Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 05, 1911, Image 8
WT"4" I "V- t w ' JJ > JJ JkJ t\JiAA < J J j ' & ' * * r * a a 5 . . .y- ; " General Merchandise. Hats , Caps. , Boots and Shoes , Notions and Furnishing Goods. Flour and Feed. : = : : = : : = : HOESES FOE SALE. ? | Wood Lake , Nebraska > NTAGNE Livery , Feed and Sales Stable , * Wood Lake. > Nebraska g . Special Attention to Hunting ancTTishing Parties. . A. ONS , ( .Successor to AVelkcr & Tjyons ) Wood Lake , Nebraska * - * Am still doing driving and freighting. Special attention to hunting and fUhing parties. x ( Successor to Ed Young * . ) Full line of Groceries and Dry Goods , Millinery Goods and Ladies' Furnish ings. Boots and Shoes. Hosiery. Men's Clothing and Furnishings FLOUR , FEED AND COAL. % Wood Lake = Nebraska. . _ . . , . J -y-r i.iJJTT' r. GENERAL FARM F. J. . . and LIVE STOCK Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. Thirty years ex' perience in the Eastern states. Will go to any part of the State. Write me , or dates can be made attFiis office. F.NJ.W1L Box 826 Rosebud , South Dakota - . - V f f Contest Notice. U. S. Land Oflice , Broken Bo\v , Nebraska. ) DucembHr 19 1910. f A sufficient contest af.idavit having beeii tiled in this office by Orson Lejjgett. contestant , auainst Hometead entry t o. 5124. serial No. 0331C , made October 26.1934 for ej < f. section 21 ; nw , i4ne , seinei. sei-'ion 2S , lon-nshij ) 25. ranse 2Z , cth Principal INIeriaian. by Uora Katioger , coiteste ' , in which if. is alleged that Cora Eatinger has never established a bona fine residence upon said tract and has wholly abandoned th same for a. i-eriod of more than six months last pasr and that said tracts are not lesided in on. cultivated , inn roved or crazed bv snid claimant as required bv law , and that all of said failures exist at the present time. / Said parties ara hereby notified ro appear , and offer touehin- said respond evidence ; allega tion at 10 o'clock si. in n February 1. lull , before John A. McMillan , clerk of the district court , at Thedford. JS'ebra-ka , and th-tt final heariui ; will be held at 10 o'cluck / . m. , < m l-'eb niarv4,1911 before iho Kegister and Keceiverut Ihe "United States Land ullitic in Uroken Bi > w. Nebraska. The said contestant havinc. ina proper atfi- davit filed Decfinl-'r 19 , 1910. set forth fa-jts wuicli show that after due diligence personal service of lus noticft cannot be nude , it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Darius M , Anisbem , Receiver. .Record address ot cutrvman , 't'hedford , NOD. -s 51-4t K In the County Court of Cherry County. Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of Edward O'Connor , deceased : A duly verified petition having been filed In iny office , praying for the probate of the estate of Edward O'Connor , deceased , \vith- out"administration , and it satisfactorily ap pearing to me that the statements made in .said petition are true , it is hereby ordered that a hearing on said petition be had on the 21st day of January , 1911 , at 11 o'clock a. m. at my oflice In Valentine , Cherry county , Nebraska , at which time all persons inter- terested in said estate may appear and show cause , if any there be-why said petition .should not be granted. Witness my hand and seal of said court , this ith day of'January , Hill. JAJIKS C. QUIOLKY , [ SKAT. ] a a County "Judge. _ Notice of Probate of Will In the coun 13'court of Cherry countNe braska. N STATE OF NEBRASKA , ( t COUNTY OF CHERRY , j ss / To all persons interested in the estate of Margaret Hoist , deceased : On reading1 the petition.of Christian Hoist , praying that the instrument filed in this court'on the i3rd day of December. 1910 , and purporting to be the'last will and testa ment of the.said-deceased , may be proved and allowed , and recorded as the last will and testament of said deceased : , that said instrument be admitted to probate , and the administration of said estate be granted to. himself as exeunt or. It is hereby ordered that all persons inter ested in said matter , in ay , and do. appear at 1 the countv court to be held in and lor , said count } ' , on the 14th day of January , A. D. . ] ! ! ! , at 10 o'clock , a. m. , to .show cause , if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner ! . r . should not be granted , and that notice of the j i pendency of said petition and tb at the hearing - j ing thereof be given to all persons interested | in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Valentine Democrat , a weekly . newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks prior to said dav of hearing. * . Witness my hand and seal of said court > - fSEAij ] this29th day of December. A. D. . 1910. JAMES C. QTflGhKY , County Judge. Walcott & Morr.iJ.bey , attorneys. 51 n Every faniily has need of a good , reliaBle - -liaBle .liniment. For sprains , bruises , soreness of thb muscles oncUrheumati' * pains 4here ia none better than Chair berikin'si 'Sold bj Chapmanthe 'cJml _ - A * Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne braska. Suite of Nebraska , I County of Cherry , i To the heirs and to all persons interested in the estate of John Gavunaimh , deceased : On reading the petition of William Cavanaugh - naugh , praying that the administration of .said estate be granted to Hugh J. Donahue as administrator : It is hereby ordered that you , and all per sons interested in said matter , may , and do , appear at the county court to be held in and for said county , on the 21st day of January , ! ! ) ! ! , at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the petitioner .should not he granted , and that notice of the pendency oi said petition and that the hearing thereof be given toall persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Valentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for three .successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand ami the .seal of said court this 1th day of Januarv , 1(111. ( [ SKAI/I JAJIKS O. QjTIGLEY , " - ; ! County Judge. M. F. Harrington , attorney. Contest Notice. f U. S. Land Office , Broken Dow , Mebriski. I Deiieiaher 3.1910. ( . A. suilicient contest affidavit having been filed in this cilice bv Miichel S Huctit-s , contestant , against boniest ad entry No. 7150 , seiial No 03715. made November ' . ' 9 1007 , lor all of Sec tion 26 township , name 9,61' M. , by Fred L. McEiyjt.ron t'slee in which iLis alleged that Fml L. McKlyjih-s never establ sh-'d A bona /ide residence on .said bind ; that he. has never placed any improvements on * aid land : that "e has iievt-r cu tivatcd or grax-d said Idiid , and in n-i way has In ; comrlie. with the homestead innsf to entitle him to hold .Maid laud , and that these conditions t-xist t the- present time. Said parties ar < 'h rHby notified to appear , re- snoud. and offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. , on January 20 , 1911 , i c- for the l { 'gis > ter and tteceiver at the United Stdtes laud oiuce in Broken Dow , Nebraska. I he stid i-iinteBtaiit havinjr , m a proper affi davit , filed December S 1910. bet forth facts which show tliHt after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made , it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be civen by due and proper publication. 4J 4 K Darius /V.usberry. . Keceiver. Jiecord address ofelitryaian Thedfoid. Web Con tesi Notice. T. S. Land Oflice , Broken How , Kehaask , .Decembers , 19KI. A siiffieicnt contoi'tnffMaYit having neeii filed jn this trace by JUiiehel S. Hughe * , contestant , homet-tead entry NO. 5282 , serial No. < 25i)5. ) madt' Decsioi er3I , lS5l. for e } , section" ; ; 0 , and V of section 19 , t wiibhip as , range 2 $ ' . Cth 1 * . M . Meridian , by George O. Coolhby , cuiitfs'tie. in which it is a'le rd that George ( Ooolsby hit never establslied a oona fide resi- < on said and ; that he has never placed any lU'proxenients on said laud ; that he has never cu'tivuied i.rgrazid said land , and that these conditi us exist.if the presentHirne. Said jiart i-s nre. l.en-by notified to appear , reSend - Send | ai.d nlfer evidence touching said allega tion t 10 o'clock n. m , on .Innaary 20 , 191 1. before - fore Hie if-mbter : : nd re < 'ei\er at ihe Uuited States land otfice fti Broken Bo\v , Nebraska. The sad : c < 'iittant hnving. in a proper affi davit , lilt d Decembers , 1910 , set forth facts which sliow that after due dilijenctpersonal service o ibis notice < MD not be uia e. it is hereby ordeiod nd directed that Mich notice be K've by utie and jropur pit ' 1'cuUoii. 49-4 E Darius M. Anisbo i > , Receiver. Kecord address btentr\ man btrausville , JNebr. - . "I had been troubled -with qpnstipa- tion for two years and. tried 'all of the best physicians in-Bristol , Tenn.- and tWj-could ; do nothing for me/"writes Thos > E. Williams , Middloboro , Ky. - "TT.TO packages ofyChamberlain's Stom1 ach and Xiver-.Tablets cured me. " For : c > , - jfcj i. . . Assassins Barricade Themselves ia Hoiiss al London. POLICE FIJI ALLY S T FIRE TO IT Men Charged With Murder of Three Policemen Keep Up Battle for Sev eral Hours and a Number of Per sons Ar2 Wcuridcd. London , Jan. 4. Holding at bay for hours hundreds of policemen , troops and guardsmen , a band of suspectsd anarchists , almost in the heart of. the city ) maintained their detense until the'house had collapseti and buried the criminals in the ruins. Six bodies were found in the wreck age. Several of the firemen were in jured and : i number of persons v/ero wounded by the bullets of the be sieged. The affair , one of the most remark able criminal outbreaks London ever .has known , took on the dimensions of a battle. It began early and con tinned until afternoon , when the civi authorities at last became masters of the situation. Vast crowds gathered in the narrow streets leading to the scene cf activities , while word of th desperate character of the fighting ran throughout London , causing wide spread excitement and alarm. Leaders of the band are known as Peter the Painter and Dutch Fritz. The police say that while they were satisfied that one of the bodies recov ered was that of Dutch Fritz , they were not positive that the other was that of Peter the Painter. During the fight points of vantage were at a premium'and many persons from the west end paid big prices for positions on roofs commanding a view of the scene. Story of the Fight. The suspected ones occupied a four- story brick house in Sidney street. The police , discovering their bead- quarters , surrounded the place and were met with a volley of shots , two detectives bejng wounded , one seri ously. One hundred shots had been fired when the house caught fire and the fire brigade was summoned. The police , after locating the men and anticipating trouble , had ordered the houses in the immediate neighbor hood vacated before daylight and , throwing a line of officers around the square , allowed no one to approach within a hundred yards of the scene of the expected battle. The police lines had been drawn so tightly tnsi it was believed the inmates of the. house had no chance to escape. The police -were satisfied that the place contained the two murderers want * , and they had also satisfied themselves that the assassins had fortified their home and were supported by a number of'friends. House Is Set on Fire. Piles of straw were lighted near . .the building and the flames soon commu nicated to the house. The fire brigade was then summoned and divided its energies between putting out the blaze and trying to flood out the out laws by streams of water through the windows. A corps of nurses was brought to the vicinity and they treated the wounded , among whom were a "few spectators v * ho had been struck by spent bullets. In the face of terrible odds , the trapped men continued a desperat ? resistance end every few minutes ap peared at the windows and emptied their guns. Soon after 2 o'clock the roof of the house fell in , carrying the * anarchists down ainul the flames. Just before the supports gave way , one of the desper adoes attempted a dash from the build ing. shooting in every direction. , He met a volley from the soldiers and staggered back into the house , w"nich v/as then a fiery furnace. . Ask Inquiry Into Robin's Sanity. New York , Jan. 4. Dr. Louise JRob- inovitch filed a petition praying for ( ho appointment of a commission1 to pasr. upon the mental capacity of Jo seph G. Robin , her brother , wh'o is under indictment charged with" the larceny of $9,000 from the Washington Sa\ings bank , of .which he was presi dent. a Funeral cf Arch Hoxsey. " S Pasadena , Cal. , Jan.-4. The funeral of Arch Hoxsey was held here . Glenn v Curtiss. Philip O. Parmalee , Eugene v Ely , Walter Brookins , James Raclley , Hubert Latham and Charles F * . "Wil- p lard were pallbearers. o j Two Men Killed Near Denver. Denver. Jan. 4. Two men : were killed and seven injured in an'iexplo- sion of coal dust at the Portland ce- f , menl works at Portland , six miles hy from Florence , Cole All the dead and injured are Italians. ' * Negro Jockey Electrocuted. ! ° Ossining. N. Y. , Jan 4 Samuel tl Austin , u negro jockey well known to followers of racing on eastern tracks ja was electrocuted in Sing Sin prison tf for the murder of his wife xo In * * Lodge Makes Plea for Re-Electjcn. ' Boston. Jan : --i. Senator Heiicy C. -undge , in an address at Symphony ar l5ll , defended his eighteen years' recNi or'd in the senate as a plea lor-rejelec" tv tifu ri/r tf fiftrtir teriffi * * " T < NEBRASKA Postmastsr at Nebraska Cily Gels 17 Aseeuots First Gay. Nebraska City , Jan. 4. Nebraska's first United States postal savings bank opened here under charge of Postmaster Frank McCarthy. Seven teen accounts were taken out. "The number is not a largo one , " said Mr. McCarthy , "but we were handicapped becauaa of the failure to arrive here of certificates of the larger denominations. Consequently we were compelled to turn some of these away for the day. Concerning the amount deposited I do net feel I am at liberty to inake , a statement. " The Nebraska City postal savings bank is the only one in the state. A number of children's accounts were also started. Children may buy a card for one dime , get one stamp for each additional dime and start a real account when nine stamps are on the card. Postal savings accounts really begin -with payment of $1. The provision as to children's cards is for those more than ten years of age. The limit en adults is , $100. GET NAMES OF ROBBERS Joseph Morton of Wymore , Arrested at Kansas City , Gives Clues to Police. Kansas City , Jan. 4. From Joseph Morton , who says his home is in Wy- mere , Neb. , police here hope to obtain clews which will lead to the arrest of the gang of bank robbers that is known to be camping in that vicinity. Morton admitted thot he had carried messagesi between the bandits. He gave the names of three men whom he alleges belong to the gang. An investigation of his story is being made He is held on a charge of va grancy. PACKE-S LOSE FiRST PGifr Judge Kohlsaat Rules That Dismissal of Ec.uity Suit Is Not lilocjal. Clficago , Jan. 4. J. Ogden Armour and the other indicted packers lost their first : attack against .criminal prosecution for alleged violation of the Sherman anti trust law. Judge C. C Kohlsaat in the United States cir cuit court held that the government had a right to dismiss the suit in equity brought against the National Pockmc company. AGED FARMER DROPS DEAD Otto Witttorff Fells in Apoplectic Stroke on Omaha Street. Omaha , Jan. 4. Otto Wettorff , on/3 / of the oldest farmers cf this county , dropped dead in front of the City Na tional bank building. Mr. Wettorff was seventy-four years' old and had suf fered an apoplectic stroke a year ago. Physicians who were summoned say death was probably due to a second stroke and old age. Mi. Wettorff and his wife wore just about to enter the door or" the big bonk building when the aged man fell before his Avife's horrified gaze. Heu was carried into the Wolf jewelry store in the bank building , just off the entrance. Death apparently had occurred before he was lifted the sidewalk. Shoe Stors at Beatrice Burned. Beatrice. Neb. , Jan. 4 Fire de stroyed the Chicago shoe store , owned by J. B. Mernstein. The building ia located just west of the Paddock ho tel , the leading hotel in the city , and for a time it was threatened The loss will amount to about $17,000 , fully coveredby insurance. The fire started in Karptfs photograph gallery on the- second floor. Engineer Dies of Injuries. North Platte , Neb. , Jan. 4. Won ! has been received in this city of the death of Engineer Fred Huxell , who died at a hospital in Cheyenne from injuries which he received at Sidney. .STORE AT ADAMS IS BURKED Twenty-Five Thousand Collar Blaze in Business Section. Beatrice , Neb. , Jan.4. . The lire which threatened the business section of Adams , a small town located in st the noitheast part of Gage county , sis. was checked after ajiard fight of four hours by the bucket brigade in a 12c as degree temperature , but not until 8il after it had destroyed'Lockwood Bros. ' lei general merchandise , store , Tamlelci hfw & Barber's store and part of the In w dependent telephone exchange. Lcclc- wood Bros. ' loss is placed at 812,000. with $11.000 insurance/ The other losses will amount fo about $ S 000. partially covered by insurance. The m origin of the fire is a mystery. lo loSi Farmer Becomes Insane. Si Kearney. Neb , Jan. 4- Aleck C. An th derson , twenty-three years old , a thTl farmer near here , Tl was found at night j C. B Manuel near the industrial he school and taken there and given a room. During the night he vJni vie ntly insane , gave a fife alarm aiu ! then tove up all his bedclothes. Ha tie was placed in a .ceil in tiie county to" jail and again grew violent. He was CO takea to the insane- asylum at Hast at " ings. " t Long Dry S-sI , ! in the.3oiih. Texarkana , Ark. , Jan 4. Terarana ind Fulten. Ark. , became "dry" to.wns Cot a drink can be bougnt now be ween Little RockArk. / . , and Dallas. , Fes. ) a distance of 35G 'M Furniture and Palnto and Oils Cattle , Undertaking Goods Dip , Stock Foods , etc. nson Bros. , Lumber , Machinery , Hard ware , Harness , Saddles Wagons , Bujrgies and a full line of Haying Tools , Windmills , Pumps , Pipe , etc. Full stock of Posts and Barb Wire. Wood Lake , - - Nebraska Lausen & Go. General Hardware , Wagons and \ Machinery. . . . _ ' " ' "A. complete line of Harness and Saddles Household and Kitchen Furniture Lumber and Fence Posts WOOD LAKE , NEBRASKA E. M. Faddis & Co Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded ry on left { . * thigh Horses branded left shoulder | or thiph Rome branded on rli-ht thigh ' i I * ft or .shoulder. blionlder 01 thi h P. H. Young- . Simeon. Nebr. , > Cattle branded as cut on left side Some Qyon left side. - on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon. . S. Eowley. Same as cut on left , * ide and hip , arid on If ft. shoulder of hor- ou left bide V X rn > eit o iomp out- lie bnn.i- 3d JBmg peg ( either side up ) on oft side or hip. f on left Jaw and left shoulder 3f horsesj , LU LUQ on left hip of horses. * M on left jaw of horsp.s C. P. Jordan. Kosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also C.7 BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock E. M. Terrill , Propr , Brownlee , X Tattle branded as In c'.t on left side. So in e branrlpd Ii. T Y on left hip. Knnge on Xorth Loup river , two mil s west of Brewnlee John Kills Plenty. it Francis Misrr cr > Ion , Kosebud. i.D. Cattle branded sin cut ; horses on Jft thigh , Kanjre t'tweeu Spring "kand Little Vhite river. ioss on Live Stcck Ko-vy. Gordon. Neb. , Jan. 4. The-govern ifpt thermometer registered 25 be iwiero , with the wind blowing a lie. from , the north , it being one oi te worst blisvcards that has vistecl i's section for a number of years he loss of stock is estimated to be Firs in a New York Town. Troy , N. Y . Jan. 4. The entire iriness portion and part of the resi- ; nee section of Grancille , Washing- n rounty. were swept by fire and a estimate places the less Eigi.t Miners Entombed. ' Sydney , N. S. , 'Jan. 4. Eight min- s were entombed in No. 3 colliery of e Nova Scotia Steef company here. vo wpre rescued , but the fate of the liur six /was not known. ' * Albert Whipple & Sons. Rosebud S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left sloe OSO on riehtside Some cattle also have af fen neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bars terns * hind onar- mm f _ Jr jrR' Some Texas cattle branded < 9 O ou'left side and somes on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hlo. Some catthj branded A.W nar connected OD both sides and loft hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.lef t side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake- Land and feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Vres WIllGComstock. V. P Chas C Jamison Hec&Troas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; ft also the following fir H brands : , rv - rcn r i ? 4 It * & 7n horsea branded th& \&j i , $ same S M &E % HS&S Rtnge betweea Gordon on the F . E . &M. Y..R. R. and H" ' on . Northwestern - sern Nebr. BARTI.ETT IMCHAKPS. Ellsworth. Nebr Stwyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawver has chariic of these cattle. n der. Some left side. Hors2 same left thigh. Kaiige on Snake river. Metzger Eros. Itolfe N'ebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand on ert thigh. Jangrr on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward f , S2SO will be raid to any person for informatig g to the arrest and final convictioh wif of any iwrson or. persons stealing J. A. Taryan. PuHman , Nebr "Cattle branded JT on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder .Reasonable reward for any Information leading to the n-- eovery of cattle strayed from my range. Ah , This Is Fine ! At rest or during the hurry of the day commune with the news by reading this paper. i 4