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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1911)
y- " THE TRUST You'll be de lighted with the re r sults of Calumet Baking Powder. No disappoints no flat , heavy , soggy biscuits , cake , or pastry. Just the lightest , daintiest , most uniformly raised and most deli cious food you ever ate. Received hljhcit reward World's V Pure Food Exposition , Chicago , l or. THE BEST MEDICINE for COUGHS 6 COLDS THE USUAL RESULT. So Stockbug has been on the street , has he ? What is he speculat ing on ? " "Just at present , I believe , he is speculating on how much longer he will be on the street. " His Opinion. Nephew What do you think of the opera ? Uncle Josh Them women in" th' boxes ought to be able to raise enough money on their diamonds to buy some clothes with , by jinks ! Unnecessary. "Do you tell your wife everything you do when she is away ? " "No ; the neighbors attend to that. " Houston Post. So much we miss if love is weak , so much we gain if love is strong. Helen Hunt Jackson. EASY CHANGE When Coffee Is Doing Harm. A lady writes from the land of cot ton of the results of a four years' use of the food beverage hot Postum. "Ever since I can remember we had used coffee three times a day. It had a more or less injurious effect upon us all , and I myself suffered almost death from indigestion and nervous ness caused by it. "I know it was that , because when I would leave it off for a few days I would feel better. But it was hard to give it up , even though I realized how harmful it was to me. "At last I found a perfectly easy way to make the change. Four years ago I abandoned the coffee habit and began to drink Postum , and I also in fluenced the rest of the family to do the same. Even the children are al lowed to drink it freely as they do water. And it has done us all great good. "I no longer suffer from indigestion , and my nerves are in admirable tone since I began to use Postum. We never use the old coffee any more. "We appreciatae Postum as a de lightful and healthful beverage , which not only invigorates but supplies the best of nourishment as well. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Uich. Read "The Road to Wellville , " in pkgs. "There's a Reason. " Ever read the above letter ? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine , true , ana loll of human interest. i- - v * HOT POT DELICIOUS DISH It Is Made of Mutton , Sheeps' Kid neys , Oysters , Potatoes and Spanish Onions. One and a half pounds of the best end of neck of mutton , two sheeps' kid neys , six oysters , one and a half pounds of potatoes , half a pound of Spanish onions , one tablespoonful of butter , one cupful of stool : , salt and pepper. Cut the meat Into neat , small joints , trimming off all but a thin rim of fat. Wash and peel the potatoes , then half cook them in boiling salted water. Peel and slice the onion. Skin and core the kidneys , and cut each into six or eight strips ; also cut the oysters in halves. Fill the cas serole with layers of , first , meat , next kidneys and oysters , then onions , slices of potato and seasonings. The top layer should be of either halves or quarters of potato. Pour in the stock , put the butter in small pieces on top of the potato. Put on the lid , and bake in a moderate oven from two and a half to three hours. For the last half hour take off the lid , so that the potatoes may get nice ly browned. If the gravy seems dry ing up too much , add more stock , and just before serving pour in a little more stock. Serve in the casserole ; this will insure the stew being really hot. If more convc-'ent , the pota toes need not be partly cooked before hand , but in this case the meat some times gets rather overdone if the po tatoes used happened to be slow cookers. BEST OF CLOTHES DRYERS It Spreads Out Lake a Fan or Fold ? Up Like a Bundle of Sticks. A clothes dryer that will be a boon to flat dwellers has been designed by a New York man , and is shown in the illustration. It is adapted to extend from a window or balcony , and when not in use can be folded up into such a small compass as to be scarcely noticeable. A bar with a groove in it Is hinged to the window sill or porch post and held in horizontal position by a wire or cord fastened above it. In the groove slides a hub , which has spokes extending from it , and cords connect these hubs , like the cross sec tions of a spider's web. Indeed , the dnrer resembles a huge spider's web when extended. As will be noticed there is ample space to hang a large wash on this dryer , which can be drawn In to a point where it is easy to reach and the clothes put on. When out of use the hubs and sup porting rod can all be drawn into parallel position with each other and the whole drawn back against the post , like a bundle of sticks. Sprfngerle. The materials required for this characteristic German holiday cake are -one pound of pulverized sugar , four eggs , one pound flour , one lemon rind grated , and anise seed. Beat the eggs and sugar together until feath ery. It will take about one hour. Add the grated lemon peel and sifted flour , mix all together and roll out on the molding board until only one-eighth of an inch in thickness. Have in readi ness the small square wooden forms with designs of swans , flowers , etc. , stamped upon them. Cut this dough into squares , dust the forms with flour and put the squares into them , so the design will become imprinted on the dough. Remove care fully from the forms and place on nap kins powdered with flour , over night , to dry. Then lay on buttered tins strewn with anise seed and bake in a coolish oven until about the color of the ordinary soda cracker. If these are kept in a stone crock the spring- erle will remain soft Hints for the Table. For the very delicious dish of dev iled clams prepare a cupful of chopped clams and season them with cayenne , salt and the juice of a lemon. Mix them to a soft batterlike consistency with the yolks of two eggs and some powdered crackers. Put the mixture into little ramekins , broad scalloped shells , or into tiny cups , spread the surface with soft butter , and bake un til well browned. For a : change the mixture may be spread- over crisp crackers , and then browned in the oven. Flaxsecd Lemonade. Steep two tablespoonfuls of flaxseed - seed in one quart of hot water for ten minutes. Stir in and add the juice of three lemons , a large cupful of sugar and a wineglassful of wine. Drink either hot or cold/1 This is an excellent drink for persons suf- tering with colds or lung troubles. "Every Picture Tells a Story il ? ! l , ! l ! ' * ffi ' * * ilil ! ( [ : ! i / : ! M : : ftii ! KIDHOPI05 . ? l- : m ! ! : : : PAOUOC SUGHTOT REDUCED * LIFTED FROM BAD BACKS Weary is the back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest or peace for the man or woman who has a bad back. The distress begins in early morning. You feel lame and not refreshed. It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All day the ache keeps up. Any sudden movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to stoop and straighten. At night the suf ferer retires to toss and twist and grown. Backache is kidney ache a throbbing , dull aching in the kid neys. Plasters or liniments won't do. You must get at the cause , inside. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE SICK KIDNEYS GIVEN UP TO DIE. How To Tell When The Kidneys . A CASE OF GRAVEL. Are Disordered" Mrs. M. Jenkins , Quanah , neys " Tex. , says : was bloated al- Harrison . A. Sturtevant , G and most twice natural size. I Painful Symptoms : Backache , sideache , pains Maple Sts. , Tulare , Gal. , says : "I had best the , but they physicians when stooping or .lifting , sudden sharp twinges was in bad shape trouble. with Too kidney fre failed to help me. ges , rheumatic pains , neuralgia , painful , quent urination For five weeks I scanty or too frequent urination , dizzy spells , compelled me to was as helpless dropsy. arise at night , my as a baby. My bladder became inflamed Urinary Symptoms : Discolored or cloudy back throbbed flamed and I suf and the kidney urine. Urine that contains sediment. Urine fered severe pain. secretions ' were that stains the linen. Painful passages. Bleeder When I began us in terrible con or shreds in the urine. Let a bottle of the ing Doan's Kidney dition. The doc morning urine stand for 24 hours. If it shows Pills I passed a tors * held out no hope and I was , . . . . gravel stone three- a cloudy or fleecy settling , or a layer of fine ,7 of inch and variegated resigned to my fate. At this criti quarters an cal time , I began using Doan's grains , like brick dust , the kidneys are proba in color. After this my trouble Kidney Pills and soon was cured. " bly disordered. disappeared. Teil Doan's Kid- ATDIAT Bey Pills Yoarielf Cut out this coupon , mail it to Foster-Milbnrn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. A free trial package of Doan's Kidney Pills will be mailed yon promptly. W.N.U KIDNEY * . KIDNEY PILLS \ SPILLS' DOANS KIDNEY IF THE FAIN IS TKKJCS Sold all dealers. Price cents. . FOSTER-MILBURN Co Buffalo tf me FAN * a mem liy . * 5o - , , ; N.Y. , < Proprietors , SUSPECT YOUR KlDKEtS SUSPECT YOU * laoN ROYALTY AS THE GODFATHER Difficulty in Europe Successfully Over come by the Exercise of Some Diplomacy. In the early days of the reign of the /ate / King Leopold of Belgium a sev enth son was born to a Brussels wom an , and when the king heard of it and was told that the boy was the seventh successive one and that no girl had come to the family , he asked to be the baby's godfather. Ever since then every seventh son born in Brussels has had the same honor , and the moth ers have received gifts in keeping with their station in life. King Al bert , in carrying out the old adage a short time ago , had some difficulty "because the seventh son was twins , " according to the Frankfurter Zeitung. "He could not stand for both boys , be cause that would give the family two Alberts. The remedy was found by Queen Elizabeth , who suggested that her little son , the duke of Brabant , bu the godfather of the eighth boy , who consequently received the name of Leopold. A Mosque for London. It is proposed to erect a mosque in the capital of the greatest Moham medan power in the world , and the only surprising feature of the pro ject is that it has not been executed before. The building is to cost 100- 000 , to which the Aga Khan has al ready contribute 5,000. The com mittee in control of the scheme Is presided over by Amir Ali and in cludes the Turkish and Persian min isters , as well as three members of the council of India. London Globe. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle cf CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought To Economize Space. "But why is it that you always serve toast with each slice stood up on edge ? " "Oh , I just got into the habit ; you know we lived in a flat when we were Crst married. " Diphtheria , Quinsy and Tonsilitis begin with sore throat. How much better to cure a sore tiiroat in a day or two than to be in bed for weeks with Diphtheria. Just keep Hamlina Wizard Oil in the house. Twenty-Five Years of It "Why do people have silver wed dings , pa ? " "Just to show the world what their powers of endurance have been. " Judge's Library. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color fnoMomdifcriflMar and faster colors thin am olherdw- One lOc D&ckaoe colors all fibers. They dye In cold water belief than any other > . Yautt ? ? Lttoina2MT W MOMROE DRUG OO..Qunc * Il/fnmlm. A LOST ART. "It seems to me that our new maid ought at least to know how to serve water , if she was six years with her last employer. " "Well , it's not surprising , dear. I know her last employer. " The Latest Golf Story. Two Scotchmen met and exchanged the small talk appropriate to the hour. As they were parting to go supper- ward , Sandy said to Jock : "Jock , jnon. I'll go ye a roond on the links in the morrn. " "The morrn ? " Jock repeated douht- fully. "Aye , mon , the morrn , " said Sandy. "I'll go ye a roond on the links tSe morrn' . " 'Aye wee'l , " said Sandy. "I'll go ye. But I had intended to get mar ried in the morrn' . " There is no surer way to friendship than the honest and sincere apprecia tion of the good qualities and merits of others. Henry Lee. Sufferers will profit much from Dr. Wm. T. jMarrs' "Practical Study of Piles , their cause , prevention and cure , " sent free by D. Ransom , Son & Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Any New Methods "Ain't it strange th' way Kelly heats his wife ? " "I dunno. How does he do it ? " VVU1" suffer with eye troubles , quiet re lief by using PETTITS EYE SALVE , 2oc. All druggists or Howard Bros.BuffaloN.Y. I had rather he kissed by an enemy than wounded by a friend who enjoy ed the job. OXLT ONE "BROMO QUDTTNE. " That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Loot for the signature of E.V. . GROVfi. Used the World OYer to Cere a Cold In One Day. 25c. If you fear to soil your hands in helpfulness you may be sure you are defiling your heart Vagaries of Finance. "I understand you have paid the mortgage off your place. " "Yep , " replied Farmer Corntossel. "Then why do you complain of hard times ? " "All the neighbors have done the same thing. That leaves me with money on my hands that nobody wants to borrow. " A Robber. "Were you ever confronted by a robber ? " "Sure. " "And did you play the part of a hero ? " "No , indeed , you can't throttle a gas meter ? " DISTEMPER In all its forms among all ages of horses , as well as dogs , cured and others in same stable prevented from having the disease with SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CURE. Every bottle guaranteed. Over 600,000 bottles sold last year $ .50 and $1.00. Any good druggist , or send to manufacturers. Agents wanted. Spohn Medical Co. , Spec. Contagious Diseases , Goshen , Ind. Enlightenment. "A burlesque , " said the occasional theater-goer , "is a sort of take-off , isn't it ? " "It is , " replied Miss Cayenne , "if you judge it by tii.e costuming. " Couldn't Last a Day. Howell I can tell you how to live on ten cents a day. Powell Don't do It ; I've only eight cents. Sirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething , softens the gums , reduces inflamma tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle. It Is better to lose in loving than to gain by self seeking. Splendid Crops In Saskatchewan ( Western Canada ) 8OO Bushels from 2O acres of wheat was the thresher's return from a Lloyd- i minster farm in the season of 1910. Many fields in that as well as other districts yield ed from 25 to 35 bu shels of wheat to the acre. Other grains in | proportion. LARGE PROFITS are thus derived from the FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS of Western Canada. This excellent snowing causes prices to advance. Land values should double In two years'time. Grain erowinsr.nalxed farm ing , cattle raisinjr and dairyIng - Ing are all profitable , free Homesteads of 16O acres are to be had in the very best districts : 16O acre pre-emp- tionsntSS.OO peracre ivitn- In certain areas. Schools and churches in every settle ment , climate unexcelled , soil the richest ; irood , irater and building material plentiful. For particulars as to location , low settlers' railway rates and descriptive Illustrated pamphlet. "Last Best West , " and other In formation , write to Snp't or Immi gration , Ottawa , Canada , or to Canadian Government Agent. LT Hitos. 315 JadsKSt. SL Past , Hten. J.H.ScdJcian. ; ! Drmtr97.tfatutowa.S ] D. ( TJso address nearest you. ) 33 TRUCK FARM IN FLOR2DI Means an independence for life. Seven teen cents a day will buy a five acra truck farm In the Pensacola District. Our soil expert and demonstration farm * makes mistakes impossible. Come to the land of SUNSHINE AND SUCCESS and we will help you make good. "Write to day for our exceptional offer. PENSACOLA REALTY COMPANY , Pensacola , Florida REPRESENTATIVES WANTED For Self. - " Wringing Mops that take housekeepers by storm ; 52 one dollar sales nets J30 week. You cannoi' find better opportunity. Write for county. Edward. Hllker Mop Co. , 1224 : Grand Ave. , Chicago. W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 5-1911. A Poor Weak Woman As she is termed , wfll endure bravely and patiently agonies which a strong man would give way under. The fact is women are more patient than they ought to be under such troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the most experienced medical advice free if dtargg and in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to the World's Dispensary Medical Association , R. V. Pierce , M. D. , President , Bufialo- . Y. Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute , of Bufialo , N. Y. , for many years and has had a wider practical experience in the treatment of women's diseases than any other physician im this country. ) His medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy. lite most perfect remedy ever devised for weak ud dell * ' cate women i Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription. J , r IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG , \ ' SICK WOMEN WELL. , The many tnd varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser"(1008 pages ) , a newly ' revised and up-to-date Edition , cloth-bound , will be sent on receipt of 31 onef eeat stamps to pay cert of wrapping and mailing only. Address as atove. j