, i TALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE , Publisher. VALENTINE. - - NEBRASKA RELATIONS BETWEEN THE . TION AND THE NAVY > , * STRAINED. EXTREMISTS MAKE DEMAND Sea Forces Call On New Republic fc Reinstatement of Capt. Cerejo , Or of the Deposed Heroes of the Recei Revolution. Lisbon. Relations between the go crnment and the navy have agai reached the demand by the navy fc ? the reinstatement and the appoin ment to the command of the battleshi r Almirante Reis , of Capt. Jose Cereji * one of the naval heroes of the revolt ; tion , who had been deposed by formt Premier Franco because of alleged dii loyalty. The minister of marine objects t x Capt. Cerejo holding this comman < as he believes such a concessio would place the government in th iands of extremists. The navy ha expressed a determination to remov the minister of marine , Amaro 1 Seevdo Gomez , by force , and the minis ter of the interior , Antonio Almeidi who is very popular , has exhauste every argument to induce the extren ists to exercise patience , pointing ou that such step would result inevitabl in civil war. The extremists , howevei stand firm. Jefo Azevedo , formerly minister o foreign affairs , and Contnho Chaga : also a former member of the monarcl 1st cabinet , have been expelled on th ground that their presence in Porti JTP ! would constitute a danger for th other Institutions. Six nuns driven out of Portugal b ; -the republican government which de throned King Manuel , have arrived ii New York en route to Baker City , Ore They are of the Irish dominican orde and had been invited to Oregon b ; the bishop of that diocese to aid thi Capuchin mission , and to found a con -vent. vent.Mother Mother Mary Catherine Roth , wh < was in charge of the party , told of th < auns' escape to England following th < edict which expelled them from Portu gal with but six hours' notice. LOSE LIVES IN BLAZE. Head of Family the Only One t < Escape. Sutton , W. Va Seven persons losi their lives in a fire which destroyed the home of J. D. Harding , of this city Only Mr. Harding escaped , the si3 remaining members of his family anc a little girl , who made her home witl the Hardings , perishing in the flames The fire was caused by a natural gas grate. When Mrs. Harding awoke the entire first floor was ablaze Awakening her husband he grabbed two of the childr.en , rushed for a stair way , but it collapsed. The two child ren were lost while the father was thrown to a point of safety , and made his escape. Mrs. Harding , seeing the stairway fall , jumped from the second story , receiving injuries from which she died later. Night Riders Break Jail. Jacksonville , Pla. According to ad- Tlces received seventeen night riders , three of whom were serving life sen tences for murder , escaped from the Uuval county jail at midnight. One returned and informed the jailer. An other was captured by a posse. The r steel ceiling of the jail was cut and f the men climbed down a blanket to the ground. To Combat the Plague. Naples , Italy. The Chinese govern ment has selected Prof. G. Galcotti , -director of the Pathological institute of the University of Naples , to combat the plague in Manchuria , He is the discoverer of an antiplague vaccina tion which is considered better than that now being used at Harbin. & jr % Anglo-Jap Pact Renounced. 'if" London. Japan has renounced the . Anglo-Japanese convention of 1906 > I * , regulating the commercial relations 'f&f between Canada and Japan. The con- f - vention will thus expire in July. ! y- > Part of Cargo Burned. . . Newport News , Va. The steamship i. & .Bloterdijk , of the Holland-American " - line , arrived here from Rotterdam with K the cargo in her forward hold on fire. ( ' - , Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City , la. Saturday's quota- [ L , tlons on the Sioux City live stock mar- F' . ' iet follow : Top beeves , ? 6.50. Top p. , iogs , $7.10. } V ' * - ' Plan Not Feasible. Berlin.Dirigible ballooning is not yet sufficiently advanced to justify an attempt to reach the north pole by this means. This is the conclusion reached by the Zeppelin expedition to Spitsbergen. Buford to Sail March 20. Seattle , Wash. The United States -army transport Buford , which will carry a cargo of provisions for the re- ilief of the famine victims in north China , will sail from Seattle March 10. SECRETARY KNOX PREDICTS S.-CANADA ALLIANCE FOR PEACE OR WAR. PRAISE FOR RECiPROClT Cabinet Officer and James J. Hi ! Arouse Enthusiasm at Chicag Banquet When They Espouse Caus of Trade Relations with Dominion ' Chicago. With the full authorit ; and knowledge of President Tafl Philander Chase Knox , secretary estate state , speaking for the president , le it he definitely and decisivel ; known that the idea of annexing Car ada to the United States was one o the things furtherest removed fror the mind of the nation's chief execu tive. Reciprocal trade relations with tb < northern neighbor of the Unltei States are desired and demanded b ; President Taft , said the secretary estate state in effect , / but annexation never President Taft made Secretar : Knox his mouthpiece in replying t < Champ Clark , Democratic leader o the house of representatives , for th < letter's "one land , one flag" speed of last Tuesday. Secretary Knox made the positio ! of the Taft administration perfectl : plain when he said with great em phasls and with a measuring of ever : word and every syllable : "In the higher atmosphere ant broader aspects of the situation , it i ! certain that if there should be an : great world movement involving this continent then Canada and the Unite < States would , as a matter of course act In the most perfect concert -in de fense of the common rights of a com mon blood and civilization. " Again he urged his hearers to re member "that the wisdom of , commer cial reciprocity ought not to be ob scured by the fear of relations toe cordial and conceivably dangerous tc the great Canadian loyalty to Eng land. " Secretary Knox and James J. Hil espoused the cause of reclproca trade relations with Canada before' great gathering of Chicago business men and business men from the mid die west at the Hotel La Sail Wednesday night. The occasion was the "Reciprc Banquet" of the Chicago Associsj of Commerce. " What had prii Intended to be a gathering of mense business.interests to urge upon congress the necessity of taking Im mediate action on the great question of the day , was in a manner turned into an occasion of rejoicing because of the action of the lower house of congress in passing the reciprocity measure. James J. Hill characterized the proposed reciprocity agreement with Canada as a example of constructive statesmanship ; Mr. Knox called it the natural evolution of a neighborly feeling between the two countries. The speeches of both the secretary of state and the railroad magnate from the northwest were attentively listened to. The banquet -was held in the great banqueting room on the nineteenth floor of the Hotel La Salle. Invitations had been extended to commercial organizations through out the middle west. HONDURAS SECURES HER LOAN Dr. Luis Laze , Minister to U. S. , Con tracts With New York Bank ers for $10,000,000. "Washington. Carrying out the program for the financial rehabili tation of Honduras , in which the American government 13 intensely in terested , Dr. Luis Laze , the Honduran minister to the United States , signed contracts w th several New York bank ers for a loan , the total amount of which ultimately may reach $10,000- 000. 000.The The loan will be made by J. P. Mor gan & Co. , Kuhn , Loeb & Co. , the Na tional City bank and the First Nation al bank , all of New York , while Guar anty Trust company , also of New York , will act as the fiscal agent of the Honduran government and the foreign holders of bonds of that coun try. ASK EXTRA TARIFF SESSION Representative Harrison of New York Introduces Appeal to Taft in National House. Washington. Sentiment for an sxtra session of congress , declared ; o proceed from state legislatures , city jounclls and chambers of commerce in rarious parts of the country , resulted n the introduction in the house by Representative Francis Burton Har- ison , New York Democratic member if the new ways and means commit- ee , of a resolution requesting Presi- lent Taft to reconvene congress im- nediately after March 4 , for the pur- lose of revising downward the sched- iles of the Payne-Aldrich tariff act ' California Court Demands Probe. Sacramento , Cal. The state su- ireme court Wednesday demanded in investigation by the legislature nto charges which have been clrcu- ated in connection with its decision o. the case of Abraham Ruef , In trhich a rehearing was granted. Locke Made New Choctaw Chief. Washington. President Taft Vedneaday appointed Victor M. .ocke of Antlers , Okla. , to be prin- Ipal chlejf of the Choctaw nation In lace of the late Green McCurtain. THE AEROPLANE PATROL Along the- Rio Grande When Uncle Sam's Military Aviators Begin Open ations. RUSSIA TELLS POWERS IT WILl MAKE MILITARY DEMONSTRA TION AGAINST CHINA. TREATY VIOLATION s Troops Rushed to Hi DIs cross Border to Enforce rade Demand Washington ; k for Peace. fetersburg. Because of China's ig violation of the St. Peters tade treaty of 1881 , Russia Suriday notified the governments ol Germany , France and Great Britain that she intended to make a military demonstration , on the Russo-Chinesc frontier. War seems certain between the two powers unless China backs dow-n from her present attitude. Russian' troops will be sent forth with to the district of 111. The ex tent of the demonstration , it Is added in the diplomatic note , will depend entirely upon the attitude assumed by China. "Vital questions involved are free trade in Mongolia , the extraterritorial rights of Russia In China and the es tablishment of a Russian consulate at Keobdo , Mongolia. There have been rumors recently of an intention of Russia to bring pres sure to bear upon China because of al leged violations of the Russo-Chinese treaty. That the situation was acute , however , has been denied , both by the Chinese foreign board and the Russian legation at Peking. It has been admit ted that there were differences In the Interpretations of the international agreement as made at St. Petersburg and at Peking. The treaty adopted in 1881 expires this month and it has been reported that China was not will ing to renew it at least not until cer tain modifications had been made. The treaty of 1881 provided for the re-establishment of the Chinese gov ernment In the province of III , which had been occupied by the Russian arm ies since 1871. Interest In the Russo- Chinese situation will have to do chiefly with the attitude of the other powers , though Russia's understand ing with Japan and the other powers would appear to have paved the way for any coercive measures contem plated against China. Washington. The Russian govern ment has ordered several regiments the Russo-Chinese frontier of troops to - tier , according to intelligence sent to the state department here by the Rus sian government. * The United States state department will Immediately ask both countries to submit their grievances to The Hague tribunal and hold in abeyance any hostile demonstrations until that body can act This step will be taken with a knowledge that Czar Nicholas has always been a stanch supporter of The Hague court. Dorothy Arnold Not Found. New York. Miss Dorothy Arnold has not been found , and h'er friends have no more definite informa tion today than they had 66 days ago is to what has become of her. Inquiry lemonstrated that a story to the effect that she had been found in Flower lospital was untrue. Kansas Farmers Oppose Reciprocity. Salina , Kan. Four hundred farm ers , delegates to the annual conven- iqn of the Kansas organizations of he Farmers' Educational and Co-oper- itlve Union of America , here Thurs- tay unanimously condemned the Can- idian reciprocity agreement as detrl- aental to the farmers' interests. Favor Votes for Women. Des Molnes , la , The house commlt- eo on elections Thursday recommend- d for passage the Joint resolution fa- orinj : vcinan suffrage. UNDER MARTIAL LAV GEN. NAVARRO CLAMPS LID Of JUAREZ COMPLETELY. Federal Troops Take Charge of Bor der City New Battle Is Fought Near Mexicali. El Paso , Tex. Juarez is under mar Ual law. General Navarro has taker possession of the Mexico-Northwest ern railway , closed every business house , saloon and gambling places and is In full control of the city. Pour express wagons , loaded witl arms and ammunitions , were capturec by United States troops while thej were attempting to cross the rivei near Falsens , east of this city. Eight Mexicans and two Americans accom panying the wagons were arrested. A battle between Mexican troops and the insurgents took place when about thirty Mexican soldiers ad- vajiced from the desert and took up a r position immediately opposite Mexi cali. The soldiers fired 80 shots be fore the Insurgents replied. The in surgents were scattered along the river bank on the Mexicali side , using the ravines for breastworks. The United States troops are massed at the boundary line , while artillery men are thrown along the line In front of the custom house. Hundreds watched the battle from house tops. It is learned positively that Francis co I. Madero , Insurrecto provisional president of Mexico , is at Guadalupe with Abram Gonzales and members of the Insurrecto board of strategy. This Is admitted by members of the Mexi can insurrecto junta in El Paso. GRAFT COLD STORAGE SKIN Success of Plan Tried In Philadelphia Means Great Aid for Science In Future. Philadelphia Through the success of an operation performed upon Miss Annie Windt , the physicians at the Samaritan hospital have made a dis covery which may be of great benefit to the science of grafting skin. The discovery is that skin taken from the human body may be kept In a healthy condition for a long period without suffering harm and that it may be used to replace skin that has been burned or otherwise destroyed. On January 2 32 square inches of skin were removed from an injured man. Five days later the skin was taken out of cold storage and placed upon Miss Windt's arm. VOTE MILLIONS FOR FORESTS Senate Passes Measure to Buy Land on the White and Appalachian Mountains. Washington. After many years of delay the bill looking to the creation of national forest reserves In the White mountains and the southern Appalachians passed the senate , the vote standing 57 to 9. The bill appropriates $2,000,000 a Fear until 1915 for the purchase of land for forest reserves In eastern states , and especially In the White mountains and southern Appalachians. The bill passed the house of repre sentatives last session and it lacks > nly the signature of the president : o become a law. Saved by Misplaced Heart. Kansas City , Mo. To the fact that , ils heart Is on the right side , Edward 3ale , who was shot by Mrs. Meda [ Jfford , probably owes his life. The ihot entered Dale's chest at the mtural location of the heart on the eft side and pierced the left lung. Strikes Match on Powder Keg. Morris , Okla , As a result of striking L match on a powder keg In a shack n which four men were sitting here , [ "hursday , Fritz Roll was killed and hree other men seriously Injured. OATS 25S Bu. Per Acre. That is the sworn to yield of Theodore Harmes , Lewis Co. , Wash. , had from Baker's Rejuvenated White Bonanza oats and won a handsome 80 acre farm. Other big yields are 141 bus. , 119 bus. , 103 bus. , etc. , had by farmers scattered throughout the U. S. Salzer's Pedigree Barley , Flax , Corn , Oats , Wheat , Potatoes , Grasses and Clov ers are famous the world over for their purity and tremendous yielding qualities , we are easily the largest growers of farm /eeds in the world. Our catalog bristling with seed truths Jree for the asking , or send lOc in stamps nd receive 10 packages of farm seed nor- jties and rarities , including above mar- tlous oats , together with big catalog. hn A. Salzer Seed Co. , 182 South 8th St. , > Crowe , Wis. QUITE SO Philip These mtorists seem to think the ordinary pedestrians are be neath them. Harry Well , they often are. SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS A speedy and economical treatment for disfiguring pimples is the follow ing : Gently smear the face with Cuti- cura Ointment , but do not rub. Wash off the ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water and bathe freely for some minutes. Re peat morning and evening. At other times use hot water and Cuticura Soap for bathing the face as often as agreeable. Cuticura soap and oint ment are equally successful for ItchIng - Ing , burning , scaly and crusted hu mors of the skin and scalp , with loss , of hair , from Infancy to age , usually affording instant relief , when all else fails. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. , Boston , Mass. , for the latest Cuticura book on the care and treat ment of the skin and scalp. Crutches or Biers. Richard Croker , at a dinner at New York , expressed a distrust for aero planes. "There's nothing underneath them , " ha said. "If the least thing goes wrong , down they drop. "I said to a Londoner the other day : " 'How is your son getting on since he bought a flying machine ? ' " 'On crutches , like the rest of them , ' the Londoner replied. " LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES one size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Ease , the antiseptic powder to b shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Kg/use tvbstitutes. For Free trial package , ad dress Allen 8. Olmsted , Le Roy , N. Y. There's Many a Slip. "What is the name of the song the lady is singing ? " " 'Meet Me in Heaven. ' " "Don't you think she's taking a great deal for granted ? " Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated , easy to take as candy , regulate and invig orate stomach , liver and bowels and cure constipation. True pleasure consists In clear thoughts , sedate affections , sweet re flections ; a mind even and stayed , and true to itself. Hopkins. We know nothing better for Piles than Trask's Ointment. It almost invariably gives quick relief and often effects cures in obstinate cases. Ask your druggist. v When you find excess of speech look for shortage on sight. OTTUMWA WOMAN CURED By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ottumwa , Iowa. 'Tor rears almost a constant sufferer from f emate trouble in all it * dreadful formsr shooting pains all. over my body , sick. headache , spinal : ! : > : weakness , dizziness . & depression , anal everything that was m horrid. Itriedmanf- doctors in different arts of the United tates , but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has done more for me than all the doctor ? . I feel it my duty to tell you thesd facts. My heart is full ofgratitude to you for my cure. " Mrs. HARRIET B. WAMFLEB , 524 B. Hansom Street Ottumwa , Iowa. Consider This Advice. No woman should submit to a surgi cal operation , which may mean death. , until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham' * Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famous medicine , made only from roots and herbs , bas for thirty * years proved to be tbe most valuable tonic and Invigorator of the female organism. "Women residing in almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testimony to the * wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pint- ham's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Pinkham , at Lynn , Mass. , invites all sick women to writ > her for advice. Her advice is f ree , confidential , and always helpful * Why tRent a Farm and be compelled to pay to your landlord most | of your hard-earned profits ? Own your own farm. Secure a Free Homestead in Manitoba , Saskatchewan or Alberta , or purchase 'land in one of these districts and bnnk a profit of S10.0O or $12.00 an acre every year. Land purchased 3 : years ago at 810.00 an acre has recently changed hands at I $25X0 an acre. The I crops ercwn on these lands warrant the advance. You can Become Rich bycattleraisincdairyinmixed farming and grain growing in the provinces of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. Free homestead and pre emption areas , as well as land held by railway and land com panies , will provide homes for millions. Adaptable soli , healthful climate , splendid schools and churches.food railways. For settlers' rates , descrlptiro literature "Last Beat West/'bow to reach the country and other par- tlcnlars , write to Snp't of Immi gration , Ottawa , Canada , or to the Canadian Govsrnment .Agent. BttittJ. 315 Jackson SI , St. P f. Iton. J. UMadidlM , Drmr ISI.tfjtetowa. S. D. ( Use address nearest 700. ) Istabllstied 30 Years FLORISTS rioral emblems and cut flowers for all- Missions. SIOUX CITY , IOWA RUPTURE CURED in a few day * without pain or a sur- tfcal operation. No pay until cured. Send for Iterature. DES. WHAT & MATHEITEY , 60 * 'armeis Loan * Trust Bids. , Sioux City , Iowa. 3OME TO EAGI/E POINT IJ ? TKE ROGUE ? ilVEB VAL-I EY Southern Oregon , climate par- disc , -wonderful fruit country. Heyeral exceptional nslness openings. 1100 acres choice fro It and trrck ind adjoining town for sale In small tracts , ore asy terms. 0. Vf LAKE , Eagle Point , Oregon. tokara Diamonds Icms. Write for sample offer and catalog , f reo , to * orthwestcra Jewelry Co. , 401 SorUtweitem BIdg. , Chlo-jo , Ul > - BLTOKPQR HENWOMEff AND CHttDREN THAN CASTOR Olf SALTSOR PlLLSjAS IT SWEETENS AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENTLY AND IS FAR UORE PLEASANT TO TAKE. IS THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE , AS IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL , IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN TTS EFFECTS iAND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. NOTF THt" NA'MF CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP co. in tfie Circle , on evera Package of the Genuine. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS SELL THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WHEN CALLED FOR. ALTHOUGH THEY COULD 'MAKE A LARGER PROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR PREPARA. TIONS , YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE. BECAUSE W IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE GOOD OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINES. SUCH DRUGGISTS ARE'THE ONES TO DEAL WITH , AS YOUR 'LIFE OR HEALTH MAY AT SOME TIME DEPEND UPON .THEIR SKILL AND RELIABILITY WHEN BUYING KofetfeMName of the Company j&zjjij CAIIFQRNIA FIG SYRUP CO RUNTED STRAIGHT ACROSS , NEAR THE BOTTOM. AKD IN THE ORCLENEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PrACKACE.OFTHE GENUINE. ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADWG MINIATURE PICTURE DRUGGISTS. REGULAR PRKZ Me PER BOTTLE , OF PACKAGE SYRUP OP FIGS AND ELIXIR OP SENNA IS THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY LAXATW& ' ECAUSE rr is THE ONE REMEDY WHICH ACTS ot A NATURAL , STRENGTHENING WAY AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM. WITHOUT UNPLEASANT AFTEREFFECTS AND WITHOUT IRRITATING , DEBILITATING OR GRIPING. AND THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE M ANY WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY MOLIONS OF WELL * ' INFORMED FAMILIES , WHO KNOW OP ITS VALUE FROM PERSONAL USE. TO GET IT3 : BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE GENUME ; MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG. SYRUP CO.