Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 05, 1911, Image 3

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    tl I
i NO Ball at Inauguration.
There will be no inauguration ball
frflien Chester H. Aldrich , governor-
jelect , is inducted into office January
J5 next. That has been settled by Mr.
fcldrich himself , who said : "There will
be a reception , but there will be no"
dancing. "
I Mr. Aldrich ssys he cannot counte
nance dancing. The reception inci
dent to the inauguration will be held
at the state house and during the
I evening such refreshments as lemon-
4 jule and orange punch will be served.
Apportionment of School Funds.
Nebraska's semi-annual school ap
portionment has been made by State
Superintendent Bishop. The amount
Ito be distributed is $261,512.75. The
ratio for each pupil is .70198. In addi-
pen to the regular apportionment , the
sum of $33,655 is to be distributed to
the weak school districts.
Has Broken All Records.
Francis M. Golfer of McCook , who
succeeded Arthur Mullen as state oil
inspector , has broken all records in
fthe matter of total collections Dur-
fing the month of November the total
icollections of the state oil depart-
taent in the form of inspection fees
amounted to $4,642.-10. Once during
ihis term Mr. Mullen collected $4,000
and thought he was doing pretty well ,
jbut Mr. Golfer 1ms broken all records
Sn the history of the department by
his November receipts.He has ex
pended $1,561.48 of the Novembe ]
Japanese Consul's Visit.
Consul Keichi Yamasaki , represent
! > ing the Japanese government at Chica
go , was in Lincoln Thursday for the
Ipurpose of studying agricultural and
Industrial conditions in Nebraska and
fto meet his countrymen among the
Hocal student population. He visited
; the state executive offices during the
Iforenoon and later called at the Young
[ Men's Christian association , where a
number of young Japanese are em
ployed as waiters. He spent part of
the afternoon looking through the Uni-
"rersity of Nebraska. Mr. Yamasaki
Mil return from here to Chicago.
Getting Ready to Leave.
January 5 , the day of the inaugura
* tion of Governor elect Aldrich , has
fceen set as the day when Governor
Shallenberger and his family will va-
vcate the executive mansion. Prepara
tions for the change in occupancy will
foe begun immediately after Christmas.
Governor Shallenberger has just re
turned from a business trip to Chicago
and a brief visit at Spring Green , Wis.
Hesays that it is his intention to
resume his former occupation as a
J stock breeder at Alma , as soon as he
again becomes a private citizen.
Meeting of Organized Agriculture.
At the meetings of Organized Agri
culture , held January 16 to 20 , 1911 ,
at Lincoln , after the general day meet
ings on agriculture , horticulture ,
dairying and live stock at the universi
ty farm , each evening at the universi
ty temple will be occupied as follows :
Tuesday , a noted speaker under the
auspices of the state board of agricul
ture ; Wednesday an address to the
State farmers' congress and Thursday
a reception at the governor's mansion
and a corn cornival at the auditorium.
Pure Food Laws Being Obeyed.
According to the biennial report just
filed by State Food Commissioner
( Mains , the food laws of Nebraska are
being as strictly obeyed by manufac
turers and distributors as those of
any state in the union , and this re
sult has been obtained with a mini-
jnum of prosecutions. The total
amount of fees collected during the biennium -
ennium is $11,324.64 , which is an in
crease of $6,830.28 over the former
commissioner's biennial report , which
fchowed a total collection of $4,487.36.
' National Guards Improve ,
i i The report of the.rifle shooting ol
the national guard for the year 1910
has been compiled in the adjutant
[ general's office. This year the report
shows the figure of merit for the en-
jtire guard as 16.58 , against 33.66 for
last year. The figure of merit of the
Second regiment is better than that
t > f the First , as follows : Second regi
tnent , 19.56 ; First regiment , 13.39.
Chief Game Warden Dan Geilus
recommends in his biennial report the
collection of a general game license
upon all persons over sixteen years of
age who fish and hunt and some im
portant changes in the open season.
His recommendation extending the
chicken season one month , commenc
ing September 1 instead of October 1 ,
is likely to be opposed by some ol
the chief members of gun clubs and
sportsmen of the state.
The attention of State Superintend
ent B.'C. Bishop will be called to the
law of the state on the disposition of
unclaimed bodies , as a result of the1
ntroversy that has developed over
V p. criticism of his attitude by the state
jboard of health through its board of
geeretaries. Secretary E. Arthur Carr
mill call on the state superintendent
* his week regarding the matter , out
It is stated the board will make no
ffort to change present conditions
mnless some medical school of the
ktate which considers itself aggrieved
Dies a formal complaint.
Golden Wedding at Seward.
Seward County. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam. Hassinger are the latest Seward
county people to pass tbe half cen
tury mark of wedded life. The event
was celebrated at their ihome in Sew
ard when a large gathering of friends
and relatives were entertained at
N. 1 Auto Leaves State.
Buffalo County. S. E. Hawley ol
Kearney , the man who held automo
bile license No. 1 in this state , , has
departed , taking this number , for
which there has been much competi
tion among automobile owners and
drivers , with him. He will live at
Monte Vista , Colo.
Five-Year Sentence.
Cass County. John B. Crawford ,
who was arrested for stealing a wag
on load of wheat from the bin of R. .
L. Probst , pleaded guilty to an information
mation charging him with the theft
of 100 bushels of wheat and was sen
tenced by Judge Travis to five years
'n the penitentiary.
Fine Corn Specimens.
Platte County The Columbus Corn
Growers' association exhibited some
fine specimens of corn grown in
Platte county at the Y. M.'C. A. build
ing. For the coming year the follow
ing officers were elected : L. G. Bar-
tels , president ; U. S. Mace , vice pres
ident ; George Drinnew , secretary ;
Emil Mueller , treasurer.
Three Years" in Penitentiary.
Douglas County. Three years in
the penitentiary Al Shultz must serve
for killing the late William. Krug in
an automobile accident , resulting
from Shultz' reckless driving in Oma
ha. Judge Lee S. Estelle overruled
Shultz' motion for a new trial , denied
his application for parole , and gave
him a three-year sentence.
School Fund Approtionment.
Nebraska's semi-annual school ap
portionment 'has ' been made toy State
Superintendent Bishop. The amount
to be distributed is $261,512.75. The
ratio for each pupil is .70198. In addi
tion to the regular apportionment the
sum of $33,655 is to 'be distributed to
the weak school districts. Douglas
county gets $28,791.73 out of the pres
ent state apportionment.
Frank Macy of Hebron Dead.
Thayer County. Franklin Macy
passed away at the home of his
daughter , Mrs. A. W. Wilkinson , at
the age of 96 years and 2 days. He
was the oldest man in the county
and was among the oldest in the
state. He was born in Gildford coun
ty near Dobson Roads , North Carolina
lina , December 19 , 1814 , as he said ,
"just a little before day , though I re
member but little of the important
event. "
Thomas B. Herd Dead. '
Merrick County. Thomas Benton
Herd , the largest cattle feeder in the
world and for many years past a res
ident of Central City , died at Minne
apolis , Minn. , where he had gone only
a few days ago to consult a special
ist. He was stricken with paralysis
about two years ago and had not
actively engaged in business sinse
that time. He went to Europe this
summer to the Baden Baden Springs
and returned much improved.
Important Contracts Let.
Butler County. The county board
of supervisors at its regular session
awarded the following contracts for
the year 1911-1912 : All wood and
steel bridges to be constructed in
Butler county to the Nebraska Con
struction company of Lincoln ; all ce
ment culverts to the Wilson Rein
forced Concrete company of Nebras
ka City ; all metal culverts to the Ne
braska Culvert Manufacturing com ?
pany of Wahoo.
Dawson Corn Show.
Dawson County. The Dawson
county farmers opened their annual
institute and corn , show at Lexington.
The executive board had taken a
great deal of interest in this meeting
and it proved to be a success. The
J. F.
out-of-town speakers were :
Coupe , Falls .City , Neb. , who talked
on the problems of pork production ;
Mrs. W. W. Burr of the state experi
ment station , North Platte , on the
methods of increasing the yield of
grain , and Miss Anna M. East of Co
lumbus , . on domestic science in the
schools. Liberal prizes were award
ed for the Different varieties of corn.
Fight Pictures Barred.
Jefferson County. After a week's
excitement over the prospects of
having the Johnson-Jeffries prize
fight pictures in Fairbury , the munici
pal authorities stopped the exhibition
by an injunction. The city council
passed an ordinance which positive
ly prohibits the exhibition of prize
fight pictures , and prevents wrest
ling matches , and such theatrical per
formances as tend to corrupt the-mor-
als of the people.
Man Killed at Grand Island.
Hall County Peter Pererson , night
watchman for the Union Pacific at
the Walnut street crossing , Grand Is
land , was run down and instantly
killed by the engine of passenger
train No. 17 , William Bay , engineer.
Nebraska Mayor Dead.
Furnas County. J. J. Dodds died
at the hospital in Cambridge of acute
appendicitis. The news of his death
came suddenly to the citizens , his ill
ness having started only five days
ago. He was mayor of the town.
We sweep away all doctor's charges. "We put the best medical talent
within everybody's reach. We encourage everyone who ails or thinks
he ails to find out exactly what his state of health is. You can get our
remedies here , at your drug store , or not at all , as you prefer ; there is
positively no charge for examination. Professor Munyon has prepared
specifics for nearly every disease , which are sent prepaid on receipt of
price , and sold by all druggists.
Send to-day for a copy of our medical examination blanlc and Guide
to Health , which we will mail you promptly , and if you will answer all
the questions , returning blank to us , our doctors will carefully diagnose
your case and advise you fully , without a penny charge.
Address Munyon's Doctors , jttunyon's Laboratories , 53d & Jefferson
Streets , Philadelphia , Pa.
Ended the Controversy.
On the steeple of an old Universal-
is church in Bath , Me. , there is a
wooden figure of an angel. It is not
a remarkably fine specimen of art , and
has always been romewhat laughed
about , especially because of its high-
heeled shoes. The Bath Enquirer re
calls the story that a former pastor of
the North Congregational church once
accosted a devoted TJniversalist with
the question : "Mr. Raymond , did you
ever see an angel with high-heeled
shoes on its feet ? " "Why , no , " an
swered Mr. Raymond , "I can't say that
I ever did ; but did you ever see one
without them ? "
The more solitary , the more friend
less , the more unsustained I am , the
more I will respect and rely upon my
self. Charlotte Bronte.
People who borrow trouble always
give more than they get.
Color more oood brighter and farter color * than anj olher d e. One lOepackaoe colors all fibers. They dye in cold wafer better than any ether iye. You can dj
anffitrmtnt without ripping apart. Writi lor lrw fcwUd-How to Oi * . Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG OO. , Qulnoy ,
! 'Honest " Proved His
John" Kelly Right
to the Title Long Before ,
There have been many stories about
the manner in which "Honest John"
Kelly , the ex-umpire , first got his nick
name. Mr. Kelly himself , according
to a New York letter , holds that it
came to him naturally , for even as a
small boy the purity of his soul shone
through his face. "I think the first
time I was ever called 'Honest John'
was when I was quite a youngster , "
said Kelly. "A man engaged as an
ambulatory salesman of tinware ob
served the ingenious countenance I
presented to the world and hailed me.
'You look honest , boy , " said he. 'What
might your name be ? ' 'John , ' said I ,
quite simply. 'John' just like that.
'Then hold my horse while I go in
the saloon and get a drink , ' said he.
And so I held his horse while he went
in the saloon and got a drink. But
this was on lower Ninth avenue , in a
day when the avenue's honors went
to the man who could clean the most
cops in a given time. By and by the
gang came along and beheld that
wagon full of tinware. The peddler
was detained within by a sore thirst ,
and they took the tinware. And then
they came back and took the cush
ions off the wagon. Eventually , be
coming daring , they unhitched the
wagon and took it away. True to my
trust , I stood there , holding the horse.
And by and by the peddler came "out
of the saloon and sized up the situa
tion. 'Well , ' said he warmly , 'you're
Honest John , all right. You saved the
horse. ' "
Breaking It Gently.
Callahanwas stopped on the street
by Father Clancy. The good priest's
countenance took on a sadexpres
"What's this , I hear , Callahan , "
asked he , "about your breaking Ho-
gan's head last night ? And the two
of you friends for years ! "
Callahan seemed somewhat taken
back. "Sure , I was compelled to do
it , your riverence , " he explained apol
ogetically , "but out of consideration
for that same frindliness , I broke it
gintly , your riverence. " Lippincott's.
A Discouraging View.
"We must investigate this affair , "
said the rural official.
"What's the use ? " responded Farm
er Corntossel. "I never saw an inves
tigation that changed anybody's personal -
, sonal likes and dislikes. "
"How can. I keep a husband's love ? "
"Have you tried cold storage ? "
Si ' MPflJ J
Green Does he figure much in poli
tics ?
Wise No ; he's one of those poli
ticians who use five-syllable words to
express one-syllable ideas.
The Primitive Man.
"Jones is so dreadfully primitive. "
"What's his latest ? "
"Why , we were at the opera house
the other night and a stage hand re
moved a table and Jones yelled 'Supe !
supe ! ' We were dreadfully mortified. "
"I was at a dinner the other might
and Jones sat next to me. When he
saw the row of spoons and forks and
knives beside his plate he beckoned to
the waiter. 'Say , boy , ' he hoarsely mut
tered , 'I guess you spilled the spoon
holder ! ' "
"Well , it's lucky he's rich. "
"Ain't it ? "
His Specialty.
"What has become of young Mr.
D'Auber , who showed such signs of
talent in drawing ? Has he made a
success ? "
"Oh , yes , indeed. He's got all the
work he can do now. "
"Magazine or studio work ? "
"He draws the maltese cross show
ing where the body was found , In the
evening papers. " Cleveland Leader.
Hard-Hearted Judge.
The Sympathetic Pal Wotcher ,
Bill ! You looks bad ; been laid up ?
Bill Yus , sort of. 'Aven't been
outer doors fer free munfs.
The Sympathetic Pal Wet was the
matter wiv yer ?
Bill Nuffin' ; only the judge wouldn't
believe it. The Sketch.
It Is right to be contented with what
we have , but never with what we are.
Sir James Mackintosh.
When the "Weekly" which sued us for libel
( because we publicly denounced them for an
editorial attack on our claims ) was searching
for some "weak spot , " they thought best to
send a N. Y. Atty. to Battle Creek , ' summoned
25 of our workmen and took their sworn state
ments before a Commissioner. '
Did we object ? No. On the contrary , we
helped all we could , for the opportunity was
too good to be lost.
Geo. Haines testified he Inspected the wheat
and barley , also floors and every part of the
factories to know things were kept clean.
That every 30 minutes a sample of the pro
ducts was taken and inspected to keep the
food up to standard and keep out any impur
ities , also that it is the duty of every man in
the factories to see that anything not right
is immediately reported. Has been with , the
Co. 10 years.
Edward Young testified had been with Co.
15 years. Inspector , he and his men exam
ined every sack and car of wheat" and barley
to see they were up standard and rejected
many cars.
H. E. Burt , Supt. , testified has been with
Co. over 13 years. Bought only the best
grain obtainable. That the Co. kept a corps
of men who do nothing but keep things clean ,
bright and polished.
Testified that no ingredient went into Grape-
Nuts and Postum except those printed in the
advertising. No possibility of any foreign
things getting into the foods as most of the
machinery is kept closed. Asked if the fac
tory is open to the public , said "yes" and "it
took from two to three guides constantly to
show visitors through the works. " Said none
of the processes were carried on behind closed
At this point attys. for the "Weekly" tried
to show the water used was from some out
side source. Testified the water came from
Co.'s own artesian wells and was pure.
Parishioner's Remark , However , Left
Young Minister Somewhat in
in the Dark.
Rev. Henry R. Rose in the Newark
Star tells the story ofa young min
ister who had recently taken charge
of a small parish in Vermont. He
aspired to greater things and a large
field , and in the hope that his reputa
tion would travel beyond the limits of
the village to which he had been sent
he threw into his sermons all the
force and eloquence at his command.
He was , however , totally unprepared
for what was intended for a compli
ment , but which was put to him in
such a way that it left him in doubt
as to the real impression he had made.
One Sunday morning , after an espe
cially brilliant effort , he was greeted
by an old lady , who was one of the
most faithful attendants at all serv
ices. Approaching the young minister ,
she said : "Ah , sir , we do enjoy your
sermons so much , they are so in
structive. Do you believe it , we never
knew what sin was until you came to
the parish. "
We're All Her Friends.
A pretty story of Miss Ellen Terry
and a gallant young playwright has
gone the rounds of the Players' club.
Miss Terry attended in New York
the first night of this playwright's
latest work and at the end of the
third act he was presented to her.
She congratulated him warmly.
"It is very good , " she said. "Your
play Is very good , indeed , and I shall
send all my American friends to see
it. "
"In that case , " said the playwright ,
with a very low and courtly bow , "my
little piece will sell 90,000,000 tickets. "
They Both Knew.
The fool said one day in theking's
presence , "I am the king ! " And the
king laughed , for he knew that his fool
was wrong.
A week later the king was angry , be
cause of an error he had committed ,
'and exclaimed : "I am a fool ! " And the
fool laughed , for he knew that his
king was right. Smart Set.
The Patient Townsmen.
"So you got to work in spite of the
snow drifts ? "
"Yes. But I don't see why the city
folks should not follow the example of
country people and put up a strong
kick for good roads. "
The Kind.
"I think that chauffeur had great
nerve to make love to his employer's
daughter. "
"So he had motor nerve. "
He testified the workmen were first-class ,
"Tiigh-grade and inspected by the Co.'s physi
cian to be sure they were all in proper phys
ical condition ; also testified that state reports
showed that Co. pays better wages than the
average and he thought higher than any in
the state.
F. B. Martin , Asst. Supt , testified Grape-
Nuts made of wheat , barley , yeast and
water. Anything else ? "No , sir. " Postum
made of Wheat , Wheat Bran and New Orleans
Molasses. Statements made on his experi
ence of about 10 years with Co.
Testified bakers are required to wear fresh
white suits , changed every other day. Said
had never known any of the products being
sent out that were below the high standard
of inspection. Asked if any one connected
with the Postum Co. had instructed him how
to testify. Said , "No , sir. "
Horace Brown testified has been with Co. 9
years. Worked in Grape-Nuts bake shop.
Testified the whole of the flour is composed of
Wheat and Barley. Attys. tried to confuse
him , but he insisted that any casual visitor
could see that nothing else went into the flour.
Said machinery and floors always kept clean.
So these men were examined by the "Week
ly" lawyers hoping to find at least one who
would say that some under-grade grain was
put in or some unclean condition was found
But it was no use.
Each and every man testified to the purity
and cleanliness. <
As a sample , take the testimony Cjf Luther
W. Mayo.
Testified been , with Company about 10 years.
Now working in the bakery department mak
ing Grape-Nuts. Testified that the ovens and
floors are kept clean and the raw products as
they go In are kept clean. Also that the
wearing apparel of the employes haa to be
changed three times a week.
Are Sick
n r
Wl rilla has genuine
curative powers , peculiarly adapted to
restore health and strength In just
such a condition as you are-nip against.
It has been doing this for more thau
a third of a century. Its legions of
benefited friends telling of health re
stored , sufferings ended , are foundL
everywhere. Give it a chance to help
you out by getting a bottle today.
Splendid Crops
In Saskatchewan ( Western Canada )
8OO Bushels from 2O acres
of wheat wns'the thresher's
return from a Lloyd-
i minster fucm in the
i season of 1910. Many
' fields in that as well as
I other districts yield
ed from 25 to 35 bu
shels of wheat to the
| acre. Other grains in
ore thus derived
from the FREE
of Western Canada.
This excellent showing causes
prices to advance. Land values
should double In two years' time.
Grain prowlnp.nilxed f arm-
In pr , cattle ralslnjr and dalry-
liijT arc all profitable , free
Homesteads of 16O acres are
to bo had In the very best
districts : 1GO acre preemptions
tions at S3.OO per aero ivltii-
in certain areas. School * and
churches In every settle
ment , climate unexcelled.
Roll the richest ; \ rood.water
and building1 material
For particulars as to location ,
low settlers' railway rates and
descriptive Illustrated pamphlet.
"Last Best West , " and other In
formation , write to Sup'tof Immi
gration , Ottawa , Canada , or to
Canadian Government Agent.
LT Holmes. 315 Jadsen SL. St. Paul , Mian.
J.OadacfclM , Drawer 197. tfitcrtawn. S 0.
( Use address nearest yon. ) 89
FISTULA , Pay -wnen Cured.
All Rectal Diseasescured ivith-
out a surgical operation and
guaranteed to last a lifetime. No chloroform
or general anaesthetics used. Examination free.
DR. E. R. TARRY , 223 Bee Building , Omaha. Neb.
' - - .
Thompson's Eye Waftr
Young Age Pensions.
Young-age pensions ! Why not ? Ti
tles , honors , riches , pensions and most
other good things are , as a rule , post
poned to a period of life when the ca
pacity for enjoying them has been ,
blunted. Australia was one of the
first countries to adopt old-age pen
sions , and now a Labor member of the
commonwealth parliament proposes a
complementary scheme of young-aga
pensions. He would start by pension
ing the fourth child at birth. The fact
that three had previously been bom
showed that the parents were doing
their duty and deserving well of the
state. The young-age pension would
"reward industry and encourage th *
birth rate. " London Chronicle.
A Young Philosopher.
Time is a relative quantity. Some
minutes seem like hours , and some
hours seem like minutes. How to con
trol this flight is beyond most persons ,
but the little boy mentioned below :
seems to have progressed pretty well
for a youngster.
The teacher was surprised to see
that he remained perfectly idle all
through recess , and accordingly asked
him why he did not play.
" 'Cause , " he said , slowly , "it makes
recess too quick if I play , and I want
it to la-a-ast ! " Youth's Companion.
Blue Monday.
"Do you know why we call this day.
Blue Monday ? "
"Maybe it's because so much blueing
Is used. " Judge.
It would be easier to see good 1ft
others if we didn't have so many
faults of our own
Now About Clean Food
Another Splendid Opportunity to
Bring Out Facts
Q. Do you use Postum or Grape-Nuts your
self at all ?
A. Yes , I use them at home.
Q. If from your knowledge of the factory
which you have gained in your ten years at
the factory you believed that they were dirty
or impure in any way , would you use them ?
A. I do not think I would. No.
Asked if any one on behalf of the Company
had asked him to testify in any particular
manner. Stated "No. "
All these sworn depositions were carefully
excluded from the testimony at the trial , for
they wouldn't sound well for the "Weekly. "
Think of the fact that every man swore to
the purity and cleanliness so that the Atty.
for the "Weekly" was forced to say in open
court that the food was pure and good.
What a disappointment for the "Weekly ! "
But the testimony showed :
All of the grain used in Grape-Nuts , Postum
and Post Toasties is the highest standard
possible to obtafiT
All parts of the factory are kept scrupulous
ly clean.
None of the workmen had been told how to
Most of them have been from 10 to 15 years
with the Co. and use the products on tcelF
tables at home.
Why do their families use the products ,
Grape-Nuts , Postum and Post Toasties , that
they , themselves , make ?
"There's a Reason"
Postum Cereal Co. , L-id. ,
Battle CreeK , Michu
/J /