land here , this side
of the church , and that trail leads on ,
if I rem'ember. to the main Ardsley
highway , with which various other
roads are connected many miles in
all. It's inconceivable that the de
liverers of this outlaw should have
taken him into the estate , where a
sort of police system is maintained
by the forestry corps. I don't at all
make it out. "
He went off to explore the heavy
woods on each side of the trail that
led into Ardsley , but without result.
When he came gloomily back he found
that in his absence Barbara had fol
lowed the bridle-path for a consider
able distance , and she held out to him
a diminutive -pocket handkerchief ,
which had evidently been snatched
away from the owner so Barbara ex
plained by a low-hanging branch of
an oak , and flung into a blackberry
bush , where she had found it. It was
a trifle , indeed , the slightest bit of
linen , which they held between them
by its four corners and gravely in
"Feminine , beyond a doubt , " pro
nounced Griswold sagely.
"It's a good handkerchief , and here
are two initials worked in the corner
He Knelt and Marked the Hoof-Prints
Where Appleweight Had Been Tied.
that may tell us something 'G. D.
It probably belongs to some guest at
Ardsley. And there's a very faint sug
gestion of orris it's a city handker
chief , " said Barbara with finality , "but
it has suffered a trifle in the laundry ,
as this edge is the least bit out of
drawing from careless ironing. "
"And I should say , from a certain
crispness it still retains , that it hasn't
been in the forest long. It hasn't
been rained on , at any rate , " added
"But even the handkerchief doesn't
tell us anything , " said Barbara ,
spreading it out , "except that some
woman visitor has ridden here within ,
a few days and played drop the hand
kerchief with herself or somebody
else to us unknown. "
"She may have been a scarlet fever
patient from Ardsley ; you'd better
have a care ! " And Griswold's tone
was bitter.
"I'm not afraid ; and as I have never
been so near Ardsley before , I should
like to ride in and steal a glimpse. ii
There's little danger of meeting the iiu
lord of the manor , I suppose , or any u
of his guests at this hour , and we c
need not go near the house. " si
He saw that she was really curious , ii
and it was not in his heart to refuse
her , so they followed the bridle-path
through the cool forest , and came in
due course to the clearing where Jer
ry had first confessed herself lost , IsP
and thereafter had suffered the cap P
tured outlaw to point her the way t <
borne. of
"The timber has been cut here tl
since my last visit , but I. remember
the bridle-paths very well. They all
reach the highroad of the estate ulti
mately. We may safely take this one ,
which has been the most used and piP
tvhich climbs a hill that gives a fine m
autlook. " ; "
n *
The path he chose had really been . '
beaten into better' condition than *
either of the others , and they rode
side by side now. A deer feeding on
grassy slope raised its head and
stared at them , and a fox scampered
wildly ( before them. It seemed that
hey were shut in from all the world , fa P
hese two , who but a few days before
lad never seen each other , and it was
W (
relief to him to find that she threw
ff her troubles and became more ani-
nated and cheerful than he had yet hs
seen her. .
They reached the highroad much
jooner than Griswold had expected ,
ind he checked his horse abruptly , re-
nemberlng that he was persona non
jrata on this soil. Mi
"We must go back ; I mustn't be do
ieen here. The workmen are soat- sh
tered all about the place , and they all
know me. "
"Oh , just a little farther ! I want
to see the towers of the castle ! "
If she had asked him to jump into
the sea he would not have hesitated ;
and he was so happy at being with
her that his heart sang defiance to
Ardmore and the splendors of Ards
They were riding now toward the
red bungalow , where he had often
sprawled on the broad benches and
chaffed with Ardmore for hours at a
time. Tea was served here sometimes
when there were guests at the house ;
and Griswold wondered just who were
included in the pa.ty that his quon
dam friend was entertaining , and how
Mrs. Atchison was progressing in her
efforts to effect a match between
Daisy Waters and her brother.
The drives were nearly all open to
the public , so that by the letter of
the law he was no intruder , but be
yond the bungalow he must not go.
Sobered by the thought of his breach
with Ardmore , he resolved not to pass
the bungalow whose red roof was now
in sight.
"It's like a fairy place.and I feel
that there can be no end to it , " Bar
bara was saying. "But it isn't kind to
urge you in. We certainly are doing
nothing to find Appleweight , and it
must be nearly noon. "
It was just then he vividly recalls
the moment as Griswold felt in his
waistcoat for his watch that Miss
Jerry Dangerfield , with Thomas Ard
more at her side , galloped into view.
They were racing madly , like irre
sponsible children , and bore boister
ously down upon the two pilgrims.
Jerry and Ardmore , hatless and
warm , were pardonably indignant at
thus being arrested in their flight , and
the master of Ardsley , feeling for once
the dignity of his proprietorship ,
broke out stormily.
"I would have you know I would
have you know " he roared , and then
his voice failed him. He stared , he
spluttered ; he busied himself with his
horse , which was dancing in eager
ness to resume the race. He quieted
the beast , which nevertheless arched
and pawed like a war-horse , and then
the master of Ardsley bawled :
"Grissy ; I say , Grissy ! "
Miss Osborne and Prof. Griswold ,
on their drooping Mingo county non
descripts , made a tame picture before
Ardmore and his fair companion on
their Ardsley hunters. The daughter
of the governor of South Carolina
looked upon the daughter of the gov
ernor of North Carolina with high dis
dain , and It need hardly be said that
this feeling , as expressed by glacial
glances , was evenly reciprocal , and
that in the contemptuous upward tilt
of two.charming chins the nicest judg
ment would have been necessary to
any fair opinion as to which state had
the better argument.
The associate professor of admiral
ty was known as a ready debater , and
he quickly returned his former
friend's salutation , and in much the
same contumelous tone he would have
used in withering an adversary before
a jury.
"Pardon me , but are you one of the
employes here ? "
"Why , Grissy , old man , don't look
at me like that ! How did you "
"I owe your master an apology for
riding upon his property at a time
when * pestilence is giving you cause
for so much concern. The death-rate
from scarlet fever is deplorably
high "
"Oh , Grissy ! " cried Ardmore.
"You have addressed me familiarly
by a nickname sometimes used by in
timate friends , though I can't for the
life of me recall you. I want you to
know that I am here in an official ca
pacity , on an errand for the state of
South Carolina. "
Miss Dangerfield's chin , which had
dropped a trifle , pointed again into the
blue ether.
"You will pardon me , " she said , "but
an agent of the state of South Carolina
lina is far exceeding his powers when
he intrudes upon North Carolina soil. "
"The state of South Carolina does
what it pleases and goes where it
likes , " declared Miss Barbara Os
borne warmly , whereupon Mr. Ard
more , at a glance from his coadjutor ,
waxed righteously indignant.
"It's one thing , sir , for you to ride
in here as a sight-seer , but quite an
other for you to come representing an
unfriendly state. You will please
choose which view of the matter I
shall take , and I shall act accord
ingly. "
How ' 'Pop" Billings Got a Bargain. J
C. K. G. Billings , who has paid a
larger sum of money for trotters and
pacers : to drive on the road and amateur -
teur matinee races , and owned more
them , than any ten horse lovers In
the country , tells of a very sad experience - *
ience in the first horse he ever owned
his life. f
When quite a young man , Mr. Billings - :
ings fancied a fast trotting mare
priced to him at $2,000 , but not having
more than $500 to his name , he persuaded
suaded his mother to advance him the
balance , which she did after much
begging. In due time his father heard
the fast trotter his son had bought ,
and expressed a desire to try her.
The request was complied with , and
after a few spins on the board the old
gentleman asked how much he had
paid for her. "Six hundred dollars ,
father , " was the answer.v
"Well , Charley , the mare is not
svorth it , " said the governor , "but I
ather like the way she steps , so I
will take her from you and you can
lave your $600. " The deal had to be
closed. I
A Quiet Maid.
Lady Visitor "That new girl of ct
seems very nice and quiet" It
Distress "Yes , she's very quiet. She
loesn't disturb the dust
even when 1
he's cleaning the room. "
Recipes That Include Those That An
Concocted With Oysters , Currant
Jam , Pineapple , Salmon , Or
ange and Cranberry.
Plain Fritter Batter. Beat till light
four eggs , adding to them four large
tablespoonfuls of sugar , half a cupful
of creamed butter , pinch of salt , two
cupfuls one pint of milk and two-
thirds of a cupful of flour. Use a per
fectly smooth frying pan , or the cakes
will stick ; butter it , and when hot
pour in enough batter to cover the
bottom. When done spread with jelly ,
sprinkle with powdered sugar and
serve at once on a hot platter. These
may also be buttered , with a mixture
of powdered sugar and cinnamon
spread between and over them ; when
served in layers they are cut like a
Oyster Fritters. Nothing so appeals
to the epicure as oyster fritters ; to a
cupful of the liquid add one of sweet
milk , four eggs , a saltspoonful of salt
and enough flour to make a stiff bat
ter ; add a pint of chopped oysters
and fry in deep fat. Serve at once
famished with white celery tips.
Currant Jam Fritters. Currant jam
fritters are a dream of richness ; make
the usual batter , and to every cupful
and one-half of it add a cupful of the
Jam , adding sugar to the latter before
mixing. Drop by spoonfuls from the
spoon into hot fat ; sprinkle with
sugar and serve with cocoa.
Pineapple Fritters. Pineapple frit-
tera are a luscious morsel ; grate the
fruit fine , saving the juice , and add
ing sufficient water to make it one
pint ; sift one pint of flour using
Juice to make the batter one-half teaspoonful
spoonful of salt and yolk of one egg.
Drop by spoonfuls into hot fat ; drain ,
dust with powdered sugar and serve.
Salmon Fritters. The salmon frit
ters are most appetizing and are more
substantial than those of fruit ; they
are made by stirring into the plain
batter enough boned salmon to make
one-half the quantity of batter ; drain
on unglazed brown paper and serve
on lettuce leaves or garnished with
Orange Fritters. The richness and
flavor of the orange fritter is pro
verbial. Place one cupful of sifted
flour in a bowl , add a pinch of salt ,
then the yolk of one egg , well beaten
with one teaspoonful of olive oil ;
when mixed to a smooth batter add
gradually enough water to make stiff
enough not to run from the spoon.
Beat the white of the egg light and
fold into the batter. Put five or six
slices of orange into this batter , cover
well , then drop into smoking fat and
fry a delicate brown ; remove , drain ,
dust with sugar and serve.
Cranberry Fritters. Cranberry muf
fins are a novel and delicious varia
tion for the dally menu ; sift together
two cupfuls of flour , three heaping
teaspoonfuls of baking powder , one-
half cupful of sugar and one teaspoon-
fu of salt Beat two eggs , add one
and one-half cupfuls of sweet milk
and stir into the dry Ingredients ; then
add two tablespoonfuls of melted but
ter and one cupful of halved berries.
Bake 20 minutes in a hot oven. They
may also be served with a sauce.
Currant Jam Popovers. To make ,
use two cupfuls each of flour and
milk , two eggs ( beaten until stiff ) ,
one-half teaspoonful of salt , two of
melted butter ; bake in cups. When
done , cut a little silt in each with a
sharp knife and insert a spoonful of
currant Jam. Serve with sweetened
whipped cream. The Housekeeper.
They Will Depart If Wooden Furni
ture and Crevices Are Washed
With Weak Solution of Alum.
A housekeeper of long experience
says she no longer is trpubled with
Insects , pests of any kind since an
old cook told her to wash her shelves ,
floors , bed-slats , bureau drawers , the
woodwork around sink and all crevices
with a rather weak solution of alum
This same housekeeper does her
own patching of iron pots and pans.
She I mixes a pound of salt and two
pounds of wood aches to a thick paste
and fills in the break in the iron. She
then sets it away to dry , .when , it be
comes as hard as the iron itself and
the leak stops %
Another of her contrivances for soft
ening hard water for washing clothes
was the night before wash day to put
about a peck of wood ashes in the
bottom of a barrel and fill it up with
the hard water. By morning the gen
tle alkali has softened the water as no
modern washing powder does as safe-
\y or any better.
Real Butter Scotch.
Allow to one pound of brown sugai
one teacupful of water and a quarter
cupful of butter. Put in a saucepan
over the fire and boll , watching care
fully , until it begins to turn brown.
The moment it reaches a golden
brown turn into a shallow buttered tin.
Never stir or touch with a spoon.
Cake Hint.
A cake had been set away and for
gotten until it w-jj as hard as the pro
verbial brick. It was wrapped in a
cloth wrung out of hot water and then
had an outside covering of paper. Let
remain so for about 24 hours , and it
will be as moist as if freshly made
This recipe has been tested
Their -wedding tour had ended , and
they entered their new home to settle
down to what they hoped to be one long
uninterrupted blissful honeymoon.
But. alas ! the young bride's troubles
Boon begin , when she tried to Teduec the
cost of living with cheap big can baking
She soon discovered that all she got
waa a lot for her money , and it was not
all baking powder , for the bulk of it was
cheap materials which had no leavening
power. Such powders will not make light ,
wholesome food. And because of the ab-
eence of leavening gas , it requires from
two or three times as much to raise cakes
or biscuits as it does of Calumet Baking
Thus , eventually , the actual cost to
yo , of cheap baking powders , is more
th an Calumet would be.
Cheap baking powders often leave the
bread bleached and acid , sometimes vel-
low and alkaline , and often unpalatable. .
They are not always of uniform strength
and quality.
Now the bride buys Calumet the per
fectly wholesome baking powder , moder
ate m price , and always uniform and re
liable. Calumet keeps indefinitely , makes
cooking easy , and is certainly the most
economical after all.
She -wonder if the waiter speaks
Ihe new language what do they
call it ? Esperanto ?
He Oh , yes ! He talks it like a
Kidney Trouble Caused Terrible
D.C. , Taylor , 705 E. Central Ave. ,
Wichita , Kan. , says : "For years I
suffered from kidney trouble and was
often confined to bed. On one occa
sion while working
the pain was so se
vere I was helpless
and had to be car
ried into the house.
I found no relief
and was in terrible
shape when I be
gan taking Doan's
Kidney Pills. They cured me com
pletely , no sign of kidney trouble hav
ing shown itself in years. I have
recommended Doan's Kidney Pills teat
at least one hundred people. "
Remember the name Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
When the fight begins within him
self , a man's worth something.
Garfield Tea has brought good health to
thousands ! Unequaled for constipation , j I
It is more disgraceful to distrust
than to be deceived. Rouchefoucauld.
Will purify your blood , clear
your complexion , restore your
appetite , relieve your tired feel
ing , build you up. Be sure to
take it this spring.
Get It in usual liquid form or chocolated
tablets called Snrsatabs. 100 Doses SI.
44 Bu. to the Acre
la a heavy yield , but that's what John Kennedy of
Edmonton , Alberta , Western Canada , got from 40
acres of Sprins Wheat In 1910. Reports
from other districts In that proT-
ince showed other excel
lent results such as * , -
000 bushels ofwheat
from 120 acres , or 831-3
ton. per ncro. 25 , SO and 40
btishelylelds were num
erous. As high as 133
bushels of oats to tbo-
acre were threshed from
Alberta fields In 1910.
The Silver Gup
at the recent Spokane
Fair was awarded to the
Alberta Governmontfor
its exhibit of grains .grasses and
vegetables. Reports of excellent
yields for 1910 come also from
Saskatchewan and Manitoba In
Western Canada.
Free homesteads of 10O
acres , and adjoining pre
emptions of 16O acres ( at
3 per acre ) are to be baa
111 the choicest districts.
Schools convenient , cli
mate excellent , soil the
very beat , railways close at
band , bnlldlnff lumber
cheap , fnel easy to get and
reasonable in price , irat r
easily procured , mixed
farming a success.
Write as to bcstplace for set
tlement , settlers' low railway
rates , descriptive Illustrated
"Last Best West" ( sent free on
application ) and other Informa
tion , to Bnp't of Immigration.
Ottawa , Can.or to the Canadian
Government Agent. (36)
E T. HolBB.315 J bon SL.SL PJS ! . Mlsa.
J. M. HicLidtoa , Crmr
( Use address nearest yon. )
92 ° A > IN 6 MONTHS
Our clients who acted on our advice
in the purchase of only three estab
lished dividend - paying stocks made
92.1 % on their investment between
August 3,1910 and February 14 , igix ,
or at the rate of 184.2 % annually.
We have prepared a handsome booklet
telling bow this was done , explaining the
operation of trading in the stock market ,
and showing how enormous profits can be
mode with a minimum of risk. THIS
56 Broad Street New York City
in New York City. Best features of coun
try and city life. Out-of-door sports on
school park of 35 acres near the Hudson
River. Academic Course Primary Class to
Graduation. Upper class for Advanced
Special Students. Music and Art Write
for catalogue and terms
Mis Bangs and MlssWhiton. Rimdale Atecce , near 253rd SL.WestX t
of this paper de
siring to buy
anything adver
tised in its columns should insist upon
having what they ask for , refusing all
substitutes or imitations.
HOCSE-.mtS We can give you some pointers of vital
inierestreKardingyourchlnaware and crockery. U'h
cost will surprise you. Send for free booklet today.
Bo ielm nn SereinUJe Co. , 1620 Pacific St. , Brooklyn , 5. X ,
Do You Feel This Way ?
Do you feel all tired out ? Do you sometimes
think you just can't work away et your profes
sion or trade any longer P Do you have a poor ape *
tite , and lay awake at nights unable to sleep ? Are
your nerves all gone , and your stomach too ? Has am
bition to forge ahead in the world left you ? If so , yon
might as well put a stop to your misery. You can do it if
you will. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
make you a different individual. It will set your lazy liver
to work. It will set things right in your stomach , and
your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood.
If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption ,
it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after con
sumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of a
lingering cough , bronchitis , or bleeding at the lungs , it will bring about a
cure in 98 per cent , of all cases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce ,
of Buffalo , N. Y. , whose advice is given free to all who wish to write him. His
great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice.
Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substi
tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines , recommended to be "just as $ ood. " Dr.
Pierce's medicines are OF KNOWN COMPOSITION. Their every ingredient printed
on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit-
forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
Don't Buy Ashes
Users of coal cannot escape the ash nuisance. Ashes cost the same
as coal cause work , worry and dirt. Bum Milwaukee Solvay Coke
practically pure carbon the heat element. No ashes to sift ideal for
heating and cooking.
Buy Milwaukee
"The Fuel Without a Fault"
It can be used in any furnace , range , stove or grate suitable for
coal perfect and economical for heating and cooking.
Solvay Coke is 90 per cent fixed carbon the heat element. Does
not create smudge nor choking gases free from dust no ashes to
2,000 dealers In the Northwest sell" Milwaukee
Solvay Coke all sizes ask your dealer , and
write for interesting booklet of coke information to
Colby- Abbot Building . . . Milwaukee , Wisconsin