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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1911)
-r , < * * * - ' j3vi - , T. . . > lv > General Merchandise , Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing Goods. Flour and Feed. : = : : = : : = : HOEBES FOK SALE. . < Wood Lake , Nebraska WY IONTAGNE Livery , Feed and Sales Stable , . . Wood Lake , Nebraska jj :2 : Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. I V JLw I ( Successor to "WVlker & Lyons ) Wood Lake , Nebraska Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting and fishing parties. 9 9 ( Successor to Ed Young. ) Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods , Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. Men's Clothing and Furnishings FLOUK , FEED AND COAL. Wood Lake = Nebraska F. \ GENERAL FARM . and LIVE STOCK Satisfaction , guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex perience in the Eastern stales. Will go to any part of the State. Write me , or dates can be made at this office. F. J. WSLSEY , Auctioneer Box 326 Rosebud , South Dakota Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office , Valentine. Nebraska , February 4 , Hill. To Mary E. Clark of Honiirk , Iowa , ci > ntetee : - - You are hereby imtifiea that.Joseph Mi'lie.r.t"e , who gives Nenzel , Nebraska , as his post olhce -address , did ou November 26.1010 , lite in thi ollice his duly corroborated application to con- ! .testand seen the f.-iiceltati'in ot y ur hoine- | stead , entry No. 1SP.-JI. Serial No. 04029 , n-ade i August ft. 1K)7. ! for \vJ4 of section 5 ; pwhue . i e ! sJ . swMsek of s oi n 6 : n } ne24 , seJ ueM J . of sec.ilonT , ami swMmv j > f wct'on 3. town i ehip 34. range 32 , west Sixth Prinriiwil Jlerd- r ian. and as Aroundlor his contest he allege * | that said MarvK n-uk has wholly abandoned 1 said land ; that she has changed her resilience Ihcreir m for more than six months last i ast , ; j that xiid land is not settled upon mid cii tiv ted l y said said partv as ny law required , and she 1 h 3 failed * o cnr her laches to thisdate ; that said abandonment occurred more ilian six ' months prior to the expire ion of live jears from the date of entry. You are , theiejore. further notified ihat the said allegations will he taken tiy this oillco as having been confessed by you , ami vour sal i rntry will re canceled thereunder without your further rieht lo be lieVrd therein , either hefore this onle oren appeal , if tou fail t < tile in this nfllKft within twenty oays afteribe fourth pub lication of this notice , as shown below , yonr Hnswer. under oatlj , spe.'c'ficiallv meeiing ann respond micro these allfgations of contesr , or if you fail within tliat t'lne to lile in this ofllco due proof that > ou have scrvetl a 5-pyol jour ans- ( weron Mie'said coiitesnuir. cither in peison or J by registered mail. Jf this set \'ice is maflo l > y the delivery of a copy of yunr answer 10 the ! oontPstant m person , pr < of of sac-h service nuist j l > e either the eal-i onU'-tant's written acknow- * Iedgement of his jcceipr. of Hie copy , showiin. the date of its receipt. * or the auidavit < f the -person by whom the delivery was made stating \vheu auil Willie the copy was ' i\eted : if made by registered mail , i ro'if ot su"h service jnust consist of the affidavit f the person by tvhoni the copy' was mailed stating wlma and nd the post office to which it was mailed , and this affidavit must be a-coinpanied by the posl- iua t > r's receipt lor the letter. ' " You sh"H d fcU-ite in your au.-wer the name of the post ollice to which y .u desire luture noti ces to De sent to .von. . , LTJKK M. BATHS. JJeaiater. Date of first publication Fein nary 9.1911 Date of second publication February 10. 1911. JJate of third publication February a" . 1911. i Date of fourth publication March 2,1911. A1 ' i I i Sheriff's Sale. ' I By virtue of : m execution issued by the clerk of the district court of Cherry county , Nebraska , July is , HdO , under n decree Tof mortgage lorurlosurc , wherein H. U. .Tulll- iieck is plaintiff : ind John Chirk , Lena Clark and Edward ( Mark , Tlie-N.Z..Cattle ; Ooinpany , incorporated , and the 'Packer's National Bank of South Omaha , Nebraska , > Incorporated , are dufotulnnts : J wilLiiell at Hie f-ont do ! ot i he courthouse in * Valentine. tJlierry county , r eb-aska. tJinr. tieiijg the building wherein the last terni o ( Bald cmnt held the. llth of Al trch.- . MTH , on day < J 10 o'clock a , m. . to satisfy judumentof > rj7WX ) Hiid interest at 7 percent iroin date of jnduinont i Miiy 10. ' 1910T and co.-as Jax u at 535.00 anH accruing c sts. at piu/lie auction , to the highest Mdder.4or..csfc > h , tie lollmving Uescritied jtrt'p- erty to-vyitV - = . W'/iswK. s Uswjf o' section 27. and neMnwJ-4 ot Sec. . .34 , Tp. 17 , Ii 20 , iu Cherry county. febrasha. " Dated ihls'Olh day of Tehniary iflll. C. A. Jtn sKTKR r 5 ' . Sheriff of Cherry County AValcott & Morrissej' , attornej s for plaintiff InXej quicker a'coM is gotten rid of II .less.tie , danger from pnenmoniti ail ottier serious diseases. Mr. B. "W. I- Hall.'df "Waverly , Va. , says : 1 iiraf lielieve' Chainberlain's Cough Kemeu ? ' to baAbsolutely the best preparation or I the/market for coMn.t liave recor ; mended it , t my friends and they : ; agree ryritkgme. : For bale by Cliapraa. * " * * i -V- -"isi Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office , Broken Bow. Nebraska , January 14,1911. A sufficient contest nflldavit having been liled in this oHlc * * by buries w. Blake , contestant , jifjainsr. homestead entry , serial No 0353 ! ) . ina"f .Inly 5. 1007. for i-j nelt. section 14mv& , \vJ/2n\vM , lection 13 , Township 25 , Jlange 31 , Sixth i'/incipal Meridian , by Denis P. Sulli van , con'cRfc. in which 11 is silleged tbut Denis Y. Sullivan hn never made an actual and bona jiiie resitJi nee upoii ssi'd ' truer , and has never improved or cultivated thesnme as the law re quires and lias abandoned the same ai.d livrd t-ii > ewlitt for morn tli n s x months la > t past , and all of said d.-lecls exist ut the present time. .Slid parties ar hereby notified to appear respurid ami offer evidence louchiiiir said allena- ' 011 at'10 o'clock on Kebrnaty 27.1011. he- tore the rejiistT ami receiver at the.United Ht-itos hand Omce in Broken Raw. Nebraska. The ituiuconte-tant having , iii a proper art ! riavtt lileo Jan 14. 1911 , set forth lacts which t how that tfter due diligence personal service of this n 'tict ! can uotb. is hereby order eil and directed tlint such notice be given by due and proper publication. 3-4 H Dar-u * 51. Ainsherry , Receiver. Kecord address of entrymau-Mullen. Neb. In the District Court of Cherry County , Nebraska. In the matter of the npplicgtion i of William K. Haley , guardian of Alice Slny Sendore and Fred 8cu- ( lore.niihor Heirs of John B. Sea- doreand Lizzie Seudore , deceased , j for the sale of real estate. i On reading iiml filing the petition duly verified of William K. Haley , guardian of the person and eslntu of Alice May Seadore and Fred Sundore , minor heirs of John B. Kcadoro nndLizzie Seaciore , deceased , Alice ilay Seadore of the : igi > of 1years nnd Fred Seadore of the nge ol 17 years , lor license to .sell the interest of said minor heirs in the following described real estate to-wit : South half of northeast quarter , northwest quarter of Southeast quarter , section 25 , township : J2 , range i (5 ( , lot 2 , section Hi , town ship ai' , range I'o , Olierry county , Nebraska , lor the purposes of using the proceeds of the sale of said real estate for the support maintenance nnd education of said minor lioirs lor thojinyinont of the debts due nnd unpaid against the estate of said minors nnd investing nny residue thereof for the use and benoilt ot' said heirs. And it npponrlng from said petition that said real estate consists of unimproved prairie hind from which but little Income is derived that it would be for the best Inter ests of said minor heirs that their interest in said real estate be sold and the proceeds thereof used for the support , maintenance and education of said minors and for their payment of debts clue and unpaid against their estate and the investment of the residue - duo for their use and benefit. It is , therefore , ordered that the next of kin of said minors nnd all persons interest ed id said estate appear before me at cham bers at Rushville , Sheridan county , Ne braska , on the J8th day of March , 1911 , at 10 oVlouk. a. in. , to show cause , if any there be , why license should not be granted to the said Willlum K.Haley , guardian , to sell said real estate for the purposes above set lorth ami it is further ordered that u copv of this order be published once each week forthrco consecutive weeks in The Valen tine Democrat , a newspaper pri'nted and published in said Ohorry county , Nobraskn. Duled at chambers at Rusliville , Sheridan county , Nebraska , this 17th day of Febru ary , 1U1. ! 7 a W. H. WESTOVER. [ seal ] Judgo. , When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Congb. Remedy. Itvil * spqn fix you up all right and will -ware , off any tendency toward pneumonia. This , remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confident ! } to a as to an adult. Sold by Chap jnaiij .v - - P Y FfVT 0T r Wqod Lake Department ADVERTISING RATES : Locals or rending notices 5 cents per line each Insertion. Display advertising > 50 cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per Inch per month double column. ? ' " AA Ellis Coder made a trip to Oma ha last night. He may possibly take in a horse show and drive back a fancy team. W. A. Prindle came down from Kushville to attend a meeting of the W. O. W. last night. The. ? took in three new members. The membership is now 37. W. F. Parker made -a business trip to Omaha last week. George Bakewell was in town last week. Joseph .Kounvsky was absent from school several days this week. John Barleigh has been absent this week. A. Morris and Ed Belsky at tended the alfalfa show in Valen tine Monday. Lou Klopping of Osmond was up for a little visit last week. W. A. Johnson and wife. have returned from Wisconsin and Chicago. J. F. Sfcott ofMason City , la. , has been out looking after the 21 ranch. Special Government Counsel Rush Tells of His Work. 1,500,000 , , ACHES RESTORED. Vast Tract Is Saved for Uses of Farm er Results of the Government's Campaign Against Cattlemen for Il legal Fencing of Public Domain. Omaha , Feb. 20. One of the results of the persistent prosecutions of the cattlemen who have maintained illegal fences on public domain in Nebraska has been the restoration to uses of ag riculture of more than 1,500,000 fertile acres. It is also true that in the sec tion where theae lands are located Nebraska made its only growth out side of the large cities during the last . decade. These facts are made clear by Sylvester R. Rush , who has been employed by the government as spe cial counsel to look after the prosecu tion of these land cases. In talking of his work , Mr. Rush said : "The territory comprised in the counties west of the 100th meridian in this state , which crosses the state .north and south about eighty-five- miles wast of Grand Island and thirty- five miles east of North Platte , has been persistently classed as a part of the Great American desert , and wholly rnifit for agricultural -purposes. "In 1879 congress appointed a committee to take testimony on the advisability of condemning these lands and selling them to the highest bidder. The great grazing interests that at that time had taken possession of them , gave lurid testimony that these lands were unfit for any other purpose save grazing , and should be devoted exclusively to that end. The then governor of Ne braska objected to this disposition of these lands , and appointed two scien tific gentlemen to investigate this- pro posed sale , and they reported in 1879 and 1880 as follows : 'The annihila tion therefore of 500,000,000 to 800- 000,000 acres of these vast fertile acres that are surely changing their dry character to answer the farmers' various uses and demands and by law , naming them as vast pastures or commons , when they could in the near future , be fruitful farms this would be a fearful robbery and those who are conspirators in the attempt should receive public execration. ' "The scheme to auction off these lands was defeated and the struggle for the possession and control of them has been going on with varying inten sity ever since. In 1904 and 1905 prosecutions against a large number of persons were instituted , charging the unlawful enclosure of public lands and a conspiracy to defraud the gov ernment of the title. These prosecu tions resulted in a conviction of the of fenders. The government also at the Game time instituted suits in equity under the same act of congress passed in 1885 , compelling the offenders to remove their fences , and decrees were obtained involving the destruction of unlawful enclosure of , about 1,500,000 acres. These prosecutions and civil actions have been more. effective in opening up this country and set'ding the controversy between the grazing interests and the homesteader , than the employment of the military ; and the wonderful development that has taken place in this country has oc-i curred largely since' the commence ment oi thes prosfecution's" " Dr. P. M. Meer , dentist , of Val entine , will be at Wood Lake first Monday and Tuesday of every month. Office at Wood Lake * hotel. 3 PROTEST ON TRAIN SERVICE Ncbrasksns Di-ie ! ! ts Ride on Crowd ed Black Hills Passenger. Ncligh , Neb. , Feb. 22. An injuno .tlon has been secured by M. F. Har rington of O'N-eill against the North western railway taking of ? passenger No. 8 , vrhich runs east from Long Pine to Omaha in the afternoon and makes the return trip in' the late afternoon and evening , just ahead of the Black Hills passenger. The purpose or the corapr.ny vvn tc let it run to Norfolk , but no farther west. The railway com mission on application granted per mission to the railway company , bat without giving the nople west of Norfolk a chance to plead their case. A petition was circulated several days ago among the citizens of this place protesting against the new order and was sent to the railway commis sion. Similar action was -taken by other towns along the line. The passenger going v/3st can hard ly be dispensed with because it v/ould lead to a crowding of the Black Hills train , in the same manner as a few years ago , when standing room was hardly to be secured. * Ready for Conservation Congress. Lincoln , Feb. 22. The program for the 'Nebraska conservation congress will open Thursday with addresses by Prcfijssor Bessey of the University of Nebraska , president of the National Society for the Advancement of Sci ence , and Governor Aldrich. At that time committees will be appointed and arrangements made for the spe cial conferences. Nathan Fodrea Dead. Lincoln , Feb. 20. Nathan Fodrea , bookkeeper for the state treasurer's sffice for many years , died at his home. He had been ill for about a month. He was irrobably the oldest . employee in the state house and since 1867 has been a resident of this state. Sheriff's Sale. Kv virtue of an ora-r of sale issued by the clerk'nf the district court of Cherrv county , Ne braska. January 10,1911 , undera decree of uiort- gns.'H foreclosure wherein James N. Dimlop is plaintiff , and BUinc Anderson and Anna Ander son , I5enjanun Swoggard , first real name un known , is defendant. I \v 11 sell at the front door or the-court house in * suentine. Cherry county , N hraBkn. thar. tiring tjie jn ] ( \nK \ , wb rem Mi Inst tnrm nf piid i-niirt was helu on ihe IHh tiny of March. 1911 , at ! ) o'clock a m. to sans y judgment of $ l < 13i'00 and intereat ; per f nt fmm data of judgment. December 5. IDIO. and costs taxed at S32.25 and accruing puWic the highest bidder for csiaii the following described prope * ty tmvit : Thf sj sw a , s'SsiMf section 27 , Township 31. Kiiimt ; 2o % i I'llrrv t'ounty , Net- . Dated this Dili day of February , Ifiio. C. A. KOSSETER , 5 Sheriff. Walcott & Morrissey , Attjs. for Pltf , ' ) t . ' ' ' , ei Hard fra frm < Si Because fKe fine particles of ine tlhe Cleanser immediately loosens and hefii removes the hardest " burnt in " foodcrustsvhich soap-powders tt and scouring - bricks may only ttm wear off after long , hard scrubbing. m ai v vw - w vtv vt WV # V * * and Full Directions on cc in Izuge Sifter-can IQt "to Esci.A-ii I ' : rfiIB * - S L'arSA * Furniture and Paints and Oils Cattle Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , , etc. on Bros Lumber , Machinery , Hard ware , Harness , Saddles Wagons , Busies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. Wood Lake , = - Nebraska * . Lausen & Co. General Hardware , Wagons and i - , Machinery. . . . ! - A complete line of Harness and Saddles Household and Kitchen Furniture , Lumber and Fence Posts WOOD LAKE , NEBRASKA E. M. Faddis & Co Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded , rjon li-ft thigh Horses branded left shoulder or thifh . Some i Some branded branded i on rifdit thigh on left or hhoulder. shoulder ! or thkh P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some i left side. - . ---u.Si FM * 9 T on v Range on Gordop. Cre k north of Hime' n , . S. Eowley. Kennedy , - Same as cut on left tide and hip , and on eft shoulder of hor- ies. AlsofSESJ on eft ' aide lip. " V X on leTt 'ooie . . le brand id hnskiaafflgirip peg ( either side up ) on eft side or hip. p on left Jaw and lefc shoulder f howea. QJ QJQ on left hip of horses. XJ on left jaw of horses 4C. C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , 8D Horses and cattle same aa cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Bntte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection _ _ of rustlers of stock earing any ( if these brands. R. M. Ten-ill , Propr. Brownlee , JN Tattle bra nrtedaa in c.t on left side. Some branded Ii T Y on left hip. Range on North Loup river , two miles west of Brewnlee John Kills Plenty. Francis IVTis- on , Hosi-bud. D. nettle branded sin cut ; horses une or .MCP on ftthich. hance 'tweeii jprin-4 'k and Littla 'bite river. 'OWNSEND ASKS NEW TRIAL and Baron Files Motion Based on Famous Contract. Omaha. Feb. 22. Georse E. Towns- ad , found guilty of conspiracy to de- aud the government oitof many sres of Deuei county lands , filed a totioa for a new trial in the United tates district court , it is expected lat Judga Thomas C. r.iunger will ? ar the arguments in the case the rst of next wcelc. The Joseph Spicka contract , which as an important factor in influencing ie jury in tiie land fraud case , will irnish the chief material for argu ent of the motion. Townsend's attor- ? y will contend that the contract , hich was introduced In evidence , : d which wcs alleged to have shown j > nclusivcly that there was an agree- snt bPtwcsn Townsend and Spicka' rward the end of defrauding the gov-j Albert Whipple & Sons. Boaebud 8 , D. Cattle branded 808 on left side OHO ou rtehtaide Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A on left sbonlder and some branded with two bars .icrojw hind onnr- Iters. Some Texas cattle branded A O ou left side and some ; on left sida. Horses bronrte'd 808 on left hip. 8ome cattle branded A.W bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.Ieft side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding' Co. 3anlettBichards Pres Will G.Cornstock V P Chas C Jamison Sec&Traas ; ' Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the foUowlnjt brands : horses 1 same Bange betwee * Gordon on the FJS. &M.V..B.B.and ' i1"1 * on K & M. R.R. in Northwestern Nebr BARTI.KTT KfrrUUDS. Ellsworth. Nebr Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sa\\Ter has char e of these cattle. H rse.1 l > tf on leftshoul- dr. Somej left side. Horses ! ame left thigh. Itange on Snake river. Metzger Bros , luufe Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left4 side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand on eft.thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 win be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealing c 4Mp with almvf brand. J. A. "Yaryan. Pullman , Nebr "Cattle branded JY on right side ' Horses braqded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to tfce re covery of cattle strayed from my range. eminent , \vas i. c niaJe ttaui time of the conspiracy as charged in the indictment. The contract ber.n ; the date of Aug. 1 , 19G4 , whife the in dictment accused Townserid of having committed overt acts of constiiracv on or before June 27 , 190-1. The defensa will nrgue that the court erred in ad mitting this contract as evidence. Rehearing Asked for Hallam Case. Lincoln , Feb. 21. Attorney General Martin has filed a brief for a new hearing before the supreme court of the case of the village of Hallam against the Rock Island railroad. The court held that the village could not force the read to bufld a bridge over its tracks , although the state railway commission had ordered one put in. The attorney general says the decision ought to he modified because it denies the po-fc'er and authority of the rail. , way commissioners * *