Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 16, 1911, Image 8

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General Merchandise , Hats , Caps , Boots
and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing
Goods. Flour and Feed. : = : : = : : = :
I ! j Wood Lake , Nebraska \
Livery , Feed and
-Sales Stable. . , t
Wood Lake , Nebraska g
* *
Special Attention -Hunting and Fishing Parties.
( Successor to "Welker & Lyons )
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Am still doing driving and "freighting. Special attention to hunting
and fiching parties.
( Successor to Ed Young. )
Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods ,
Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish
ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery.
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Wood Lake Nebraska.
F. Lo r Y
. \f . . . . S and LIVE STOCK
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex
perience in the Eastern states. Will go to any part of the State.
Write me , or dates can be made at this office.
F. J. WILSEY , Auctioneer
Box S26 Rosebud , South Dakota
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Valentine. Nebraska ,
February 4. isill.
To Mary K. Cla-k of Hornick , Iowa , conte tee :
-You are hereby mtifieil that.Fo eph N 'lief t-e ,
who jiives Nenzel , Nebraska , as Ins post olive
address , did on Novenil-er 2 < j. 1010 , file in tl-i-
office his duly corroborated apulliratio i to con.
test an < l secure the' cMiceliati'in of y ur honi-
stead , entry No. 1S93I. Serial No. ( M02S ) , n-ade
August 5. 1007. for \\y ol i-eeti n 5
t5 seH. swj seJi of StWii u 6 ; in&nel * , y
of section 7 , aud ewMnw f < if sect-oil 8 town
ship 34. range 32. wet Mxth 1'rim-ipnl Mcrd-
ian. aud u * uroumN for his contest he
that said Mary K. flaik has wholly abandoned
said land ; that she has change her esi U-nce
therelrMii for more time six months last past :
that f-aid laiiil is nor --el I led upon MIH ! cii tivated
bysnid said partv as oy law required , and she
has failed * o cure her laches to i his date ; that
.said abandonment occurred more ihan sj >
months prior to the expiivtiion of live jears
from the date of entry.
You are , therefore , further notified that the
said allegations will be taken iiy rim oflico si ,
having been conf s ed by > ou , ami your sail
entry wl-1 e canceled therennde.p without your
further riHhtto be heir d therein , either before
ibis offlc or on appeal , if tou fail to file in thi. >
offlcfl within twenty nays after ilir fourth pub
lication of this notice , asshown below , your
answer , under oath , spqcifjciallv inccMng ana
responding to tbes allegations of contest. 01 if
you fail within that tmin to file in thisofllce due
proof that > ou have served a c py ol your ans
wer on the'said contesiant. Kither in person or
by registered mail. If this set vice is made by
the delivery of a copy nt'yonrai > M\er to the
contestant in person , pr of of such service must
he either the eaiu .onletants written ackiuiw-
ledgement of his jeceipt of the copy , shuwing
thedate of its receijit. or the atUdavit of the
person by whom the delivery was madestaiiig
when and where the copy was < iehered : u
made by registered mail , nrnnf ot sufh r ervice
must consist of the affidavit of the person by j
whom the copy was mailed stating nhea and '
and the post office to which it , was niMiled. and I '
this affidavit must be a'-compamcd by the post-
inaft r'e receipt tor the 'etter.
You sh"U d htate in your aiiawer the name of
the post olhce to \ \ hich y u desire future noti
ces to ue sent to yon.
I.UKK M. 15ATFS. Keuister.
Jate of first publication February 9 1911
Date of .second publication February 10. 1911.
Date of third publication February 23. 1911.
Due of fourth publication March 2,1911. M
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtuu of nn execution issued by the
clerk of the district court of Cherry county ,
Nebraska.Ttily IS , I'.UO , under n decree of
inortgnge foreclosure. \ \ heroin H. O. Jeili-
neck is plaintiff niul John Clark , Lena
Clark and Kdwnrd Chirk. The N. Z. Cattle
Company , Incorporated , and the Pucker's
National Bunk of South Omalm.Nebraska ,
incorporated , are deleiulunts : '
) will MJil tlie f-oi.t ior in iherort."no se in
Valentine. Oherry county. Neb ask.n. I'MI i > r\i\ \
the building \\herein the labt tenn o > said point
ww held , on til'llth day of March. 1911. a
10 o'clock a. in . lo satisfy judt'inent of sSTS.CO
nd"iHt-i-e"t at 7 percent troni date of jurts-'inent
May 10. 1910 , and co-ts > axe < i at 33.U > t H ri
accrujng-C'.sts at pu lie auction , to th - hurt e-1
hidrt r. for'ca.h , tlie fol'1 ' w ng eM-rn ed t-r i-
ertyto-wit :
WVJswH. se swJi o' .section 27. niul ii ' ' ir.\ '
of See. 34 , Tp.7 , KJ(3. ( . in i heroU''j
Nebraska :
Dated this 9th day of I-Vbninrv lull.
55 * ' Slienlf or Cheiry r < > in ty
% Valcott'"Morrisse3 % attornejs t r pbtintilC
The quicker a cola is gotten rid of i"
less the danger from pneumonia . '
other sorious. diseases. Jlr. B. "W.
, HaJl , of "Waverly , Va. , says : I f "
l > elieve Chamberlain's Cough Ber-eu
'to bb absolutely the besfe preparation .
the market for colds. I have recc.
' ' mended it to my fncnds and tboy
'Jfc agree with me. For sale by
fcl' draggistV
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land oihce. Broken Bow. Nebraska ,
January 14 , 1911.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this office bharles w. Blake , contestant ,
againsr homestead entry , serial No 03539.
inane .July 5. 1907 for e nejA. section 14.
-eotion 13. Township 25 , Range 34 ,
s.xih Principal Meridian , by Denis P. Sulli-
va" , contest , ' e. in which ii is alleged that Denis
P. hullivan ha- never made au actual and bona
fifie resiiMice tipoii said tract , and has never
improved or cultivated the stme as the law re
quires and Ins abandoned tlie same aid livid
fis.ewhe e for more th n s x mon hs ia-t past ,
and all of said defects exist at the present time
.Niid parties are hereby notified to appear
respond and offer evidence touehii'C said allega-
Mon at 10 o'clock a.m on February 27. 1911. be
fore the register anil receiver at the United
States Land O nee in Broken Bjw. Nebraska.
The saia eonte taut having , m a proper affi
davit filed .Inn 14. I9U. set foith tacts which
how that after due diligence personal service
of this notice can is hereby order
'd nd directed tlmt s-ich notice b given by-due
and proper publication.
3-4 K Dar.u < M. Ams erry , R-ceiver.
Record address of eiitrymau Mullen. Neb.
Notice to Creditors.
CiiKituCOU > TI' . i'8 ! > Court.
In the matter of thei-stale of George W.
Monr.ier. deceased :
To the ( 'ieditors of said Estate :
You are heiei-v notified. That 1 will sit at the
Coi lily Coui t Kiioin in v alc.ntine in said coun'y
on ihe 18th day ot Fwhruary , 1911 ,
to receive an.i examine all claims against ,
said estate with a view to their aojiisiinntaiid i
allowantv. The time limited for the presentat
tion of claims against said estate is six inoi fis
from ihe loth n ; y of August A.I ) . 1910 , aud.ine.
tinie limited for payment of < trbt s is one year
fnun said IGlh day ol August. 1911 ,
Witness my hand and stal of said county court
tins 2Glh dav nt Jaiiti-iry. A. . i > . 1911.
v 3 4 County Judge.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the county court of Cherry county , Ne
State of Nebraska , ( , .
County of Cherry , i
To all persons interested in the estate of
Paul H. Danofskv. deceased.
On reading the petition of J. A. "W. Johnson
praying that the instrument filed in this
court on the 2lth day of January , 1911 , and
purporting to be the last will and testament
of the said deceased , "mav be proved and al
lowed , and recorded as" the last will and
testament of said deceased : that said instru
ment be admitted to probate , and the ad
ministration of said estate be granted to El
len G. Danofsky as executrix.
It is herebj'-ordered that all persons inter
ested , in said matter , mav and do. appear at
the county court to be held in and for said
county , on the llth day of February , A. D. .
1911 , at 10 o'clock a. in. . . to show cause , if any
rherebe , why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted , and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons interested
in said matter by publishing a copyof this
order in the Valentine Democrat , a weekly
newspaper printed in said county , for three
successive weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand , and seal of said court ,
[ SEAL ] this 26th day of January , A. D. . 1911.
3-3 JAMES C. QDIGL.EY , County Judge.
When you have a cold get a bottle c.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It wi *
soon fix you up all right and will ware
off any tendency toward pneumonia
This remedy contains no opium or othe.
narcotic and may be given as confidently
to a baby as to an adult. Sold by Chapman
mantli0 druggist *
Wood Lake Department <
Locals or rending notices 5 cents per line each insertion. Display advertising
50 cents per inch per month each issue ; $1.00 per inch per mouth double column. <
The dance Saturday night was
well attended.
Sheriff Rosseter was down from
Valentine last week.
James Day and Mr. Lake are
busy breaking horses.
E. W. Carson shipped a nice
lot of cattle recently.
Pat Dew has gone to Gordon to
make his future home.
-'Mary McDill is not feeling so
well the past few days.
Mrs. S. Shaul has been on the
sick list the past few days.
Mrs. Mildred Randall has been
on the sick list but is better.
Lloyd Klinjramin has been on
the sick list the pa&t lew uaj s.
Any one wanting a rag carpet
made call on Mrs. Cyrus Hagen.
Miss Chloe Waggoner visited
her parents Saturday and Sunday.
The school will give a Wash
ington's birthday program Feb.22.
Earl Hanna has returned from
a visit to his parents in Minnesota.
Mr. Lake still hangs on to his
cough with a very inconvenient
Frank Lee of Brownlee made a
business trip to Valentine Wed
Sadie and Rosa Davis , from
over on Iheftiobrara , began school
last week.
Miss Hunt of Cody and Max
Guhck were married last week. A
reception was tendered them at
the Hull home.
The members of the W. O. W.
have chosen sides for. a contest in
getting new members , the- losers
to treat to a supper the tirst raeet- in March.
II. K. Junod has sold his place
west of town to become a neigh
bor to the McNamees in Missouri.
Mrs. Junod left last Thursday and
Mr. Junod will follow soon with
his emigrant car.
Pearl Tetherow and A. W.
Graham passed through Wood
Lake Tuesday on their way to
Johnstown. They are practicing
in the school in memory of Wash
ington's birthday.
Dave Hanna and wife and Wm.
JtJallard left Tuesday for the sunny
south. They expect to spend a
few weeks at St. Petersburg , Fla.
Messrs. Uck and Honey will have
the pleasure of initiating them in
an alligator hunt.
J. Caller and George Davis
were in Norden recently and raised
nearly a hundred dollars to im
prove a road between here and
Norden. The next day they came
down here and raised another
hundred dollars. Cabler is a man
that never fails. The road is sure
to go.
Judge Morris of Johnstown de
livered a very scholarly and in
spiring lecture to the people of
Wood Lake last Sunday evening
week. His subject was Martin
Luther. The audience was highly
elated with his vivid word pictures
of Luther and his time. We shall
be glad to hear him again.
Hon. James Morris , who is in
his Slst year , came up from Johns
town Monday and entertained the
school children with a very in-
pressing talk on "Then and Now. "
As the subject indicates , the ad
dress was a comparison , or we
might say , a contrast between the
times and customs of his boyhood
and the present. The children
enjoyed his talk. They are now
looking for some old soldier who
will come and give as a talk on
some of his experiences in the
civil war.
Purpose of Robbery Was to Secure
Costly Medals From Caskets.
Erie , Pa. , Feb. 11. It was discov
ered that the body of Mrs. Anna M.
McCollum had not been removed from
the Scott mausoleum in the Erie cem-
ntery. The vault contains twentj-
four compartments and the body was i
found in one of these unmolested. It
is now believed the robbery of the
mausoleum was perpetrated for the
role purpose of securing the costly
metals on some of the caskets.
Morgan Buys Council Bluffs Plant.
. Council Bluffs , la. , Feb. 11. A1--
though strenuously discredited but not
denied , the fact was established that
the Council Bluffs Independent Tele
phone company has become a part of
the large project that is being engi
neered by J. PierpontMorgan. The
holders get par for there stock. -
Dr. F. M. , of Val
entine , will be at Wood Lake first
Monday and Tuesday of every
month. Office at Wood Lake
hotel. 3
Former Legislator Pours Oil en Him
self and Applies Match.
Hastings , Neb. , Feb. 14. Ex-State
Senator David Hart of Adams county
saturated his clothes v/ith kerosene
and set fire to himsell at his home
here. Blazing from head to foot , he
ran from his house and a
short distance away. Peoole rushed
to his assistance and extinguished the
flames , but he was bacl'y b-ircea about
the chest and Eaard , hair and
eyebrows were burned away. His con
dition is grave , but the attending
physicir.n believes he will recover , un
less complications result from ; nhala
tion of flames- .
Mr , Hart was electe'.i to the state
senate as a Republican in 3904 , but
was prevented from taking his seat by
mental trouble , which ssized him a
week after election. Lately the Tlness
of his daughter , Miss Evn HSrf. caused
him to grow more despondent , and it
is supposed the worry over her condi
tion prompted him to attempt suicide
Coroner's Jury Net Decided.
Lincoln , Feb. 34. The coroner's
jury , probing the death of Philip W.
TJusby , night watchman at the state
house , whb was found dead at the foot
of ( . : . stanrway Saturday night , has
breii unable to conclude whether the
death- was accidental or due to a mur
derous assault. Busby is said to have-
had some money with him , and the
absence of that is yet to be explained.
No clues or indications of the causs
of his fall have been found.
Captain Brewster Resigns.
Lincoln , Feb. 34. Captain Charles
Brewster , company C , First regiment ,
Nebraska national guard , has resign-sd.
He says that state and federal appro-
priatioiis are so inadequate that an of
ficer has to give most of his time to
the guard gratuitously.
Sheriff's Sale.
Rv virtue of : MI onir-r of < = a'e. ' 'issued by the
clerk of the listnet' cnnrt of Cheny county. Ne
braska. July 18th , 1010 , under a decree of mort-
gnire foreclosure wherein James X. Dnnlop is
olalnfjff and BUiue Anderson and -\i na Ander
son. IJenjamm Swoguard , first real name un
known , is defendant. I w 11 sell at tlie front
door of th court house in va' ' ntine. Oherry
c-unty , N braska. rhar nnii ! tlie bn Iduig
whr-rem MIH last tfrni of paid court , was held ,
on ihe llth day of March. 1911. at ! ) o'clock a m
to satisfy judgment of 5143 00 and inrere < at
B per nt from fiati of judgment. December
a. 1910. and costs taxed at S32 25 and accruing public auction to the highest bidder lor
cash the following described property towit :
The sJ4swy , s5 se4 if section 27 , Township
31. Uant'e 20 , i Ch-rrv''ounty , N > i .
Dated this th day of February. l ! > m.
0. A. KOSSE'lER ,
r 5 Sheriff.
Walcott & Morrissey , Attis. for PUf.
Clean Your Cream
Separator with
Not only the quickest -and '
easier cleanser you can use , but
also the safest- because it con
tains no caustic or alkali no
danger of tainting the milk.
Old Dutch Cleanser
Is hygienic and Ster
ilizes as well as cleans.
Old Dutch Cleanser is an
all-'round cleanser. It
Cleans ,
and is the best cleanser to use
in the kitchen and through
out the house * Avoid de
structive caustic and acid clean
ers , and do 3 SI
your cleaning with
this one handy , me
chanical Cleanser.
> < ' ( Nt a waging
Powder. )
Sifter Csn
Furniture and Palnls and Oils , Cattle
Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc.
Johnson Bros. ,
Lumber , Machinery , Hard
ware , Harness , Saddles
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Toofs , Windmills ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake , - - Nebraska
Lausen & Co. , f " -3.
General Hardware ,
Wagons and
Machinery. . . . ,
A complete line of
Harness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture
Lumber and .Fence Posts .
E. M. Faddis & Co
tt address- Valentine or Kenned i
Some branded
on left
Horses branded
. .
or thhrh
Some Some branded
branded on ri ht thigh
"n It-ft or
01 tlii.h
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on lef c side
Some Q.Y ° n left
on left Jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordon Greece north of Simeon ,
ISF. S. Eowley.
Kennedy , - .Neuraska.
Same as cut on lelt
ide and hip , and 01.
left shoulder of her
left uide
F X on leit
Some faft-
tle brand
ed _ peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left jaw ana left shoulder
of horses. m
mQ on left hip of horses.
fvj on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
.for information
I leading to detection
-3- . - . J of rustlers of stock
earing any of these brands.
K. M. Terrill , Propr.
Brownlee , Xeo.
Cattle branded as
in c-.t on left
side. Some
branded li. T Y
on left hip. Range
on North Loan
river , two mil s
west of Brewnlee
John Kills Plenty.
* t Francis Mis
sion. ICosebud.
S. D.
Cattle branded
as In cut ; horses
or . KP on
Ipftthigh. Kance
'M-twteii Spring
f'k and Little
White river.
Man Accused of Murdering Stepson
Given Hearing at Madison.
Madison , Neb. , Feb. 11. The prelim
inary hearing cf Henry Stehr , charged
with the murder of Tiis four-year-old
stepson , Kurt Stehrvas hed before
Judge Bates. He was bound ever to
the district court , bail bsing denied.
Stehr is the stepfather of Kurt Stehr ,
whose feet were so badly frozen dur
ing the blizzard about Christmas time
that amputation was necessary.
Parole Power Questioned.
Lincoln , Feb. 13. A suit has been
filed in the Lancaster district court
by John C. Owen to secure his release
from the penitentiary. He was once
reiaese on parole from Governor Shal-
lenberger and in his suit claims the
right to his freedom , although he was
taken bact fortan ajleged violation of
Albert Whipple & Sons. \
Uosebud 8 , D. ' '
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OHO on rtehtslda
Some cattlfe also
have a - 4on neclc
with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bara
' across hind nuar-
I 'ters Some Texas
cattle branded O 011 left side and some ;
on left sidfl.
Horses brJnded 80S on left hip. Some cattle
branded A.W nar connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on loft hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Blcbards Pres Will GComstock , V. p.
Chas 0 Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
lorsea branded the ,
.Bange betweea
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Saivyer has
charge of these
cattle. H rsea
der. Some
leftside ,
same left thigh/
Kauge on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Wolfe Nebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
eft thigh.
on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A.Reward of $250 will be } * id lo any person for
information leading to the arrest aud final
J. A. "Yaryan.
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on rightside
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Beasonable reward
for anv information
leading to the r--
covery of cattle
strayed from my
range. t
the r.aio.e a _ > "cLav.iu. iiicr v iu v. . > . .J
revolted , accordiug to tne p'nsonerd
petition , without a hearing and his at
torneys assert that the parole is a
conditional pasdon and cannot be re
voked witliout a hearing in open court.
Crazed Man Kills Sister-in-Uaw and
Then Ends His Own.Lsfe/ " * * " "
Omaha , Feb. 14. Firing three shots
into the breast of his sister-in law ,
Mrs. Vincent Krepic , 2518 Seventh
street , which caused her almost in
stant death , ! Mjchael Woltman , aged
seventv-three years , insane and living
next door , turned the weapon upon
himself and sent a bullet into his head
and died shortly afterward.
Mr. "Woltman has never been consid
ered dangerous. It is believed that
he fancied he had a grievance when
he went to the Chouse. So far as can
be learaeS he spoke no word as he en
tered the basement of the Krepic
home , where Mrs. Krepic was washing ;
r. *