Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 12, 1911, Image 1

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    VALENTINE NEBR. THURSDAY JANUARY 12 , 1911. Volume 26 , No. 1
1. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor , , , . .
, .
* * C 3TJ2 5Ii2 ! 2 < 5lSi22R2S S Su S ! ;
the name
LET tail-
o r i n g be
( photographed
4 ' mind.-
'upon your mind.lim
; It is a good thing / Jlll
, to remember ,
when you want a
/ - suittor overcoat
I of style and dis
tinction. Just
now is a good
time to look over
I "the complete line
' pf all wool fab
rics and to see
| the new Ideas
5 which are going
to be ponular for
if the Spring. Tay
lor tailoring is
thoroughly insured -
' sured against dis
satisfaction. A guaranty goes with every garment
that makes it quite impossible for anything to be
, -wrong. And most.important of all , the prices we
J"'quote are the very lowest for high grade made-to
il measure Clothes. Polite service at
r T
All kinds of Merchandise. I can afford
to f *
to sell as low as anybody , I buy pro =
duce and pay market price for hides.
: fcESES2rJS2ac :
McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
_ Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29/year/old
andjas. E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and carne direct from , the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budwdser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
' - Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Cigars , Tobaccos , Confectionery
Hot . , and Cold Lunches
" * " *
"V. r -
\ Short Order. Meals. Bakery Goods
Home sery. j
= f JL
\7 \
Talk of the Town
School began Monday after
two week's vacation.
Two four-room houses for rent
one with cellar. I. M. Kicu. t
Di n't fail to see "The Girl an <
the Sheriff " 'Saturday night , Jan
li , at Quigley's opera house.
The/'Girl and the Sheriff' ' ii
Valentine Saturday evening , Jan
14 , at Quigley's opera house.
For sanitary plumbing or heat
ing call H. I. Weinzimrner , tb <
only licensed plumber in town. 41
Furnished rooms to rent by da\ ; \
or week , Hot and cold watei
baths included. Valentine House
John D. Eaton , Propr. 32t !
\V. A. Prindle , district managei
for the \V. O. W. , has been in oui
town several days the past week.
soliciting membership for thaj
James Bradshaw , who 'had .his
leg broke about four months ago ,
i * able 'to be around again and i ?
hauling hay from his homestead
southwest of town.
Hon. Dave Hanna and J , C.
Applegate , bankers ofrWoodlake ,
were "transacting business inT Val
entine Monday and we acknow
ledge a pleasant visit with them.
P. F. Nu s , special agent for
the Columbia Fire Ins. Co. , visit
ed I. M. llice and family a few
days the past week while in town
on business and adjusted a loss for
L. A. Bears Tuesday.
L. A. Deers came to town Tues
day on lusiness and called on us
t > have THE DEMOCRAT sent to
him this year. Tie has a home
stead 35 miles south of here and at
present he is feeding cattle for W.
G. Ballard and sons.
We met Cyrus Hagen 'and U.
G. AVelker \Voodlake on our
streets Tuesday. Grant carried a
big bundle of wolf scalps and if
there are any coyotes yet alive
around Wood lake it's safe to say
they are hiding out when these
hunters tour the hills.
The failroad company has been
very lu > y the past week , putting
up ice from Lake Minnechaduza
which they drag : up an ice chute
with teams to the top of the hill
where the chute runs along side
of a spur of the railroad track and
elevated to slide the ice into box
P. F. Simons and son Charles
brought Grandma Razey to town
last Saturday and she took the
train here to go down to her
daughter home near Ft. Scott ,
Kan. , we believe where she has
made her home mostly in recent
years. Grandma Razey has been
visiting Mr. Simons' family at
Sparks for several months past.
W.D. Clarkson has been busy
with a force rf men the past week
on his ice harvest which is now
nearly completed. He fills several
large ice houses and takes 'con
tracts -furnishing. people of other
towns with ice , using the railroad
company's chute after the com
pany has completed their work.
Other towns can get ice in this
way cheaper than they- can put it
op unless they have equal facilities
near town.
Presbyterian Church.
J. 31. CALDWftLL , D. D. , PASTOR
Preaching morning and evening
Sabbath School , Junior an
ChristianEndeavor , as usual.
All cordially invited.
Rock Springs coal at Fischer
Hardware. 5
Earl Comstock came in yestei
day and is visiting friends in tow
a few days.
Big base burner coal stove fo
sale , -12 , cheap. Worth more
Don't'need it. I. M. RICE. t
The ice being put up is 16 to 1
inches , thick and clear as crystal
It will look good next July i
properly taken care of.
The A. 0. U. W. and the De
gree .of Honor will hold a joint in
stallation of officers next Mqnda
night , Jan. 16. All member
should attend this installation
Good music has been secured am
a supper will be served by the Def
of 11 :
lion. Dave Hanna was in towi
Monday and says he's not feeling
first rate. His health in the fal
not being good left him weak ano
tender and the grip or a cold
makes him feel the need of a mild'
er climate and he and his wife ex
pect to go to Florida to join \Vasl
Honey and wife and Nick Ucli
and wife for the remainder of the
winter and they expect to starl
sometime next week.
J. M. Pawnee dropped into our
office Tuesday vto subscribe for
THE DEMOCRAT. lie wants to
r ad the papers some so he will
know what is going on. He had
jusj-rrcturned - from Pine Ridge ,
where he went a few days ago tc
claim some land that his aunt hacl
owned prior to her death and Mr.
Pawnee was the sole heir of a sec
tion of land. Mr. Pawnee's grand
mother left him a section of
land in Gregory county and he
has a quarter section near Wood ,
S. D. , where he lives and farms.
He is a full blood Sioux Indian and
has a pretty fair education and
good business knowledge to take
care of his property.
The weather bureau reported a
cold wave Monday evening for
Tuesday and when the thermom
eter went up above 50 Tuesday
morning people began to think of
warm weather , but about ten
o'clock the thermometer began to
drop and went down pretty fast
for several hours. The weather
bureau is pretty safe on their cold
wave forecasts generally and gives
us a chance to bar the doors and
windows agaist cold , gather a little
feed for stock and fuel for fires.
If the reports could be spread
broadcast among the stockmen
they would be of inestimable val
ue , but' the present government
regime seems to be more interest
ed in dreadnaughts and high tariff
Purcell's Comedy Co. .will play
the "Girl and the Sheriff , " Satur
day night , Jan. U , 1911. This is
a western comedy drama portray
ing a pretty story of the times
when the gold fever was raging in
the hills of Colorado , where every
class of society was represented in
a search for hidden wealth. The
principal scenes are layed in the
heart of the rookies and the beau
tiful valleys with which the conn-
try abounds ; a land where gold
was the ruling spirit , but where a
young and innocent girl was the
guardian angel. Special scenery
with-plenty of comedy and a few
tears , pleasing all classes , young
and old , rich and poor. Special
ties between acts , colossal and un
surpassed. Something doing all
the time. Every seat sold under
a positive guarantee. Valentine ,
Saturday evening , Jan. 14j 1911.
Way below freezing that's the weather
you can expect most any day from now on ,
It's high time for you to select your winter clothes.
While you are at it Why not get the kind which
will give not only comfort but make you glad to
wear them. We think we have the right sort of
for men and boys. Strictly high grade from start to
finish the best of Friend Made Garments and the
prices spell economy.
Will fit you out with one of these
ideal , stylish , perfect fitting garments.
Featuring Friend Made and Alma Mater Student
OLartercel us a Stnte Bank Ohm-tercet ns a National Bunk
June 1,1884. August 1L' , IWtt. _
( Successor to Bank of Valentino. )
. . .
< - * *
SURPLUS CAPITAL - - $25.000 25.000 A General Banking , Exchange
Uudivided Profits 4,000 and Collection Business : : : :
0. U. GOHXEI/L , President , M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier.
r. T. May , Vice President. ITiss GL-KN HOKNIO , Ahs't Cashier.
With the close of my most successful
business year , I wish to thank you one and
all for your kind patronage. Hoping that I ,
have merited a continuance of same and
wishing you all a Merry 'Christmas and a
prosperous and Happy New Year ; '
I am yours respectfully ,
We com pound and dispense our own medicines. Office on 2nd floors !
T. C. Hornby's. Phone 161. Valentine , Nebraska 'if-
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes 1 i
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. . . - 9
Valentine , PHONE 72 . Nebraska
References : My Many Customers.
S tetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh | g
and Fait Meats. . . T
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.