< - -tn * . . - - , . . f. r m LETTER If you want to get a letter , you must first write a letter. 1f 1 | The .nicer .the letter f you write , the nicer the i i letter you will get. ftI . . , The stationery that * you use -has a good deal I todo with the appear ance of your letter , and with the reception it gets. w Buy it of us and it is sure to be , right. We sell note papers that are in good' taste. At pres f ent we have some , exceptional - i ' ceptional values. fi i nuf * " - < * ? PTTR3S3 > fcl A Safe , Simple System V / -system of paying By" check , was devised by all men- for any " 'man : for you. It is suited to the need of .ffeny' business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. . Pay by check , the method puts system in to yvour business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. Fine Rooted Trees That Grow. Acclimated and varieties adapted tq Northwestern Nebraska , prospects are for good"fruit . .crop next year. Trees are full , of ' " 'fruit ' buds now. t j 1 Buds are formed in August of tbis year for next year's crojp. If ground is dry npwgive\ybur ; young trees bucket water each./ Catalog .upon request. ' . " . * . - . I 4KW7 .CRAMER , Local ; Agerit , : . % : ' ' : ; Valentine , Ne'br. t Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. Ainsworth , Nebraska . Loup Valley Hereford - Ranch , C. H. FAULHABER A SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB. Herd headed by S. G. Columbus 17 , No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289- ; 822 ; also , Kelvin , No. S27072 , reg , Bulls : for Sale at All Times. . . ' f. f.W. . H. Strattbn Dealer in ii FLOUK & FEED * 2 General Merchandise r * " 1 . * % PHONE 125 - ? ' , j.- ' cor. Hall , & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. * * < to. A. RUBY i ; N * Atto rn ey - at - La w I ' ' " . . OflScefront room , second story , j over T. C. Hornby's store , Main * Street entrance. . " ! : .Vaientine Nebraska . T. Meer , : ! DENTISTs i j s over Red Front store Valentine Nebr/ Big Alfalfa Show t J In Valentine. MONDAY , FEBRUARYTO , ALL DAY The C. & N , W.By. . officials have decided to bring their big alfalfa show , recently given in ! Oraaba , to Valentine. They come here February 20 , on No. 6 , and will be here- all day. The show | will be held in a building and. open about 2 p. m. Prof. Hunt and others are to lecture. Passenger trains .No's 5 and 6 will stop at all stations to allow people to come to this meeting. Valentine ought to have two thousand men here to see this big alfalfa show. They stop only at Buffalo Gap , Valentine and 'Nor folk. Everybody should make arrangements - ; rangements to be here and spend the day with the railway officials and learn what alfalfa will do for this country. Tell all your neighbors and come to .Valentine Monday , February 20. Come arid see this. A. H. Slees and his whiskers were in town last Friday. Frank Grooms is building a nest east of-the school house. Mike Davis is building a home southeast of the school house. J. F. McKenna of Wood Lake ciled ! on us yesterday while in town on business. Dock Grooms and Charley Wolff were initiated into the .M. W. A. last night. The attendance was good. There are two candidates for next meeting night , March 1. Miss Maud Rayla , as pianist as- sited by Ed ward Kreiser , baritone and Miss Dorothy Smith accom- paniest , , entertained a Lincoln audience with a musical program on Feb. 1st. S. G. Roub and S. E. Smith of Wood Lake ; Frank , Andrews , liv ing west of Valentine ; C. C. Stig- litz , or "Innocence Abroad , " ' and ye editor enjoyed a pleasant after noon last Saturday at THE DEMO CRAT office playing checkers angl chess. The weather prognosticator was off again. Fair weather flag yes terday and ground covered with snow this morning. Still snowing. This morning the blue flag went up which may bft all right in Oma ha but 2i hours late here. Build big battle ships and guess at the weather. Who wants a nice home a good easy living ? 40 acres , all in the valley of the beautiful Minnecha- du a , creek flowing through , one corner , soil rich and deep , shelter ed by hills on the north and south. This is an ideal place for garden farming , fruit and chickens. Geol building location facing southeast , where stone chicken house can be built in the hill with front on level. 400 egg Cyphers' Incuba tor at half price to go with this deal. A bargain. Get busy. I. M. KICE , Valentine , Neb. 6 4 For Bald Heads. A Treatment That Costs Nothing If It Fails , * We want you to try three large bottles of Eexall " 93" Hair Tonic on our personal guarantee that the trial will not cost you a penny if it does'not give you absolute satisfac tion. That's proof of our faith in this remedy , and it should in disputably demonstrate that we know what we are talking about when we say that Eexall " 93" Hair Tonic will grow hair on bald heads , except where haJdness has been of such long duration that the roots of the hair are entirely dead , the follicles closed and grown over , and the scalp is glaxed. Remember , we are basing our statements upon what .has .already been accomplished by the use t > f Eexall " 93" Hair Tonic , and we have the right to assme that what it has done for thousands of others it will do for yon. In any event you cannot lose anything by giving it a trial on our liberal guarantee. Two sizes oOc and § 1.00. Eemem- her , you can obtain Eexall Berne- dies in this community only at our store The Eexall Store. tJhap- man , The Druggist. . . ti I - " * -J W. Summer Hotel Is Falling Into Sea. Hoquiam , Wash. , Feb. 15. The sum mer hotel at Mpclips , containing 325 rooms , one-half of which was washed Into the sea. probably will have to be abandoned as a large part of the re maining wing is hanging orer the" water and may fall with high Hide. The sea wall has collapsed and the ocean has cut away more than 106 feet of the land behind the" wall , . - * rr--- * ' * ' * ' - 3aT s5 . ? < y AL JL\ . i W I will sell at public action at my place , 10 miles northwest of Valentine , on Tuesday , Commencing at 10 a. m. sharp , the following property : 19 Consisting of Tspan of rnares , 10 years old , weight 2300 pounds , one is with foal ; 1 span of mares , 10 years old , weight 2300 pounds ; ! span of geldings , 9 years old , weight 2200 pounds ; ! heavy work team , one is with foal ; 6 .two = year = old colts , 1 yearling colt , 4 suckling colts , all halter broke. Consisting of 3 extra good milch cows , 1 yearling heifer , 1 extra good yearling bull , 2 heifer , calves. 1 . Consisting of 1 eight-footiMcCorniick binder , 1 six-foot McCormick mower , 1 hay sweep , 1 hay rack-.4 ? steel drag , 1 wood drag , 3. corn sleds , 1 sled corn cutter , 3 stirring plowstworow corn sled , 1 John 'Deere 'Disk , 1 walking cultivator , 3 riding "cultivators , 1 two-row John Deere lister , 1 one-horse grain drill , 1 Hoosier drill ( good as new ) , 1 "check rowqorn planter , 1 endgate seeder ( new ) , 3 patent endgates , 1 two-horse power , 1 potato planter , 3 wagons ( one nearly new ) , 1 top buggy , 1 spring wagon , 4 sets'heavy work harness , 1 set light'harness , 1 saddle , H miles two-wire fence , about 30GO feet of mixed lumber , several piles of kindling , some corn and oats , 50 bushels of choice Early Ohio seed potatoes , 10 bushels , brome grass seed , 8 or 10 loads of cobs , about 10r tons of hay , 2" straw stacks , 6jUozeh chickens'household goods and other * articles too numerous to mention. . * * ' ' . - - : i'r. > > * > TERMS OF SALE' ne years ll be given ° n notes of approved security on sums over' $10 All ii.iiifat ? vi vjnii sums Of $10 or under , cash.5 per cent discount on sums over $10. ' ' ' ' ' ' I have sold my farm and am going to move away. , * / 4 Col. T. W. Cramer Auct. W. E. Cleirk . . . , . . . Haley , - Omaha Convict in Penitentiary Has Novel Method of Escape. Lincoln , Feb. 13. An attempt to es cape from the penitentiary by cutting an artery and then pretending to be dead was made by Carl Reynolds , an Omaha mail sent up for burglary. Reynolds , who has only about two more years to serve , was found lying in a pool of blood. He seemed to be dead and the coroner was called. Coroner Mathews found the body warm and a few simple tests convinced - vinced him that the man was still alive. Reynolds was soon revived , an spite of loss of blood , and will recover. The wounds in his arm , seem to have been made with a spoon and a , piece of wire which had been sharpened - ' ened on the cement floor. He' had been placed in the solitary for show ing signs of insanity and making threats of murder. A long knife was found in his shoe. The warden and guards believe because of this knife he probably had planned'not to die , but to recover and make his escape with the aid of this weapon , after he had been removed from the prison. JOHN F. PORA.TH * ItURGE , NEB. s Tubular Wells and Windmills Call me up by phone JOHN D. EATON Drayman Light and Heavy Draying C Furniture and pianos handled ! J ; i ; in a careful manner. Coal ! * hauled and trunks and grips a specialty. Phone No. 48. The Chicago House JIM FELCH , Propr. j Call on me for rooms and lodging * * . Valentine - Nebraska Old Crow , All 'Leading . . . Hermitage Brands * .i ; and ' I Gruchen- lTnd < 3rtffe ; lieimer Supervision \ - j- ! > , ' 'i Rye of ttiev : ? Whiskeys. TJ.S.Oby. : We also handle the Budweiser Beer. v THE PALACE SALOON , HENRY STETTER , Propr. Notice to Creditors. Inhe rounty Court witbiii and for Cherry county , Nebraska , In the matter of the estate of Ludwiek Eock. deceased. To the creditors of ssi'd ' estate : You are hereby notified. That f will sit at the Couut > Cou't Kooni In Valentine' ' said county on the mill day of March , 1911 , to receive and examine rill cl ims against said estate , with a view to their adjnptmf nt and allowance. The time limited for the presenta tion of claims auainst said estate is six months from the 10th dav of Sept. A. l . IQlO.aml the time limited for pavmnut ol deMs.is one year from said loth day of Set temuer. 1010. Witness my hand an J the seal fsad ! SEAL County I ourt this ICth day nf Feb. v 1911. JAMES C. QUIGLEY , 6 4 County Judge. Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court of Cherry county , Ke- lirnskn. STATE OF NEBRASKA , I County of Cherry. f 33 To the heirs and nil persons interested in the estnte of Floyd Andersdeceased : On rendlnftthe petition of Floyd AV. Pool , praying n final settlement and allow ance of his account filed in this court on th - Irtth day of August , 1910 , and for a decree of distribution. It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons Interested in said matter may , ami do , appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the JJrd day of March , A. D. , 11)11 ) , ut 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a- copy of this order in The Valentine Demo crat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , fof hree successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. o I © Go to the Stock Exchange Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. % "When your feet are , wet * and cold , and j yonr body chilled throngh and through from exposure , take a big dose of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy , bathe your feet in hot water before going to bed , and you are almost certain to ward off p severe cold. For sale by Chapman , the "I had been troubled \vith , constipa- | Hon for two years and tried' all of the ! best physicians in Bristol , Tenn. , and the"I ' could do nothing for mevtites jThos. E. Williams , MiddleborOi Ky. i "Two packages of Chamberlain's Sfbm- j ach and Liver Tablets cured me , " For ' aale by Chapman , the