Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 12, 1911, Image 6

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    The Valentine Bemoc ;
I. M. RICE , - - PublU
In Wholesale Lines Holiday Invei
ies Have Been Completed and S
men Are Again on Road Indusl
Are Quiet.
New York. Bradstreet's Satu
said :
Country-wide cold weather ,
cially severe in , the west and sc
has stimulated demand for heavy \ \
ing apparel , and combined with
ual clearance sales has made a ra
better than average final distribu
of seasonable goods. In whole
lines holiday inventories have 1
completed and salesmen are agaii
the road. Reports from jobbers
of a quite optimistic feeling as
spring trade and good sales of g <
adapted to retail clearance sales
If reported.
! \ * In industry quiet still reigns. ' .
il and steel are still dull and pig f
ilt ; t stocks are accumulating. Cold we
er has helped coal consumption
sales are active of bituminous coa
the west and anthracite at the e
No shortages of supply are , howe
' The leather trades are quiet and
ports of a widespread stoppage
i work in tanneries give firmness
stocks of finished materials. Co1
4 goods are quiet in primary marl
and year-end reviews of the 1910
suits are disappointing as a wh
f There are rather more optimistic
ports as to lumber trade conditi
on the north Pacific coast and a f
ing that the depression is that lin <
1910 is giving way to a more favon
Business failures in the TJni
States for the week ending Januar
were 281 , against 251 last week , 27 :
the like week of 1910 , 329 in 1908
283 in 1907.
Business failures in Canada for
I week number 27 , which compares v
35 last week and 33 in the like w
of 1910.
"House of Five Entrances" Destro
in New York.
, New York. Six persons are bel
ed to have perished Friday in a
which destroyed "The House of F
Entrances , " a five-story lodging ho
in Chinatown. Two bodies have bi
recovered and firemen who explo
the ruins say four more are still in
ruins of the third floor. The build
is in such an unsafe condition t
\ - Chief Croker ordered the search
pended until tomorrow.
1 The two bodies recovered are s
to be those of relatives of Tom. L
"mayor of Chinatown. "
Hang Him in Effigy.
Grand Island , Neb. Citizens of 1
town of Doniphan , in this county ,
senting the action of retiring G
Shallenberger is paroling Era
Stout , convicted of murder a year i
hanged the former executive in
figy. Stout killed an aged farm ha
and was given a long term pris
: i
Builder of Assuan Dam Dead.
London. Sir John Aird , builder
ihe famous Assuan dam across t
Nile , Is dead. He was born in 18
and was a member of the contract !
firm of John Aird & Son. He v
created a peer in 1901.
Freight Engine Blows Up.
i ! Sheridan , Wyo. A Burlington <
tjine on the first section of No. 46 ,
eastbound freight , blew up , instanl
killing Engineer Zumbrennen a :
brakeman Jones.
Wreck On the B. & O.
Logansport , Ind. In the wreck of
freight train at a crossing of the E
Four and the Pennsylvania railroa
at New Madison , O. , it is reported th
several trainmen were killed.
Mother and Child Die.
Raleigh , N. C. Mrs. H. O. Banni
17-month-old son we
ter , and her -
accidentally asphyxiated at the
home in this 'city.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Sioux City , lo. Fridays quotatio
on the local live stock market were
follows : Top beeves , ? 5.75. T <
bogs , ? 7.85.
j Earth Shocks in Alaska.
Fairbanks , Alaska Slight eart
quake shocks felt here between 4 ai
4:30 o'clock Friday morning thre
dishes from the shelves , but did n
do any other damage.
Gas Struck at Upton , Wyo.
Upton , WyoT There is much excit
ment here over the striking of a stroi
flow of natural gas in a well sunk 1
F. It. Young inside the city limil
Other wells will be sunk at once.
. \
Thousand Square Miles of Country
Shaken and Entire Cities ;
Towns Are Wiped Out See
Perish In Lake.
Tashkend , Asiatic Russia. It Is r
believed that 2,000 persons were elt
killed or Injured in the terrific i
devastating earthquake in Turkest
Two thousand soldiers equipped
rescue and relief work were sent 1
the stricken territory of Semir :
chensk on Thursday.
Practically 1,000 square miles of i
ritory are said to have been shal
and whole towns wined out. Wide
sures in the steppes are grow
Reports from towns and villages
the edge of the death belt , whit ]
refugees fled during the night , sta
that conditions in the interior of
devastated zone are horrifying.
A big detachment of troops was
dered to hurry at all possible sp <
from the Tashkend barracks towj
Vyerny , a fortified town of 23,000
habitants , which Is reported wholly
At Kopal a great section of the to
lies In ruins , according to the meai
reports. Communication was practU
ly cut off and from the Interior of 1
earthquake zone no definite word ca
at all. In the Sirke desert east
Kopal and upon the vast step ]
stretching among the mountains , h
dreds of members of Turkestan trll
are said to have been swallowed
by the earth. Scores of persons p
Ished In Lake Issyk-Kul. When 1
earth began to rock , many fled li
boats upon the water'thinking the
selves safe from falling buildings
cracks in the earth. However , the s
face of the lake became so violent tl
the boats were swamped.
So great was the force of t
tremors that mountains in the Keen
AJa-Tau range were split open.
The force of the shocks was felt 1
hundreds of miles along the northe
'rentier of China.
* ged West Virginia Statesman Dl
at His Washington Home of
Washington. Senator Stephen
Slkins of West Virginia , son-in-k
) f Henry Gassaway Davis , Democral
jandidate for vice-president in 19 (
ind himself a Republican leader
he senate , died early Thursday inoi
ng at his Washington home after j
llness of nearly a year.
Doctor Sewers , who attended t ]
senator , announced the cause of t
leath as septismia. All the membe
> f his family were at the bedsii
vhen the end came , as his demi
tad been expected for several days.
Senator Elkins was born in Per
iounty , Ohio , September 26,1,841. I
eceived his early education in tl
lublic schools of Missouri and grad
.ted from the Missouri State univc
ity at Columbia in the class of 186
le was admitted to the bar
864.He made his debut in politics as
lember of the territorial legislatii
ssemWy of New Mexico in 1864-5.
In 1873 he went to congress as tc
itorial delegate. While at Washln
on he married the daughter of Sen
or Gaseaway Davis , from West Vi
inia. Mr. Elkins was re-elected 1
tie Fourty-fourth congress while c
trip to Europe , and at the same tin
ecame a member of the Republics
ational committee.
ix Die After Shooting Eight In Batt
List of Injured Is
London. In a pitched battle in tl
eart of London Tuesday six a :
rchist were slain , three police of
ers , three civilians and two soldiei
rere shot and a number of fireme
The anarchists , armed with rapit
ring guns , and barricaded in the :
uarters in a four-story Sidney stre <
uilding , fought 1,500 policemen an
xo half companies of soldiers , a
ell as a squad of artillerymen , fc
They were driven , finally , to th
jof. The building had been set o
re , either by the police to "smok
nt" the suspects or by the men then
jives to avoid capture. When th
ipports burned the roof fell , and th
aarchists fell into seething furnac <
The dead anarchists are believe
> have belonged to a band that wa
letting to kill 'King George V. durin
Is coronation ceremonies. Two <
lem were suspected of the recei
lurder of three policemen in a bu
lary In the Houndsditch district.
Fall Kills an Ex-Mayor.
Racine , Wis. Martin M. Secor , fo
er mayor of Racine , and a prominei
anufacturer , died Thursday as tt
ssult of an accident. A week ago 1
11 at his home , breaking several rib
e was born in 1841.
Merchants to Have Own Court.
New York. The establishment of
> mmercial court for the voluntary se
ement of business disputes amoo
.erchants was decided upon Thur
ly by the New York Chamber i
Names Are ' Withheld Until Arre
Can Be Made Understood I
More Than Three or Four t
Named in Bills.
Los Angeles , Cal. The grand ji
hi the Los Angeles Times explos
case Thursday returned 22 ind
More than forty witnesses , the i
Jority of them identified with 1
union movement , were summer
from San Francisco and other citi
It is not likely that the names
any of the indicted will be made p
He until after arrests have been ma
It is believed a number of San FT
Cisco men have been indicted.
Wholesale murder , the outcome o
dynamite plot , is understood to be 1
charge set forth in all the IndictmeE
but it is thought that not more th
three or four men are named in \
true bills.
The return of the indictments
the culmination of a disaster that
cited the people of Los Angeles tc
degree that for a few days border
almost upon panic and resulted In 1
offering of rewards aggregating alm <
Asks That Full Power Be Given'
Voters Advocates Many Other
Boston. Advanced measures agah
"boss rule" and for popular control
government , such as direct nomii
tlons , the recall and the Initiative a
referendum , were advocated by G <
Eugene N. Foss in his inaugural
dress Thursday.
A decided Innovation in party lead
' turn !
ship was the governor's
against the old policy of the "ger :
mander. " Calling attention to the i
cessity for redistricting the state ,
declared the job should be done by <
gineers , not politicians. The bounds
les of the districts , he said , should
determined by latitude and longitue
and not with an eye to party advj
Minnesota Progressives Advocate
Complete Primary Sys
Minneapolis , Minn. Progressive E
publicans from all over Mini
seta met here to form a Progrc
Bive Republican league of Mini
Halbert of St. Paul w
BOta. H. T.
temporary chairman and outlined t
purposes of the proposed league. Jol
of Cannon Falls w
A. Applegate
elected permataent chairman.
Resolutions were drafted commei
ing Senator Moses E. Clapp , the :
Itiative and referendum , election
United States senators by direct vc
the prima
of the people through
system and an extension of the p
mary system to include all state <
Worry Kills Robin's Lawyer.
New York. District Attorney Wh
man said Thursday that he had be
-.old that Clarence K. Lexow , coum
! or Joseph G. Robin , the , banker ,
various undertakings , worried himsi
Into whl
the tangles
to death over
Elobln became involved.
Twenty-Five Die In Storm.
Johannesburg , South Africa. Tw <
were killed in a viole
Ly-five persons
storm in Bechuanland Thursday. Tw <
ty natives were victims of giganl
Revolutionists Accomplish Their 1
pose Without Firing Shot Bonll
Proclaims Himself President.
New Orleans , La. Dispatches
celved here announce the eapl
of two towns , Truxillo and I
tan , Honduras , by the revolut
ists. Truxillo surrendered to the j
boat Hornet and Ruatan fell witl
a shot being fired.
The Hornet , which had picked u
large supply of ammunition and a 1
'dred men after leaving New Orles
proceeded to La Guna , La Graciosa ,
riving December 28. A base of opi
tlons was established on the Isl
of Bonacca , after which the ]
islands were captured.
The revolutionary forces are i
stationed near Puerto Cortez , wh
their leader , Manuel Bonilla , has ]
claimed himself "constitutional pr
dent of the republic of Honduras.
Colleagues Vote to Etfpel tuka IV
Who Confessed He Took
a Bribe.
Springfield , 111. Expulsion of Se
tor D. W. Holstlaw , self-confess
bribe taker , from the senate of ]
nois was the feature of the conven
of that body Wednesday. This act
is expected to go far in the preclud :
of an extended investigation by i
senate of the Lorimer scandal ,
which Senator Hotstlaw confessed
received $2,500 for his vote , althoi
a resolution was later introdw
naming' certain senators to cpndi
an inquiry into charges of bribery s
Representative Charles Adkins
Bement was elected speaker of 1
President of U. S. Corporation Ser
In Resignation No Successor
Is Likely.
New York. William Ellis Cor
for seven years president of 1
United States Steel corporation ,
signed that office Tuesday , the res
nation to take effect at the pleasi
of the board of directors.
It ia probable that for the pres <
there will be no successor elected
succeed Mr. Corey , and in a statem <
Issued by Judge E. H. Gary , chainn
of the board of directors and final
committee of the corporation , he In
cated plainly that he himself woi
discharge the duties of the office
cated by Mr. Corey.
Pullman Porter Is Killed , Anoth
Fatally Wounded and Passenger ?
Robbed of Valuables.
Ogden , Utah. Southern Jacl
train No. 1 , the Overland limit
west bound , was held up Tuesday
two masked bandits at Reese , nl
miles west of Ogden , William Da-v
a negro porter , was shot and instan
killed and A. W. Taylor , another p
ter , was mortally wounded. A p
senger was slightly wounded. 0
hundred passengers on the train w <
relieved of their valuables.
Conductors Are Discharged.
Terre Haute , Ind. All except two
the passenger conductors of the C
cage , Terre Haute & Southeast
railroad were let out Thursday wltbx
notice in advance , and with no reas
given. They have been with the refer
for many years.
15-Dead In African Wreck.
Queenstown , Union of South Afrl
Fifteen persons were killed and f
ty or fifty others injured Thursday
the wreck of a passenger train xu
Nathcart , Cape Colony.
Millionaire Says That People Ar
to Pay Dividends on Nine BI
lions of Watered Stock.
Akron , O. Declaring that exces
freight rates are responsible for
high cost of living , Ohio G. Bai
the millionaire match magnate ,
sent a letter to every member of
gress demanding reforms.
" In addition to the regulatlor
freight rates , he demands , that J
be passed that will effectually 1
railroad and industrial capitallza
He Declares the freight busines
the railroads costs each family |
year. This latter , coupled with
other earnings of the railroads , h <
serts , has boosted the average
road cost per family to $127 annu
Barber starts his letter to the
gressmen with these three demaa
"What is the matter with Amer
"What is the matter with congr
"Why has the seat of governn
been transferred to Wall street ? "
Continuing , he says : "Person :
I appreciate fully the importance
stability of vested rights in prop *
corporate or personal.
"But I vigorously contend that
commission of excesses in the cap
izatlon of corporate companies
felts Instantly the right to claim \
value for such capitalization in
levying of a tax upon the Ameri
public for the payment of divide
upon this watered stock. And in
offense the railroads always have
the pace.
"Conceived in the master minds
Huntington , Morgan , . Hill and Hz
man , this policy has been worked
to a nicety. These clothed the sch <
in the pretty catch phrase of a 'c
munlty interests' and cleverly
about to grab all the through tn
lines of railroad from coast to co
"They argued plausibly , and v
truth , that these trunk lines were
great arteries which maintained
life of commerce ; that they were a
cessity for quick transportation.
"Approximately nine billions
this 18 billions of railroad capital
tion is fictitious ; purely and sim
watered stock , upon which the pec
of the United States are taxed in r
road rates to maintain the annual <
"Despite this tremendous stock
tering , the railway net earnings hi
advanced steadily and the average <
idend rate has more than doubled
the last 15 years.
"In 1894 the dividend rate was 1
per cent. Last year it averaged 2
per cent , and the railroads earnec
net income of $852,153,280.
"And the people paid the freight
"Railroad presidents indignan
deny that freight rates affect the c
of existence. James J. Hill and W.
Browne declare low acreage prod
tion by the farmer is responsible
high prices.
"Trust magnates disagree. All st
to shift the responsibility. S. R. G
genheim says it is extravagance
the part of the laborer. Ogden .
mour says it is the law of nature.
"This one problem of railrc
freight rates is the great econor
question of the age. Were it fai
solved all other lines of commei
and trade would soon adjust the
selves and a more equitable distril
ion of the products of business woi
"What are you going to do about
"Yours in militant sincerity ,
( Signed ) "O. C. BARBER , '
rakes Oath as Twenty-Ninth Govern
of State of Michigan at
Lansing , Mich. Chase S. Osbor
vas sworn in as the twenty-nin
jovernor of Michigan. He Is t
Irst citizen of the upper peninsr
jo hold the office. A battery fired
salute of 17 guns when the oath
) fflo was administered to the n <
governor by Chief Justice Russell
Dstrander , but the gold lace usual
jeen in profusion on inaugurate
lays gave place to frock coats ai
iilk hats , Governor Osborne havi ]
ippointed no military staff. The hie
ilal session of the legislature w
> pen Wednesday.
J. S. Supreme Court Opens Hearli
and Receives Broadside of
Trust Lawyers.
"Washington. The second fight
he American Tobacco corporatio
tgainst dissolution by decree of t
Jupreme court of the United Stat
mder the Sherman anti-trust law w
tegun Thursday when their attorne
tdvanced a fusillade of arguments
lehalf of their cause.
The suit under the Sherman an
rust law to dissolve the so-called " 1
mcco trust" was instituted in 19 (
Hang American Pensioner at Cor&
Cork , Ireland. William Scanlan , i
American army pensioner , was hang *
Wednesday for the murder of his s
er-in-law. The crime was cpmmitt
a 1909 , and Scanlan , who had thr
rials , was convicted on purely clrcui
tantial evidence.
Hold Six in Race Riots.
Houston , Tex. Six white me
irought here from Palestine , we
edged in jail "Wednesday charged wi
he murder of negroes in the raj
lots at Slocum last July.
Bad Cast of Catarrh and Other
Complications. Fully Re
stored by Peruna. f
x Mr. Chas. Ii
Sauer , Grand
Scribe , Grand
I. O. O. P. , of
Texas , writes
from San An
tonio , Texas : !
"Nearly two
years ago I
accepted a
position as *
secretary and
treasurer of
one'of the
leading dry
goods estab
lishments of
Gal vest on ,
Texas. The
change from a4
Mr. Chas. L Sauer.
altitude to sea level proved too mucr '
afflicted with ca-
Cor me and I became
lajT.h and cold In the head , and general
iebliity to such an extent as to almost
Incapacitate me for attending to
"I was Induced to try Pcrunaf and ;
ifter taking several bottles In small ;
loses I am pleased to say I was entire- !
[ y restored to my former normal condi
tion and have ever since recommended
the use of Peruna to my friends. " :
isk Your Druggist for a Free PerunM
Almanac for 1911.
tome Good Advice for Those Daring
Mortals Who Would Do Their
Courting Aloft.
Secure a nice roomy aeroplane , and
dace in it an old-fashioned sofa or
jmchair. Then put the girl in , get
a. yourself and turn on the power.
Do not be in any hurry. Get far
nough up so that you can be preoc-
upied for a few moments without
It is Just as well to strap the girl
a. She can't-get away , of course , but
ou can kiss a girl in an aeroplane
auch easier if she is firmly secured.
Always keep one hand on the steer-
ig apparatus and the other on the
Irl ; but if worst comes to worst , let
o the steering apparatus.
The following schedule , if adhered
> , .will prevent ordinary accidents :
Five hundred feet up , hold girl s
Six hundred feet up , arm around her
Seven hundred feet , drop everything
ad hold girl , working steering appa-
itus with both feet-
Be careful , when you alight , not to
Dme down near a church. In the ex-
.tement of the occasion you may for-
at yourself and marry the girL
[ any fatal accidents have resulted in
lis manner. Puck.
A Little Mixed.
Admiral Evans , at a luncheon in
an Francisco , said of a naval policy
e disliked :
"It is mixed and illogical. It ro
unds me of Bob Backstay , who be-
ame engineer on a submarine.
" 'Bob , ' said a friend , 'don't you find
; dangerous work , this knocking
bout in a submarine deep beneath
10 sea ? '
' "Yes , very dangerous , ' Backstay
imitted , Tmt a man's got to do some-
ilng , you know , to keep his head
bove water. ' "
Returning the Compliment.
Mrs. Faraway I suppose you have
trgotten that this is the anniversary
I your wedding day ? "
Professor Faraway ( abstracting
Imself from conic sections ) Eh ?
Tiat ? Dear me ! Is it , really ? And
hen is your's , dear ? Stray Stories.
Companions in Misery.
Ella For all sad words of tongue
r pen
Stella Forget it ; I'm an old maid
Don't make the mistake of claiming
ra never make one.
The Happy Reply
A crisp , dainty food that
pleases young and old.
Serve "with cream or milk
( hot or cold ) .
"The Memory Lingers"
Battle Creek. Mich.