Makes toe Baking E Absolutely For TAo on/y foafcsssg p matfo from IRoysafJ & Creana of NOAlUMMiOUMEPK VALENTINE DEMOC I. M. RICE - Editor and F Mark Zarr , Foreman. A Weekly Newspaper published ever day at Valentine , Nebras. Subscription - $1.50 Per Local Notices , ocper line pel Entered at the Postofflce at Valentint for transmission through the mails , a : class matter. Thursday , March 9 , 191 President Taf t has called a tra session of conjrress to April 4. This will be a democratic session. Mand < crats will succeed old time r The investigating commit . . the. frauds in tha Omaha e.le complained of by Gov. All reports the governor Was prc misinformed as the evidence to materialize. The state university remov which entails a heavy ex should , becut out.Remoi . capital and then another u sity ' 'WilK be waTitetir remove the/capitol first and arrange'other bills toconforc , the new era. . Secretary Ballinger has ri ed. Ollie James of Ken tuck announced that he would bej investigation of all the-goveri departments and would begi peachment proceedings aj Ballinger , which no doubt hi ed his resignation , . thong ] in Juu same was dated back School Notes. The 2nd grade lias t Tones' 2nd reader which tin to finish in four week * . The high school orchest getting in line to givi.- n . i ' program in the ncir l'utur < n , - -The botany elas ? sfi'rV. Carlson as Leader. madman o : ion for cryptogams ! r'u1 noon. \ ; . ' * After an absence , of weeks Nellie -CoggsVel ! and vine Carlson are back at w < the 3rd room. The seniors not being anxious to write gradi orations are rejoicing and t ful to the governor that he speak for them. Arrangements have been with Gov. Aid rich to have h liver our commencement ac on May 26. This will be a for Valentine and vicinity. The district declaraato.y c < takes place at Chadron Ap 'I About ten of the high schoo ! dents are willing to represen eritine- the contest and a liminary will be held abe last of March to decide wh to go. The following pupils were raoted from , the primary ro < the 2nd grade to make roor the beginners class which usually large this year : I Bivens , Stanley Zarr , G Jennings , Sara Wells , G ! Whipple , Mary Randall , 1 Stetter and Harry Hilsinger % It has been decided to hole field cay May 5 , and the pre ery try out three weeks b The boys are in earnest "am cellent results are looked foi .viUtions.are beinn sent to \ sur.rounding towns to join ii isaeefc , so that athletics , yo and goott fellowshij receive an impotns that wil productive of gdod. Mildred and Merle Ayers left school , owing to moving a * Supt. Cowan of the experi station addressed the high s a. week ago last Friday o evolution of the soil. A week ago last Frida ; second room enjoyed seeing decorations of the 3rd room hearing the debate on Washii and Lincoln. Following the bate the 2nd room returned Save thi ir own progiam b Mish VanOrsdell's pupils anc eral visitors. \\e 'are gla welcome visitors especially fathers and mothers. Invitations have come to Valentine high school to d Gordon , Chadron and Sit Gordon's challenge has beer cepted , to take place at Gord April ] 4. Helen Sparks , McLean and Kate Helzer. pose the team. They have affirmative on the League tion. Arrangements are mai so to accept the jJhadron prc tion. Albert Christensen , J : Gardner and Lucy. Boyer signed up for this contest. Twenty Thousand Troops Mobilized Mug Fronlie " - " ' " * FLEET ORDEdEO TO 6M.VE Official Report Says Moveme Troops Is for Practice , but Are Many Rumors of Intervt ForeignersDemanding Rrotec Washington , March 8. An ar approximately 20OOJ men , repi Ing all branches of the servi mobilizing along the Mexican of the United' States. It is ofl statsd and the administration special efforts to substantir.t statement , that- thc sole' purnos maneuvers on a * large ( scale f < training of oflicers and men. N While every effort was made fjciaj , circles here to. give this movement tlrtTappearance of a i repjal'a.tipji for maneuvers , then 'p'ersisterit ' ' rumors''thattie ; g ihent was preparing for -more s eventualities. Confidential reports from Mej lata have encouraged the be ] many that conditions in the M government are far from being : jpfactcry as official assertions s indicate. Immense foreign inl are at stake in Chihuahua , for pie , and the owners have beer would hapj uneasy as to what them in case of widespread disc There was a report in Wash that urgert rnprp - ntvtions hac made to the. stats department a : less the United States governing mediately niR io preparrtlqns t tect Amcrir u rnd forf i-gn inter ? northern Mexico , % , rri-.i\\ \ \voulil it hid not alv L'-'l ; ; l r-fin. . to Erita'n. - ' . - : ' f.'l Sf.-'l s - isrnv.i4 ; Vct r.ctual v a s-r ifi l' every v nr' f , ; " 7'f' : W - ' ilif ecrV'V. r , ? * " * h' " " : . " , ' v " " " ' ' 'V ; ' .V f : ' - ? a . . -m.3 - t * ? - f ; ii'W . ' ' * ' - , - * ' ' : 4 * -N- * ' ' . * , ' " ' ' ' ' - . " * . . ' . -.r - ' - t rpf'i : in i 'Ai'-'v- . . . . ' " , ' - . ' . ' ' < { .4.V. J . . - St3terr.i 'fri-i V'/hite Hou ; The White Hpuss itself gave statsiaunt nftc-r the meeting < cabinet in explanation of the m of troops and reading as folkrv is mob "Th-5 war department a division at full strength at Sz tonio , Tex. , for the purpose o training of officers and men , a ; of holding r. the further purpose vers involving operations again * \eston. There will be assenib Galveston a force of three regi for the defense of that place a theoretical attacks by the navj the Pacific coast , the mobilizatic involve a brigade of infantry Los Angeles district , for the p of defending San Diegp and San against possible attack by the The mobilization of these trooj furnish an excellent opportuni the instruction of a number of officers in the elements of highe mand. It will also put to a pr ; of the st test the preparedness partment for the mobilizatit troops. " Fleet Ordered to 'Seacossl The navy is to play its part formidable fleet of armored cr supplemented by auxiliaries nee for the successful maintenance hostile naval force on the coast enemy will take its place off the shore line. These cruisers coi the present fifth division of tl lantic fleet now at New Yoi which are ready for sea. Th'e military forcevwill headquarters San Antonio , command of Major General Will ! Carter , assistant chief of staff , ed by several brigadier general : will contnafra : ta brigades , intb ; ; he rrand division will be dlv" " < i rhes'i brigades will be placed at sir ; jsic points throughout the Depa' nent of Texas , including not only , t ! Mexican border towns , to which pi .icular attention will be given , b ilso Galveston and the other seaporl Strychnine in theWater. , Philadelphia. , March 8 , Kate Gi ions , a servant , was arrested , charge vith attempting to poison the fami if William H. Grove by * placir. trychnine "in the drinking water , s alleged the girl confessed. The gi tad been rebuked by Mrs. Grove ; ar his is given as the reason for the t eged poisoning attempt. . Mew Foreman for Graft * Grand Jur Danville , II ! . , March 8. Judge Kii > rough removed Isaac Wbodyar rcreman of the grand jury , on accou 5f continued illness and named Jo ! Soodwine of Potomac to succeed hii Subpo.enas were issued immediate tor a number of witnesses and tl rote inquiry began where it left c : wo weeks ago. * t Doesn't Seem Possibh The Ijincoln Daily News , Weel y Independent F rner' and Tl Monthly Poultry Topic ? , li llin eaders in their lines , Wi 11 be .mai id until April t , 1912 , for the e : remely low price of only S2 , th > ffer not being open after 01 iargain week of March 21 to 2 Papers may be sent to differei iddresses if desired , so that if yc lo not want al ! three papers you , elf you can send one or more iorae friend. We publish.all tlm f these papers ourselves , and th iconomies of co-operation , t < rether with our doing busine. ' vith you without sending an e : ) ensive , canvasser to see you , ei , ble us to make this very lo ate. All papers are steppe vhen the timejs out , and nobod s put on the list until paid fo bus saving ajl [ osses and giy-iri hem to you in the price reductibi Che Daily News is the snapine. laily , paper in thefstate ; jthe Indi > endent Farmer is a pracUca lelpful weekly farm and stoc Poultty'Topics is a'beaut mper ully printed mnnthj.v magazir I e voted , to the profitable si pc he poultry industry. You ougl lot to be without and of thenr ispeciallyvh.en you get thertf * i luch a. cut price. The rogul's ) rice of The News alone j | Don't pay money to strangerVfc my paper , but send your. rde o The Lincoln Daily New | or tour . > | * our local agent. - Cuts the rfease Agateware Gramteware Because it quickly and hygienically - ally removes all discoloralions , corrosions and grease without scratching or injuring the surface. Soap cleaning leaves a sticky film that catches more dirt. and Full Directions on Every family has need of a good , r < iaWe liniment. For sprains , bruise ! oreness of the muscles and rhetimati tiins there is none better than Chan ierlain's. Sold by Chapman , the druj Try Us For Sale Bills ! and find we arc overstocked on some\ , ; . | lines of which we will close out atlowestprices. - - believe that there will be an advance in the price of Lumber and advise our cus tomers to build while it is cheap. A com plete line of Posts , Barb Wire and Staples that we are selling exceptionally 'cheap. You will save money and be assured of getting the best quality by purchasing of us. An examination of our Lumber will convince YOU that we carry the largest stock of the best grade and at lowest prices. BERCO e Line P. A. WHIPPLE , Propr. Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel 3 Leave Yalentine at 8 o'clock every morning , . Sundays excepted. " : . \ Arrive at' 2 o'clock . m. Leave Rosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , * Sundays excepfced. * . t \ , ' Arrive at Yalentine at 2 o'clock p. m. ' ; . Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock. a. m. ' , Special attention to passengers , baggage and f. express or packages. Leave orders at head quarters' or at the Ked * Front store. . A. WhippleL ren n- nus us usof of ol an itto to its T T m A C 1 JL ry to rs. 31J sn in _ m- mo in ? at it erin in ina by . [ iv1. it in- a be .n- .nId Id OiU ! U- Ual al- alat at .ts . still stn ) n ill he sere ro ry. ill 20 ' 03 or Born July , orm Color : Black. oral 2:22-V Hika Boy 2:21Wild Idol 2:2Si , Nicodemus 2:28 , Jessie T , : al sire of Winnie , AYinsom : - le- Hika-Boy 308T6 , record 2:23i : , - Voro 1596 , 2L7i , Moody 2IS , Tony U. 2:23 , President 2:23 , Trot- Brilliant sire of : leoi Trial J:21 , Swigert 650 , oi Ben P. 2:26i , Bonnie Boy : - Protein 2:18 1 Sires , 2:28i , Firy : 2:15 May Queen 2:20 , Blackbird 2:31 , Sire of : , Sula , 25 sire of : wood 2:23i , St. Cloud 2:23i , Lady Jane. Norman , Pickard Swigert , sire of 3i in 3:30. Abdollah ICi , record 2:30 , Sire of Little of a ± ± Trotters. Blanding , dam of Abdollah ; Pilot Dollabella , sire dam of Hickory ; 2:27f , Gen. Sibley 2:30 , and dam of Leo 2:24 . Kitty Crook , dam , * Dictator 2:27 , Hickory 2:29f. dam of Bar Dollomite , rs Miss 2:26 , Cloud 378 , Capitoly. Minnie Rats , Rocky Kendricks. Black Flying ryan of Hika Boy 2:23 , Wild Idol 2:2Si , Lady a Minnie Wester Lad. , an seU as Service fee $5. To Insure with foa ! $10. Gash at service . U- ad . . .Jf * ' Its ! el elH. st- Address : ; D. ha ' Ranch on Antelope Creek , \ * f At Ciiarli Tackett' $