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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1911)
fliitorlcal Society * . 7 rn T ALENTINE DEMOCRAT. 1. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , NEBR , BHUESDAT , MARCH 2 , 1911. Volume 26 , No. 8 Makes the most nutri tious The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over , tibe biscuit-making. Royal is the aid to many a cook's success * Royal Cook Book 800 Receipts Free. Send Name and Address. . , . ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. THE NT All kinds of Merchandise. I can afford to sell as low as anybody , I buy produce - duce and pay market price for hides. 1 I vis , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. . 'X ' Eureka Saloon McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29xyeatvold andjas , E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the II. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. * Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout , Bass Ale , "Storz Blue Ribbon and" Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska ja gqg K Ap K "ah'jarMrys Bread , Pastries , Lunches , Meals CONFECTIONERY , CIGARS , TOBACCOS Home Bakery. TELEPHONE NO. 1 gaa id5 TUESDAY , MARCH 7 , 1911. J. Frank Jersey Presents Miss Ella Miller And a Clever Supporting Cast in That Beautiful Idyl of the South IN FOUR ACTS The Sweetest Girl in Dixie 14 - PEOPLE - 14 Featured Band and Orchestra We advertise your sale. W. H. Wakefield of Crookston V was in town yesterday. Try our fine printed stationery at the Democrat office. Born to Mrs. Laura Story last Saturday , Feb. 25 , a son. Grant Dunn and family have gone to Washington state. Born to Mr. and Mr ? . W. H. Heraberry , Tuesday , Feb. 28 , a son. Mrs. Sol Morey returned to her home at Crawford last Saturday night. Mrs. Mark Cyphers returned home last Thursday from New Jersey. You can't have'a successful sale if you don't advertise it. Come and see us. C. H. Cornell and wife departed for Chicago on a business trip Tuesday morning. We hear that Col. II. Shosser of Crookston conducted a successful sale on the 23rd for H : LaMott. If you are thinking of having a public * sale call'oVo'n "us ior-par ticulars and information regard ing dates. 8 5 Chas. Anderson is building a shop facing the north on Virginia street a half block west of Main street. He is siding and roofing with galvanized iron and doing good work. Col. T. W. Cramer conducted a very successful sale last Saturday afternoon at the Star barn for Wm. Novak. The sale complete amounted to $1253 , including some some stock brought in by other parties. The prices were reason able , and while at all sales some article seems to go out of sight , it is because of competition. A dry cow sold for § 38.50 ; a two year old heifer brought § 32.50. Calves brought 16 a head. Horses and colts averaged well. O. W. Hahn's sale Tuesday was attended by about 200 people , gathered in from the surrounding country , who came to bid him and his family farewell , and take such of his personal property as they could make use of at the highest bid. It was our pleasure to ride out with the auctioneer , Col. T. W. Cramer. The day was bright but cool , and the air a little crisp in the early part of the day , but people moved around fast enough to keep warm , and a good lunch at noon , with hot coffee preceded the sale. The property brought fair market value prices and exceeded Mr. Hahn's expectations or antici pations on the whole. Many people ple went out from town who had no thought of buying but they went because they had notice of it and it was O. W. Hahn's sale. The sale brought about $2700. Milch cows brought $41 to $48.50 and horses $85 to $152.50 , the lat ter price being paid for a three- year-old unbroke mare. Andrew Juel , the purchaser of the Hahn farm , bought the blocky team of mares for $280. Mr. Hahn re served most of his household goods and intends moving to Norfolk in a few days. Cherry county peo- plef are sorry to lose this estim able Jqhn Slonecker is building a stable to accommodate a team "w which the Red Front exnects to f * use in doing their own delivering. The Atkinson high school won a debate with the O'Neill high school in the North Nebraska de bating contest at Atkinson , Mon day evening. The question de bated was : "Resolved that the policy of maintaining the United States navy at its present strength is preferable to the policy of sub stantially increasing it. " Atkin son .will now send three debaters here and the winning team of this debate will send one of its number berto take part in the state cham- ship. Last week the Cbadron de bating team came down to Gordon nn .a . similar mission and were de feated by the Gordon team. Wild Demonstrations of the Gordonites fojjowed the decision of the judges. f L. * H. Overman _ , the 85 year old farmer and a corn plower for 70 odd years , living at Crookston , Nebr. , has decided to retire from active field work and will sell his personal property at public auc tion at Crookston , Neb. , on Satur day , March 18 , 1911. Mr. Over man is a veteran corn plower and farmer. He has been an active hard working man for more than 70 years and is entitled to the best going the remainder of his years. Go to his sale neighbors and friends and buy liberally as you have need for Mr. Overman's property. It will go at pub lic auction and we shall be glad to record a generous gathering of people to attend this veteran farmer's sale. Mr. Overman will to meet and greet you all. Don't forget the " * date , Saturday , March 18 , the day following St. Patrick's Day , so let's make it a double holiday. Rock Springs coal at Fischer's Hardware. 51 Furnished rooms to rent by day or week. Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine House , John D. Eaton , Prop/ . 32tf Ask to have your contest notice or legal notice printed in THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. It is your privilege to have it printed where you will. . tf Dr. Barnes , the eyesight spec- alist of Omaha , will be at the Donoher hotel all day Saturday , March 4th. Remember that Dr. Barnes has been over this road for some ten or twelve years. Every patient has always had a year for refitting without extra charge. No charge , whatever , made for ex amination. Don't forget the date. Call and see Dr. Barnes , if any trouble with head or eyes. 6 3 L. M. AY RES Importer and Breeder of PERCHERON HORSES AND MARES Shenandoah , Iowa C. C. RATLIFF , ' Gen. Mgr. of Sales , PURDUM , NEBR. Mr. Ayres has been for the past 35 years an importer and breeder of Percheron Horses and Mares and has a fine selection on hand which he is offering for sale. If any one is thinking of buying a horse , it would pay to see these. Mr. Ayres guarantees every horse be puts out. He is one of the old est and most reliable importers and breeders in the state of Iowa. Mr. C. C. Ratliff , a son-in-law of Mr. Ayres , as general manager of sales , represents the business in this-north west country. Mr. Rat liff lives S miles northwest of Purdum on what is known as British Valley. He has some of these fine horses there for sale on reasonable terms and pricps. Our prices run from § 600 to § 1000. Will give one or' two years time ; will also take yearling steers or heifers. Refer to : Thedford Bank , Thed- fprd , Nebraska ; First National Eank ; YOU WONT MeetYourself * At every turn and corner if you buy your clothes here , we make it a point to buy a large portion of our stock so that there's only one or two suits of each pattern , ( black and blues excepted ) . Seeing your style on every Tom , Dick and Harry is not pleas ant to say the least. Practically every garment in our store is made specia for us costs us nothing extra on the class of goods we buy for you. They are not made by the mile on automatic machines. Each garment has individual attention it's Friend Made for us and for you , FINE FRIEND MADE SUITS & OVERCOATS $10.00 AND UP TO $35.00. Chartered ns a Stnte Bank Chartered ns a National Bunk June 1,1881. August 12 , IWtt. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' . , . . ' ' - * " ( Successor to IJj * k of ValuntfHP. ) * t - Yalenfcine , - Nebraska. SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25,000 25.000 A General Banking , Exchange Uudividod Profits 4.000 and Collection Business . . , , . . 0. H. CORNEIT , President. M. V. NICHOLSON. O f.hlcr. . . . , J. T. Jlny , Vice President. Miss G JKN HOKNIG , Asj > 't Gusliier. GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT REASONABLE PRICES When in need of anything GIVE US A TRIAL * MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING Crookston - Nebraska = DRS. DALLAL & BARAKAT = = GENERAL PRACTICE and SURGERY EYES TESTED and GLASSES FITTED SCIENTIFICALLY. We compound and dispense our own medicines. Office on 2nd floor ot T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska c * R A ivrnr UrJrtAJLN 1 CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tan Irs made in all sizes * Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHOSE 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers. Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN ' All Kinds of Fresh 1 and Halt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell.