Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 19, 1911, Image 7

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    Are You Weak , AH
Run Down ?
This condition is directly caused by
bad blood. When the blood ie made rich
and pure by Hood's Sarasaparilla , you
will feel stronc and cheerful ; it will put
ew life into your veins , new vigor into
your muscles ; give you a sharper appetite
aad good digestion : make you look better ,
leep better and feel better ; Trill make
the hardest xvork lighter and the darkest
day brighter. Facts ! Thousands confirm
tham. Get Hood's today.
uSem in the world. CASCARETS the
biggest seller why ? Because it's the best
medicine for the liver and bowels. It's
what they will do for you volt what
we say they will do that makes
CASCARETS famous. Millions use
CASCARETS and it is all the medicine
thai they ever need to take. , flW
CASCAUETS JOG a box for a
treatment , all druggists. Biggest seller
in the T/orlcL Million boxes a month.
The greatest glory of a free-horn
people is to transmit that freedom to
their children. Harvard.
fonrdruKclst will rotund money If PAZO OIN1V
HENT falls to euro any case of Itching , Blind ,
Heeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 dark. Wo.
Clerk This is an eight-day clock.
Murphy G'wan ! It's a lei ; ther's
only slvin days in the wake ! Puck.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and invigorate stomach , liver and bowela.
ugar-coated , tiny granules , easy to take
as candy.
Lofty Ambition.
"What is your ambition ? "
' "Merely to make more money than
my wife can spend. " Detroit Free
One V/ay to Look at It.
Jinks Do you know , I was re
fused three times before I found a
girl who would have me ?
Blinks I see. Just like a patent
medicine : "Well shaken before taken. "
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle Of
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children , and see that it
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
.The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Old Houses.
Old houses have a far larger com
mercial value than their owners al
ways remember. Milton's well-known
H observation is his "Areopagitica , " "Al
most as well kill a man a good boolc/ '
applies not a little to a good old
building , which is not only a book but
a unique manuscript that has no fel
low. Address by Thomas Hardy.
Catfs Tigerish Nature.
A shocking affair in which a domes
tic cat displayed tigerish qualities oc
curred at Ayr recently. A woman
named Mr. John Scott had0 occasion
to go a message and left a child , six
weeks old , in the house. On her re
turn she was horrified to discover that
the cat had eaten the small finger
of the child's left hand , and had com
menced on the next finger.
Mr. Fitz Doctor , I'm subject to violent
lent fits of late and I wonder at times
that I survive them.
Doctor You sort of wonder at tne
survival of the fittest , eh ?
Cured in One Day
Munyon's Cold Remedy Relieves th
iead , throat and lungs almost immediate'
ly. Checks Fevers , stops Discharges ol
tne nose , takes away all aches and paint
paused by colds. It cures Grip and ob
Mtinate Coughs and prevents Pneumonia
Price 25c.
Have you stiff or swollen joints , no matter -
, ter how chronie ? Ask your druRKifit foi
.Munyon's Rheumatism Remedy and B
jhow quickly you will be cured ,
t If you have any kidney or bladder trou-
Ible eet Munyon's Kidney Remedy.
Munyon's Vitalizer makes weak men
iitronz and restores lost powers.
Fatal Accidental Shooting.
< Nance County. Upon the farm ol
T. J. Cissna , four miles west of Fullerton -
lerton the accidentally
, 14-year-old son -
ly shot and killed the father. The
two had gone into a draw to shoot
rabbits and it was while thus engag <
ed the accident occurred.
Horse Blanket Thief Arraigned.
Gage County. Granville Smith , a
young farmer charged with stealing
horse blankets and robes from the
buggy of Harry Larson , of Filley ,
was arraigned in county court and
pleaded not guilty. His case was set
for hearing later and he was released
on bond of $1,000.
Mail by Automobile.
Dawson County. The mail between
Qothenberg and Arnold , a distance of
45 miles , is being carried by automo
bile. This is one of the few routes
in the United States where the gov
ernment allows the use of the auto.
The car makes the round trip of 90
miles every other day.
Chadron's Record Good One.
Dawes County. The year's record
for the city of Chadron is satisfac
tory to its citizens. Uniting the 1m-
ipovements made under contracts the
total shows $625,360 for the year 1910.
Many smaller and some large build
ings have been erected , so that an
estimate of $700,000 is moderate for
the year.
C. F. Wright Breaks Jail.
Gage County. C. F. Wright , of
Gage county , who is wanted at Wy-
more for wife desertion , made his
escape at Manhattan , Kans. , where
he was being held for the Gage coun
ty officers. "Wright deserted his wife
and three small children at Wymore ,
leaving them in destitute circum
stances. The family is being cared
for by charitably inclined citizens.
Nebraska Bank Law.
Announcement that the Nebraska ,
bank guaranty law , recently held good
by the United States supreme court ,
will not be placed in effect for 40
days , was made by Attorney General
Marton. Mr. Martin said that under
the law governing procedure in the
supreme court 40 days are allowed
has elapsed nothing will be done infer
for the defeated parties to file a mo
tion for a rehearing. Until this time
the way of placing the law in effect.
Court in Sixth District.
Merrick 'County. Judges Conrad
Hollenbeck and George H. Thomas
are sending out cards announcing the
terms of cor-rt in the Sixth judicial
district for > coming year. Their
list is made as follows :
Colfax CouiJanuary 30 , May 1 ,
November 13.
Dodge County February 13 , May
15 , November 27.
Merrick County January 30 , May
1 , November 13.
Nance County March 6 , June 15 ,
December 13.
Piatte County February 13 , May
15 , November 27.
Farmers Resist Fence Moving.
Merrick County. A long line of
broken down posts and severed
strands of barb wire tell of the fierce
resistance which is being made by
the land owners along the Union Pa
cific against the company's attempt
to set its fences over 200 feet on
either side of its track on the gov
ernment sections , where it claims Its
400 feet of right-of-way.
Two or three weeks ago the fences
on the Blevins farm were cut and now
on the Minter farm not only have
the wires been cut , but the posts
have been also cut down in places ,
so that there is scarcely a bit of the ,
fence standing which was recently ,
put up. The matter will be tried cut-
in the courts.
Bank Officers Indicted.
Cass County. The federal grand
jury returned indictments against A.
D. Welton and Lawrence Daft , re *
spectively president dnd cashier of
the First National bank of Green
wood , Neb. President Welton is
charged with embezzlement on 18
counts and Cashier Daft with aiding
and abetting embezzlement.
Third Death from Accident.
Merrill County. As the result of
an. explosion of a dynamite cartridge
at Wheatland , Wyo. , Harry Townsend
son of William Townsend , a contrac
tor living near Merrill , Neb.waa
badly injured and is dead as a result
of the injuries. His brother was In
jured in the same accident , but not'
fatally. Mr. Townsend and his two
boys were engaged in constructing
an irrigation ditch and were blasting
rock. They had planted a cartridge
which failed to go off and they were
trying to dig it out when , without ,
warning , the cartridge exploded , kill
ing one man and injuring several oth
ers , among them the two Townsend
boys. This is the third death as a
result of the accident.
Buffalo Poor Farm Costly.
Buffalo County. Buffalo county's
poor farm was , in spite of its 240
acres of rich soil , an expensive propo
sition in 1910 , as shown by the annu
al report of the superintendent.
Wheat Thief to Prison.
Cass County. Jack Crawford "was
escorted by Sheriff Quintin and B. H.
Tritsch to the penitentiary at Lin
coln. The crime to which Crawford-
pleaded guilty was that of stealing
100 bushels of whaat from th bim of
R. Propst.
TCW.-W--R fV " " ' jT ? * * * < ' -F * 'T t ua'
Will Amend Road Law.
Several bills will be introduced ai
the coming session of the legislature
providing for amended road'laws. The
democratic state platform calls foi
good road legislation under the joinl
effort of the county and the state
This wjll stimulate such measures
from democratic members , with prom
ise of support from republicans if the
measures are satisfactory. Parallel
with measures looking * toward state
aid in road building , will be others to
amend the road laws now on the
statute books relating to road dis
tricts. Bills are now in the process
of drafting providing for a county
road overseer or supervisor , similar to
the plan by which there is now a
county assessor. Provision will be
made either that he shall name the
local road supervisors or at least shall
have control of their work. It is very
likely also that the measure will pro
vide that the supervision of culvert
and bridge building shall be taken ou !
of the hands of the county commis
sioners and placed under the county
supervisor of roads.
New Depository Bonds.
Attorney General-elect Grant Mar
tin is putting In his spare time ex
amining bonds presented by state de
pository banks. All such banks are
required to present new bonds in
place of bonds that are about to ex
pire. The bonds presented are for
the safe keeping of state funds ob
tained by banks under the state de
pository law. The rate of interest re
quired by the state treasurer is 3 per
cent. Most of the bonds presented
are signed by one or the other of two
Omaha banking companies. The total
liability of depository banks to the
state ranges from $300,000 to about
Policy Holders Liable.
Four hundred and fifty Nebraskans
und Nebraska firms were held liable
for the debts of the Nebraska Mer
cantile Mutual Insurance company by
Judge Frost Saturday afternoon in a
decision in the case of John A. Ran
dall , receiver , against William H. Mc-
Clain and others. All of the defen-
Jants were policy holders in the insolent -
ent company at the time when ap
plication was made to the court foi
the appointment of a receiver.
S. R. McKelvie , editor of the Nebras
ka Farmer , E. M. Martin , editor of the
Beatrice Sun , and Will A , Campbell of
the publicity department of the Om
aha Commercial club are pressing
their claims for an appropriation of
$25,000 to be used In advertising the
state. In speaking of the propaganda
Mr. McKelvie said that the publicity
board would bo under control of the
state board of agriculture if the ap
propriation is made and that he had
Borne confidence of its passage be
cause of the support that has come to
the idea. He says that 180 Nebraska
papers are pledged to support the
measure , that the state board of agri
culture is friendly to the idea anl that
he believes Governor-elect Aldrich is
Hot unfriendly.
The state conference of charities
and correction will be held in Lincoln
January 15 , 16 , 17. The membership
of this conference includes state , city
and county officers concerned with the
handling of the dependent , defective
and delinquent classes , officers of loca1
charitable organizations and all who
are interested in improving the meth
ods of caring for the unfortunate and
all those who seek to remedy the
conditions which produce poverty and
Warden Tom Smith of the state pen
itentiary is In favor of a law provid
ing for an official who shall look after
paroled convicts. There are now
about ninety prisoners out on parole
and there is no one to look after them
The governor gets monthly reports
from them , but these reports are inac
curate and unsatisfactory. Smith
thinks that the state could afford to
pay a man to check the parolel men
up occasionally and look after them
while out of prison.
' State Superintendent Bishop is is
suing a bulletin to young men and
women intending to fit themselves for
teachers. It sets out In extended
form much valuable information tc
the persons interested , showing them
plainly how the various grades of
certificates are to be obtained and
what credits are required for them.
The annual meeting of the Nebras
ka state bee keepers' association will
be held at the state farm , on Wednes
day and Thursday , January 18 and 19
This is 'one of the oldest of the soci
eties comprising the federation of or
ganized agriculture and its meetings
are always full of interest to friends
of the honey bee.
"School Hygiene and Sanitation" is
the central theme of the program of
the Nebraska superintendents' and
principals' association , which con
venes in annual session in Lincoln
January 12-13.
The formation of a Nebraska coun
ty treasurers' association will be the
purpose of a meeting of county treas
urers to be held in Lincoln , January
18 and 19. Seventy-five or more treas
urers and deputies are expected to at
tend the initial session of the associa
tion. Letters from over the state in
dicate that the money-caretakers are
much interested in the move
Conditions Are Only Different , No
Matter What Sentimental
Writers May Assert.
The "popular" writer who bewails
what he assumes to be the fact that
the "old-fashioned" mother is no more
is liable to defeat his own purpose if
that be inculcating in children the
highest possible regard for their pa ;
rents. It is a danger which even the
quantitative theory of literature or
space rates cannot justify.
The mother of the past , of course ,
was different from the mother of the
present , as different on the whole as
the conditions of life then and now ,
but since her daughter is the mother
of the present there must be some
points of similarity. All the good in
onr mothers and grandmothers cer
tainly could not have vanished. It
will be paying scant tribute to those
dear , good women who have laid down ,
their recepts and examples and pass
ed on to say so. And , of course , this
writer does not mean to do that , yet
he comes very near doing what he
does not intend.
The fallacy of the whole sentimen
tal notion that because things and
people are not like they used to be
they are not as good lies in the pat
ent fact that they cannot be alike , and
If they were it would simply be be
cause of the present generation being
so much Inferior to the past that It
was unable to do no more than stand
A warm bath with Cuticura Soap ,
followed by a gentle anointing with
Outicura ointment , is generally suffi
cient to afford immediate comfort In
the most distressing forms of itching ,
burning and scaly eczemas , rashes , Ir
ritations and inflammations of In
fants and children , permit sleep for
child and rest for parent , and point to
permanent relief , when other methods
fail. Peace falls upon distracted
households when these pure , sweet
and gentle emollients enter. No other
treatment costs so little and does so
much for skin sufferers , from Infancy
to age. Send to Potter Drug & Chem.
Corp. , Boston , for free 32-page book on
the care and treatment of skin and
scalp troubles.
The Congressman I'm opposed to
the bill at present , but I might change
my mind for $5,000.
The lobbyist Your mind doesn't ap
pear to me to be worth that much.
Doan's Kidney Pills Brought Health
and Cheerfulness.
Mrs. J. P. Pemberton , 854 So. La
fayette St , Marshall , Mo. , says : "For
years I suffered from Bright's disease
wnica uio aooiors saia
was incurable. I grad
ually grew weaker un
til I had to take to my
bed. The kidney secre
tions were suppressed ,
I became terribly bloated -
* ed , and finally reached
the point where I took
no interest In life. It
was at this time I began taking Doan's
Kidney Pills and soon Improved.
When I had used 12 boxes I was
without a sign of the trouble which
f eemed to be carrying me to my grave. "
Remember the name Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
The Inevitable.
"You don't resent that successful
candidate's proud and haughty man
ner ? "
"Nope , " rejoined Farmer Corntossel.
"The fact that he's in politics Is all the
guarantee I want that sooner or later
he'll meet with some kind of a terrible
finish. "
Doesn't Seem Natural.
"Here's a new kind of magazine
story. "
"In what way ? "
"A village storekeeper is intro
duced who doesn't say , 'Dog my
cats ! ' "
the signature of B. "W. GBOVB. Used the World
OTCT to Cure a Cold , in One Day.
If every year we would root out one
vice we should sooner become per
fect men. Thomas a Kempis.
Mrs. Wlnslow' Soothing Syrup.
For children teething , softens the gums , reduces In-
flammationallay spain , cures wind colic. 25o a bottle.
"We find the worst in all by trying to
get the best of any one.
in $ injurious to.
from health bak- made , $1000
ingpowder/ in this can In it for you
there is- * *
nnopcrwqt Calumet has been backed for years by an offer
of $1,000 for any substance injurious to health
found in the baking prepared with it.
Does not this and the fact that it complies with
all pure food laws , both State and National ,
prove that Calumet is absolutely pure ?
With the purity question settled then Calumet
is undoubtedly the best Baking Powder. It
contains more leavening power ; it is more uni
form every can is the same. It assures
better results and is moderate in price.
Received Highest Award World's Pure Food Exposition
Pwe In the Can Pure
bi the Baklns.
Wonderful Highland Dialect Respon
sible for Wrong Impression
Given Divine.
Andrew Carnegie , at a dinner in
New York , talked about the Scotch
"It's a hard lingo to understand , " he
said. "It often causes awkward mis
"Once an American divine spent
Christmas in a Highland Inn. On
Christmas morning he gave the maid
a tip of a sovereign , and he said , look
ing earnestly at her for she was a
pretty maid
" 'Do you know , Kathleen , your are a
very good-looking lassie ? '
"Of course Kathleen was pleased ,
but , being modest , she blushed like a
rose and answered :
" 'Ah , na ; Ah na ! But my kissin ,
sir , Is beautiful ! '
"The divine frowned.
" 'Leave the room , you wicked
young baggage ! " he said sternly.
"He didn't know , you see , that mod
est Kathleen had been simply praising
in her Highland dialect , the superior
charms of her cousin Janet of Pee
bles. "
Children's Food.
Certain little suggestions are always
to be followed when planning the diet
of the little ones. To keep healthy
little stomachs in the nursery never
serve hot stewed fruit to the.children.
Plenty of stewed fruit and baked ap
ples they should eat , but they must
invariably be.cooked the day before
and dished up cold. The nursery po
tatoes should always be baked or
boiled in their jackets. Stewed and
fried potatoes or potatoes boiled with
out their skins supply starch , with a
loss of all the wholesome potash salts
that the skin gives out during the
process of cooking into the white part
of the vegetable.
A Prime Cause of III Health.
A famous physician on being asked
recently what is the chief cause of ill
health , replied : "Thinking and talk
ing about it all the time. This sense
less introspection in which so many
of the rising generation of the nerv
ous folk indulge is certainly wearing
them out. When they are not worry
ing as to whether they sleep too much
or too little , they are fidgeting over
the amount of food they take or the
quantity of exercise necessary Jfor
health. In short they never give
themselves a moment's peace. "
There's the Rub.
"Well , " said the optimistic boarder ,
"there's one thing about our boarding
house ; you can eat as much as you
like there. "
"Of course ; same as ours , " replied
the pessimistic one , "you can eat as
much as you like , but there's never
anything you could possibly like. "
A Surprise.
"I'm going to- give my wife a real
surprise this Christmas. "
That so ? What are you going to
give her ? "
"The money. "
Pettlt's Eye Salve For Over 100 Years
has been used for congested and inflamed
eyes , removes film or scum over the eyes.
All druggists or Howard Bros.BuffaloN.Y.
It's a great accomplishment to be
able to sing , but don't lose sight of the
fact that it's just as great a one to
know you can't.
Stupid Man.
"My husband has no idea of the
value of money. "
"Why , I thought he was a careful
business man. "
"He thinks so , too. But he abso
lutely doesn't realize what a lovely
hat I can buy for $48.99. "
The danpcr from slight cuts or woundl
is always blood poisoning. The immMJ *
ate application of Ilarnlins Wizard Ou
makes blood poisoning impossible.
The best way to lift men is to meet
them on a level.
The Faquir's Son's
& ' ipporiunity
Why wait for the old farm to become
your Inheritance ? Bcglnnowto
prepare lor your future
prosperity and Indepen
dence. A ( treat Oppor
tunity awaits you In
or Alberta , whttre you
can secure a FreeHomf-
sonablo prices.
taw's ttieTlme
not a year from no jr ,
when land will be hith
er. Tbo profits secured
from the abundant crops of
"Wheat , Oats and Barley.
as well as cattle raising , are
cacslnp a steady advance In
jirlcc. Govmu.ent . returns gbxrtr
that the untuber of settlers
In Western Canada from
the U. S. tvns 6O per cent
larger in JL91O titan , the
previous year.
Many farmers have paid
for their land out of tiia
proceeds of one crop.
Free Homesteads of 160
no res and pre-emptions of
1 no acres at S3.OO an acre.
Flio climate. Rood schools ,
excellent railway facilities ,
loir freight rates ; wood * wsv-
tor and lumber easily ob-
For pamphlet "Last Beit Vest , "
particulars as to suitable location
and low settlers' rate , apply to
Snp't of Immigration , Ott&wa ,
Can. , or to Canadian Gort-Agfflat.
E. T. Holmes. 315 Jicksoa St. SI Put , Ita.
J. M. JUdacto , Dram m.tfrttrtowaJJ.
Use address nearest you. 87
Make the liver
Nine times in ten when the liver it rigLl tk *
stomach and bowels ore right.
gently but firmly com.
pel a lazy liver to CARTERS
do ib duty.
Cures Con ITTLC
stipation , IVER
Indiges PILLS.
tion ,
Headache , and Distress after
Sraall Fill , Small DOM , SmaH Price
Genuine mmtbear Signature
Allen's UlcerlnebalYecurosChronicUlcers , Bone
Ulrers.Scrof nlona Oleers.Varlcoie UlcersIn-
dolent Ulcers.Merqarlal Ulcers\Vhite Swell-
insrMllkI > esr.FeverSore8 , lIoliHor i. FwUlTtlrw
failure. Bjmiiuoe. J.P.ALLBy.Dept.A7StJan1.Mlnn.
DIE E ? HSTU'-A ' cured In a few
1 1 _ o3 > days , without pain. Wo p7
HStafia P tiUcured. Cut this ad out ,
good for $5 for each patient. Write for particulars.
Dr. Kathnay. 602 Farmirs Loan & Trust Bldj. , Slou City , U.
BIONTAXA Laud of Sunshine and sea-breezes.
Wheat , oats , barluv and alfalfa. The best farms fU
to 25 per tier- . Write today for full Information
about Montana lands. J. 21. OAL'ST , Gnu Falls ,
, ington.D.C : Books free. High-
1 est references , Bt twoa.
Thompson's / Wafir
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 3-1911.
Women's Secrets
There is one man in the United States who has perhaps heard
snore women's secrets than any other man or woman in the
country. These secrets are not secrets of guilt or shame , but
the secrets of suffering , and they have been confided to Dr.
R. V. Pierce in the hope and expectation of adyice and help.
That few of these women have been disappointed in their ex
pectations is proved by the fact that ninety-eight per cent , of
all women treated by Dr. Pierce have been absolutely and
altogether cured. Such a record would be remarkable if the
cases treated were numbered by hundreds only. But when
that record applies to the treatment of more than half-a- mil
lion women , in a practice of over 40 years , it is phenomenal ,
and entitles Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded him by women , as the fint d
specialists in the treatment of women's diseases.
Every sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter , absolutely withoi *
charge. All replies are mailed , sealed in perfectly plain envelopes , without
ny printing or advertising whatever , upon them. Write without fear as with-
oat fee , to World's Dispensary Medical Association , Dr. R. V. Pierce , Prest. ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
Ctftr IMM we * krlfhtar anl tatteresjon tMa j 5 > w < p. OjtfOgBaetaH ceton alt ttws. Tkwy to In cI water better than any after to. YM aa * di |
WtMMrf 1UiMtn J fM rt WriteHHritUllrtii. IhwteP.8WiM MttC 4m. MOMKQE DRUG CO. . Qulm9ytHlkSS'