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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1911)
T * \ ' W 1 i * * J- General Merchandise , Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing Goods. Flour and Feed. : = : : = : . : - : HORSES FOR SALE. \ Wood Lake , Nebraska ? * w E & SVIONTAGNE Livery , Feed and * * Sales Stable. , Wood Lake , Nebraska jj Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. 2 * - H. A. LY s ; ( Successor \VeIker & Lyons ) Wood Lake , Nebraska Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting and fUhing parties. A © ( Successor to Ed Young. ) Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods , Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. Men's Clothing and Furnishings FLOUR , FEED AND COAL. Wood Lake Nebraska. GENERAL FARM F. J. . . and LIVE STOCK EER Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex perience in the Eastern stales. Will go to any part of the State. Write me , or dates can be made at this office. F. J. SEY , Auctioneer Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota Contest Notice. 1 U. S. Land Office , Valentine. Nebraska , § February 4.1011. To Marv E. Clark of IToniick , Iowa , ' * " You a"re hnreliy notified that.Ioseph who gives Nenzel , Nebraska , as his postonVe address , did on November 2(5. ( 1910 , lile in thi- ! otlice his duly corroborated application to con I test and secure the fjMicel'atinn ' of y nr home stead , entry No. 180:51. : Serial No. 04029 , made < Atigllht 5. 1907. for \\l/z of ectl 11 5 ; se&neM. I - fcVsSeii , sAvJise. ; * of sacii n C ; \\y-\\&A \ \ , he4ne of section" , and swi-iii .vH of section 8. town . ebip34. range 32. west Sixth rrinoi al IHer-d- ian , and : is proiind * for his content he alleges that said Mary K. riai k lias wholly abandoned said land ; that she has change' ! her residence therelr ° in for more than six months last past ; ! that said land is nor settled upon and cu tivated by said said partv as ny law required , and she j lias failed 'o cure her laches to i his date ; that I j said abandonment occurred more than six J' months prior tthe expiration of live yeats ! i from the date of entry. You are. thetetore. further notified that the ' \ said allegations will he taken l > y tnis otlico Mb having been confessed by you , and your sai 1 i e.ntry will t'e canceled iliereunrie.r without 3'onr further rieht to be he ml therein , either before this office or on appeal , ifou fail to tile in this office within twenty nays after the fourth pub- i ' lication of this notice , as shown below , your answer , under oatb , specificinllv meeting and . responding to these allegations of contest , or if you fail within that fine to iile in this office due proof that joti have served a cpy ol > our ansj weron the said contestant either in peihon or t by registered mail. Jf this. ei vice is mide ; by ! the delivery of a copy of your answer to the contestant HI person , proof of such service must ! be either the eai'i contt tuiit's written acknow- i lodgement of his jeceipt of the copy , showing j the date of its leceipt. or the aSld tvit of the ) person by whom the delivery was made stating I when and where the copy was oe'hered : if i made by registered mail , i roof ot su h service ; must consist of the allidavit of tlic jicrs'in by i s whom the copv was mailed stating when and and the post office to which it was mailed ; and this affidavit in nsi be ; i < com pamed by the post- f- manti-r's receipt lor the letter. You shi'ii d state in your answer the name of the post office to which you desire future noti ces to De sent to you. LUKK M. I5ATES. Reaister. ] > ate of first publication 1 < > 1 uary 9. 191 1 Date of second ] > ubhcaltoii Feliruarv 10. 1911. Date or third publication February 23. 1911. Dite of fourth publication March 2 , 1911. M Sheriff's Sale. "By vlrtuo of nn execution Issued by the clerk of the tllsfrlet court of Cherry county. Nehntskn , July IS , 11(10 ( , under n decree of mortgage foreclosure , wherein H. O. Jelli- neclc is plnintiir and John Clark , Lena ( Mark and .Kdward Olark , The N. Z. Cattle Company , incorporated , and the Packer's National Bank of South Omaha , Nebraska , Incorporated , are delendants : I will j-eil at the. f'ont ( lo..r oj t lie co"rt house in Valentine. Oherry county , eb > uska. tli t. iieing the building wherein the last term or said coin t wa < beld , on the nth day of March. 1911. at JO o'clock a. m. . lo satisfy jndinnent of sSTa.CO and i t ° re8tat7percentiroin < lateof judgment IVIuy 16. 1910. and eots isvxea at S3tip ! ( atir ] accruing costs , at puolic auction , to tli" liiKhe t bidder , for cash , the following described prop erty to-wit : WJswJi. . se' swM of section 27. and ne nw of Sec. 31 , Tp. i7 , Ji 26 , in Cherry county. .Nebraska. Dated this 9th day of Febrnarv 1.011. C. A. KOSShTKR . ) 5 - Sheriff of Cherry County "Walcott & Morrissey , atto'rnejs for plaintiff. Ihe quicker a cold is gotten rid of tL less the danger from pneumonia an other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. I - , JBall , of Waverly , Va. , says : I firir" . . ' believe Chamberlain's Cough Uemec * to be absolutely the best preparation or , - -the market for colds. 'I have recor1 - . mended it to my friends and they < > agree with me. For sale by Chapmaj . In the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska In the matter of the applica tion ol AVilliam K. Haley , guardian of the estate of Amelia Hoffman , an insane perbon , lor the sale of real estate : Notice Is hereby giv n that In pursuance of an order of the Hon. W. H. Westover , one of the judges of the district court of Oherry county , Nebraska , made on the 25th day of February , I'.Hl , lor the sale of real estate hereinafter described , there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash , at the front door of the court house In the village of Valentine in the said county of Uherry and state of Nebraska1 on the 23th day of March , J'.ill , at 10 o'clock a. in. , the following described property , to-wlt : Northwest quarter ( nwj ) , section twenty ( K1) ) , township thirty-three ( S.'H , north , range thirty ( ( ) ) , west of ( , th P. M. , in Oherry county , Nebraska. Dated this7tlicl y of February , 11)11. ) WILLIAM E. HALEY , Guardian. Waleott & Morrissey , attorneys , 8-4 In the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. j J , In the matter of the applicgtlon i of William PL Haley , guardian of Alice May Beadore and Fred SeaI I , dore , minor heirs of John B. Seaj j doreand LizzieSeadoredeceased , lor the sale of real estate. i On reading and filing the petition dulv . verified of William E. Haley , guardian o'f i the person and estate of Alice May Seadore ' and Fred Seadore , minor heln of John B. i Seadoieand Lizzie Seadore , deceased , Alice May Seadore of the age of 11 years and Fred Beadore of thence ol 17 years , for license to sell the interest of said minor heirs in the ! following described real estate to-wlt : South half of northeast quarter , northwest quarter of Southeast quarter , section i , township : J2 , range 2(5 , lot 2 , section J ! ) , town ship : J2 , range 2o , Cherry county , Nebraska , lor the purposes of using the proceeds of the sale of said real estate for the support maintenance and education of said minor -heirs for the payment of the debts due and unpaid against the estate of said minors and investing any residue thereof for the use and benefit of said heirs. And it appearing from said petition that said real estate consists of unimproved prairie land from which but little income Is derived that it would be for the best inter ests of said minor heirs that their interest in said real estate be sold and the proceeds thereof used for the support , maintenance and education of said minors and for their payment of debts due and unpaid against their estate and the Investment of the resi due for their use and benefit. It is , therefore , ordered that the next of kin of said minors and all persons interest ed Id said estate appear before me at cham bers at Rusliville , Sheridan county , Ne braska , on the J8th day of March , mil , at 10 o'clock a. nu , to show cause , if any there be , why license should not be granted to the said William E. Haley , guardian , to sell said real estate for the purposes above set forth and it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once each week for three consecutive weeks in The Valen tine Democrat , a newspaper printed and published in said Cherry county , Nebraska. Dated at chambers at Rusliville , Sheridan county , Nebraska , this 17th dav of Febru ary , lull. " 7 ; j W. H. W"EBTOVER , [ seal ] Judge. When you have a cold get a "bottle oi Chamberlain's Cbngh Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward' off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold by Chap maty the' drtfggisli s Wood Lake Department ADVERTISING RATES : Locals or reading notices 5 cents per line each Insertion. Display advertising 50 cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per inch per month double column. * Mrs. John Day has been on the sick list the past few days. Effie Lotspeich has returned from Alliance. X J. B. Hayter , formerly of Tripp county , arrived here Monday night. I. M. Day had a narrow escape from a run away team the other day. Rev. Jorckn preached to a full house Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Johnson returned Sunday night from their visit. Dr. F. M. Meer , dentist , of Val entine , will be at Wood Lake first Monday and Tuesday of every month. Office at Wood Lake hotel. 3 Miss JRuth Kennicutt was visit ing in town a few days. Dr. H. O. Bliss , the dentist of- Ainsworth , has arranged to be in Wood Lake the first Monday and Tuesday of each month. A. J. Jennerjohn , who acted as night operator at this place during last summer and fall , is in town for a few days. The railroad company have cut down their'belp at the depot to just one man. This looks rather small for as many night trains as we have here. A. M. Lotspeich has bought land in Southern Missouri and thinks of selling out his business and moving there. E. Stone of Ponca arrived on Wednesday's passenger with his family. They expect to settle on the old Hall farm. Our community was shocked last week to learn of the death of Gladys Sterling the eight year old daughter of Mrs. Lulu Sterling. Mr. Smith returned from anoth er trip to Southern Missouri last week. Edward Walsh , state manager of the W. O. W. , will be here March Sth , the regular meeting night. Austin Maul was the lucky man who took home the phonograph from Johnson Bros' store. Sleepy Hollow Dreams. Steve Krajewski received a new manue spreader from the Valentine the first of the week. John Barnes was a business call er in town last week. Dick Beinsford is in the neighbor hood again. He had been in Eng land on extended visit. Glad to see him back. Charlie Osterman was in town one day last week. Peter Hoifman has been quite ill with the grip the past week. Joe Nollette and son George went to Valentine Monday. Henry Schaefer received a car of coal last week. Ho is preparing to ship a car of hogs. We bear Nenzel is to have a blacksmith in the near future. Watch Nenzel boom. Winfcem , Blinkem and Nod. Sixty-Five Horses Burned. Omaha , March 1. In a. fire whicn started mysteriously in the W. P. Ver- nor Transfer , Storage and Feed com pany's barn , 730-12 Leavenworth street , sixty-five horses were burned to death and the building destroyed. t Loss , $12,000. ( Stockholders to Get Big Dividend. * Newark , N. J. , March 1. Vice Chancellor - ( cellor Howell filed a decision in chan- eery court , in which he upheld the . proposed division of. a $20,000,000 sur plus fund by the Prudential Insurance company of America among deferred dividend jjol icy holders. In the same ruling the court decided tjjat the stock- * fco'ders of the Prudential company were entitled to a fundof $2,500,000 assigned to them as stockholders and " ' . ' * labeled "contingency surplus' Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an oru-r of sale issued by the clerk ( if the district court of Chen v county , braska. January 16 , Hill , nmlera decree or mort gntre fnrt eiosiu-H wherein .tain PS N. luno ! | . i ulalntiff and KUine Anderson ami Ai na Ander son. Benjamin Swoggard , first real nunie un known , is deleudant , I w 11 sell at thn fron door of the court house in Vatentine. Cnerrj county , N braska. that bPiim the hu Idiiu , wherein Hie last t rm of esiid court was held on Hie llth day of March. 1911. at. ) o'clock am to Ram y Judgment of$143'00 and interea 6 per' tut frmu ilatt "f judgment. Decembf 5. 1910. and costs taxed at § 32.25 and accruing costs , at public aucti < n to the highest bidder 10 casa the following described property towit : Thtts swJa , s sej'4 < f section 27 , Township 31.1 Jan Lie 2C , in ( . h rry t'ounty , Nei > . Dated this Oth day of Febmury , 1910. 0. A. ItOSSETER , 5 5 Sheriff. Walcott & Morrissey , Attjs. for PHf. In the County Court of Cherry County , Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of Henr , Layton , deceased : Aduly verlllud petition having been lllec In my office , praying i r the prooate of tin estate of In'i.ry Layton , deceased , with out administration , and it satisfactorily ap pearing to me that the statements made ii is hereby orderef that a hearing on said petition be had on th 18th day of March , 1011 , at 10 o'clock a. in at my office in Valentine , Cherry county Nebraska , at which time all persons inter terested In said estate may appear and shov cause , if any there be , why said petitioi should not be granted. Witness my hand and seal of said court this 28th day of February , Hill. JAMES O. QUIGLEY , [ SEAL ] 8 : $ County Judge. O. A. Ruby , attorney. Notice of Probate of Will. In the county court of Cherry count } ' , Ne braska. braska.State State of Nebraska , I County of Cherry , ( hs To all persons interested in the estate of Anna Janak , deceased. On reading the petition of Frank Janak praying that the instrument tiled in this court on the 23rd day of February. 1911. and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased , may be proved and al lowed , and recorded as the last will and testament of said deceased : that said instru ment be admitted to probate , and the ad ministration of said estate be granted Frank Janak as executor. It is hereby ordered that all persons inter ested in said matter , may and do , appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the 18th day of March. A. D. , 1911. at 11 o'clock a. m. . to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hear ing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said count- , for three successive weeks prior to said dav of hearing. Witness my hand , and seal of "said court , [ SEAL ] this 28th day of February , A. D. . 1911. 8-3 JAMES C. QUIGLEY , County Judge. C. A. Rubv , attorney. S siS Because tKe fine , porus particles ai of the Cleanser get right down 85 into every crack and crevice , lehi hiC take up all dirt and Isave the C \ \ floor clean and spotless. Many other uses and Full Directions enlarge large Sifter-can IQt Thomas Johnson to hrang. Lincoln , March 1. The Nebraska supreme court affirmed the death sen tence of Thomas Johnson , colored , of : Omaha , and fixed the day of execution for Friday , May 19. Johnson was convicted in the district court of n Douglas county of the murder in Oma \ ; ha of Hairy A. Franklin. He will be g hanged in the state penitentiary. gC : ! Boy Injured by Wagon. itK itb Beatrice , Neb. , March 1. The eight- K year-old son of William Waiwald was run over by a Avagon loaded with oats a : and probably fatally injured. He is ? paralyzed from the waist down. le 1C Furniture and pafnts and Oils , CattJi Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. Johnson Bros. , Lumber , Machinery , Hard ware , Harness , Saddles Wagons , Busies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. Wood Lake , - - Nebraska Uck , Lausen Co. , I General Hardware , Wagons and Machinery ; . . . A complete line of Harness and Saddles Household and Kitchen Furniture Lumber and Fence Posts WOOD LAKE , NEBRASKA R. M. Faddis & Co Pnstofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded on left thigh Horses branded left : shoulder 'or ' thiph Some Some branded branded o right thigh on left or Moulder. shoulder or thi h P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some Qyon lef side. - en left Jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , I" . S. Rowley. Kennedy , - jNeuraska. Same as cut on left , side and hip , and on left shoulder of her ses. AlsoUSSa 011 left side hip. FXcn Some "at tic brana- ed husk-tg&Ofliif ing pe ( either side up ) on left side or hip. p on left Jaw and left shoulder of howes , jjj jjjQ on left hip of horses f\T on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Bosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock icaringany of these brands. E. M. Terrill , Propr. Brownlee , > rattle branded as in C'.t on ieft side. Some branded Ii. T V on left hip. Range on North Lonp ri\'er. two mils west of Brewnlee John Kills Plenty. it ! Francis MIs- lion , Kosebud. j. D. branded is in cut ; horses tame orM \ P on eft thigh. Kanse Between Spriii' ' 'k and Little iVhite river. Annual Convention of Auxiliary Lodge of Modern Woodmen at Kearney. Kearney , Neb. , March 1. Three hun- ired Royal Neighbors of America gath- ared here in annual convention. The lity was decorated in purple and white in recognition of the visitors and wel come signs floated over the streets. Local hotels could not furnish lodging or all the guests and private homes { ivere placed at their disposal. The Douglas count- delegation is naking a campaign for the next con- ention for Omaha. A reception was iven at the Odd Fellows Iiall and andidates for office took advantage of to announce themselves and to joost their candidacies. Mrs. Kate xoniingtcn of Omaha is the most pop liar candidate for supreme omcer ind has but one opponent. Dr. Nellie arr Descnbaught of Grand Is and is eading in the race for supreme med- cal adviser. Albert Whipple & Sons. Rosebud S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left aide OSO OQ riehtslde Some cattle also have af fen neck Some with A on left fehonlder and some branded with two bars across hind onar- , m , , m _ . Some Texas cattle branded Oou left side and some on left side. Horses branded SOH on left hip. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sidea and le.ft hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Eange Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett KIchards Pres Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the follovrfng brands : horses branded the same Range betweei Gordon on the F.E. &M.V..B.R.ami Hyannis on B & , M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr BARTi.ETT ItimiKDS. Ellsworth. Nebr Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr C ; . K. Sawver has chan/e of these cattle. H rse * I Son left shoul der. So left side. same left thigh. Kange on Snake river. Metzger Bros. Koife N'ebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand on e/t thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 will be raid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any . person or , persona stealing with ; U > ov * J. A. Taryan. Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on rightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any Information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range. Land Office Ccec to Timber Lake , S. D. Washington , JIarch 1. The land of fice at. Aberdeen , S. D.will be moved to Timber Lake , S , D. , May 1. Much rivalry was shown by the towns of Timber Lake , Mobridge and Isabel , when it was announced that a change was to be made. The change was made because practically all of the public lands in the vicinity of the present office have been take up. Senator Swanson Reappointed. Richmond , March 1. Governor Mann reappointed United States Sena tor Claude A. Swanson , now filling the unexpired term of the late Senator Daniel. This reappointraent is to never the period between the expira tion of Senator Swanson's present commission on March 4 , to thirty days ifter the next meeting of the stats legislature.