" "U. S ; Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING DEC. 29,1910. . Daily mean temperature 28. ° ' " Normal temperature 21s Highest temperature 40 ° . .Lowest temperature 10 ° . Range of temperatur SG3. Precipitation for week 00.00 of an inch. Average for 22 years 0.14 of an inch. Precipitation March 1st to date 1&.54 in ches Average for 22years 21.28 of an inches. JOHN J. McLKAiv. Observer. , x ; Al Abbott of BushTilIc is in . town today. . Four carloads of Posts , from lie ' < -to60c. Ludwig Lumber Co. < A car load of Weber wagons , m'ust be sold at.once. LUDWIG LiniBER Co. Big base burner coal stove for sale , $12 , cheap. Worth more. Don't need it. I. M. RICE. tf Furnished rooms to rent by day or week. Hot and cold water baths included. Valentine House , . John D. Eaton , Propr. 32tf Mrs. Henry Stetter and daugh ter Helen have gone to Richmond , Va. to spend the winter with Mrs. SbeUer's father who is 75 years old but still enjoys good health. Mrs. Stettor's health has not been very good for some time and she may be benefitted by a change in altitude. ' Frederick H. Sanderson , D. D. , of Fremont delivered a lecture in Quigley hall las Friday nignt to an appreciative audience. The lecture was full of pith and humor - " or and there were many outbursts of mirth at the unusual amount of witticisms. There- was not a large audience owing to lack of sufficient notice. \ Dr. Barnes , the eyesight spec ialist of Omaha , will be at the Donoher hotel Thurscay , .Tan. 12. Remember that Dr. Barnes has been over this road for some ten or twelve years. Ev'ery patient has always had a year for refitting without extra charge. No charge , whatever , is made for examination. Don't forget the date. 51 2 u Beamer and wife of Gor- n town-on business con- < uected with their little girl whom they took to raise some two or three years ago. The father , Mr. Sanders , is trying to get her and they want to adopt her. Mr. .Sanders is unable "to provide for the little girl as she should be. She is past 5 years old and needs a mother's care. Burton H. Brackett of Law rence , -Mass. , and Miss Rachel Breuklander were married last Saturday afternoon , Dec. 24th , at the JBreuklander home , the Rev. Dr. Caldwell officiating. This young couple will begin house keeping ina part of Uncle Paul's house , and Mr. Brackett will con tinue work in Mr. Breuklander's blacksmith shop where he has been employed for several months past. past.At At THE DEMOCRAT office during the holidays the ancient game of cbess seems to be the leading game in spare hours. Col. Harrison risen , Lawrence Rice , our foreman and ye editor are the participants , excepting occasionally as some one comes in who plays. Wm. Lee was up last week and sat in a game for awhile with credit to himself as a player. Col. Harrison risen is always ready for a game and we have had some interesting games. At present Lawrence seems to have the best of us all and plays a ready game. Edward Ormesher , jr. , and Miss Alice Peters were united in 'mar riage yesterday afternoon at St. John's church , ReV. Wells of ficiating. Frank J. B. Higgin , a cousin of the bridegroom , and Miss May Peters , sister of the bride , were present to witness the ceremony. Mr. Ormesher is well known to the people of this commnnity as the son of JD. Orm- esher who lives five miles south of town. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Peters who are well known < -here , Mr. Peters haying been with the Ludwig Ziumber Co. for " 20 years. THE TEMOCRAT extends congratula- D. Q. Stead is in town "today. Mrs. Geddies has gone to Wash ington for a month's visit. 1 A calf with four eyes and three ears was brought to Valentine to- today by Wm. Ward , Mr. Kellar and daughter , Miss Vernie , were in town today from Crookston. Corn King Manure Spreaders. Price $110. Will close out at § 90. LUDWIG LUMBER Co. For sanitary plumbing or heat ing call H. I. Weinzimmer , the only licensed plumber in town. 49 Geo. W. Kellar , John M. Ueh- ling and Wm. Weber came up from south of Woodlake" and are in town today. Are you going to take in the masquerade ball at Wood Lake Saturday night ? They 111 have a good time ; always do at Wocd Lake. Mrs. McDonald and daughler , Miss Helen , returned from a few days visit at Neligh last Saturday , during which time Mrs. Sears had charge of their store here. The A. 0. U. W. dance given Monday night .was attended by 150 to 200 persons and was the social event of the season. The hall was beautifully decorated and Fischer's orchestra furnished the music. Several persons came up from Woodlake and 'there were a number of college boys and girls home and a few f them had com pany during the holidays which made the dance the more appre ciated and out of the ordinary be cause of the rriany not usually in attendance. The committee com posed of W. sD. Clarkson , Ed Flynn , Judge Quigley and Al Webb are entitled to considerable credit for their splendid arrange ments in making this a success and adds another laurel to the Workmen lodge which is the strongest organization in town. Quigley opera house _ , Thursday , January 5 , Curtis N. Baldvin , ' 'America's clever Magician & Co. Very few young men of the stage have progressed as steadily and satisfactorily in their profes sion as Curtis N. Baldwin , "A- merica's clever magician. " Start ing about eight years ago , he has gradually risen until now he is recognized as one of the foremost magicians. He has appeared with marked success in every large city of the west , and all leading metro politan dailies have pronounced him a great artist. Among his new features this season , are "The Great Spirit cabinet , " which outclasses the demonstrations of any of the great Spirit Mediums. "The Egyptian Water Miracle , " The Choice De ception of the Egyptian Priests , and "The New Creation , " his own original invention , which is posi tively a Marvel of the Illusory art. Curtis IM. Baldwin will be at the opera house , Thursday , Jan. 5. Prices'25 35-50c. The Final Test. A big feature of the Denver stock show which opens on January 1C , will he the carcass contest. The foloclc is the final tpst in meat making and it is proposed to educate the western meat producers to that fact. The steers to he slaughtered in this competition will be first judged on foot in a judging competition and then slaughtered and judged in the carcass The idea is to try to makp the stock growers look under the hide of hs ! animals. The carcasses will be judged from the butcher standpoint as to what const ! tutes prime edible meat. Pushing the Poultry. , Thf west is just waking up to the fact that it is spending too much mon ey away from home for poultry and eggs. The National Western Stock show which opens in Denver on January - ' uary ] 6. will inaugurate the National Western Poultry She l It is expect ed that this initial exhibition will ex hibit ever 3,000 birds. Big Western Event. Tt is predicted that over 150,000 people ple will attend the Sixth Annual Na tional Western Stock Sfiow in Denver during the week of January 16-21. This shov/ has grown to be the big annua western event Oyer $50,000 in pre miunis are paid out and an investment of nearly $400,000 has been made In buildjugs for 4tlie B School Notes. Supt. and Mrs. Bettenga and Lillian spent Xmas days in the country , being royalI.v entertained at the home of John Jackson northeast oltown. * * Her many friends are pleased to note that Miss Kate E. Driscoll of the Valentine high schools has , been chosen-by the teachers wm- mittee of the state board to be critic teacher in the new Chadron normal school. The state board will meet Jan. 17th to ratify this choice , What is our loss will be the Chadron normal's gain. This is a merited honor. Under the direction. of Miss Carroll the 7th grade pupils artis tically decorated their room for their Xmas program. Mrs. Mil ler's and Miss Carrqll's room gave a joint program , which owing ' to the large number of visitors whom they were pleased to welcome , was given in the high school room. It was pleasant to hear so many fine singers from these grades. Misses Driscoll , Neison and Gordon and their pupils desire to thank Mr. Clarkson for the fine Xmas tree donated by him for their Xmas exercises. It served to give their program more of a Xmas meaning. The program was fine and there were presents for everyone. Teacher's and pu pils deserve much credit for the time and labor spent to make it successful. The lecture on "Men Wanted" by Ir. Sanderson of Fremont was very fine and listened to by many of the progressive teachers of Cherry county and citizens of Val entine. The music by the high school orchestra and girls' quartet was highly enjoyed by all. Supt. Cora Thackrey responded to a call from the teachers by a brief and appropriate address. The teachers' interesting meeting was very esting and helpful. Those who responded with prepared papers were Mrs. Lottie Cramer , Miss Carlson , Mrs. Miller , Mrs. Stewart - , art , Mr. Husted and Supt. Betten- ga. The address by Dr. Caldwell was interesting and full of good thought. The round table dis cussions on e-very day topics were animate , practical and .helpful. Much credit is due Supt. Mrs. Story for the success of these meetings. Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHAI3ER & SONS , BROWNLEENEB. { Herd headed by S. 0. Columbns 17 , No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289- 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , re-g , Bulls for Sale at All Times , Fine Rooted Trees That Grow. Acclimated and varieties adapted to Northwestern Nebraska. Prospects are for good fruit crop next year. Trees are full of fruit buds now. Buds are fprmed in August of this year for next year's crop. If ground is dry now give your young trees bucket water each. Catalog upon request.- Boyd Nurseries and Fruit Farm. Ainsworih * Nebraska St. Nichols Church. Services will be held at the In Arabia on Saturday , Dec. 31. In Crookston on Sunday , Jan.l. Leo M. BLAERE , Hector. Presbyterian Church. J. M. CALDWELL , D. D. , PASTOR Services as usual. In the morning the pastor will commence a series of sermons to/ * " last through the remaining winte/r / na.onfchs. In the evening' Ne/w / Year's sermon will be preaphed ; , All invited : * f . Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands * \ . . and Bottled . Gruchen- Under the heimer Supervision Rye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. LOON , HENRY STETTER , Propr. 1911 JANUARY 191 IT 4 7 § 17 2324 W d * i f\ 7 ; G MARCH It ! ! W S i ; 10 Bit APBICHJS * ' * ! fc fiiS T I JT \ s ! 4 7 B ? 11 Ifo sis1. ; 3 ' 1 ! MAY W X II i : 1 38 T ! 0 14 § JULY Wl ! g-P X..J K.I * a Ru.'fi F I S SI I to 4 < fi " 23) ) H II 15 16 I V IdS ia. 28 AUGUST 191 s W A & 1 ? " 5"1 H - . 7 b 5 e 18 97 f tea OCTOBER W ! T I 0 7 8 1 .o .a 18 -5 s < - : a IT 6 ? : 4 14 4 * JU i ; B8B DECEMBER 1911 1FTS .1 .4 1 ! 9 * f 31 W ? f > MISS Uttifa Ufcngantt HfeT A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised Jby all men- for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out 810 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , \ the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. The Chicago House FELCH , Propr. Call on me for roonis'i and lodging.- . - * ' : Valentine Nebraska C. A. RUBY Law Attorney-at- Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine , Nebraska Dr. M. T. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Ked Front store VaJentine - Nebr , * * * JOHN E. PORATH 15URGE , XBB. Tubular Wells and Windmills Call me upby phone W. H. Strattpn Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 1 25 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. 5 JOHN D. EATON i f Drayman f L ight and Heavy Draying ? Furniture and pianos haodled in a careful manner. Coal hauled and trunks and grips a specialty. Phone No. 48. The quicker a cold is gotten rid of tlia less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. "W. L. Hall , of "WaverlVj Va. , says : I firmly believe Chamberlain's Congh Remedy to by absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recom mended it to my friends and they ai ] agree -with : ne. For sale by Chapman , thfadrn istt