VALENTINE DEMOCBAr I. M. RICE , Publisher. VALENTINE. - . NEBRA8K ) 1 SYNDICATE BLOCK ON NICOLLE' AVENUE , IN MINNEAPOLIS , CONSUMED. FIRE BREAKS OUT AT NIGH1 St. Paul Department Called on. seem to Keep Flames from Destroyini Business District Probable Tha Two Lives Were Lost. Minneapolis , Minn. One of the mos disasterous fires this city has eve known , destroyed early Sunday morn ing the Syndicate block on Nicolle avenue , between Fifth and Sixtl streets. The total loss is estimatec at $1,000,000 and it is probable tha two lives were lost. Twelve person ! were rescued from the upper stories of the building while the flames were roaring around them. Some of these sustained serious injuries , but none \vps .priously hurt. The origin of the fire is unknown The alarm was given by Jine passer by on Nicollet .avenue , who saw the flames bursting out of the second ptorv windows. An alarm was quick ly given , but before the firemo' hac arrived the tenants of the buildint vht were .ill asleep in the upper rooms began to appear at the windows , call ing frantically for aid. A strong southeast wind was blow 'ing and in a very few moments the west half of the building was a roaring furnace. The entire department oi Minneapolis was called out , but it was totally inadequate to check the flames , Later a call was sent to St. Paul foi help , and this immediately was fur nished. The instant the fire department ar rived men were rushed into the build' ing where the entrances were not al ready choked with flames and numerous - * ous ladders were hastily extended to aid the people who were hemmed in by the fire on tne second and third floors. AGITATORS KEEP IN ACTION. Fear of Russian Aggression on the Increase. Peking. The fear of aggression is increasing here. Reports published in Russian papers , and reprinted in Pe king papers , greatly exaggerate the -dangers from the plague. Many of the higher class r > r Chinese fear a cam paign designed to alarm Europe and Justify military occupation. Dispatc- es from Harbin say Russian military circles are advocating occupation. The Vladivostok newspapers print warnings of the danger of a Boxer up rising , but the Chinese government emphatically denies the possibility of such a thing , declaring the entire country is under control. Born a Virginia Slave. Seattle. Wash. Mrs. Mary Wray , who was born a slave in Virginia , in February , 1807 , died here the other day In her 105th year In her childhood she sold to John Lovell , of Nashville , Tenn. , on whose plantation she lived until the close of the war. She help ed to cut and haul the ties for the i i flrst railroad built into Nashville. Cholera Spreads in Hawaii. Honolulu. Another case of cholera has developed here , making a total of nineteen cases and fifteen , deaths since the disease first appeared. As a pre- cutioBary measure the school dis tricts have been closed. Burns Cause Death. Lexington , Ky. Burns resulting from carbolic acid caused the death of James H. White , president of the First National bank of Manchester. He left no statement and no explana tion of the tragedy has been given. Ecuador Calls on U. S. Washington. Ecuador is to have a sanitary service and has called on thts government for assistance in or ganizing it Dr. H. B. Parker , of the marine hospital service , has been de tailed. Engine Boiler Explodes. Portland , Ore. While a number of employes of a logging camp were gathered about an engine used in log ging off land at Estacada the boiler ex ploded , killing five men and seriously injuring four others. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City. Io. Saturday's qouta- tipns on the local live stock market follow : Top beeves , $6.10. Top hogs , $6.80. Escapes from Jail. Jackson , Ky. Silencing by a dis play of guns a crowd .of prisoners who attempted to alarm their keepers , As- bjiiry Spicer. a Hargis claisman , led a jail delivery here at midnight. Three other prisoners escaped with Spicer , -murder is now pending in state courts. Wife Freed For Killing Husband. Centralia. 111. A corner's jury has exonerated Mrs. Annie McGreavy for killing her husband Friday night at Central City , deciding the act was in self defense. SENATE REJECTS BEVERIDGE RESOLUTION DECLARING VACANT - " CANT POSITION HE WON. ENDS LONG TOGA BATTLE Speeches Pro and Con by Nearly a Score of Senators Cullom's De fense of Himself and His State and Hard Work of the Lobby. Washington. Senator William Lori- mer of Illinois was vindicated by the senate of the United States Wednes day , when byx a vote of 46 to 40 the resolution which was introduced by Senator Beveridge declaring that Mr. Lorimer was not duly and Jegally elect ed to a seat in the senate of the United * ted States by the legislature of Illinois was defeated. Mr. Lorimer was not * present when the roll was called. For Senator Lorimer. Bailey , Texas. Gamble , S. D. Bankhead , Ala. Guggenheim , Cal. Bradley , Ky. Hale , Maine. Brandegee , Conn. Heyburn. Idaho. Briggs , N. J. Johnston , Ala , Bulkeley , Conn Kean , N. J. Burnham , N. H. McCumber , N. D. Burrows , Mich. Oliver , Pa. Carter , Mont. 1 Paynter , Ky. Clark , Wyo. Penrose , Pa. Crane , Mass. Perkins , Cal. Cullom , 111. Piles , Wash. Curtis , Kan. Richardson , Del. Depew , N. Y. Scott , W. Va , Dick , Ohio. Smith , Md. Dillingham. Vt Smoot , Utah. Du Pont , Del. Simmons , N. C. Fletcher , Fla. Stephenson , Wls. Flint , Cal. Taliaferro , Fla. Foster , La , Tlllman , S. C. Frye , Maine. "Warren , "Wyo. Galllnger , N. H. Wetmore , R. I. Against Senator Lorimer. Bacon , Go. Martin , W. .Va. Beveridge , Ind. Page , Vt Borah , Idaho. Money , Miss. Bourne. Ore. Nelson , Minn. Bristow , Kan. Newlands , Nev. Brown , Neb. Nixon , Nev. Burkett , Neb. Overman , N. C. Burton , Ohio. Owen , Okla. Chamberlain , Ore. Percy , Miss. Clapp , Minn. Rayner , Md. Clarke , Ark. Root , .N. Y. Crawford , S. D. Shively , Ind. Culberson , Texas. Smith , Mich. Cummins , la. Smith. S. C. Davis , Ark. Stone , Mo. Dixon , Mont. Sutherland , Utah. Frazier , Tenn. Swanson , Va , Gore , Okla , Taylor , Tenn. Gronna , N. D. Thornton , La , Jones , Wash. Warner , Mo. La Follette , Wls. Watson , W. Va , Lodge , Mass. Young , la. Absent Aldrlch , Frazier and Ter rell. SenatorLorimer did not vote be cause of his interest In the case. Speeches had been made for or William Lorimer. against the accused man during the months of January and February by Senators Bailey , Beveridge , Borah , Bristow , Brown , Burrows , Crawford , Cummins , Davis' Fletcher , Galllnger , Gamble , Heyburn , Johnson , Jones , Owen , Paynter , Root and by Mr. Lori mer himself. Mr. Cullom also spoke , but was noncommittal as to his col league. He defended himself and the state of Illinois. Efforts were made daily by friends and foes of Mr. Lorimer to influence the votes of the senators for or against him , -and during the last two weeks Mr. Cullom received an ava lanche of letters and telegrams so large it was feared his hot.lth would break under it. The Lorimer fight has been one of the most sensational in. the history of the upper house. When the commit tee on privileges and elections re turned a report declaring that no evi dences of bribery having influenced the legislators in : he election of Mr. Lorimer had been found , it was con sidered that he was amply vindicated and that his senate seat was secure. This report was .prepared by , a sub committee and was the outcome of an exhaustive investigation both at Wash ington and Chicago , In which the charges of bribery at Springfield were thoroughly gone into. May Limit N. Y. Skyscrapers. New York. Future New York sky scrapers will be held to a height of fourteen stories , or 174 feet , and other drastic restrictions will be placed upon building operations If recommendations contained In the re : port of the New York city commission on congestion of population , are en acted into law. Start Probe of Packers. New York. The federal grand Jury here Wednesday began an Investiga tion of the meat packers. The inquiry , it is said , involves the same -companies and Individuals as those indicted in New Jersey about a year ago but never brought to trial. James B. Speed Critically III. Louisville , Ky. James B. Speed , probably Louisville's wealthiest citi zen , " was Wednesday reported critical ly ill of a complication of diseases at his home here. - THE PROPER PLACE FOR THE FIREBUG Where He Can't Set Fir * to Anything But Himself. PARCELS POST DEM PLAN FOR AN EXPERIMENTAI TRIAL IS RULED OUT IN SENATE. TARIFF BOARD BILL HALTEI Measure Is .Temporacily Blocked b } Democratic Filibuster Four Blj Supply Bills Passed Extra Sessloi May Convene March 20. Washington. A point of order ralsec by Senator Bailey of Texas Thursday killed the plan for an experimental par eels post Mr. Bailey Insisted that th < amendment to the post office'appropri ation bill which authorized the post master general to conduct an experl mental parcels post system for on < year , beginning April i ; 1911 , was ne leglslatlgn. He pressed his point vig orously and the amendment was eliml nated from the bill when Vlce-Presl dent Sherman ruled that Mr. Bailey't point of order was well taken. March 20 is the date now tentatively fixed for the assembling of the e"xtra session. A conference to be held be tween now and Monday will definitely fix the date. That the extra session IE certain is the firm conviction of all the Republican leaders. Representative John Dwight , Repub lican whip of the house , who all along has insisted that a special session would not be necessary , has capltula ted and confessed his belief that It Iwould be unavoidable. Following a filibuster that lasted [ many hours , intended to emphasize the Democratic objection to the proposed enactment of the tariff .board bill , the men behind that measure saw they were fighting against the inevitable and withdrew it for the time being. Immediately the considerayon of ap propriation bills was begun and within twenty minutes.four measures carry ing an aggregate expenditure of $162- 000,000 were passed. This relieved the congestion in the senate only a trifle and did not remove a single one of the snags that still are In the way of adjournment with the en tire administration program carried out. out.The The measures thus passed were the pension bill , carrying $153,668,000 , the Fortifications bill , the consular and dip lomatic bill and the bill for the support of the military academy. The Sulloway pension bill , which would have added $50,000,000 to the an nual appropriations , it is claimed , was offered by Senator Scott as an amend ment to the pension bill and ruled out on a point of order made by Senator Lodge. High Place Given Negro. Washington. President Taft nomi nated William H. Lewis of Boston , a negro , to be an assistant attor ney general of the department of Jus tice. This Is the first time that a negro has been named for such a prominent position In the department. Lewis at present Is an assistant United States attorney at Boston. He succeeds John G. ' Thompson , who re signed recently to resume his law practice at Danville , 111. Winner of Nobel Prize Dead. Berlin , Germany. Prof. Jakob Hein- rlch Vanuxt Hoff , the chemist and author , died here Thursday. He was professor of chemistry at Berlin unl- ' irerslty and In 1901 received the No bel prize of $40,000 for research in : hemlstry. Matthews ( Ind. ) Bank Robbed. Marion , Ind. The Fanners' State bank of'Matthews was entered by robbers Thursday , the safe blown and i sum of .money estimated between 53.000 "mi $5.000 taken. GORE CHARGES TRUl COMMITTEE FINDS THAT SENA TOR WAS OFFERED BRIBE. Body That Investigated Alleged Indian Lands Graft Case , Finds Improper Proposal Was Made. Washington. The special commit tee of the house appointed last summer to investigate Senator Gore's charges of attempted bribery In con nection with J. W. McMurray's Indian attorney contracts In Oklahoma made Its final report to the house. The majority of the committee finds that Jake L. Hamon actually did , about May 6 , 1910 , make an improper proposal to Senator Gore respecting the McMurray contracts ; and that about June 16 , 1910 , he approached Representative Charles F. Creager with an improper proposal on the same subject. The committee finds no evidence , however , to show that Hamon was acting "by authority of , or with the consent or knowledge of McMurray. " On this ground the committee ex onerates McMurray of any connection with an attempt Improperly to influ ence members of the house or senate. It does find , however , that he used more than "undue Influence , " to se cure the support of Chief Green Mo- Curtain and his .son , D. C. McCurtaln , In getting these contracts , by trans ferring a contingent Interest of $25- 000 in the contracts to D. C. McCur taln. - MURDER AT CHICAGO POLLS Carter H. Harrison Nominated for Mayor by Democrats and Charles E. Merriam by Republicans. Chicago. Carter H. Harrison ( Dem. ) and Charles E. Merriam ( Rep. ) will be the candidates for mayor of Chicago at the election to be held April 4. Both Democratic and Repub lican organizations were smashed. Ttie bitterest primary election fight in the history of Chicago ended Tues day with the selection of the above standard bearers and simultaneously begins what promises to be the most hotly contested fight for the actual mayoralty In the city's history. The primary fight developed more bitter animus than has ever before been seen here. One man was shot dead , several others were shot and stabbed , more or less seriously , and small riots were re ported all over the city during the course of the voting. Arthur Qulnn , son of James A. Qulnn , former city sealer , shot and killed a man believed to be Richard Clark , a union hod carrier. The police say Clark was murdered while he was In the custody of. an offi cer. Quinn Is a deputy sheriff. Banker Robin Pleads Guilty. New York. Abandoning the defense of insanity and throwing hlnfcelf upon the mercy of the court , Joseph G. Rob- n , young "sky-rocket" financier , plead ed guilty to the Indictment charging ie larceny of $27,000 from the Wash- ngton Savings bank , of which he was formerly president. Married In Jail Ceil. Chattanooga , Tenn. Dr. J. W. Sher man , in custody here for the murder of his biother-ln-law , Thomas Norman , was married In jail Thursday to Miss Cleo D. Lucas of East Chattanooga. Miss Lucas met Sherman just before ie murder of Norman. Naval Man's Son a Suicide. San Francisco. Paul Orchard , twenty-two years old , son of Capt. John. M. Orchard of the cruiser West Virginia , committed suicide Thursday by drinking cyanide of potassium. COUNTESS IS SLAN LADY IN WAITING TO ITALIAr QUEEN MURDERED. Her Slayer , Prince Paterno , Cavalr ] Lieutenant , Makes Unsuccessful Attempt at Suicide. Rome. Baron * Paterno , a cavalr ] lieutenant , shot and killed Princess Ciula Trigona , lady in waiting t < Queen Helena , Thursday. The baroi then attempted suicide , but was unsuc cessful. The tragedy took place in the Hotel Rebecchlno , the trysting place of the two members of the Sicilian aristoc racy. Some time ago Prince Trigons realized that his wife was bestowing her affection upon Baron Paterno at clandestine meetings , and he institut ed legal proceedings with a view tc obtaining a judicial separation. The court's decision was ready to be given out , but because of the high standing of the parties concerned , the presiding judge decided to attempt reconcilia tion. It Is said the prlnfce was ready to pardon his wife's unfaithfulness if she would consent to renounce Paterno. The princess acquiesced. On her way to court , where the affair was to be finally settled , she stopped at the hotel for a last meeting with the baron. According to the authorities , Baron Paterno decoyed the princess to the hotel , where he demanded that she elope with him. When she refused he strangled her , afterward shooting her. TREASURY SHOWS A SURPLUS Month Has $58,000 Compared With January Deficiency of $3,000,000. . Washington. February closed with the condition of the treasury practical ly Improved as compared with a month ago. There was a surplus of $58,000 for the month on all accounts , against a deficiency of $3,000,000 In January. The total deficit of the fiscal year changed very little and still stands at $21,000,000 , compared with $45,000,000 at a corresponding time a year ago. The balance in the general fund in creased slightly to $85,000,000 , but the working balance dropped off about $2,000,000 and the month closed with it at $28,000,000. The passage of the Panama bond bill in congress , which will allow the treasury to Issue three per cent. Pan ama bonds without the privilege of na tional bank circulation , opens the way for Secretary MacVeagh to replenish the cash draw"er for Its heavy expend itures for the canal work. REFERENDUM IS UNLAWFUL Fexas Court Knocks Out Reform as Unconstitutional Declares Legis lation Cannot Be Referred. Austin , Tex. That the referendum s unconstitutional Is the decision ) f the court of criminal appeals n the J. E. Farnsworth case , from Dallas , all members of the court con- jurring. The effect of the decision s to render void the referendum sec- ion of every city charter In the state laving the referendum. Judge Davidson holds that the "In- tiatlve" may be constitutional when ised as the "right of petition , " but not 10 with the referendum , as the consti- utlon does not confer upon the legis- ature such power. He declares legis- ation cannot be referred to the peo- ) le for enactment by their vote. 500 REFUGEES ARE BURNED ; hnese ! Villagers Destroy Wandering Bands of Hungry Plunderers Who Rob and Kill. Victoria , B. C. Rendered 'desperate y hunger , bands of hundreds of starv- 3g refugees are roving through the imlne stricken area of China , plunder- ig and killing , and a-reign of terror revails , according to persons who ar- ived here on the Tamba Maru , which sached port Thursday from the Orl- Dt. Dt.At At Kunshan , a walled village within 3 miles of Shanghai , the villagers , aft- r a desperate raid in which stores ere looted and many killed , meted at punishment peculiarly Chinese in s callousness to the raiding refugees. . band of more than 500 are reported > have been surrounded In a com- ound and burned to death. /OMEN DEFEAT FIGHT BILL uffragettes Score Knockout Over Tommy Burns In Washington State Senate. Olympia , Wash. The women of rashington , who recently were grant- 1 suffrage , scored another victory In jlitlcs and dealt Tommy Burns , the inner heavyweight champion pugilist ! the world , a knockout blow hen they secured the defeat in the snate by a vote of 22 to 19 of the [ * emmy Burns" bill to legalize prize fhting. Champion Johnson Is Fined. San Francisco. John Arthur John- n , the world's champion pugilist , as fined $100 by Acting Police Judge anlan Thursday for driving his auto- oblle at an unlawful speed. John- n at once served notice that he ould appeal the case to a higher lurt. Puts Negro In Federal Office. Washington. James C. Napier of ennessee was named by President ift Thursday to be register of the easury. Napier Is a negro. - A Particularly the Ladies. / Not only pleasant and refreshing to the taste , but gently cleansing and sweet ening to the system , Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted to ladies and children , and beneficial in all cases in which a wholesome , strengthening - * ening and effective laxative should be used. It is perfectly safe al all times and dispels colds , headaches and the pains caused by indigestion and constipation so promptly and effectively that it is the one perfect family laxative which gfves satis faction to all and is recommended by millions of families who have used it and who have personal knowledge of its ex cellence. Its wonderful popularity , however , has led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita tions which act unsatisfactorily. ThereFore - Fore , when buying , to get its beneficial tffects , always note the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package of the genuine Syrup of Figs ind Elixir of Senna. For sale by all leading druggists. Price 50 cents per bottle. A FASHION PUZZLE. This is merely two ladles of fashion endeavoring to identify each other. HEAD SOLID MASS OF HUMOR "I think the Cuticura Remedies are the best remedies for eczema I have ever heard of. My mother had a child who had a rash on its head when it was real young. Doctor called it bahy rash. He gave us medicine , but it \ did no good. In a few days the head was a solid mass ; a running sore. It was awful , the child cried continually. We had to hold him and watch him to keep him from scratching the sore. His suffering was dreadful. At last we remembered Cuticura Reme dies. We got a dollar bottle of Cuti cura Resolvent , a box of Cuticura Ointment , and a bar of Cuticura Soap. We gave the Resolvent as directed , washed the head with the Cuticura Soap , and applied the Cuticura Oint ment We had not used half before the child's head was clear and free from eczema , and it has never come back again. His head was health7 and he had a beautiful head of hair. I think the Cuticura Ointment very good for * the hair. It makes the hair grow and prevents falling hair. " ( Signed ) Mrs. Francis Lund , Plain City , Utah , Sept. 19,1910. Send to the Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. , Boston , Mass. , for free Cuticura Book on the treatment of skin and scalp troubles. Scoundrel's Last Refuge. Patriotism Is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Johnson. PH.ES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Fourdrugtdat will refund money If PA2O OINT MENT rails to cure any case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protrndina piles in 6 to 14 days. I honor any man anywhere , who , ! n the conscientious discharge of what he believes to be his duty , dares to stand alone. Charles Sumner. Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated , easy to take as candy , regulate and invig orate stomach , liver and bowels. Do not gripe. _ The entire object of true education Is to make "people not merely do the right thing , but enjoy the right thing. Ruskin. LADIES CAN WEAR. SHOES one size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Eas the antiseptic powder to be shaken into tha shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Refuse substitutes. For Free trial package , a < l- iress Allen 8. Olmsted , Le Roy , N. Y. A Terrible End. "He met with a hard death. „ "How was that ? " "Suffocated by his own hot air In i telephone booth. " Shearing Papa. She I believe you would rather ) Iay poker with father than sit in the ) arlor with me ! He No , I wouldn't , darling , but we nust have money to get married on. Fighting Tuberculosis In Hungary. The anti-tuberculosis movement < ? as started in 1894 , and in 1898 there srere five institutions for the treat- sent of consumption. Today the cam- iaign is encouraged and financed by he government , and over 200 different gencies are engaged In the fight A ermanent tuberculosis musuem has een established at Budapest and a arefully conducted campaign of edu- ation is being carried on. A Generous Gift Professor lunyon has just issued n nest beautiful , useful and complete al- nanac. _ It contains not only all the BCI- intific information concerning the moon's ) hases , in all the latitudes , but has il- ustrated articles on how to read char- icter by phrenology , palmistry and birth nonth. It also tells all about card read- ng , birth stones and their meaning , and ; ives the interpretation of dreams. It caches beauty culture , manicuring ; ives weights and measures and antidotes \ or poison. In fact , it is a Magazine Al- aanac , _ that not only gives valuable in- ormation , but wfll afford much amuse- aent _ for every member of the family , specially for parties and evening enter- amments. Farmers and j > eople in the ural districts will find this Almanac al- lost invaluable. It will be sent to anyone absolutely ree on application to the Munyon Ran dy Company , Philadelphia. Pa.