'taking liquid physic or big or little
I pills , that which makes you worse
instead of curing. Cathartics don't
cure they irritate and weaken the
bowels. CASCARBTS make the
bowels strong , tone the muscles so
they crawl and work when they
do this they are healthy , producing
tight results. 007
CASCARETS IDC a box for a weet'a
treatment. All druggists. Biggest seller
in the world. Million boxes a month.
Sioux City Directory
Cut Flowers
For All Occasions
Wholesale and Retail
J. R. Elder , Sioux City , Iowa
Established 30 Years
Tloral emblems and cut flowers for all
Every hear of a pearl being found In
church fair oyster ?
Garfield Jea purifies the blood and eradi
cates rheumatism. It is made of Herbs.
Duty makes us do things well , but
lov makes us do them beautifully.
Phillips Brooks.
Don't "worry about your complexion
take Garfield Tea , the blood purifier.
The man In the church with the
roving eyes looking over the bulbous
nose is pretty sure to be strong on (
the doctrines.
'Ask your druggist for "Ransom's Fam
ily Receipt Book 1911 , " free. It contains
60 fine cooking receipts. If not obtainable ,
D. Ransom , Son & Co. , BuffaloN.Y.
His Labor-Saving Device.
"I bave discovered a great laborsaving -
saving device. "
"I always said you were a genius.
TVhat is it ? "
"I'm going to marry Miss Bullion ,
the heiress. "
As a Reminder.
His "Wife John , do you remember
took place just three years ago
today ?
Her Husband What ! Is this our
wedding anniversary ?
His Wife N-no. Three years ago
today you bought me a new hat.
Harper's Bazar.
His Wish Gratified.
M. Jean Robie , the celebrated Bel
gian artist , died at Brussels the other
week aged 89. He was the son of a
Wacksmith who worked at his father's
forge early in life ? and afterwards de
veloped a taste for painting. M. Robie
was also famous as a horticulturist ,
and was an authority on roses. He
used to say : "I want to die among my
roses , " and his wish was fulfilled.
No Need to Be Good. '
A little Shaker Heights girl sur
prised her parents last week by refus
ing to be scared into being good. "It's
no use telling me Santa Glaus won't
come , or that the angels will write it
down in their book if I'm naughty ,
mamma , " she said. "I might as well
tell you that they think up in heaven
that I'm dead. "
"But why stfould they think that ,
dear ? "
"Because I haven't said my prayers
for two weeks. " Cleveland Plain
Can Be Overcome in Cases.
The influence of heredity cannot , ot
course , be successfully disputed , but
It can be minimized or entirely over
come in some cases by correct food
and drink. A Conn , lady says :
"For years while I was a coffee
drinker I suffered from bilious at
tacks of great severity , from which I
used to emerge as white as a ghost
and very weak. Our family physi
cian gave me various prescriptions for
Improving the digestion and stimulat
ing the liver , which I tried faithfully
but without perceptible result.
"He was acquainted with my fam
ily history for several generations
back , and once when I visited him he
said : 'If you have inherited one of
those torpid livers you may always
suffer more or less from its inaction.
We can't dodge our inheritance , you
know. '
"I was not so strong a believer in.
heredity as he was , however , and , be
ginning to think for myself , I conclud
ed to stop drinking coffee , and see
what effect that would have. I feared
it would be a severe trial to give it
up , but when I took Postum and had
it well made , it completely filled my
.need for a hot beverage and I grew
very fond of it.
"I have used Postum for three years ,
nsing no medicine. During all that
time I have had absolutely none of
'the bilious attacks that I used to suf-
'fer from , and I have been entirely
'free from the pain and debilitating effects -
fects that used to result from them.
"The change is surely very great ,
'and I am compelled to give Postum
{ the exclusive credit for it. " Name
I given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek ,
Read "The Road to Wellville , " in
jpkgs. "There's a Reason. "
! Ever read the above letter ? A nev ?
i me appeara from time to time. They
1 are srenulne , true , and full of human
, interest.
- -t " > ' - -
- , -f
Reciprocity Agreement With
'Negotiated by the President , Leaves
Them Where They Must Show
Their Colors.
It is said that the message of the
president transmitting the trade agree
ment with Canada was received with
great favor by the Democrats of the
house of representatives. If this feel
ing is shared by the minority mem
bers of the Ways and Means commit
tee , as no doubt It Is , there will be no
trouble in getting a favorable repojt
on the resolution to put the agree
ment In force. For there are at least
four Republicans who will support
such a resolution. With Democratic
help it may be possible to adopt the
agreement even at Jtie present ses
sion. If'the present congress fails to
do its duty there will certainly be an
appeal tb the ne\y 'congress , which
may be called together In extraor
dinary session. But the Important
thing is that the Democrats seem to
be showing great wisdom and a con
siderable degree of political shrewd
ness. For if they , either at this ses
sion or the next , can put through this
policy of a Republican president , and
beat the opposition to him in his own
party , an opposition which is wholly
standpat , whether it calls itself pro
gressive or not , they will make a large
amount of deserved capital for them
selves and at the same time render
an important service to the country.
In truth this reciprocity arrange
ment is a direct and effective attack
on the Payne tariff law. For months
the progressives have been thunder
ing against the law. They voted
against it on its final passage , and
ever since then they have been tell
ing us how infamous it is. Taking
them at their word , the president has
negotiated an agreement with Can
ada , the effect of which is greatly to
improve the Payne tariff. Yet the first
men to denounce it are these same
progressives. It has been sneeringly
saidby certain of the standpatters
that some of the insurgents were very
quick to vote against high duties that
favored other sections than those rep
resented by them , while at the same
time they stood valiantly for the du
ties in which their constituents were
interested. We are beginning to see
that there is some justification for the
Possibly this , is a subject on which
the new progressive league might well
express an opinion. We know that it
Is for direct primaries , the direct elec
tion of senators , and the initiative ,
recall and referendum. But on ques
tions that are now directly before the
people there was no declaration. Yet
insurgency grew out of opposition to
extreme protection. It was on that
issue that the chief divergence of
opinion arose. Now that the issue is
presented again , and in a very clear
way , we should think that the pro
gressives would wish to give an ex
pression to their opinion. Indianap
olis News.
Position of the Parties.
The question is whether the Re
publican party which has long pro
fessed itself in favor of reciprocity is
once again going 'to stultify itself by
defeating this agreement made by its
own president , a man who has never
posed as a progressive , but who is
honestly trying to serve the best in
terests of the people. But there is an
other question which is quite as im
portant , and that is as to the attitude
of the Democrats. We are glad to
know that the Democrats of Indiana
are mostly favorable to the president's
plan. It is said that others are greatly
impressed with it. They can , if they
will , put it through , and at least di
vide with President Taft the credit
for this great reform. Those who are
best informed seem to think that the
Democrats in congress appreciate
their opportunity. This view is borne
out by the action of the Democratic
members of the ways and means com
mittee in agreeing to a favorable re
port on the amended tariff commis
sion bill. Such a chance as this to
play shrewd politics and at the same
time to serve the people is not often
offered to a political party. Indian
apolis News.
Justification for An Extra Session.
In his message submitting to con
gress for approval the agreement for
a reciprocal tariff with Canada , Pres
ident Taft says that "we have reached
the stage in our own development that
calls for a statesmanlike and broad
view of our future economic status
and its requirements. " This sounds
like an echo of the dying words of Me-
Kinley , who made the same discovery
ten years ago.
We hope that the draft of this recip
rocal agreement will soon become an
actual agreement between the govern
ments of the two countries. It is not
a treaty to be ratified by a two-thirds
vote of the senate , but an agreement ,
to which effect would be given by a
legislative act adopted by a majority
vote of each house. If this result can
not be secured from the present con
gress , the failure would justify the
calling of an extra session in March.
The Problem.
Of course the Panama canal is our
property , but if we are to sink fifty i
fortunes a year In keeping it fortified
will it prove an asset or a 'liabil-
ity ? Louisville Courier-Journal. . I
In the Name of Pretended Protection
They Are Being Rcbbed In In
terest of Manufacturers.
By way of an Interesting sidelight
on the politics of tfce wool tariff and
the methods by which the wool grow
ers are humbugged and fobbed off with
a nominal protection which does not
help them at all , It appears that the
recent annual convention of the grow
ers , held In Portland , Ore. , was dom
inated by the manufacturers , with the
result that -papers prepared by pro
ducers of wool with the purpose of
explaining the tariff Juggle were de
nied a hearing. Fred A. Ellenwood
of Tehama county in this state pre
pared , but was not allowed to pre
sent to the convention , a paper In
this relation , from which we may
quote his conclusions as follows :
"First , that the wool grower is not
getting the protection that he thinks
he is under our present protective
tariff , schedule K.
"Second , that , the manufacturer and
importer , by importing light , shrink
ing wools and paying duty on the
same per pound In the grease , are
winning and government losing mil
lions of dollars annually.
"Third , that the consumer has paid
precisely the same price for manufac
tured articles as he would have paid
had the wool grower received the pro
tection that he Is supposed to get , and
the government received the millions
in revenue to which it is now entitled.
"Now , then , In answer to our orig
inal question , which is , 'Why do manu
facturers and importers prefer foreign
wool with duty added to our own ? '
I say , simply because there is more
profit for them so long as they are
able to buy light , shrinking wools ,
which Is not difficult , while the skirted
wool continues to come from Australia ,
the washed wool from Canada , tfie an
gora goat wool , camel's hair , etc. ,
from varipus places under the present
elfisive tariff system.
"We can see from this that the
price of wool grown In the United
States is not regulated by the amount
produced or consumed therein , but by
the amount of light , shrinking wools
imported under a false protection. "
The wool growers are beginning to
wake up to the fact that in the name
of a pretended protection they are be
ing cheated for the profit of the manu
facturers , whose case Is so indefen
sible that they maintain a retinue of
political agents to hoodwink the con
ventions of growers and get control
of these bodies so as to shut out any
sort of exposition or discussion in
tended to bring out the facts. San
Francisco Call.
"Why the Senate ? "
"The reason of the law is the life of
the law" is a maxim much honored
in the breach. ,
Now arises a Chicago citizen and
advises congress that the senate
should be abolished , as all reason for
its existence has fled. He admits
some intelligent cause for its estab
lishment as a not unnecessary check
upon the house of representatives.
"But that , " he says , "was before the
day when press and wire enabled the
watching to be done by the people
themselves. "
Truly , unless the people get a bet
ter grip on their senate than develop
ments of later years disclose , they
are likely to approve this Chicagoan's
ideas and "see much reason in his
saying. " Perhaps the senate will
wisely urge the amendment for popu
lar election of its members. It may
thus longer preserve itself from that
day when the people of the United
States shall create for themselves a
capable and truly representative ag
ency of popular government and place
the "checks and balances" system ten
derly on the scrap heap.
Let Us Have the Figures.
The house of representatives voted
down the postmaster general's propo
sition to substitute official stamps for
the franks now in use by members of
congress and the government depart
ments. Apparently it is not desired
that the eople shall know how much
the franking privilege costs them.
There was much criticism of the post-
office department , and especially of its
efforts to economize and its refusal to
spend all the money appropriated.
And yet there can be no doubt that
much revenue is lost through an ex
travagant use of the franking priv
ilege. But even if this were not so ,
it certainly is true that sound business
principles demand that the depart
ment and the people should know just
how heavy the burden of this free
mail is. The postmaster general's sug
gestion was wholly admirable , in re
jecting it the house reflected no credit
on itself.
Republican Record.
The Republican party has for years ,
and in platform after platform , de
clared for reciprocity. We have been
assured that it was "the handmaid of
protection. " But every time the pol
icy takes concrete form it is repu
diated by the party. The country has
not forgotten the work that Mr. Kas-
son did for reciprocity. Yet every one
of the treaties negotiated by him was
rejected by the senate. Though the
Republican party is favorable so it
has said to the policy of reciprocity ,
it has always been opposed to any
practical application of it
After an outlay of some $400,000,0'00
it would look like madness for us to
allow an enemy to use the canal for
a short cut between the two oceanr
for the purpose of attacking : our fori-
There Is nothing that can blunt the
edge of humor like a dull appetite.
Garfield Tea has brought good health to
thousands ! Unequaled for constipation.
Reforms come slowly because we all
would rather wield the ax than bear
the knife.
We pay high prices for Hides and
Furs. Sell Guns and traps 'cheap. N.
W. Hide & Fur Co. . Minneapolis , Minn.
Let us make the best of our friends
while we have them , for how long we
shall keep them is uncertain. Seneca.
That is LAXATIVE BUOMO QUiNlNB. Look ? r
tne signature of E. W. QROVK. Used tne World
orer to Cure a. . Cold in One Day. 25c.
The brotherhood of man does mean
better wages , but it also means bet
ter work.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething , softens the pums , reduces inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle.
In the fulfillment of duty we have a
sense of blessedness , even in hours of
weariness and * simple endurance.
Great Home Eye Remedy ,
for all diseases of the eve , quick relief
from using PETTIT'S EYE SALVE. All
druggists or Howard Bros. , Buffalo , X. Y.
Time for Stillness.
Mrs. Mac Lachlan was kind to her
American boarder , but she did not pro
pose to allow her to overstep the lim
its of a boarder's privileges , and she
made it very clear.
One Sunday the boarder , returning
from a walk , found the windows of her
room , which she had left wide open ,
tightly closed.
"Oh , Mrs. MacLachlan , I don't
like my room to get stuffy , " she said ,
when she went downstairs again. "I
like plenty of fresh air. "
"Your room will na' get stuffy in
one day , " said her landlady firmly.
" 'Twas never our custom , miss , to hae
fresh air rooshin' about the house on
the Sawbath. " Youth's Companion.
"I can't tell in words how happy the
word 'Cuticura' sounds to me , for it
cured my b'aby of itching , torturing
eczema. It first came when she was
between three and four weeks old ,
appearing on her head. I used every
thing imaginable and had one doc
tor's bill after another , but nothing
cured it. Then the'eczema broke out
so badly behind her ear that I really
thought her ear would come off. For
months I doctored it but to no avail.
Then it began at her nose and her
eyes were nothing but sores. I had to
keep her in a dark room for two
weeks. The doctor did no good , so I
stopped him coming.
"For about two weeks I had used
Cuticura Soap for her every day ,
then I got a box of Cuticura Ointment
and began to use that. In a week
there was a marked improvement. In
all I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap
and one box of Cuticura Ointment and
my baby was cured of the sores. This
was last November ; now her hair is
growing out nicely and she has not a
scar on her. I can not praise Cuti
cura enough , I can take my child any
where and people are amazed to see
her without a sore. From the time
she was four weeks old until she was
three years she was never without the
terrible eruption , but now , thanks to
Cuticura , I have a well child. " ( Sign
ed ) Mrs. H. E. Householder , 2004 Wil-
helm St. , Baltimore , Md. , May 10,1910.
Too often sermons have too much
length and too little depth. Judge.
He Darling , I would die for you !
She Dearest , do you carry much
Insurance ?
Constipation causes many serious dis
eases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. One a laxative
three for cathartic.
Perhaps Mohammed went to the
mountain because it was cheaper than
spending his vacation at the seashore.
Drink Garfield Tea at night ! It insures
normal action of liver , kidneys and bowels.
Angelfood cakes" seldom make boys
Barks Herbs
That have great medicinal power , ara *
raised to their highest efficiency , for puxi- ;
fying and enriching the blood , as theyr
are combined in Hood's Sarsaparilla.
40,366 testimonials received by actual )
count in two years. Be sure to tak
Hood's Sarsaparillaj
Get It today in usual liquid form orj
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. ,
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 7-1911J
from woman's , ailments are invited to write to the names and
addresses here given , for positive proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound does cure female ills. H
Tnmor Removed.
Elmo , Mo.Mrs. . Bar all J .StuartB.FJ > . No.2 ,
Box 16.
Peoriani. = Mrs. Christina Beed,105MonndSt.
Naticlc , Mass. Mrs. Nathan B. Greaton , 51
North Main St.
MUwaukeVls. . = Mrs.Emmc , Imse , 833 1st St.
Chicago , 111. Mrs. Alrena Sperling , 1468 CIj-
bourne Ave.
GalenaKan. = Mrs.R.K.HueT,713MIner lAv.
Victoria , Miss. Mra. "Willie Edwards.
Cincinnati , Ohlo. Mrs.TV. H. Housh , 7 East-
view Ave. _ ,
Change of Life.
Epplng , N.H. = Mrs. Celia E. Stevens.
Streator , 111. Mrs. J.H.Campbell , 20CNorth
Second St.
Brooklyn , N.Y. Mrs. Evens , 826 Halsey St.
Noah , Ky. = Mra. Uzzie Holland.
Cathamet , Wash. Mrs.ElvaBarber Edwards.
Circlaville , Ohio. = Mrs. Alice Kirlin , 233 West
Huston St.
Salem , Ind. = Mrs. Lizzie S. HinkleR.3J.Xo.3.
New Orleans , La. * = Mrs. GastonBlondeau,1813
Terpsichore St.
Miahawaka , Ind. = Mrs. Clias. Bauer , Sr. , 523
East Marlon St.
RacineWis. = Mra. Katie Kubik , B. 2 , Box fil.
B.averFall3Pa. = Mrs.AV.P.BoydSil09thAT.
Maternity Troubles.
3 ronangh. Mo. = * Mrs. D. F. Aleshire.
Phenlx , R.I. = Mrs. Wm. O. King , Box 232.
Carlstadt , N.J. Mrs. Louis Fischer , K ! Mon
roe St.
Sonth San ford , Me. = Mra. Charles A. Austin.
SchenectadyN.Y. = Mrs.H.Porter,782 Albany
Taylorvllle , HI. Mrs. Joe Grantham , 825 "W.
Vandeveer St.
Cincinnati , Ohio. Mrs. Sophia Ho T,615 Mo-
Mlcken Ave.
Big Run , Pa. = Mrs. "W. E. Pooler.
Philadelphia , Pa. Mrs. M. Johnston , 210
PeoriaHl. = Mrs. Clara L. Gauwitz , R.R.No.
4 , Box G2.
Augusta , Mo. = Mrs."Winfleld Dana , R.F.D. 2.
St. Paul , Minn. MM. B. M. Schorn , 1083
"Wbodbrldge St.
Pittsbure , Pa. = Mrs. G. Lelser,5219 Kinkaid
St. , E.E.
Kearney , Mo. Mrs. Thomas Asburry.
Blue Island , Ill. = Mrs. Anna Schwartz , 328
Grove St.
East Earl , Pa. Mrs. Augustus LyonRJ"J)2.
Operations Avoided.
SUceston , Mo. = Mrs. Dema Bethune.
Gardiner , Me. MM. S. A.'Williama , 142 "Wash.
ington Ave.
ChIcagoni. = MrB.'Wm.Ahreng,2239\V.21stSt.
Bellevue , Ohio. = Mrs. Edith "Wieland , 238
Monroe St.
DeForest , Wts. = Mrs. Auguste Vespermann.
Dexter , Kansas. = Mr3. Idzzio Scott.
Organic Displacements.
Black Duck , Minn. Mrs. Anna
Box 19.
Wesleyrille.Pa.-Mrs. Maggie EaterR.F.D. U
Trenton , Mo.' . T. Purnell.SOT .LlncoU.
Camdcn.N.J. Mrs.Ella Johns ton,289Llb3rty
Chicago , UK-Mrs. TTm. Tally , 2052 Ogdea.
Painful Periods.
Caledonia. Vfla. Mrs. Ph. Schattner , ILB. II *
Box 64.
Adrian , Mo. Mrs. C. B. MasonRJB. No. 2.
N. Oxford , Mass. Miss AmeliaDnso.Bor 1C
BaltlmoreOhio. Mra.A.A.Balenger.K.F.D.l
Negaunee.Mlch. Mra.MarySedlock.Box 1273
Orrvllle , Ohio. Mrs. E. F. Wagner , Box C20.
Atwater. Ohio. Miss Minnie Muelhaupt.
PralrioduChien . = Mrs. Julia Konicheck. .
Buffalo , N.T.-Mra. Clara Darbrake , 17Mar ! *
mont St.
"Winchester , Ind. Mrs. May Deal , RJB.No.7
St. Regis Falls , N.Y. * = Mrs. J. H. Breyek-e. .
Grayville , 111. Mrs. Jessie Schaar , Box 22. !
Hudson , Ohio. Mrs. Geo. Strickler , R. No. 5
Box 32.
Ovarian Trouble.
Mnrrayvilla , 111. Mrs. Chaa. Moore , R. R * . 3. '
Philadelphia , Pa.-Mrs. Chaa. Boell , 221'J N.
Mole St.
Minneapolis , Minn. Mrs. John G. Moldan , .
2115 Second St. , North ,
HndsonOhio. < = > Mrs.LenaCarmocinoR.F.D.7
"Westwood , Md. Mrs. John F. Richard ? . ,
Benjamin , Mo. Mrs. Julia Frantz , R.FJX 1. ;
Female "WeatneM.
"W.TerreHante.Ind. Mrs.ArtieE.ITamiltonJ
Elmo , Mo. Mrs. A. C. DaVanlt.
Lawrence.Iown. Mrs. Julia A. Snow , R.No.8.
Utica , Ohio. Mrs. Mary Earlwine , R.F. D. 3.
Bellevue , Ohio. Mrs. Charley Chapman , R.F.i
D. No. 7. I
Elgin , 111. Mrs. Henry Lslaeberg , 743 Adam * ]
Schaefferstown , Pa , Mnr. Cvrua Hetrlch.
Cresson , Pa. Mrs. Ella E. Aikev.
FairchancePa. Mra. Idolla A. Dunham , Box-
152. ,
Nervous Prostration.
Knorville , Iowa. Mrs. CIaraFrankaEJ.D. 3.
Oronogo , Mo. Mrs. Mae McKnlght. i
Camden , N.J. = Mra. W. P.Valentine , 802 Lin-1
coin Avenue.
Muddy , Ill. = Mra. May Nolen.
Brookville , Ohio. = Mrs. R. Kinnlson.
Fltchville. Ohio.-Mra. CTCole.
Philadelphia , Pa. Mrs. Frank Clark , 2-116 EL
Allegheny Ave. /
These 'women are only a few of thousands of living witnesses of ,
the power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to cure female
diseases. Not one of these women ever received compensation in any
form for the use of their names in this advertisement but are 'will
ing that we should refer to them because of the good they may-
do other suffering women to prove that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is a reliable and honest medicine , and that the
statements made in our advertisementsregarding its merit are the
truth and nothing but the truth.
A Country School for Girls in New York City
Best Features of Country and City Life
Out-of-door Sports on School Park of 35 acres near the Hudson River. Full
Academic Course from Primary Class to Graduation. Upper Class for Advanced
Special Students , Music and Art. Certificate admits to College. School Coach Meets
Day Pupils. Miss Bangs and Miss Whiten , Riverdale Ave. , near 252d St. , West
liiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiinnuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiii niii For Infants and Children ,
M You Havi
Vegetable Preparation for As
similating ihe Food and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigestionCheerful-
nessandRest.Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
s -
d '
HorrtSted -
flarifitd Suyar
\Winkryrctn Flavor.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea ,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
. 'facsimile Signature of ?
guaranteed under the Foodanj
The Farmer's Son's
Great Opportunity
Why wait for the old farm to
year Inheritance'/ Begin now to
prepare for your future-
prosperity and Indepen
dence. A great oppor
tunity awaits you In
or Alberta , where yon
can secure a FreeHome-
s lead or bny land at rea
sonable prices.
not a ycarfroni now ,
when land will be high
er. ThoproBts secured
from tbo abundant crops of
"Wheat , Oats and IJarley ,
as well as cattle raising , are
cansinjj a steady advance in
price. Government returns show
that the number of settlers
In Western Canada from
the U. S. ivas GO per c * nt
larger in 1U1O than , the
previous year.
Many farmers have paid
for their Jand out of the
proceeds of one crop.
Free Uomehteaus of 1GO
ai-res nnd pre-emptions of
16O acres at S3. OO an acre.
Fine climate , good schools ,
eiceHcnt railway facilities ,
low freljjht rates ; treed , wa
ter and lumber easily ob
For pamphlet "Last Best "Wpst , "
particulars as to suitable location
and low settlers' rate , apply to
Supt of Immljrration , Ottawa ,
Can. , or to Canadian
L T. nctets , 315 Jjcfaoa St. St. Paul. Kiss.
J. U. adaci&i. Drmr 1 J7.H &rt3 c.iD.
Use address nearest you. 37
$1,000 Profit per Aere
Is possible on a five acre truck farm1
in the Pensacola District of Florida. "WV
offer for limited time five acre farms between - "
tween two railroads nine miles from Pen- }
sacola for seventeen cents a day. Write !
today for literature about Pensacola and'
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MlflinMafwitkOBtriHinstpirt Writfiorirc bMUrt-H1iwtoDie.lMchan MuCor ! ! . MONROE DRUG CO. , QulncyISUnol' -
irf Ji. '