Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 29, 1910, Image 7

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Mrs. Roosevelt an Economist.
Mrs. Roosevelt Is said to have Icept
her gowns from one year to the next
and even the third year , and yet was
'always ' beautifully dressed. The best-
dressed woman In London IB said to
be Mrs. Keppell , who wears her
gowns more than one season , having
them made over for the second year ,
as her Income does not allow of a
great variety of gowns.
"I have been .afflicted for twenty
fears with an obstinate skin disease ,
called by some M. D.'s. psoriasis , and
others leprosy , commencing on my
scalp ; and in spite of all I could do ,
with the help of the-most skilful doc
tors , it slowly but surely extended un
til a year ago this winter It covered
my entire person in the form of dry
scales. For the last three years I have
been unable to do any labor , and
Buffering intensely all the time. Every
morning there would be nearly a dust-
panful of scales taken from the sheet
n my bed , some of them half as large
as the envelope containing : this letter.
In the latter part of winter my skin
commenced cracking open. I tried
everything , almost , that could be
thought of , without any relief. The
JL2thAof June I started West , in hopes
* I could reach the Hot Springs. I
reached Detroit and was so low I
thought I should have to go to the
hospital , but finally got as far as Lan
sing , Mich. , where I had a sister liv
ing. One Dr. treated me about
two weeks , but did me no good. All
thought I had but a short time to live.
I earnestly prayed to die. Cracked
through , the skin all over my back ,
across my ribs , arms , hands , limbs ;
feet badly swollen ; toe-nails came off ;
finger-nails dead and hard as a bone ;
hair dead , dry and lifeless as old
straw. O my God ! how I did suffer.
"My sister wouldn't give up ; said ,
'We will try Cuticura. ' Some Tfas ap
plied to one hand and arm. Eureka !
there was relief ; stopped the terribl
burning sensation from , the word go
They immediately got Cutioura Re
solvent , Ointment and Soap. I com
menced by taking Cuticura Resolvent
three time a day after meals ; Bad a
bath once a day , water about blood
heat ; used Cuticura Soap freely ; ap
plied Cuticura Ointment morning and
ning. Result : returned to my
lome in just six weeks from the time
left , and my skin as smooth as this
sheet of paper. Hiram E. Carpenter ,
Henderson , N. T. "
The above remarkable testimonial
was written January 19. 1880 , and Is
republlshed because of the perman
ency of the cure. Under date of April
fe2 , 1910 , Mr. Carpenter wrote from his
present home , 610 Walnut St. So. ,
Lansing , Mich. . : "I have never suf
fered a return of the psoriasis and al
though many years have passed I have
hot forgotten the terrible suffering I
endured before using the Cuticura
Remedies. "
We have no more right to consume
happiness without producing it than
to consume wealth without producing
It Gr. Bernard Shaw.
' . Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated ,
to take as candy , regulate and invig-
, te stomach , liver and bowels. Do not
Ignorance gives greater freedom in
utterance than inspiration , and la
often mistaken for it. '
and be compelled to pay to your landlord most
0f your hard-earned profits ? Own your own
farm. Secure a Free Homestead In
* Manitoba , Saskatchewan or
Alberta , or purchase
land in one of these
districts and bank a
profit of $10.0O or
$12.00 an acre
every year.
Land purchased 3
years aso at $10.00 an
acre has recently
changed bands at
$25M an acre. The
crops crown on these
lands warrant the
advance. You can
Besoms Rieh
by cattleraisine.dairyln mized
fanning : and grain growing in
the provinces ox Manitoba ,
Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Fret ) homestead and pre
emption areas , as well aa land
held by railway and land com
panies , will provide homes
for millions.
Adaptable soil , healthful
climate , splendid schools
and churches.Koodrailways.
For settlers' rates , descriptive
literature "Last Best Wost'rbow
to leach the country and ether par
ticulars , write to Sup't of Immi
gration , Ottawa , Canada , or to the
Canadian Government Agent.
E T Hotiics. 315 Jidsoa St. . SL P ri , KI .
XH.&tlxhlu , Drmrl97tfjtertcva.S D.
( Use address nearest yon. ) 33
Your Liver
is Clogged up
That * * Why You're Tired Onfc ef
ierta Hare No Appetite. ,
tdn pot you right
{ a few days.
Titty do 1TTLE
Cvc P2LUS.
la Jigectioa , asd Sick Headtefce. '
Genuine mattbesr Signature
your Invention. Frw
PATENT arv search. Booklet ircc. j > iiLO
_ m mmm , . B.'SlVfcJVKNS & UX. ti'ab. 1W4 ,
I littt St. , Washington ; 2tO Dearborn St. , Chicago.
HE life of the husbandman
_ _ a life fed by the bounty of
earth , and sweetened by the airs of
Cooking in Casserole.
Casserole cookery has gradually
worked itself into great popularity un
til now in almost every home some
form of casserole Is used. Since the
study of foods and feeding has become
more common the housewife begins
to realize the value of slow cooking
of foods , hence the popular use of the
fireless cooker and the casserole.
Anything that requires slow cooking
without browning , may be cooked in
this stone-covered dish. If the brown
ing is desired , it may be done before
the food is put into the casserole.
Long , slow cooking of meats after
the outside has been seared to retain
the juices , is conducive to retaining
the best and most nutritious elements
of the food and also it makes the
flavor of meats far superior to other
methods of cooking.
Chicken in CacEeroIe. Separate the
chicken as for frying , wipe perfectly
dry and brown in a little fat. When
the pieces are all nicely browned ,
place them in the casserole with a
pint of chicken broth made by stew
ing the wing tips and the feet. Put
on the cover and cook in a moderate
oven for an hour- and a half. Melt
three tablespoonfuls of butter in a
pan , add a dozen potato balls , a dozen
carrot balls and a few small onions ;
as soon as brown add to the casserole
with more water if necessary , and
cook until the vegetables are tender.
Do not remove the cover after putting
in the vegetables. Serve from the
casserole. Beefsteak , mutton and any
meat may be cooked in this manner.
The coarse and tough cuts of meat
are made tender and savory by this
process of cooking.
Rice and Meat in Casserole. Line
the bottom and sides of a buttered
casserole with a cupful of cold cooked
rice. Season any chopped meat with
onion juice , celery salt , herbs and salt ,
moisten with butter and eggs and fill
the dish with the chopped meat. Cov
er with the rice and cook slowly for
an hour. Serve with tomato sauce.
Bananas With Sauce in Casserole.
Pare and scrape half a dozen
bananas to remove the coarse threads ,
cut in halves , both lengthwise and
crosswise and put into a casserole.
Melt a small glass of currant jelly ,
pour over them the juice of half
a lemon and a tablespoonful of butter.
Cover and cook in a slow oven for
half an hour.
Pears baked in a casserole with a
little butter and sugar are perfectly
delicious. Let them brown the last
half hour. Pears need long cooking ,
often a half a day to make them rich
and tender.
OME people are so fond of
ill-luck that they run half wa >
to meet it.
Sandwiches may be made of several
kinds of bread ; white , whole wheat ,
graham , oatmeal , Boston brown and
rye. The butter to be used for spread
ing sandwiches should be softened and
creamed. Almost any kind of meat
may be used in sandwiches as filling.
When using meat in sandwiches it
should be chopped fine and seasoned
well. It is often necessary to moisten
the meat with cream or salad dressing
to make it sufficiently moist to spread.
It is often necessary to make the
sandwiches several hours before serv
ing. To keep them moist wrap them
in a cloth wrung out of cold water ,
then fold in a dry towel. Sandwiches
will keep several hours in this way
and keep perfectly moist
Egg Sandwiches. Chop several
hard-cooked eggs , season with salt ,
pepper and a grain of mustard. Spread
over well-buttered bread and cut in
any desired form.
Cucumber Sandwiches Put slicei
of cucumber on well-buttered bread ,
sprinkle with salt and pepper and
serve at once , as the cucumber will
lose its freshness.
Onion and Celery Sandwiches. Chop
celery and onion fine , mix with a lit
tle dressing or olive oil , season with
salt and pepper and spread on but
tered bread.
Nuts and dates chopped and rubbed
smooth with cream make good filling.
Walnuts browned in avery little
butter , chopped and mixed with grated
maple sugar is another good mixture.
Take a cup of freshly grated cocoanut -
nut , one-fourth of a cup of chopped
almonds , one teaspoonful of rose
water and a tablespoonful of powdered
sugar ; mix well and use as filling for
sandwiches. '
Stuffed olives chopped , mixed with
Maraschino cherries chopped and
mixed with cream cheese.
Blanched and browned almonds ,
chopped , mixed with boiled dressing.
Cottage cheese and olives , with
One-half cup each of preserved gin
ger and candied orange peel , chopped
fine ; mix with three tablespoonfuls of
thick sweet cream.
Take two bananas , mixed with two
tablespoonfuls of maraschino cordial
and two tablespoonfuls of thick sweet
cream , sweetened with honey.
Chop candied ginger and mix with
orange juice.
Directions for Preparing Some Simplf
but Delicious and Tasty
For luncheon , grind the ends of i
boiled ham and mix It with a button
onion that has been chopped fine and
a little minced parsley. Put the mix
ture into a pan with a little buttei
and moisten with hot water or cream.
Simmer four or five minutes and then
heap on slices of toast.
For curly bacon , cut It very thin
and half cook it in boiling water.
Then curl It , fasten it In shape with
a toothpick and broil it over the fire.
A little grated American cheese
mixed with the minced ham used in a
sandwich is delicious if the sandwich
is fried brown and served very hot
Sliced ham is more tender if It Is
baked than if fried. Cut a slice three-
quarters of an inch thick , put it into
a small agate pan , turn three-quarters
of a cupful of milk over it , cover and !
bake for an hour and a quarter , bastIng -
Ing every 15 minutes with the milk.
Cold cooked ham is tasty if It is
shredded and cooked in currant jelly
sauce. Put a cupful of the shredded
ham into a saucepan with a level ta
blespoonful of butter and half a cup
ful of currant jelly. As soon as the
jelly and butter begin to bubble add
four tablespoonfuls of sherry and a
seasoning of paprika. Simmer the
mixture about five or six minutes and
serve with toast
Can Go About Work Without Fear of
Sudden Death on Pavement
Much of the risk in the calling ol
window cleaning has been eliminated
by the invention of a New York man.
This invention is a safety appliance
which enables a window washer to go
about his or her work without fear of
meeting a sudden and horrible death
on the pavement , 18 or 20 stories be
low. First there is a belt , with rings
around ft. Then there is a cable of
two strands which join in a loop to
Hcok Holds Worker Fast.
which a hook Is attached. The cable
fastens to the belt by the rings. The
washer straps the belt around his
waist and takes his position on the
window sill. The cable , as shown in
the illustration , hangs inside and the
hook can be anchored to some heavy
piece of furniture or to another hook
in the floor or surbase near the win
dow. While this device was designed
primarily for professional window
cleaners , it will be found useful in
private houses , especially where the
servants are timid.
Mince Meat.
Two bowls of finely chopped meat ,
four bowls of apples , two bowls of
raisins , one bowl of currants , one
bowl of sugar and one-half bowl of
suet , one-third pound of citron , one-
half cup of New Orleans molasses ,
two teaspoons of mace and two of
ground cinnamon , one teaspoon of
cloves , two nutmegs , salt. Mix all to
gether , add cider , and cook thorough
ly. This recipe has been used by
raany good cooks and has bqen found
to bean excellent one. The "bowl"
referred to holds one and one-hall
Cafe Noir.
Put three tablespoons of finely
ground coffee in the top of a French
coffee pot Pour over half pint boilIng -
Ing water. Do not allow the coffee to
boil. After it has run through Into
the space below pour off and run
through the top a second time. This
should be done four or five times.
Always be sure to have a cover for
the spout. The coffee pot should be
carefully scalded before it is used and
be kept bright and free from grounds.
This amount is sufficient for a small
family , as it is served in tiny cups.
Baker Apple Slump.
Take a well buttered deep pudding
dish and slice into it enough tart ,
juicy apples to fill. Season with cin
namon and nutmeg. Sweeten plenti
fully , add a tablespoon of butter , cut
in little bits , and cover with a soft
biscuit dough , stirred to a consistency
to pour , but not roll. Bake In a hot
oven and serve with a hard sauce or
foamy as preferred.
A Delicious Roast.
Arrange alternately slices of fresh
pork. Between which put a dressing
made as for stuffed meats , tie togeth
er and steam through until tender. Re
move top cover of dripping pan and
let come to delicate brown. Lay on.
lettuce leaves and serve with tomato
Tornado of Flame Sweeps Morris
Plant , Leaving Death and Ruin in
Its Wake Explosion of Ammonia
Traps Firemen , Burying Them Un
der Tons of Wreckage Loss Heavy.
Chicago. Fire Chief James Horan
and 30 members of his fire-fighting
force were killed while engaged in an
onslaught against a tornado of flame
that swept into rubbish the new beef-
nouse of the packing plant of Morris
& Co. , at the Union stockyards.
News Spreads ; Great Crowd.
The news spread over Chicago like
wildfire that the fire chief had been
killed surrounded by a squad of his
heroes , who perished with him. Mes
sages of sympathy and concern flew
over the telephone and telegraph
The biggest crowd that ever was
known to collect in the stockyards at
one time witnessed the struggles of
the firemen after daybreak and the
spreading of the news of the fire and
< ts fatalities.
Watchman Discovers Fire.
A watchman who was making his
rounds through the structure discov
ered the fire. He saw flames in what
is known as the hide storeroom in the
basement. He at once telephoned an
alarm and fled from the building. The
flames spread rapidly and with the
arrival of the first companies of fire
men a general alarm was sounded
which brought over 15 companies of
firemen to the scene.
Fire broke out at 4 a. m. and a spec
tacular battle with the flames ensued
until , at 5 a. m.f a terrific explosion
of ammonia In the beef cold storage
section of the building sent a heavy
canopy crashing down on a squad of
firemen who were directing their
operations from a loading platform.
Send Many Calls for Help.
The fatalities all occurred Mn one
place on the loading platform. When
the blaze first -was discovered and an
alarm turned in the first of the fire
department forces to arrive on the
scene sent in a 4-11 call for help. Fol
lowing this came special call after
special call , until fifty streams of wa
ter were trained on the blaze.
A stubborn fight occurred between
the flames and the firemen. The fire
spread to many parts of the building
despite the efforts of the men who
sought to check it.
Sharp Blast , Then Death.
The fight had continued for an hour
when the crash came. Away up in
the roof of the structure , near a point
directly over the loading platform on
which stood Fire Chief Horan , Bur
roughs , his second assistant , Lieuten
ant Fitzgerald and nearly a score of
others , there a sudden , sharp ,
loud report like the instantaneous
rending of a high-pressure boiler.
Portions of the masonry of the
building fell away like a child's house
of toy building blocks. A large part of
this fell on the canopy over the load
ing platform , tearing the latter away
and bearing it to the platform itself ,
which was crushed like an eggshell ,
with its human freight of fire-fighting
men. ,
There were scores of firemen stand
ing on the outskirts of where the
bricks fell. Many of these were in
jured , some of them painfully.
Chief's Body Recovered.
Fire Chief Koran's body was recov
ered after repeated efforts to move
the smoldering debris under which he
was buried and removed to the home ,
of his brother , Daniel J. Horan , Sixty-
first street and Prairie avenue.
The flames spread so rapidly that
the firemen were powerless to save
the plant. The entire stockyards dls-1
trict was threatened.
The fire was the most disastrous ,
that the department has had to con- ,
lend with since the Iroquois fire and-
the holocaust at the Seventy-first
street crib.
News of the fire and explosion
spread rapidly through the stockyards
district and friends and relatives of
the firemen gathered around the build
ing , imploring the fire fighters for
news of their friends. Policemen
frpm a number of neighboring sta
tions were taxed to keep them from
running into the burning building.
Woman Makes Long Flight.
Etampes , FranAs' Dec. 22. The j
longest sustained/flight ever made byi
a woman was negotiated here by Mile.
Helene Dutrieji , who covered 103 miles
in two houra'and thirty-three minutes.
She F.ufferJTd considerably from the
cold. A
$1)0,000 Cereal Mill Burns.
Fort Dodge , la. , Dec. 22. Fire de-
stroked the cornmeal mill and pack-
agfe department of the Great Western
fereal company's plant The los * Is
; 50,000
Philosopher And now , after having
reviewed all philosophy with you ,
there is only one law that I can lay
down for your guidance.
Student What is that ?
Philosopher When you are sure
you are right , you should suspect that
ypu are wrong.
The Significant Wink.
"I think , " said the weary stranger ,
"that I'll go somewhere and take 40
winks. "
The hack driver looked puzzled.
"What's the trouble ? "
"I was wondering whether you
wanted me to drive you to a hotel era
a drug store. "
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children , and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use For Over 3O Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Household Hints.
By taking one hobble skirt and
sewing up one end of it a very pretty
ragbag may be made In which to put
the others.
Stop guessing ! Try the best and most
certain remedy for all painful ailments
Hamlina Wizard Oil. The way it re
lieves all soreness from sprains , cuts ,
wounds , burns , scalds , etc. , is wonderful.
When the virtues are only on the
surface they easily find vociferous
Mrs. TVInslow's Soothing : Syrup.
For children teething , softens the gams , reduces In-
flammation.allayspaln , cores wind colic. 2Scalx > tUa.
You possess only as much faith as
possesses you.
Cured in One Day
"I rejnrrtl ray celd rare as belnj : bet
ter tham a Llle Imrara&cc PoHey.w
As a rule a few doses of Munyon'i
Cold Cure will break up any cold and
prevent pneumonia. It relieves the head ,
throat and lungs almost instantly. These
little sugar pellets can be conveniently
carried in the vest pocket for use at any
time or anywhere. Price 25 cents at any
If you need Medical Advice -write to
Munyon's Doctors. They will carefully
diagnose your case and give yon advice
by mail absolutely free. Address Prof.
Munyon , Sid and Jefferson Streets , Phila
delphia , Pa.
ctl find Cascarets so good that I would
not be without theia. I was troubled a
great deal with torpid liver and headache.
Nowsince takingCascarets Candy Cathar
tic I feel very much better. I shall cer
tainly recommend them to my friends as
the best medicine I have ever seen. "
Anna Bazinet ,
Osbora Mill No. 2 , Fall River , Mass.
Pleasant. Palatable , Potent. Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken .Weaken or Gripe.
10c , 25c , SOc , Never sold in balk. The fienu-
fae tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
core or ronr money back. 923
Established 30 Years
Floral emblem a and cnt flowers for all
occasions. SIOUX CITY , IOWA
FISTULA cured in a few
1 E.MJ | days , without pain. N o pay
KB BV tmcured. Cut this ad out ,
good lor $5 for each patient. Write for particulars ,
Dr. Mathccfr , 602 Fannare Loan & Trust Bldg. , Sioux City , la.
and supplies of every
description. Send for
catalogue. Finishing a specialty.
ZIMMERMAN BROS. , Sioux City. la.
W. N. U , SIOUX CITY , NO. 53-1910 ,
Remedies are Needed
\ Were we perfect , which we are not , medicines would
not often be needed. But since oar systems have be *
come weakened , impaired and broken down through
indiscretions which have gone on from the early ages ,
through countless generations , remedies on needed to
aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise
acquired weaknesses. To reach the seat of stomach
weakness and consequent digestive troubles , there is
nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery , a glycerio compound , extracted from native medic
inal roots sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users. For
Weak Stomach , Biliousness , Lhrer Complaint , Pain in the Stomach after eating ,
Heartburn , Bad Breath , Baching of food , Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal
Derangements , the "Discovery" is a time-proven and most efficient remedy.
The genuine has on its
outside wrapper the
Yon can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-ako-
liolic , medicine OP KNOWN COMPOSITION , not even though the urgent dealer may
thereby make a little bigger profit.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach , liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny granules , easy to take e candy.
Will Keep Your
soft as a glove
tough as a wire
black as a coal
/ SeW by Dealers Everywhere
Qacorporsted )
* 3.OO * 3.5O&4.OO SHOES l oKiB
BOYS' SHOES , $2.00 , $2.50 AND 33.00. BEST IN THE WORLD.
The benefits of free hides , If I could take you into my
which apply principally to largo factories at Brockton ,
soleleather.audthereduced Mass. , and show you how care
tariff on. sole leather , now fully W. L. Douglas shoes are
enables me to give the maae. the superior workmanship
and the high grade leathers used ,
wearer more value for his you ironla then understand way
money , better and longer bollarforDolIarlGnarantee
wearing $3 , $3.50 and $4 2u.y Shoes to hold their shape ,
shoes than 1 could give previous - look and fit better ahd wear
vious to the tariff revision. longer than any other $3.00 , f3.CO
or $4.00 shoes you can bar.
Doyoareallze that my shoe * hare i wen the standard for over SO
years ; that I make and sell more $8,00 , $3.50 and ? 4.00 aloes than Prrrideni
anT other mamtfaoturer In the TJnitod States ? Quality counts. W. L.
It has made W. L. Douglas shoes Douglas
a honiehold word .
. _ _ _ eyerywhere. _ . Shoe Co.
V rannn < r * nnfn * rtf K ATtr r T\ ! H
The Rayo Lamp b a high trade lamp , sold at a low price.
There arelampaithat cott ttoro. trat tbarel a no betterlsmp made at anr
price. PunxrHCtpd ox send brasa ; nickel plated easily iept clean ; an
oraamemtaanyrocinlnanTncnw. Tnereisnothing tiiown to the nrt
of lam fr-nakbirtliat can aid to the ralno of the BAYO Lamp as a lighter -
er avnoB. TJrery dealer enrerywbere. if not at yours , write for
iptlre circular to the nearest acenor of the
Keeps the spindle bright and
free from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
{ Incorporated )