Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 26, 1911, Image 8

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General Merchandise , Hats , Caps , Boots
and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing
Goods. Flour and Feed. : = : : = : : = :
< Wood Lake , Nebraska *
Livery , Feed and
Sales Stable-
Wood Lake , Nebraska jj
Special Attention to Hunting and Fishing Parties. 2 *
Z &e I rf ' JL 1 + sy
( Successor to Wolkcr A Lyons )
Wood Lake , Nebraska
Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting
and liching parties.
( Successor to Ed Young. )
Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods.
Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish
ings.- Boots and Shoes. Hosiery.
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Wood Lake = Nebraska.
Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex
perience in the Easlern stales. Will go to any part of the State.
Write me , or dates can be made at this office.
Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota
in the District Court of Cherry County.
In tin1 mnttor of the application -
tion of AVilfiam K. Haley , |
guardian of the estate ol'
Aineliu Hoffman , an insane
person , for the sale of real
estate :
On reading and filing the petition duly
verified of William K. Haley , guardian of
the estate of Amelia Hoffman , and insane
person , for license to sell the following de
scribed ; real estate , lo-\vit : Northwest
quarter ( mvi ) , section twenty ( SOtownship )
thirty-three ( IKJ ) . north , rouge thirty ( SO ) ,
-Cherry county , Nebraska , for the purpose of
raising funds for the payment of taxes and
debts against said estate and ser the pur
pose of investing to the residue from the
proceeds of said sale for the use and benefit
of the. said Amelia Hodman , and it appear
ing to the Court 5rom said petition that said
real estate consists of unimproved wild
prairie land in Cherry county , Nebraska ,
and that the income from said land is in-
Kuillcient to pay said taxes and debts.
' Je is , therefore , ordered and adjudged that
the next of kin of said Amelia Hoffman " !
all persons interested in said estate appear
beforeme at Chambers in the Court House
in the City of Rvshville , Sheridan county ,
Nebraska , on the 23th day of .February , 15)11 ) ,
at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause , if any
there be , why license should not l > e granted
to the said William K. Haley , guardian , to
hell said real estate for the purposes above
set forth.
And It is further ordered that a copy of
thisorder be personally served on all per
sons interested in sa'id estate as repuired by
law and that a copy of tiiis notice be pub
lished once each week for three successive
weeks in The Valentine Democrat , a news
paper printed and published in said county
of Cherry , "
Dated at Valentine , Nebraska , this 33rd
day of January , 1JU1.W.
; { - : ? J udge of the District Court.
For The Stomach
Here's An Offer You Soould
Not Overlook.
. Bexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
stomach troubles by supplying the
one element , Hie absence of which
in. the gastric juices cause indi
gestion and dyspepsia. They aid
the stomach to digest food and to
quickly convert it mio rich red
blood and material necessary for
overcoming natural body waste.
1 Carry a package of Bexall Dys
pepsia Tablets in your vest pocket ,
or keep them in your room. Take
one after each heavy meal and
indigestion will not bother you.
.C.We.know what Bexall Dyspespia
Tablets are and what they will do.
We guarantee them to relieve m-
* digestion- and dyspepsia. If they
fail * ve will refund ynur money. i
Three sizes25 ; cents , 50 cents and
§ 1.00. Berneinber your cnn obtain !
Eexall Bemedies only at the Eexail
Stbrfc , Chapman , The Druggist.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Broken Uo\v. Nebraska ,
January 14,19)1. )
A sufficient rontPst allldavit Imvini ; been filed
in this niilcf bv Charles w. Blake , contestant ,
againsr. homestead entry , serial No 035H9.
nia'iH .July 5. 1907. fore4neU. ! ted ion ,
wj nwjf , Section 13. Township 2f , Jlange " 4.
Soclh IMndpal Meriditu , by Opnis 1' . Sull -
van , coiuesfe , in which u is alleged that Denis
P. Sullivan han never made an actual .and bona
jlile resid * ncu upoii said tract , and has nevtr
improved or cultivated thesume as the lawje-
qufres and has abandoned Hie same aid livid
ulyewhu for more ti ! n s x months hi t past ,
ate ! all of 6ii ; < l defects exist at the present tune
' aid parties are hereby notified to appear
respond : uid offer evidence touclnuir said aliega-
( ion at 10 o'clock a.m on Kebniaiy 2" , 1011. be
fore the register and receiver at the United
States Laiid'O nco. in Broken Bow , I > ebraska.
The sain coote-taut having , in a proper am"
davit fiieo .Ian 14. 1911 , set forth lacts which
i how that after due diligence personal service
of this notice can not b > made , ii is hereby order
ed and directed that such nonce be given by due
and proper publication.
3-4 H Djir'u * JF. AmsHerry , Raceiver.
Record address tf eiitrymau Mullen. Neb.
JSTotice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of George W. deceased :
To the Creditors of said Estate :
You are. hcrcl'.v notified. That 1 will sit at the
Coi nty Court Room iu Valentine in said county
on the ISru day oi February , 1911 ,
to receive rtiici examine all claims against
said e > tatefwith a view to their adjustment and
allowance. Tim tune limited for tbe presenta-
"tion of claims against said estate is six mouths
from the Icth itay of Auirust , A.D. 1910 , and the.
time limited for payment of debts-is one year
from said ICtli day ol Ai.giist. Hill.
Wittier my hand aud seal ui said county court
" this'JOth dav ofJamr-try. A. I ) . 1911.
, 3 4 County Judge.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the county court of Cherry county , Ne
State of Nebraska. I
County of Cherry. ih3
To all persons interested in the estate of
Carl Ueckman , deceased.
On reading the petition of Paul H.Danofsky
praying that the instrument filed in this
court on the 1 Ith day of January. 1911. and
purporting to be the last will and testament
of the said deceased , may be proved and al
lowed , and recorded as the last will and
testament of said deceased : that said instru
ment be admitted to probate , and the ad
ministration of said estate be granted to El
len G. Dan of sky as executrix.
It is hereby ordered that all persons inter
ested in said matter , may and do. appear at
the county court to be held in and for said
counfy , onthe llth day of'February , A. D. ,
19J ) . at 10 o'clock a. m. . to show cause , if any
there be * why the prayer of the petitioner
should not he granted , and that notice of the
pendencv of Kaid petition and that the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons interested
in said matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the Valentine ITemocrat. a weekly
newspaper printed iu said county , for three
successive weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand , and seal of said court ,
thisiOth day of January. A. D. . 1911.
JAMES C. QUIGLEV , County Judge.
The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the '
less the danger from pneumonia and
other serious diseases. Mr. B. "W. L.
Hall , of "Waverly , Va. , says : I firmly
believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ' j
to ba absolutely the best preparation on s
the market for colds. I have recommended - (
mended it to my friends and they all I . For sale by Chapman , !
Predicted That Legislature Will
Lincoln , Jan. 24. Probably the most
important action of the legislators last
week v/as an agreement of the county
opticnists in conference on the form
of a county option bill to be intro
duccd. This bill promises to be an
nil absorbing subject with the legis
hiture and friends of the measure de
sired to agree -on a bill and to avoid
the introduction of a multiplicity on
the same subject. The' drys , in an in
formal caucus which was not binding
upon any one , agreed to a short form
of a bill , one that will merely amend
two sections cf the Slocumb law so
that county board and towns maj
grant licenses only when the people of
a county by a vote permit the grantin ?
of licenses. Twenty per cent of the
voters is required on a petition to sub
mit the question of licensing saloons
in a county and the proposition must
be at a r.pecial election. The propo
sition cannot be voted on oftener than i
once in three years.
Senator Eartling of Otoe , who has
the deciding v.ote in the senate on
county option , according to the way
the members are now said to stand , at
tendee1 the dry conference and re
mained throughout the proceedings on
the sub'ject , bit it was announced for
his benefit that the action of the
meeting was not binding upon those
present. Pie announced that he was in
a peculiar position , that he was elect
ed on the Republican ticket , but that
the Republican county convention ,
which amounts to a convention of his
district , was silent 011 the question ,
.yet the county v/as carried by Dahlman
by a majority of 420. -Republican
state platform declares for county op
tion. It is predicted in many quarters
that Senator Eartling will vote against
county option when the test comas. It
Is also said the house will probably
fail to pass s'iph a bill , although a few
members in that body have not made
their position known. The hottest
fight of the session Is expected on
county option , and next In importance
femes a bill to amend the constitution
to provide for the making of laws and
idoption cf constitutional amendments
by the initiative and referendum.
Referendum in Trouble.
Friends of t.ho referendum contend
that some members who pretend to
favor such a bill , at heart desire a
bill that will make it difficult to adopt
new laws and constitutional amend
ments by the referendum. Those so
accused reply lhat they desire to "pre
vent the passage of a bill that will In
flict upon the voters a ballot seven
feet long and a multiplicity of propositions
tions at any one election , such as was
complained of In South Dakota last fall.
The average percentage of voters
necessary to submit a proposition In
most states where the referendum Is
In force is 8 per cent. Albert of Platte ,
the leading Democrat of the senate ,
proposes to require 30 or 40 per cent ,
or to leave all of the details of the
initiative and .referendum system ,
after It is engrafted upon the constitu
tion , to future legislature to determine
by enactments. ; .
It is admitted that some sortof ! an
Initiative and referendum bill must be
passed at this session of the legislature
ture , because both political -parties are
\ledged \ in favor of it.
Sunday Baseball.
The indications are favorable for
the passage of a bill to permit cities
and towns to regulate and to prohibit
or permit the playing of lawn tennis ,
pelf or baseball in city limits ! The
Bartling bill. S. F. 36 , was discussed
In the senate anB referred tne
Judiciary committee for some slight
changes. It was surmised that some
Benator might want to amend the bill p
and spoil it entirely by moving to In
clude seven-up or croquet or some oth
er game. There is talk of the drys a
supporting : Sunday baseball bill if
they can get in return any votes for a
county option bill. Two years ago n
Representative Scheele of Seward , the
Edovcate of "sunshine unt liber-r-tyj"
came very near going home with a
Sunday baseball bill hanging to his
belt , but he did not. b
little has been atcttmplisiea
during : the preceding weeks of the leg
islature , less may be accomplished this
week. This is sure to prove true in
the senate on account cf the absence
DJ ! the public lands and buiulin s com
niittee on a tour of t e state to vis i
state institutions. The senate cooi-
rnittee comprises , Reagan , Kohl , Volpp
Tibbots , Banning , ' Wilcox , McGrew ,
Eartling and Varner. The ccmmiitae
left Lincoln today and will return
Friday afternoon after visiting stat-
institutions at Omaha , Wayne , Nor
folk. Grand Island , Kearney and Uast
ings. Each institution where the
committee visits is supposed to fur
nish plenty of fried thicken and other
refreshments suitable to a legislator.
Governor is Busy.
Governor Aldrich sent messages ,
messages on two n nor matters wnich
he wants taken up , one for an e : : tra
tcod inspection appropriation and the
other for a memorial to be sent to
congress on the founding of a na
tional park in Gage county.
The park is to be established as a
monument to Galusha A. Grew and
will ba on the site of the Daniel Free
man homestead , the first homestead
ever taken out under the national
homestead law. The bill for it was
introduced in congress by Representa
tive Hinshaw.
The ffovornor advised the appoint
ment of either 13. H. Ecgole or R. J.
Kilpatrick of Beatrice to take the
message to congress.
When the messages were presented
to the senate , Jansen of Gage moved
that the wishes of the governor be
carried out as soon as possible and
that , member be appointed to present
the petition in Washington.
Bartos or Blackstone.
Senator Eartos of Saline , who is
something of a scrapper , began kick
ing when he svas a young man in the
law school of the university of Nebras
ka and has kept it up ever since. He
was known in school as the youth who
stabbed Blackstone when Blackstone
was absent and could not defend him
self. The ether day Mr Eartos met
Chief Justice Reese , who was dean of
the law college when Eartcs was a
students. They talked over old times
and particularly one incident.
One morning after Mr. Bartos had
just returned from Wilber , where he
had attended a dance given by the St.
James club , he was about to fall to
sleep in the class room.
"Mr. Bartos , " said Dean Reese ,
please tell the class what municipal
law is aslefinod by Blackstone. "
Bartos aroused himself and arose.
"Municipal lavhe said , "is a rule of
civil conduct as prescribed by the su-
preme powsr of the state. "
"Very good as far as you have
gone , " said the dean. He then called
on another young man to give the def
inition. The answer was : "Municipal
raw is a rule of civil conduct as pre
scribed by the supreme power of the
state , commanding that which is right
and prohibiting that which Is wrong. "
"I do not think , that definition is
good , " exclaimed Bartos. Dean Prose
slapped bis open book shut , folded his
arms and looked over the class. "We
will leave that definition of Black-
stone's which has stood the test of
centuries , " he said , "now being slabbed
Jn the heart by Bartcs , until tomorrow
morning and then let the class decide
whether Bartos is right or Blackstone
is wrong. "
The next morning in the class Ear
tos came loaded to the guard to put
Blackstone out of business , and those
present say he came very near doing
it. He was proud of his knowledge of
Latin and he recited in that tongue the
dcfiiiHicn given by Cicero , which cor
responded with his own. "You farm
ers , " he said , turning to the young
men in * the ctass , "do not know what
that means , but pretty soon I will give
it to you in English. He did so , and
also quoted from other authorities that
had criticised the Blackstone defini
tion. To-this clay , Bartcs and Blaek-
stone nre standard authorities in the
university law collage of Nebraska.
Thirteen New.Bills In.
Thirteen new bills were introduced
in the house and there was a short
pession of the committee of the whole
with Gerdes as chairman. The pur
chase of Cobboy's statutes became
again fi point of controversy and after
.he committee of the whole had rec
oinmende.d that the bill pass which
provides for their purchase , several
members tried to get a reconsidera-
The new bills in the house included
the new charter for South Omaha ,
which was introduced by Bulla ; two
measures to prevent throwing of sharp
objects In tT.e roads to injure automo
bile tires , -.r.'l two retlistricting bills.
Bushee of Kimball introduced the
Koaglrml hill in the house , and Matrau h
of ? 5arJ30n ] brought up r.n independent
In the senate several new bills were
'ntrodv.ced and the , absence of nine
members did not prevent the passage
of important measures. Among these
were H. R. 91 and 92 ( the appropria
tion bills ) . S. F. 26 , Skiles' bill raising
the wages of Jurors'from $2 to § 3 per
day ; S. F. 3 , giving unincorporated
leligious bodies the right to sell real
estate , and S. F. 2'4 , which amends
the code to a'low an appeal from a
deoiuion in which the awarded dam
ages are only $1. and S. F. 9 , which is
bill to ratify the constitutional
amendment for a federal income tax.
The relative merits of San Francisco
and New Orleans were thrashed out
bofqtti the committee of the house on
Lliis question at the Royal hotel last , '
n'ght. Representatives of the two expositions - P
positions are on the ground. The committee - . r
mittee voted to postpone indafinitey. ! f' '
Other committees are preparing rer ' ;
port- , which will get a few of the 200 . n
bills on their way to their final dispoF |
t V
Furniture and Paints and Oils , Cattls
Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , elc.
son Bros.
, * Lumber , Machinery , Hard
ware , Harness , Saddles
Wagons , Buggies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills ,
Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire.
Wood Lake , = - Nebraska
General Hardware ,
* _ *
Wagons and
Machinery. , . .
A complete line of . *
Harness and Saddles
Household and Kitchen Furniture
Lumber and Fence Posts "
E. M. Faddis & Co
Pnstotttce address Valentino or Kennedy.
Some branded
* on left
ITorses branded
i left
Some Some branded
bru : deil i on lij-ht thigh
"II left or s > lioulder.
shoulder. i "V
or thiah 13
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on lefc side
an left jaw of
_ V horses.
'fi ' * v * * % Tg5 * lj2J v3i * T V5Wf * " 1
jSagp airt& gjga !
Ranpp on Gordon Creek north of Simeon.
. S. Eowley.
Keuiieay , - fteuraska.
Same as cut on left
Mde and hip , aud on
left shoulder of her
ses. AIsogfcSQ on
left side
F X on lelt
Some f. . . .
tie brand
ed _ pen ( either side tip ) on
left aide or hip. p on left Jaw and lefc shoulder
of horses. Ill
IllQ on left hip of horses.
f\J on left Jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Eosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
of r.h sfcbrand * .
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
IJrou-nlee , N
fattle branded as
in c-.t on left
side. Some ?
branded li. T Y.
on left hip. Range
on North Loop
river , two miles
west of Urewulee
John Kills Plenty.
St Francis Mis
sion. Kosebud.
S. D.
fettle branded
as in cut ; horses
saiue or .il\P on
left-thigh. ( Kansre
between Spring
D'k and Little
White river.
Life Sentence for Double P/lurder.
Anderson , Ind. , Jan. 25. Frank
Jicketts , agpd twenty-nine years ,
pleaded guilty to the murder of two
vomen , one of whom was his wife ,
md wa ? sentenced to prison for life ,
-ast Thanksgiving- Ricketts went
o the rooms of Mrs. Nettie Britton ,
vith whom his wife had been staying
D'ncG their separation , and killed both
\ rorneu.It v/as his plea that ths
vomen threatened to shoot him when
; e att'riiFt-d to bring about a recon-
liilati'vi with his v Ifo.
> ! ague Drives Many From Hankow.
Peking , Jan. 25. The weekly ex-
res from Hankow was crowded with
efujreos. These included college pro-
essors , mi'itary officers , the Italian
rrnistsr , min r diplomats and persons
if means. The bubonic "plasue is the
j' cause of the excdus
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Rosebud H.D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on riehtslde
Some cattle also
have a + on neck
Some with A on
left bhonlder and
some branded
with two bars
.across hind qnar-
_ ltersSorae
= =
cattle branded * O on left side and some j
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hlo. Some cattJa
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
I ) . M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
.Range Square
Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett'Richards Pres Will GComstoc V. P
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal :
also the following
brands :
horses branded tht
Range between
Gordon on the F.E.
&M. V..R.R.aDd
Hyannis on R & M. tt.R. in Northwestern Nebr
BARTl.KTT ItlfilMtDS. Kllsworth. Nelir
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
O. K. Saivyer has
charge of these
cattle. H rse *
der. Some !
left side.
same left thigh.
Uange on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Holfe Nebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
ame brand on
3/t thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will bf paid to any person for
information leading to the arrest aud final
conviction of any person or. persons stealing
with jU'nvo
' hranrt.
J. A. Taryan. .
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on rightside
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the rr-
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Warren Refuses to Pstit'on for Pardon
Fort S-rctt. p : in. , Jan. 25. Fred
J7arren , editor of a soriaiist paper in
r.irarr ] , Kan. , indr sentence to a year
in jail for improper use of the mails ,
refuserl to indorse a petition to Presi
dent Taft for a pardon prepared by
Congressman Campbell.
Pentecost is Promoted.
Chicago. Jan. 25. At the offices of
iho Chicago , Rock Island and Gulf rail
way the announcement was made of
the appointment of Gecrse S. Pente-
cosi 'to be general passenger agent
with headquarters at Fort Worth.
Ketchum Chairman.
Dos Moines , Jan. 25. The state rail
road commission elected N. s. Ketca-
um to be chairman , for the present
year and continued the present office.
The new member , Clifford Theme ,
took charge of his part of the work.