Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 19, 1911, Image 2

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    The Valentine Bemocri
I. M. RICE , ' - Publish )
Among the Dead Are the Proprleto
One of His Sons and a Travellr
Salesman Three of Injured Victln
Are in a Critical Condition.
Niobrara , Neb. Four persons wei
killed and four injured in an explosic
which occurred here at 7.30 o'cloc
Sunday evening and the fire whic
resulted from the explosion burne
to the ground the three-story hot <
owned by Michael Kendall. The expl
sion was caused by a leak in the gc
plant , which was located in the celh
of the hotel. Mr. Kendall noticed thz
gas was escaping and went to the ce
lar to Investigate , and it is suppose
that he struck a match and ignite
the gas in the cellar. It is thougl
that all of the injured will recove
though the injuries of three are se
The dead are : Michael Kendal
proprietor of the hotel ; Kennet
Kendall , son of the proprietor ; Ann
Duseka , a cook ; Roy P. Crosby , tra ?
eling salesman.
Mrs. Crosby , wife of Roy F. Crosby
had both legs broken , and was bun
ed about the face and arms.
Mrs. Kendall , wife of the hotel pn
prietor , had one leg broken and wa
burned about the face , arms and bed ]
Pearl Kendall , son of the proprietoi
had one foot blown off and was badl
burned on the legs and about th
arms and across the back.
Mrs. Kurpicka was burned , but he
injuries are not considered serious.
There is no hospital in Niobrara ani
all of the injured are being cared feat
at the homes of friends.
Jury Ac
in the Hog
being out since Sat
urday night at 10:30 o'clock , returnei
a verdict of acquittal at 11 a. m. Sun
day. When the foreman of jury report
ed that an agreement had been reach
ed , the judge and opposing counse
were hastily summoned. The news o
an agreement had not spread , and fev
were in the courtroom at tiie time.
When apprised of his freedom th (
prisoner thanked each juryman , anc ,
then burst into tears. It is said he
was confident of acquital.
The first ballot taken by the juron
stood five for conviction and seven foi
acquittal. Subsequent ballots reduced
this to two for conviction and ten foi
Two Men Are Killed.
St. Joseph , Mo. The boiler in the
electric light plant at Rushville , Mo. ,
'a small town about fifteen miles south
of St. Joseph blew up , demolishing the
plant and killing the engineer , Elijah
Merrit , aged 60 years , and his son
Guy , aged 19.
Starts an Inquiry.
Mexico , City. Alleged inhuman
treatment by the authorities at Zac-
ate.cas of J. A. Farrell , an American
iminihg engineer , is being investigated
'by the American embassy , following
a protest signed by eighty foreign res
idents of El Rio.
Three Kentucky Negroes Lynched.
. ' Shelbyville , Ky. Fifty masked men
stormed the Shelby county jail here ,
.seized and lynched three negroes , two
of .whom were charged with insulting
white women and the third sentenced
to hang for the murder of a negro
woman and held awaiting execution.
Land Office Fight.
' Washington , D. C. Hearings will be
held before Land Commissioner Ben-
Inet pn January 25 for the benefit of
representatives of South Dakota cities
Iwhich are seeking the location of the
'land offlce which is to be removed
from Aberdeen.
Wabe Raise for Mutineers.
Paris. Advices from Badajosa ,
.Spain , five miles from the Portuguese
'frontier , say the Portuguese govern
ment has acceded to the demands of
the garrison at Elvas , which mutinied
recently and demanded increased pay.
Sioux City Live Stock Market
. Sioux City , la. Saturday's quota
tions on the local live stock market
were as follows : Top beeves , $6.00.
Top hogs , $7.80.
Crypt for John Paul Jones.
Washington , D. C. At a cost of
$135,000 the senate proposes to provide
a permanent resting place for the
body of John Paul Jones in a crypt in
the naval academy at Annapolis , Md.
A bill to this effect -was passed by the
senate and it now goes to the house.
Student's Skull Crushed.
Kearney , Neb. Milton Benner , 14
years old , a student at the Kearney
Military academy , was killed , when he
fell from a toboggan slide. His skull
Inaurrectoa Reported to Have Hel
Federal Troops at Bay for Thrc
Hours When Latter Withdrew an
Went Into Camp.
San Antonio , -Tex. According t
advices received in this city Thuri
days more than forty participant
were killed in a serious battle tha
took place between the Mexican fe (
eral troops and the revolutionists jus
across the border.
The news came from Ed. O'Reilly ,
newspaper correspondent who ha
been at the front in Mexico near th
international line , and was receive
here in a dispatch dated Comstocl
Tex. It reads :
"Big fight ; more than forty killed
hit myself. "
The insurrectos , it is reported , hel
the federals at bay for three hours
after which the * latter withdrew twi
miles and went into camp.
This telegram indicates a reopenini
of hostilities after a lull of about i
month , or since the insurgents fough
a draw battle with the forces of Ger
eral Navarro at Cerro Prieto and sooi
afterward caught the federal com
mander's men in an ambuscade nea
Mai Paso and inflicted on them heav ;
Samuel Untermyer Declares Llttli
Corporations Are Pursued Whlla
Large Ones Let Go.
New York. In an address befoix
the annual meeting of the Nationa
Civic federation Thursday Samue
TJntermyer attacked the government' !
attitude toward the trusts as a "mon
strous sham. " According to him tht
large and "vicious" corporations gc
unmolested while "the little fellows
are being pursued with a brass band
and the greatest press bureau evei
put in action. "
Mr. TJntermyer first blamed the
courts and the government , sinc the
enactment of the Sherman anti-trust
law in 1890 , for failing to suppress
the crimes it was passed to prevent
and thus permitting the growth ol
"vicious" corporations. He then
charged the present administration
with prosecuting only the smal com
binations , such as the window-glass
and bath-tub associations , which he
claimed were innocent of criminal in
As a solution for the trust problem ,
the speaker advocated rigid federal
regulation , asserting that state con
trol was confusing and inadequate.
He also maintained that the expres
sion "guilt is personal" was merely
"a political catch-phrase" and really
had no bearing on the question. Fed
eral regulation , he believed , would
perserve all the benefits of combina
tion , such as the elimination of de
structive competition , while avoiding
Its evils.
Fen-Cent Store Is Blown Up at Con-
nellsville , Pa. Twelve Per
sons Injured.
Connellsville , Pa. Five persons
vere killed and twelve injured in a
jas explosion that wrecked a well-
illed five and ten-cent store here
rhursday. The fire that followed
: ompletely destroyed the building.
Clerks and customers were buried
n the collapse of the walls. One
roung woman went mad in anticipa-
ion of her horrible fate , fought off a
escuer and burned to death. The
leat and smoke was so Intense that
.11 attempts at rescue were futile.
) nly three of the victims , all girl
lerks , have been identified.
The failure of workmen to cap
be supply pipe after removing a nat-
ral gas meter caused the blaze.
rear Is Felt for Safety of Passengers
and Crew Snow-Bound Near
Fielding , Mont.
Spokane , Warh. Alarm was felt
y railroad officials Thursday for the
afety of the passengers and crew of
reat Northern passenger train No.
. "The Oregonian , " and the crew of
ist mail No. 27 , stalled in the snow
ear Fielding , Mont.
It is estimated that' there are more
aan fifty persons all told on the two
ains. There is no diner on either
ain. The trains have been stalled
[ nee Monday ! A blinding snow-
: orm has raged for.four days.
The last heard from the trains was
message sent by a train operator
arly Tuesday morning.
Held for Slaying Husband.
Portland , Ind. Sallle Karney , widow
: David Karney , a storekeeper at
Drnwall , this county , who was killed
i Hallowe'en night , was arrested
dursday following a grand jury in-
ctment charging her with first de-
ee murder.
New York Banker Indicted. . j
New York. The grand jury re-
.rned an indictment Thursday charg-
g perjury against William L.Brower ,
rmer vice-president of the Norther *
ink of New York. I
J. J } f
Report of Investigators Cites Numei
ous Violations of the Law and DC
Glares Senator Spent $50,000 t
Win Seat in United States Senate
Madison , Wis. The charges of coi
1 ruption made in connection with th
election of United States Senate
Stephenson two years ago , were re
newed Wednesday when a length ;
statement was filed with Gov. P. E
McGovern by the 1909 state senat <
committee In "which the senator ii
charged with violating a number o
the laws of the state ,
i The committee recommends that i
copy of the report be submitted t <
the United States senate and tha
body Investigate Mr. Stephenson's
A summary of the charges againsl
the senator follows :
That he premedltatedly violated
the statute which requires the filing
under oath of an account of campalgr
That he violated the law which pro
hibits any one from contributing
money to assist a candidate for th
legsilature residing outside of the dis
trict in which the contributor re
That the civil service law of this
state was violated when he caused to
be paid money , which the evidence
shows was paid to State Game War
den Stone and L. B. Dresser , presi
dent of the board of control.
That he gave a sum of money to a
supporter of McGovern for United
States senator , such supporter after
ward switching to Stephenson , and
that he paid large sums to others
which afterward were used by them
to induce other persons to assist in
procuring his election.
"On the whole record therefore , "
the report states , "Stephenson is
charged with knowledge of the man
ner in which his campaign was being
conducted and the purposes for which
money was being disbursed.
Believed More Bodies Are In Ruins of
Cincinnati Chamber of Com
merce Building.
Cincinnati. Five men are known to
have been killed and there is a pos
sibility of several more being dead as
: he result of the fire that destroyed
: he chamber of commerce building
ruesday night.
At the annual meeting of the cham
ber of commerce Wednesday steps
; vere taken to build an entirely new
suilding where the other one stood.
fwelve Bodies Are Taken From Ruins
After an Accident in Powder
Buenos Ayres , Argentina , Many
'atalities ' were caused by an ex-
) lesion in a gunpowder factory at
3an Martin. Twelve bodies were ta-
cen from the ruins of the plant soon
ifter it was blown to pieces. The
learch for other dead continued.
Impaled on Ski Stick ; Dies.
Houghton , Mich. Robert , Williams ,
eventeen years old , died Wednesday
Q Hancock hospital as a result of be-
ng impaled on a ski stick which pene-
rated his bowels. The stick is used
a propelling a ski rider.
New York Wars on Long Hatpin.
New York. New York city will join
he list of cities which have legislated
gainst the long hatpin evil. An or-
inance was introduced in the board
f aldermen Wednesday. It provides
, $50 fine.
Committee Reports Sufficient Evidence
Is Found to Warrant His Removal
From Illinois Senate.
Springfield , 111. D. W. Holstlaw oi
luka , confessed bribe taker , has es
caped dismissal from the senate by
his resignation , sent in a few days
The senate Investigating committee
which has been hearing testimony in
regard to bribery in connection with
the election of Senator William Lori-
mer reported Wednesday that , al
though it had found sufficient evidence
to warrant the removal of Holstlaw ,
it was not in its power to recommend
such action in view of his official
resignation , directed to the gov
Prior to tin reading of the commit
tee's report a communication from
Governor Deneen was presented to the
senate which stated that the executive
had received the resignation of Hoist-
law dated January 4 , and that the of
fice of senator from the Forty-second
district was , therefore , vacated.
Lieutenant Governor Oglesby then
declared Holstlaw's seat vacant.
National Association Formed to Push
That Plan Meets In Convention
In Washington.
Washington , D. C. Th © move
ment , looking to the erection of
a permanent commission that will
have charge of all future revisions of
the tariff , was given a decided Impetus
when the annual convention of the
National Tariff Commission Assoc-
tlon opened in this city Wednesday.
This organization , which is composed
of delegates from the strongest and
most Important commercial bodies in
the country , has for its sole purpose-
"the creation of a permanent nonpartisan
tisan tariff commission , " and it Is be
lieved that the assembly at this time
of-such a body will have a powerful
effect on congress.
Delegates appointed by the govern
ors of every state In the union , ac
cording to the number of congressional
districts , are present , as well as a
number of governors themselves , and
the mayors or their representatives
of a number of the largest cities. In
all there are between six and seven
hundred present.
Rail Empl'oyes Walk Out ; Business
Houses Idle Spanish Minister
Saye Paralysis Is General.
Lisbon. A majority of the railroad
employees in Portugal have gone on
a strike. The government had long
been warned of the movement and
took active measures to maintain the
service , with partial success.
Following the example of the rail
way men the employes of the commer
cial houses quit work on the ground
that the government had failed to is
sue a decree fixing the limit of a day's
work at 12 hours and providing one
lay of rest in seven.
As a consequence of this action
many business places In this city are
closed. The strikers are making an
attempt to extend the movement ta
Lhe provinces.
Postpone Rail Rate Raise.
Washington. Announcement was
nade by the interstate commerce
commission Thursday that the pro-
) osed advances in rates in classifica
tion territory voluntarily had been sus
pended by the carriers until March 15.
Message Urges "Zone" Forts.
Washington. President Taft sent
L special message to congress Thurs-
lay urging the Immediate appropri-
ition of 15,000,000 for use in building
l fense and fortifications for the
canal cone.
ADDS NEARLY $45,000,000 A YEA
Bulloway Measure Based on Nlnet
Day Service Requirement Grants
$12 to $36 Monthly.
Washington. By a vote of 2 ;
to 62 , the house of represent
ttves passed the Sulloway general pe
sion bill.
The measure grants from $12 to f !
a month to all soldiers who serv <
ninety'days in the United States am
In the Civil war or sixty days in tl
Mexican war , and who have reach *
the age of sixty-two years. The bi
adds about $45,000,000 a year to tl
pension roll.
Many members availed themselvt
of the opportunity to pay oratorio
tributes to the veterans , Speaker Ca
non being among those who took tl
floor in behalf of the measure. Tl
speaker addressed the house for t
minutes , declaring that the time wi
fast nearing when the last defender <
the Union will have passed from tl
aeods of a grateful nation.
Those who spoke in opposition coi
fined themselves to objections to tl
large burden that the annual appropr
atlon would entail.
It was declared by the advocates <
the bill that 100 veterans arc dyin
svery 24 hours.
Bar Association Opens Its Annui
Meeting in Ottawa and Hears Ad
dress by President Smart.
Ottawa , Kan. Many reform
in legislation and court practic
were urged by President C. A. Smai
Wednesday in his annual address bf
fore the Bar Asaociation of Kansas a :
sembled for its twenty-eighth mee
Ing. Judge Smart advocated emplo :
ers' liability to employees for all li
juries while in the line of their en
ployment , including the state and a
municipalities in so far as they b (
come employers of labor ; a trlbuns
for the trial and adjustment of all di ;
ficultles between employers and en
ployees ; old age pensions ; a limltt
tion upon inheritances ; giving to al
convicts and their families the ne
profits of convict labor compensaUo :
for all citizens wrongfully accused o
crime ; the establishment of a commit
sion for the determination of a ]
questions involving the mental sound
ness or unsoundness of a citizec
whether that question is raised i ]
criminal or civil procedure , thi
ject being the elimination fron
the trials of lawsuits either crimlna
or civil the question of mental sound
ness ; and the general charge tha
most of the objectionable featurai
connected with our present judlcia
system are matters thrust upon that
system by legislation.
Beveridge Declares Before Business
Men's Convention Commission
Is Assured.
Washington. The convention oi
the national tariff commission was
stirred to great enthusiasm by Sen
ator Albert J. Beveridge of Indiana ,
when he declared that although the
permanent tariff commission was prac
tically assured , a still greater victory
the triumph of organized public
apinlon would be marked by the
creation of the commission itself.
Ke said that the American people
tiad a right to demand of congress the
Bstablishment of a commission that
ivould command the "same dignity and
lave the same adequacy of powers as
: he interstate commerce commission. "
He predicted that the present ses
sion of congress would see the ehact-
nent of tariff commission legislation ,
jut he advised the convention to In
sist , through its representatives In
: ongress , on a non-partisan , all-power-
: ul commission.
flrs. Edward F. Croker Files Papers
for Separation Alleges Abandon
ment and Incompatibility.
New York. Despite all efforts to
: eep the fact a secret , it has
lecome known that on last Monday
he wife of Fire Chief Edward F.
broker filed papers in a suit for sep-
.ration. The causes she assigns are
.bandonment , insufficient support and
ncompatibility. Counsel for Chief
Jroker said that his client would file
lis bill inside of thirty days. He
dded that Mrs. Croker's extrava-
; ances have left her husband with
nly his monthly salary.
Mother Is Slain by Boy.
Joliet , 111. Matthew Wilson , aged
ifteen , shot and killed his mother ,
Irs. Lillian Wilson , while playing
rith a toy air rifle in the
itchen of their home. Believing the
reapon was unloaded the boy In a
pirit of jest pointed it at his mother ,
ulled the trigger , the bullet pene-
rated her brain and she sank to th
oor dead.
Child SIsin by Thieves.
Albany , N. Y. Aid of the police
iroughout the country has been
Dught in an effort to learn the identi-
r of a chubby , five-year-old boy whose
ozen body with acid stains about the
louth , was found in a swamp on th
chenectady road. The child , it la
lougnt , was poisoned by kidnapers.
House Passes $35,000,000 Bill.
Washington. The house Thursday
issed the legislative , executive and
idiclal bill , carrying approximately
The traveler passing through a
country la impressed favorably or oth
erwise by the appearance of the towns
along the line of railways. As they
appear prosperous and of healthy
growth he at once assures himself
that there is either a local industrial
factor to cause it , or a splendidly
developed agricultural area from
which is drawn the resources that
contribute or make for the growth
that is so readily apparent. On the
other hand , if evidence of impover
ished streets , badly appearing resi
dences and business places and leth
argic citizens , there Is an absence of
local industry and surrounding agri
cultural prosperity. There is no Una
of railway , whether main or branch ,
throughout western Canada , that
through the towns or cities that are *
built along the ribs of steel do not
convey the most favorable impression.
The cause is not always apparent , but
the facts are there and easily seep.
In most cases the growth and the sta
bility of these towns are caused by
the excellent agricultural district *
that .are tributary ; in some case * ,
manufacturing - enterprises have
sprung up , caused by the agricultural
demands and needs. The Winnipeg ;
Free Press and the Edmonton Bulle
tin have recently sent corps of cor
respondents through the provinces to
secure data concerning the growth of
the two or three hundred towns that
have come into existence during the
past two or three years. The partic
ulars make interesting reading , and as
one reads of the station house , the
blacksmith shop , the boarding house
and the store of April , being dwarfed
In August by a hundred or more dwell
ings , by large hotels , by splendid
stores , and a half dozen implement
warehouses , not forgetting the two or
three churches and the excellent pub
lic school buildings , it causes one to \
stop and think if they ever heard of
such marvelous changes. Certainly
not often. These are facts , though , as <
related of western Canada. Then ,
too , there are now cities yes , cities
of from ten to fifteen thousand people
where five or six years ago there
was but the bare prairie and the lone
section post. The changes in the Ca
nadian West during the past eight
or ten years have been marvelous ,
and it is no idle tale to say that the
development In number and growth of
the cities , towns and villages there
in the past decade has eclipsed anything j
thing in the history of the building of ' '
a new country. Agriculture has been
the basis , and it Is agriculture of the
kind that Is lasting. The ease with
which an excellent productive farm ,
capable of yielding a splendid living ' .
and large profit to the operator , is
such that it has encouraged thousands j
to follow that pursuit , and also other '
thousands on the limited and expen
sive farms throughout the Central
Western States as well as some of the
CJoast States , to enlarge their field of ,
mterprise. The climate is excellent ,
ind just the climate that is desirable !
! or the healthy growth of man and
the prod'ucts of the field. All varie-
Jes of the smaller and better paying
grains are raised , and generally with
jvery assurance of good fields. With
jovernment supervision of railway
ates , splendid markets are contain ,
ind the highest prices realized. The
Dominion Government , that has been
sarrying on a propaganda of securing
lettlers for the vacant lands , Issues
iterature descriptive of those avail-
ible In the provinces , and on request
if your nearest Canadian government
igent , copies will be forwarded free
A Deadly Error.
Dr. W. B. Cannon of Harvard , dis-
ussing anti-vivisection literature at a
inner In New York , said with a
mile :
"This literature , in part at least , is
s flagrantly erroneous as the medical
epartment conducted by a young col-
} ge girl in a weekly paper. A sarn
ie reply in this department ran :
' "Bereaved. The reply given last
reek was a mistake. It should have
een ten drops of laudanum , not ten
aps of laudanum. Yes , we .advocate
remation rather than the old-fash-
med burial. "
Terrified Hero.
"Did you have any narrow escapes
i the surf last summer ? "
"Yes , " replied the life-saver. "One
idy whom I rescued was so grateful
lat she nearly married me. "
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