} LITTLE BROWN JUG I IATI ] KILDARE MEREDITH NICHOLSON Illustrations By RAY WALTERS I Copyright 1S08 by The Bobbs-Merrlll Company. ID SYNOPSIS. ' 'Thomas Ardmore. bored millionaire , a.nd Henry Maine Griswold , professor in the University of Virginia , take trains out of Atlanta. Griswold to his college , Ardmore in pursuit of a girl who had winked at him. Mistaken for G'ov. Os borne of South Carolina , Griswold's life Is threatened. He goes to Columbia to ivarn the governor and meets Barbara Osborne. Ardmore learns that his wink ing lady is the daughter of Gov. Danger- Held of North Carolina. He follows her to Raleigh , and on the way Is given a brown Jug at Kildare. In .Aaleigh he dis covers that the jug bears a message threatening Dangerfield unless Apple- weight , a criminal , is allowed to go free. Ardmore becomes allied with Jerry Dan gerfield in running the affairs of the state in the absence of the governor. A scathing telegram is sent to Gov. Os borne. Griswold becomes adviser to Bar bara Osborne , who Is attending to her fa ther's duties in South Carolina. Orders ire sent .to the sheriff to capture Apple- veight. CHAPTER VI. Continued. As Barbara and Griswold turned to leave , a young man who had been writing a message at the standing desk in the lobby lifted his hat and addressed Barbara. He was a re porter for the Columbia Intelligencer , and his manner was eager. "Oh , Miss Osborne , pardon me , but I've been trying to get you on the telephone. Can you tell me where your father is to-night ? " "Father was in town only a few hours , and then left on state busi ness. " "May I ask if it's the Appleweight * case ? The Raleigh papers have wired for information and we'd like to know here. " "I cannot answer that question. It's enough that the governor is absent on state business and that the business is important You may print that in the Intelligencer and repeat it to Raleigh. There is no harm in that. Miss Osborne ? " "No ; certainly not , " Barbara re plied. "But the papers all over the state are talking about the Appleweight gang. They intimate that those people ple enjoy immunity from prosecution and that the governor you will par don me , Miss Osborne will take no steps to arrest them for personal rea sons. " "Tour question Is quite proper , " re plied Griswold. "The governor's acts are subject to scrutiny at all times and it is just as well to have this matter - - ter understood now. I am employed by the governor as special counsel in some state matters. My name is Gris wold. Take out your book and come to the desk here and I will give you a statement which you may publish as by the authority of the governor. " The three found seats at a table and Griswold dictated while the re porter wrote , Barbara meanwhile sit ting with her cheek Cresting against her raised hand. She was experienc ing the relief we all know , of finding a strong arm to. lean upon in an emergency , and she realized that Gris weld was not only wise , but shrewd and resourceful. "Please print this exactly as I give it : It having been intimated in cer tain quarters that the Appleweight gang of outlaws , which has been ter rorizing the North Carolina frontier for several years , enjoys immunity from prosecution in South Carolina owing to the fact that Gov. Osborne was at some time attorney for Apple- weight , Gov. Osborne begs to say that step * have already been taken for the arrest of this man and his followers , dead or alive. The governor presents his compliments to those amiable crit ics who have so eagerly seized upon this pretext for slurring his private character and aspersing his official acts. The governor has no apologies to proffer the people of South Carolina lina , who have so generously reposed in him their trust and confidence. He Is intent upon safe-guarding the peace , dignity and honor of the state through an honest enforcement of law and he has no other aim or ambi tion. " Griswold took the reporter's note book and read over this pronuncla- mento ; then he handed it to Barbara , who studied It carefully. "I think It sounds just right , only , why not substitute for 'honest' the word 'vigorous' ? " "Excellent , " assented Grl weld , and thus amended the statement was re turned to the reporter. "Now , " said Griswold to the young man , "you are getting a pretty good Item that no other paper will have. Please wire your story to Raleigh ; Gov. Osborne Is very anxious that the people up there shall understand fully his attitude In the Appleweight mat ter. " % "I reckon this will wake up old Dan- gerfield all right , " said the reporter , grinning. "He'll be paralyzed. May 11 use your name In this connection , sir ? " "Not at all. My engagement with Gov. Osborne Is of the most confi dential character and our purposes would be defeated by publicity. Re member , you get the exclusive use of1 this story the return and immediate departure of the governor , his state ment to the people in the Appleweight 'case all with the understanding that ( you use what you have to the best ad- 1 vantage. " "This is all right , Isit , Miss Os borne ? " asked the reporter. "Maj. Griswold has full authority to act , and 3ou need question nothing he tells you , " Barbara replied. "I suppose the governor didn't see the attorney general to-day ? " asked the reporter detainingly , as Barbara rose. She exchanged a glance with Griswold. "Father didn'tsee * Mr. Bosworth at all , if that's what you mean ! " "Didn't see him ? Well , Bosworth didn't exactly tell me he had seen him to-day , but I asked him about the Appleweight case an hour ago at his house and he said the governor wasn't going to do anything and that was the end of it so far as the administration Is concerned. " / "Print his story and see what hap pens ! We have no comment to make on that , have we , Miss Osborne ? " "Nothing at all , " replied Barbara scornfully. "I'm at the Saluda house at present. See me to-morrow and I may have an other story for you ! " and Griswold shook the reporter warmly by the hand as they parte'd at the carriage door. "Home , " said Barbara for the re porter's benefit , and then , 'to Gris weld : "I must speak of another mat ter. Drive with me a little way until we can throw the reporter off. " She spoke quietly , but he saw that she was preoccupied with some new phase of the situation , and as the carriage * riage gained headway she said earn estly : "That young man told the truth I am sure of it about Mr. Bosworth. I knew he would do something to in jure father if he could , but I did not know he had the courage to go so far. " They were now at the edge of the town and she bade him stop the car riage. "We must go to the statehouse , " said Griswold. "We must get that requisition , to guard against treason in the * citadel. x Assuming that Gov. Osborne really doesn't want to see Appleweight punished we'd better hold the requisition anyhow. It's possible that your father had it ready do pardon me ! for a grand-stand play , or he may have wanted to bring Appleweight into the friendlier state ; but that's all conjectural. We'd bet ter keep out of the principal streets. That reporter has a sharp eye. " She gave the necessary directions and the driver turned back into Co lumbia. It was pleasant to find his accomplice in this conspiracy a girl of keen wit who did not debate mat ters or ask tiresome questions. The business ahead was serious enough , though he tried by manner , tone and words to minimize its gravity.N "Have you the office keys ? " he asked. "Yes ; I have been afraid to let go of them. There's a watchman in the building , but he knows me very well. There will not be the slightest trou ble about getting in. " The watchman an old confederate veteran sat smoking in the entrance and courteously bade them good even ing. ing."I "I want to get some papers from fa ther's office , captain. " "Certainly , Miss Barbara. ' ' He pre ceded them , throwing on the lights , to the governor's door , which he opened with his own pass key. "It's pretty lonesome here at night , Miss Barbara. " "I suppose nobody comes at night , " remarked Griswold. "Not usually , sir. But one or two students are at work in the library , and Mr. Bosworth is in his office. " The veteran walked away jingling his keys. Barbara was already in the private office bending over the gov ernor's desk. She found the right key , drew out a drawer , then cried out softly. She knelt beside the desk , throwing the papers about in her eagerness , then turned to Griswold with a white face. "The drawer has been opened since I was here this morning. The requi sition and all the other papers in the case are gone. " Griswold. examined the lock care fully and pointed to the roughened edges of the wood. "A blade of the shears there , or perhaps the paper cutter who knows ? The matter is simple enough , so please do not trouble about it. Wait here a moment. I want to make some Inquiries of the watchman. " He found the old fellow pacing the portico like a sentry. He pointed out the attorney general's office , threw on a few additional lights for Griswold's guidance , and resumed his patrol duty Dutside. The attorney general's door was locked , but In response to Griswold's Icnock'it was opened guardedly. "I am very sorry to trouble you , Mr. Bosworth , " began Griswold , quietly sdging his way into the room , "but me never gets wholly away from busi ness these days. " He closed the door himself , and peered into the inner rooms to be sure the attorney general was alone. Bosworth's face flushed angrily when le found that a stranger had thus en ured his office with a cool air of pro prietorship. "Who the devil are you ? " he de- nanded , glaring. "I'm special counsel for Gov. Os- jorne 'In the Appleweight case , [ "here's no use in wasting time i fur- tber Identification , but if you take do rn that volume on Admiralty Prac tice just behind you , you will find my name on the title page. Or , to save you the trouble , as you seem to be interested in my appearance , I will tell you that my name is Griswold and that my address is Charlottesville - ville , Va. " "You are undoubtedly lying. If you are smart enough to write a book you ought to know enough about legal procedure to understand that the at torney general represents the state and special counsel would not be chosen without his knowledge. " "Allow me to correct you , my learn ed brother. You should never .mis quote the opposing counsel it's one of the rules of the game. What I said a moment ago was that I represented the governor Gov. Osborne. I didn't say I represented the state , which is a different matter , and beset with ultra vires pitfalls. There is no earth ly reason why a governor should not detach himself , so to speak , from his office and act in propria persona , as a mere citizen. " Bosworth grinned , but notT at the legal status of monarchs and states. He had thought of a clever stroke and he dealt the blow with confidence. "Let us assume , " he said , "that you represent Mr. Osborne. May I ask the whereabouts of your client ? " "Certainly. You may ask anything you please , but it will do you no good. It's an old rule of the game never to divulge a client's secret. Gov. Os borne has his own reasons for absent ing himself from his office. However , he was at home to-night. " "I rather guess not , as I had all the trains watched. You'll have to do a lot better than that , Mr. Griswold. " "He has issued a statement to the public since you lied to the Intelli gencer reporter about him today. I suppose it's part of your official duty to misrepresent the head of the state administration in the press , but the governor is in the saddle and I ad vise you to be good. " The attorney-general felt sthat he was not making headway. His disad vantage in dealing with a stranger whose identity he still questioned an gered him. He did not know why Griswold had sought him out , and he was chagrined at having allowed him self to be so easily cornered. "You seem to know a good deal , " he sneered. "How did you get into this thing anyhow ? " "My dear sir , I. was chosen by the governor because of my superior at tainments , don't you see ? But I'm in a huiry now. I came here on a particula * errand. I want that requi sition in the Appleweight case quick ! if you please , Mr. Bosworth. " "Mr. Griswold , or whoever you are , you are cither a fool or a blackguard. There isn't any requisitioa for Apple- weight. The governor never had the sand to issue any , if you must know the truth ! If you knew anything about the governor you would know that that's why Osborne is hiding himself. He can't afford to offend the Appleweights , if you must know the disagreeable truth. " "Mr. Bosworth , " began Griswold de liberately , "that requisition , duly signed and bearing the seal of the secretary of state as by the statutes It Was Opened Guardedly. in such cases made and provided , wa in Gov. Osborne's desk this morning at the time you were so daintily kickIng - Ing the door in your anxiety to see the governor. It has been taken from the drawer where the governor left it when he went to New Orleans. You have gone in there like a sneakthief , pried open the drawer and stolen that document ; and now " "It's an ugly charge , " mocked th attorney general. "it's all of that , " and Griswold smiled. ( TO , BE CONTINUED. ) HUSHED SHRIEKS OF VICTIM Little Woman Found One Good Use for Discordant Notes of Caroilers. The shivering carollers had just selected a pitch beneath a lamp in a back street , when a small boy emerged from a house opposite and beckoned mysteriously to their leader. ( "Mother says you're to sing some thing . loud. " he , whispered. "That bit about 'Peace on earth' will do fine. She dorr't want no others. Just you go on hollering 'Peace on earth. ' " For ten minules the willing min strels yellec their Moudest. Then a little woman , armedvith a copper saucepan , appeared upon the scene. "Thanks ! " she said , Binding the collector three-pence. "TDat 'Peace on earth * 'as done it beautiful \ My ol * man went to fetch the turkeyVe won In a raffle tonightan' comin' 'ogie , 'e made one or two calls and lortf It , 30 I've bee a-teachin 'im to be nre sareful , an' I didn't want none o' leighbors to interfere when 'e ' jut. " Pearson's Weekly. Says War Against Capital Pun ishment Needs No Forcing. Final Article Entitled "Effective Means , " and Was Written by the Count in Optina Monastery , November 11. St. Petersburg. From Vladimir Tschertkoff , literary , agent of Count Tolstoi , the last article written by Tolstoi has been received. It is en titled "Effective Cleans , " and was written by Tolstoi in the Optina monastery , November 11 , shortly aft er he began his self-imposed exile from home. The article was given out by M. Tschertkoff at the express wish of Count Tolstoy for dissemina tion to mankind. It says : "I am naturally anxious to do all I can against evil , which tortures the best spirits of our time. "I think the present effective war against capital punishment does not need forcing ; there is no need for an expression of indignation against its immorality , cruelty and absurdity every sincere thinking person , every body knowing from youth the sixth commandment , needs no explanation of its absurdity and immorality ; there is no need for descriptions of the horrors of executions , as they only affect hangmen , so men will more unwillingly become execution ers and governments will be obliged to compensate them more dearly for their service. "Therefore , I think that neither the expression of indignation against the murder of our fellowmen nor the sug gestion of its horror is mainly need ed , but something totally different. "As Kantwell says , there are delu sions which cannot be disproved and we must communicate to the deluded mind the knowledge which will en lighten and then the delusions will banish by themselves. "What knowledge need we commu nicate to the deluded human mind re garding the indispensableness , useful ness or justice of capital punishment in order that said delusions may de stroy itself ? J REVIVING THE PAPYRUS mDJSTRY / " "Such knowledge , in my opinion , is 'this : "The knowledge of what is man , what his surrounding world , what his destiny hence , what man can and must do and principally what he can not and must not do. "Therefore we should oppose cap ital punishment by inculcating this knowledge to all men , and especially to the hangman's managers and sym pathizers who wrongfully think they are maintaining their position , thanks only to capital punishment. "I know this is not an easy task. The employers and approvers of hangmen with the instinct of self- preservation feel that this knowledge will make impossible the maintenance John W. Alexander Adds His Tes timony to Dr. Sargent's. American Woman's Figure la Becom ing More Masculine in Line Every Day Outdoor Exercises and Life Blamed. New York. If the American woman persists in her undue athletic sports , there will soon be little difference be tween the masculine and the feminine figure. So says John W. Alexander , presi dent of the National Academy of De sign. In this he agrees with Dr. Dud ley Sargent , of Harvard , who said about the same thing. Mr. Alexan der , one of America's foremost portrait trait painters has had ample oppor tunity to study women of every coun try and clime. In his home , at 116 West Sixty-fifth street , Mr. . Alexander declared that the American woman's figure is becoming more masculine in line every day. 1 "Just where the beauty of such un natural development comes in , I don't see , " said the painter. "I don't Gee why any woman should be proud of losing that which constitutes her greatest charm , her womanly bearing and figure. But that is just' what the American women of all classes seem determined to do. "In no other country in the world do you see such masculinelike figures as the American women have. In France the woman is the personifica tion of grace. In Germany the woman is not so graceful , perhaps , but she has that motherly bearing which gives her a lovableness that is not often found among our women. In England the stateliness and dignities of the women dissipate the slightest sugges tion of the masculine. "It has only been in the last few years that this change has been so de cidedly marked among our women. "If she continues her violent exer cises and outdoor life , in a few years she will be so manlike in figure that she will look ridiculous in woman's attire. "Up to a certain point this outdoor life and development is excellent. It gives the girl all that women of this country have been distinguished for abroad a free , easy carriage , and an independence in movement and action that at once inspires confidence in her ability to meet a crisis. But this point has been overstepped and she is becoming anything but interesting. "Take for instance , a woman who plays golf to the extreme. She has MOVED by the warnings of the experts regarding the near approach ot a paper famine consequent on the demolition of the world's forests , a number of capitalists have undertaken the resuscitation of the ancient cultivation of the papyrus reed of Egypt and its manufacture into paper. The task was entrusted to J. Smedley Norton , a well-known traveler and explorer , and very satisfactory progress is being made. ' A plantation near Alexandria has been sown and reaped and the produce shipped to a paper mill in England where it was manufactured into paper of excellent quality which already has been utilized in the printing press with every success. A field of papyrus will yield three crops annually and can furnish , according to the experts , nearly one hundred tons to the acre. of the position which they occupy , hence not , only will they themselves not adopt it , but by all means in their power by violence , deceit , lies and cruelty they will try to hide from the people this * knowledge , dis torting it and exposing its dissemina tors to all kinds of privations and suffering. "Therefore if we readily wish to de stroy the delusion of capital punish ment and if we possess the knowl edge which destroys this delusion let us , in spite of all menaces , depriva tions and sufferings , teach the people this knowledge , because it is solely the effective means in the fight. "LEO TOLSTOI , "Optina Monastery. November 11. " developed a large , muscular waist and a large , heavy arm. "It is not an even training of all the muscles that the women are get ting today , but an overdevelopment of some one set which will , in time , make them look more or less de formed. "Athletic work is making women flat chested , " large waisted , smalt hipped. This is the figure of a man , and that is one reason why many artists doing work along classical lines find it difficult to secure a model. " Doctor Sargent's views , which brought out Air. Alexander's are to the effect that the feminine type ia * fast becoming masculine. The change , Doctor Sargent said , has come f in the last twenty years. Women in/ the savage state , he added , were sb like men in form that it was well-nigh impossible to tell them apart. Then , as civilization progressed , their espe cial feminine characteristics devel oped. Now the tendency is back to the savage type. \j Will Cost One Cent Miss Margaret McMillan , London So ciologist , Tells of Feeding Needy Pupils at Bradford , England. Chicago. The beneficial influence derived from furnishing substantial food to the school children of England was demonstrated by Miss Margaret MacMillan , a p'rominent sociologist of London , who is in America investigat ing social conditions. Her talk was given before the Woman's City club. "Education , valuable , of course , in all departments of life , " she said , "pays the most in the kitchen. The proper distribution in diet of proteids , glutens , nitrogen , sugars , etc. , can only be determined by expert physicists , Hire Their Furs and Wraps Brand New Enterprise Has Developed in London Use of Perfumes IE Proh'hlted. ' London. Furs are so very much the rage in London this season that a brand new enterprise has been start- .ed , that of lending wraps , boas and muffs at a moderate price to those 'whose ' means do not admit of their buying what they wish outright. For .instance , if a woman Is going on motor trip and wants to wear a warm i and rich looking fur coat , yet has not money to invest In one , she can hire one for whatever time she wants It at so much a day. Of course she must give unimpeachable references , for the woman who is running this business is not taking any more risks than she has to. Already the Idea is meeting with great favor among mid dle class women who cannot resist paying $25 to wear a $2,000 coat for a short time. The ordinary $100 fur cloak is most In demand , however , and such a one can be had for an afternoon's motoring or an evening at the opera for $2.50. One stipulation the proprietor of this fur renting establishment always Insists upon is that no perfume shall be used o that it Is months before the scent fades away from furs , and she finds that the perfume one woman likes is obnoxious to another woman , who will not rent the coat because of its odor. Muffs and boas of chinchilla ermine and sable are In great de mand , and there are women who come regularly to the establishment to hire the same set of furs in which to make calls or go to matinees. Rhymed Repartee. New York. "Gobble , gobble , " called a young woman from New York who was visiting her grandparents on the old farm and who wanted to cultivate an acquaintance in the barnyard. "Hobble , hobble , " retorted the tur key , wh'p was in no mood for light words , and besides didn't like the young woman's skirt The hens testified their approval of his remark In the usual way. Collar Button Injures. Los Angeles , CaL While trying to button a collar on a button that was too large , Thomas Cawley , a boilermaker - maker , exerted himself too violently the other day and broke his collar bone. He was taken to the receiving hoopif * and their influence on the brain ca pacity .is most marked. In Bradford , England , we are daily agiving two meals a day to over 9,000 school chil dren. "Everything utilized at the nine dif ferent dining halls , variously distrib uted throughout the city , which has a population of 200,000 , is prepared In , one kitchen , and sent to the different places by wagons. "The cost is a little more than two cents per head per day , and it is a crime not to supply children , who oth erwise would be without it , with nour ishing foods to prepare them for their life's work. The children of today are the mainstay of our governments In the future , and it Is their right to be given every advantage to make them competent to take up the vast works which we will soon leave off. " The older children in the Bradford are taught to wait upon the smaller children , teaching them table eti quette , etc. According to Miss MacMillan - Millan , the proper handling of a knife and fork at table are as much manual training as being able properly - ] ly to wield an ax. & WOULD MARRY A "REAL MAN" ; Yankee Girl Writes Governor of Texas , Stating There Is No Suitable Can didate in Jersey. Austin , Tex. "I would like to cor respond with a nice young man" writes Miss Lillian Allen of R. F D No. 2 , Millville , N. J. , to Governor Campbell. "I am a northern girl and am unable to find what I call a real man here , I was informed that Texas Is a state that has real men , so I have taken the liberty to write. "I am a music teacher and a gradu 3 ate of the Millville school. Hoping you will understand this and pass it to some young man who Is worthy Of. Its acceptance , I am , yours truly" * Miss Allen Is one of the several whn , tare advisedI the governor that they understand "real men" recently In Texas and that they would KQ Fexas if assured of a home and toot protect/ * . * - & V. .ufr.X'S „ . . .j.