tit 11 s [ Sarsap.arilla Cures all humors , catarrh and rheumatism , relieves that tired feeling , restores the appetite , cures paleness , nervousness , builds up the whoje system. * Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sareatabs. EXCELLENT BAB ft A III ? In rebuilt UAIIIU nod s.iRhtly used type writers of all inukcs , VSVrite for list of twenty- flvo special bargains. Fi Swftnson GOi i , sioux city , iowa E. Ooleman/Wash. PATENTS fngton.D.C. Books free. High est references. Best results. PRECAUTIONS. 4 w / * 'i mustn't color my lips tonight , for Pm rare to Bit out half a dozen dances with Charlie , and he's such a boy for kissing. " IF YOU WOULD BE WELL KEEP YOUR KIDNEYS WELL , 4 The kidneys filter the blood. When ihey are sick , the uric poison is re tained and various troubles result No kidney symptom , however slight , should he neglected. There is no betr ter remedy for "Every-fic/irrt sick kidneys elkAStor/ than D can's Kidney PiUs. George Seid- er , 632 Pacific Ave. , Alameda , Cal. , says : "I could not lie on my side ow ing to the sore ness over my kidneys. My limbs swelled badly and the flesh was soft and flabby. After beginning to use Doan's Kidney Pills , the swelling van ished and the pain , in my back disap peared. " Remember the'name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y , Bo'sun and Sir John Fisher. Admiral Potter told a new one on Sir John Fisher. When Sir John was at the head of the British admiralty he was most inaccessible. One day an old boatswain appeared. He would not take "no" for an answer. Finally a secretary went into Sir John's of fice , leaving the door ajar. He told the admiral that a sailor demanded an interview. "Tell him to go to hell , " roared Sir John. "Aye , aye , sir , " piped the boatswain , who stood in the doorway at a re spectful salute ; "I know I'll meet you there , sir , but I want to talk to you now , too. " A Settler. Mand Jack said when he proposed that he could give me only the neces * saiies of life. Ethel And what did you say ? Maud I told him that one of the necessaries of my life was a husband who could supply me with the luxu ries. _ If I were an inventor I would ex pend all my energies in trying to patent a collar button that would come when it was called. CONSTIPATION Munyon's Paw Paw Pills are nnlika all other laxatives or cathartics. They coar the liver into activ ity by gentle meth ods. They do not scour ; they do not gripe ; they do not weaken ; but they do start all the secre tions of the liver and stomach in a way that soon puts these or gans in a healthy condition and cor rects constipation. Munyon's Paw-Paw Pills are" , a tonic to the itomach , liver and nerves. They Invigorate instead of weaken ; they en rich the blood instead of impoverish it ; they enable the stomach to get all _ the nouriihment from , food that is put into it. it.Thaae Thaae pQls contain no calomel , no dept , they are soothing , healing and rtunulating. They school the bowels to act without physic. Price 25 cents. TAKE A DOSE OF pis . THE BEST MEDICINE for COUGH & COLD ! VERY USEFUL CAN OPENER Contrivance That Takes Top Off Bottles tles and Has a Corkscrew Besides. * A can opener that Is a regular cab inet of tools has been designed by a New York man. In addition to open ing tin cans and boxes , this imple ment will remove the paper tops from milk bottles and the crown caps from , beer bottles , take out the at corks from mustard bottles and jars and draw the cork of any other kind of bottle. In general appearance the tool resembles most other can open ers , but there is a spiked projection above the main blade and a hook in the rear of it This upper spike Is for lifting out milk bottle caps , which are often hard to get out with the fingers or a fork , and for extracting the flat corks , for which it Is scarcely worth while to use a corkscrew. The corkscrew , by the way , is hinged to the tool and folds into the handle when not in use. The hook is for re moving the caps from beer and soft- drink bottles. As a matter of fact , this implement is more of a bottle opener than a can opener. EASILY WASHED AT HOME Handkerchiefs With Careful Handling Can Be Made to Last Much Longer. Delicate handkerchiefs can be done up easily at home , and careful hand ling causes them to wear much bet ter. Wet them , rub each gently over with good white soap , and soak in tepid .water overnight. Squeeze out ( do not wring ) , put them in a small enameled pan , cover with cold water and half a teaspoonful of powdered borax. Boil slowly , pour into a basin , add cold water and squeeze out all soap. Next immerse them In clear tepid water , rinse about in this ; then plunge into cold water tinged with blue. Leave in this for half an hour , squeeze and dip into a slight stiffen ing ( one teaspoonful of corn flour tea a cupful of boiling water ) . Squeeze and roll carefully each handkerchief In a towel , and iron with a moderate ly hot iron. A Home-Made Present. A row of hand-embroidered scallopi to trim a corset cover is not an un acceptable gift for a friend. Just enough to apply to neck and armholes - holes ( but enough without a doubt ) is a reasonable amount to make. Get handkerchief linen and stamp upon it tiny scallops , with an eyelet in each or in every alternate scallop , if sim plicity is the point you strive tor. This bit of handwork , perfectly pad ded , buttonholed , eyeleted and then cut out , pressed and mounted upon colored tissue paper , will not be scorned by the friend in need or the woman who never embroiders. It is entirely applicable to the next corset : over , and easily done at that. Cider Pie. Mix together one cup of sugar , twc tablespoonfuls of flo'ur , four tablespoonfuls - spoonfuls boiled cider , one egg , one- half cup boiling water ; stir all to gether and bake with one or two crusts. No. 2. One cup of sugar , one egg , yolk of one egg , one teaspoonful cloves , one teaspoonful cinnamon , one- half cup boiled cider , one-half cup wa ter one tablespoonful flour , pinch salt ; bake with one crust Meringue White of one egg , one tablespoonful sugar ; return to oven and brown slightly. Jumble Cake. Two cups sugar and one cup but ter creamed together with the hands. Add four eggs well beaten , one cup sweet milk , one teaspoon cream of tartar , one-half teaspoon soda , three cups sifted flour and one cup1 of chopped raisins and one cup chopped walnut meats. Spread in shallow tins about one-fourth inch thick ( or little more ) , bake in quick oven ( not too hot ) . When done remove from oven and sprinkle sugar ovtr the top and sift grated nutmeg over the sugar. This flavors it. Set away to cool. Cut into squares. Bread and Prune Pudding. Soak a pound of prunes in warm water all day. Butter a baking dish and put in a layer of stale bread cut in thin slices and buttered a little , then a layer of stoned prunes , and so on until the dish i : . full , the last layer being bread. Beat two eggs with one- quarter cup of sugar , add a pint of milk , pour over the prunes and bread , and bake one hour. TAKING THE HOPEFUL VIEW Jury In Case of Man Charged With Stealing Ham Find Him Guilty Despite Brilliant Plea. The prisoner's lawyer was address ing the jury. "Gentlemen , " he said , "the attor ney for the prosecution refers to my client as a "double dyed villain. ' That's what he is , gentlemen , and that's all he is ! He is only a villain by reason of the dye the double-dye , if you please with which the infa mously false testimony in this case has colored him ! And those dyes are not fast colors ; they will come out in the wash. I confidently look to your verdict , gentlemen of the Jury , to remove those spurious stains from the character of a cruelly and unjustly persecuted man and reveal him as he really is , an upright , hon est citizen , white as the driven snow ! " Thereupon the 12 jurors , good men and true , without leaving their seats , unanimously found the defendant yuilty of stealing the ham. In the Far West. What is the cause of such up roarious mirth ? " demanded the new arrival In the western town. "Lot of motorists have arrived on a tour , " explained Amber Pete , "an * the cowboys are laughing at their funny- looking bearskin coats. " "And what are the motorists laughIng - Ing at ? " "Oh , they are laughing at the cow boys' b'arskln trousers. " Sorry He Asked. "Have you any special terms for ftutomobilists ? " asked the man in bearskin and goggles. "Wai , yes , " responded the old tollgate - gate keeper , whose gate had been broken down by speeding machines. "Sometimes I call them dead beats an ' sometimes I call them blamed rascals. Anything else you want to know , mister ? " * DIFFERENT WAYS. He When a woman says no , she is always ready to be convinced. She Yes ; and when a man says no , he only wants a litle persuading to make him say : "I don't care if I do. " Not Always. "Distance lends enchantment to the view , " remarked the man with the quotation habit. "It doesn't , " objected the man with the quotation habit. "It doesn't , " objected the contrary person , "when you vhave to go the distance ! " Reputation Is Known. "I say , a man of the same name as mine has just been run in for fraud by credit. Beastly awkward , you know. " "Don't alarm yourself , my dear fel low. Everybody knows you can't get money or credit at all. " Fliegende Blatter. All Off With Them. "The Chinese government has is- Bued an edict commanding all the Chinese to cut off their queues. " "But It has been a lifelong custom with the Chinese to wear queues ! " "Well , they will be ex-queused from It from this time on. " After Her Gum. "Why did you ask Miss Rich to change places with you at the dinner table ? " . "I left my gum under her chair and I wanted to get it before we left the dining-room. " Almost a Necessity. "I dee where a writer says some snakes are useful. " "Trained biting snakes are very useful In prohibition territory. " SUBURBAN FEUD IS DEADLY ! Pretty Little Garden Scratched Up by Neighbor's Chickens Causes Amusing Squabble. "Yes , " sighed the suburban man , who had just moved in , "at the place I've come from I had the prettiest lit tle garden that ever bloomed until my neighbor's chickens scratched the roots up. " "And did you complain ? " asked his new acquaintance. "I retaliated. I got a big cat that son made mincemeat of his chickens. " "What then ? " "Wiry , the next I knew he had bought a ferocious bulldog to watch for my cat. " * "H'm ! And did that end the trouble ? " "Oh , no ! I borrowed a * wolf from an animal trainer to kill the bull dog. " "Gracious me ! What was the next chapter in the bitter feud ? " ' There was none. I heard * that he was about to purchase a tiger to kill my wolf , and , as I couldn't afford the price of an elephant to kill his tiger , I thought it best to move. " TAKING NO CHANCES. Don I see that President Taft at tends baseball games. Dorothy They ought to let him unv pire. pire.Don Don He'd know better than to da that ; he Isn't ready to give up hi * jov to the vice-president just yet. Always Take Father's Advice. "Why did you go home'before quit ting time last night and leave all that work to be done ? " "I thought it was quitting time. " "Thought it was quitting time ? Why in blazes didn't you look at the clock ? " "My father told me that when I got a job I should never look at the clock. " Goats. , .Rumor has it that Queen Wilhel- mina will promote a goat colony In eighter Alabama or Pennsylvania. We don't suppose the colonized goats will recognize any difference in states there being no politics about a goat. But , really , we can't take any stock In this goat story. It sounds too much like a kid. Not Yet. "Well , now that you have succeeded In mounting to a greater height than any other aviator has reached , " his wife begged , "won't you please give it up and be satisfied to rest on your honors ? " "My honors ? " he replied. "I haven't won any honors yet. Nobody has given my name to a cigar. " Her Foolish Fear. "The trouble Is , dear , " she said when he urged her to consent to be his at once , "that I am afraid we should not be able to live on your in come. " "Oh , that's no reason for putting It off. Hardly any married man Is able to get his wife to live on his Income nowadays. " Doubly Thankful ? "Have a nice Thanksgiving thia year , Uncle Josiah ? " "Hain't had a more thankfuller one , by heck , for ten year ! " "Don't say ! City cousins up to share it with you , as usual , I sup pose ? " "Nope ! " Brownings Magazine. How It Happened. "I understand that while in South America Puffkins ran his automobile into a tree at high speed. Was he seriously hurt ? " * "Not so badly as he might have been. You see Puffkins ran into a rubber tree and bounced back. " Greater Love Than This , Etc. "What "would you do to prove your love for me ? " "Dearest , I will cook all your meals when we are married. But what will you do to prove your love for me ? " "I will eat the meals you cook. " The Bonds. "So you wish , " asked the father of the beautiful heiress , "to assume the bonds of matrimony ? " "Yes , " replied the titled foreigner , "if you will guarantee that they will pay regular dividends. " And Puzzled Still. She ( to student ) But what are you studying here ? Student That's what I've been tryIng - Ing to discover for four terms. "Oik. ' 'Li Jt ! MILLIONS EUXIR SENNA FOR COLDS AND HEADACHES * INDIGESTION AND SOUR STOMACH , GAS AND FERMENTATION , CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS.WITH MOST SATISFACTORY RESULTS. NOTE THE NAME CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. IN THE CIRCLE ON EVERY PACKAGE OFTHE GENUINE THE WONDERFUL POPULARITY OF THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS TO OFFER IMITATIONS. IN ORDER TO - ? MAKE A LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF THEIR \ CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZE YOU WISH. OR WHAT MAKE YOU WISH , WHEN YOU ASK FOR fYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OP SENNA , HE IS PREPAR- WG TO DECEIVE YOU. TELL HIM THAT YOU WISH THE GENUINE , MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS KNOW THAT THERE IS BUT ONE GENOlNE AND THAT IT IS MANU- FACTORED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ONLY NOTE THE NAME CAUFQtmA FtG SYRUPCQ PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS. NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE.OF THE GENUINE. ONE SIZE ONLY , FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MINIATURE PICTURE DRUGGISTS. REGULAR PRICE co < PER BOTTLE. ' OF PACKAGE. SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS Of tADlES AND CHILDREN. AS IT IS MILD AND PLEASANT. GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE , AND ; ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE INGREDIENTS. IT IS EQUALLY BENEFICIAL , POR WOMEN AND FOR MEN. YOUNG AND OLD. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGIST ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. FIG SYRUP Co A Christmas Criticism. Ordlle Wright , discussing flying in New York , said to a reporter : "The French claim to make the best machines , but our foreign order books tell a different story. "Our foreign order books give the game away like the little Dayton boy at the Christmas treat He got from the tree at this treat a pair of trous ers , and , waving them around his head , he electrified the entire Sunday school by shouting in a loud and Joy ous voice : " 'Oh , ma , these pants must be new. Pa never had a suit like that" Malady Worth Having. "I can't understand my husband , doctor ; I am afraid there Is some thing terrible the matter with him. " "What are the symptoms ? " "Well , I often talk to him for half an hour at a time and when I get through he hasn't the least idea what I've been saying. " "Don't worry any more about your husband. I wish I had his gift. " S'tray Stories. Important fo Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature In Use For Over 30 "Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Not the Type. "I heard you were very much disappointed in mother-in-law. " pointed your - - "Completely so. " "In what way ? " "Why , she's simply perfectl" The next time you feel that swallowing sensation , the sure sign of sore throat , gargle Hamlins Wizard Oil immediately with three parts water. It will save you days and perhaps weeks of misery. There's one little satisfaction when a man falls sick , it makes his wife re pent of her ill treatment of him. Don't work the game too often , however. PILES CUBED IN 6 TO 14 DATS Tonr druggist will refund money If PAZO OIKT- MENT falls to cure any case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protruding Flics in 0 to 14 day * . COo. Life is full of ups and downs but unfortunately most of us are down more of the time than up. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing : Syrnp. Forchlldrcn teething , softens the game , reduces In- There Is always poison in ' the wound that is inflicted by a friend. 44 Bu. to the Acre Is a. heavy yield , but that's what John Kennedy 0f Edmonton , Alberta , Western Canada , got from 40 acres of Spring Wheat In 1910. Report ! trom other districts In that preY inco showed other excel * lent results such 8 i- 000 bushels of wBeaf from 120 acres , or 331-8 bu.peracro. 25,80and40 bushel y leldn were nom * erous. As high at 1E7 bushels of oats to tea aero wore threshed from Alberta fields In 1810. The Silver Gup at tbo recent Spokane Fair was awarded to tb4 Alberta Government tor Its exhibit of rainsgrassotanfl vegetables. Jieportsof extllenl yields for 1910 come also from Saskatchewan and Manitoba la Western Canada. Free homesteads of X6O acres , and adjoining pre emptions of 16O acres ( at 83 portiere ) are to be baa lu the choicest districts. . . Schools convenient , cU- xnate excellent , soli th very best , railway * closti at baud , building lumber cheap , fuel easy to got and reasonable in price , water casllv procured , mixed , larrrilnjj a success. Write as to bestplaco for set tlement , settlers' low railway rates , doscrlptiro Illustrated "Last Best West" ( sent free oo , application ) and other Informa tion , to Bup't of Immigration , Ottawa , Can.orto the Canadian Government Agent. (88) ( E T. lclrao.315 ! Jacfaon SL.SL Pad , Hhw , J. M. MadKfaLin. Dm.tr 137\Mtrt3WuSA ( Use address nearest you. ) "I have used your valuable Cascaret * and I find them perfect. Couldn't d < * without them. I have used them fo * , some time for indigestion and biliousnesft and am now completely cured. Recotnj mend them to everyone. Once tried , yOt * will never be without them in th family. " Edward A. Marx , Albany , N.Y.- v , Pleasant. Palatable , Potent , Taste Good. Do Good. Never Slcken.Weaken or Gripe * 10c,25c. SOc. Never sold In bulk. Tbog nine tablet stamped CCC. Guaranteed to core or your money back. 329 Established 30 Years FLORISTS Floral emblems and cut flowers for all occasion * . SIOUX CITY , IOWA' RUPTURE CURE t ) in a few day * without pain or a s6r- ' lical operation. Ho pay until curefl. Send literature. DRS. WRAY & MAT5ETTET , Fanners Loan & Trust Bldg. . Sioux City , secured or fee returned. Fre § , PATENT ! examination of records. MlLOj B. BTHVEKS & CO. . Ksiab. 186 853 Uth St. , Washington ; 260 Dearborn St. , ChicagS * W. N. U.f SIOUX CITY , NO. 2-1911 * , What AOs You } Do you feel weak , tired , despondent , have frequent head * aches , coated tongue , bitter or bad taste in morning , "heart-burn , " belching of gas , acid risings in throat after eating , stomach gnaw or burn , foul breath , dizzy spells , poor or variable appetite , nausea si times and kindred symptoms ? If you have any considerable ) number of the Above symptoms you ore suffering from bilious ness , torpid liver -with indigestion * or dyspepsia * Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery is made vp of the most valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for the permanent cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver invigorator , stomach tonic * bowel regulator and nerve strengthener. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum , full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested trader oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol , or harm ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure , triple-refined glycerine , of proper strength , from the roots of native American medical. forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association , Props. , Buffalo , N. . f. f.a W. L. DOUGLAS < * 3.50 & 4 SHOES & FOR WOMEN MEN BOYS * SHOES. $2.00 , $2.50 AMD $3.00. BEST IN THE WORLD. If I could tafce yon into my large factories at Brockton , Mass. , and show you how carefully w L. Douglas shoes are made , the superior workmanship and the high grade leathers used , you would then under stand why Dollar for Dollar I Guarantee My Shoes to hold their shape , look and fit better and wear longer than any other $3.00 , § 3.50 or 14.00 ehoea you can buy. Do yon realize that my shoes hare been the standard for over 30 years , that I make and sell more $3.00 , $3.50 and $4.00 shoes than any I other manufacturer In the United States ? 0 . _ President Quality counts. It has made "W.L. Dong- * * ' m v . W las shoes a household word everywhere. { * AHTIftM f i one psnnlno without W.L. Douglas TAIf ET MO dlQCTITII I ! * fff iwiv name and price stamped OB the bottom. * * fmt IvW wWD91IIUIEii XI TOOT dealer cannot ( apply you with W. U Donglu Shoes , write for Mall Order Caialop- W. J > OVC I < A9,15 Spark St. . Brockton , &KU