Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 02, 1911, Image 2
VALENTINE DEMOCE 1. M. RICE , Publisher. VALENTINE , NEBRA MEXICAN REBELS CAPT TOWN ON THE BORDER . OF CALIFORNIA. , CUSTOMS HOUSE IS SE1I Movement a Prearranged Plan f General Insurrection in North Part of Diaz's Republic Inva Band .Led By Gen. Leyva. Mexicali , Mex.-The first border 1 to be captured by the insurre Sunday was in full possession of Mexican rebels. It was taken at light by a band of eighteen. The only man to lose his life the Mexican jailer , who hesitated t lease his prisoners. He was shot a rifle , thrust through the windo1 Ws office , and instantly killed , customs house was seized. Reinf ( ments are said to be flocking to rebel standard from the surroun country. The capture of the town is the sign of activity of the rebels on western coast of Mexico. The n -was a complete surprise. It is clared to be a part of a general ] Tor the seizure of all cities in the nc western section of the republic. Mexicali is a small town inhab chiefly by natives of Mexico , on southern side of the international and directly across the border f the California city of Calexico. I situated on the Imperial valley bra line of the Southern Pacific raih forty-one miles south of Imperial Ji tion. tion.Two Two men were in command of rebel invading party. Leyva , who peared to be chief in command , g Lis title as "El General in Jefe de Tropas Insurgents. " His aide Simon Barthold , a socialist agiti from California , known in Los' gelea and various coast cities. RUSSIAN WORKMEN ON STRIK Employes of Eastern Chinese R way Fear Ravages of the Plagui Harbin , Manchuria. Added to terrors of the plague 8,000 Russ workmen on the Eastern Chinese T way , fearing the disease , have gone astrike because the administrat refused to dismiss 1,500 Chinese borers and provide passes to ena the families of the Russians to reti to their own country. The strik iave been out and stationed alt the line to protect the Chinese. 1 Russian workmen , without homes a small resources , are likely to provi source of grave danger , and it is pr able that additional troops will hate to be provided. Held to Grand Jury. Colonial Beach , Va. Three memb < of the crew of the Irene Ruth , an o ter dredge plying on the Potomac r er , aboard which a mutiny occurn when Capt Allen Dorsey was kill * his negro cook drowned and his fii mate fatally injured , have been h < to the grand jury. It was with d Hculty that the sheriff restrained t posse which captured the mutino crew in the woods from committi violence. The mutiny is supposed , liave arisen over money difficulties. 1,000 Reds March Down Broadwa > New York. A thousand men ai women marching down Broadway I hind a large anachistic banner broug out the police reserves , whose ft cible arrest of the alleged leade caused a small riot. The parade f < 'lowed ' a meeting in an East Side tit at which was announced the executu in Tokio of a dqzen persons chargt with plotting against the life of J pan's consulate. , .v Minister of Foreign Affairs. ' Washington , D. C. Dr. Louis T ledo Herrarte , the Guatemalan mini { ter to the United States , h as been aj pointed minister of foreign affairs i the cabinet of that country. Bryan to Speak in Arizona. El Paso , Tex. William J. Brya will speak in Arizona on behalf of th state constitution to be voted on Fel Tuary 9. He opens in Bisbee on Fel xuary 5. / Sioux City Live Stock Market. ' Sioux City , lo. Saturday's quot tions on the local live stock marl were as follows : Top beeves , § 6.50 1 ! top hogs $7.50. First Time in History. 1 San Diego , Cal. A commissioned oi ficer of the United States navy flev an aeroplane Saturday for the first time In the history of the navy. The flight was made by Lieut. Theodon O. Ellison In a Curtiss biplane. Ambassador to Tokio. Berlin Count von Rex , formerly German minister to China , has been nominated as ambassador to Tokio to succeed Baron Mumm von Schwartz- enstein. i . , : * . Latest News Told in Briefest and Best Form. . M > PERSONAL. President Taft forwarded to jresa the reciprocal trade agreei vhlch has been negotiated by the esentatives of the government Canada and the United States , igreement provides for free exch ! letween Canada and the United St if wheat and other grains ; d > roducts , fresh fruits and vegetal Ish of all kinds ; eggs and poul attle , sheep and other live anin 'rinting paper is also to become > n the removal of all restrictions he exportation from Canada of ; rood. Funeral services over David am Phillips , the author , who illed by FitEhugh C. Goldsboroi isane violinist , at St George's E opal church , New York city , wer snded by a throng of writers ren in other walks of life. The body of Mrs. Mary Baker Iddy , founder of Christian Scie : as removed from the receiving t < id buried la-a lot on the shore of ] pen lake. Mount Auburn cemet ambridge , Mass. Lawrence C. Phipps , the Dei illionaire , married Miss Marg ! ogers , daughter of Mr. and I latt Rogers , the ceremony tal ace at the home of the bride's ] its in Denver. Consecration of Rev. Edward D. 1 as auxiliary bishop of the ROE itholic diocese of Detroit to as : [ shop Foley took to Ann Arl ich , , hundreds of church men , uding Cardinal Gibbons of Bz ore and Archbishop Ireland of iul. Stephen W. Glazer and his brJ nnerly Roberta Buist de Janon , luthful heiress to $10,000,000 by ill of her grandfather , are pass eir honeymoon at Los Angeles , ( ie refuses to make any statem rther than to admit she is marri For the first time since the deb the United States senate in se of Senator William Lorimer inois began mention was made e reported interest of the presid < the unseating of that senator. 1 Terence was by Senator Paynter mtucky , who was a member of 1 bcommittee which made the inv ; ation into the charges. GENERAL NEWS. Fudge E. R. E. Kimbrough of Ds le , HI. , who started the investii n into the traffic in votes in V lion county , was a witness befc grand jury. Judge Kimbrough i tted the truth of the reported d DUtion of bags of money on electi r. Only he said the distributi s for legitimate campaign expensi The jurymen in the case of M : lira Farnworth Schenk , on trial teeling , W. Va. , charged with p ing her husband , John O. Seller orted that they were unable ee and were discharged. The ju od 11 to 1 for acquittal , lenator A. B. Cummins of Iowa a ssed the United States senate osition to retaining in the sena lliam Lorimer , senator from II s , whose election is alleged to ha1 n accomplished by bribery. He w ; ere in his criticism of the "inad cy and irresponsibility" of the i t of the subcommittee which inve ted the charges. north-bound Canadian Northei senger train ran into the caboos i snow-bound freight at Meltfor k. , injuring seven men who wei t to dig the freight train out < drift he strike of cigar makers , whic lasted seven months , was calle at Tampa , Fla. , by the joint ai ry board. ark Commissioner Stover of Ne' t has received a letter from Wa Kasang of Norwich , N. Y. , wh es that he has a calf with a ral i tail. Instead of walking or rui ; like an ordinary calf , the write i his calf hops. ifteen ballot boxes used in th jral election last November wer id in the waterworks reservoir a y , Okla. ibpoenas in the vote-selling scar in Vermilion county , HL , were is L and placed in the hands of th iff for immediate service , for Cii Judge Kimbrough , who starte investigation ; for Mayor Platt am a score of the most prominen Icians in Danville , esident Taft issued peremptory rs to the American minister a' Domingo that there must be nt between San Domingo and Haiti > e two nations have been quarrel for over a year about a frontiei Both armed for the conflict and troops to the scene of trouble. plan to assault the Vermilion ty jail at Danville , 111. , and lynch j Thomas , negro , confessed as- nt of Detective Charles Saunders , discovered by Sheriff John T. ard. A score of deputy sheriffs rushed to the jail and an armeif il placed around the building. The United States Is pressln proposal for the lease of the GE gos islands. The offer of the A can government , it is now stat * $35,000,000 for a lease of 99 years Ecuadorean sovereignty is gu teed. Organized labor felt the restra force of the Sherman anti-trust when a jury in the United Statei cult court at New Orleans retun verdict of guilty against three : bers of the New Orleans Dock Cotton council , charged with spiracy to interfere with foreign merce. If the senate approves the pU Snancial protectorate will be e ished by the United States over luras. The president will send t ( senate a treaty embodying this p : aitlon which has been negotiate * : he state department. Announcement was made'by ; ials of the Pullman company at jago that arrangements have completed for the application F < iry 1 of their new rate rules , w nclude a nation-wide reduction t ier cent in practically all upper I ates and a cut ranging from 25 c 0 $1 on 20 per cent of all 1 < ) erths. Monmouth , Quincy and Kewa 11. , at special elections voted on omm'ission form of municipal rnment. The first two rejectee irhile Kewanee adopted it. Revelation of several attempt ! > uy the editorial support of the J rork Journal of Commerce in fi f the ship subsidy legislation lade to the house ship subsidy in [ gating committee by Alfred W. D rorth , business manager of the J al of Commerce and Commercial Jtin. To defend the memory of their enitor from the attacks provoked ie use of his portrait on the si srvice of the battle'ship Utah , : endants of Brigham Young mel alt Lake City , Utah , and appoir committee to see Governor Spr ; In an explosion of a large tank < lining ammonia in the Locust h ry at Philadelphia , two women \ \ Illed , 15 to 20 girls were slightly ired and 250 other employees , mo : Dung women , were thrown int lid panic. Ceiba , Honduras , fell into the ha ! the Bonilla revolutionists aftei ly of infantry and artillery fighti . which ten were killed and mi ounded. General Lee Christn lief , and the provisional presid Honduras , is in control of the tc id his soldiers are guarding th reets not occupied by Ameri id British bluejackets. Orders have been issued by the spartment to move United Sta oops , with pack trains , from F im Houston to Brownsville , Lare igle Pass and Del Rio , to patrol 1 exican border and prevent furtl ipm'ents of arms and ammuniti the Mexican revolutionists frf eir agents in the United States. A permanent tariff board of f embers to investigate all questic r the benefit of congress is p ied for in a bill unanimou ; reed upon by the house commitl ways and means. The bill , eff re July 1 , contains substantially t ovisions of the Longworth and D II bills. Bishops of a dozen or more Epis 1 dioceses and hundreds of visJti irgymen gathered in St Pau urch at Minneapolis and attend B consecration of- Rev Theodo yne Thurston , rector of St. Pau bishop of the eastern diocese lahoma. Svendens , the Danish aviator , wh Ing at Copenhagen in a Voisin aei Jn , discovered when at a considt le height that his machine was i 5. Descending as quickly as pos , he reached the earth just in tlE avoid serious injury , [ "he health of William Sprague , ft r governor of Rhode Island , who Paris , Is such that his death wou ; be a surprise to his family , 5 ugh his physicians say that he ms 5 many months. Jharles J. Earth , one of Denver ilthiest men , is authority for tl tement that Former Senator Thoi M. Patterson has sold the Rod untaln News of Denver to Senat ion Guggenheim. 'ollowing a quarrel , John Dros inty-two years old , shot and kille father , Peter Drost , fifty-five yeaa and wounded his nineteen-yea sister , Phoebe , on their farm net thbend , Wash. he appropriation of $100,000 1 ride for the erection of a memt arch at Valley Forge , Pa. , ha a urged on the national house < esentatives in a communicatio a the secretary of war. avid Graham Phillips , the novelis writer upon sociological problems was shot down in the streets c r York while on his way to th iceton club by Fitzhugh C. Gelds ugh , an eccentric violinist , diet is wounds at Bellevue hospital , ipt. Charles Barr , the famou , per of the yachts Reliance am imbia when they successfully de ed the American cup , died sud y of heart disease at Southamp England. ate Bank Examiner C. A. Glaziei tab has assumed charge of the af of the Utah Banking company's : s at Lehigh and American Fork ie division headquarters , freighl es and passenger station of the ago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail at Aberdeen , S. D. , were burned , loss is estimated at $100,000. e war department does not view favor the project for a joint en- > ment of the National Guard oi aska , Kansas , Missouri and Okla- i , and possibly of Iowa , in Sep- er next at Lak Contrary , near oseph , Mo. : RITICISES ELECTION METI OF NEBRASKA'S METROPOl BOUNTY OPTION BILL COME ! Jill Introduced by Ollis Pro\ That 20 Per Cent of Vote is Sufficient to Submit the Question. In his fourth special message t resent legislature Governor Al riticises Omaha , City Clerk Dan er and the election- officials oi netropolis. He also makes a recommend rhich , if adopted , would give the rnor absolute control of all the ion machinery of the city. The message is a lengthy affai equires about 1,800 words for xecutive to call attention to whs eclares is an evil situation in the f Omaha. He charges indirectly that Oi 5 governed by a "boss or gang , " s affairs are handled at a fma ) ss to the taxpayers and that its ess is crippled and checked and ; rs in many ways. After descri le picture of a city ruled by a r gang he names' the city in- the iwing language : "It is to prevent this situation atting a foothold in some cities > destroy it in others that I pen you to give immediate attei irly in the session to the situs tat exists at the present time in 5 .etropolitan city. " Action was deferred for further deration. County Option Bill. Ollis of Valley , one of the "ii mt" members of the majority ! the legislature , introduced a r the regulation of stock yards esented the first county option fered1 in either house. The coi vtion bill introduced by him foil e general plan of the county op inference held by county option iblicans and' ' democrats recei ith the possible exception tha ovldes for submitting the ques county option at a general elec stead of at a special election , lends ci the bill became convir ? -t. submission at a special elec ; uld add to the expense to be ] tax-payers and that it would be r to submit the question at a ge election. The Ollis couuiy option bill is i 5 file 118. It provides that 20 nt of the voters is sufficient to s t the question and that submiss all not be had oftener than once ree years , each time at a gem ; ction. Petitions must be filed bmission not more than sixty d r less than thirty days before e n. A majority of those voting j question shall control. The aply seeks to suspend the pres ense law as it applies to city , ; e and county boards when cou : ion carries. t Initiative and Referendum. I. R. No. 1 , the initiative and ; mdum bill , as drawn by the : iska direct legislation league , \ lorted from the house commit passage. It is now on general 1 e report was favored by nine of ven members , Grossman of Do , democrat , and Sagl of Saline , d at , serving notice that they wo ist on an amendment when the 1 les up in committee of the wh ere it is made special order iruary 1. It is understood that b ( or an increased petition from tl ed for in the bill and wanted it d 25 per cent both for initiating a referring measures. The bill ammended calls for a 10 per ce iation and a 5per cent referendt ition. So far as is now known rt "will be made to require a n ty of all votes cast at the electi 11 be required for passing any su isure. he measure was made a special < of the day for Wednesday , Febi 1 , at the afternoon session. New Commandant. Dvernor Aldtrich has issued a co ] sion to Henry Howard of Elk Cre < the soldiei > e commandant of e at Milford. The commission ake effect February 1. On th Dave Rowden leaves the hon will consign the institution to tl 2ies of a republican administr ncoln , Neb. , Jan. 26. Govenu ich's charges against the condui le last election in Omaha , as coi ; d in his sensational message ( nesday , created a storm in ti te Friday morning. A Memorial Building. W. Steinhart of Nebraska Cit ared before the finance commi n support of the bill which seek ave the state appropriate § 20,00 i memorial armory at Nebrask on the site of Fort Kearney , th military post to be located wes ie Missouri river. Mr. Steinhar copies of documents to show tha United States government es ed the location as early as 1S3 that ten years later the actua ; ruction of the fort was beguE Capital Removal Bill. Bailey of Kearney har intrcd the nmch-talked-of removal bill , does not appear as the author oi measure , which is on the com signed by twenty-seven house i bers. It is understood that the tal removal association , with 1 quarters at Kearney , drafted the and had it introduced. Bailey rather stayed in the backgroum handling the bill and did not cai introduce it. Hence he spent time in. securing signatures for a . introduction of the proposition , bill was printed in full in some ol western newspapers interested ir 'ate the day before it was prese in the house. Representative BJ lad the bill in his possession n ) f the time before he got it in si o introduce. As drawn it provides for the nission in 1911 at the fall eleci ill cities who desire to do so b jligible to compete in the contest he prize , providing always that i ire west of the west line of Lan er county. If a majority of all v ire cast in favor of all the com ng towns , the capital shall be noved. If none of the candidates he capital receive a majority of rotes cast in favor of capital remc hen in that event a second elec nust decide between the two 1 andidates. Makes Some Appointments. Governor Aldrich has exercised ewer under the guaranty of dep ELW in making appointments of loyes of the state banking bo 'he guaranty law pprmits the goer or to make all appointments for tate banking boardof / which ht ne member. His appointments D take effect v\\hen ver the mane f the United S\at s supreme cc pholding the N&b aska law is eived by the district court of United States. The governor desi > make the appointments in adva f the arrival of the mandate in or ) get ridof applicants for posit : Pith few exceptions he has n ointed the employes chosen by Id banking board. Universal Game License. Dan Geilus , state game warden ar the administration , of Cover hallenberger , has secured the in Action of bills embodying the rect tendations made in his biennial > rt. Most of these are changes ie game laws which have already jived hearty indorsement from jorting fraternity. One provision is for a univer ) ortsman's license of $1.10 , the ints to be retained by county cler tie proposed law provides that arson's must have such a license mt anywhere in the state exci K > n their own land. House pages have developed intc idy of aggressive and 'persistent ' 1 ists. They are after a raise in i id , if they do not get it , it will i because of any lack of juvenile iment used upon members. Hoi ges have been receiving for yei .50 a day , but the senate is me nerous this year and has allowed ges $3 a day. The youngsters e house think they are entitled e same amount and- have secur 5 promise of Representative Fri introduce a resolution for them ; ; ving the amount. Against Hypnotism. Anderson of Kearney wants to pi ) it expositions of hypnotism ai imal magnetism where such exhf ns are given for gain. He inti ced a bill which provides "that ai rson or persons who shall thereaft : e part in the -practice , assist 5 become a subject in giving a pu open exhibition , or seance , or she hypnotism , mesmerism , anim gnetism , or so-called psychic vers for gain shall be deemed guil a misdemeanor. " Lincoln Monument. ) aniel Chester French of New Yoi * , the sculptor commissioned to d n and execute a statute of Abraha : .coin which is to be placed on tt itol grounds in Lincoln , has wri the committee which has the nn rial monument in charge that h shipped his two models to Lii i , and that he will arrive here Jai y 30 to confer with the commi In Memory of Paul Morton. Norton of Douglas offered a resoli on the death of Paul Morton , wh I suddenly in New York Thursda ; aing. The resolution states tha 1 Morton was formerly secretar ; he navy and the son of one of Ne ska's greatest citizens and wai self a Nebraskan. The resolutioi adopted and copies will be sen Ir. Morton's family. tizens of southwestern Nebraska } presented a 'petition ' to the sen asking that an agricultural college located in that part of the state as referred to the committee or culture. Tax Collections. vo bills having for their object the iction of taxes by special proce- were , introduced ) Thursday in house of representatives. One of i , H. R. No. 159 , by Quackenbush , jvolutionary in character because oposes to legalize the employment rivate agencies for this purpose , other , H. R. No. 164 , by McKis- allows extra/ compensation to ty attorneys who bring suits and re judgments ° ? ainst estates upon h the cou3 realizes Its tax is. ILL OVER NEBRASKA Trains at County Seats. In support of a .bill requiring all' passenger trains to stop at county seats , the following petition was ad- Iressed to the state'senate : Co the Legislature of the State of Nebraska : Gentlemen The undersigned offi- : ers and members of the Citizens' : lub of Thedford , Nel ) . , most respect- ully represent to your honorable- iody that owing to the inadequate rain service afforded by railroads in he Sand Hill regions of Nebraska he settlement , development and ad- ancement of this portion of the tate is seriously handicapped and etarded and the business Interests eedlessly burdened and restricted to he detriment of the entire state. In upport of the above statement we esire to submit for your considera- ion the following -statement of icts : The county seats of Thomas , Hook- r and Grant counties are distant : om each other as follows : From , 'hedford ' , the county seat of Thomas aunty , to Mullen , the county seat of [ ooker county , by rail is twenty-six tiles. To go by rail from Thedford ) Mullen requires thirteen hours , ad to make the return trip requires fteen hours , with two changes of irs on the round trip. j From Thedford to Hyannis , the > unty seat of Grant county , the dis ince is sixty-five miles and to make le trip requires fourteen -hours , and > return sixteen hours , with two mnges of cars on the round trip. The result of such inadequate rail- ad passenger facilities is the al- est total annihilation of all social id business relations between the tints named. Therefore , we hereby most respcct- lly petition for the enactment of a w that will require all passenger ains to stop at all county seat wns. \ Special Bailiff Shaw Loses. Holt County. Rafe Shaw , a spe ll baliff of the district court in Holt unty , who had in custody a witness r the state for a period of eighty- ree days , is not entitled to any pay * his services , according to a de- lion of the supreme court. The ver court had given Shaw judg- rat for $208.60. The county appeal- and this judgment is reversed and 2 cause dismissed , the supreme- art holding that there is no provi- t.T m of law conferring power on the itrict court to appoint a special iliff to take and detain in custody 1 an indefinite time a witness for i state in a criminal prosecution , 1 thereby create an indebtedness linst the county in which such > secution and thereby create an lebtedness against the county in ich such prosecution was pending. rmers and Merchants Re-insured , ancaster County. The Western 1 Southern Fire Insurance coni- npany has agreed with State iitor Barton to take over all the is of the Farmers and Merchants' urance company of Lincoln , to- her with its assets. The hearing the company before Judge Stewart 3 continued , and it is generally un- stood that the affairs of the com- iy will be straightened out by this chase by the Southern company. Man Falls , Breaking Ankles , tuffalo County. Bruce Heffron , a a about 30 years of age , fell from ross beam at the new coal chutes ag occupied by the Union Pacific road into a network of iron and crete. His feet caught in a strut , . Iged and held him there , and the ght of his body splintered his an- ; . It is probable that one foot will amputated. Humphrey Files Complaint , iatte County The Humphrey Com- cial club has filed a complaint i the Nebraska state railway com- ; ion against the Northwestern oad because of its refusal to car- > assengers on train 3C5 , a freight g west at 5 p. m. , and for not fur- ing waiting room facilities at its it in Humphrey. Inheritance Tax. ige County. Mrs. William Scul- ivhose husband , Lord Scully , died England a few years ago , filed in ict court an answer saying that estate is not liable for inherit- i tax for the reason that Mr. Scul- ras never a resident of Beatrice , property of Mrs. Scully is valued 200,000. A Successful Show. lams County. The poultry show he Nebraska Poultry association go down in history as one of the- . successful shows ever held by ; tate association. The exhibitors nothing but words of praise for management and also for Hast- as an ideal location for the an- event. Probable Fatal Fall , ihardson County. Mrs. Davy X. 3 , aged ninety years , sustained a md received a broken hip. Her ige and frail health precludes a ig of the injured member and it ared recovery is impossible. An Attempt at Suicide , hardson County. J. W. Wisdom , mer about 30 years old , living miles southwest of Salem , at- : ed to kill himself by cutting his t He severed the trachea and nissed the jugular vein. He had despondent for several days.