Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 19, 1911, Image 5

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Four Persons Kiiiftl and FEUF b-
jured at Mara ,
Struck Match to Locate Gas
eak Owner of Hotcl ( Son , .Em
| ployee and Lincoln Traveling Safes
I man Among Killed.
* Niobrara , Neb. , Jan. 1C. Four per
sona wore killed and four injured in au
explosion v/hich occurred here and the
fire which resulted from the explosion
liurned to the ground the three story
frame hotel owned by Michael Ken
dall. The explosion was caused by a
leak in the gas plant which was lo
cated In the cellar of the hotel. Mr.
Kendall noticed that gas was escaping
end went to the cellar to investigate
and it Is supposed that he struck a
match and ignited the gas in the eel-
Inr. It is thought that all of the in
jured will recover , though the injuries
of three arc serious.
The -d'ead are : Michael Kendall ,
proprietor * of the hotel ; Kennith Ken
dall , hig son ; Anna Duseka , a cook ;
Roy F. Crosby , traveling salesman for
G.A. Crnncer & Co. , Lincoln.
The. hotel caught fire' and was
burned to the ground.
Mrs. Crosby. wife of Roy Crosby , had
both legs broken and was burned
about the face and arms.
-Mrs. Kendall , wife of the hole ! pro
prietor , had one leg broken , and was
burned about the face , arms and body.
IPoarl Kendall , her son , had one foot
tlpwn off and was badly burned on the
legs , arms and across the back.
4Mrs. Krtipicka was burned , but her
injuries .arc not considered serious.
"There is no hospital in Niobrara
and all of the injured are being taken
cate of at the home of friends.
Wallace York Is Murderer , Then Suicide -
cide , Following a Dance.
Qmaha , * . Jan. . .16. Murder and sui
cide ended . { lie jealous rage of Wallace
Yorsk when he cut his wife's heatl
nearly off with a butcher knife and
slashed his o\\n throat.
; .The couple attended the dance of
tie' Tmrant Fire company at Washing
ton hall. York became jealous bee -
e use the woman danced with other
meV and compelled her to return
jiprhe early. They left the hall at'i
-When Mrs. York's brother , Henry
Covelan3who also attended the
danfritK4 "a rf iemPof the murdered
wo jinan , arrived" home at 2 o'clock he
foufid'the man and woman under the
enl table in the house , dead.
j ( fire was found smouldering in the
waitress and it is presumed York in
tended to burn the house.
Plan" for Eacfi Business Man to Have
Plant in New Town.
' ! Omaha , Jan. 16. If the plans of J.
F. Sweesy of Omaha and William
Rood , cashier of the Webster City
( la. ) National bank materialize , they
will transplant the latter town to Deei
Trail , Colo. A special car carrying
many of the business men of Webster
City passed through Omaha recently
on the way to Denver , there to leave
its passengers for a tripsto TDeer Trail
fifty miles away.
Mr. Rood , who conceived the plan
of getting his townsmen into the proj
ect of building a second community ai
Deer Trailj is financing the idea to a
large extent. The plan is for everj
man interested in the undertaking tc
conduct a farm as a side issue and es
tablish a branch of his principal busi
ness at Deer Trail. The town's nanu
may be changed.
* " * _ _ _ *
Footprints and Inflammable Material
Found in Vicinity of Building.
Broken Bow , Neb. , Jan. 16. An"at
lempt was made to" burn the buildings
i 1 at the county poor farm. . A quantity
of inflammable material was found
about the main building and out
house1 ; . It is thought the incendiary
"was frightened away before complet
ing his work. There are a number of
strange footprints about the building
and Supervisor Foley of that district
-luis notified Sheriff Kennedy to send
f or ' bloodhounds. The sheriff will at
once put them on the trail.
.State Meeting Called by York Men
Will Be Held' in Lincoln.
, York. Neb. , Jan. 16. The state real
estate dealers' convention to be held
tomorrow at Lincoln promises to be a
lively session.
A large per cent of real estate deal
ers "believe in perfecting a state or
ganlzation , and through this organiza
.tlon advertise , the great agricultural-
resources of Nebraska. Important
business , ifl wh'Qh every real estate
dealer will be. interested , will be acted
upon. The Lincoln Commercial clut
will provide a hall for the meeting.
State Poultry Show.
Hastings , Neb. , Jan. 16. Entries for
the state poultry show this week have
exceeded . expectations. . Probably. 3-
OOdlnrds will be on display. Meetings
of" the Stateand * American Poultry as
sociations will bt held in
Sweet WaterjGIeanings.
A masquerade ball is reportei
for Brownlee March 17.
Ed Belsky made a business trjj
to Wood Lake last week.
B. W. Pritchard was feeling UE
der the weather last. week.
J. R. Chaloud shipped a load o
fat hogs and cattle last week.
L. D. Cole made a .trip" t
Brownlee one day"last week.
Floyd Farlow is going to Oma
ha for a short visit with relatives
Miss Ella Michcel has been liv
ing.on her claim lately and batch
ing it ,
Austin Moll is putting the fin
ishing touches on Gee , Hick'f
house this week.
J. S. Cole had the misfortuni
of spraining his ankle while haul
ing hay sometime ago.
R. D. McBeth , who has been a
Rosemout looking after his inter
ests snd visiting relatives , is baci
and is at his old occupation can
vassing trees.
Fred Preston and wife are the
happy parents of a baby girl , borr
January li. Papa Preston , > feeh
like a lord and Grandpa Pritch
ards expressions are amusing tc
A petition for a school house or
Sweet Water is in circulation acd
we hope to succeed in getting the
school' . The orchestra will s < e
that they get a school ma'am tc
teach it 0. K.
The 21 ranch has again started
in business'with Sam Richardson
as foreman , Sam is a good mac
for the job and a fine young fellow
to meet. . He will no doubt be in
the market for a cook now.
One of the happiest , nights was
spent at the Cross L ranch last
Friday the 13th ; ftbieh will long
be remembered by those present.
In spite of the cold weather and
bad roads a large crowd attended ,
some coming as far as 25 miles.
Music wasvfurnished by therSweet
Water orchestra. Dancing open
ed at 7:30 : by a clog dance first ,
Bfiven by Mr. Boliver and contin
ued till midnight when a most re
freshing supper was served by
Mrs. Steadraan , Mrs. Miller , Miss
Grace Grooms and Miss Coe. Af
ter supper dancing and singing
was resumed and continued until
3awn when another lunch was
served , after which most of the
srowd departed for their respect
ive homes , those living afar retir
ing for a good sleep first , when
mother rnca ! was served. The
irowd then departed wishing Mr.
ind Mrs. Stead man many happy
returns of the day.
Masked Men Storm Jail and Secure
Insurers of Women.
Shelbyville , Ky. , ' Jan. 17 Fifty
masked men stormed the Shelby ciun-
ty jail here , seized and lynched thret
negroes , two of whom were charged
with insulting white women and tht
third sentenced to hang for the mur
der of a negro woman. The bodies o {
two of the negroes , Gene Marshall and
v.Vade Patterson , have been found , but
that of the third , Jim West , is still un
accounted for , although he was ssen
edoa TJ U.TAV qoui eqj jo spuui [ 9m u ,
ibout his nock.
The two bodies recovered were
found about a quarter of a mile apart.
I'hi't of Marshall was found hanging tea
a bridge , while that of Patterson was
found in Clear creek. Patterson at
tempted to escape from the mob , was
shot and his body thrown into the
? reek. Patterson , it was charged , Im
? ulted two white women , and knocked
.nein down. West was a chauffeur and
lad often been seen throwing kisses
it white women.
nsurgents Vote With Democrats
Against Decision.
Washington , Jan. 17 ; By a vote of
L55 to 124 the house refused to lay on
: he table an appeal taken by Repre-
( entative Fitzgerald ( Dem. ) from a
lecision of Speaker Cannon. Fitzger-
ild appealed from a decision which
vould have permitted the setting aside
if the new rule giving power to take
) ils away from committee. Twenty-
hree insurgents voted with the Demo-
: rats.
. _ .
> r ( - :
Reports'of damage to the Kansas
nut crop as a result of the. sleet and
: od weather are not given much cred
ence by Waller Wellhouse , secretary
if the Kansas state board of hwticul-
ure : . . .
Sam Pierce is in town today.
A. T. Bracket ! } and Henry For
ath are in town today. '
Postmaster Waggoner was u ]
last Friday from Woodlake.
Pat Piper and wife are in town
Mrs. Piper is having some denta
work done.
Big base burner coal stove fo
svle , § 12 , cheap. Worth more
Don't need it. I. M. RICE. t
* .
John Slonecker is having a verj
bad spell with bis stomach anc
though better yesterday is verj
bad today.
Miss Mabel Green has resignec
her position in the state bank tc
take effect as soon as her success
or arrives.
A message to Grandpa Carlson
clicked over the wires last Thurs
day from Fred Vincent saying
it was a boy and all well.
The county commissioners ad
journed last Saturday for a week
to attend to outside work. Next
week they expect to finish up
their regular work for January.
E. B. Quible and son , George ,
are in town today on their way to
Omaha and Lincoln where George
is. to have his ear treated. He has
not fully recovered from the ef
fects of scarlet fever.
F. K. Cochran , travelling salefs-
man for Carpenter Paper Co. ,
dropped into town three days late ,
being delayed with a severe cold
down the road and though hoarse
appears to be recovering.
Geo. Thompson and son , Cleve
land , came down from Cody today
on business before the laud office.
He has a homestead up the river
and works in Cody for the rail
road company , but manages to
get out home to do a little work
and raises a crop.
Wm. Crawford and W. H.
Sirrell were up from the Loup
last Friday and say the report
sent in from Valentine that the
colored people were starving is
false. This is confirmed also by
Matt Woodson and C. E. Howard
who recently returned from there.
J. A. Hornback dropped in to
day and surprised us. He came
clown from Lander where he had
been visiting his daughter , Mrs.
McBride , and has engaged to help
run the Cody hotel for Mrs. Lew
is. Mrs. Hornback is at Salt
Lake City with Flora and her
husband , Mr. Thompson. Glad
to see him back.
Mrs. Brackett of Kilgore lost
her house by fire last week. Fire
started from an unknown cause in
lay time just after she had been
iown to the basement to attend to
the furnace. The fire * started on
the side next to the wind and on
the opposite side of the room from
She register. Some household
goods were saved and the insur-
mce company paid § 800 on § 900
Alonzo Boyer , father of Grant
Boyer and Mrs. Horace Todd ,
lied Tuesday night at 10:20. : He
lad been in failing health since
ast year when h fell off a ladder ,
3U.t has been growing old all the
; ime and has worked hard all his
ife and was failing in health
gradually. He was born in New
Fork state on the Mohawk river ,
kpril 13 , 1832 , and was nearly 79
rears old. He came to Nebraska
n ' 84 from Michigan and settled
m a homestead in Keya Paha
sounty. Several years later the
iamily went to Missouri and after
'our or five years returned to Val-
sntine where they have since re-
iided with their son , Grant. Two
ions and two daughters survive
he deceased , his wife preceding
lim by only a few months , J.
3oyer in Missouri and Salina
jraddy in Louisianna and the two
ibove mentioned. The funeral
vas held today at 2:30.
Presbyterian Church.
Preaching morning and evening.
Sabbath School , Junior , and
Christian Endeavor as usual. < .
All cordially invited.
Old , Crow , All Leading
* " * "
* * '
Brands- ' * *
Hermitages ;
' , i-
and s * * Bofctled . i :
< * „
G-uchen- Under the . * .
' V :
lieimer Supervision . * .
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S.
, * .
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
y School Notes.
Roy Brown is back at his worl
in the 6th grade.
Joe Thackrey of the 6th grade
is on the sick list.
Wauneta Cole , after an absencf
of several days , is back in her
place in the 4th grade.
We are all pleased to have
Leoiia Herman a member of the
freshmen class again.
The Sth grade is thankful to our
janitor , Mr. McCrae , for making
a neat iitte dictionary table for
their room.
Lagrippe has laid his grip on
quite a few of the grades , among
them are Katherine Howe , Anna
M'cGloy , Edith Jaycox and Irene
Clarkson of the 3rd room.
A social hour in conversation in
German is part of the work in the
2nd German class under MissVan
Driel's leadership. This class is
doing superior w.ork in this lang
Wfc are sorry to report that
Miss Nelson , teacher of the 2nd
room , is on the sick list this week.
y r
Several of the normal training
class members have had charge of
this room this week.
Time for our annual field day
will soon be here. Boys , get
ready to enter some of the events.
Only those will be permitted to
enter an event that have practiced
before hand for the meet.
That other schools in Nebraska
are anxious to adopt our play
ground devices is evidenced by
the fact that Supt. Bettenga has
been asked by the North Nebraska
Teachers' Association at Chadron
to give a report on the playground
equipments of the Valentine
We failed to report last week
that Mrs. Miller resided her po
sition as teacher of the Sth grade
room the week before school op
ened after New Year. The board
will elect a teacher for this room
soon and till then Mrs.N Bettenga
will teach those grades. Mrs.
Miller has a position in the Den
ser schools , having charge of a
3th and 7th grade room.
SAT. TAX. 28 , 1:30 P. M , 'ii. s BLDG.
The Rural School
Mrs. Lottie Cramer
The Gulick Series of Physi
elegies - Lillian Nelson
Reading From the Evolution
of Dodd - Florence Jackson
The Condition of Education in
Alaska - Vivian Clarkson
Vlusic Piano Solo , Add ie Harvey
k. Model Reading Recitation ,
Bertha Gordon
Declamation - Gussie Graeff
Barrett's Reading Circle Les
son - Supt. Cora Thackrey
Vlusic - Seventh Grade Sextette
\llen's Civics and Health
E. P. Bettenga
Recitation Selected
Queen Moon
Song - Seventh Grade Girls
"When yonr feet are wet and cold , and
ronr body chilled through and through
Tom exposure , take a "big dose of Cham-
jerlain's Cough Rem'sdy , bathe 'yonij
; eet in hot water before going to bed ,
md you are almost certain to ward ofi a |
ievere cold. For sale by Chapman , the
It Grows Hair ,
Here Are Facts We Want Yet
To Prove at Our Risk ,
Marvelous as it may seem , Rex
all " 93" Hair Tonic 'has growr
hair on heads that were once bald
Of course , in none of these cases
were the hair roots dead , nor had
the scalp taken on a glazed , shinj
Jlexall/93" Hair Tonic acts
scientifically , destroying the germ.
which are usually responsible foi
baldness. If penetrates to the
roots of the hair , stimulating anc
nourishing them. It is a mosl
pleasant toilet necessity , is deli
cately perfumed , and will not gun
or permanently stain the hair.
We want you to get a bottle ol
Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic and ase il
as directed. If it does not relieve
scalp irritation , remove dandruff ,
prevent the hair from falling out
and promote an increased growth
of .hair , and in every way give en
tire satisfaction , simply come bad ;
and tell us , and without questioner
or formality we will hand back tc
you eyery penny you paid us for
it. Two sizes , 50c and § 1.00. Sold
only at our store. The Eexall
Store. Chapman , The Druggist.
A Hot Offer.
The Lincoln Daily News will be
mailed from now until April 1st
for only 25 cents , giving you all
of the legislative news right
straight from the capitol city. A
bigger offer yet is a combination
of the Lincoln Daily News , Week
ly Independent Farmer and
Monthly Poultry Topics , all three
mailed to one or separate address
es from now until April 1 , 1912 ,
for only § 2.25 not much more
than half price. A splendid big
family daily newspaper , clean as
i whistle and bright and snappy ;
i sixteen-page weekly farm and
home magazine , a monthly poultry
paper full of practical talk about
chicken raising. Reading for all
nembers of the family , and you
? ave the money by buying all
three of them at once. Address
The Daily News , Lincoln , Neb.
Fine Rooted Trees
That Grow.
Acclimated and varieties adapted
to Northwestern Nebraska.
Prospects are for good fruit
irop next year. Trees are full of
: ruit buds now.
Buds are formed in August of
-his year for next year's crop.
If ground is dry now give your
roung trees bucket water each.
Catalog upon request.
T. W. CRAMER , Local Agent ,
* Valentine , Nebr.
3qyd Nurseries and Fruit
wcrth , - Nebraska
Good residence property for
iale. I. M. KICE. if
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men- for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out | 10 or $10000
a month. A checking'
account will serve yoiir
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
The Chicago House *
JIM FELCH , Propr. . - , : . . ; i
* * ' * 5 I
" , ' - , ' * ' '
Call on me for rooms and ?
lodging ; " * ' ; - ; : I. . ! " ' "
Valentine Nebraska
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch-
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17 ,
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289-
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , re ,
Bulls for Sale at AU Times ,
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
Daily mean temperature 24 = .
Normal temperature 18 °
Highest temperature itt = .
Lowest temperature-5 ° . ' .
Range of temperature = > .
Precipitation for week OO.Oo of an inch. " '
Average for 22 years 0.14 of an inch. '
Precipitation March 1st to date 10.33 inch es
Average for 22 years of an inches. '
JOHN J. MCLEAN. Observer.
Dr. M. T. Meer ,
Rooms over Eed Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
3or. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
- * s
Light and Heavy Draying-
* *
Furniture and pianos handled
in a careful manner. Coal
hauled and trunks and grips
. a specialty. Phone No. 4S.
> >
Tie qmcker a cold is gotten rid of the
ess the danger from , pneumonia and
> ther serious diseases. 3 < Ir. B. W. L.
lail , of "Waverly , Va. , says : I firmly
jelieve Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
; o be absolutely the best preparatipn on
; he market for colds * I have recom-
nended it to my friends and they ali
igree vrith me. For sale by Chapman