Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 05, 1911, Image 4

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I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr.
Mark Zarrf Foreman.
A Weekly Newspcper published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year.
Local Notices , 5c per line per issue
Entered at the Postolllce at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission through the mails , as secoud
class matter.
Thursday , January o , 1911.
The Weather Bureau.
When we read in Saturday's
State Journal a dispatch dated
Dec. 30 , that there was a general
storm all over the Northeastern
states ; that a storm was brewing
in the west , north and northwest ,
and the thermometer at 42 ° be
low-aero at Winnipeg , we knew
without consulting the white flag
with a Hack center displayed
from our local weather station
that there was a storm coming.
Our weather station is alright
to tell the forecaster what to ex
pect or predict for -some other
We ought to have a station some
other place Co tell us at Valentine
what the weather will be , for
here's where a storm breaks , and
sometimes without the apparent
cognizance of the weather officials
until the storm is upon us.
When they put out a storm flag
here which is the same they put
oat at Omaha and Lincoln , a da.'s .
journey from here , though a very
good prediction for Omaha in
* *
most cases but. a poor one for
Valentine because the storm is up
on us here about the time we get
the report generally.
This would suggest perhaps that
we need more weather stations and
fewer battleships ; better equip
ment to provide for our citizens'
welfare in times of peace and
they'll prove masters of the situa
tion when war comes.
Give us better protection in
dividually instead of whooping it
up for the grand old flag upon
which they hope the sun will nev
er set.
Cut down the idle forces of a
large standing army which sap
and draw upon the strength of our
nation -in times of peace , and give
us instead , a few more life saving
institutions ; reduce the burden
some tariff ; cut off the payment of
tea thousand idle soldiers and em
ploy ten more men to operate
weather stations to protect the
common herd and make our in
formation of value , so that the
local weather station will not have
to bear the brunt cf the faulty
predictions and instead of being
looked upon as a huge joke , like
Hicks or Devoe , that all may take
heed in reverential admiration ,
when a storm is predicted , for a
great system of weather forcast-
ing that performs an actual de
mand by a people who will in
turn , feel a greater tie that binds
than that of awe inspired by a
great standing army as an idle
boast of our strength.
Give us more meat in the cocoanut -
nut and do less shouting about the
graceful curves of its body.
Cut down the tariff and big
standing armies and give us more
accurate information on everyday
weather that will benefit every
being on earth.
Do something instead of nothing.
We hail thee , congress !
Chief Donahue of Omaha Vill
probably come clear with flying -
colors. He ba'nt donenothin' an :
why should Attorney General
Mullen prosecute him or try to
\ throw Mm oat df office *
-T ? VTv"V. : . * - ' - * '
To Quit Competition , j
Postmaster General Hitdhcock
has announced that after January
1st the government will discontinue
ihe printing of stamped envelopes
and recommends that the same be
done by the local newspapers in
every town where there is a news
paper , and by special permit for the
town nearest the newspaper \\here
a town has no paper of its own. No
Jarge town will be allowed to have a
monopoly on the printing of the
envelopes to the detriment of the !
smaller newspapers.
A uniform scale of printing will be
prepared by the post office depart
ment and insisted upon or th'e
newspaper will not be sold stamped
envelopes for printing. The scale
of printing will be such that a
reasonable profit can be made by
the office printing them. The de
partment will also soon make a
ruling that no first class mail be
allowed transmission through the
mails until it has a return card
written or printed thereou. The
above means that the envelope
printing business will take a big
boom soon , which is sure to con
tinue. N
The order relating to the printing
of envelopes is a correction for an
evil of long standing and against
which the newspapers of the coun
try have fought many years , for
the reason thatllie price charged
for the envelopes was far less than
the stock could be purchased by
printers , and the rate charged was
such that a profit could have been
made by the government. Hun
dreds of millions of stamped enve
lopes are used annually throughout
the country and the , contemplated
change will be " greeted with
pleasure by every printer and publisher - j j t
lisher jvho hap felt the loss of this j
class o f business.Publisher's
There was no weather report
here from Chief Willis L. Moore
from last Saturday morning until
Tuesday at 3:30 p m. It looks
like a good rest to us if the chief
himself was not frozen up in the
recent blizzard , in which case we
fear there would be no more
weather. Of course our local man
never has a holiday. He has to
send in his local forecasts and ref -
ports with accuracy and precision ,
but e're not supposed to need
reports from the rest of the world
for our guidance on holidays , and
ifjthe Chicago forecaster gets into
a little tanglefoot on New Years
or Christmas. We don't need the
reports at all , sir. No , sir. They
wouldn't probably be right , sir ,
if we had 'em and we had just as
well wait until Willis L- Moore
shake's 'em up a bit , for we don't
want weather that has not been
properly inspected by Mister
An exchangs says : The trouble
is that girls have too much rope.
The best wives are invariably those
who have been .flattened out across
the parental knee about once a
week and whose heads are no.t pad
ded with store hair until they look
like a sheep at shearing time. Noth
ing will straighten up a lovesick
girl who makes goo-goo eyes at ev
ery traveling man in sight like an
old fashioned spanking. The girl
whose daily labor consists of brew
ing fudge and making the trains is
about as useless to a man who haste
to work for a living as ahip pocket
in his nightie. -
Karl Lurz of Woodlake 5was in
town today.
George Gamm came back yes
terday from the jiospital.
Nebraska Legislature is Read )
to Organize.
Lincoln , Jan. 2.- The Nebraska leg
islature , thirty-second session , assem
bles at noon tomorrow in accordance
with , the provision ot" the constitution
requiring biennial sessions to begin '
the first Tuesday in January. The
opening days of a legislature are al
ways marked by the utmost decorum
and politeness between members
Most ol' the members are new to theii
surroundings and they have otten been .
likened to school boys on the first day
of school. Diffidence and decorum at
first is the rule , but at the close oi
the session members who would not
dare to speak above a whisper on the
opening day may be found shouting at
Hie top of their voices and hammering
desks with fists and expressing all
sorts of unparliamentary language un-
til they sometimes have to be called tc
order by a daring presiding officer.
Fifteen days before a session begins
and fifteen days after a session ends- .
members of the * legislature are exempt
from arrest except for treason , felony
or breach of the peace. It has been
suggested that this provision of the
constitution is no inducement for men
to become members of the legislature
Few if any'have ever been accused oi
treason , % but the provision is assur
ance that members cannot be kid
naped with impunity.
Democrats in Majority.
Two years ago the Democratic ma
jority in the legislature boasted that it
constituted the first and 'only Demo
cratic legislature ever assembled in
Nebraska. The Populist legislature oi
1S91 was not considered purely Demo
crat. This year another Democratic
legislature is in power. Nineteen ol
the thirty-three senators are Demo
crats and fifty-four of the 100 repre
sentatives are Democratic. Lieutenant
Governor M. R. Hopewell of Tekamah
will for the third time preside oveil
the state senate by virtue of the office j
he holds. The speaker of the house is
elected from the membership of the
house. Governor Chester H. Aldrich
( Rep. ) will have the privilege of ap
proving or vetoing bills passed by the
Democratic majority and it will re- ,
quire a three-fifths vote of each house
to override his veto. With only four
majority in the house , there is likely
to be some interesting situations , not
withstanding the fact that the Repub
lican and the Democratic platforms
agree on some important measures.
Salute to the Governpr.
Tt is customary for the majority po
litical party to organize the legislature
and elect all of the officers and em
ployees. This is done the first day oi
the session. Wednesday , the second ;
day , is devoted to further perfecting
preliminary plans for the work of the
session. Thursday is the day fixed byj
the constitution for the end of the
term of outgoing state officers and the
beginning of the term of incoming
state officers. Thursday afternqpn. '
Governor Shajlenberger retiring.
governor , will deliver his final mes. * ,
sage to the legislature and Governor ;
Aldrich , the incoming governor , will
deliver his inaugural address. It'i
on this occasion that the old cannoii
near the State house booms out seven
teen guns , the number prescribed in
military regulations as a salute to a
governor. The address of the incom
ing governor is thus sometimes punc
tured by the roar of cannon.
Inaugural Reception.
In the evening the inaugural recep
tion is given at the tate house. Music
and refreshments are a part of jh ;
program , but this yeajthgrg \yil } tfe )
no dancing , at the request of the in
coming governor. Hundreds and thou
sands crowd into the state house to
gaze at the line of state officers , in
the receiving line and to admire tht
told braid OB the uniforms , of the gp.y :
enior's military staff. Thg reception
this year is to be in the nature of a
farewell for Governor Shallenbergei
and a welcome for Governor Aldrich
The incoming and outgoing state oflv
gerr- generally have a place in the re-
peiving line , but they admit that they
ftre placed there mostly for the purpose - .
pose of filling gpace an $ { hat the ins
coming governor is the big drawing
rard. Still they all stand in line foi
hours and shake bands of people who
There will be no ifliljjary display
by Governor Aldrich , .33 lie hria decid
ed not to appoint a pfaff. GorerHoi
Bhallenberger has a staff of forty-five
colonels and they will be called upon
Jn- him to give a militaryajr to the
Standing Committees ,
Thursday afternoon it ss customary
for both houses to adjourn till the
following Monday or Tuesday. Dur
ing this interim the member s go to
JJifiir homes'and are admired by theii
constituents and receive advice as to
what , they should dp fpr the state. The
speaker or the committee in charge ot
the appointment of standing commit
tees also takeg advantage f this ad
journment to sort out the names of
3 no members antf place them on com-
mitip s they do "not want and. give
the best committees to those who did
not ask. Two years ago the Demo
cratic house jook from the speaker
Ihe pswir to appoint'c'cirirnittefes ; tmt
i made him a indaiber cf a ccmmiitoo ic
periorm this < woik. Tins plan is
again urged by Governor bnallen
berger , and will prouabiy be foilowd
The senate , whicu is piosided ovei
t > y one who is not a member cf that
. 'oocty , has always selected its committees
toes through a coruinittea choseu Dy z
caucus ot the dor.mant political side
i or the chamber. I
Important Wcrk en Hand.
This session or' the legislature will
be conironted with a bill * on the sub
ject of county option , a measure which
the Republican platform calls lor , but
which is not mentioned in the Demo
cratic platform , yet a majority of tn&
members cf the house piedged them
selves in the campaign to vote foi
some such a' measure. The senate is
said to contain a majority opposed to
such a measure , though this is denied
by county option advocates. It is be
lieved the measure will have a diffi
cult passage and that it will be de
feated in the senate.
The drafting of a proposed amend
ment to the legislature for the adop-
tion' of laws and amendments by the
initiative and referendum is pledged
by both political parties. j
Governor Shallenberger recom
mends the repeal of that part of the
primary lav/ which caused his defeat
and which he signed in the form of a
bill two years ago , providing for an
open primary. He recommends going
back to the lavas it existed prior to
the meeting of the previous legisla
ture , with a few minor exceptions.
List of Senators.
First District John H. Moorchead ,
Dem. ; Second , L. A. Varacr , Rep. ;
Third , Henry H. Bartlin ? , Rep. ;
Fourth , W. B. Banning. Eem. ; Fifth ,
E. E. Placke , Dsm. ; Sixth , F.ichard SHorten
Horton , Dem. , John E. Reagan , Dem. ,
John M. Tanner , Dem. ; Seventh , N. S.
Wilcox , Dem. ; Eighth , J. M. Talcott ,
Dem. ; Ninth , Aubrey A. Smith , Rep. ;
Tenth , Fred Volpp , Earn. ; Eleventh ,
Philip H. Kohl , Dem. ; Twelfth , 1. L.
Albert , Dem. ; Thirteentn , J. D. Lee ,
Dem. ; Fourteenth , W. R. Reynolds ,
Rep. ; Fifteenth , J. A. Oiis , Jr. , Dem. ;
Sixteenth , C. F. Bodinson , Dem. ; Sev
enteenth , J. H. Buhnnan , Dem. ; Eight
eenth , J. H. Kemp , Rep. ; Nineteenth , j
Charles McClellan Skiles , Dcrn. ; j
Twentieth , Edward P. Brown. Rep. ,
William A. Selleck , Rep. ; Twenty-first ,
Peter Jansen , Rep. ; Twcnty-secoirl ,
F. W. Bartos , Dem. ; Twenty-third , '
Wes Pickens , Dein. ; Twenty-fourth , '
Charles C. Smith , Rep. ; .Twenty-fifth ,
. . J. ' M. Cox , Rep. ; Twenty-sixth , James
B. McGrew ; Rep. ; Twenty-seventh ,
George W. Tibbets , Dem. ; Tv/enty-
efghth , H. A. Cox , Rep. ; Twenty-ninth ,
John F. Cordeal , Rep. ; Thirtieth , W.
V. Hoagland , Rep.
First District Charles Brecht , _
Dem. , Henry Gerdes , Dem. , Otto Ko-
touc , Dem. ; Second , A. D. Barclay ,
Rep. , C. W. Potts , Deni ; Third , E. H.
Dort. Rep. , Ben T. Skeen , Dem. ; .
Fourth , Porter C. Johnson , Rep. ; Fifth ,
Edmund B. QuackenbusU , Dora ; j
Sixth , Wilber W. Anness , Rep. , G. W. ;
L-eidigh , Dem. ; Seventh , C. E. Metz-
ger , Dem. , W. H. Puls , Dem. ; Eighth ,
Fred L. Nutzman , Rep. ; Ninth , C. V. I
Sr.nborn , Dem. ; Tenth , P. G. H. Bo- -
land , Dem. , J. H. Bulla , Dem. , John H |
Grossman , Dem. , Robert H. Holmes.
Dem. , C. B. Liver , Dem. , E. J. McAr-
dle , Dem. , J. F. Moriarty , Dem. , Frann.
J. Riha , Dem. , W. S. Shoemaker ,
Dem. ; Eleventh , W. D. Haller , Rep. ;
Twelfth , C. H. W. Basse , Eem. ; Thir
teenth , H. H. Herzpg ; , Rep. ; Four
teenth , F. P. Lawrence , Dem. . H. J.
Nelson , Dem.- Fifteenth , Con M. Mc
Carthy , Dem ; Sixteenth , FeMx L. Gal
lagher , Dem. : Seventeenth , H. C. Bsr-
tels.Dem. . . ; Eighteenth , Enos E. Ellis ,
Rep. ; Nineteenth , John Kuhl , Dam. ;
Twpntieth , West L. Kirk. Rep. : Tv/en-
tj'-first. F. M. Housh , Rep. ; Twenty-
second. Rescee 3R. Smith , Rep. ; Twen
ty-third. H. C. iJatrau , Dem. ; Twenty-
fourth , Charles Schueth , Ecm. ; Twen-
ty-fifth , Richard C. Reran , Dem. ;
Twenty sixth. J. B. ) Sindelar , Dem. ;
Twenty seventh , Frank Doezal ! , P. I ;
C. H. Gustafson , Rep. ; Twenty-eighth ,
Joseph Dcstal , Dem , . John Has5.- ! : ,
Rep. ; Twenty-ninth , 0V Frllcr ,
Dem. . Henry gclieelc. Dem. : Thirtieth ,
Earl O. Eager , Rep. , Andrew J. Minor ,
Rep. , S. R. McKelvfe. Rep. ; John H.
Mockett , Jr. , Rep. , I II. Hatfisid , Rep. ;
Thirty-first , John A. Hospodsky. Dem. ,
Michael J. Murphy , p. L ; Thirty-sec
end , I. R. Claj'ton , Rep. . Clyde H.
Filley , Rep. , Jehu W. McXissick ,
Dom. ; Thirty third , Anton Sag ] , Dsm. ;
Thirty fourth , Henry Heiliger. D"m. ;
Thirty fifth , William Grueber , B&m. ;
Thirty sixth. Luther Bonham , Eem. :
Thirty-seventh , Peter Eggenberger. Jr. ,
Dem. , H. N Swan , Dem. . ; Thirty-
eighth. D W. Bake.v. Rep. , William
Colton , Rsp. ; Thirty-ninlh , J. M. Nor
ton , Dem.-f ; Fortieth , H. G : Taylor.
Rep. ; Forty first. Clark E , Neir. Rep. .
T. E. 'Nordgren. Rep.Fortysecond. ; .
A. A. Gait. RepT , John M. Jones. Rep. ;
Forty-third , Ernest Meyer. Rep. ; For
ty-fourth. George W Lindsay , Dem. ;
Forty-fifth , L p. Evans , Rep. ; Forty-
sixth , Wjlliam Weesner , Dem. ; Forty-
seventh , W. A. Prince , Rep. , John W
Sink , Dem. ; Forty eighth , Soren M.
Fries , Dem. : Forty-ninth , T. J. Hcw-
Rrd , Rep. ; Fiftieth , H. A. Aliep. Rep. ,
D. H. Qronin. , Rep , ; Fifty-first. Buel
3. Harrington , Dem , ; Fifty-second , E.
D. Clarke , Rep. ; Fifty-third , Walter
fl. KentrRep. ; Fifty-fourth. B. K Bus-
nee , Rep. ; Fifty-fifth , M. E. McCleliaa.
Rep. ; Fifty-sixth. Jesse Gandy. Dem. ;
p. H. MoodP. . I. ; Fifty-seventh , W31-
ber S. Waite , Rep. ; Fifty-eighth. Wil-
Jard F. Bailey , Dem. , S. C. .Bassett.
Rep. ; Fifty-Binth , W. M. Stebbins ,
Rep. ; Sixtieth. C. Anderson , Rep. :
Bixty-first , L. H. Eastman. Dem. ; Six-
ty-seccadr-D. S. Hardin , Rep. ; Sixty-
thirdfi E. W. Roberts , Rep. ; Sixty-
fourth , James John , Rep. ; Sixty-fifth. 0
Frank Moore. Rep. : Sixty-sixth. SD. .
Et , Rep. ; Sixty-seventh , W. Z. Tay-
C Heal. . . . . -r- =
jt < f.
In all Winter Goods such as
; Cloaks
* . Underwear
( Disck Coats
Outing Flannels
We offer you these goods at bar
gain-prices to clean up our stock
before inventory. Be sure to call at
/ tore
and find we are overstocked on some
lines. To close out we will sell
That cost us $110.OO for $75.OO
We believe tllat there will be an advance"
in the price of Lumber and advise our cus
tomers to build while it is cheap. A com
plete line of Posts- Barb Wire and Staples
that we are selling exceptionally cheap.
You will save money and be assured of
getting the best quality by purchasing of
' us. An examination of our Lumber will
convince you that we carry the largest
stock of the best grade and at lowest prices.
J &J A J J & &J J *
\ Have Just Received a Car of Apples
in boxes containing Ben- Davis , Jonathans
and Winesaps. Stop in and get some
: | while they- are cheap.
| $1.15 a bushel box
\ Charley Gassan , Valentine , Neb.
Cigars and
Soft Drinks
Good Meals § 1.00 Per Day
Valentine , Nebr.
Warm "Beds * Clean Eooms
t Office front room , second story ,
iver T. C. Hornby's store , Main
treet entrance.
Valentine , Nebraska
* > ' i
Tubular Wells and Windmills
Call me up by phone