' " * - - - # t 5yw s C 1t 1 tr VALEN DEMOCRAT. I. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBR , THURSDAY , MARCH 9 , 1911. Volume 26 , No. 9 } ' ( THE E NT AH kinds of Merchandise. I can afford to sell as low as anybody , I buy pro duce and pay market price for hides. i is , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , y jg/J Sf g fc McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors. and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 2.9/year/old andjas , E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska y Bread , Pastries , Lunches , Meals CONFECTIQNERY , CIGARS , TOBACCOS * ' - rfc T ' * - * * Hem TELEPHONE NO. 7 m J . .ffl * i > * - nf + * r * w * m * ff * DHALL Cigars and Soft Drinks . JOHN G. STETTER - PROP. BULLS FOR SALE Eegistered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH' Simeon - Nebraska * JOHN F. PORATH ' JtUJlGE , KEB. - Tubular Wells and Windmills Call bae up by phone JOHN D. EATON Drayman r Light and Heavy Draying ; \ Furniture and pianos handled \ in a careful manner. Coal . . ; : hauled and trunks and grips v a specialty. Phone No. 48. &UUU The Chicago House FELCH , Eropr. v . I Call. on. me .for rooms and 1 ' lodging. . * Nfett-afckfc S Notice We , the undersigned do hereby give publice notice that on theltyth day of February , 1911 , the co partnership heretofore existing under the firm name and style of Olmsted and Way.t , and doing business at Irwin , Nebraska , as general merchants , is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Upon the dissolution of said co partnership , E. W. Olmsted as sumes all the indebtedness of the co-partnership and receives all credits due said co-partnership , said E. W. Olmsted succeeding , and Geo. W. Wayt retiring from said firm. Dated this 10th day of February , 1911. E. W. OLMSTED. 7 4 - GEO. W. WAYT. St. Nichols Church. Services will be held at the Catholic church as follows : In Arabia on Saturday , Mch.ll. In Valentine , on Sunday Men. 12. 1st mass at 8 a. m. 2nd mass at 10 a. m. Benediction ot the Blessed Sac rament after mass. Instruction for the children at 3 p. m. During lent every Friday eve ning at 7 p. ra. , devotions , rosary , stations of the cross and benedict tion. Leo M. BLAEEE , * Up the Road. Ye editor and wife visited Gor don last .Friday and spent Satur day and Sunday in Merriman. At the former place we stopped at the Merchant's hotel and wish we had one like it in Valentine. Gor don business men are chee/ful , though trade'has been dull the past two months- but they're look ing forward to good business. The Odd Fellows are going to build a ten or fifteen thousand hall. Gor don expects electric lights in the near future. We saw J. C. Jor dan , Free and Fred Mills , Wil liams & Son of the Gordon Jour nal , rl. G. Lyon and son , Drs. Lauren Jones and Ed Dwyer , the Swigert brothers , Mr. Hutt , Banker Griswold and several others. At Merriman we visited with J. F. Nay lor and family and E. B. Quible. Mr. Nay lor runs the hotel and was0 crowded and seems' to need a larger hotel and the Merriman people contemplate see ing that he gets it. They are planning to build a good one. The Royal Neighbors and Wood men take turn about entertaining each other and Saturday night was Koyal Neighbors' turn and we were invited to the feast and mus- 'ic , being a brother-in-law to the order. They meet in the hall ov er Ed Collins' store and are provided - , vided with arprano and plenty o"f musicians , and Messrs. Quible and Harvey took turn about at the violin while the 30 women and 20 men enjoyed a social hop. Bert WhiteEd Collins and a few oth ers had a "His Master's Voice" up to the hall and furnished splen did music anil songs preliminary to the other music , after which some of the ladies proeeeded to put it out of commission and we doubt very much now if "His Master's Voice" could be recognized , the several of the gentlemen made a heroic defense in its behalf.x Ex cellent coffee , sandwiches , pickles , cake and maple ice cream made a splendid lunch and it seemed to be a custom of the Merrimanites to be merry. Sunday morning we accompani ed Mr. Nay lor and wife to the M. E. church where that pioneer preacher , Rev. Hunt , preached a splendid sermon , after which he baptized nearly a dozen persons. He recently conducted a revival meeting there and there was a good congregation , crowding the fair sized church. Committee Investigates. Last Friday , six members of the Plouse committee on fish and game , consisting of Representatives Metzger , chairman , Sagl , Hos- podsky , Riha , Hergoz and Claske , visited this vicinity fop the pur pose of examining the Chery coun ty fish fiatchery in view of making an additional appropriation of § 5000 for the same , and incident ally to examine the state experi mental farm and as much of Cher ry county as possible. In com pany with several of the business men tbey spent the morning at the fish hatchery where Chief Game Warden Miller , Fish Com missioner , O'Brien , Deputy Game Warden Clarkson and Scott Alex ander showed them the process of hatching fish and in looking over the grounds where the new build ing is to be placed for enlarging the hatchery. Afterwards , in automobiles , the entire party visited the state farm wh'ere several of the members who were farmers expresseU them selves as being surprised at the quality of the soil , having the idea that all soil in this county was of pure sand. From the farm a trip was made to the new dam and from there east to have a view of the state land that lies on toward the river. In the afternoon M.V. Nicholson and D. McLeod took the committee for a ride on the Uble land north ctf tttwa tti show them what our farm land is like. Representative Hergoz , who is a farmer in Washington county , ex pressed himself as "delighted" with the farm prospects of Cherry county and said that he had al ways understood that we had nothing here except cattle and sand. In the evening the party were entertained in the- Eagle club room where many of the business men dropped in to meht them and boost for Cherry county. They left for Lincoln on the early train and a'li seemed to be pleased with the reception that had been ten dered them and with different idea about the possibilities and pros pects of our county. Representa tive Metzgar- a well pointed speech said that they had felt the honest and wholesome western hospitality and that everyone of the committee would always have a warm spot Jxyr Valentine and Cherry county. Ityis'hnped this committee will favorably report on enlarging the fish hatchery and will be fighting for our new experimental farm when the time comes. Fish Com missioner O'Brien says that there is no place in Nebraska where the watpr is more iavorable for trout hatching than here and there is no place in Nebraska where so many varieties of soil can be experi mented with as out at the state farm. As Representative Sag' oppressed it we have locked our knockers'up and with the proper | tind of boosting the real possibili ties of Cherry couaty and the sand hill country are as yet un dreamed of and undeveloped. L. M. A Y R E S Importer and Breeder of PERCHERON HORSES AND MARES Shcnandoah , Iowa- 4. C. C. RArTJJFF , Gen. Mgr.t > f Sales , PURDUM , NEBR. Mr. Ayres has been for the past 35 years an importer and breeder of Percheron Horses and Mares and has a fine selection on hand which he is offering for sale. If any one is thinking : o.f buying a horse , it would pay to see these. Mr. Ayres guarantees every horse ; ie puts out. He is one of the old est and most reliable importers and breeders in the state of Iowa. Mr. C. C. Ratliff , a son-in-law of Mr. Ayres , as general manager of sales , represents the business in ihis northwest country. Mr. Rat- iff lives 8 miles northwest of Purdurn on what is known as British Valley. He has. some of these fine horses there for sale on reasonable terms end pricps. Our prices run from § 600 to $1000. Will give one or two years time ; wilUalso take yearling steers or heifers. Refer toi Thodford Bank , Thed- 'ord , Nebraska ; First National Bank , Shenaridoah. Towa. The Doctor's Question Much Sickness Due to Bowel ! Disorders , ' A doctor's first question when" consulted by a patient is , "Are your bowels regular. " He knows that 98 per cent of illness is at tended with inactive bowels and ntorpid liver , and that this con dition must be removed gently and thoroughly before health can be restored. Rexall Orderlies are a positive , pleasant and [ safe remedy : fofr con stipation and bowel disorders in general. We are so certain of their great curative value that we promise to return the purchaser's money in every case when they fail to produce entire satisfaction. .Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy , they act quietly , and have a soothing , strengthening , healing influence on the entire intestinal tract. They do not purge , gripe , cause nauesa , flatulence , excessive looseness , diarrhoea or other annoying - * noying effect. They are especially good for children , weak persons or old folks. Two sizes , 25c and lOc. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store : Chapman ; The Druggist. YOU WONT MeetYourself At every turn and corner if you buy your clothes here , we make it a point to buy a large portion of our stock so that there's only one or two suits of eacli pattern , ( black and blues excepted ) . Seeing your style on every Tom , Dick and Harry is not pleas ant to say the least. Practically every garment in our store is made specia for us costs us nothing extra on the class of goods we buy for you. They are not made by the mile on automatic machines. Each garment has individual attention it's Friend Made for us and for you. FINE FRIEND MADE SUITS & OVERCOATS . & - $10.00 AND UP TO $35.00. O- 1 Chartered ns n StnteUivak Chartered as n National Bank June 1,1884. Autjust ! * > , 1W > J. ' The FIRS ? NATIONAL BANK . ( Successor to Bank of Valentino. ) Valentine , Nebraska. SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25.000 A General Banking , Exchange Uudivlded Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : : / - . . . . . C. H. CORNELL , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. . . . . J. T. May , Vice President. Miss GLKN HOENIG , Ass't Cashier. GENERAL MERG i8E AT REASONABLE PRICES WHen in need of anything GIVE US "A TRIAL MAX E. VIERTEL r DEALER IN EVERYTHING Crookston - Nebraska = DRS. DALLAL & BARAKAT = = GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY EYES TESTED and GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. We compound and dispense our own medicines. Office on 2nd floor ot T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska GRANT BOYER , * S CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger deppt. Valentine , PHOXE 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers. Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN All Kinds of .Fresh J'1 and Fait Meats. . . . * k Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell.