Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 02, 1911, Image 7
THAT AWFUL BACKACHE Cured by Lydia E. Pinknam's Vegetable Compound Morton's Gap , Kentucky. "I suf fered two years with female disorders , my health was very bad and I had a continual backache which was simply awful. I could not stand on my feet long enough to cook a meal's victuals without my back nearly killing me , and I would have such dragging sensations - sations I could hardly bear it. I had soreness in each side , could not stand tight clothing , and was irregular. I was completely run down. On ad vice I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and Liver Pills and am enjoying good health. It is now more than two years and I have not had an ache or pain , since I do all my own work , washing and everything , and never have the backache any more. I think your medicine is grand and I praise it to all my neighbors. If you think my testimony will help others you may publish it. " Mrs. OLI.IE WOODALL , Morton's Gap , Kentucky. Backache is a symptom of organic weakness or derangement. If you have backache don't neglect it. To get permanent relielf you must reach the root of the trouble. Nothing we know of will do this so surely as Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. "Write to Mrs. Pinkham , at ILynn , Mass. , for special advice. Your letter , will be absolutely confidential , and the advice free. Allen's L'lceniifbalvccu rest hroiiicLloors.J-Jono Ulcors.SrrofulrmsUlcers.Varlcoso Ulcers , ! n- < lolentUU'ors.3IorcurlUUlcersVniitoSwell- Injr.lMillf L.eiT.l.'everSoiYS.alloldtor * ! ! . PoMthrljno failure. BjmallBOe. J.l'.ALLENDept.A7St.PaulMinn. FISTULA , Pay wnen Cured. S All Hectal Diseases cured with out a surgical operation and guaranteed to last a lifetime. No chloroform or general aniestheticsused. Examination free. OR. E. R. TARRY. 223 Bee Buildlno , Omaha. Neb. Wats on 12. Colcman.'WaBh. PATENTS ington.D.C. Books free. High est references. Best results. If sere afflicted eyes with } Thompson's Eyi Water What women feel is more convin cing to them than what men know. Druggists everywhere sell Garfield Tea. the Herb laxative. It acts as a gentle aid to Nature. Just do a thing and don't talk about It. This Is * the great secret of success In all enterprises. Sarah Grand. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach , liver and bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny , granules , easy to take. Do not gripe. Between Octogenarians. "I understand they sentenced him to life Imprisonment ? " "Well , no ; It wasn't as bad as that. He got only 99 years ! " Puck. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy foi infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature In TJse For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought The Final Settlement. "A verdict for ? 10,000 isn't so bad , " said the junior partner. "How much " shall we give pur client ? " "Oh , give him $50 , " answered the senior partner. "But hold ! " "Well ? " "Don't be hasty. Promise to give him $50. " Nine or Ten Deposits. "It Is expensive to learn to fly , " said Clifford Harmon at Mlneola. "Your aeroplane costs more than $5,000. You must pay a fee of $500 for tuition , and you must deposit , too , about $500 more for damages. All the damage you do to the machine you learn on must be paid for , and youv deposit may easily be eaten up. "I was talking one day at Nice to an English flyer. " 'I learned to fly In a week/ said. 'How long did It take you to learn ? ' " 'Oh , nine or ten ' ' "What ! ' I interrupted. 'Not nine or ten weeks ? ' ' "No , aeroplanes , ' said fce. " COLDS v- Mnnyon's Cold Remedy Belieres the head throat and lungs almost immediate ly. Checks Fevers , stops Discharges of the nose , takes away all aches and pains caused by colds. It cures Grip and ob stinate Conghs and prevents Pneumonia. Write Prof. Manyon , 53rd and Jefferson Bts. , Phila. , P0- , for medical advice ab olutely free. free.ISO'S IS THE OF THE BEST N/IEDICIME for COUGHS COLDS THE FARMER AND PROTECTIVE TARIFF THt PROTECTS AND THE PEOPLE PAY ! HERE 18 EXCELLENT SAMPLE OF PROTECTION RUN MAD. Provisions of Aldrlch-Payne Law Are Responsible If Paper-Manufactur ing Business Is Driven Out of the Country. The paper-manufacturing business has been in much greater danger of being driven out of the United States by the provisions of the Aldrlch-Payne law , for which the paper manufac turers themselves were responsible , than by Canadian reciprocity. A house committee , after a most ex- haustivQ Investigation , reported that a rate of $2 a ton on print paper would afford ample protection. The paper men resisted and succeeded in hav ing the rate fixed at $3.75 for the most common grade. In addition to that they caused certain retaliatory provisions to be inserted which , when enforced , have made the duty actually higher than it was under the Payne- Aldrich law. While these duties were under dis cussion it was well known that the province of Quebec was threatening' to prohibit altogether the exportation of pulp wood cut from jCrown lands. It was not openly stated that the con sideration which Quebec would re quire for withholding this prohibition would be the free importation of pa per to the United States , but that was the manifest and well-understood pur pose of the Canadian action. As soon as the Payne-Aldrich law was enacted the Quebec prohibition was ordered. The American paper manufacturers had invested large sums $12,000,000 it was said In an attempt to get con trol of the Canadian pulp supply. The export prohibition meant that they could not use the timber they had bought except by moving their mills Into Canada. By their short-sighted policy they had cut themselves off from their best supply of raw mate rial. By humoring them , the United States congress had taken action which could have no other eventual effect than to drive the greater part of the industry out of this country. And that was called protection ! It was protection only for a few mills which were getting their timber sup ply from Maine or other sources not affected by the Quebec prohibition. In its broader features it was destruc tion. tion.The The paper manufacturers tried to induce the government to help them out by declaring a general tariff war against Canada. President Taft wise ly refused to enter upon a tariff war. A temporary agreement was patched up at a meeting between him and the Canadian finance minister at Albany. A condition of that truce was that ne gotiations for a more complete and just reciprocity should be hurried for ward as rapidly as possible. The re sult Is the agreement announced last month. Buffalo Express ( Rep. ) . "Protection. " In its savage and reckless attack on American securities , the Berlin Tages Zeitung discloses the fear which American competition awakens in the minds of our German friends. It says : "At a time when the German steel industry has to compete with Ameri ca as its strongest rival in South America and the far east , it would amount to treason to our own inter ests if we allowed ourselves to be made the dumping ground for billions of worthless bonds and railway shares. " Now glance at the facts the other way around. If America is the "strong est rival In South America and the far east" for the German steel indus try , why should America be taxed $3.50 a ton on Ingots and steel rails and $6 a ton on structural steel ? If our steelmakers can undersell Ger many in the open markets of the world , need they fear that Germany , or any other nation , will undersell them in our own markets ? In the light of such facts Is not "protection" a humbug ? Keep Moving. Shall we not , by taking down a use less and unnecessary tariff wall , bring within our agricultural resources the great plains of the northwest , when they can bring to us what we rieed , and that without hurting any of our own people ? The President. By all means , sir ! Let.'s take them down a1 ! around , and give everybody . Indianapolis News. DIRECT ELECTION IS SURE Reactionary Senators Will In Vain People. The Democratic-insurgent victory In the senate with reference to the "place" of the resolution for the sub mission of the direct senatorial elec tions amendment is full of cheer and inspiration. It means the early sub mission of the amendment. The sen ate Is yielding and responding to pub lic opinion. The Lorlmer scandal , the deadlocks , the machine-made candi dacies , the lame and unsatisfactory expedients being resorted to by pro gressive states all these things are having their effect. Direct election of senators Is com ing. If the senate should fail to pass the resolution the result would be indignant - dignant and prompt action by the states that have so far failed to make "proper" application to congress for the calling of a convention to propose the amendment. Why , then , should not the senate discreetly anticipate events and gain credit for liberalism and progressive views ? The resolution should be approved at this session. It has the right of way and should be voted on. The handful of standpatters may as well bow to the inevitable. No filibuster should be necessary. . The next con gress Is sure to vote for the amend ment , and the obstructionists can se cure nothing save a little further time. The logic of events and the spirit of the age are fighting for the reform , and they are irresistible. The Democrats and Reciprocity. The united stand of the Democrati of the house in favor of the Canadian reciprocity agreement makes the dl- lemna of the Republicans even more trying than it was before. The Demo crats have done the only thing they consistently could do. They have come to the support of the first meas ure proposed to give the country a measure of relief from the burdens of the Payne-Aldrich law , which they have so justly and mercilessly de nounced. The .Republicans , who are respon- slble for that law , and are being held to account by the country for It , can just as ill afford to reject this reci procity proposition. It is especially incumbent on the progressive Republicans - licans to rally to its support. These Republicans did all they could In the tariff session to make a better law. , Most of them are on record in favor t of revising the tariff by schedules , or r otherwise by piecemeal. The Canadian agreement would not go far , but it goes far enough to pre sent a test of good faith on the part of tariff reformers. It proposes a step In the right direction. It will let the country see who are sincere reformers and who are not. ' t The Tariff and Labor Cost. In its issue of December 3 The Out look says : 'The present theory of protection maintained by the Republican party Is that the tariff Is to protect Ameri can labor and that the protective du ties should equal the differential be tween foreign labor cost and Ameri can labor cost. " This , though The Outlook may not be unaware of it , is as much as to say that protective duties should aver age not exceeding 10 per cent , ad valorem. This may be shown from the reports of the United States labor bureau in which appears the estimate of Carroll D. Wright that the average labor cost in the United States Is 17 % per cent , of the .cost of produc tion , which last is certainly less than the selling value. Many industries in which high wages are paid will show less than 10 per cent , as the labor cost. cost.The The differential between the labor cost here and abroad can hardly aver age as much as the whole labor cost , but , granting that it does , it follows , according to The Outlook , that the theory of the Republican party is that protective duties should average not over 10 per cent , ad valorem. In practice they average 50 per cent , ad valorem. Where the labor cost is particularly low , as In the textile trades , they are much higher than that. Under its ( the Payne law's ) provi sions we can raise enough revenue to run the government. Mr. George W Steele. But we haven't done so yet , sir. WAS JUST COPYING MAMMA Child's Actions That at First Mys tified Father Were Easily Explained. The llttlp six-year-old daughter of a well-known club woman was found in her play room the other day dong all kinds of acrobatic stunts and gesticu lating wildly and weirdly. "What are you doing ? " asked the child's father. "I'm playing I'm mamma , " she an swered. Then she made more unique movements with her little arms and said , , "There , father , you accept them. That's what they do when mamma makes them. " "What shall I accept ? " asked the father , still more mystified , "and what does mamma make ? Tell me what you are doing. " "Why , " she said , "I'm playing that I am mamma at her club. Whenever mamma goes to her club she makes motions and the others accept them. I heard her say so over the telephone to Mrs. Smith this morning. " Illus trated Magazine. PRAIRIE DOGS. We usually write our own ads. , but will let a user of "Rough on Rats" for extermination of Prairie Dogs write this one. Mr. H. B. Mosely , a ranchman , un der date of Feb. 4th , 1911 , writes as fol lows from Hill Top , Douglas Co. , Col orado : He says : "I have read your ad vertisement of 'Rough on Rats ; it not only reads good but it is good. I have been troubled twenty years with Prairie Dogs ; have used many so-called exter minators to no purpose. Not long since I used a poisoned wheat , prepared by an expert who had made it a study for years , but it did no good for me ; they ate it , but chirped for more. The 'Dogs' were eating up a field of corn for me ; I was at my wit's end what to do ; I could only get the small 15c. size here of 'Rough on Rats. ' I mixed it with corn and applied ; many of them chirped no more ; I then mixed it with corn meal and placed it on days not windy , near their hole ! . 'Rough on Rats' is by far the best thing I have tried , but I fancy I am using it unnecessarily string , or you may suggest a better way than I know to mix or use it. I wish our druggists would keep the larg est (75c. ( ) size ; could you send me the 75c. size ? It clears them out in great shape ; you should make it better known to Ranchmen. " The above are facts as stated by Mr. Mosely. "Roujjh on Rats" is equally Rough on Prairie Dogs , Squirrels , Chip munks , Gophers , Rabbits , Mice , Rats varmints of every and all kinds , Roaches , Flies , Ants , and Bed Bugs. Read the di rections how to use it safely in outbuild- fhgs and for the different kinds of pests. For Prairie Dogs I would advise soaking coarse cracked corn in a mixture of , say one 2oc. box of "Rough on Rats" to five gallons of water ; let it stand a week , shaking frequently ; you can use the same mixture over and over again for cracked corn ; or mix "Rough on Rats , " thoroughly and instantly , say , one part to twenty of hot corn meal mush ; when it cools , di vide in pieces and place about their holes. 15c. , 25c. and 75c. : wooden boxes only. E. S. Wells , Chemist , Jersey City , N" . J. Wifely Solicitude. Appealing to the police to find her husband , who went to work and had not returned home at eight o'clock , but requesting that the officers neith er arrest nor "talk cross" to him , a woman left a note In the hands of P rolman Hlckerson at Sixth and Ed- mend streets containing Information concerning the missing husband. The note in addition to giving a de scription of the missing man read that the wife "was worried nearly sick because It was the first time that he had done this. " "I don't want you to arrest him , " continued the note. "Tell the police to please not talk cross to him. " St. Joseph Gazette. A Frequent Speaker. A member from a northern constit uency , who was one day reproached by a disappointed supporter for never opening his mouth in the house , repu diated the accusation with indignation. Not a day passed , he declared , but that he said something ; and it was reported in the papers , too. In con firmation of h'is statement he pro duced the report of the last debate , and pointed triumphantly to the "Hear , hears , " with which certain speeches were punctuated. "That's me , " he said. Tit-Bits. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-CASE the antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes your feet feel easy and com fortable and makes walking' a delight. Sold everywhere , 25c. Refuse substitutes. For free trial package , address Allen S.OlmsteadLeEoyN.Y. If a man's wife can read about poli tics without wishing she were a man , he will never experience the pleasure of being henpecked. The Chicago Fire could have been pre vented with one pail of water , but the water was not handy. Keep a bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil handy and prevent the fiery pains of inflammation. Peace with God without peace with men is an iniquitous thing. Spring Medicine 18 Needed Now , and the Best Is Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purifies , enriches and revitalizes the blood as no other does. 40,366 testimonials of cures , in two years. Get it in usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabi Impure Blood is common in the spring , because of the unhealthful modes of living during the winter , and it is the cause of the loss of appetite and that tired feeling as well as the sores and eruptions that occur at this time. Be sure to take Hood's this spring. Roots , Barks and Herbs Hood'i Sarsaparilla so combines the great curative principles of roots , barks and herbs as to raise them to their high est efficiency for the cure of all spring humors , all blood diseases , and ru down conditions. There is no substitute for Hood'i. Miss Bangs and Miss Whiton's School for Girls WITHIN EASY ACCESS of all parts of the city , and of the great libraries and museums. Opportunity given for attendance at public entertainments or educational and artistic value. _ , . THOROUGH AND CONSERVATIVE TRAINING , moral , intellectual and physical , with expert supervision in every department , thus insuring definite and certain results. , . , . . . . , FACULTY LARGE , each teacher a specialist ; and pupils assured the Indi vidual attention adapted to their respective needs. , , , , , PRIMARY , PREPARATORY AND ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS : also a unique department known as the UPPER HOUSE , for graduate and special students desiring to spend the winter in New York In a congenial social atmos phere , under the most favorable conditions for culture of social graces and for intelligent advancement The UPPER HOUSE Is in a large degree free from the ordinary restrictions of a school. . , . BEST ADVANTAGES of New York available for the study of Music , Art , Elocution. Languages and Dancing. . PHYSICAL EXERCISES. Special attention glyen with the object of promot ing health , grace and ease of motion and repose of manner. The gymnastic ex ercises are In charge of a graduate of Dr. Sargent , of Cambridge , Mass. SUM MER CAMP in New Hampshire. THE SUCCESS OP THE SCHOOL has been BO pronounced that it has re ceived the highest commendation of the leading educators of the country as well as of the highest officials of the U. 8. Government ; Miss Bangs and Mis * Whiten refer by permission to the presidents of ten colleges and universities Ex-Vlce-Presldent and Mrs. Fairbanks , Ex- and to President and Mrs. Taft , - - President and Mrs. Roosevelt , and the Chief Justice. Critics. "Only competent critics can give competent criticisms , " said Admiral Mahan , at the Immortals' recent recep tion In New York. "The ignobler the critic the ignobler the criticism even of the very finest things that he "will pronounce. "A man in a bar" was praising a fa mous American Journalist , a justly famous journalist , a journalist who gets out a really fine paper. " 'Yes , ' the bartender , agreed , 'his paper is a good one. It picked two win ners last week. ' " DISTEMPER In all its forma among all ages of horses , as well as dogs , cured and others in same stable prevented from having the disease with SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE. Every bottle guaranteed. Over 600.000 bottles sold last year $ .50 and $1.00. Any good druggist , or send to manufacturers. Agents wanted. Spohn Medical Co. , Spec. Contagious Diseases , Goshen , Ind. True Humility. "I suppose you are tempted to put on airs since you own a motor car. " "I should say not , " replied Mr. Chuggins. "A man with a motor car puts in most of his life apologizing. " If It's Your Eye Use Pettit's Eye Salva for inflammation , stys , itching lids , eye aches , defects of vision and sensitivity to strong lights. All druggists or Howard Bros. , Buffalo , N. Y. Sympathy sometimes means sitting in a car and passing out soft words to lame folk. Garfield Tea purifies the blood , cleanses the system , clears the complexion , eradi cates disease and promotes Good Health. Inconsistency often means those deeds in another which I only half understand. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething- , softens the gums , reduces Inflamma tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle. The ocean is crossed in love by a number of bridal parties. The family with young children that is without sickness In the house now and then is rare , and so it is important that the head of the house should know what to do In the little emergencies that arise , A child with a serious ailment needs a doctor , It is true , but In the majority of instances , as any doctor knows , the child suffer * from some intestinal trouble , usually constipation. There Is no sense in giving it a pill era a remedy containing on opiate , nor Is flushing of the bowels to be always rec ommended. Rather give it a small dose of a mild , gentle laxative tonic like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin , which , by cleanIng - Ing out the bowels and strengthening the DOLLARS FOR YOU FIDELITY SUPPLY CO. Pfttsburg , Splendid Crops In Saskatchewan ( Wistirn Canada ) 8OO Busttels from 2O acres of wheat was the thresher's 160 ACHE return from a Lloyd- minster farm in the season of 1910. Many fields in that as well as other districts yield ed from 25 to 35 bu shels of wheat to the acre. Other grains in proportion. LARGE PROFITS ( are thus derived from the FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS of "Western Canada. This excellent showing causes prices to advance. Land Talnes should doable In two years' time. Grain srrovrlnir.mbced fann ing , cattle ralsibir and dairy ing are all profitable. Free Homesteads of 16O acres are to be had in tbe very best districts : 16O acre pre-emp * tlonsatSS.OO per acre with in certain areas. Schools and churches In every settle ment , climate unexcelled , soil the richest ; -wood , water and building : material plentiful. For particulars as to location , low settlers' railway rates and dcscrlptlro Illustrated pamphlet. "Last Best West , " and other In- fonnaUon , write to Snp't olImmi gration , Ottawa , Canada , or to Canadian Government Agent. E.T Hotea. 315 Jacbtn St. . SL Pad , Kins. J.H.Madad > fas. Drawer 197. Watotm. 5 D. ( Use address nearest yon. ) 89 Make the Liver Do its Duty I Ninenses in ten when the liver it right I&0 stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently bat firmly cea-j w i t * pel Imzy uvar CARTERS do iu duty. \ CuresC ITTLC ! tipatioo , IVER tndig PILLS. tion , Sick Headache , and Distress after Faring. Small Pill. Small Doce , Saudi Price Genuine muakai Signature IF YOU HAVE A SICKLY YOUNGSTER TRY THIS FREE Strong Healthy Women\ \ If a woman is strong and healthy in a womanly way , moth erhood means to her but little suffering. The trouble lie * in tbe fact that the many women suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted for motherhood. This can be remedied. " Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cores the weaknesses and disorders of women. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs concerned in motherhood , making them . Wealthy , strong , rigorous , virile and elastic. V , "Favorite Prescription" banishes tbe indispositions of tha period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It quickens aad vitalizes the feminine organs , and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands'of women hay * testified to its marvelous merits. It Makes Wek Women Strong. It Mikes Sick Women WmtL Honest druggists do not offer substitutes , and urge them upon you as " Jest as good. " Accept no secret nostrum in place of this non-secret remedy. It contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming of injurious drags. Is a pure glyoerio extract of healing , native American roots. little stomach muscles , will immediately correct the trouble. This Is not alone our opinion but that of Mrs. N. H. Mead of Freeport , Kans. . whose granddaughter has been taking It successfully and of Mrs. J. R. Whiting of Lena , Wls. , who gives It to her children and takes it herself. It is sold in fifty cent and one dollar bottles at every drug store , but if you want to test it In your family before you buy it send you * address to Dr. Caldwell and he will for ward a supply free of charge. For the free sample address Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 201 Caldwell building , MontW cello , I1L 92 < 7o IN 6 MONTHS Our clients who acted on our advice in the purchase of only three estab lished dividend - paying stocks made 92.1 % on their investment between August 3,1910 and February 14 , 1911 , or at the rate of 184.2 % annually. We hare prepared a handsome booklet telling how this was done , explaining the operation of trading in the stock market , and showing how enormous profits can be made with a mintmnTr ; of risk. THIS BOOKLET IS FREE FOB THE ASKING. WRITE FOR IT TODAY CHARLES A. STONEHAM ft GO. COMMISSION BROKERS 66 Broad Street New York City Harvest Time in Florida For the farmers of the Pensacola Dis trict. Seventeen cents a day will let yon. In on a five acre truck farm. Write to us today for qur booklet describinghoif we help our fanners make good. Our oil expert and demonstration farm maka mistakes impossible. PENSACOLA REALTY COMPANY , Peiuacola , Florida W. N. U.f SIOUX CJTY , N0. 9-1811. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES C 0f meraMOtfs hHjMf r and fsiter colors than ani otter dja. Ont lOe patkiie caltrs all flstrs. Tht ? dye In esld water fetttir than uitHur tfm VuMti Mimtnwithwtnwina * rt. Writeftrfrtf NtfMU t On.Mwku lluC lMs. jfQHHQK D/tueOO fffmm ff/lESS ?