Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 29, 1910, Image 4

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I. M. RICE - Editor and Propr
Mark Zarr , Foreman.
A Weekly Newspaper published every Tliiin
day at Valentine , Nebras.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , ocper line per issui
Entered at the I'o.stolllee at Valentine , Neb.
for transmission through the malls , as secom
class matter. >
Thursday.December 29 , 1910.
The fratertial orders are a na
tional blessing. They promote
thirft , economy , sobriety without
freezing the soul into selfishnes :
as is apt to bet he case in the usua
struggle for wealth or high socia
position. They bring men intr
closer social relations , 'and cherisl
those feelings that thrive and pu
forth blossoms in each other' *
welfare. They teach us the re
ligion that breaks bread to thi
hungry , gives a cup of water tr
the thirsty , watches at the bed o :
the sick , visits the fatherless anc
widows duties thatare sadly neg
lected , and for a long time wen
supposed to be confined to the
church. Troy Chief.
. . .
Initial Meeting to Be Held in Lincolr
Jan. 18.
Lincoln , ) ec. 28.-r-Tlie formation o
a Nebraska county treasurers' associa
tion will bethe _ purpose of a meetiuj
of county treasurers to be Iicld in Lin
coin-Jan. 18 arfd 19. Seventy-live o :
more treasurers and deputies are es
pected to attend the initial session o
the association. Letters from over th <
str.te indicate that the money care
takers are much interested in tii <
Included in the list of question :
which the treasurers are to discuss an
several matters der-Mng with propose :
changes in the stsvutes governing ta <
conduct of their oflices. A move to ra
peal the law prohibiting the contim ;
ance in office of one treasurer fo ;
longer than four consecutive year :
may be considered. In several coun
ties it is said that good treasurer ;
are about to be throv/a out of office
on account of the inflsxible cliaracts :
of this requirement.
Another question in which t"ie treas
urers are much interested is that o
salaries. Higher wage provisions ma :
be urged upon the legislators as a ra
suit of the gathering of' officeholders
Peter Peterson Run Down by Psssen
ger Train at Walnut Street.
Grand Island , Neb. , .Bee. 27. Pete :
Peterson , night watchman fcr th <
TJnion Pacific at the Walnut stree
crossing , was run down and instantl :
killed by the engine of a passenge
train -as it was cut loose from tin
train and was backing down anothc :
track. The new engine for the trai :
was at the same time backing dowi
in the- direction of the crossing t <
couple up , and it is supposed that Pe
terson became confused and stepno-
in front of the first engine , one pai ;
of the trucks of the tender runiiuij
over him.
Farmer Burns Will Back Him Againc :
the World.
Omaha , Dec. 28. Farmer.J3urns oi
Omaha will back Frank A. Gotch foi
$20,000 against any man in the world
George Hackenschmidt preferred , win
ner to take all of the wrestlers' shan
of the gate money or purse. Burns
makes this challenge on the authority
of Frank Gotch , champion of the
world , from whom he has receivec
word that he will re-enter the arena
if Burns arranged a. match for him.
Adair's Sentence Commuted.
Lincoln , Dec. 28. Governor Shallen
berger has committed the three years
sentence of Lowell L. Adair of South
Omaha to two years. Adair was con
victed of burglary. He is a one-armed
man , but served a previous sentence
Kis wife is in poor health and is
struggling to support herself and
three small children. The governoi
commuted the sentence of Regnai
Aabel of Harlan county from two years
* to one year. " "jCabel took goods from
his employer while he was managing
a store.
Governor's Reception.
Lincoln , Dec. 28. Major E. H
"Phelps , who is to be adjutant general
of the Nebraska national guard , has
charge of the inaugural program. He
has not completed the program , but
is ready to announce that the recep
tlon for the incoming state officers
and the farewell reception for the out
going officials will be held at the state
house on the evening of Jan. 5. Music
and refreshments arc on the program ,
/ Governor Pled Aldrich has not ap
pointed a military staff.
Advertise in
Report ef Union SteelYards
Yards Company.
Largest Range Sheep Market in the
World Seventy Per Cent of Hogs
and Almost Half of Cattle Received
Are From Feed Lots of Nebraska.
Omaha , Dec. 26. That Nebraska
has sold 67,000 more cattle on the
South Omaha market during J91C
than during 1009 and that 70 per cent
of the hogs sold 'in South Omaha dur
ing the year just closing are from the
feed lots of Nebraska , will be shown
by the annual report of ths Union
Stock Yards company when it is pub'
lished , Jan. 1. This means Nebraska
produced ] ,494,000 of the 2,135COC
hogs sold in South Omaha and almost
half of the 3,124,024-cattle received on
the South Omaha market.
Receipts at South Omaha represent
shipments from twenty states in the
west , and that the market in Nebraska
is growing is shown by the fact that
large increases in the number of - animals
imals shipped to South Omaha ar < ?
shown from territory strongly com
petitive. Fronu Iowa , the Nebraska
market drew 35,000 more hogs'than
in 1909 ; 10,000 more cattle and 30.00C
more sheep.-
Western ranges are filling with
sheep rapidly and the increased flocks
have boosted live stock receipts , the
number of sheep reaching a tremendous
deus figure , making SouthsOmaha the
second largest sheep market and the
largest range sheep market in the
world. Practically three million sheep
were sold in South Omaha during 1910 !
Another interesting part of the re
port will * be the , showing that there
will be more fed stuff on the market
the coming year than for many years.
During' 1910 , 450,000 cattle and 1,700-
000 sheep and lambs were sold ia
South Omaha for country feeding.
The total receipts at South Omaha
for 1910 , as compared to last year , fol
lows :
1910. 1909.
Cattle . . .1,231,041 1,124,618
Hogs . . . < , . . " 1,894,687 2,135,493
Sheep 2,995,013 2,167,014
Horses 29,879 31,711
Kicked Out by Osmond Young Men
After Apology Is Forced.
Osmcnd , Neb. , Dec. 27. Social fes
tivities in Osmond the last week have
been troubled by the activities of a
"Jack the Peepe/ , " who would inter
rupt the gayeties of the occasion. Dur
ing a social entertainment at the Neal
home in this place , he was seen peer
ing into the windows. Watching for
an-opportunity to catch him in the act ,
four young men hid in the shade of a
nearby building. The peeper took to
his heels , but the young men were too
swift for him and after a chase of five
blocks they 'captured him. He was
taken back to the house , where he was
forced to apologize , after which he
was bodily"kicked from the door. /
Lincoln Charitable Organization. Aided
- by Female Prisoners.
Lincoln , Dec. 26. Charitable or
ganizations , of Lincoln provided for
the -vants of the poor in af bountiful
way.One of the interesting incidents of
the holiday season was the voluntary
action of women convicts at the state
penitentiary , located near the city , of
proffering their services in dressing
dolls sent to them by one of the or
Numbers of the playthings for indigent
digent- girls were sent undraped to the
prison and the female prisoners for a
weeir have been providing them with
dainty gowns and modish bonnets , re
turning them for distribution.
Patrick Cooney..Pleads Not Guilty.
Kearne3 % Neb. , Dec. 27. Patrick Ed
ward Cooney , charged with the killing
of Elmer Mercer , a Kinkahl home
steader , in Kearney last week , pleaded
hot guilty to the complaint of man
slaughter filed against him by the
county attorney. He was bound over
to the district court in the sum of
$5,000 , and found bondsmen at once ,
several men of influence in Kearney
and his relatives , who are wealthy ,
going his bail.
Grain Rate Hearing in Omaha.
' Omaha , Dec. 2.6. A" conference ,
which will give the Omaha , grain men
a chance to protest to the interstate
commerce commission against the dis
crimination that is practiced in favor
of Minneapolis by railroads running
from South Dakota towns , will be held
in the Commercial club , Dec. 27 , and
B. E. Clark of the interstate commerce
commission will be present to repre
sent that body. . , .
Fcr Pay of Teachers.
Lincoln , Dec. 26. State Superin-
. .cnrlent Bishop announced the semi
annual state , school apportionment. A
fetal of $261,512 95 is apportioned be
tween the various counties of the
state , the funds to be used in paying
( teachers' " salaries. " The money is ap
portioned on a basis of school popula
tion. There is .a total of 372,833 per
sons of sch'ooV age ill the state. The
rate per nerson is a fraction " over ? 0
One of Most Daring Air
Men In the Country.
© 1910. by American Press Association.
All Windows in Structure Broken and
Stairway in Lower Hall Torn Out.
New York , Dec. 28. Two hundred
occupants of a tenement in the Italian
quarter in East Fourteenth street
found their escape to the street cut
off when a "Black Hand" bomb ex
ploded in the lower hallway , tore out
the first floor stairway and broke
every window in the structure. The
excited tenants who were . pitched
from their beds by the shock , which
rocked the building , rushed for the
exits and when they found their way
blocked , scrambled to the fire escapes
and 'the roof.Salvatore Cotolanio , a
lace manufacturer on the ground floor ,
told the police tlmtjhe had received
recently a letter demanding $1,000 un
der penalty of death or destruction of
his property.
Villagers Are Alarmed and Keep
Close Watch on Volcano. '
Catania , Sicily , Dec : 28. Mount
Etna is showing considerable activity.
There have been no earth tremors ,
however , but redhot material has
been erupted , making a striking con
tract with the snow-capped volcano.
The villagers living near the crater ,
remembering former experiences , are
keeping a close watch on the volcano
in fear of being overwhelmed.
"Red Hummer" on Alton Line Runs
Into Freight Near Farber , Mo.
Kansas City , Dec. 28. Train No. 9 ,
known as the "Red Hummer , " on the
Chicago and Alton railroad , which left
Chicago for Kansas City , ran into a
freight train near Farber , Mo. Three
trainmen were killed.
The dead : B. Davis , passenger en
gineer ; M. Jl Crab tree , passenger fire
man ; H. M. Flora , freight brakeman.
None of the passenger was injured.
t i
Chicago , Dec. 27. Predictions of
rain or snow where most needed in
the winter wheat belt made the mar
ket here heavy today. There was also
a big increase of the visible supply.
Late sales were % @ \ * > c to : > 4c under
the previous close. Corn finished a
shade to } c down , oats unchanged to
J/tC decline and provisions the same
as Saturday night to 20c below. Close :
Wheat Des. , 91c ; May , 95c.
Corn Dec. , 46c ; May , 47c.
Oats Dec. , 31c ; May , , 34@344c.
Pork /an. , $19.70 ; May , $1S.92 > 4
Lard Jan. , $10.70 ; May , $10.35.
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard
wheat , 911X @ 94c ; No. 2 corn , 4G ! @
47c ; No. 2 oats , SlViC.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , Dec. 27. Cattle Receipts ,
3,500 ; shade higher ; beeves , $4.65@
7.30 ; western steers , $4.00 @ 5.90 ;
stockers and feeders , ' $3.40(0)5.80 ( ) ;
cows and heifers , $2.50@6.25 ; calves ,
$7.35@9.50. Hogs Receipts , 15,000 ;
5c higher ; light , $7.GO@S.OO ; mixed ,
$7.fi5S:8.00 ( : ; heavy , $7.GO@8.00 ; rough ,
$7.6C@7.75 ; pjgs , $7.25@8.05 ; bulk ,
$7.80@7.95. Sheepr-Receipts , 10,000 ;
5@10c higher- natives , $2.GO@4.35 ;
westerns , $2.75 < g.4.30 ? ; yearlings , $4.75
@ 5.SO ; lambs , $4.25@6.50.
South Omaha Livestock.
South Omaha , Dec. 7Apattle Re
ceipts , 2,800 ; strong ; beef steers , $410
@ 6.10 ; cows and heifers , $ S O@500 ;
stockers and .feeders , $4.i\5.GO ;
bulls , $ < J.75@4.85 ; ca es , $4.00 8.00.
Ttogs Receipts , 3,100 ; 5c higher ;
heavy h S moved around $7.60@7\70 ,
with citxed around $7.75 ; smooth
lights and butcher weights brouglA
the high prices , several loads topping ]
at $7.90 : Slieep-r-Receipts , 2,500 ; 10g )
} 5c higher ; , lambs , $ p.25@.G.Oq. ; wetJi-
era , ' | 8iBS@4.25twbB,1 / r4S4.WjS
Reaches Hslghlefl 1,474 , Fee
in -
Airsiiip , _
Wind Wrecks Latham's Machine anc
Keeps Other Aviators From Flyinc
at Los Angeles Meet Crowd Make :
Hero of Hoxsey.
Los Angeles , Dec. 28. Seventy-five
thousand people saw Arch Hoxsey o.1
the Wright team of aviators break the
world's record lor altitude here. He
soared more than two miles up intc
the sky , his barograph registering
11,474 feet , cr almost a thousand feel
above the altitude of 10,499 feet re
cently attained by Legagneux at Pau :
This is the second time the existing
world's altitude record has been brok
en in Los Angeles , the first time being
last Januar , when Louis Paullian rose
a little over 4,000 feet.
Hoxsey accomplished his feat in a
forty-mile gale that wrecked Hubert
Latham's Antionette monoplane and
kept more cautious aviators on the
Koxsey sailed into the sky at 10
o'clock. At 2:45 , his barograph showed
the greatest height while he soared
over Venice , a seashore resort more
than twenty miles from the aviation
field. Coming down , he made a series
of thrilling spiral glides while thou
sands of feet in the air. Before he
came lightly to earth , the crowd was
on its feet cheering. He was lifted
from his biplane b'y fellow aviators ,
who paraded up and down before- the
grandstand bearing the intrepid flier
upon their shoulders.
Italian Man and Womsn Given Twen
ty-Five to Forty-Nine Years.
New York , Dec. 28. A biovto the
kidnaping bands who have been work
ing in this and other cities was ad
ministered by Judge Fawcett in the
county court in Brooklyn when , after
unmercifully scoring Maria "Rappa and
Stariilao Patteuz as a menace to the
community and "deserving of the death
penalty , the court gave them an in
determinate term of from twenty-five
' ; o forty-nine years in state's prison.
They were convicted recently of hav
ing abducted and held in captivity
Giuseppe Longon , eight years old , and
Michael Rizzo , seven years old. They
are children of well to do Brooklyn
Italians. The Longo ' boy's parents
received a letter demanding $15,000
for the return of their child.
Wagonloads of Men Plead Guilty to
Participation in Election Frauds.
West Union , O. , Dec. 28. Wagon-
loads of men indicted for alleged par
ticipation in the wholesale election
frauds of this county continued to ar
rive in the court house. They went
before Judge Blair to plead guilty , re
ceived suspended sentences and were
disfranchised for five years and paid
fines of from $5 to $25 and costs.
The grand jury returned 124 indict-
me its. The total is now 752. About
220 have pleaded guilty and only two
not guilty. One of these , Thomas Poe ,
a young farmer , declares he did not
sell his vote. The other is John Sofer ,
a negro , eighty-five years old and a
former slave.
Ohio Farmer Only Slightly Injured in
Accident Which Killed His Wife.
L monye , O. , Dec. 28. Thrown on
the pilot , of the engine when the
southbound fastHocking _ Valley pas
senger train struck , and demolished
the buggy and instantly killed his
wife , who was riding with him , John
Bartelsheitz , a wealthy farmer , was-
carried to Pemberville , six miles dis
tant , where he alighted dazed from
the shock and exposure to the cold ,
but otherwise uninjured. When he
alighted from the engine he still held
part of the broken lines In one hand ,
together with the laprobe.
Ccilision Near Parkersburg , Due to
Mistake rn Reading Orders.
. Parkersburg , W. Va. , Dec. 28. Four
trainmen were kille'd and three others
injured , one of them probably fatally ,
5n a collision of two freight trains on
the Ohio river division of the Balti
more and Ohio railroad at Mercer's
Bottom , W. Va. It is said the crew of
one of the trains made a mistake in
reading its orders.
The dead : R. H. Kantz , William
Stefiey , engineer ; T. J. Moffatt , brake
man ; B. P. Bradham , fireman.
Strike Likely on Italian Railways.
Rome , Dec. 28. More than SC.Ono
railway employees in Italy have just
completed the taking of a referendum
to determine what attitude they
should assume in order to bring about
an amelioration of their condition. By
R , great majority the men declared in
favor of a strike.
The railroads all announce special
reducp-d rates to-Denver and return
for the National Western Stock Sbow ,
which is held during the week of.
uary 1G-2L
In all Winter Goods such as
Clothing 1V 1
- *
Duck Coats
Outing Flannels
/ We offer you these goods at bar
gain prices to cleanup our stock
before inventory. Be sure to call at
Cigars1 and *
Soft Drinks
Good' Meals $1.00 Per Day
Valentine , Nebr.
Warm Beds Clean Rooms
The Show That's Different
- * *
America's Clever Magician -
and Company 7 3
- * . .
an embryotic endeavor , bolstered up wtih tiresomely -
somely repeated ideas , resurrected from an out
classed past , but positively only new and original
offerings in the most sensational and bewildering
* /
) uigey ! Opera House , Thursday Jan. 5.
Prices 25-35-5Oc.
thy Does the Little Man Always Exhibit a Big Horse and 'trie"'Big . Man
\Shpw a Pony ?